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DG visitation photos
and Welcome New
DG November Official
Visitations Schedule
GLT and GMT Team
News Update
2nd VDG Talk of the
Lions Column
Global Team Public
Chairperson s Corner
Upcoming Events and
Lions Foundation
News Update
Environmental Photo
Contest News
Diabetes Awareness
District Spring
Conference News
Upcoming Lions
Activities & Trainings
Leos News update
and Contacts
October 2013
District 19A Newsletter - District Governor Peter Cheng
Fellow Lions, Lionesses, and Leos,
It was a pleasure to see such a great turn out
at the MD19 Fall Annual Convention that took
place at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford
Hotel in Surrey, October 3
to 5
. I had the
opportunity to see all my fellow District
Governors that were installed with me in
Hamburg, Germany. This years convention
has something for everyone, great seminars
and was extremely well organized.
My visitation schedule enables me to visit at least one club every evening. It is great to
see the diversity and personality of each club during my visit. I look forward to attending a
lot of the fall projects that our clubs are planning. I also have reports of some very
successful Open Houses conducted by our clubs to grow their membership.
I have had several meetings with our Spring Conference chairpersons. We will have a
panel that is on the cutting edge of todays communication technology. I am very pleased
to share with you that International Director Teresa Mann from Hong Kong and Macau
Region will be our International guest. We are looking forward to a fun filled weekend for
all participants.
My special thanks to GLT Coordinator for arranging the Leadership 101 and Retention
201 sessions to be held on October 19
and 20
October is the time to give thanks. The Vancouver Campus Lions are involved in our
community by helping to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the Mission Gospel Centre in
Vancouver. I would like to thank all our Lions clubs for giving back to the community. I
am proud to be your District Governor.
~ DG Peter Cheng ~
Page 2
DG Peters Official
Visitations Recap:
Van. East Lions, Van.
Central Lions, Smithers
Lions, Granisle Lions,
Kitimat Lions, Prince
Rupert Lions, Pemberton
Lions, Van. Marpole-
Grandview Lions, Van.
Chinatown Lions, Van.
Evergreen Lions.
Page 3
Hardworking Zone
Chairpersons produced
remarkable results to our
WMMR, SAR filing and
dues payments.
Congratulations to A1, A3, A4, A6, and Z7 Zone Chairpersons for having 100% WMMR filing for
September. The District is targeting for 100% WMMR, 100% SAR and 100% dues payments to MD19
and LCI by the end of October. As of Septembers record, we have 96% WMMR filed and 80% dues
paid. Club Secretaries and Treasures, we are very close to the TARGET, keep up your hard work!
Thanks !!
New member from Van.
Evergreen Lions Club
New member from Van.
Marpole-Grandview Lions Club
North Vancouver Deep Cove Lions Club -
Lion Margie Goodman sponsored by Lion Helga Murano
Lion Judy King, Lion Kathy Lanyi , and Lion Sylvia Desrosiers sponsored by
Lion Dian-Leigh Magee
Lion Antonieta Rivera sponsored by Lion Merrilee Davis
Vancouver Cambie Lions Club -
Lion Benjamin Chan, Lion Nicole Zhuang, and Lion Kevin Pan sponsored by Pres. Elsie Tse
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club -
Lion Konny Chan sponsored by Lion Cassandra Tang
Lion Joshua Gu sponsored by Pres. Alex Wong
Lion Timothy Yip and Lion Wendy Zhao sponsored by Lion Cheryl Kwok
Vancouver Granville Lions Club -
Lion Vivian Ze Rong sponsored by PDG Dickie Lam
Vancouver Korean Lions Club -
Lion Francis Seok Ho Hong sponsored by CP Tae-Jooo Choi
Lion Portia Lam sponsored by Pres. Susan Young Ock Park
Vancouver Marpole-Grandview Lions Club -
Lion Lorna Mackenzie sponsored by Lion Betty Gung
Vancouver South Lions Club -
Lion Raj Kumar Jassi sponsored by Lion Harjinder Jassal
Vancouver Yaletown Lions Club -
Lion Robin Adair sponsored by Lion Susan Man
Lion Jeff Mckay sponsored by Lion Wendy Brown

Page 4
DG Official Visitations
NOVEMBER, 2013 (subject to change)
1st Burnaby Central Lions Club (A9)
4th Mount Seymour Lions Club (A2)
5th Vancouver Granville Lions Club (A7)
6th Vancouver Burrard Lions Club (A7) - 12 noon
6th Vancouver Chinatown Lioness Club (A1)
7th Vancouver Diamond Campus Lions Club (A7)
12th Vancouver Yaletown Lions Club (A9) - 12:30 p.m.
12th Vancouver Metropolitan Lions Club (A7)
13th North Vancouver Deep Cove Lions Club (A2)
19th Vancouver Champlain Heights Lions Club (A9)
20th Vancouver Templeton New Century Lions Club (A1)
21st Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club (A9)
23rd AIH Half Time Meeting at Fort Langley
26th Vancouver Mt. Pleasant Lions Club (A7)
27th Vancouver Broadway Lions Club (A7)
28th Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club (A2)
To the following
Lions & Clubs
Achievements at the MD19 Annual
Fall Convention 2013
2012-13 Zone Chairperson
Excellence Award Recipients:
A2 Lion Bob Rasmus
A7 Lion Simon Yau
2012-13 MD19 Zone Chairperson of
the Year Runner up Award:
A2 Lion Bob Rasmus
Club Membership Director
Excellence Award Recipient:
1st VDG Jimmy Ho, Vancouver
Metropolitan Lions Club (A7)
Club Membership Increase Winner
Vancouver Broadway Lions Club
Leo Website Winner - Byrne Creek Leo Club (A9)
Musical Performance Runner up - Burnaby Elite Lions
Club (A9)
Club Excellence Award -
Vancouver Pacific Lions Club
Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club
Club Secretary Excellence Awards -
Vancouver Arbutus Lions Club (A1)
Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club
Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions Club
Vancouver East Lions Club
Vancouver Pacific Lions Club
Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club
Vancouver Templeton New Century Lions Club
Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club (A2)
North Vancouver Deep Cove Lions Club
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club (A7)
Vancouver Marpole-Grandview Lions Club
Vancouver Evergreen Lions Club (A9)
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club
proudly donated $12,000
to BC Cancer Foundation
Page 5
My sincere apology for the extensive delay of the availability of our District Roster 2013-14. Your
Roster Chairperson has an extreme challenge this year on the collection of data and the time
management. The progress is on the final stage and is planned to be ready no later than the
third week of November.

Yours in Lionism,
PZC Grace Hwo, District Roster Chairperson
Who are the Lions? We are a group of people
who share the same goal to service others in the
community and globally. We are a part of a the
largest servicing organization in the world. Here are
3 reasons why you should join our club: 1. we all
share the goal to serve and make a difference in the
world 2. We have great friendships and fellowship within the group 3. We
respect the fundamentals but we like to break tradition and utilize technology
to achieve more without physical restrictions of meeting in one place. Well
presented by Lion Lancy Cho, Vancouver Galaxy Lions Club at the session.
Membership and Retention 201 on October 19, 2013
at Vancouver East Lions Den
Thanks to PDG Steve Somerset for driving 5 hours from Salt
Spring Island to District 19A conducting the Membership and
Retention 201 at 10 a.m. We have full support of the DG
Team and the clubs of 19A:
Vancouver East Lions Club (A1)
Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club
Vancouver Cathay Lions Club
Vancouver Cathay New Century Lions Club
Vancouver Galaxy Lions Club
Vancouver Metropolitan Lions Club (A7)
Vancouver Oakridge Lions Club
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club
Vancouver Evergreen Lions Club (A9)
Gibson Lions Club (A6)
Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club (A2)
Thanks to the 2 registration beauties Lion Ping Mah & Lion
Amy Tam, food supply team Lion Kevin Tong & Lion Lancy
Cho, floor manager PP Alec Wong to bring this course a
perfect 10! Sumptuous food, lively 6 hours presentation, and
positive feedback! ~ PZC Teresina
Page 6
2nd Vice District Governor Eric Kellers Talk of the Lions :
Ladies & Gentlemen of Lions 19-A :
My aim as 2nd VDG for the balance of this year and next
year shall be to invite various successful Clubs outside
of our Zone to come and visit, exchange ideas & fund-
raisers, fun events and Membership issues.
A good turn-out for the Membership& Retention
Session at the Vancouver East clubhouse. Lots of
dialogue, many observations & good suggestions and plenty to eat and drink.
(I know, I never stopped eating - apparently ?). The six hour gathering
passed by very quickly ! Thanks, PDG Steve for keeping the event
entertaining and informative.
A positive reflection on our just
completed Fall Convention at
the Guilford Sheraton Hotel in Surrey , B.C. With the new Port Mann
Bridge, more highway lanes and new paving the trip was much faster
getting out there. Return late Saturday = 28 minutes to my front door
in WV. That is a vast improvement !

Sheraton Hotel room and convention / lecture halls were spacious
and comfortable. I took advantage of the Sheraton Club member
Appies & Breakfast facilities on the 21
floor with various Lions & guests. The food, in general, was quite good;
the entertainment during the Sat. Luncheon excellent : PNE Star Showdown winner. Elias Tyson, only 7.5 years
old, sang his heart out jazzy & soulful !! Well worth the lunch cost !

There were some interesting Seminars : How to Chair a Spring Conference most informative and Ill need to be
very familiar with it for my year as DG; Humour in Your Lions Clubs was our A~T Club used as an example ?
Maybe - imagine !! Virtual Meetings No mileage required !" That was very interesting as we were hooked up with
Lions Leaders in Toronto & San Diego for a participation conference. Everyone could speak and info & photos
displayed on a large screen TV. I have been involved in weekly Go-to-Meetings with all the MD19 VDGs & 2
discussing various Lions topics. This is really quite revealing but takes a little getting used to. We all have head
phones & mikes to eliminate all static. The speakers name & Club is displayed on the screen and changes
immediately when another speaker answers or interjects. This works very well for Zone or District matters involving
far away Clubs such as our District 19A and some of the Eastern Washington Districts which are also very large as
well as cross-border.

I am always moved by the Memorial Service and our tribute to dedicated, long-serving Lions. Our entire District 19A
only lost eight Members. Other Districts significantly more. Some individual Clubs such as Ephrata in District D lost
five Members. That is considerable in smaller Clubs and makes Membership retention and new Members coming
into your Club so important. And the Friday evening Contests& Awards presentations were inventive and very
enjoyable to watch. The *black-light* fluorescent Stickmen production was hilarious !!!

Well over 400 Lions attended (I believe 479). Re-acquainted myself with many from the Seattle International
Convention and other MD19 events. Next years (2014) shall be held at Ocean Shores , WA on the Pacific Coast
running from October 16 ~ 18
. Ocean Shore is due West from Olympia, Washington s State Capitol along highway
12 and they recently completed a brand-new Convention Centre there. Should be interesting.

The general consensus, as I perceived it, was that this Fall Convention of 2013 was really quite successful.
Congratulations North Surrey Lions & all 19-H Members !

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Vancouver Cathay New Century Lions
President and Secretary visited Ambleside
Tiddlycove Lions in October
Page 7
Global Team Public Relations Chairperson PZC Ellie Chans Corner
Dear fellow Lions and Lioness:

Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions - 1st Medal of Merit Award Presentation
This took place on September 28,2013 at the Empire Landmark Hotel. More than 80 guests
from the Lions community and the general public attended the luncheon including DG Peter
Cheng and ZC Elaine Luk. There were 3 award recipients having Outstanding achievement in their
professions and significant contributions to the Community. The Event raised $3,300.00 to recipients'
designated charities. A great SUCCESS in this first attempt by the Van Chinatown New Century Lions!!

District Project - Membership and Retention 201
Thanks to the effort of our GLT District Coordinator ZPC Grace and GMT Coordinator PZC Teresina,
the 6 hours Membership and Retention 201 was set up on Oct 19,2013 at the Van. East Lions Den.
It was a total success with the Trainer being our seasoned Lion PDG Steve Somerset conducting an
informative, interesting and interactive seminar. It was a full house of 24 Lion participants representing a total
of 12 Clubs in the District 19A. Among them are our DG Lion Peter, 1st VDG Lion Jimmy Ho, 2nd VDG Lion
Eric Keller, PDG/CS Lion Linda, A1 ZC Elaine Luk, A7 ZC Clara Chow, and A9 ZC David Thompson.

Chinatown Lions Club - Serving Dinner at the Union Gospel Mission
Oct 26, 2013 marked the 1st time ever a real Hands - On " We Serve " by the Chinatown Lions Club.
7 Lion members from the Club visited the Union Gospel Church, helped served 300 meals/dinner
to the less fortunate in the community, and as well donated a $2,000.00 cheque to the Organization.
Definitely a very fulfilling and satisfying Act of Giving!!

Don't tell me whoever takes time to read this corner do not feel good about knowing the end product/results
of the Events put out by the various Lions Club in our Lions Community.
Please help and make it more interesting by emailing myself the sweat and tears, the laughs and joy, and
on top of that, the what HAPPENED!!!!!!!! Thank you.
I am only an email away :

~ PZC Ellie Chan ~

Recap of September issue - donation to school in China for chairs and tables by Van. Shaughnessy Lions Club
Page 8
There is an opening for the position of Director for Lions Foundation of Canada for 2015-2017 for
the BC & Yukon territories. The qualifications required are the following:

A) Be a Canadian Lion in good standing and

B) Any one of the following:
- Served as a District Representative for the Lions Foundation of Canada as appointed by the
Provincial Director
- Served as a District Representative for the Lions Foundation of Canada as appointed by the District
- Served as the Multiple District Representative for the Lions Foundation of Canada as appointed by the Council
-Has served as District Governor, and has participated in the Lions Foundation of Canada orientation program
- Has served as a representative, appointed by the Lions Foundation of Canada Board promoting and supporting
one of the Lions Foundation of Canada projects

A resume and biography should be sent to me via email. The deadline to apply is December 31/13. I would appreci-
ate if you put this information in your bulletin ASAP. Thank you very much. Please call if you have any questions

Vancouver Galaxy Lions Club invites you to their
Open House on November 15th at 7 p.m.,
Laserdome Plus. 7:00 pm - Doors open
7:30 pm - Kevin's amazing presentation
8:00 pm - Laser Tag
9:00 pm - End
Pizza and drinks are available
for purchase at the concession.
your guests to do the same.)
Tickets are $10 per person.
Maximum capacity is 37 people.
Page 9
What is Lions Foundation of Canada? Why are we donating and supporting the Foundation?
Lions at times are unsure of the work of the Foundation and I would like to share some key
information of the Foundation.
Mission Statement: The Mission of Lions Foundation of Canada is to assist Canadians with a medical or physical
disability by providing them Dog Guides at no cost.
Description Lions Foundation of Canada operates Dog Guides at no cost to Canadians
with visual, hearing or
other physical or medical disabilities.
The Dog Guide Programs:
Canine Vision Dog guides are trained to assist their handlers in navigating obstacles
typically found on most daily routes, including curbs, steps & crowds. Since 1985, Canine
Vision Dog Guides have been enriching the lives of Canadians who are at least 12 years old
and are blind or visually impaired.
Hearing Ear Dog guides since 1988 assist individuals who are 10 years of age or older and who are deaf or hard
of hearing on their own. The Dog guides are trained to distinguish sound, make physical contact with their handlers
and lead them to whatever is making the noise such as doorbell, telephone or alarm clock.
Special Skills Dog guides since 1991 assist people 10 years of age or older with physical or medical disabilities.
Special Skills Dog guides retrieve objects, open & close doors. They are also trained to bark or activate an alert
system when help is needed. The handlers discover a renewal sense of safety and independence.
Seizure Response Dog guides started in 2001 for people 10 years or older with epilepsy. The Dog guides will
activate an alarm system or bark when help is needed. This will enable the handler confidence to live independently.
Autism Assistance Dog guide implemented in 2009. Helping children aged 3 to 18, provides safety,
companionship and unconditional love. They provide a calming relief for children in high anxiety situation & reduce
the stress commonly experienced in public places. The special bond between Dog guides and child allow increased
social interaction for the family and the child.
Diabetic Alert Dog guides assist people age 10 or older who have type 1 diabetes with hypoglycaemic
unawareness. They are trained to detect sudden drop in their handlers blood sugar through scent & alert them so
that they can ingest something sweet. The Dog guide can activate an alarm or get help if needed. Their ability to
detect & react subsequent life threatening effects. These Dog guides provide increased safety, security and
Career Change Dogs In house adoption program to ensure that dogs returning from service and those who have
been unable to complete the training program find loving forever homes.
District Goal and Activities: Demand for Dog Guides is on the rise and the true cost of raise and
train these specialized dogs is $20,000. District 19A will be raising funds with the following Events:
District Purina Walk for Dog Guides May 25, 2014
Place and time will be advised. However, please reserve the date for this very meaningful
The Dog Bowl This is a new fund raising campaign.
The Club can host a blind 5 pin bowling fundraiser to provide increased awareness for
people who are visually impaired. Through specialized glasses that mimic various eye
diseases and disorders, each bowler experiences seeing and bowling through the eyes of
someone who is visually impaired. Each Club that participate in hosting a Dog Bowl will be
provided with an organizers kit. Proceeds will go to the Lions Foundation of Canada Canine Vision Program.
For organizers kit and information, please contact Jennifer Yapa at
PDG Rita Fok
District Chair
Page 10
PZC Sherman Lo
District Environment Chairperson
Page 11
Information provided by
District Diabetes
Awareness Chair PDG
Dickie Lam
Page 12
P a g e 1 3
Page 14
This Leadership training course is designed to help improve leaders'
abilities to prepare for new challenges, opportunities and
responsibilities. Through role playing, self assessment and other
leadership training scenarios, you'll explore leadership roles as a
strategist, manager, communicator, mentor and team member. You'll
learn how to develop your unique leadership style for maximum
impact. Opportunities abound for graduates of the Northwest Lions
Leadership Institute.

Many have gone on to be successful Project leaders, Club Presidents,
Zone Chairs, District Governors and community leaders.

February 6-9, 2014 at Red Lions, Bellevue, WA

Application Deadline: December 1, 2013 @ $390
December 2, 2013-January 3, 2014 @$410
Refund Deadline: January 15, 2014

Application form is available on MD19 website for downloading.
Half Time Meeting for A-H-I would be held on 19H, Fort Langley Senior
Hall, Langley, BC on November 23, 2013.
Kick-Off Meeting for H-H-I would be held on 19-I, Camp Shawnigan on
May 7, 2014.
District & Zone In-Service Training at Red Lion, Yakima, WA on May 28-31, 2014.
LCI Diabetes Awareness
Month: November
Each year during November,
Lions worldwide join together
to promote awareness of
diabetes. This month helps to
keep Lions and their fight
against diabetes firmly in the
public spotlight.

District Governor
Peter Cheng

Cabinet Secretary
Linda Wong, PDG

Lion Bowen Wong

Bulletin Editor
Lion Grace Hwo, PZC

District Websites:
Page 15
District Leo Liaison
PZC Glenn Cho
Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club
Our District 19A Leos:
Vancouver Cambie Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PP Raymond Wong, Van. Cambie Lions Club
Vancouver Chinatown Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PP Francis Chan, Van. Chinatown Lions Club
Vancouver Templeton Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PZC Glenn Cho, Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club
South Vancouver neighbourhood Leo
Leo Advisor - PP Joe Borg, Vancouver South Lions Club
Vancouver West Broadway Leo Club
Leo Advisor - IPZC Simon Yau, Vancouver Broadway Lions Club
Vancouver Columbia College Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PP Joe Borg, Vancouver South Lions Club
Burnaby Byrne Creek Leo Club
Leo Advisor - Lion Darshan Mann, Burnaby Edmonds Lions Club
Burnaby Moscrop Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PZC Ian McCloy, Burnaby Host Lions Club
Burnaby North Leo Club
Leo Advisors - PP Kirk Dickson, Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club
Vancouver Gateway Leo Club
Leo Advisor - ZC David Thompson, Van. Evergreen Lions Club
Vancouver Point Grey Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PDG Bryan Martin, Burnaby Central Lions Club
Vancouver West Leo Club
Leo Advisor - PDG Linda Wong, Van. Evergreen Lions Club

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