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Code No: K0203

Set No. 1

IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 HVDC TRANSMISSION (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ******* 1. a) Discuss the advantages of HVDC link over EHVAC link on the basis of i) Economics ii) Technical performance and iii) Reliability for transmitting bulk powers from point to point. b) Discuss various types of HVDC links and their relative merits. 2. With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of a 3-phase, 6-pulse, Graetzs circuit when operating with a firing angle of 300. Also draw the following waveforms to scale when working as a rectifier with = 300 and overlap angle = 150 i) output d.c voltage ii) valve current iii) secondary phase current of the converter transformer. And hence estimate the average d.c voltage on the output side. 3. a) Explain in detail about Inverse Cosine firing scheme. Also mention the drawbacks of IPC scheme. b) With the help of a block diagram explain the hierarchical control structure for a DC link. 4. a) Discuss about alternate reactive power control strategies for HVDC converters b) Discuss how reactive power requirement is met using shunt capacitors and AC filters 5. a) Obtain the mathematical model of converter controller for HVDC link. b) Compare simultaneous and sequential methods for AC-DC power flow. 6. a) Discuss briefly about arc through, misfire and current extinction phenomena in converters. b) Explain the over current protection scheme employed for HVDC converter

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Code No: K0203

Set No. 1

7. What do you understand by characteristic harmonics in HVDC System? Using fourier analysis obtain equation for primary current of transformers connected to a 12 pulse converter 8. a) Mention the congurations and impedance characteristics of various types of AC lters. b) Explain in detail the design aspects of a single tuned filter.

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Code No: K0203

Set No. 2

IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 HVDC TRANSMISSION (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ******* 1. a) Draw the layout of a Bi-polar HVDC substation and briefly discuss about various components present. b) Prove that insulation required for a bipolar D.C system is 0.866 times that required for 3-phase, 3 wire A.C system. Assume that power transmitted, percentage losses and size of conductors are same for both systems.

2. Explain the commutation process in six-pulse graetz circuit during rectification process with the help of suitable waveforms. Also show that the equivalen tresistance of a converter is equal to (3Lc)/, where is the angular frequency and Lc is the effective inductance associate with converter per phase 3. a) Explain the necessity of VDCOL control in a HVDC link and also its characteristics . b) Discuss about pulse frequency control scheme. 4. a) Explain the necessity of reactive power control in HVDC link. b) Discuss the methods of Compensation of reactive power in HVDC substation. Draw simple single line schematics for each. 5. a) Derive the mathematical model of d.c. converter and d.c. network of a d.c. link. b) Draw the ow chart for AC/DC load ow. 6. a) What are the sources of over voltages in a converter station? How are they controlled? b) Discuss about commutation failure in inverters. 7. a) Explain the effect of pulse number increase on current harmonics in HVDC converters b) Discuss about characteristic and non-characteristic harmonics which occur in a d.c link 8. Discuss about various types of AC lters and explain in detail the design aspects of a high pass filter.

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Code No: K0203

Set No.3

IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 HVDC TRANSMISSION (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ******* 1. a) Discuss about the recent trends in DC transmission. b) Show that the ratio of AC line loss to the corresponding DC line loss is 1.33 assuming equal power transfer and equal voltages for both options. Assume three-phase AC system is compared with Bi-polar DC system.

2. Prove that the aggregate valve rating of a 3-phase, two way bridge rectifier is 2.094 Pd with the help of relevant waveforms. Mention the assumptions made. 3. a) Explain the process of power reversal with the help of control characteristics in a HVDC link. b) Discuss about constant extiction angle control in HVDC link. 4. a) Discuss about alternate reactive power control strategies for HVDC link. b) Discuss how reactive power requirement is met using synchronous condensers. 5. a) Classify the solution methodology for AC-DC load flow and explain. b) Derive the mathematical model of a HVDC converter. 6. a) Discuss about commutation failure in inverters with the help of suitable waveforms. b) Discuss about the basic principles of protection against overvoltages. 7. What do you understand by characteristic harmonics in HVDC System? Using fourier analysis obtain equation for primary current of transformers connected to a 12 pulse converter. 8. a) Discuss about various types of AC lters employed in HVDC systems. Also draw the their impedance characteristics. b) Discuss the need of dc filters and the role of smoothing reactor in reducing the harmonics on dc side.

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Code No: K0203

Set No. 4

IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 HVDC TRANSMISSION (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions All Questions carry equal marks ******* 1. a) Draw a schematic diagram of a typical HVDC converter station and explain the functions of various components available. b) What are the demerits of HVDC power transmission? 2. a) Draw schematics of any four different converters that can be adopted for a 3-phase six pulse dc conversion sytem. b) For a 3-phase bridge circuit, the secondary line voltage is 400 kV rms with a reactance per phase of 40 ohms. Find the dc output votlage and the commutation overlap angle if the output current is 2000 A. Assume the delay angle to be 150. . 3. a) Draw and explain the various regions of converter control characteristics b) Explain the process of energizing and de-energizing a dc link. 4. a) Discuss about synchronous condensers and static VAR system for reactive power compensation in HVDC systems. b) Discuss about conventional strategies for reactive power control of HVDC converters 5. a) Derive the mathematical model of converter control and d.c. network of a HVDC link. b) Explain the sequential method for AC-DC power flow. 6. a) Explain the over current protection scheme employed for HVDC converter. b) Explain the necessity of smoothing reactor in a d.c line? 7. a) What are the adverse affects of Harmonics produced by the HVDC converters? b) Using fourier analysis show that the lowest order voltage harmonic present in d.c. output of a six-pulse bridge ciruit is 6. 8. What are the various types of filters that are employed in HVDC converter station? Discuss them in detail.

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