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Oil Industry S !"ty Dir"#tor t"

Go$"rn%"nt o! Indi &inistry o! P"trol"u% nd N tur l G s




Prepared by




NE. DEL*I-11/ //1




Prepared by




NE. DEL*I-11/ //1

OISD (Oil Industry Safety Dire t!rate" publi ati!ns are prepared f!r use in t#e Oil and Gas Industry under $inistry !f Petr!leu% & natural Gas. '#ese are t#e pr!perty !f $inistry !f Petr!leu% & Natural Gas and s#all n!t be repr!du ed !r !pied and l!aned !r e(#ibited t! !t#ers )it#!ut )ritten !nsent fr!% OISD. '#!u*# e+ery eff!rt #as been %ade t! assure t#e a ura y and reliability !f t#e data !ntained in t#ese d! u%ents. OISD #ereby e(pressly dis lai%s any liability !r resp!nsibility f!r l!ss !r da%a*e resultin* fr!% t#eir use. '#ese d! u%ents are intended t! supple%ent rat#er t#an repla e t#e pre+ailin* statut!ry re,uire%ents.

'#e Oil Industry in India is nearly 100 years !ld. Due t! +ari!us !llab!rati!n a*ree%ents a +ariety !f internati!nal !des, standards and pra ti es are in +!*ue. Standardisati!n in desi*n p#il!s!p#ies, !peratin* and %aintenan e pra ti es at a nati!nal le+el )as #ardly in e(isten e. '#is la - !f unif!r%ity !upled )it# feedba - fr!% s!%e seri!us a idents t#at ! urred in t#e re ent past in India and abr!ad, e%p#asised t#e need f!r t#e industry t! re+ie) t#e e(istin* state !f art in desi*nin*, !peratin* and %aintainin* !il and *as installati!ns. .it# t#is in +ie), t#e $inistry !f Petr!leu% and Natural Gas in 19/0 !nstituted a Safety 1!un il assisted by t#e Oil Industry Safety Dire t!rate (OISD" staffed fr!% )it#in t#e industry in f!r%ulatin* and i%ple%entin* a series !f self-re*ulat!ry %easures ai%ed at re%!+in* !bs!les en e, standardisin* and up*radin* t#e e(istin* standards t! ensure safer !perati!ns. 2 !rdin*ly OISD !nstituted a nu%ber !f fun ti!nal !%%ittees !%prisin* !f e(perts n!%inated fr!% t#e industry t! dra) up standards and *uidelines !n +ari!us sub3e ts. '#e present d! u%ent !n 4Safety Pra ti es durin* 1!nstru ti!n5 )as prepared by t#e 6un ti!nal 1!%%ittee !n 4Safety Pra ti es durin* 1!nstru ti!n5. '#is d! u%ent is based !n t#e a u%ulated -n!)led*e and e(perien e !f industry %e%bers and t#e +ari!us nati!nal and internati!nal !des and pra ti es. It is #!ped t#at pr!+isi!ns !f t#is d! u%ent if i%ple%ented !b3e ti+ely, %ay *! a l!n* )ay t! i%pr!+e t#e safety t! redu e a idents in Oil and Gas Industry. 7sers are auti!ned t#at n! d! u%ent an be substitute f!r t#e 3ud*%ent !f resp!nsible and e(perien ed en*ineer. Su**esti!ns are in+ited fr!% t#e users after it is put int! pra ti e t! i%pr!+e t#e d! u%ent furt#er. Su**esti!ns f!r a%end%ents, if any, t! t#is standard s#!uld be addressed t!8 '#e 1!-!rdinat!r 1!%%ittee !n 4Safety Pra ti es durin* 1!nstru ti!n5 Oil Industry Safety Dire t!rate 2nd 6l!!r, 49ailas#5, 20, 9asturba Gand#i $ar*, N:. D:;<I - 110 001. '#is d! u%ent in n! )ay supersedes t#e statut!ry re*ulati!ns !f 1#ief 1!ntr!ller !f :(pl!si+es (11:", 6a t!ry Inspe t!rate !r any !t#er statut!ry b!dy, )#i # %ust be f!ll!)ed as appli able.




S#ri 2.9. 'and!n :I;, Ne) Del#i. G2I;, N!ida. 1=;, 1! #in ONG1, $u%bai. ONG1;, Na@aria. IO1(P;" N!dia. IBP 1!. ;td., 1al utta. IO1, $-t*, Ne) Del#i. <P1;, $u%bai. BP1;, $u%bai. IO1-Panipat =efinery. <P1;, Disa-#.

1. S#ri 7.$. =a! 2. S#ri 9.N. =a+indran >. S#ri P.9. 2nand ?. S#ri <.N. Das A. S#ri Ja*nandan 'ya*i 0. S#ri $.1 ;!#ar C. S#ri J.1. 2*ra)al /. S#ri S.$. G#!ta+ade-ar 9. S#ri San3!y G#!se 10. S#ri <. 1 J#a 4<ari5 11. S#ri Su#as 9ate &"%0"r-Coordin tor S#ri 2.9. =an3an OISD, Ne) Del#i

1.0 22/ 42/ 52/ ?.1 ?.2 62/ A.1 A.2 A.> A.? A.A A.0 A.C A./ ,2/ 0.1 0.2 0.> 0.? 0.A 0.0 0.C 0./ 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.1> 0.1? 0.1A 0.10 82/ ;2/ 92/ 1/2/ 112/ Introdu#tion S#o3" D"!initions G"n"r l Duti"s General Duties Of :(e uti!n 2*en ies General Duties Of O)ners S !"ty Pr #ti#"s At .or7 Pl #"s General Pr!+isi!ns $eans Of 2 ess 2nd :*ress <!use-eepin* Pre auti!ns 2*ainst '#e 6all Of $aterials 2nd Pers!ns, 2nd 1!llapse Of Stru tures Pre+enti!n Of 7naut#!rised :ntry 6ire Pre+enti!n 2nd 6ire 6i*#tin* ;i*#tin* Plant, $a #inery, :,uip%ent and <and '!!ls Constru#tion A#ti$iti"s :( a+ati!n S aff!ldin*, Platf!r%s & ;adders Stru tural .!r-, ;ayin* Of =einf!r e%ent & 1!n retin* =!ad .!r1uttin*E.eldin* .!r-in* In 1!nfined Spa es Pr!!fEPressure 'estin* .!r-in* 2t <ei*#ts <andlin* 2nd ;iftin* :,uip%ent De#i le $!+e%ent :le tri al Offs#!re De%!liti!n =adi!*rap#y SandES#!t Blastin* E Spray Paintin* .!r- ab!+e .ater Addition l S !"ty Pr"# ution !or Units 9it: *ydro# r0ons First Aid Do#u%"nt tion S !"ty A9 r"n"ss < Tr inin1 R"!"r"n#"s Ann"=ur" I

P 1" No2
1 1 1 2 2 > > > ? ? ? ? ? A A 0 0 / 10 1> 1> 1? 1A 10 1C 21 22 2? 2C 2/ 2/ 29 29 >0 >1 >1 >2 >>


repla e !r supersede t#e pre+ailin* statut!ry re,uire%ents, )#i # s#all als! be f!ll!)ed as appli able. 6!r Pers!nal Pr!te ti+e :,uip%ent, OISD-S'D-1AA (Part I&II" s#all be referred t!. '#e s !pe !f t#is d! u%ent d!es n!t in lude t#e desi*n aspe ts and ,uality #e -s durin* !nstru ti!n.

Safety in 1!nstru ti!n $ana*e%ent deser+es ut%!st attenti!n espe ially in t#e #ydr! arb!n industry, su # as :(pl!rati!n, =efineries, Pipelines and $ar-etin* installati!ns, Gas Pr! essin* units et . 1!nstru ti!n is )idely re !*nised as !ne !f t#e a ident pr!ne a ti+ities. $!st !f t#e a idents are aused by inade,uate plannin*, failure durin* t#e !nstru ti!n pr! ess andE!r be ause !f desi*n defi ien ies. Besides pr!perty l!ss, a idents als! result in in3uries and fatalities t! t#e pers!nnelF sa%e needs t! be pre+ented. '#e reas!ns f!r a idents durin* !nstru ti!n a ti+ities are related t! uni,ue nature !f t#e industry, #u%an be#a+i!ur, diffi ult )!r--site !nditi!ns, e(tended !dd duty #!urs, la - !f trainin* & a)areness and inade,uate safety %ana*e%ent. 7nsafe )!r-in* %et#!ds, e,uip%ent failure and i%pr!per #!use-eepin* als! tend t! in rease t#e a ident rate in !nstru ti!n. :nsurin* *!!d ,uality !f %aterials, e,uip%ent and !%petent super+isi!n al!n* )it# !%plian e !f standard en*ineerin* pra ti es s#all *! a l!n* )ay t! in built safety int! t#e syste%. '#e !b3e ti+e !f t#is standard is t! pr!+ide pra ti al *uidan e !n te #ni al and edu ati!nal fra%e)!r- f!r safety and #ealt# in !nstru ti!n )it# a +ie) t!8 (a" pre+ent a idents and #ar%ful effe ts !n t#e #ealt# !f )!r-ers arisin* fr!% e%pl!y%ent in !nstru ti!nF ensure appr!priate safety durin* i%ple%entati!n !f !nstru ti!nF pr!+ide safety pra ti e *uidelines f!r appr!priate %easures !f plannin*, !ntr!l and enf!r e%ent.



Definiti!ns !f +ari!us ter%in!l!*y are *i+en bel!)8

Adequate, appropriate or suitable are used t! des ribe ,ualitati+ely !r ,uantitati+ely t#e %eans !r %et#!d used t! pr!te t t#e )!r-er. Brace: 2 stru tural %e%ber t#at #!lds !ne p!int in a fi(ed p!siti!n )it# respe t t! an!t#er p!intF bra in* is a syste% !f stru tural %e%bers desi*ned t! pre+ent dist!rti!n !f a stru ture. By hand: '#e )!r- is d!ne )it#!ut t#e #elp !f a %e #anised t!!l. Competent Authority: 2 staut!ry a*en y #a+in* t#e p!)er t! issue re*ulati!ns, !rders !r !t#er instru ti!ns #a+in* t#e f!r e !f la). Competent person: 2 pers!n p!ssessin* ade,uate ,ualifi ati!ns, su # as suitable trainin* and suffi ient -n!)led*e, e(perien e and s-ill f!r t#e safe perf!r%an e !f t#e spe ifi )!r-. '#e !%petent aut#!rities %ay define appr!priate riteria f!r t#e desi*nati!n !f su # pers!ns and %ay deter%ine t#e duties t! be assi*ned t! t#e%. Execution agency: 2ny p#ysi al !r le*al pers!n, #a+in* !ntra tual !bli*ati!n )it# t#e !)ner, and )#! e%pl!ys !ne !r %!re )!r-ers !n a !nstru ti!n site

(b" ( "



'#is d! u%ent spe ifies br!ad *uidelines !n safe pra ti es t! be ad#ered t! durin* !nstru ti!n a ti+ities in !il industry. <!)e+er, bef!re !%%en in* any 3!b, spe ifi #a@ards and its effe ts s#!uld be assessed and ne essary !rre ti+eEpre+enti+e a ti!ns s#!uld be ta-en by all !n erned. '#e d! u%ent is intended !nly t! supple%ent and n!t t!

Owner: 2ny p#ysi al !r le*al pers!n f!r )#!% !nstru ti!n 3!b is arried !ut. It s#all als! in lude !)nerGs desi*nated representati+eE !nsultantEn!%ineeEa*ent , aut#!rised fr!% ti%e t! ti%e t! a t f!r and !n its be#alf, f!r super+isin*E

!!rdinatin* t#e e(e uti!n a*en y.

a ti+ities




Hazard: Dan*er !r p!tential dan*er. uard!rail: 2n ade,uately se ured rail ere ted al!n* an e(p!sed ed*e t! pre+ent pers!ns fr!% fallin*. Hoist: 2 %a #ine, )#i # lifts %aterials !r pers!ns by %eans !f a platf!r%, )#i # runs !n *uides. "i#ting gear: 2ny *ear !r ta -le by %eans !f )#i # a l!ad an be atta #ed t! a liftin* applian e but )#i # d!es n!t f!r% an inte*ral part !f t#e applian e !r l!ad. "i#ting appliance: 2ny stati!nary !r %!bile applian e used f!r raisin* !r l!)erin* pers!ns !r l!ads. $eans o# access or egress: Passa*e)ays, !rrid!rs, stairs, platf!r%s, ladders and any !t#er %eans f!r enterin* !r lea+in* t#e )!r-pla e !r f!r es apin* in ase !f dan*er. %ca##old: 2ny fi(ed, suspended !r %!bile te%p!rary stru ture supp!rtin* )!r-ers and %aterial !r t! *ain a ess t! any su # stru ture and )#i # is n!t a liftin* applian e as defined ab!+e. &oe!board: 2 barrier pla ed al!n* t#e ed*e !f a s aff!ld platf!r%, run)ay, et ., and se ured t#ere t! *uard a*ainst t#e slippin* !f pers!ns !r t#e fallin* !f %aterial. 'or(er: 2ny pers!n !nstru ti!n a ti+ity. en*a*ed in +" iii" (a" (b" ( " (d" (e"

pr!+ide and %aintain )!r-pla es, plant, e,uip%ent, t!!ls and %a #inery and !r*anise !nstru ti!n )!r- s! t#at, t#ere is n! ris- !f a ident !r in3ury t! #ealt# !f )!r-ers. In parti ular, !nstru ti!n )!r- s#!uld be planned, prepared and underta-en s! t#at8 dan*ers, liable t! arise at t#e )!r-pla e, are pre+entedF e( essi+ely !r unne essarily strenu!us )!r- p!siti!ns and %!+e%ents are a+!idedF !r*anisati!n !f )!r- ta-es int! a !unt t#e safety and #ealt# !f )!r-ersF %aterials and pr!du ts used are suitable fr!% a safety and #ealt# p!int !f +ie)F )!r-in* %et#!ds are ad!pted t! safe*uard )!r-ers a*ainst t#e #ar%ful effe ts !f #e%i al, p#ysi al and bi!l!*i al a*ents. establis# !%%ittees )it# representati+es !f )!r-ers and %ana*e%ent !r %a-e !t#er arran*e%ent f!r t#e parti ipati!n !f )!r-ers in ensurin* safe )!r-in* !nditi!ns. arran*e f!r peri!di safety inspe ti!ns by !%petent pers!ns !f all buildin*s, plant, e,uip%ent, t!!ls, %a #inery, )!r-pla es and re+ie) !f syste%s !f )!r-, re*ulati!ns, standards !r !des !f pra ti e. '#e !%petent pers!n s#!uld e(a%ine and as ertain t#e safety !f !nstru ti!n %a #inery and e,uip%ent. pr!+ide su # super+isi!n t! ensure t#at )!r-ers perf!r% t#eir )!r- )it# due re*ard t! safety and #ealt# !f t#eirs as )ell as t#at !f !t#ers. :%pl!y !nly t#!se )!r-ers )#! are ,ualified, trained and suited by t#eir a*e, p#ysi,ue, state !f #ealt# and s-ill. satisfy t#e%sel+es t#at all )!r-ers are inf!r%ed and instru ted in t#e #a@ards !nne ted )it# t#eir )!rand en+ir!n%ent and trained in t#e pre auti!ns ne essary t! a+!id a idents and in3ury t! #ealt#. :nsure t#at buildin*s, plant, e,uip%ent, t!!ls, %a #inery !r )!r-pla es in )#i # a dan*er!us defe t #as been f!und s#!uld n!t be



'or(place: 2ll pla es )#ere )!r-ers need t! be !r t! *! by reas!n !f t#eir )!r-.


GENERAL DUTIES E>ECUTION AGENCIES :(e uti!n a*en y s#!uld8 pr!+ide %eans and !r*anisati!n t! !%ply )it# t#e safety and #ealt# %easures re,uired at t#e )!r-pla e. OF +ii"

?.1.1 i"


used until t#e defe t #as been re tified. i(" Or*anise f!r and re%ain al)ays prepared t! ta-e i%%ediate steps t! st!p t#e !perati!n and e+a uate )!r-ers as appr!priate, )#ere t#ere is an i%%inent dan*er t! t#e safety !f )!r-ers. establis# a #e -in* syste% by )#i # it an be as ertained t#at all t#e %e%bers !f a s#ift, in ludin* !perat!rs !f %!bile e,uip%ent, #a+e returned t! t#e a%p !r base at t#e l!se !f )!r- !n dispersed sites and )#ere s%all *r!ups !f )!r-ers !perate in is!lati!n. pr!+ide appr!priate first aid, trainin* and )elfare fa ilities t! )!r-ers as per +ari!us statutes li-e t#e 6a t!ries 2 t, 19?/ et . and, )#ene+er !lle ti+e %easures are n!t feasible !r are insuffi ient, pr!+ide and %aintain pers!nal pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent and l!t#in* in line )it# t#e re,uire%ent as per OISD-S'D-1AA (D!l. I& II" !n Pers!nnel Pr!te ti+e :,uip%ent. '#ey s#!uld als! pr!+ide a ess t! )!r-ers t! ! upati!nal #ealt# ser+i es. :du ate )!r-ers ab!ut t#eir ri*#t and t#e duty at any )!r-pla e t! parti ipate in ensurin* safe )!r-in* !nditi!ns t! t#e e(tent !f t#eir !ntr!l !+er t#e e,uip%ent and %et#!ds !f )!r- and t! e(press +ie)s !n )!r-in* pr! edures ad!pted as %ay affe t safety and #ealt#. :nsure t#at e( ept in an e%er*en y, )!r-ers, unless duly aut#!rised, s#!uld n!t interfere )it#, re%!+e, alter !r displa e any safety de+i e !r !t#er applian e furnis#ed f!r t#eir pr!te ti!n !r t#e pr!te ti!n !f !t#ers, !r interfere )it# any %et#!d !r pr! ess ad!pted )it# a +ie) t! a+!idin* a idents and in3ury t! #ealt#. :nsure t#at )!r-ers d! n!t !perate !r interfere )it# plant and e,uip%ent t#at t#ey #a+e n!t been duly aut#!rised t! !perate, %aintain !r use. :nsure t#at )!r-ers d! n!t sleep, rest !r !!- et in dan*er!us pla es su # as s aff!lds, rail)ay tra -s, A.1.>

*ara*es, !nfined spa es !r in t#e +i inity !f fires, dan*er!us !r t!(i substan es, runnin* %a #ines !r +e#i les and #ea+y e,uip%ent et . (+ii" Obtain t#e ne essary learan eEper%its as re,uired and spe ified by !)ner 2s per t#e G!+t. ir ular as a%ended fr!% ti%e t! ti%e all !ntra t!rs )#! e%pl!y %!re t#an A0 )!r-ers !r )#ere t#e !ntra t +alue e( eeds =s. A0 r!res, t#e f!ll!)in* fa ilities are t! be pr!+ided by !ntra t!r at site 8




(i(" 522 ?.2.1 i"

2rran*e%ent f!r drin-in* )ater '!ilet fa ilities 2 re #e )#ere 10 !r %!re )!%en )!r-ers are #a+in* #ildren bel!) t#e a*e !f 0 years 'ransp!rt arran*e%ent f!r attendin* t! e%er*en ies s#!uld depl!y a safety !ffi er at site GENERAL DUTIES OF O.NERS O)ners s#!uld8



!-!rdinate !r n!%inate a !%petent pers!n t! !-!rdinate all a ti+ities relatin* t! safety and #ealt# !n t#eir !nstru ti!n pr!3e tsF ii" inf!r% all !ntra t!rs !n t#e pr!3e t !f spe ial ris-s t! #ealt# and safetyF iii" :nsure t#at e(e utin* a*en y is a)are !f t#e !)nerGs re,uire%ents and t#e e(e utin* a*en yGs resp!nsibilities )it# respe t t! safetry pra ti es bef!re startin* t#e 3!b.

6212 A.1.1




2ll !penin*s and !t#er areas li-ely t! p!se dan*er t! )!r-ers s#!uld be learly indi ated. .!r-ers & Super+is!rs s#!uld use t#e safety #el%et and !t#er re,uisite Pers!nal Pr!te ti+e :,uip%ent a !rdin* t! 3!b & site re,uire%ent. '#ey s#!uld be trained t! use pers!nal pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent. Ne+er use s!l+ents, al-alis and !t#er !ils t! lean t#e s-in.





;ift t#e l!ad )it# ba - strai*#t and -nees bent as far as p!ssible. Seet#e #elp in ase !f #ea+y l!ad. :nsure t#e usa*e !f !rre t and tested t!!ls and ta -les. D!nGt all!) t#e %a-e s#ift t!!ls and ta -les. N! l!!se l!t#in* s#!uld be all!)ed )#ile )!r-in* near r!tatin* e,uip%ent !r )!r-in* at #ei*#ts. &EANS EGRESS OF ACCESS AND



2ll !penin*s t#r!u*# )#i # )!r-ers are liable t! fall s#!uld be -ept effe ti+ely !+ered !r fen ed and displayed pr!%inently. 2s far as pra ti able, *uardrails and t!e-b!ards s#!uld be pr!+ided t! pr!te t )!r-ers fr!% fallin* fr!% ele+ated )!r-pla es. PRE?ENTION UNAUT*ORISED ENTRY OF



626 A.A.1


2de,uate and safe %eans !f a ess (atleast t)!, differently l! ated" t! and e*ress fr!% all )!r-pla es s#!uld be pr!+ided. Sa%e s#!uld be displayed and %aintained. 624 A.>.1 *OUSE)EEPING :nsure8 i" pr!per st!ra*e !f %aterials and e,uip%entF ii" re%!+al !f s rap, infla%%able %aterial, )aste and debris at appr!priate inter+als. A.>.2 =e%!+al !f l!!se %aterials, )#i # are n!t re,uired f!r use, t! be ensured. 2 u%ulati!n !f t#ese at t#e site an !bstru t %eans !f a ess t! and e*ress fr!% )!r-pla es and passa*e)ays. .!r-pla es and passa*e)ays, t#at are slippery !)in* t! !il, *rease !r !t#er auses, s#!uld be leaned up !r stre)n )it# sand, sa)dust, as# et . PRECAUTIONS AGAINST T*E FALL OF &ATERIALS < PERSONS AND COLLAPSE OF STRUCTURES Pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en su # as t#e pr!+isi!n !f fen in*, l!!--!ut %en !r barriers t! pr!te t any pers!n a*ainst in3ury by t#e fall !f %aterials, !r t!!ls !r e,uip%ent bein* raised !r l!)ered. .#ere ne essary t! pre+ent dan*er, *uys, stays !r supp!rts s#!uld be used !r !t#er effe ti+e pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pre+ent t#e !llapse !f stru tures !r parts !f stru tures t#at are bein* ere ted, %aintained, repaired, dis%antled !r de%!lis#ed.

1!nstru ti!n sites l! ated in built-up areas and al!n*side +e#i ular and pedestrian traffi r!utes s#!uld be fen ed t! pre+ent t#e entry !f unaut#!rised pers!ns. Disit!rs s#!uld n!t be all!)ed a ess t! !nstru ti!n sites unless a !%panied by !r aut#!rised by a !%petent pers!n and pr!+ided )it# t#e appr!priate pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent. FIRE PRE?ENTION FIG*TING AND FIRE


62, A.0.1

2ll ne essary %easures s#!uld be ta-en by t#e e(e utin* a*en y and !)ner t!8 i" ii" a+!id t#e ris- !f fireF !ntr!l ,ui -ly and effi iently any !utbrea- !f fireF iii" brin* !ut a ,ui - and safe e+a uati!n !f pers!ns. i+" Inf!r% unitEfire stati!n !ntr!l r!!%, )#ere !nstru ti!n )!ris arried !ut )it#in e(istin* !peratin* area.





1!%bustible %aterials su # us pa -in* %aterials, sa)dust, *reasyE!ily )aste and s rap )!!d !r plasti s s#!uld n!t be all!)ed t! a u%ulate in )!r-pla es but s#!uld be -ept in l!sed %etal !ntainers in a safe pla e. Pla es )#ere )!r-ers are e%pl!yed s#!uld, if ne essary t! pre+ent t#e dan*er !f fire, be pr!+ided )it#8 i" suitable and suffi ient firee(tin*uis#in* e,uip%ent, )#i # s#!uld be easily +isible and a essibleF ii" an ade,uate )ater supply at suffi ient pressure %eetin* t#e re,uire%ents !f +ari!us OISD standards.




'! *uard a*ainst dan*er at pla es #a+in* !%bustible %aterial, )!r-ers s#!uld be trained in t#e a ti!n t! be ta-en in t#e e+ent !f fire, in ludin* t#e use !f %eans !f es ape. 2t sites #a+in* !%bustible %aterial, suitable +isual si*ns s#!uld be pr!+ided t! indi ate learly t#e dire ti!n !f es ape in ase !f fire. $eans !f es ape s#!uld be -ept lear at all ti%es. :s ape r!utes s#!uld be fre,uently inspe ted parti ularly in #i*# stru tures and )#ere a ess is restri ted. LIG*TING .#ere natural li*#tin* is n!t ade,uate, )!r-in* li*#t fittin*s !r p!rtable #and-la%ps s#!uld be pr!+ided at )!r-pla e !n t#e !nstru ti!n site )#ere a )!r-er )ill d! a 3!b. :%er*en y li*#tin* s#!uld be pr!+ided f!r pers!nnel safety durin* ni*#t ti%e t! fa ilitate standby li*#tin* s!ur e, if n!r%al syste% fails. 2rtifi ial li*#tin* s#!uld n!t pr!du e *lare !r disturbin* s#ad!)s. ;a%ps s#!uld be pr!te ted by *uards a*ainst a idental brea-a*e. '#e ables !f p!rtable ele tri al li*#tin* e,uip%ent s#!uld be !f ade,uate si@e & #ara teristi s f!r t#e p!)er re,uire%ents and !f ade,uate %e #ani al stren*t# t! )it#stand se+ere !nditi!ns in !nstru ti!n !perati!ns. PLANT' &AC*INERY' E@UIP&ENT AND *AND TOOLS G"n"r l Pro$isions

" d" e"


be used !nly f!r )!r- f!r )#i # t#ey #a+e been desi*ned. be !perated !nly by )!r-ers )#! #a+e been aut#!rised and *i+en appr!priate trainin*. be pr!+ided )it# pr!te ti+e *uards, s#ields !r !t#er de+i es as re,uired. 2de,uate instru ti!ns f!r safe use s#!uld be pr!+ided. Safe !peratin* pr! edures s#!uld be establis#ed and used f!r all plant, %a #inery and e,uip%ent. Operat!rs !f plant, %a #inery and e,uip%ent s#!uld n!t be distra ted )#ile )!r- is in pr!*ress. Plant, %a #inery and e,uip%ent s#!uld be s)it #ed !ff )#en n!t in use and is!lated bef!re any ad3ust%ent, learin* !r %aintenan e is d!ne. .#ere trailin* ables !r #!se pipes are used t#ey s#!uld be -ept as s#!rt as pra ti able and n!t all!)ed t! reate a #a@ard. 2ll %!+in* parts !f %a #inery and e,uip%ent s#!uld be en l!sed !r ade,uately *uarded. :+ery p!)er-dri+en %a #ine and e,uip%ent s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# ade,uate %eans, i%%ediately a essible and readily identifiable t! t#e !perat!r, !f st!ppin* it ,ui -ly and pre+entin* it fr!% bein* started a*ain inad+ertently. Operat!rs !f plant, %a #inery, e,uip%ent and t!!ls s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# PP:s, in ludin* )#ere ne essary, suitable ear pr!te ti!n. * nd tools <and t!!ls s#!uld be repaired by !%petent pers!ns. <eads !f #a%%ers and !t#er s#! t!!ls s#!uld be dressed !r *r!und t! a suitable radius !n t#e ed*e as s!!n as t#ey be*in t! %us#r!!% !r ra -. .#en n!t in use and )#ile bein* arried !r transp!rted s#arp t!!ls s#!uld be -ept in s#eat#s, s#ields, #ests !r !t#er suitable !ntainers.

ii" iii"



628 A.C.1





A.C.2 A.C.> A.C.?



5.8.2 i" ii"

62; 62;21 i"

Plant, %a #inery and e,uip%ent in ludin* #and t!!ls, b!t# %anual and p!)er dri+en, s#!uld8 a" be !f pr!per desi*n and !nstru ti!n, ta-in* int! a !unt #ealt#, Safety and er*!n!%i prin iples. b" be %aintained in *!!d )!r-in* !rderF



Only insulated !r n!n !ndu tin* t!!ls s#!uld be used !n !r near li+e ele tri al installati!ns. Only n!n-spar-in* t!!ls s#!uld be used near !r in t#e presen e !f fla%%able !r e(pl!si+e dusts !r +ap!urs. Pn"u% ti# Tools Operatin* tri**ers !n p!rtable pneu%ati t!!ls s#!uld be8 s! pla ed as t! %ini%ise t#e ris- !f a idental startin* !f t#e %a #ine. s! arran*ed as t! l!se t#e air inlet +al+e aut!%ati ally )#en t#e pressure !f t#e !perat!rGs #and is re%!+ed. <!se and #!se !nne ti!ns f!r !%pressed air supply t! p!rtable pneu%ati t!!ls s#!uld be8 a" b" desi*ned and tested f!r t#e pressure and ser+i e f!r )#i # t#ey are intendedF fastened se urely !n t#e pipe !utlet and e,uipped )it# t#e safety #ain, as appr!priate. Pneu%ati s#! - t!!ls s#!uld be e,uipped )it# safety lips !r retainers t! pre+ent dies and t!!ls fr!% bein* a identally e(pelled fr!% t#e barrel. Pneu%ati t!!ls s#!uld be dis !nne ted fr!% p!)er and t#e pressure in #!se lines released bef!re any ad3ust%ent !r repair is %ade. El"#tri# l Tools ;!) +!lta*e p!rtable ele tri al t!!ls s#!uld *enerally be used. 2ll ele tri al t!!ls s#!uld be eart#ed, unless t#ey are Hall insulatedH !r Hd!uble insulatedH t!!ls )#i # d! n!t re,uire eart#in*. 2ll ele tri al t!!ls s#!uld *et inspe ted and %aintained !n a re*ular basis by a !%petent ele tri ian and !%plete re !rds -ept. En1in"s :n*ines s#!uld8 iii"

a" b" " ii"


be installed s! t#at t#ey an be started safely and t#e %a(i%u% safe speed ann!t be e( eeded. #a+e !ntr!ls f!r li%itin* speed. #a+e de+i es t! st!p t#e% fr!% a safe pla e in an e%er*en y. I1 en*ines s#!uld n!t be run in !nfined spa es unless ade,uate e(#aust +entilati!n is pr!+ided. .#en I1 en*ines are bein* fuelled8 t#e en*ine s#!uld be s#ut !ff. are s#!uld be ta-en t! a+!id spillin* fuelF n! pers!n s#!uld s%!-e !r #a+e an na-ed li*#t in t#e +i inity. a fire e(tin*uis#er s#!uld be -ept readily a+ailable. Se !ndary fuel reser+!ir s#!uld be pla ed !utside t#e en*ine r!!%.

62;24 i" a" b"

a" b" " d" i+"



'#e +ari!us !%%!n a ti+ities in !nstru ti!n are as under8


:( a+ati!n S aff!ldin*, Platf!r%s & ;adders Stru tural .!r-, ;ayin* =einf!r e%ent & 1!n retin* =!ad .!r- (;ayin* !f r!ads" 1uttin* E.eldin* .!r-in* in 1!nfined Spa e Pr!!fEPressure 'estin* .!r-in* at <ei*#ts <andlin* & ;iftin* :,uip%ents De#i le $!+e%ent :le tri al Offs#!re De%!liti!n =adi!*rap#y SandEs#!t paintin* blastin*E spray !f


5.8.4 i" ii"


62;26 i"

.!r- ab!+e )ater

'#e safe pra ti es t! be f!ll!)ed durin* t#e i%ple%entati!n !f ab!+e

!nstru ti!n bel!)8 ,21 0.1.1

a ti+ities




E>CA?ATION 2ll e( a+ati!n )!r- s#!uld be planned and t#e %et#!d !f e( a+ati!n and t#e type !f supp!rt )!r- re,uired s#!uld be de ided !nsiderin* t#e f!ll!)in*8 i" ii" t#e stability !f t#e *r!undF t#e e( a+ati!n )ill n!t affe t ad3!inin* buildin*s, stru tures !r r!ad)aysF iii" t! pre+ent #a@ard, t#e *as, )ater, ele tri al and !t#er publi utilities s#!uld be s#ut !ff !r dis !nne ted, if ne essaryF i+" presen e !f under*r!und pipes, able !ndu t!rs, et ., +" t#e p!siti!n !f ul+ertEbrid*es, te%p!rary r!ads and sp!il #eaps s#!uld be deter%inedF

D!nGt all!) +e#i les t! !perate t!! l!se t! e( a+ated area. $aintain atleast 2% distan e fr!% ed*e !f e( a+ati!n. N! l!ad, plant !r e,uip%ent s#!uld be pla ed !r %!+ed near t#e ed*e !f any e( a+ati!n )#ere it is li-ely t! ause its !llapse and t#ereby endan*er any pers!n unless pre auti!ns su # as t#e pr!+isi!n !f s#!rin* !r pilin* are ta-en t! pre+ent t#e sides fr!% !llapsin*. 2de,uately an #!red st!p bl! -s and barriers s#!uld be pr!+ided t! pre+ent +e#i les bein* dri+en int! t#e e( a+ati!n. <ea+y +e#i les s#!uld n!t be all!)ed near t#e e( a+ati!n unless t#e supp!rt )!r#as been spe ially desi*ned t! per%it it. If an e( a+ati!n is li-ely t! affe t t#e se urity !f a stru ture !n )#i # pers!ns are )!r-in*, pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pr!te t t#e stru ture fr!% !llapse.




Bef!re di**in* be*ins !n site, all e( a+ati!n )!r- s#!uld be planned and t#e %et#!d !f e( a+ati!n and t#e type !f supp!rt )!r- re,uired de ided. 2ll e( a+ati!n super+ised. )!rs#!uld be

0.1.> 0.1.?

Sites !f e( a+ati!ns t#!r!u*#ly inspe ted8 i" ii" iii" i+" +" +i"

s#!uld be

0.1.10 Barri ade at 1% #ei*#t ()it# red & )#ite bandEself *l!)in* auti!n b!ard" s#!uld be pr!+ided f!r e( a+ati!ns bey!nd 1.A% dept#. Pr!+ide t)! entriesEe(its f!r su # e( a+ati!n. 0.1.11 Ne essary pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en f!r under*r!und utility lines li-e ables, se)ers et . and ne essary appr!+alsE learan es fr!% t#e !n erned aut#!rities s#all be !btained bef!re !%%en e%ent !f t#e e( a+ati!n 3!b. 0.1.12 .ater s#all be pu%pedEbailed !ut, if any a u%ulates in t#e tren #. Ne essary pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pre+ent entry !f surfa e )ater in tren #es. 0.1.1> Durin* rains, t#e s!il be !%es l!!se. 'a-e additi!nal pre auti!n a*ainst !llapse !f side )all. 0.1.1? In #a@ard!us areas, air s#!uld be tested t! as ertain its ,uality. N! !ne s#!uld be all!)ed entry till it is suitable f!r breat#in*. 0.1.1A In ase !f %e #anised e( a+ati!n, pre auti!n s#all be ta-en t! n!t t! all!) anyb!dy t! !%e )it#in !ne %eter !f e(tre%e rea # !f t#e %e #ani al s#!+el. '#e %e #anised e( a+at!r s#all be !perated by a

daily, pri!r t! ea # s#ift and after interrupti!n in )!r- !f %!re t#an !ne dayF after e+ery blastin* !perati!nF after an une(pe ted fall !f *r!undF after substantial da%a*e t! supp!rtsF after a #ea+y rain, fr!st !r sn!)F )#en b!ulder f!r%ati!ns are en !untered.


Safe an*le !f rep!se )#ile e( a+atin* tren #es e( eedin* 1.A% dept# upt! >.0% s#!uld be %aintained. Based !n site !nditi!ns, pr!+ide pr!per sl!pe, usually ?A0,and suitable ben # !f 0.A% )idt# at e+ery 1.A% dept# !f e( a+ati!n in all s!ils e( ept #ard r! - !r pr!+ide pr!per s#!rin* and struttin* t! pre+ent a+e-in !r slides. 2s far as p!ssible, e( a+ated eart# s#!uld n!t be pla ed )it#in !ne %eter !f t#e ed*e !f t#e tren # !r dept# !f tren # )#i #e+er is *reater.


)ell-trained e(perien ed !perat!r. .#en n!t in !perati!n, t#e %a #ine s#all be -ept !n fir% le+eled *r!und )it# %e #ani al s#!+el restin* !n *r!und. .#eel !r belt s#all be suitably 3a%%ed t! pre+ent any a idental %!+e%ent !f t#e %a #ine. Suitable pre auti!ns as per %anufa turer *uidelines s#!uld be ta-en f!r d!@ers, *raders and !t#er #ea+y %a #ines. 0.1.10 In ase !f blastin*, f!ll!) stri tly IS8?0/1-19/0 & Indian :(pl!si+e 2 t and rules f!r st!ra*e, #andlin* and arryin* !f e(pl!si+e %aterials and e(e uti!n !f blastin* !perati!n. ,22 ,2221 i" SCAFFOLDING' PLATFOR&S < LADDERS &"t l s % t"ri l o! #onstru#tion 2 s aff!ld s#!uld be pr!+ided and %aintained !r !t#er e,ually safe and suitable pr!+isi!n s#!uld be %ade )#ere )!r- ann!t safely be d!ne !n !r fr!% t#e *r!und !r fr!% part !f a buildin* !r !t#er per%anent stru ture. S aff!lds s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# safe %eans !f a ess, su # as stairs, ladders !r ra%ps. ;adders s#!uld be se ured a*ainst inad+ertent %!+e%ent. :+ery s aff!ld s#!uld be !nstru ted, ere ted and %aintained s! as t! pre+ent !llapse !r a idental displa e%ent )#en in use. :+ery s aff!ld and part t#ere!f s#!uld be !nstru ted 8 (a" in su # a )ay s! as n!t t! ause #a@ards f!r )!r-ers durin* ere ti!n and dis%antlin*F (b" in su # a )ay s! as *uard rails and !t#er pr!te ti+e de+i es, platf!r%s, ladders, stairs !r ra%ps an be easily put t!*et#erF ( " )it# s!und %aterial and !f re,uisite si@e and stren*t# f!r t#e purp!se f!r )#i # it is t! be used and %aintained in a pr!per !nditi!n. +" B!ards and plan-s used f!r s aff!lds s#!uld be pr!te ted a*ainst splittin*. $aterials used in t#e !nstru ti!n !f s aff!lds s#!uld be st!red under

*!!d !nditi!ns and apart fr!% any %aterial unsuitable f!r s aff!lds. +ii" 1!uplers s#!uld n!t ause def!r%ati!n in tubes. 1!uplers s#!uld be %ade !f dr!p f!r*ed steel !r e,ui+alent %aterial. 'ubes s#!uld be free fr!% ra -s, splits and e( essi+e !rr!si!n and be strai*#t t! t#e eye, and tube ends ut leanly s,uare )it# t#e tube a(is. S aff!lds s#!uld be desi*ned f!r t#eir %a(i%u% l!ad as per rele+ant !de. S aff!lds bra ed. s#!uld be ade,uately



(" (i"

S aff!lds )#i # are n!t desi*ned t! be independent s#!uld be ri*idly !nne ted t! t#e buildin* at desi*nated +erti al and #!ri@!ntal pla es. 2 s aff!ld s#!uld ne+er e(tend ab!+e t#e #i*#est an #!ra*e t! an e(tent )#i # %i*#t endan*er its stability and stren*t#. ;!!se bri -s, drainpipes, #i%neyp!ts !r !t#er unsuitable %aterial s#!uld n!t be used f!r t#e !nstru ti!n !r supp!rt !f any part !f a s aff!ld. S aff!lds s#!uld be inspe ted and ertified8







(a" bef!re bein* ta-en int! useF (b" at peri!di inter+als t#ereafter as pres ribed f!r different types !f s aff!ldsF ( " after any alterati!n, interrupti!n in use, e(p!sure t! )eat#er !r seis%i !nditi!ns !r any !t#er ! urren e li-ely t! #a+e affe ted t#eir stren*t# !r stability. (+" Inspe ti!n s#!uld %!re parti ularly as ertain t#at8 (a" t#e s aff!ld is !f suitable type and ade,uate f!r t#e 3!bF (b" %aterials used in its !nstru ti!n are s!und and !f suffi ient stren*t#F ( " it is !f s!und !nstru ti!n and stableF (d" t#at t#e re,uired safe*uards are in p!siti!n. (+i" 2 s aff!ld s#!uld n!t be ere ted, substantially altered !r dis%antled e( ept by !r under t#e super+isi!n.



:+ery s aff!ld s#!uld be %aintained in *!!d and pr!per !nditi!n, and e+ery part s#!uld be -ept fi(ed !r se ured s! t#at n! part an be displa ed in !nse,uen e !f n!r%al use. If !ut-ri**er s aff!ldin* is t! be used, it s#!uld be spe ifi ally desi*ned and inspe ted bef!re puttin* in use. Li!tin1 33li n#"s on s# !!olds .#en a liftin* applian e is t! be used !n a s aff!ld8


.#ere plan-s are butt-3!ined, t)! parallel putl!*s s#all be used, n!t %!re t#an 100%% apart, t! *i+e supp!rt t! ea # plan-. Platf!r% plan- s#all n!t pr!3e t bey!nd its end supp!rt t! a distan e e( eedin* ? ti%es t#e t#i -ness !f plan-, unless it is effe ti+ely se ured t! pre+ent tippin*. 1antile+er plan-s s#!uld be a+!ided. '#e platf!r% ed*es s#all be pr!+ided )it# 1A0%% #i*# t!e b!ard t! eli%inate #a@ards !f t!!ls !r !t#er !b3e ts fallin* fr!% platf!r%. :re t ladders in t#e 4f!ur up-!ne !ut p!siti!n5 ;as# ladder stru ture. se urely )it# t#e



,2222 i"


(a" t#e parts !f t#e s aff!ld s#!uld be arefully inspe ted t! deter%ine t#e additi!nal stren*t#enin* and !t#er safety %easures re,uiredF (b" any %!+e%ent !f t#e s aff!ld %e%bers s#!uld be pre+entedF ( " if pra ti able, t#e upri*#ts s#!uld be ri*idly !nne ted t! a s!lid part !f t#e buildin* at t#e pla e )#ere t#e liftin* applian e is ere ted. ,2224 i" Pr"! 0ri# t"d s# !!olds In t#e ase !f prefabri ated s aff!ld syste%s, t#e instru ti!ns pr!+ided by t#e %anufa turers !r suppliers s#!uld be stri tly ad#ered t!. Prefabri ated s aff!lds s#!uld #a+e ade,uate arran*e%ents f!r fi(in* bra in*. 6ra%es !f different types s#!uld n!t be inter%in*led in a sin*le s aff!ld. S aff!ldin* s#all be ere ted !n fir% and le+el *r!und. 2ll %e%bers !f %etal s aff!ldin* s#all be #e -ed peri!di ally t! s reen !ut defe ti+e E rusted %e%bers. 2ll 3!ints s#!uld be pr!perly lubri ated f!r easy ti*#tenin*. :ntry t! s aff!ldin* restri ted. s#!uld be

(ii" (iii" (i+"

7sin* n!n-slip de+i es, su # as, rubber s#!es !r p!inted steel ferules at t#e ladder f!!t, rubber )#eels at ladder t!p, fi(in* )!!den battens, leats et . .#en ladder is used f!r li%bin* !+er a platf!r%, t#e ladder %ust be !f suffi ient len*t#, t! e(tend at least !ne %eter ab!+e t#e platf!r%, )#en ere ted a*ainst t#e platf!r% in 4f!ur up-!ne !ut p!siti!n.5 P!rtable ladders s#all be used f!r #ei*#ts n!t %!re t#an ?%t. 2b!+e ?%t fli*#ts, fi(ed ladders s#all be pr!+ided )it# at least 000 %% landin*s at e+ery 0%t !r less. '#e )idt# !f ladder s#all n!t be less t#an >00%% and run*s s#all be spa ed n!t %!re t#an >00%%. :+ery platf!r% and %eans !f a ess s#all be -ept free fr!% !bstru ti!n. If *rease, %ud, *ra+el, %!rtar et ., fall !n platf!r% !r s aff!lds, t#ese s#all be re%!+ed i%%ediately t! a+!id slippa*e. .!r-ers s#all n!t be all!)ed t! )!r!n s aff!lds durin* st!r%s !r #i*# )ind. 2fter #ea+y rain !r st!r%s, s aff!lds s#all be inspe ted bef!re reuse. D!nGt !+erl!ad t#e s aff!ldin*. =e%!+e e( ess %aterial and s rap i%%ediately.



ii" iii" i+"


(+iii" (i("

+" +i"


:re ti!n, alterati!n and re%!+al s#all be d!ne under super+isi!n !f e(perien ed pers!nnel. 7se !f barrels, b!(es, l!!se bri -s et ., f!r supp!rtin* platf!r% s#all n!t be per%itted. :a # supp!rtin* %e%ber !f platf!r% s#all be se urely fastened and bra ed ((i"




Dis%antlin* !f s aff!lds s#all be d!ne in a pre-planned se,uential %anner. Sus3"nd"d #: ir s# !!oldsA0o t9 inBs

,2421 i"

G"n"r l 3ro$isions '#e ere ti!n !r dis%antlin* !f buildin*s, stru tures, i+il en*ineerin* )!r-s, f!r%)!r-, false)!r- and s#!rin* s#!uld be arried !ut by trained )!r-ers !nly under t#e super+isi!n !f a !%petent pers!n. Pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! *uard a*ainst dan*er t! )!r-ers arisin* fr!% any te%p!rary state !f )ea-ness !r instability !f a stru ture. 6!r%)!r-, false)!r- and s#!rin* s#!uld be s! desi*ned, !nstru ted and %aintained t#at it )ill safely supp!rt all l!ads t#at %ay be i%p!sed !n it. 6!r%)!r- s#!uld be s! desi*ned and ere ted t#at )!r-in* platf!r%s, %eans !f a ess, bra in* and %eans !f #andlin* and stabilisin* are easily fi(ed t! t#e f!r%)!rstru ture. Er"#tion nd dis% ntlin1 o! st""l nd 3r"! 0ri# t"d stru#tur"s '#e safety !f )!r-ers e%pl!yed !n t#e ere ti!n and dis%antlin* !f steel and prefabri ated stru tures s#!uld be ensured by appr!priate %eans, su # as pr!+isi!n and use !f8

,2225 i"

In additi!n t! t#e re,uire%ents f!r s aff!lds in *eneral as re*ards s!undness, stability and pr!te ti!n a*ainst t#e ris- !f falls, suspended s aff!lds s#!uld %eet t#e f!ll!)in* spe ifi re,uire%ents. (a" platf!r%s s#!uld be desi*ned and built )it# di%ensi!ns t#at are !%patible )it# t#e stability !f t#e stru ture as a )#!le, espe ially t#e len*t#F (b" t#e nu%ber !r an #!ra*e s#!uld be !%patible )it# t#e di%ensi!ns !f t#e platf!r%F ( " t#e safety !f )!r-ers s#!uld be safe*uarded by an e(tra r!pe #a+in* a p!int !f atta #%ent independent !f t#e an #!ra*e arran*e%ents !f t#e s aff!ldF (d" t#e an #!ra*e and !t#er ele%ents !f supp!rt !f t#e s aff!ld s#!uld be desi*ned and built in su # a )ay as t! ensure suffi ient stren*t#F (e" t#e r!pes, )in #es, pulleys !r pulley bl! -s s#!uld be desi*ned, asse%bled, used and %aintained a !rdin* t! t#e re,uire%ents establis#ed f!r liftin* *ear adapted t! t#e liftin* !f pers!ns a !rdin* t! nati!nal la)s and re*ulati!nsF (f" Bef!re use, t#e )#!le stru ture s#!uld be #e -ed by a !%petent pers!n.




,24222 i"

,2226 i"

- %0oo S# !!oldin1 In *eneral, it s#!uld be a+!ided as far as p!ssible. It s#!uld n!t be used in t#e unitE!ff-site areas and )#ere #!t )!r- is t! be d!ne. 6!r !nstru ti!n and %aintenan e !f residential and !ffi e buildin*s, situated !utside e(pl!si+e li ensed area, ba%b!! s aff!ld, if used, s#!uld !nf!r% t! pr!+isi!ns *i+en in lS->090 (Part 1"-19/C. STRUCTURAL .OR)' LAYING OF REINFORCE&ENT < CONCRETING ii"

(a" ladders, *an*)ays !r fi(ed platf!r%sF (b" platf!r%s, bu -ets, b!ats)ainGs #airs !r !t#er appr!priate %eans suspended fr!% liftin* applian esF ( " safety #arnesses and lifelines, at # nets !r at # platf!r%sF (d" P!)er-!perated %!bile )!r-in* platf!r%s. Steel and prefabri ated stru tures s#!uld be s! desi*ned and %ade t#at t#ey an be safely transp!rted and ere ted. In additi!n t! t#e need f!r t#e stability !f t#e part )#en ere ted, t#e desi*n s#!uld e(pli itly ta-e f!ll!)in* int! a !unt8 (a" t#e !nditi!ns and %et#!ds !f atta #%ent in t#e !perati!ns !f transp!rt, st!rin* and te%p!rary supp!rt durin* ere ti!n !r dis%antlin* as appli ableF




(b" $et#!ds f!r t#e pr!+isi!n !f safe*uards su # as railin*s and )!r-in* platf!r%s, and, )#en ne essary, f!r %!untin* t#e% easily !n t#e stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts. i+" '#e #!!-s and !t#er de+i es built in !r pr!+ided !n t#e stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts t#at are re,uired f!r liftin* and transp!rtin* t#e% s#!uld be s! s#aped, di%ensi!ned and p!siti!ned as8 (a" t! )it#stand )it# a suffi ient %ar*in t#e stresses t! )#i # t#ey are sub3e tedF (b" N!t t! set up stresses in t#e part t#at !uld ause failures, !r stresses in t#e stru ture itself n!t pr!+ided f!r in t#e plans, and be desi*ned t! per%it easy release fr!% t#e liftin* applian e. ;iftin* p!ints f!r fl!!r and stair ase units s#!uld be l! ated (re essed if ne essary" s! t#at t#ey d! n!t pr!trude ab!+e t#e surfa eF ( " '! a+!id i%balan e !r dist!rti!n !f t#e lifted l!ad. +" St!repla es s#!uld !nstru ted t#at8 be s!


'!n*s, la%ps and !t#er applian es f!r liftin* stru tural steel and prefabri ated parts s#!uld8 (a" be !f su # s#ape and di%ensi!ns as t! ensure a se ure *rip )it#!ut da%a*in* t#e partF (b" be %ar-ed )it# t#e %a(i%u% per%issible l!ad in t#e %!st unfa+!urable liftin* !nditi!ns.


Stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts s#!uld be lifted by %et#!ds !r applian es t#at pre+ent t#e% fr!% spinnin* a identally. .#en ne essary t! pre+ent dan*er, bef!re t#ey are raised fr!% t#e *r!und, stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# safety de+i es su # as railin*s and )!r-in* platf!r%s t! pre+ent falls !f pers!ns. .#ile stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts are bein* ere ted, t#e )!r-ers s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# applian es f!r *uidin* t#e% as t#ey are bein* lifted and set d!)n, s! as t! a+!id rus#in* !f #ands and t! fa ilitate t#e !perati!ns. 7se !f su # applian es s#!uld be ensured. 2 raised stru tural steel !r prefabri ated part s#!uld be s! se ured and )all units s! pr!pped t#at t#eir stability ann!t be i%periled, e+en by e(ternal a*en ies su # as )ind and passin* l!ads bef!re its release fr!% t#e liftin* applian e. 2t )!r- pla es, instru ti!n s#!uld be *i+en t! t#e )!r-ers !n t#e %et#!ds, arran*e%ents and %eans re,uired f!r t#e st!ra*e, transp!rt, liftin* and ere ti!n !f stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts, and, bef!re ere ti!n starts, a %eetin* !f all t#!se resp!nsible s#!uld be #eld t! dis uss and !nfir% t#e re,uire%ents f!r safe ere ti!n. Durin* transp!rtati!n )it#in t#e !nstru ti!n area, atta #%ents su # as slin*s and stirrups %!unted !n stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts s#!uld be se urely fastened t! t#e parts. Stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts s#!uld be s! transp!rted t#at t#e !nditi!ns d! n!t affe t t#e



(a" t#ere is n! ris- !f stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts fallin* !r !+erturnin*F (b" st!ra*e !nditi!ns *enerally ensure stability and a+!id da%a*e #a+in* re*ard t! t#e %et#!d !f st!ra*e and at%!sp#eri !nditi!nsF ( " ra -s are set !n fir% *r!und and desi*ned s! t#at units ann!t %!+e a identally. +i" .#ile t#ey are bein* st!red, transp!rted, raised !r set d!)n, stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts s#!uld n!t be sub3e ted t! stresses pre3udi ial t! t#eir stability. :+ery liftin* applian e s#!uld8 (a" be suitable f!r t#e !perati!ns and n!t be apable !f a idental dis !nne ti!nF (b" be appr!+ed !r tested as per statut!ry re,uire%ent. +iii" ;iftin* #!!-s s#!uld be !f t#e selfl!sin* type !r !f a safety type and s#!uld #a+e t#e %a(i%u% per%issible l!ad %ar-ed !n t#e%.






stability !f t#e parts !r t#e %eans !f transp!rt result in 3!ltin*, +ibrati!n !r stresses due t! bl!)s, !r l!ads !f %aterial !r pers!ns. (+ii" .#en t#e %et#!d !f ere ti!n d!es n!t per%it t#e pr!+isi!n !f !t#er %eans !f pr!te ti!n a*ainst fall !f pers!ns, t#e )!r-pla es s#!uld be pr!te ted by *uardrails, and if appr!priate by t!e-b!ards. .#en ad+erse )eat#er !nditi!ns su # as sn!), i e and )ind !r redu ed +isibility entail ris-s !f a idents, t#e )!r- s#!uld be arried !n )it# parti ular are, !r, if ne essary, interrupted. Stru tures s#!uld n!t be )!r-ed !n durin* +i!lent st!r%s !r #i*# )inds, !r )#en t#ey are !+ered )it# i e !r sn!), !r are slippery fr!% !t#er auses. If ne essary, t! pre+ent dan*er, stru tural steel parts s#!uld be e,uipped )it# atta #%ents f!r suspended s aff!lds, lifelines !r safety #arnesses and !t#er %eans !f pr!te ti!n. '#e ris-s !f fallin*, t! )#i # )!r-ers %!+in* !n #i*# !r sl!pin* *irders are e(p!sed, s#!uld be li%ited by all %eans !f ade,uate !lle ti+e pr!te ti!n !r, )#ere t#is is i%p!ssible, by t#e use !f a safety #arness t#at is )ell se ured t! a str!n* supp!rt. Stru tural steel parts t#at are t! be ere ted at a *reat #ei*#t s#!uld as far as pra ti able be asse%bled !n t#e *r!und. .#en stru tural steel !r prefabri ated parts are bein* ere ted, a suffi iently e(tended area underneat# t#e )!r-pla e s#!uld be barri aded !r *uarded Steel trusses t#at are bein* ere ted s#!uld be ade,uately s#!red, bra ed !r *uyed until t#ey are per%anently se ured in p!siti!n. ;!ad-bearin* stru tural %e%ber s#!uld n!t be dan*er!usly )ea-ened by uttin*, #!lin* !r !t#er %eans. Stru tural %e%bers s#!uld n!t be f!r ed int! pla e by t#e #!istin* %a #ine )#ile any )!r-er is in su #

a p!siti!n t#at #e !uld be in3ured by t#e !perati!n. ((+ii" Open-)eb steel 3!ists t#at are #!isted sin*ly s#!uld be dire tly pla ed in p!siti!n and se ured a*ainst disl!d*%ent. ,2424 i" R"in!or#"%"nt :nsure t#at )!r-ers use Pers!nnel Pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent li-e safety #el%et, safety s#!es, *l!+es et . D!nGt pla e t#e #and bel!) t#e r!ds f!r #e -in* lear distan e. 7se %easurin* de+i es. D!nGt )ear l!!se #e -in* t#e r!ds. l!t#es )#ile !n



iii" i+" +"


D!nGt stand unne essarily antile+er r!ds.


'! arry !ut )eldin*E uttin* !f r!ds, safety pr! eduresEpre auti!ns as %enti!ned in Ite% N!. 0.A t! be f!ll!)ed. 6!r supplyin* !f r!ds at #ei*#ts, pr!per sta*in* andE!r bundlin* t! be pr!+ided. :nsure barri adin* and sta*in* f!r supplyin* and fi(in* !f r!ds at #ei*#t. 6!r s#!rt distan e arryin* !f %aterials !n s#!ulders, suitable pads t! be pr!+ided. .#ile transp!rtin* %aterial by tru -sEtrailers, t#e r!ds s#all n!t pr!trude in fr!nt !f !r by t#e sides !f dri+erGs abin. In ase su # pr!trusi!n ann!t be a+!ided be#ind t#e de -, t#en it s#!uld n!t e(tend 1E>rd !f de - len*t# !r 1.A$ )#i # e+er is less and tied )it# red fla*sEli*#ts. Con#r"tin1 :nsure stability !f s#utterin* )!rbef!re all!)in* !n retin*. Barri ade t#e !n retin* area )#ile p!urin* at #ei*#tEdept#s. 9eep +ibrat!r #!ses, pu%pin* !n rete a ess!ries in #ealt#y !nditi!ns and %e #ani ally l! -ed. Pipelines in !n rete pu%pin* syste% s#all n!t be atta #ed t! te%p!rary stru tures su # as s aff!lds and f!r%)!r- supp!rt as








,2425 i" ii" iii"





t#e f!r es and %!+e%ents %ay effe t t#eir inte*rity. +" 1#e - safety a*es & *uards ar!und %!+in* %!t!rsEparts et . pr!+ided in !n retin* %i(ers. 7se Pers!nal Pr!te ti+e :,uip%ent li-e *l!+es, safety s#!es et . )#ile dealin* )it# !n rete and )ear respirat!rs f!r dealin* )it# e%ent. :art#in* !f ele tri al %i(ers, +ibrat!rs, et . s#!uld be d!ne and +erified. 1leanin* !f r!tatin* dru%s !f !n rete %i(ers s#all be d!ne fr!% !utside. ;! -!ut de+i es s#all be pr!+ided )#ere )!r-ers need t! enter. .#ere !n rete %i(ers are dri+en by internal !%busti!n en*ine, e(#aust p!ints s#all be l! ated a)ay fr!% t#e )!r-erGs )!r-stati!n s! as t! eli%inate t#eir e(p!sure t! !bn!(i!us fu%es. D!nGt all!) unaut#!rised pers!n t! stand under t#e !n retin* area. :nsure ade,uate li*#tin* arran*e%ents f!r arryin* !ut !n rete )!r- durin* ni*#t. D!nGt all!) t#e sa%e )!r-ers t! p!ur !n rete r!und t#e l! -. Insist !n s#ift pattern. Durin* p!urin*, s#utterin* and its supp!rts s#!uld be !ntinu!usly )at #ed f!r defe ts. ROAD .OR) Site s#all be barri aded and pr!+ided )it# )arnin* si*ns, in ludin* ni*#t )arnin* la%ps at appr!priate l! ati!ns f!r traffi di+ersi!n. 6illed and e%pty bitu%en dru%s s#all be sta -ed separately at desi*nated pla es. $i(in* a**re*ate )it# bitu%en s#all preferably be d!ne )it# t#e #elp !f bitu%en bat # %i(in* plant, unless !perati!nally n!n-feasible. =!ad r!llers, Bitu%en sprayers, Pa+e%ent finis#ers s#all be dri+en by e(perien ed dri+ers )it# +alid dri+in* li ense. .!r-ers #andlin* #!t bitu%en iii" 0.?.0

sprayers !r spreadin* bitu%en a**re*ate %i( !r %i(in* bitu%en )it# a**re*ate, s#all be pr!+ided )it# PD1 #and *l!+es and rubber s#!es )it# le**in* up t! -nee 3!ints. 2t t#e end !f dayGs )!r-, surplus #!t bitu%en in tar b!iler s#all be pr!perly !+ered by a %etal s#eet, t! pre+ent anyt#in* fallin* in it, If bitu%en a identally falls !n *r!und, it s#all be i%%ediately !+ered by sprin-lin* sand, t! pre+ent anyb!dy steppin* !n it. '#en it s#all be re%!+ed )it# t#e #elp !f spade. 6!r e%ent !n rete r!ads, besides site barri adin* and installati!n !f )arnin* si*ns f!r traffi di+ersi!n, safe pra ti es %enti!ned in t#e #apter !n H1!n retin*H, s#all als! be appli able. CUTTINGA.ELDING 1!%%!n #a@ards in+!l+ed in )eldin*E uttin* are spar-s, %!lten %etal, flyin* parti les, #ar%ful li*#t rays, ele tri s#! -s et . 6!ll!)in* pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en8 2 dry #e%i al type fire e(tin*uis#er s#all be %ade a+ailable in t#e )!rarea. 2de,uate +entilati!n s#all be ensured by !penin* %an#!les and fi(in* a s#ield !r f!r ed ir ulati!n !f air et , )#ile d!in* a 3!b in !nfined spa e. :nsure t#at !nly appr!+ed and )ell%aintained apparatus, su # as t!r #es, %anif!lds, re*ulat!rs !r pressure redu in* +al+es, and a etylene *enerat!rs, be used. 2ll !+ers and panels s#all be -ept in pla e, )#en !peratin* an ele tri 2r )eldin* %a #ine. '#e )!r- pie e s#!uld be !nne ted dire tly t! P!)er supply, and n!t indire tly t#r!u*# pipelinesEstru turesEe,uip%ents et . '#e )eldin* re epta les s#all be rated f!r 0> 2 suitable f!r ?1AD, >P#ase syste% )it# a s rapin* eart#. =e epta les s#all #a+e ne essary %e #ani al interl! -s and eart#in* fa ilities.







,26 0.A.1

(" (i"





,25 0.?.1









2ll ables, in ludin* )eldin* and *r!und ables, s#all be #e -ed f!r any )!rn !ut !r ra -ed insulati!n bef!re startin* t#e 3!b. Gr!und able s#!uld be separate )it#!ut any l!!se 3!ints. 1able !ilin* s#all be %aintained at %ini%u% le+el, if n!t a+!idable. 2n ener*ised ele tr!de s#all n!t be left unattended. '#e p!)er s!ur e s#all be turned !ff at t#e end !f 3!b. 2ll *as ylinders s#all be pr!perly se ured in upri*#t p!siti!n. 2 etylene ylinder s#all be turned and -ept in su # a )ay t#at t#e +al+e !utlet p!ints a)ay fr!% !(y*en ylinder. 2 etylene ylinder -ey f!r !penin* +al+e s#all be -ept !n +al+e ste%, )#ile ylinder is in use, s! t#at t#e a etylene ylinder !uld be ,ui -ly turned !ff in ase !f e%er*en y. 7se flas# ba - arrest!rs t! pre+ent ba --fire in a etyleneE!(y*en ylinder. .#en n!t in use, +al+es !f all ylinders s#all be -ept l!sed. 2ll types !f ylinders, )#et#er full !r e%pty, s#all be st!red at !!l, dry pla e under s#ed. 6!r ed !penin* !f any ylinder +al+e s#!uld n!t be atte%pted. ;i*#ted *as t!r # s#all ne+er be left unattended. St!re a etylene and ylinders separately. St!re full and separately. e%pty !(y*en

((i+" ((+" ((+i"

D! n!t use %at #es t! li*#t t!r #es, use a fri ti!n li*#ter. $!+e !ut any i%%ediately. lea-in* ylinder

+iii" i(" (" (i" (ii"

7se tr!lleys f!r !(y*en & a etylene ylinder and #ain t#e%.

((+ii" 2l)ays use =ed #!se f!r a etylene and !t#er fuel *ases and Bla - f!r !(y*en, and ensure t#at b!t# are in e,ual len*t#. ((+iii" :nsure t#at #!ses are free fr!% burns, uts and ra -s and pr!perly la%ped. ((i(" (((" (((i" 2+!id dra**in* #!ses !+er s#arp ed*es and !b3e ts D! n!t )rap #!ses ar!und ylinders )#en in use !r st!red. Pr!te t #!ses fr!% flyin* spar-s, #!t sla*, and !t#er #!t !b3e ts.


(((ii" ;ubri ants s#all n!t be used !n O(fuel *as e,uip%ent. (((iii" Durin* uttin*E)eldin*, use pr!per type *!**lesEfa e s#ields. ,2, 0.0.1 .OR)ING IN CONFINED SPACES 6!ll!)in* safety pra ti es f!r )!r-in* in !nfined spa e li-e t!)ers, !lu%ns, tan-s and !t#er +essels s#!uld be f!ll!)ed in additi!n t! t#e safety *uidelines f!r spe ifi 3!bs li-e s aff!ldin*, uttin*E)eldin* et . S#ut d!)n, is!late, depressurise and pur*e t#e +essel as per laid d!)n pr! edures. :ntry inside t#e +essel and t! arry !ut any 3!b s#!uld be d!ne after issuan e !f +alid per%it !nly in line )it# t#e re,uire%ent !f OISD-S'D10A. :nsure pr!per and a essible %eans !f e(it bef!re entry inside a !nfined spa e. '#e nu%ber !f pers!ns all!)ed inside t#e +essel s#!uld be li%ited t! a+!id !+er r!)din*. .#en t#e )!r- is *!in* !n in t#e !nfined spa e, t#ere s#!uld al)ays be !ne %an standby at t#e nearby %an)ay.

(i+" (+"

(+i" (+ii" (+iii" (i(" ((" ((i"


ii" ylinders

2+!id ylinders !%in* int! !nta t )it# #eat. 1ylinders t#at are #ea+y !r diffi ult t! arry by #and %ay be r!lled !n t#eir b!tt!% ed*e but ne+er dra**ed. If ylinders #a+e t! be %!+ed, be sure t#at t#e ylinder +al+es are s#ut !ff. Bef!re #an*in* t!r #es, s#ut !ff t#e *as at t#e pressure redu in* re*ulat!rs and n!t by ri%pin* t#e #!se.







Bef!re enterin* inside t#e +essels under*r!und !r l! ated at l!)er ele+ati!n, pr!bability !f dense +ap!urs a u%ulatin* nearby s#!uld als! be !nsidered in additi!n t! inside t#e +essel. :nsure re,uisite O2 le+el bef!re entry in t#e !nfined spa e and %!nit!r le+el peri!di ally !r !t#er )ise use respirat!ry de+i es. 1#e - f!r n! <ydr! arb!n !r t!(i substan es bef!re entry and %!nit!r le+el peri!di ally !r use re,uisite Pers!nal Pr!te ti+e :,uip%ent. :nsure ade,uate +entilati!n !r use respirat!ry de+i es. Dependin* up!n need, ne essary respirat!r syste%, *as %as-s and suit s#all be )!rn by e+ery!ne enterin* !nfined spa e. In ase !f se)er, O.S !r in t#e !nfined area )#ere t#ere is a p!ssibility !f t!(i !r inert *as, *as %as-s s#all be used by e+ery!ne )#ile enterin*. Barri ade t#e !nfined spa es durin* #!istin*, radi!*rap#y, blastin*, pressure testin* et . 7se 2?D fla%epr!!f la%p fittin*s !nly f!r illu%inati!n. 7se t!!ls )it# air %!t!rs !r ele tri t!!ls )it# %a(i%u% +!lta*e !f 2?D. <!use -eepin* %aintained. s#all be )ell


2ll ables, #!ses, )eldin* e,uip%ent et ., s#all be re%!+ed fr!% !nfined spa e at end !f ea # )!r- day, e+en if t#e )!r- is t! be resu%ed in t#e sa%e spa e t#e ne(t day. '! t#e e(tent p!ssible slud*e s#all be leared and re%!+ed fr!% !utside bef!re enterin*. N! na-ed li*#t !r fla%e !r #!t )!rsu # as )eldin*, uttin* and s!lderin* s#!uld be per%itted inside a !nfined spa e !r area unless it #as been %ade !%pletely free !f t#e fla%%able at%!sp#ere, tested and f!und safe by a !%petent pers!n. Only n!n-spar-in* t!!ls and fla%epr!!f #and la%ps pr!te ted )it# *uard and safety t!r #es s#!uld be used inside su # !nfined spa e !r area f!r initial inspe ti!n, leanin* !r !t#er )!r- re,uired t! be d!ne f!r %a-in* t#e area safe. 1!%%uni ati!n s#!uld be al)ays %aintained bet)een t#e )!r-er and t#e attendant. PROOFAPRESSURE TESTING =e+ie) test pr! edure bef!re all!)in* testin* )it# )ater !r air !r any !t#er fluid. Pr!+ide relief +al+es !f ade,uate si@e )#ile testin* )it# air !r !t#er *ases. :nsure !%plian e !f ne essary pre auti!ns, step )ise l!adin*, ti*#tenin* !f fasteners, *r!utin* et . bef!re and durin* testin*. Inf!r% all !n erned in ad+an e !f t#e testin*. 9eep t#e +ents !pen bef!re !penin* any +al+e f!r fillin*Edrainin* !f li,uid used f!r #ydr!testin*. '#e fillin*Edrainin* s#!uld n!t e( eed t#e desi*ned rate f!r pressure testin*. Pr!+ide separate *au*es !f suitable ran*e f!r pressurisin* pu%p and t#e e,uip%ent t! be tested. Pr!+ide *au*es at desi*nated l! ati!ns f!r %!nit!rin* !f pressures. 1#e - t#e alibrati!n !f all pressurisin* e,uip%ent and a ess!ries and %aintain re !rds.





i(" ("



,28 0.C.1

(ii" (iii" (i+" (+"


Safety #el%et, safety s#!es and safety belt s#all be )!rn by e+ery!ne enterin* t#e !nfined spa e. D!nGt )ear l!!se l!t#in* )#ile )!r-in* in a !nfined spa e. In ase !f t#e +essels )#i # are li-ely t! !ntain pyr!p#eri substan es (li-e Ir!n Sulp#ide", spe ial are need t! be ta-en bef!re !penin* t#e +essel. 2tte%pt s#!uld be %ade t! re%!+e t#e pyr!p#eri substan es. Ot#er)ise, t#ese s#!uld be al)ays -ept )et by suitable %eans. '#e uttin* t!r #es s#!uld als! be -ept !utside t#e +essel i%%ediately after t#e uttin*. '#e *as ylinders used f!r uttin*E)eldin* s#all be -ept !utside.


(+i" (+ii"

0.C.? 0.C.A






0.C.9 ,2; ,2;21 i"

'a-e readin*s inter+als. G"n"r l Pro$ision


pre-defined iii"

#a+e t#e ne essary -n!)led*e and e(perien e f!r su # )!r-. .!r- !n r!!fs s#!uldnGt be arried !n in )eat#er !nditi!ns t#at t#reaten t#e safety !f )!r-ers. 1ra)lin* b!ards, )al-)ays and r!!f ladders s#!uld be se urely fastened t! a fir% stru ture. =!!fin* bra -ets s#!uld fit t#e sl!pe !f t#e r!!f and be se urely supp!rted. .#ere it is ne essary f!r a pers!n t! -neel !r r!u # near t#e ed*e !f t#e r!!f, ne essary pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en. On a lar*e r!!f )#ere )!r- #a+e t! be arried !ut at !r near t#e ed*e, a si%ple barrier !nsistin* !f r!ssed s aff!ld tubes supp!rtin* a tubin* *uardrail %ay be pr!+ided. 2ll !+ers f!r !penin*s in r!!fs s#!uld be !f substantial !nstru ti!n and be se ured in p!siti!n. =!!fs )it# a pit # !f %!re t#an 10 s#!uld be treated as sl!pin*. .#en )!r- is bein* arried !ut !n sl!pin* r!!fs, suffi ient and suitable ra)lin* b!ards !r r!!f ladders s#!uld be pr!+ided and fir%ly se ured in p!siti!n. Durin* e(tensi+e )!r- !n t#e r!!f, str!n* barriers !r *uardrails and t!eb!ards s#!uld be pr!+ided t! st!p a pers!n fr!% fallin* !ff t#e r!!f. .#ere )!r-ers are re,uired t! )!r!n !r near r!!fs !r !t#er pla es !+ered )it# fra*ile %aterial, t#r!u*# )#i # t#ey are liable t! fall, t#ey s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# suitable r!!f ladders !r ra)lin* b!ards str!n* en!u*# and )#en spannin* a r!ss t#e supp!rts f!r t#e r!!f !+erin* t! supp!rt t#!se )!r-ers. 2 %ini%u% !f t)! b!ards s#!uld be pr!+ided s! t#at it is n!t ne essary f!r a pers!n t! stand !n a fra*ile r!!f t! %!+e a b!ard !r a ladder, !r f!r any !t#er reas!n. .or7 on t ll #:i%n"ys


.#ile )!r-in* at a #ei*#t !f %!re t#an > %eters, ISI appr!+ed safety belt s#all be used. .#ile )!r-in* at a #ei*#t !f %!re t#an > %eters, per%it s#!uld be issued by !%petent pers!n bef!re !%%en e%ent !f t#e 3!b. .!r-er s#!uld be )ell trained !n usa*e !f safety belt in ludin* its pr!per usa*e at t#e ti%e !f as endin*Edes endin*. 2ll t!!ls s#!uld be arried in t!!l -its t! a+!id t#eir fallin*. If t#e 3!b is !n fra*ileEsl!pin* r!!f, r!!f )al- ladders s#all be used. Pr!+ide lifeline )#ere+er re,uired. 2dditi!nal safety %easures li-e pr!+idin* 6all 2rrest!r type Safety belt, safety net s#!uld be pr!+ided dependin* up!n site !nditi!ns, 3!b re,uire%ents. 9eep )!r-in* area neat and lean. =e%!+e s rap %aterial i%%ediately. D!nGt t#r!) !r dr!p %aterialEe,uip%ent fr!% #ei*#t. 2+!id 3u%pin* fr!% !ne %e%ber t! an!t#er. 7se pr!per passa*e)ay. 9eep b!t# #ands free )#ile li%bin*. D!nGt try t! bypass t#e steps !f t#e ladder. 'ry t! %aintain al% at #ei*#t. 2+!id !+er e(erti!n. 2+!id %!+e%ents !n bea%. :le+ated )!r-pla es in ludin* r!!fs s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# safe %eans !f a ess and e*ress su # as stairs, ra%ps !r ladders. Roo! .or7 2ll r!!f-)!r- !perati!ns s#!uld be pre-planned and pr!perly super+ised. =!!f )!rs#!uld !nly be underta-en by )!r-ers )#! are p#ysi ally and psy #!l!*i ally fit and







i+" +" +i" +ii"


i(" ("

+iii" i(" (" (i"



(ii" (iii" (i+"

,2;22 i"





6!r t#e ere ti!n and repair !f tall #i%neys, s aff!ldin* s#!uld be pr!+ided. 2 safety net s#!uld be %aintained at a suitable distan e bel!) t#e s aff!ld. '#e s aff!ld fl!!r s#!uld al)ays be at least 0A % bel!) t#e t!p !f t#e #i%ney. 7nder t#e )!r-in* fl!!r !f t#e s aff!ldin* t#e ne(t l!)er fl!!r s#!uld be left in p!siti!n as a at # platf!r%. '#e distan e bet)een t#e inside ed*e !f t#e s aff!ld and t#e )all !f t#e #i%ney s#!uld n!t e( eed 20 % at any p!int. 1at # platf!r%s s#!uld be ere ted !+er8 (a" t#e entran e t! t#e #i%neyF (b" Passa*e)ays and )!r-in* pla es )#ere )!r-ers !uld be endan*ered by fallin* !b3e ts.



d" fasten pulleys !r s aff!ldin* t! reinf!r in* rin*s )it#!ut first +erifyin* t#eir stabilityF e" )!r- al!neF f" li%b a #i%ney t#at is n!t pr!+ided )it# se urely an #!red ladders !r run*sF *" .!r- !n #i%neys in use unless t#e ne essary pre auti!ns t! a+!id dan*er fr!% s%!-e and *ases #a+e been ta-en. (" .!r- !n independent #i%neys s#!uld n!t be arried !n in #i*# )inds, i y !nditi!ns, f!* !r durin* ele tri al st!r%s. *ANDLING E@UIP&ENTC AND LIFTING


,29 ,2921


G"n"r l Pro$isions 6!ll!)in* are t#e *eneral *uidelines t! be f!ll!)ed )it# re*ard t! all types !f #andlin* and liftin* e,uip%ent in additi!n t! t#e *uidelines f!r spe ifi type !f e,uip%ents dealt later !n.


6!r li%bin* tall #i%neys, a ess s#!uld be pr!+ided by8 (a" stairs !r laddersF (b" a !lu%n !f ir!n run*s se urely e%bedded in t#e #i%ney )allF ( " Ot#er appr!priate %eans. i"


.#en )!r-ers use t#e !utside run*s t! li%b t#e #i%ney, a se urely fastened steel !re r!pe l!!ped at t#e free end and #an*in* d!)n at least > % s#!uld be pr!+ided at t#e t!p t! #elp t#e )!r-ers t! li%b !n t! t#e #i%ney. .#ile )!r- is bein* d!ne !n independent #i%neys t#e area surr!undin* t#e #i%ney s#!uld be en l!sed by fen in* at a safe distan e. .!r-ers e%pl!yed !n t#e !nstru ti!n, alterati!n, %aintenan e !r repair !f tall #i%neys s#!uld n!t8 a" )!r- !n t#e !utside )it#!ut a safety #arness atta #ed by a lifeline t! a run*, rin* !r !t#er se ure an #!ra*eF b" put t!!ls bet)een t#e safety #arness and t#e b!dy !r in p! -ets n!t intended f!r t#e purp!seF " #aul #ea+y %aterials !r e,uip%ent up and d!)n by #and t! !r fr!% t#e )!r-pla e !n t#e #i%neyF

'#ere s#!uld be a )ell-planned safety pr!*ra%%e t! ensure t#at all t#e liftin* applian es and liftin* *ear are sele ted, installed, e(a%ined, tested, %aintained, !perated and dis%antled )it# a +ie) t! pre+entin* t#e ! urren e !f any a identF 2ll liftin* applian es s#all be e(a%ined by !%petent pers!ns at fre,uen ies as spe ified in H'#e 6a t!ries a tH. 1#e - t#!r!u*#ly ,uality, si@e and !nditi!n !f all liftin* t!!ls li-e #ain pulley bl! -s, slin*s, 7- la%ps, Ds#a -les et . bef!re puttin* t#e% in use. Safe liftin* apa ity !f all liftin* & #andlin* e,uip%ent, t!!ls and s#a -les s#!uld be *!t +erified and ertifi ates !btained fr!% !%petent aut#!rities bef!re its use. '#e safe )!r-in* l!ad s#all be %ar-ed !n t#e%. 1#e - peri!di ally t#e !il, bra-es, *ears, #!rns and tyre pressure !f all %!+in* e,uip%ents li-e ranes, f!r-lifts, trailers et as per %anufa turerGs re !%%endati!ns.








1#e - t#e )ei*#ts t! be lifted and a !rdin*ly de ide ab!ut t#e rane apa ity, b!!% len*t# and an*le !f ere ti!n. 2ll!) liftin* slin*s as s#!rt as p!ssible and #e - pa -in* at t#e fri ti!n p!ints. .#ile liftin*Epla in* !f t#e l!ad, n! unaut#!rised pers!n s#all re%ain )it#in t#e radius !f t#e b!!% and underneat# t#e l!ad. .#ile l!adin*, unl!adin* and sta -in* !f pipes, pr!per )ed*es s#all be pla ed t! pre+ent r!llin* d!)n !f t#e pipes. 1!ntr!l l!n*er 3!bs bein* lifted up fr!% b!t# ends. Only trained !perat!rs and ri**ers s#!uld arry !ut t#e 3!b. .#ile t#e rane is %!+in* !r liftin* t#e l!ad, t#e trained ri**er s#!uld be t#ere f!r -eepin* a +i*il a*ainst #ittin* any !t#er !b3e t. Durin* #i*# )ind !nditi!ns and ni*#ts, liftin* !f #ea+y e,uip%ents s#!uld be a+!ided. If una+!idable t! d! ere ti!n in ni*#t, !perat!r and ri**er s#!uld be fully trained f!r ni*#t si*nalin*. 2ls! pr!per illu%inati!n s#!uld be t#ere. 2ll!) rane t! %!+e !n #ard, fir% and le+eled *r!und. .#en rane is in idle !nditi!n f!r l!n* peri!ds !r unattended, rane b!!% s#!uld eit#er be l!)ered !r l! -ed as per %anufa turerGs *uidelines. <!!- and l!ad bein* lifted s#all re%ain in full +isibility !f rane !perat!rs, )#ile liftin*, t! t#e e(tent p!ssible. D!nGt all!) b!!%s !r !t#er parts !f rane t! !%e )it#in > %eters rea # !f !+er#ead ele tri al ables. N! stru tural alterati!ns !r repairs s#!uld be %ade t! any part !f a liftin* applian e, )#i # %ay affe t t#e safety !f t#e applian e )it#!ut t#e per%issi!n and super+isi!n !f t#e !%petent pers!n. *oists


<!ist s#afts s#!uld be en l!sed )it# ri*id panels !r !t#er ade,uate fen in* at8 (a" *r!und le+el !n all sidesF (b" all !t#er le+els at all p!ints at )#i # a ess is pr!+idedF ( " all p!ints at )#i # pers!ns are liable t! be stru - by any %!+in* part.





(" (i"

'#e en l!sure !f #!ist s#afts, e( ept at appr!a #es s#!uld e(tend )#ere pra ti able at least 2%t ab!+e t#e fl!!r, platf!r% !r !t#er pla e t! )#i # a ess is pr!+ided e( ept )#ere a lesser #ei*#t is suffi ient t! pre+ent any pers!n fallin* d!)n t#e #!ist)ay and t#ere is n! ris- !f any pers!n !%in* int! !nta t )it# any %!+in* part !f t#e #!ist, but in n! ase s#!uld t#e en l!sure be less t#an 1%t in #ei*#t. '#e *uides !f #!ist platf!r%s s#!uld !ffer suffi ient resistan e t! bendin* and, in t#e ase !f 3a%%in* by a safety at #, t! bu -lin*. .#ere ne essary t! pre+ent dan*er, ade,uate !+erin* s#!uld be pr!+ided ab!+e t#e t!p !f #!ist s#afts t! pre+ent %aterial fallin* d!)n t#e%. Outd!!r #!ist t!)ers s#!uld be ere ted !n fir% f!undati!ns, and se urely bra ed, *uyed and an #!red. 2 ladder)ay s#!uld e(tend fr!% t#e b!tt!% t! t#e t!p !f !utd!!r #!ist t!)ers, if n! !t#er ladder)ay e(ists )it#in easy rea #. <!istin* en*ines s#!uld be !f a%ple apa ity t! !ntr!l t#e #ea+iest l!ad t#at t#ey )ill #a+e t! %!+e. <!ists s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# de+i es t#at st!p t#e #!istin* en*ine as s!!n as t#e platf!r% rea #es its #i*#est st!ppin* pla e. .in #es s#!uld be s! !nstru ted t#at t#e bra-e is applied )#en t#e !ntr!l #andle is n!t #eld in t#e !peratin* p!siti!n. It s#!uld n!t be p!ssible t! set in %!ti!n fr!% t#e platf!r% a #!ist, )#i # is n!t desi*ned f!r t#e !n+eyan e !f pers!ns. .in #es s#!uld n!t be fitted )it# pa)l and rat #et *ears !n )#i # t#e





(iii" (i+"











pa)l %ust be disen*a*ed bef!re t#e platf!r% is l!)ered. (ii" <!ist platf!r%s s#!uld be apable !f supp!rtin* t#e %a(i%u% l!ad t#at t#ey )ill #a+e t! arry )it# a safety fa t!r. <!ist platf!r%s s#!uld be e,uipped )it# safety *ear t#at )ill #!ld t#e platf!r% )it# t#e %a(i%u% l!ad if t#e #!istin* r!pe brea-s. If )!r-ers #a+e t! enter t#e a*e !r *! !n t#e platf!r% at landin*s t#ere s#!uld be a l! -in* arran*e%ent pre+entin* t#e a*e !r platf!r% fr!% %!+in* )#ile any )!r-er is in !r !n it. On sides n!t used f!r l!adin* and unl!adin*, #!ist platf!r%s s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# t!e-b!ards and en l!sures !f )ire %es# !r !t#er suitable %aterial t! pre+ent t#e fall !f parts !f l!ads. .#ere ne essary t! pre+ent dan*er fr!% fallin* !b3e ts, #!ist platf!r%s s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# ade,uate !+erin*. 1!unter)ei*#ts !nsistin* !f an asse%bla*e !f se+eral parts s#!uld be %ade !f spe ially !nstru ted parts ri*idly !nne ted t!*et#er. 1!unter)ei*#ts *uides. s#!uld run in


on #!ists f!r *!!ds !nly8


!n e+ery appr!a # t! t#e #!ist and !n t#e platf!r%8 pr!#ibiti!n !f use by pers!ns.



<!ists intended f!r t#e arria*e !f pers!ns s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# a a*e s! !nstru ted as t! pre+ent any pers!n fr!% fallin* !ut !r bein* trapped bet)een t#e a*e and any fi(ed part !f t#e stru ture )#en t#e a*e *ate is s#ut, !r fr!% bein* stru - by t#e !unterbalan e )ei*#t !r by arti les !r %aterials tailin* d!)n t#e #!ist)ay. On ea # side in )#i # a ess is pr!+ided, t#e a*e s#!uld #a+e a *ate fitted )it# de+i es )#i # ensure t#at t#e *ate ann!t be !pened e( ept )#en t#e a*e is at a landin* and t#at t#e *ate %ust be l!sed bef!re t#e a*e an %!+e a)ay fr!% t#e landin*. :+ery *ate in t#e en l!sure !f t#e #!ist s#aft )#i # *i+es a ess fr!% a landin* pla e t! t#e a*e s#!uld be fitted )it# de+i es t! ensure t#at t#e *ate ann!t be !pened e( ept )#en t#e a*e is at t#at landin* pla e, and t#at t#e a*e ann!t be %!+ed a)ay fr!% t#at landin* pla e until t#e *ate is l!sed. D"rri#7s Sti!!-l"1 d"rri#7s






(+iii" (i(" (("


Platf!r%s s#!uld be pr!+ided at all landin*s used by )!r-ers. 6!ll!)in* n!ti es s#!uld be p!sted up !nspi u!usly and in +ery le*ible #ara ters8


Derri -s s#!uld be ere ted !n a fir% base apable !f ta-in* t#e !%bined )ei*#t !f t#e rane stru ture and %a(i%u% rated l!ad. De+i es s#!uld be used t! pre+ent %asts fr!% liftin* !ut !f t#eir seatin*. :le tri ally !perated derri -s s#!uld be effe ti+ely eart#ed fr!% t#e s!le plate !r fra%e)!r-. 1!unter)ei*#ts s#!uld be s! arran*ed t#at t#ey d! n!t sub3e t t#e ba -stays, sleepers !r pi+!ts t! e( essi+e strain. .#en derri -s are %!unted !n )#eels8 a" a ri*id %e%ber s#!uld be used t! %aintain t#e !rre t distan e bet)een t#e )#eelsF


!n all #!ists8


!n t#e platf!r%8 t#e arryin* apa ity in -il!*ra%s !r !t#er appr!priate standard unit !f )ei*#tF !n t#e #!istin* en*ine8 t#e liftin* apa ity in -il!*ra%s !r !t#er appr!priate standard unit !f )ei*#tF !n #!ists aut#!rised !r ertified f!r t#e !n+eyan e !f pers!ns8





!n t#e platf!r% !r a*e8 t#e %a(i%u% nu%ber !f pers!ns t! be arried at !ne ti%eF

b" t#ey s#!uld be e,uipped )it# struts t! pre+ent t#e% fr!% dr!ppin* if a )#eel brea-s !r t#e derri - is derailed. +i" '#e len*t# !f a derri - 3ib s#!uld n!t be altered )it#!ut !nsultin* t#e %anufa turer. '#e 3ib !f a s !t # derri - rane s#!uld n!t be ere ted )it#in t#e ba -stays !f t#e rane. Guy d"rri#7s i" '#e restraint !f t#e *uy r!pes s#!uld be ensured by fittin* stirrups !r an #!r plates in !n rete f!undati!ns. '#e %ast !f *uy derri -s s#!uld be supp!rted by si( t!p *uys spa ed appr!(i%ately e,ually. '#e spread !f t#e *uys !f a *uy derri - rane fr!% t#e %ast s#!uld n!t be %!re t#an ?A0 fr!% t#e #!ri@!ntal. Guy r!pes !f derri -s s#!uld be e,uipped )it# a stret #in* s re) !r turnbu -le !r !t#er de+i e t! re*ulate t#e tensi!n. Gud*e!n pins, s#ea+e pins and f!!l bearin*s s#!uld be lubri ated fre,uently. .#en a derri - is n!t in use, t#e b!!% s#!uld be an #!red t! pre+ent it fr!% s)in*in*. Gin 3ol"s Gin p!les s#!uld8 (a" be strai*#tF (b" !nsist !f steel !r !t#er suitable %etalF ( " be ade,uately *uyed and an #!redF (d" be +erti al !r ra-ed sli*#tly t!)ards t#e l!adF (e" be !f ade,uate stren*t# f!r t#e l!ads t#at t#ey )ill be re,uired t! liftE%!+e. ii" Gin p!les s#!uld n!t be spli ed and if a *in p!le is !%p!sed !f different ele%ents, t#ey s#!uld be asse%bled in !nf!r%ity )it# t#eir intrinsi %aterial stren*t#. Gin p!les s#!uld be fastened at t#eir feet t! pre+ent displa e%ent in !perati!n.


Gin p!les, )#i # are %!+ed fr!% pla e t! pla e and re-ere ted, s#!uld n!t be ta-en int! use a*ain bef!re t#e p!le, liftin* r!pes, *uys, bl! -s and !t#er parts #a+e been inspe ted, and t#e )#!le applian e #as been tested under l!ad. .#en platf!r%s !r s-ips are #!isted by *in p!les, pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pre+ent t#e% fr!% spinnin* and t! pr!+ide f!r pr!per landin*. To9"r #r n"s .#ere t!)er ranes #a+e abs at #i*# le+el, pers!ns, apable and trained t! )!r- at #ei*#ts, s#!uld !nly be e%pl!yed as rane !perat!rs. '#e #ara teristi s !f t#e +ari!us %a #ines a+ailable s#!uld be !nsidered a*ainst t#e !peratin* re,uire%ents and t#e surr!undin*s in )#i # t#e rane )ill !perate bef!re a parti ular type !f rane is sele ted. 1are s#!uld be ta-en in t#e assess%ent !f )ind l!ads b!t# durin* !perati!ns and !ut !f ser+i e. 2 !unt s#!uld als! be ta-en !f t#e effe ts !f #i*# stru tures !n )ind f!r es in t#e +i inity !f t#e rane. '#e *r!und !n )#i # t#e t!)er rane stands s#!uld #a+e t#e re,uisite bearin* apa ity. 2 !unt s#!uld be ta-en !f seas!nal +ariati!ns in *r!und !nditi!ns. Bases f!r t!)er ranes and tra -s f!r rail-%!unted t!)er ranes s#!uld be fir% and le+el. '!)er ranes s#!uld !nly !perate !n *radients )it#in li%its spe ified by t#e %anufa turer. '!)er ranes s#!uld !nly be ere ted at a safe distan e fr!% e( a+ati!ns and dit #es. '!)er ranes s#!uld be sited )#ere t#ere is lear spa e a+ailable f!r ere ti!n, !perati!n and dis%antlin*. 2s far as p!ssible, ranes s#!uld be sited s! t#at l!ads d! n!t #a+e t! be #andled !+er ! upied pre%ises, !+er publi t#!r!u*#fares, !t#er !nstru ti!n )!r-s and rail)ays !r near p!)er ables. .#ere t)! !r %!re t!)er ranes are sited in p!siti!ns )#ere t#eir 3ibs !uld t!u # any part !f t#e !t#er



,2926 i"









,2925 i"





rane, t#ere s#!uld be dire t %eans !f !%%uni ati!n bet)een t#e% and a distin t )arnin* syste% !perated fr!% t#e ab s! t#at !ne dri+er %ay alert t#e !t#er !f i%pendin* dan*er. +iii" '#e %anufa turersG instru ti!ns !n t#e %et#!ds and se,uen e !f ere ti!n and dis%antlin* s#!uld be f!ll!)ed. '#e rane s#!uld be tested bef!re bein* ta-en int! use. '#e li%bin* !perati!n !f li%bin* t!)er ranes s#!uld be arried !ut in a !rdan e )it# %anufa turersG instru ti!ns. '#e free-standin* #ei*#t !f t#e t!)er rane s#!uld n!t e(tend bey!nd )#at is safe and per%issible in t#e %anufa turersG instru ti!ns. .#en t#e t!)er rane is left unattended, l!ads s#!uld be re%!+ed fr!% t#e #!!-, t#e #!!raised, t#e p!)er s)it #ed !ff and t#e b!!% br!u*#t t! t#e #!ri@!ntal. 6!r l!n*er peri!ds !r at ti%es )#en ad+erse )eat#er !nditi!ns are e(pe ted, !ut !f ser+i e pr! edures s#!uld be f!ll!)ed. '#e %ain 3ib s#!uld be sle)ed t! t#e side !f t#e t!)er a)ay fr!% t#e )ind, put int! free sle) and t#e rane i%%!bilised. 2 )indspeed %easurin* de+i e s#!uld be pr!+ided at an ele+ated p!siti!n !n t#e t!)er rane )it# t#e indi at!r fitted in t#e dri+ersG ab. De+i es s#!uld be pr!+ided t! pre+ent l!ads bein* %!+ed t! a p!int )#ere t#e !rresp!ndin* safe )!r-in* l!ad !f t#e rane )!uld be e( eeded. Na%e b!ards !r !t#er ite%s liable t! at # t#e )ind s#!uld n!t be %!unted !n a t!)er rane !t#er t#an in a !rdan e )it# t#e %anufa turersG instru ti!ns. '!)er ranes s#!uld n!t be used f!r %a*net, !r de%!liti!n ball ser+i e, pilin* !perati!ns !r !t#er duties, )#i # !uld i%p!se e( essi+e l!adin* !n t#e rane stru ture. Li!tin1 ro3"s Only r!pes )it# a -n!)n safe )!r-in* apa ity s#!uld be used as liftin* r!pes. ;iftin* r!pes s#!uld be installed, %aintained and inspe ted in

a !rdan e instru ti!ns. iii" i+"


%anufa turersG

=epaired steel r!pes s#!uld n!t be used !n #!ists. .#ere %ultiple independent r!pes are used, f!r t#e purp!se !f stability, t! lift a )!r- platf!r%, ea # r!pe s#!uld be apable !f arryin* t#e l!ad independently. ?E*ICLE &O?E&ENT



0.10.1 Par- +e#i les !nly at desi*nated pla es. D!nGt bl! - r!ads t! reate #indran e f!r !t#er +e#i les. 0.10.2 D!nGt !+erl!ad t#e +e#i le. 0.10.> Obey speed li%its and traffi rules. 0.10.? 2l)ays e(pe t t#e une(pe ted and be a defensi+e dri+er. 0.10.A Dri+e arefully durin* ad+erse )eat#er and r!ad !nditi!ns. 0.10.0 =ead t#e r!ad a#ead and ride t! t#e left. 0.10.C Be e(tra auti!us at ni*#ts. 9eep )ind s reens lean and li*#ts in )!r-in* !nditi!n. 0.10./ 2ll +e#i les used f!r arryin* )!r-ers and !nstru ti!n %aterials %ust under*! predi ti+eEpre+enti+e %aintenan e and daily #e -s 0.10.9 Dri+er )it# pr!per +alid dri+in* li ense s#all !nly be all!)ed t! dri+e t#e +e#i le 0.10.10 =!utes s#all be le+eled, %ar-ed and planned in su # a )ay s! as t! a+!id p!tential #a@ards su # as !+er#ead p!)er lines and sl!pin* *r!und et . 0.10.11 .#ile re+ersin* t#e +e#i les, #elp !f an!t#er )!r-er s#!uld be ensured at all ti%es 0.10.12 2n unattended +e#i le s#!uld #a+e t#e en*ine s)it #ed !ff 0.10.1> .#ere+er p!ssible !ne-)ay syste% s#all be f!ll!)ed 0.10.1? BarriersEfi(ed st!ps s#!uld be pr!+ided f!r e( a+ati!nE!penin*s t! pre+ent fall !f +e#i le 0.10.1A ;!ad s#!uld be pr!perly se ured 0.10.10 '#e b!dy !f t#e tipper l!rry s#!uld al)ays be l!)ered bef!re dri+in* t#e +e#i le !ff.





,292, i"


0.10.1C Si*nsEsi*nalsE auti!n b!ards s#!uld be pr!+ided !n r!utes . ,211 ELECTRICAL ,21121 G"n"r l Pro$isions i"

et .

d!nGt ause #indran e t! pers!ns )!r-in* and n! p#ysi al da%a*e als! ta-es pla e t! t#e ables durin* +ari!us !nstru ti!n a ti+ities. (+i" 2ll P!)er ables t! be pr!perly ter%inated usin* *lands and lu*s !f pr!per si@e and ade,uately ri%ped. 7se spar--pr!!fEfla%e pr!!f type ele tri al fittin*s in 6ire <a@ard @!nes as per area lassifi ati!n under OISD-S'D-11>. 1#e installati!ns !f steel platesEpipes t! pr!te t under*r!und ables at r!ssin*s. D!nGt lay unar%!red able dire tly !n *r!und, )all, r!!f !r trees. 2ll te%p!rary ables s#!uld be laid at least CA0 %% bel!) *r!und and able %ar-ers s#!uld be pr!+ided. Pr!per slee+es s#!uld be pr!+ided at r!ad r!ssin*s. In ase te%p!rary ables are t! be laid !n )!!den p!lesEsteel p!les, t#e %ini%u% able #ei*#ts s#!uld be ?.A $. $aintain safe !+er#ead distan e !f <' ables as per Indian :le tri ity =ules and rele+ant a ts. D!nGt !nne t any eart#in* )ire t! t#e pipelinesEstru tures. D!nGt %a-e any unsafe te%p!rary !nne ti!ns, na-ed 3!intsE)irin* et . :nsure t#at te%p!rary ables are free fr!% uts, da%a*ed insulati!n, -in-s !r i%pr!per insulated 3!ints. 1#e - at peri!di inter+als t#at pins !f s! -ets and 3!ints are n!t l!!se. Pr!te t ele tri al )iresEe,uip%ents fr!% )ater and na-ed fla%es. Illu%inate areas. suitably all t#e )!r-

Only pers!ns #a+in* +alid li enses s#!uld be all!)ed t! )!r- !n ele tri al fa ilities. N! pers!n s#!uld be all!)ed t! )!r- !n li+e ir uit. '#e sa%e, if una+!idable, spe ial are and aut#!risati!n need t! be ta-en. 'reat all ir uits as H;ID:H unless ensured !t#er)ise. :le tri al H'a* OutH pr! edure H$7S'H be f!ll!)ed f!r arryin* !ut %aintenan e 3!bs. Display +!lta*e ratin*s pr!%inently )it# HDan*erH si*ns. Put auti!nEn!ti e si*ns startin* t#e repair )!r-s. bef!re




iii" i+"


+" +i" +ii"

2ll ele tri al e,uip%ent !peratin* ab!+e 2A0D s#all #a+e separate and distin t !nne ti!ns t! eart# *rid. Pr!per *r!undin* t! be ensured f!r all s)it # b!ards and e,uip%ent in ludin* P!rtable !nes pri!r t! ta-in* int! ser+i e. $a-e sure t#at ele tri al s)it # b!ards, p!rtable t!!ls, e,uip%ents (li-e *rindin* %a #ine et ." d!nGt *et )et durin* t#eir usa*e. If it #appens, st!p t#e %ain supply, %a-e t#e t!!ls dry and t#en !nly use t#e%. 1#e pr!per eart#in*. 2ll te%p!rary s)it # b!ardsE 9IOS9S put up at )!r- site s#!uld be suitably pr!te ted fr!% rain and t#e le+el !f sa%e s#!uld be #i*# en!u*# t! a+!id !nta t )it# )ater due t! )ater l!**in*.



((i" ((ii" ((iii"


((i+" ((+" ((+i"

(" (i" (ii" (iii" (i+"

D!nGt )!r- )et !n ele tri al syste%. D!nGt !+erl!ad t#e ele tri al syste%. 7se !nly pr!per rated <=1 fuses. Industrial type e(tensi!n b!ards and Plu* s! -ets are !nly t! be used. :;1B f!r all te%p!rary !nne ti!ns %ust be pr!+ided. 7se insulated >pin plu* t!ps. 2ll p!)er supply ables s#!uld be laid pr!perly and neatly s! t#at t#ey

((+ii" 2ll s)it #b!ards s#!uld be !f $S stru ture !nly and in !%in* s!ur e s#!uld be %ar-ed. ((+iii" <and la%ps s#!uld n!t be !f %!re t#an 2?D ratin*. ((i(" 6ire e(tin*uis#ers (D1PE1O2ESand bu -ets" s#!uld be -ept near te%p!rary s)it # b!ards bein* used f!r !nstru ti!n purp!ses. D!nGt use )ater f!r fi*#tin* ele tri al fires.



Insulatin* %ats s#all be pr!+ided in t#e fr!nt and ba - end !f s)it # b!ards. 2ll parts !f ele tri al installati!ns s#!uld be s! !nstru ted, installed and %aintained as t! pre+ent dan*er !f ele tri s#! -, fire and e(ternal e(pl!si!n. Peri!di #e -in*E ertifi ati!n !f ele tri al safety applian es su # as *l!+es, insulatin* %ats, #!!ds et . t! be d!neE)itnessed al!n* )it# %aintainin* a re*ister at site si*ned by !%petent aut#!rity. iii"


e,uip%ent s#!uld %a-e a areful e(ternal e(a%inati!n !f t#e e,uip%ent and !ndu t!rs, espe ially t#e fle(ible ables. 2part fr!% s!%e e( epti!nal ases, )!r- !n !r near li+e parts !f ele tri al e,uip%ent s#!uld be f!rbidden. Bef!re any )!r- is be*un !n !ndu t!rs !r e,uip%ent t#at d! n!t #a+e t! re%ain li+e8 a" t#e urrent s#!uld be s)it #ed !ff by a resp!nsible aut#!rised pers!nF b" pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pre+ent t#e urrent fr!% bein* s)it #ed !n a*ainF " t#e !ndu t!rs !r t#e e,uip%ent s#!uld be tested t! as ertain t#at t#ey are deadF d" t#e !ndu t!rs and e,uip%ent s#!uld be eart#ed and s#!rtir uitedF e" nei*#b!urin* li+e parts s#!uld be ade,uately pr!te ted a*ainst a idental !nta t. +" 2fter )!r- #as been d!ne !n !ndu t!rs and e,uip%ent, t#e urrent s#!uld !nly be s)it #ed !n a*ain !n t#e !rders !f a !%petent pers!n after t#e eart#in* and s#!rtir uitin* #a+e been re%!+ed and t#e )!r-pla e rep!rted safe. :le tri ians s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# appr!+ed and tested t!!ls, and pers!nal pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent su # as rubber *l!+es, %ats et . 2ll !ndu t!rs and e,uip%ent s#!uld be !nsidered t! be li+e unless t#ere is a pr!!f !f t#e !ntrary. .#en )!r- #as t! be d!ne in dan*er!us pr!(i%ity t! li+e parts t#e urrent s#!uld be ut !ff. If f!r !perati!nal reas!ns t#is is n!t p!ssible, t#e li+e parts s#!uld be fen ed !ff !r en l!sed by ,ualified staff fr!% t#e sub-stati!n !n erned.


(((ii" 2 n!ti e displayin* f!ll!)in*, s#!uld be -ept e(#ibited at suitable pla es8 a" pr!#ibitin* unaut#!rised pers!ns fr!% enterin* ele tri al e,uip%ent r!!%s !r fr!% #andlin* !r interferin* )it# ele tri al apparatusF b" !ntainin* dire ti!ns as t! pr! edures in ase !f fire, res ue !f pers!ns in !nta t )it# li+e !ndu t!rs and t#e rest!rati!n !f pers!ns sufferin* fr!% ele tri s#! -F " spe ifyin* t#e pers!n t! be n!tified in ase !f ele tri al a ident !r dan*er!us ! urren e, and indi atin* #!) t! !%%uni ate )it# #i%. (((iii" N! !t#er ablesEpipes t! be laid in tren # used f!r ele tri al ables. (((i+" 7t%!st are s#!uld be ta-en )#ile e( a+atin* :art# fr!% able tren # t! a+!id da%a*e !r any a ident. (((+" Sub-stati!n fl!!r ut-!uts %eant f!r s)it # b!ard installati!ns t! be !+ered )#ere+er installati!n is in !%plete. NOTEC 2 =esidual 1urrent Operated 1ir uit Brea-er (=11B" !r :art# ;ea-a*e 1ir uit Brea-er (:;1B", )#en installed, pr!te ts a #u%an bein* t! t#e )idest e(tent. =11B !r :;1B s#!uld be pr!+ided as per Indian :le tri ity =ules. ,21122 Ins3"#tion nd % int"n n#" i" 2ll ele tri al e,uip%ent s#!uld be inspe ted bef!re ta-in* int! use t! ensure suitability f!r its pr!p!sed use. 2t t#e be*innin* !f e+ery s#ift, t#e pers!n usin* t#e ele tri al




,211242 i"

T"stin1 :le tri al installati!ns s#!uld be inspe ted and tested and t#e results re !rded.



Peri!di testin* !f t#e effi ien y !f t#e eart# lea-a*e pr!te ti+e de+i es s#!uld be arried !ut. Parti ular attenti!n s#!uld be paid t! t#e eart#in* !f apparatus, t#e !ntinuity !f pr!te ti+e !ndu t!rs, p!larity and insulati!n resistan e, pr!te ti!n a*ainst %e #ani al da%a*e and !nditi!n !f !nne ti!ns at p!ints !f entry. OFFS*ORE


dire ti!n et are re,uired f!r safe landin* !f #eli !pter. Inf!r%ati!n ).r.t. sea urrents, )ind speed, <il! tide et are re,uired f!r %!!rin* !f supply +essels. ii" iii" Sea bed !nditi!n at e+ery l! ati!n s#!uld be ensured f!r safety !f ri*. =adi! and !t#er !%%uni ati!n fa ilities s#!uld be su # t! %aintain !nta t )it# base all ti%es. Durin* t!ein* !f ri*, t#e ri* de s#!uld be lear !f l!ad, t!ein* lines s#!uld be in *!!d !nditi!n and tensi!ns in +ari!us t!ein* lines s#!uld be !nstantly %!nit!red. 6e) steps durin* t!ein* are8 a" b" " d" rane b!!%s s#!uld be se ured t! t#eir +esta, all #at #es and )ater ti*#t d!!rs s#!uld be l!sed, nu%ber !f pers!nnel !n b!ard s#!uld be restri ted, e+a uate in ase !f e%er*en y and !perati!n s#!uld be !%pleted preferably in day li*#t.



,21221 G"n"r l '#e is!lated nature !f !ffs#!re installati!ns are #a@ard!us. '#ey all f!r *reater need f!r safety and sur+i+al at !ffs#!re. Safety at !ffs#!re is safety !f installati!ns and safety !f pers!nnel. Safety pr!ble%s and a idents at !ffs#!re #a+e #i*# ris-s due t! li%ited spa e, #eli !pter !perati!n, sea transp!rt et . 6!ll!)in* are t#e *eneral safety *uidelines t! be f!ll!)ed in additi!n t! t#e safety *uidelines stipulated f!r spe ifi 3!bs dealt later !n8 i" .!r-ers s#!uld be )ell trained t! d! t#eir 3!b independently )it# #i*# de*ree !f self- !ntr!l and selfdis ipline. On arri+al at !ffs#!re, e+ery!ne s#!uld be briefed ab!ut t#e safety rules t! be f!ll!)ed at !ffs#!re, e+a uati!n syste% et . 2ll pers!nnel s#!uld )ear !+erall (dan*ri", #el%et and s#!es f!r pers!nnel pr!te ti!n. In ase !f e%er*en y, )!r-ers s#!uld f!ll!) instru ti!n !f 6ield Pr!du ti!n Superintendent (6.P.S." In ertain ases instru ti!ns %ay be *i+en t! aband!n t#e !ffs#!re installati!n and e+a uate t#e pers!ns t! safe l! ati!n. '! !+er !%e ab!+e pr!ble%s, !ffs#!re pers!nnel %ust re ei+e trainin* f!r usin* life sa+in* applian es and !t#er pers!nal sur+i+al te #ni,ues. 2ny pers!n )!r-in* at !ffs#!re s#!uld #a+e !ne pers!n as standby f!r any e+entuality. +i" +ii"


,21224 Drillin1 i" In +ie) !f 1O2 and <2S *as ut fr!% )ell, effe ti+e +entilati!n s#!uld be pr!+ided )#ere drillin* is in pr!*ress. Safety alar% s#all be ad+an e in +ie) !f +entilati!n syste%. #e -ed in failure !f





Suitable sens!rs f!r <2S and $et#ane s#!uld be fun ti!n tested ti%e t! ti%e and suitable !l!ur !de s#!uld be *i+en. .!r-in* areas !f t#e rane s#!uld be illu%inated durin* ni*#t t! a+!id a ident. 1lear spa e s#!uld be a+ailable f!r despat # and re eipt !f l!ad and, in parti ular, bas-et transfer !f passen*ers. Pers!ns en*a*ed in l!adin*Eunl!adin* !f %aterials s#!uld be pr!te ted fr!% fallin* int! t#e sea. Si*nal li*#t s#!uld be fitted at t#e t!p !f t#e 3ib. 1rane #!!- s#!uld be fitted )it# safety lat #es.





,21222 Drillin1 Ri1s i" ;! ati!n !f 3a - up ri*s s#!uld n!t be less t#an A 9%s fr!% s#ippin* r!ute. Orientati!n !f t#e ri*, )ind


:(perien ed pers!n s#!uld be en*a*ed in !perati!n !f spe ifi e,uip%ent li-e )in #es, ranes et . 2t least t#ree able turns s#all al)ays be t#ere !n t#e )in # dru%. 2de,uate !%%uni ati!n li-e )al-ie tal-ie, r!und r!bin p#!ne s#!uld be a+ailable bet)een t#e rane !perat!r, super+is!r and #elper. 1rane !perati!n s#!uld be !%pletely st!pped durin* #eli !pter landin*Eta-in* !ff. :( ept f!r #eli !pter landin* de -, all de -s, platf!r%s, brid*es, ladders s#!uld #a+e ri*id and fi(ed *uard rails atleast !ne %eter #i*# and s#!uld #a+e !ne inter%ediate rail %id)ay bet)een t#e #andrail and 100 %% t!e b!ard. .!!den ladders s#all n!t be used at !ffs#!re. 6l!) sens!r in t#e fl!) line s#!uld be ensured f!r safe )!r-in* and t! a+!id bl!) !ut. <ydr!*en sulp#uide *as In !ffs#!re is !f *reat ris- and at 10 pp% (0.001I" !n entrati!n in air, a pers!n s#!uld n!t be e(p!sed f!r %!re t#an / #!urs, If !n entrati!n is %!re, t#en breat#in* apparatus s#!uld be used. 1!rr!si!n !f e,uip%ent is als! aused by <2S. P!rtable <2S *as dete t!r s#!uld be !ntin!usly used.

H%e #ani al !+errideH !r bypassed fr!% panel. i+" +" <i*# pressure *as lift lines bl!)d!)n syste% s#!uld be O.9. -

i(" ("


2ut! a tuati!n !f SDDs in t#e inlet !f pressure +essels s#!uld be O.9. and in Hn!r%al p!siti!nH fr!% s#utd!)n panels. 2 re !rd !f status !f s)it #es n!r%alEbypassed in aut!- !nJ panels (PS<, PS;, ;S;, I;S;" s#!uld be %aintained.



S#ut D!)n Panels .elders re tifier set and ele tri al !nne ti!ns t! it s#!uld be #e -ed and appr!+ed by ele tri al-in#ar*e f!r pr!per ele tri al safely. 4S12D2H tele%entry syste% if a+ailable s#!uld be !perati!nal f!r re%!te !penin* and l!sin* !f )ells at un%anned platf!r%s (t#r!u*# =P$1". ;! al :SDE6SD (near t#e )!r- site" s#!uld be pr!+ided f!r 3!bs !f +ery riti al nature, s! t#at t#e pers!ns )!r-in* an a ess it i%%ediately in e%er*en y f!r safety. Safety !ffi er s#!uld 3ud*e t#e re,uire%ent & inf!r% 6PS f!r t#e sa%e. =ailin*s and Gratin*s et . in and ar!und )!r- area s#!uld be O.9. and inspe ted t! a+!id slippa*e !f %an int! sea. :%er*en y s#ut d!)n (:SD" syste% is initiated )#en an abn!r%al !nditi!n is dete ted. :SD s#!uld be #e -ed !n e in si( %!nt#s. Platf!r% s#!uld be %anned r!und t#e l! -. .eldin* and uttin* )!r- s#!uld be re*ulated by #!t )!r- per%it. 2ll dete t!rs s#!uld be alibrated as per re !%%endati!n !f t#e %anufa turer. N! syste% s#!uld be by-passed )#i # affe ts t#e syste% !f platf!r%. In <2S field platf!r%s, due are s#all be ta-en as per re !%%endati!ns. 6!ll!) t#e instru ti!ns !f 6.P.S. durin* stay at platf!r%


(iii" (i+"





,21225 Produ#tion Pl t!or%s i" In ase #ydr! arb!n Is released due t! !+erpressure, lea-, !+erfl!), *as bl!) et ., s#ut d!)n pr! ess t! st!p fl!) o# #ydr! arb!n. Pre+ent i*niti!n !f released #ydr! arb!n and in ase !f fire s#ut in t#e pr! ess !%ple( and f!ll!) e%er*en y !nti*en y plan. Sub surfa e safet+ +al+e (SSSD"" bel!) t#e )ell #ead s#!uld be a tuated durin* un !ntr!lled )ell -fl!) and t#ey s#!uld be re*ularly #e -ed. Surfa e safety +al+e !r SDD s#!uld be #e -ed f!r n! *as lea-a*e fr!% bleed p!rt E flan*e et ., in t#e )ell #ead area. It s#!uld n!t be in


(i" (ii" (iii"


(i+" (+" (+i"


,21226 Fir" Pr"$"ntion And Control i" Pr!+isi!n be %ade f!r safe #andlin* and st!ra*e !f dirty ra*s, tras#, and )aste !il. 6la%%able li,uids and #e%i als applied !n platf!r% s#!uld be i%%ediately leaned. Paint !ntainers and #ydr! arb!n sa%ples, *as ylinders f!r )eldin* and uttin* s#!uld be st!red pr!perly. 1ylinders s#!uld be transp!rted in #and- art. S%!-in* s#!uld be restri ted and n! s%!-in* area s#!uld be identified. Spe ial attenti!n s#!uld be *i+en t! rude !il pu%p seals, diesel and *as en*ines )#i # are p!tential s!ur e !f i*niti!n in t#e e+ent !f failure. 6ire and s%!-e dete t!rs i.e+ ultra+i!let #eat, t#er%al and s%!-e dete t!r s#!uld be fun ti!n tested !n e in t#ree %!nt#s. 6ire is !ntr!lled in !ffs#!re by )ater sprayin*, <al!n, 1O2 fl!!din*, D1P and sprin-ler syste%. 6!a%in* a*ent is applied f!r !ntr!llin* fire in li,uid #ydr! arb!n. '#e syste% is n!t effe ti+e in *as fire. ;i*#t )ei*#t breat#in* s#!uld be used. syste%

i+" +" +i" +ii"

B!at landin* areas s#!uld ade,uately illu%inated.


;ife raft #as n! p!)er and t#ey rely !n drift. ;ife 3a -et lifts t#e )earer after enterin* )ater. ;ife bu!ys are used t! res ue pers!ns if any pers!n a identally falls in t#e sea. 2ll life sa+in* applian es s#!uld be inspe ted by t#e $$D sur+ey!r Esr. !ffi ials !n e a year. :+ery life b!at s#all be inspe ted !n e a )ee-. :+ery life b!at and life raft s#!uld be ser+i ed !n e a year by a !%petent aut#!rity,




i(" ("



,21228 S !"ty Pr"# utions durin1 *"li#o3t"r Tr ns3ort tion i" Passen*er briefin* re*ardin* safety rules )#ile tra+ellin* in #eli !pter s#!uld be arried !ut bef!re b!ardin* t#e #eli !pter. :%er*en y pr! edure s#!uld be briefed t! all t#e passen*er In ase #eli !pter is t! dit # int! t#e sea. <eli-pad s#!uld #a+e a n!n-s-id surfa e. Nyl!n r!pe net s#!uld be stret #ed !n t#e de -. Pr!per draina*e s#!uld be a+ailable !n #elide -. '#ere s#!uld be n! !bstru ti!n !n t#e #elide - itself and )it#in > %eters !f its para%eter. 1l!sest super stru ture ab!+e t#e #elide s#!uld #a+e red !bstru ti!n li*#t. .#ile landin* fire re) !f t)! pers!ns s#!uld be standby ad3a ent t! #elide -. <eli-de - s#!uld be pr!perly illu%inated f!r ni*#t landin*. Durin* s)it #in* !ff #eli !pter, pers!ns s#!uld n!t be all!)ed t! *! !utE t!)ards #eli !pter DE&OLITION





+iii" i("

i+" +"

'#e fire !ntr!l plan at !ffs#!re s#!uld re+eal !ntr!l stati!n, fire alar%s and fire dete t!rs, delu*e +al+es and sprin-ler, fire e(tin*uis#in* applian es, fire%an !utfit and +entilati!n syste%. 6ire fi*#tin* e,uip%ent s#!uld be %aintained in ready t! use !nditi!n.



,2122, Li!" S $in1 A33li n#"s i" ;ife b!ats )it# a speed !f 0 -n!ts and arryin* apa ity upt! A0 pers!ns are used in !ffs#!re. N!. !f life b!ats !n !ne installati!n s#!uld #a+e a apa ity t! a !%%!date t)i e t#e nu%ber !f pers!ns !nb!ard installati!n. ;aun #in* applian es and life b!at e,uip%ent s#!uld be #e -ed e+ery )ee-.

+ii" +iii"




,214212 G"n"r l 3ro$isions


.#en t#e de%!liti!n !f any buildin* !r stru ture %i*#t present dan*er t! )!r-ers !r t! t#e publi 8 (a" ne essary pre auti!ns, %et#!ds and pr! edures s#!uld be ad!pted, in ludin* t#!se f!r t#e disp!sal !f )aste !r residuesF (b" t#e )!r- s#!uld be planned and underta-en !nly under t#e super+isi!n !f a !%petent pers!n.


'#e fabri !f buildin*s !nta%inated )it# substan es #a@ard!us t! #ealt# s#!uld be de !nta%inated. Pr!te ti+e l!t#in* and respirat!ry de+i es s#!uld be pr!+ided and )!rn. .#ere plant #as !ntained fla%%able %aterials, spe ial pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! a+!id fire and e(pl!si!n. '#e plant t! be de%!lis#ed s#!uld be is!lated fr!% all !t#er plant t#at %ay !ntain fla%%able %aterials. 2ny residual fla%%able %aterial in t#e plant s#!uld be rendered safe by leanin*, pur*in* !r t#e appli ati!n !f an inert at%!sp#ere as appr!priate. 1are s#!uld be ta-en n!t t! de%!lis# any parts, )#i # )!uld destr!y t#e stability !f !t#er parts. De%!liti!n a ti+ities s#!uld n!t be !ntinued under ad+erse li%ati !nditi!ns su # as #i*# )inds, )#i # !uld ause t#e !llapse !f already )ea-ened stru tures. '! pre+ent #a@ards parts !f stru tures s#!uld be ade,uately s#!red, bra ed !r !t#er)ise supp!rted. Stru tures s#!uld n!t be left in a !nditi!n in )#i # t#ey !uld be br!u*#t d!)n by )ind pressure !r +ibrati!n. .#ere a deliberate !ntr!lled !llapse te #ni,ue is t! be used, e(pert en*ineerin* ad+i e s#!uld be !btained, and8




Bef!re de%!liti!n !perati!ns be*in8 (a" stru tural details and buildersG dra)in*s s#!uld be !btained )#ere+er p!ssibleF (b" details !f t#e pre+i!us use s#!uld be !btained t! identify any p!ssible !nta%inati!n and #a@ards fr!% #e%i als, fla%%ables, et .F ( " an initial sur+ey s#!uld be arried !ut t! identify any stru tural pr!ble%s and ris-s ass! iated )it# fla%%able substan es and substan es #a@ard!us t! #ealt#. '#e sur+ey s#!uld n!te t#e type !f *r!und !n )#i # t#e stru ture is ere ted, t#e !nditi!n !f t#e r!!f trusses, t#e type !f fra%in* used in fra%ed stru tures and t#e l!ad-bearin* )allsF (d" a %et#!d !f de%!liti!n s#!uld be f!r%ulated after t#e sur+ey and re !rded in a %et#!d state%ent #a+in* ta-en all t#e +ari!us !nsiderati!ns int! a !unt and identifyin* t#e pr!ble%s and t#eir s!luti!nsF







2ll ele tri , *as, )ater and stea% ser+i e lines s#!uld be s#ut !ff and, as ne essary, apped !r !t#er)ise !ntr!lled at !r !utside t#e !nstru ti!n site bef!re )!r!%%en es. If it is ne essary t! %aintain any ele tri p!)er, )ater !r !t#er ser+i es durin* de%!liti!n !perati!ns, t#ey s#!uld be ade,uately pr!te ted a*ainst da%a*e. 2s far as pra ti able, t#e dan*er @!ne r!und t#e buildin* s#!uld be ade,uately fen ed !ff and si*n p!sted. '! pr!te t t#e publi a fen e 2% #i*# s#!uld be ere ted en l!sin* t#e de%!liti!n !perati!ns and t#e a ess *ates s#!uld be se ured !utside )!r-in* #!urs.


(a" it s#!uld !nly be used )#ere t#e )#!le stru ture is t! !%e d!)n be ause it relies !n t#e re%!+al !f -ey stru tural %e%bers t! effe t a t!tal !llapseF (b" it s#!uld !nly be used !n sites t#at are fairly le+el and )#ere t#ere is en!u*# surr!undin* spa e f!r all !perati+es and e,uip%ent t! be )it#dra)n t! a safe distan e. (i+" .#en e,uip%ent su # as p!)er s#!+els and bulld!@ers are used f!r de%!liti!n, due !nsiderati!n s#!uld be *i+en t! t#e nature !f t#e buildin* !r stru ture, its di%ensi!ns, as )ell as t! t#e p!)er !f t#e e,uip%ent bein* used.



If a s)in*in* )ei*#t is used f!r de%!liti!n, a safety @!ne #a+in* a )idt# !f at least !ne-and-a-#alf ti%es t#e #ei*#t !f t#e buildin* !r stru ture s#!uld be %aintained ar!und t#e p!ints !f i%pa t.

t!n*s, lead p!ts, radiati!n #a@ard pla ards and %eans !f !rd!n !ff s#all be a+ailable at ea # site. 0.1?.11 '#e radi!*rap#y s!ur e s#all ne+er be t!u #ed !r #andled dire tly )it# #ands. 0.1?.12 '#e pa -a*e !ntainin* radi!*rap#y a%eras and s!ur es s#!uld ne+er be arried by publi transp!rt li-e bus, train et . 0.1?.1> =adi!*rap#y s!ur es and a%eras, )#en n!t in use, s#!uld be st!red inside a s!ur e pit )it# l! - and -ey arran*e%ent as appr!+ed by B2=1. '#e st!ra*e r!!% s#!uld preferably be l! ated in an is!lated area !f %ini%u% ! upan y and radiati!n le+el !utside t#e st!ra*e r!!% s#!uld n!t e( eed 0.2A %=E#r as per B2=1 =e*ulati!ns. 0.1?.1? In ase !f an a ident (due t! l!ss !r !f da%a*e t! radi!*rap#y s!ur e", a ti!n s#!uld be ta-en in line )it# B2=1 Safety =ulesEGuidelines. ,216 SANDAS*OT -LASTINGA SPRAY PAINTING

,214222 D"%olition o! stru#tur l st""l9or7 i" 2ll pre auti!ns s#!uld be ta-en t! pre+ent dan*er fr!% any sudden t)ist, sprin* !r !llapse !f steel)!r-, ir!n)!r- !r reinf!r ed !n rete )#en it is ut !r released. Steel !nstru ti!n s#!uld de%!lis#ed tier by tier. be

ii" iii"

Stru tural steel parts s#!uld be l!)ered and n!t dr!pped fr!% a #ei*#t. RADIOGRAP*Y


0.1?.1 2ll radi!*rap#y 3!bs s#all be arried !ut as per B2=1 Safety =e*ulati!ns 0.1?.2 Durin* field radi!*rap#y, nearby area ar!und t#e radiati!n s!ur e s#!uld be !rd!ned !ff. 0.1?.> If t#e field radi!*rap#y is t! be d!ne at t#e sa%e l! ati!n repeatedly, it is ad+isable t! pr!+ide eit#er a )ire fen in* ar!und !r a te%p!rary bri en l!sure. 0.1?.? Spe ial per%issi!nEper%it s#!uld be ta-en f!r radi!*rap#y fr!% area-in#ar*e. 0.1?.A 2s far as p!ssible, field radi!*rap#y s#!uld be d!ne !nly durin* ni*#t ti%e )#en t#ere is little !r n! ! upan y t#ere. 0.1?.0 =adiati!n )arnin* si*nals s#!uld be pasted all al!n* t#e !rd!ned !ff area. 0.1?.C :ntry int! t#e restri ted area by unaut#!rised pers!ns s#!uld be stri tly pr!#ibited durin* e(p!sure. 0.1?./ '#e radiati!n le+el al!n*)it# t#e !rd!n s#!uld be %!nit!red by a suitable and )ell- alibrated radiati!n sur+ey %eter. 0.1?.9 2ll pers!nnel )!r-in* )it# radi!*rap#y s!ur es s#!uld )ear appr!priate pr!te ti+e e,uip%ent and fil% bad*es issued by B2=1. 0.1?.10 Pr!te ti!n fa ilities su # as %anipulat!r r!d, re%!te #andlin*

0.1A.1 Sand blastin* s#!uld be used !nly after appr!+al fr!% !%petent pers!n. 0.1A.2 2ir 1!%press!r used f!r sandEs#!t blastin*Epaintin* s#!uld #a+e *uard and p!siti!ned a)ay fr!% t#e )!rpla e. 0.1A.> :(#aust !f t#e pri%e %!+er, if I1 en*ine is used, s#!uld be dire ted a)ay fr!% t#e )!r- pla e. 0.1A.? In ase !f %!t!r dri+en !%press!r, t#e b!dy !f t#e %!t!r as )ell as t#e !%press!r t! be pr!perly eart#ed. 0.1A.A '#e #!ses used f!r !%pressed air s#!uld be !f pr!per ,uality, and #ealt# !f t#e sa%e t! be ensured t#r!u*# re*ular #e -E test. 0.1A.0 '#e !perat!r !f sandEs#!t blastin*Epaintin* s#!uld )ear suitable PP:Gs in ludin* %as-. 0.1A.C 2de,uate %easures t! be ta-en t! suppress dustEspray parti le. 0.1A./ Sand used f!r sand blastin* s#!uld be suitably !+ered & pr!te ted fr!% t! rainE%!isture.

0.1A.9 .#en t#ese a ti+ities are d!ne in !nfined pla es, ade,uate %easure t! be ta-en f!r pr!per +entilati!n.



ii" iii"

,21,21 G"n"r l Pro$isions i" .#ere )!r- is d!ne !+er !r in l!se pr!(i%ity t! )ater & )#ere p!ssibility !f dr!)nin* e(ists, pr!+isi!n s#!uld be %ade f!r8 a" Pre+entin* )!r-ers fr!% fallin* int! )aterF b" '#e res ue !f )!r-ers in dan*er !f dr!)nin*F " Safe and suffi ient transp!rt. ii" Pr!+isi!ns f!r t#e safe perf!r%an e !f )!r- !+er !r in l!se pr!(i%ity t! )ater s#!uld in lude, )#ere appr!priate, t#e pr!+isi!n and use !f suitable and ade,uate8 a" b" " iii" a" b" " d" e" fen in*, safety nets and safety #arnessesF lifebu!ys, life 3a -ets and %anned b!atsF pr!te ti!n a*ainst su # #a@ards as reptiles and !t#er ani%als. Gan*)ays, p!nt!!ns, brid*es, f!!tbrid*es and !t#er )al-)ays !r )!r- pla es !+er )ater s#!uld8 p!ssess ade,uate stren*t# and stabilityF be suffi iently )ide t! all!) safe %!+e%ent !f )!r-ersF #a+e le+el surfa es free fr!% trippin* #a@ardsF be ade,uately lit )#en natural li*#t is insuffi ientF )#ere pra ti able and ne essary, t! pre+ent dan*er, be pr!+ided )it# t!e-b!ards, *uard rails, #and r!pes et . be se ured t! pre+ent disl!d*%ent by risin* )ater !r #i*# )indsF if ne essary, be e,uipped )it# ladders )#i # s#!uld be s!und, !f suffi ient stren*t# and len*t# and be se urely las#ed t! pre+ent slippin*. 2ll de - !penin*s in ludin* t#!se f!r bu -ets s#!uld be fen ed.

%!+e%ent, #a+e suffi ient bu!yan y t! brin* pers!ns t! t#e surfa e and -eep t#e% afl!at fa e up)ards, be easily se ured t! t#e b!dy, be readily +isible by )ay !f self lu%in!us paintEstrip. N!b!dy s#!uld )!r- al!ne !n !r ab!+e )ater. :a # )!r-er s#!uld be trained in t#e pr! edure t! be f!ll!)ed in t#e e+ent !f an e%er*en y.



In additi!n t! *eneral safety pre auti!ns as !utlined ab!+e f!r t#e a ti+ities in 1lause 0.0, f!ll!)in* additi!nal safety pre auti!ns need t! be ta-en f!r t#e sites )it#in t#e !peratin* area !r nearby, )#ere presen e !f <ydr! arb!ns ann!t be ruled !ut.


N! 3!b s#all be arried !ut )it#!ut a +alid per%it. Per%it s#!uld be in line )it# OISD-S'D-10A H.!r- Per%it Syste%H. S%!-in* s#!uld be pr!#ibited in all pla es !ntainin* readily !%bustible !r fla%%able %aterials and HN! S%!-in*H n!ti es be pr!%inently displayed. In !nfined spa es and !t#er pla es )#ere fla%%able *ases, +ap!urs !r dusts an ause dan*er, f!ll!)in* %easures s#!uld be ta-en8 (a" !nly appr!+ed type ele tri al installati!ns and e,uip%ent, in ludin* p!rtable la%ps, s#!uld be usedF (b" t#ere s#!uld be n! na-ed fla%es !r s!ur e !f i*niti!nF ( " !ily ra*s, )aste and l!t#es !r !t#er substan es liable t! sp!ntane!us i*niti!n s#!uld be re%!+ed )it#!ut delay t! a safe pla eF (d" +entilati!n s#!uld be pr!+ided.



f" *"



,21,22 R"s#u" < E%"r1"n#y 3ro#"dur"s i" Pers!ns )#! )!r- !+er )ater s#!uld be pr!+ided )it# s!%e f!r% !f bu!yan y aid. ;ife 3a -ets s#!uld pr!+ided suffi ient freed!% !f

=e*ular inspe ti!ns s#!uld be %ade !f pla es )#ere t#ere are fire ris-s. '#ese in lude t#e +i inity !f #eatin* applian es, ele tri al installati!ns and !ndu t!rs, st!res !f fla%%able and !%bustible %aterials, )eldin* and uttin* !perati!ns. .eldin*, fla%e uttin* and !t#er #!t )!r- s#!uld !nly be d!ne after


issuan e !f )!r- per%it in line )it# t#e re,uire%ent !f OISD-S'D-10A after appr!priate pre auti!ns, as re,uired, are ta-en t! redu e t#e ris- !f fire. 6!r arryin* !ut !t#er 3!bs als!, OISD-S'D-10A s#!uld be f!ll!)ed stri tly. +i" 6ire-e(tin*uis#in* e,uip%ent s#!uld be )ell %aintained and inspe ted at suitable inter+als by a !%petent pers!n. 2 ess t! fire-e(tin*uis#in* e,uip%ent su # as #ydrants, p!rtable e(tin*uis#ers and !nne ti!ns f!r #!ses s#!uld be -ept lear at all ti%es. 2ll super+is!rs and a suffi ient nu%ber !f )!r-ers s#!uld be trained in t#e use !f fire-e(tin*uis#in* e,uip%ent, s! t#at ade,uate trained pers!nnel are readily a+ailable durin* all )!r-in* peri!ds. 2udi! %eans t! *i+e )arnin* in ase !f fire s#!uld be pr!+ided )#ere t#is is ne essary t! pre+ent dan*er. Su # )arnin* s#!uld be learly audible in all parts !f t#e site )#ere pers!ns are liable t! )!r-. '#ere s#!uld be an effe ti+e e+a uati!n plan s! t#at all pers!ns are e+a uated speedily )it#!ut pani and a !unted f!r and all plant and pr! esses s#ut d!)n. N!ti es s#!uld be p!sted !nspi u!us pla es indi atin*8 at

s#!uld urtain. (iii"



.eldin* !r uttin* !f +esselsE e,uip%ents used in <ydr! arb!nE #a@ard!us #e%i als s#all be d!ne after pr!per *as freein* and +erifyin* t#e sa%e )it# t#e e(pl!si+e-%eter. '#e !nfined spa eEe,uip%ent s#all be *as freed and leaned. 2bsen e !f any t!(i *as and any fla%%able *as ab!+e e(pl!si!n li%it s#all be ensured )it# t#e #elp !f *as dete ti!n instru%ent and e(pl!si+e %eter respe ti+ely. 7sed and #!t ele tr!de stubs s#all be dis arded in a %etal bu -et. 7se appr!+ed and ertified fla%e arrest!rs f!r +e#i les. .!r- per%it t! be !btained, if !nstru ti!n )!r- is arried !ut )it#in e(istin* !peratin* area.

(i+" (+"


(+i" (+ii" (+iii"



6irst aid fa ilities s#!uld be pr!+ided in line )it# +ari!us statut!ry re*ulati!ns li-e fa t!ry a t et . <!)e+er f!ll!)in* are s#!uld be ta-en8



(a" t#e nearest fire alar%F (b" t#e telep#!ne nu%ber and address !f t#e nearest e%er*en y ser+i es. (" '#e )!r- site s#all be leared !f all !%bustible %aterials, as Spar-s and %!lten %etal !%in* fr!% t#e )eldin* 3!b an easily i*nite !%bustible %aterials near !r bel!) t#e )eldin* site. If t#e !%bustible %aterials ann!t be re%!+ed fr!% t#e area, t#e sa%e s#all be pr!perly s#ielded. 2 dry #e%i al type fire e(tin*uis#er s#all be %ade a+ailable in t#e )!rarea. 2ls! fire pr!te ti!n fa ilities li-e runnin* #!ses et . as per per%it s#!uld be !%plied )it#. .#ere+er re,uired, )eldin* s reens s#all be put up t! pr!te t !t#er e,uip%ent in ad3!inin* areas a*ainst flyin* spar-s. $aterial used ii"

6irst aid, in ludin* t#e pr!+isi!n !f trained pers!nnel s#!uld be ensured at )!r- sites. 2rran*e%ent s#!uld be %ade f!r ensurin* t#e %edi al attenti!n !f t#e in3ured )!r-ers. 6irst aid b!( s#!uld be as per t#e 6a t!ry rules. Suitable res ue e,uip%ent, li-e stret #ers s#!uld be -ept readily a+ailable at t#e !nstru ti!n site. 6irst-aid -its !r b!(es, as appr!priate and as per statut!ry re,uire%ents, s#!uld be pr!+ided at )!r-pla es and be pr!te ted a*ainst !nta%inati!n by dust, %!isture et . 6irst-aid -it !r b!(es s#!uld n!t -eep anyt#in* besides %aterial f!r first aid in e%er*en ies. 6irst-aid -its and b!(es s#!uld !ntain si%ple and lear instru ti!ns t! be f!ll!)ed, be -ept under t#e #ar*e !f a resp!nsible pers!n ,ualified t! render t#e first aid and be re*ularly inspe ted and st! -ed.







.#ere t#e )!r- in+!l+es ris- !f dr!)nin*, asp#y(iati!n !r ele tri s#! -, first-aid pers!nnel s#!uld be pr!fi ient in t#e use !f resus itati!n and !t#er life sa+in* te #ni,ues and in res ue pr! edures. :%er*en y telep#!ne nu%bers !f nearby <!spitals, P!li e, 6ire Stati!n and 2d%inistrati!n s#!uld be pr!%inently displayed.


S !"ty Si1n -o rds8 Different type !f %essa*e !f auti!nin*, attenti!n, n!ti e et . s#!uld be displayed at t#e appr!priate pla es f!r learnin*E a)areness !f t#e )!r-%en )#ile )!r-in* at site. Fil%s < Slid"sC 6il%(s" narratin* t#e a ident in ludin* t#e auses and p!ssible re%edial )ays !f pre+entin* t#e re urren e !f a si%ilar a ident s#!uld be displayed at re*ular inter+als. Slides !nsistin* %ain p!ints !f t#e fil% s#!) %ay als! be s#!)n t! )!r-ers. T l7s' l"#tur"s < #on!"r"n#"sC '#e su ess !f t#ese e+ents )!uld depend %u # !n audien eKs understandin*s !f t#e spea-er (s". '#e spea-ers are t! be -n!)led*eable and *!!d presenter. Spea-ers s#!uld -n!) t! #!ld t#e attenti!n and t! influen e t#e audien es. Co%3"titionsC Or*anise !%petiti!n(s" bet)een t#e different depttsE ate*!ries !f )!r-ers. '#e sense !f re)ardEre !*niti!n als! )ill i%pr!+e safety a)areness and result in en#an in* safety le+els. E=:i0itionsC :(#ibiti!ns als! %a-e t#e )!r-ers a ,uainted )it# #a@ards and %eans !f pre+enti+e %easures. S !"ty Pu0li# tionC Safety publi ati!ns in ludin* p! -et b!!-s dealin* )it# )ays !f in+esti*ati!n and pre+enti!n in t#e field !f safety and s! !n, %ay be distributed t! )!r-ers t! pr!%!te t#e safety a)areness. S !"ty Dri$"sC 6r!% ti%e t! ti%e, an intensi+e safety dri+e by !r*anisin* a safety day !r a safety )ee- et . s#!uld be laun #ed. Tr inin1C 'rainin* f!r !+erin* t#e #a@ards f!r different trade s#!uld be i%parted. 'rainin* s#!uld als! in lude t#e spe ifi #a@ards related t! a 3!b in additi!n t! t#e *eneral safety trainin* as #as been dealt in +ari!us #apters and s#!uld in lude all )!r-ers. =eferen e %ay be dra)n fr!% OISD-S'D-1A?. REFERRENCES ,actory Act, -./0 1ndian Electricity 2ules




'#e intenti!n !f -eepin* d! u%entati!n !f all types !f a ident(s" is t! pre+ent re urren e !f si%ilar a ident(s". 2ll a idents s#!uld be rep!rted as per OISD Guidelines (OISD-GDN-10C" and 6a t!ries a t, 19?/. 2ll a idents (%a3!r, %in!r !r near %iss" s#!uld be in+esti*ated, analysed and re !%%endati!ns s#!uld be d! u%ented al!n* )it# i%ple%entati!n status. 2ll related data s#!uld be )elld! u%ented and furt#er analysis #i*#li*#tin* t#e %a3!r ause(s" !f a idents be d!ne. '#is )ill #elp in identifyin* t#rust areas and trainin* needs f!r pre+enti!n !f a idents.








Safety a)areness t! all se ti!n !f pers!nnel ran*in* fr!% site-in#ar*e t! )!r-%en #elps n!t !nly pre+entin* t#e ris- but als! build up t#e !nfiden e. 'i%e and e(penditures als! *et sa+ed as a result. Safety a)areness basi ally see-s t! persuadeEinf!r% pe!ple !n safety besides supple%entin* s-ill als!. 2)areness pr!*ra%%e %ay in lude f!ll!)in*s8 i" Post"rC P!sters )it# safety sl!*an in #u%!r!us, *rues!%e de%!nstratin* %anner %ay be used t! dis !ura*e bad #abits attributable t! a idents by appealin* t! t#e )!r-ersG pride, self-l!+e, affe ti!n uri!sity !r #u%an aspe ts. '#ese s#!uld be displayed in pr!%inent l! ati!n(s".



112/ i" ii"

iii" i+"

%a#ety 3 Health in Construction by 1"O &he Building 3 Other Construction 'or(ers )2egulation, Employment and Conditions o# %er4ice* Act -..5

ANNE>URE I LIST OF SAFETY CODES FOR CI?IL .OR)S PU-LIS*ED -Y -UREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Sr.n! 1. 2. >. ?. A. 0. C. /. 9. IS 8 /1/ 1!de N!. 'itle 1!de !f Pra ti e f!r Safety and <ealt# =e,uire%ents in :le tri and Gas .eldin* and 1uttin* Operati!ns L 6irst =e+isi!n. 1!de !f pra ti e f!r Stru tural safety !f buildin*s8 $as!nry )alls Spe ifi ati!n f!r P!rtable 1#e%i al 6ire :(tin*uis#er, 6!a% 'ype L Se !nd =e+isi!n. Spe ifi ati!n f!r :,uip%ent f!r :ye and 6a e Pr!te ti!n durin* .eldin* L 6irst =e+isi!n. 1!de !f pra ti e f!r Stru tural safety !f buildin*s8 S#all!) f!undati!ns 1!de !f pra ti e f!r Stru tural safety !f buildin*s8 $as!nry )alls Spe ifi ati!n f!r P!rtable 6ire :(tin*uis#ers, Dry P!)der 'ype L Se !nd =e+isi!n. Spe ifi ati!n f!r Buildin* Grips L 6irst =e+isi!n. Spe ifi ati!n f!r Steel S aff!ldin*s. Spe ifi ati!n f!r Industrial Safety <el%ets L 6irst =e+isi!n. 1!de !f Pra ti e f!r 6ires Pre auti!ns in .eldin* and 1uttin* Operati!ns L 6irst =e+isi!n. Industrial safety belts and #arnesses Safety 1!de f!r S aff!lds and ;adders 8 Part I L S aff!lds. Safety 1!de f!r S aff!lds and ;adders 8 Part II L ;adders. Safety 1!de f!r :( a+ati!n .!r-. 1!de !f pra ti e f!r Steel tubular s aff!ldin* Safety 1!de f!r Blastin* and =elated Drillin* Operati!ns. =e !%%endati!ns !n sta-in* and st!ra*e !f %aterials at site !nstru ti!n

IS 8 /CA IS 8 9>>

IS 8 11C9 IS 8 190? IS 8 190A IS 8 21C1 IS 8 2>01 IS 8 2CA0

10. IS 8 292A 11. IS 8 >010 12. IS 8 >A21 1>. IS 8 >090 L Part I 1?. IS 8 >090 L Part II 1A. IS 8 >C0? 10. IS 8 ?01? -Part I & II 1C. IS 8 ?0/1 1/. IS 8 ?0/2 19. IS 8 ?1>0 20. IS 8 ?1>/ 21. IS 8 ?CA0 22. IS 8 ?912 2>. IS 8 A121 2?. IS 8 A910 2A. IS 8 A9/> 20. IS 8 0922 2C. IS 8 C1AA 2/. IS 8 C20A

Safety 1!de f!r De%!liti!n !f Buildin*s L 6irst =e+isi!n. Safety 1!de .!r-in* in 1!%pressed 2ir-6irst =e+isi!n Safety !de f!r 'unnelin* )!r-s Safety re,uire%ents f!r 6l!!r and .all Openin*s, =ailin*s and t!e B!ards L6irst =e+isi!n. Safety 1!de f!r Pilin* and !t#er Deep 6!undati!ns. Safety 1!de f!r 1!nstru ti!n in+!l+in* use !f <!t Bitu%in!us $aterials. Spe ifi ati!n f!r :ye Pr!te t!rs L 6irst =e+isi!n. Stru tures sub3e t t! under*r!und blasts, riteria f!r safety and desi*n !f 1!de !f re !%%ended pra ti es f!r !n+ey!r safety Safety 1!de f!r :re ti!n !n Stru tural Steel .!r-s.

Sr.n! 29. IS 8 C009 >0. IS 8 C29> >1. IS 8 C>2> >2. IS 8 C909 >>. IS 8 /CA/ >?. IS 8 /9/9 >A. IS 8 9C00 >0. IS 8 9CA9 >C. IS 8 99?? >/. IS 8 10291

1!de N!.

'itle Safety 1!de f!r <andlin* and St!ra*e !f Buildin* $aterials. Safety 1!de f!r .!r-in* )it# 1!nstru ti!n $a #inery. Guidelines f!r !perati!n !f =eser+!irs Safety !de f!r #andlin* and st!ra*e !f buildin* %aterial =e !%%endati!n f!r 6ire Pre auti!nary $easures !nstru ti!n !f 'e%p!rary Stru tures and Pandals. Safety 1!de f!r :re ti!n !f 1!n rete 6ra%ed Stru tures. 1!de !f Pra ti es f!r transp!rtati!n !f %aterial !nstru ti!n !f 2rial r!pe)ays f!r in

Guidelines f!r de-)aterin* durin* !nstru ti!n =e !%%endati!ns !n safe )!r-in* l!ad f!r natural and %an%ade fibre r!ap slin*s Safety !de f!r dress di+ers in i+il en*ineerin* )!r-s Safety 1!de f!r 1!nstru ti!n, Operati!n and $aintenan e f!r =i+er Dalley Pr!3e ts. Safety 1!de f!r 1!nstru ti!n, Operati!n and $aintenan e !f =i+er Dalley Pr!3e ts. 1!de !f pra ti e f!r Industrial safety nets 1!de !f Pra ti e !n safety f!r Pr!te ti+e barriers in and ar!und buildin* =e !%%endati!ns f!r pre+enti+e %easures a*ainst #a@ards at )!r-in* pla es

>9. IS 810>/0 L Part I ?0. IS 810>/0 L Part II ?1. IS 8 110AC ?2. IS 8 1>?1A ?>. IS 8 1>?10

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