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[NL25] QQ pre and post decisions - Micro Stakes Pot Limit and No Limit...

08-26-2013, 01:14 AM

http://forumser er.t!op"ust!$/micro-stakes-p"-n"/n"25-%%-pre-po...


[NL25] QQ pre and post decisions

PokerStars - $0.25 Ante $0.05 NL (6 ma ! - "o#dem - 6 p#a$ers Hand converted by PokerTracker 4 BB: $68 !" #$P%P: 22 22& P'(: ) )6& 3Bet Pre*+o,: 10 00& -ands: 18. /01: $61 8" #$P%P: )8 06& P'(: 22 )8& 3Bet Pre*+o,: 6 6"& -ands: 32. MP: $"2 62 #$P%P: 1" 2)& P'(: 11 )!& 3Bet Pre*+o,: 0 00& -ands: 82. 34: $!8 11 #$P%P: 20 00& P'(: 1! ))& 3Bet Pre*+o,: 10 26& -ands: 11!. %&N' $6(.)5 #$P%P: !1 "3& P'(: 2) 28& 3Bet Pre*+o,: 11 36& -ands: 130. "ero (S%!' $62.50 "ero ,osts 5B $0 10& BB ,osts BB $0 2)& 6 ,+ayers ,ost ante o* $0 0) Pre *#op' (pot: $0.65) "ero 6as 7 7

Join Date: Mar 2012 Location: Eating your bamboo Posts: 630

fold& MP raises to $0 ")& fold& %&N raises to $2 !0& "ero ca++s $2 30& fold& fold *#op' ($6.10, 2 player ) J 3 ) "ero c6ec8s& %&N bets $3 "3& "ero ca++s $3 "3 &+rn' ($1!.56, 2 player ) 3 "ero c6ec8s& %&N bets $" 80& "ero ca++s $" 80 ,i-er' ($2".16, 2 player ) 6 "ero 99 : 3an ;e don8 ri<er *or <a+ue9 : %s it better to c6ec8=raise turn9 : 3o+d !b or *+at ,re9 (e+e<ant stats are cbet *+o, 62>& cbet turn 20> 5een 6im 3b in b+inds ; J0o

08-26-2013, 03:59 AM

#2 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions



Join Date: Jun 2011 Posts: 2&028

08-26-2013, 04:28 AM

#3 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions


-is +o; turn c:bet is 8ind o* scary

Join Date: May 2010 Posts: 2&282

08-26-2013, 04:32 AM

#4 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions

ne;bie Join Date: Ju+ 200" Posts: !3

!bet ,re

08-26-2013, 06:47 AM

#5 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions

3r %#onde

Easy co+d !bet Don?t ,+ay dee, i* you?re not doing so& t6is dynamic bet;een 34=B0@=5B is %M4 t6e most im,ortant one to get rig6t

Join Date: 5e, 2012

& of '

&$-&&-2(&' 2':)*

[NL25] QQ pre and post decisions - Micro Stakes Pot Limit and No Limit...
Join Date: 5e, 2012 Posts: 2&0"1

http://forumser er.t!op"ust!$/micro-stakes-p"-n"/n"25-%%-pre-po...

08-26-2013, 08:04 AM

#6 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions


06an8s& ;i++ co+d !b neAt time around Bent *or t6e c=c +ine otr as;e++& but 6e c6ec8ed bac8 C2 % Dust *e+t +ater t6at % s6ou+d be don8ing ri<er because 6e?s ne<er *o+ding JA 6ere& and it s6ou+d at +east be some ,ortion o* 6is range
Join Date: Mar 2012 Location: Eating your bamboo Posts: 630

08-26-2013, 08:11 AM

#7 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions


% t6in8 JA is a ,retty sma++ ,art o* 6is range imo @ot many JA in 6is btn 3betrange % ;ou+d assume

Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: aan ?t 6ar8en Posts: )&36!

08-26-2013, 09:08 AM

#8 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions

Dourneyman Join Date: Ju+ 2013 Posts: 220

%?d b=* around 13 3an?t trust 6e is gonna <b 6is Dac8s and doubt 6e is gonna raise:b+u** you Pre is *ine& %M-4

08-26-2013, 10:10 AM

#9 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions


% ;ou+d co+d !b ,re to around E$6 "0 Cnd Dam *+o, as t6ere are *e; bad turn cards t6at ;ou+d dro, your eFuity #C or G. More o*ten 6e is 3betting +ig6t ,* Cs ,+ayed& c=c ri<er is *ine Hou?re a6ead o* many o* 6is range in t6is board teAture
#a t ed$ted by Tof%&' 0()26)201! at 10:2" *+. Join Date: 4ct 2012 Location: De,,?s den Posts: 12

08-26-2013, 10:12 AM

#10 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions


%Id !bet ,re

Join Date: Cug 2013 Location: ?80s Posts: 218

08-26-2013, 10:27 AM

#11 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions 7uote:

Dourneyman Join Date: May 2013 Posts: 2)"

4rigina++y Posted by iam#a4L5L ,-d b.f aro%nd 1!. /an-t tr% t 0e $ 1onna vb 0$ 2ack and do%bt 0e $ 1onna ra$ e)bl%ff yo%. Pre $ f$ne, ,+H3. Ha agreed

2 of '

&$-&&-2(&' 2':)*

[NL25] QQ pre and post decisions - Micro Stakes Pot Limit and No Limit...

http://forumser er.t!op"ust!$/micro-stakes-p"-n"/n"25-%%-pre-po...

% don?t rea++y +i8e !:betting but ca++ing ,re*+o, to Dust ca++ do;n 44P on non C=G boards is a 6orrib+e strategy !:betting is de*inite+y better 06e on+y time % ca++ ,re is ;6en % eA,ect a c=r to get ,aid

09-02-2013, 01:42 PM

#12 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions 7uote:

Dourneyman Join Date: Cug 2011 Posts: 202

4rigina++y Posted by 3r %#onde 4a y cold 4bet. 5on-t play deep $f yo%-re not do$n1 o, t0$ dyna6$c bet7een /3.8T9.:8 $ ,+3 t0e 6o t $6portant one to 1et r$10t Pre*+o, cou+d go eit6er ;ay& but as ,+ayed % don?t see t6e ,oint in don8ing ri<er 6ere Board ;as dry& our range is strong Just J=3

09-02-2013, 03:22 PM

#13 ,e' [NL25] QQ pre and post decisions

stranger Join Date: Jun 2012 Posts: 11

;6at range do you guys ad<ocating !b ,re assign to 3bettor 9

' of '

&$-&&-2(&' 2':)*

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