26 Commitments For A Man 1229022239603084 1

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26 commitments for a man

1 Thou shall not rent Ghost or any other movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. 2 Under any circumstance two mans can share an um rella. ! "ny man who rin#s a camera to a achelor party can e le#ally cuted into pieces and he$s %lesh can e throwed to the wol%s. & Unless that it was a %irst de#ree relative' you shall help a %riend to #et out o% (ail. ) *ou are allowed to e+a##erate ),- o% the stories without ein# called liar. . /% you 0now any other man %or more than 2& hours' his sister is untoucha le unless you marry her. 1 The ma+imum time that you have to wait %or another man is ) minutes. 2or women' 1, minutes are re3uired' and a%ter 1, minutes %or each point. The punctuation is ased on how hot she is 41 to 1, scale5. 6 7o man is o li#ed to uy a #i%t to other man. /n %act' even remem erin# his irthday is strictly optional and so%tly #ay. 8 "ccept to distract the u#ly9%at %riend o% your %riend$s #irl is a le#al duty. :ut your %riend is o li#ed to spread that you were under the 8 th law. 1, ; :e%ore #oin# out with a %riend$s e+' you must as0 %or permission. <e$s o li#ed to accept. 11 =omen who say / love %oot all must e treated as spys until they have deep 0nowled#e a out %oot all and name y name her entire team$s %ormation. 12 /% a man have he$s >ipper down' it$s not your pro lem and you haven$t seen anythin#. /% a #irl have her >ipper$s opened' you are o li#ed to tell your %riends. 1! The universal %ee %or doin# a %avor to any men is a eer. 1& " men can$t have a cat under any condition ut you have to treat your #irl%riend$s cat #ood. 1) *ou aren$t o li#ed to ecome a %riend o% your #irl%riend$s male %riends. ?nly a comment a out %oot all is re3uired. 1. =hen you #et into a place where there$s a man watchin# %oot all' you must as0 %or the score ut never who$s playin#.

11 =hen wi%e9#irl%riend e+press her wish to introduce a u#ly %riend to your %riend' tell her to %uc0 o%%. @+cept when you have enou#h time to tell your %riend a out so he can prepare a #ood A/ can$t #o$ e+cuse. 16 Unless you are arrested' thou shall not %i#ht na0ed. 18 /% your %riend is pic0in# a %i#ht or too drun0 to %i#ht' thou shall run and help him. 4@+ceptionB i% on the last 2& hours his actions rou#ht the thou#ht he needs a #ood woopin#. /n this case' you can seat and watch. /% he ro0e more than ) o% this commitments' you can (oin the ass woopin#5. 2, /n a ar#uin# etween your %iancC and your %riend' never ta0es a side. ?nly when the se+ is at sta0e. 21 7ever tal0 to other man on the athroom' unless you are at the same position' oth pissin# or waitin#. Under any condition' a so%t nod and a %ro# noise 4oop5 is more than enou#h. 22 *ou are allowed to cry only whenB 4a5 a do# save his master. 4 5 =hen "n#elina Dolie un utton her louse. 4c5 Crashin# you oss$s car. 4d5 Ehe start usin# her teeth. 2! Complainin# a out the rand o% the eer on your %riend$s cooler is strictly %or idden. <owever' %eel %ree to complain a out its temperature. 2& ?n a lon# trip' the stron#est ladder says when the peein# stop is necessary not the wea0est one. 2) ?nly when your li0e is in ris0' you can 0ic0 another man in the alls. 2. 7ever hesitate on ta0in# the last slice o% pi>>a or can o% eer. Ta0in# oth' however' is (ust mean.

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