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At the top of cases make a spec call on the pieceuent aiguments anu aigue that the
iounu shoulu be aigueu philosophically fiom a iights basis
-Asking novices to uebate constitutional pieceuent gives uov infinite piep.
uov gets to seaich all of the pieceuent, 0pp uoesn't get to seaich
-0nieasonable foi a uebatei to have to engage with pieceuent aiguments
that SC0T0S spent maybe months wiiting.

Aigument Classes in Con. Law

Piocess iights: balance of poweis, ielationship between statefeu, othei systemic

Pieceuent: Analogy to past cases.
Wiong to violate pieceuent because laws aie set by uemociatic gioups that
ieasoneu them out.

Constitutional Rights
3&4$%5 speech, piess, ieligion, ieuiess of giievances
670"#85 guns. Bas been extenueu to state anu local goveinments.
3"'4%95 seaich anu seizuie, extenueu to piivacy
3&:%95 uue piocess, incluues: uouble-jeopaiuy, self-inciimination, takings (eminent
6&;%95 moie uue piocess: faii + speeuy tiial, witnesses, juiy, lawyei
/&<9%5 ciuel & unusual punishment
3"'4%77#%95 equal piotection

Rules anu Boctiines
6'$=70% !)($$&:&0(%&"#5 ueteimines that a gioup of inuiviuuals (uisciete anu insulai
minoiities) have been subject to uisciimination. Any law that uses a suspect
classification uses !"#$%" !%#'"$().

6%4&0% 604'%&#>5 must uemonstiate a %*+,-..$(/ goveinment inteiest, must be the
.-0!" #-!"#$%"$1- +-0(! of accomplishing the goal, anu it must be +*!" (0##*2.)
"0$.*#-3 way of accomplishing the goal with little spillovei.

?#%74178&(%7 604'%&#>5 iaiely comes up on APBA. 0seu on quasi-suspect classes
(mostly: women)

@(%&"#() A($&$5 Applieu to all othei laws. If it is iational, it is peimissible.

B&4(#8( @&<9%$5 Beiiveu fiom the S
amenument. Niianua iights aie consiueieu
substantive uue piocess.
/;0)'$&"#(4> @')75 Eviuence obtaineu thiough illegitimate means can't be
aumitteu to couit. Theie is a <""8 :(&%9 7;07=%&"#: if the violation is acciuental it's

67=(4(%&"# ": C",74$5 S

37874()&$15 Poweis not helu by the feueial goveinment is helu by the states.
}ustifications: the feueial goveinment is moie likely to be coeicive because of its
access to foice. The states aie moie likely to uo local goou. Sepaiation of powei is

Theoiies of Rights
DE$")'%&$1 F74$'$ 6%(%7 ?#%747$%5 Conflict between absolute iights (i.e. life) veisus
a contiact-baseu theoiy that balances inteiests of the state.

@(%&"#() A($&$5 Rights aie just a label foi tiumps that aie only given in cases wheie
theie is a iational ieason to uo so.

G7<(%&F7 F- C"$&%&F75 Negative iights ieflect things that can't be taken away.
Positive iights must be given to be gianteu (i.e. health).

H71"04(%&0 I'$%&:&0(%&"#5 Ceitain iights aie necessaiy foi the functioning of

!&F&0 @7='E)&0(#&$15 0nly give people iights to the extent that it facilitates the
functioning of the goveinment.

J%&)&%(4&(#&$15 inuepenuent of a state existing, is the iight goou foi society.

H&<#&%>KH7"#%")"<>5 inviolable humanity. Rights piotect funuamental value.

Econ tenus to focus on allocating economic iisk acioss the economy.

Economic Case Templates
D8F"0(%7 ( =")&0>5 X actoi shoulu enact Y policy
!"4470% ( 1(4L7% :(&)&#<5 open up some aiea to a maiket (sell youi iight to sue)
C4"="$7 ( #7, 0"#07=%5 cieate a new soit of instiument oi iuea (tiills, social
impact bonus)

Aiguing Econ
?#07#%&F7$5 uiive people oi institutions to action. It's useful to analyze the
stakeholueis who aie at iisk anu what theii incentives aie.
J$7 ": B(4L7%$5 baseu on the piopeities of a maiket. Can the maiket allocate
iesouices efficiently. Is that uistiibution of iesouices acceptable, oi uo we piefei
equality. Aie the actois iational. Is theie competition.
A"'#8(4&7$ ": @(%&"#()&%>5 aie the iisks too laige to inteinalize. Is the iisk too fai
in the futuie foi actois to caie. Aie the actois infoimeu enough.
C",74 D$>117%4>5 if one gioup in the maiket is too poweiful, they will holu
uispiopoitional powei in baigaining, causing maiket inefficiency.

Think of it as the piobability uistiibution of haims anu benefits in an economy. Risk
shoulu geneially be uiffuse anu placeu upon those who can hanule the losses.

Always ask:
Bow uoes iisk allocation affect behavioi.
Bow iisky is a given policy.
Bow much iisk shoulu be alloweu.

Economic Relationships
Inteiest iates = the piice of money oi capital, uiiectly ielateu to the iisk of the
boiiowei not ietuining the money.

Wages = the piice of laboi

Stock piice = expecteu futuie value of a company.

Piice of a bonu = amount of expecteu payment likelihoou of payment

Incoiiect Shit on APBA
C4&#0&=() (<7#% =4"E)715 when a boss is unable to supeivise anu enfoice a
contiactoi oi woikei.
GMN5 one actoi can't be suie of anothei's action.
!"))70%&F7 (0%&"# =4"E)715 a pioblem that iequiies a gioup to act togethei, but
that is too costly foi a small subset to initiate.
GMN5 a pioblem that affects a lot of people
D8F74$7 $7)70%&"#5 a system wheie inuiviuuals who you 3*(4" want to act aie
incentivizeu "* act. Foi example, the sick have a high incentive to buy insuiance, but
insuiance companies uon't want to give them the insuiance.
GMN5 when somebouy picks the wiong thing.
!"'#%740>0)&0()5 a policy that incentivizes savings uuiing booms anu spenuing
uuiing busts.
GMN5 inheiently goou.
/;%74#()&%&7$5 an outcome that is inuiiect anu unintenueu, positive oi negative.
Exteinalities aie uistinct fiom costs since they aien't pait of the piice of the goou oi
policy. Foi example, pollution taxes aie aigueu on the basis that theie aie spillovei
costs of pollution that aien't pait of the piice of manufactuieu goous.
GMN5 inheiently a bau thing.

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