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ASSIGNMENT Checklist for Test Evaluation Name of test: One - period test Purpose intended: This achievement test

designed to measure the language extent students gained after learning 4 units in English 10 textboo ! Test characteristic rating on a scale 0 to 10 "0: highl# inade$uate% 10: highl# ade$uate& a! 'alidit#: ( b! )ifficult#: * c! +eliabilit#:* d! ,pplicabilit#: ( e! +elevance: * f! -nterpretabilit#: . g! Econom#: . h! ,cceptabilit#: /

Overall assessment of the test

1. Introduction:
a. Background: This 40 minutes test is designed b# an English teacher of 12c 3inh 4i5u 6igh school in 17ng Th8p province! The purpose of this test is to measure the achievement of 10th grade students after learning 4 units "from unit 10 to unit 19& in English 10 textboo ! . Conte!t: The test based on the information about 4 topics belo: and some languages points such as Pronunciation% 'ocabular#% ;rammar% +eading% <riting from unit 10 to unit 19 in English 10 textboo : =nit 10: >onservation =nit 11: National Par s =nit 1?: @usic =nit 19: Ailms and >inema c. " #ectives and Content: The test puts an emphasis on testing students about their pronunciation% vocabular#% :riting s ill and especiall# their reading and grammar! The obBectives and content of this test are specificall# demonstrated in the table belo::

>ontent "items& Pronunciation "4&

ObBectives - )istinguish the :ord having different stressed s#llable :ith others - +ecogniCe the s#llable having different pronunciation "DtD - DdD& - -dentif# the suitable :ord in

@ar "points&

?%0 p

'ocabular# and ;rammar "10&

sentence - +ecogniCe the correct form of the Passive voice and the >onditional sentence t#pe 9 - -dentif# the suitable :ords to fill in the blan s "Open close& ?%0 p

+eading "1(&

- -dentif# the correct form of :ords - )ecide on T or A statements - =se scanning s ill to get specific information - ,ppl# the no:ledge about


<riting "0&

>onditional sentence t#pe 9% structure Eto F infinitiveGH% <h I $uestion to re:rite the sentences Total : 90 items

?%0 p

10 points

d. Students:

The examinees this test focuses on are the 10th grade students learning standard curriculum at 12c 3inh 4i5u 6igh school in 17ng Th8p province!

$. Evaluation:
a. %alidit&: This test ma# not reach the high level of validit# due to the lac of consistenc# bet:een the content of the test and the stated goal! Obviousl#% the purpose intended is to measure the achievement of students% :hich means that the test should examine ever# aspect of language the# have learned to reflect accuratel# ho: much the# gained! 6o:ever% in this test% the language areas used to assess students do not cover some significant points indicated to measure in textboo ! Aor example% the pronunciation of these sounds: DsD - DCD% DfD - DvD% the articles EaDanDtheH% :riting a letter or profile! @oreover% the test focuses too much on grammar% reading :hile ignoring listening% and spea ing s ills! -t :ould be necessar# to test students about language functions in spea ing lessons and some inds of listening tas s familiar to them! . 'ifficult&: This test ma# have $uite appropriate level of difficult# o:ning to the consideration of the abilities of the intended examinees and some elements :hen designing a test! The test ta ers ma# appear to be not excellent at language so that the language in this test is $uite eas#% the length and complexit# of the tas s are in suitable level and the vocabular# is familiar to them! Jtudents ma# have man# correct ans:ers in some parts of the test such as :riting part% sections 3 and > of reading part! Nevertheless% in the reading part ,% this tas is more difficult than the other

ones! ,lthough this passage extracted from textboo % filling the blan s :ithout options given ma# be a big challenge for a number of students!

c. (elia ilit&: This test is relativel# reliable due to its consistenc# that clearl# exposed through the circumstances in :hich the test ta en% the :a# in :hich it is mar ed and the uniformit# of the assessment it ma es! The s#llabus of this test bases on passages and $uestions about the topics from unit 10 to unit 19 in English 10 textboo ! Jpecificall#% the reading tas s relates to the topics of National par s and @usic in unit 11 and unit 1?K the $uestions in the ;rammar part focuses on the >onditional sentence t#pe 9 and the Passive voice! @oreover% the number of parts and items and the degree of difficult# are suitable for the level of the students! Aurthermore% the mar ing scheme is consistent: 0%?0 p for each right ans:er in Pronunciation% 'ocabular#% ;rammar and +eading partK 0%0 p for one item in <riting part! 6o:ever% +eading part , is not ver# reliable because the passage is ta en directl# from the reading text in unit 1?! Though this tas is designed to become a close open% it does not ensure the reliabilit# of the test! d. A))lica ilit&: The structure of the test is $uite applicable but there are some problems needing to ta e into consideration! Airstl#% the test is not consistent in its la#out indicating on part 3 of 'ocabular# and ;rammar! The instruction of this part should be bolded to facilitate studentLs recognition! Aurthermore% in +eading part% the format of True D Aalse statements tas is not suitable

and the division of :ord formation tas s in part 3 and > seems to be unnecessar#! e. (elevance: The relevance of this test is characteriCed b# considering the characteristics of examinees% examining the specified obBectives and the sample of the test items! The test designer considers the abilit# of the students in their local area% the particular obBectives supposed to measure and the relevance bet:een the level of students and the difficult# of the test items! f. Inter)reta ilit&: ,fter mar ing% the scorer should record the separate mas s of each part on the test to sho: the students their achievement! The mar s should be reported and interpreted directl# to not onl# ensure the publicit# of the mar ing scheme but also encourage students to recogniCe their mista es and get their o:n experience! g. Econo*&: This test is economical because it is designed b# teacher of that school and does not have to purchase! @oreover% it does not ta e a lot of mone# for the duplicating cost and students do not have to pa# for the cost of reporting% storing and interpreting scores! h. Acce)ta ilit&: This test ma# not guarantee the acceptabilit# of the test due to the une$ual number of production and recognition items and the lac of obBectives tests of reading% :riting and grammar! ,pparentl#% the test mainl# focuses on measuring studentsL recognition li e pronunciation% vocabular#% grammar

and reading but forgets to test their production s ill such as :riting and spea ing! ,lthough the test does not mention religious and political issues% it ma# not build up its acceptabilit#!

+. Suggestion:
a! To enhance the validit# and the reliabilit# of the test% - :ould li e to add and replace some points in Pronunciation% +eading and <riting part! Jpecificall#% it :ould be possible to include the pronunciation of these sounds: DsD - DCD or DfD - DvD in pronunciationK in +eading part% - :ould find another close open :ith the same topic instead of the extract in textboo ! - :ould also give students another guided :riting tas about a letter an invitation or describing a film! b! To ma e the test more acceptable% - :ould replace some $uestions in vocabular# and grammar b# a number of test items to measure studentsL spea ing s ill such as ma ing plans% expressing regrets or attitudes! -n addition% - :ould include the Mistening part :ith TDA statements tas and omit the TDA tas in +eading part! c! To ensure the applicabilit# of the test% - :ould edit the la#out and combine sections 3 and > in one :ord formation tas !

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