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FET Current-Mirror Examples Common-Source Amplier

Figure 1 shows a common-source amplier. The active device is M1 . Its load consists of a currentmirror active load consisting of M2 and M3 . The current source IREF sets the drain current in M3 which is mirrored into the drain of M2 . Because the source-to-drain voltage of M2 is larger than that of M3 , the Early eect causes the dc drain current in M2 to be slightly larger than IREF .

Figure 1: Common-source amplier. The voltage VG is the dc component of the gate input to M1 . It is a dc bias voltage which sets the dc drain current in M1 . This current must be equal to the drain current in M2 in order for the dc output voltage to be stable. In applications, VG would usually be set by feedback. It will be assumed that r01 = in calculating io(sc) but not in calculating rout . Note that the body eect must be accounted for in M1 . (a) Use the simple T model to calculate the short-circuit output current. Assume that r01 = .
0 io(sc) = i0 d1 = is1 = 0 rs 1 = 0 rs 1

vi + RS

rs1 1 = 1 + 1 gm1 (1 + 1 )

(b) Calculate the output resistance. Assume that r01 < . rout = rid1 kr02 RS + RS = r01 1 + 0 rs1 vo rid1 kr02 = 0 vi rs1 + RS


(c) Calculate the output voltage and the voltage gain. vo = io(sc) rout =
0 rs 1

vi rid1 kr02 + RS

Av =

Common-Gate Amplier
Figure 2 shows a common-gate amplier. The active device is M1 . Its load consists of a currentmirror active load consisting of M2 and M3 . The current source IREF sets the drain current in M3 . This current is mirrored into the drain of M2 . As with the common-source amplier, the Early eect makes the drain current in M2 slightly larger than that in M3 . The dc voltage VG is a dc bias voltage which sets the drain current in M1 . This must be equal to the drain current in M2 in order for the dc output voltage to be stable. In an applications, VG would usually be set by feedback. It will be assumed that r01 = in calculating io(sc) but not in calculating rout . Note that the body eect must be accounted for in M1 .

Figure 2: Common-gate amplier. (a) Use the simple T model for M1 to calculate short-circuit output current. Assume that r01 = . vi 0 io(sc) = i0 d1 = is1 = 0 rs1 + RS
0 rs 1 =

rs1 1 = 1 + 1 gm1 (1 + 1 )

(b) Calculate the output resistance. Assume that r01 < . rout = rid1 kr02 RS = r01 1 + 0 + RS rid1 vo rid1 kr02 = vi rs1 + RS


(c) Calculate the output voltage and the voltage gain. vo = io(sc) rout = vi rid1 kr02 rs1 + RS Av =

(d) Use the simple T model for M1 to calculate the input resistance. Assume that r01 = .
0 rin = rs 1 =

rs1 1 = 1 + 1 gm1 (1 + 1 ) 2

Common-Drain Amplier
Figure 3 shows a common-drain amplier. The active device is M1 . Its load consists of a currentmirror active load consisting of M2 and M3 . The current source IREF sets the drain current in M3 which is mirrored into the drain of M2 . As with the common-source amplier, the Early eect makes the drain current in M2 slightly larger than that in M3 . The dc voltage VG is a bias voltage which sets the dc output voltage. Note that the body eect must be accounted for in M1 .

Figure 3: Common-drain amplier. (a) Use the pi model for M1 to calculate io(sc) . Note that the body eect is not present because vbs1 = 0 when vo = 0. io(sc) = gm1 vi (b) Use the simple T model with body eect to calculate the output resistance.
0 rout = rs 1 kr01 kr02 0 rs 1 =

rs1 1 = 1 + 1 gm1 (1 + 1 )

(c) Calculate the output voltage and the voltage gain. 0 0 vo = io(sc) rout = gm1 vi rs Av = gm1 rs 1 kr01 kr02 1 kr01 kr02

Dierential Amplier
A MOSFET dierential amplier with an active current-mirror load is shown in Fig. 4. The object is to determine the Norton equivalent circuit seen looking into the output. This consists of a current source io(sc) in parallel with a resistance rout . To do this, the output is connected to ac signal ground, which is indicated by the dashed line. It is assumed that r0 = in all calculations except in calculating rid2 and r04 . 0 (a) Use the current-mirror properties to solve for io(sc) in terms of i0 d1 and id2 .
0 0 0 0 0 io(sc) = i0 d4 id2 = id3 id2 = id1 id2

(b) Because the tail supply is a current source, the common-mode currents are zero. Therefore, and i0 i0 d1 d2 can be calculated by replacing vi1 and vi2 with their dierential components. In this case, the ac signal voltage at the sources of M1 and M2 is zero and the ac body-source voltages of M1 and M2 are zero. Thus the body eect is absent. Let vi1 = vid /2 and vi2 = vid /2, where vid = vi1 vi2 . 3

Figure 4: Di amp.
0 Use the pi model to solve for i0 d1 and id2 in terms of vid . Let gm be the transconductance of M1 and M2 . vid vid i0 i0 d1 = gm d2 = gm 2 2 (c) Solve for io(sc) in terms of vid = vi1 vi2 . 0 0 io(sc) = i0 d1 id2 = 2id1 = 2gm

vid = gm (vi1 vi2 ) 2

(d) Calculate the output resistance. rout = rid2 kr04 0 rs 0 0 1 + rs = r02 1 + 0 1 = 2r02 + rs ' 2r02 rs2


In the last equation for rid2 , the small-signal resistance Rts2 looking out of the source of M2 is 0 . Also, r 0 = r 0 = r 0 = r / (1 + ). Rts2 = rs s s 1 s1 s2

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