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Introduction Minute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with lemonade or orange juice, but now extends

to soft drinks of many kinds, under Cappy brand Crossover Creative, an including Hi-C. Minute Maid is sold

in Central Europe and under Fruitopia in Germany.

award-winning marketing and advertising consulting agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, created Taste More Fruit. based on current customers responses to how the product tastes as good as fresh fruit. Base on this strong customer needs. Minute Maid bam boo up. However, Minute Maid faces a strong competitor-Tropicana, which is famous for its ready-toserve juice. Because the drought in Brazil that has sharply driven up price, Minute Maids high price product loss many customers compared with Tropicana, which provide a very low price of products. Under this situation, Minute meet a choice of whether continue its frozen juice, or turn to develop new ready-to-serve product. However Citrus Hills lesson tells us that develop both kinds of juice meet the risk about making customers believing the products are fresh. All of these what I talked about is we cannot run business only because there is a big market. In order to win the market we have to know the market characteristics which we are serving for. Market characteristic includes the number of alternatives, the price range, and store distribution and information availability. It is the consumers perception of, or beliefs about, the market characteristics that influence shopping behavior, not the actual characteristics. While beliefs and reality are usually related, often they are not identical. Marketing managements job is to build relationships with customers by creating customer value and satisfaction (Ding, 2010). However, marketing managers cannot do this alone. Marketing success will require working closely with other company departments, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors, and various publics, which combine to make up the companys value delivery network. In the following, I will firstly analysis the Market of Minute Maid and secondly discuss the target customers group of it. At last, I will give a

forecast about the future about Minute Maid in the three to five years later. Juice Industry Environment With the accelerate development of society, orange juice war is intensifying as every players try to shares of the market. In order to define and analyses the product-market structure of Minute Maid it is necessary to understand the juice industry environment. In the follow I will use Potters five forces model discuss the keys to competitiveness in juice industry. Firstly, the prime source of competition in this industry is among the existing incumbents. There are general three juice manufactures which are Minute Maid, Citrus Hill and Tropicana in this essay. These competitors intensify completion leading to high levels of advertising spend, strong price competition and continuous launch of new products to Minute Maid. Secondly, as we all know that Minute Maid not peruse overall cost leadership, but high quality of product. They want give their customers fresh juice. As result of it, Minute Maid develops its own technology to keep juice fresh without food preservatives. This skill cost a lot and hard for others to compared with. That make new entrants cannot compete with it (Wen, 2010). Thirdly, as we all know that all the government are encouraging agriculture industry, such as decrease the tax of famer, give allowance to famers, as a result of it, many food suppliers bam boo up, and decrease the whole foods suppliers bargaining power. Fourthly, nowadays more and more people are preferred to drink juice than other drinks. When you walk into a supermarket, it isnt hard for you to find juice products number is increasing these years,. As what Coca-Cola does in 2009, it increases its juice products kinds under Minute Maid, and decreases its soda drink for exporting (Mu, 2009). Still ready-to-serve juice seems more and more popular these years. Conceder as fresher and convenient drink of frozen juices substitute, it has accepted

by a lot of customers especially these working women. However under this situation, Minute Maid did not change their product into this ready-toserve, but still concentrate its frozen juice. What worse, at the same time its biggest competitor Tropicana, who is famous for its ready-to-serve (substitute of frozen juice) has decreased its product price to take cost leadership strategic. As a result of it Tropicana use 27.3 percent share by ready-to-serve produce win Minute Maids 17.7 percent share of frozen juice product. During that time P&Gs Citrus Hill lose the market by provide both frozen juice and ready-to-service with an unclear segmentation. In order to make a smart strategic, it is necessary to analyses the environment of industry and the situation about the company, the target customers and competitors. For Minute Maid, as I have given before, is a successful organization with a long company history since 1946. Still, juice industry strength is high for it has great growth potential. As a drink product it targets all people in the world as their customers. With the development of society, people are concern more about their life quality than before. Compared with water, more customers will choice juice for its fresher and healthier. However things are not that easy for Minute Maid for there are some threat companies like Tropicana, and Citrus Hill. As we all know that Citrus Hill has closed down in the early year for promising its juice are 100 percent fresh but things are not like that. Tropicana is another competitor of Minute Maid for its ready-toserve juice are famous all around the world, it develop its own taste juice-mixed taste juice. Still after Pepsi-Cola bought Tropicana, it has strong parent companys finance support, makes Minute Maid and Tropicanas compete become Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Colas compete (Browns, 2009). Thus in order to win the competition with Tropicana, the key factor is get customers current and future information. In the research about juice current customers says that over half numbers of juice customers are women. These women always have families, and they care more about family members health. Base on my research in the market that women prefer

frozen juice or ready-to-serve. Nearly 37% women were bought frozen juice, for its fresh and healthy. But nearly 63% women will buy ready-to-serve for its long keeping time and their children reflect. In my research many women tell me that their children always drink that in school, not like these frozen juices paper bag, these ready-to-serve are more easy for keeping and still good for health compared with these carbonated beverage. Talking back to Minute Maid, since Tropicana came into the market with its ready-to-serve juice, Minute Maids pure premium orange juice suffered a decreasing share for a long time. Fortunately, in 2004, Minute Maid made its own ready-to-serve pulp juice and gain great successuntil 2010 Minute Maid remain the only company which can product pulp juice. Even though Tropicana make its lemon pulp juice in 2011, Minute still keep its first position in juice industry for it has product frozen orange juice for so many years, and its technology for juice is the best in the industry, even compared with Tropicana. Minute Maids Segmentation Companies today recognize that they cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace or at least not to all buyers in the same way. Buyers are too numerous, too widely scattered, and too varied in their needs and buying practices. Moreover, the companies themselves vary widely in their abilities to serve different segments of the market. Rather than trying to compete in an entire market, sometimes against superior competitors, each company must identify the parts of the market that it can serve best and most profitably (Hu, 2008). Thus it is necessary for Minute Maid to do the segmentation. Companies have not always practiced market segmentation and targeting. When buyers were offered the Model T Ford, they could have the car in any color as long as it is black. Similarly, Minute Maid at one time produced only one drink for the whole market, hoping it would appeal to everyone. As the research about 50 customers who bought juice in market, I found most people who drink ready-to-serve juice are general like this: teenagers, who are studying in the school, women who are working. They want

healthier life but limited time. In order to suit these customers need, it is important for Minute Maid make its ready-to-serve juice can be seen by these target customers, for example use some white collar or teenagers in the juice advertisement. Still a reasonable price is necessary for 56% of these 50 customers said that if Minute Maid raises its price they will consider to buy Tropicana instated of it. Another thing, as these young people like something new, thus it is hard for them to have that patience to drink a big bottle of juice, thus it will be good if we focus on making some small and interesting size of bottle in order to fit their purpose of changing. Still use some promotion is necessary for these potential customers could know about our products. On the other side, most people who drink frozen juice are general like this: a little older, purse high quality of life, they have many times of shopping or these young who want everything in their life are the best, these people always over the upper-middle status, and price is not the fist factor they consider about in purchase. As my research about 50 customers who bought frozen juice, nearly all of them said if Minute Maid raises its price, they will still bought it. In order to suit these target customers needs it is necessary for Minute Maid to make it frozen juice have the best quality, such as develop the D&R part of juice and make it more fresher and nutrient for these target customers want quality life and dont care pay a high price. Still these D&R technology can always help ready-to-serve juice prove its taste, and achieve synergy. Even though we are doing segmentation about Minute Maid, but it is still necessary to consider about the competitors segmentation which is Tropicana. A storage study of frozen, fresh squeezed, unpasteurized, polyethylene-bottled orange juice was conducted to determine vitamin C loss on a monthly basis over a period of 24 months (Power, 2011). Vitamin C content declined from an initial value of 40.6 mg/100 ml to 32.8 mg/100 ml in the final analysis for a loss of 19.2% over the storage period. As we all know, Tropicana roll out its

pure prime orange juice and only product ready-to-serve juice. As what I have given before, it targets these who are teenagers and working women and gain the share of mixed fruit taste and cheaper price. In order to competitive with Tropicana, Minute must designing the companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market (Internet 1). As what I have given, Minute Maids company culture is make their juice the best quality in the world, thus differentiation position is necessary. For its frozen juice needs to be distinctive and pre-emptive at its taste and outlook, make customers think it is superior value, then get profitable. On the others side, its ready-to-serve juice still position differentiation, with its pulp free juice developed, but with a low price which can be accepted by all customers. We take these two kinds of juice products mix to offer customers; each of them is differentiation position and clear target customers. Orange Juice Industry Trends in the Future As we all know, with the eye-catching development of society, juice industry keep an accelerating development for nearly half centre. We can say that100 years before, drink industry is belonging to water, 10 years before is belonging to tea and sodas, but now belong to juice. Nowadays, people are more concerned about their quality of life and health than before (Flood, 2010). Health care products are examples of that and with the number of juice products increasing, personally, juice will become a special kind of health care products. Still, with the step of internationalization, more companies are searching for blue market for domestic market has already full of competitors. With the increase price storm, there are many drink product has to rise their price for increasing resource. The way in which an orange juice futures contract works is much the same as any other commodities future in that the contract is agreed to by both the buyer and the seller with the contractual agreement to complete the transaction at some future predetermined time at the specified future price. Of course the difference is in the commodity,

which in this case is orange juice. However, in terms of a futures contract the futures actually refers to frozen concentrated orange juice which is notated as FCOJ (frozen concentrate orange juice) on the exchanges. The reason for this is quite logical as orange juice is perishable and the contract is for a future delivery of this commodity (Internet 2). With all these four things happening into orange juice industry, Minute Maid faced a more complex situation than before still more opportunities. Opportunities Most cost conscience consumers will just buy whichever brand is on sale. In a big grocery store, one can most likely find at least one brand of orange juice for sale on the shelf. Firstly, competitors are double edges swordfor it can both cut ourselves and use as weapon. Minute Maid can joint venture with a good company, and wider the gap to other companies. Secondly, with development of internet, ways of promotion are various. We can use internet shop to get close to customers. The last opportunity is with the development of the information transforming, we have more knowledge of suppliers, to choice a good supplier can help control company cost and decrease companys financial risk. Threat As Minute Maid has become the leader in the juice industry, the first threat is that all the companies will set a goal to exceed Minute Maid, as a result of it, Minute Maids technology are hard to keep its unique characteristics, for example there are many companies has develop their pulp juice such as Tropicana, Wahaha. The second problem that Minute Maid may meet is political problem. As accelerating development of this juice industry, many countries domestic juice companies are hard get into the market, as a result their government must take out some political to help these Minute Maids competitors. Thirdly, as we all know, with the high profit of the juice industry, many companies want to share the market of it, as a result of it more and more new threats enter

into the market, that means the price competition is becoming more and more intensive. With all I have talked about, with the market environment changing Minute Maid have many opportunities and threats, it is necessary to design a market strategy to control 4P of company. As Minute Maids core benefit is its health, as top manager of company said that Minute Maids culture is offering customers most healthy juice. And then these product planners turn the core benefit into pulp free juice, finally, product planners build an augmented product around the core benefit and actual product by offering additional consumer services and benefits, such as 50% frozen juice. After determine the product the second stage is make a reasonable price as it is the amount of money charged for a product, price have become more important in buyer-choice behavior in recent decades. Internal factor affecting pricing include the companys marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy, costs, and organizational considerations. Minute Maids objective of being the biggest juice manufacturer in the world but have two different kinds of juice products which are ready-to-serve and frozen juice. In their book, The Experience Economy, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore argue that, as products and services become less and less differentiated, companies are moving to a new level in creating value for customers(Pine and Gilmore, 2009). Beyond simply making products and delivering services, companies are staging, marketing, and delivering memorable experiences. The experience economy goes beyond the entertainment and retailing businesses. Thus marketing mix strategy is necessary, these frozen juice pursue high quality thus may pricing higher, on the other side, these ready-to-serve products may pricing lower. As a juice manufacturer advertisement and other promotions are still necessary, and choice a right place can attract customers attention. Conclusion

Minute Maid was the first company to market orange juice concentrate, allowing it to be distributed throughout the United States and served yearround. The Minute Maid Company is owned by The Coca-Cola Company, and is the world's largest marketer of fruit juices and drinks. However, with the accelerate changing of juice industry environment, there are more and more people prefer soft drink with ready-to-serve bottle for paper bag can only keep these frozen juice for a short time. At that time Tropicana and Citrus Hill came into the market with mixed taste ready-to-serve juice. Even though Citrus Hill was exited market for its juice is not that fresh as they said, Minute Maid still faces the strong competitor Tropicana. Thus it is necessary for Minute Maid to product good product (White, 2007). In 2004, Minute Maid made its own pulp free juice which gains lot customers. Even though 6 years later, Tropicana make lemon pulp free juice but because of higher price but lower taste, lemon juice did not sell well. Minute Maid target these two kinds of people, the first one is that they want product which are convenient and cheap. The other kind is these people who want high quality of life they dont care to pay more money to buy better products. Reference Browns, J. Y. The opportunities of Coca-Cola juice, China Daily,1 September 2009-12-1-3 Flood, J. J, 2011 The juice industry, Beverage Daily 11-Feb-11 Marketing Hall. Hooley, J. G. Piercy, F. N. and Nicoulaud, B., 2008.

Strategy and Competitive Positioning. 4th ed. Essex: FT Prentice

Hu, F2008Opportunities in China, Hua Xia Wine Quote PP120-125 x Huang, D 2010The customer Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, New York Times Magazine. 12 September, 122-6 Pine, J & Gilmore, J PP 28-88 The Experience Wen, H, 2010 Business week 2010/3 White, G. Y 2007 Minute Maids products Business Insigh Economy, Power J, 2011-1-2 Minute Maids history, Business Insight, 132-5

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