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Core Java

100 hrs

Introduction to Java
Evolution of Java Object Oriented Programming Structure Internet Programming & its requirements Platform Independency & Portability Security Relation b/w JVM, JRE and JDK Description of a Simple Java Program Introduction to JAR format Naming Conventions

6 hrs

OOPs Implementation

30 hrs

Classes and Objects o Defining attributes and methods o Implementing data encapsulation o Relation b/w objects and reference variables o Constructors and Anonymous block o Method Overloading o Static Data members, Block & methods Understanding Memory structure o Stack o Heap o Class & Method area Understanding Class loading & Execution flow o Static vs Dyanmic class loading o Implicit vs Explicit class loading o Sequence of operations performed at the time of class loading Argument Passing Mechanism & Wrapper classes o Passing primitive arguments o Passing objects o Wrapper classes & their use Usage of this keyword o Referencing instance members

o Intra class constructor chaining o Method chaining Inheritance & code reusability o Extending classes for code reusability o Usage of super keyword o Method Overriding o Object class and its role Inheritance & Runtime polymorphism o Static & Dynamic binding o Inheritance and Is-A relation o Runtime polymorphism and generalization o Abstract classes & methods o final keyword Interfaces and Role based Inheritance o Difference b/w Feature & Role based Inheritance o Difference b/w Static & Dynamic classing Environment o Difference b/w classes & interfaces o Use of interfaces in real scenarios Implementing Has-A relation o Difference b/w Aggregation & Composition o Nested classes and their role o Inner classes o Anonymous Inner classes Package & Scopes o Need of packages o Associating classes to packages o Understanding Classpath environment variable o import keyword and feature of static import o public, protected, private & default scope o Private Inheritance and its use o Examples of private inheritance

Exception Handling

6 hrs

Difference b/w exception and error Exception Handling & Robustness Common Exceptions and Errors try and catch block Exception handlers & importance of their order throw keyword and its usage

throws keyword and its usage Checked and Unchecked Exceptions Role of finally Creating User defined Exceptions

MultiThreading in Java

10 hrs

Multitasking and Multithreading Thread based execution model of Java Applications Relation b/w Runnable interface and Thread class States of Thread Implementing User threads Thread synchronization & mutual exclusivity Inter Thread communication and Thread scheduling Understanding and using Monitor Thread deadlock and Interrupting Threads ThreadGroup and its use Daemon Threads and their use

Input Output Streams

8 hrs

Streams & their advantages over conventional input output Commonly used byte oriented streams Commonly used character oriented streams Reading & writing data from different streams Redirecting Standard input & output streams Serialization Use of transient keyword Role of serialversionUID File class and File System Interaction Scanner class StreamTokenizer and StringTokenizer


6 hrs

InetAddress class and Factory Design Pattern Understanding socket and port TCP/IP based networking using Socket & Server Socket UDP based networking using DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket HTTP based networking using URL and URLConnection


4 hrs

Understanding object representation of classes Loading classes dynamically Instantiating classes indirectly Obtaining information of classes dynamically Invoking methods indirectly Referencing data members indirectly Overriding access policy and referencing private members

Collection Framework

16 hrs

Role and Importance of Collection Framework Use of List & Set based collection Use of Iterator & ListIterator Use of Maps Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections Role of equals and hashCode() methods Role of Comparable and Comparator interfaces Thread safety and Vector Difference b/w Enumeration and Iterator Type safety and Generics Common algorithms and Collections class Using Properties class for managing properties files

I18n or Internationalization

4 hrs

Role of Locale class in i18n Using NumberFormat class for applying number & currency formatting Using DateFormat class for applying date & time formatting Using ResourceBundle and properties files for internationalizing textual contents.

Database Connectivity Using JDBC 4.x

10 hrs

Overview of native and ODBC Drivers o Introduction to JDBC o Type of JDBC drivers o Using different type of drivers o Defining properties based Connection Factory Performing basic database operations o Insert o Delete o Update o select PreparedStatement o Difference b/w Statement & PreparedStatement o Setting Query parameters o Executing Queries CallabeStatement o Creating PL/SQL Stored procedures and functions o Creating Callable statements o Executing procedures & functions Misc o Batch Updation o Transacting queries o Programmatic initialization of database o Scrollabe & Updatable Resultset o ResultSetMetaData o DatabaseMetaData o Connection Pooling and DataSource o Implementation of DAO design pattern

Advance Java

100 hrs

Servlet API 3.x

28 hrs

Introduction to JEE Overview of Dynamic web applications Introduction to Servlet Servlet life cycle Annotations and their use in Servlet development Difference b/w web server & application server Installing and configuring web & application server Web Application formats Deployment modes supported by servers Creating and deploying a simple web application Understanding the role of ServletRequest & ServletResponse Differene b/w parameters and attributes Using different content type for response Using RequestDispatcher for Include & Forward Initialization Parameters and their use ServletConfig & ServletContext Inter application collaboration State Management and use of HttpSession & Cookies Hidden Form fields and URL Rewriting Using Http only Cookies Listeners and web application events Applying Filters to servlets Asynchronous request processing File Uploading & downloading Security

Java Server pages (JSP)

Advantages of JSP over Servlet JSP Architecture Integration of JSP & Servlet API. JSP implicit objects Use of JSP Tags, Actions and Directives Error Handling in JSP Using Java Beans in JSP Defining Custom Tags JSTL & Expression Language

16 hrs

Tools & IDE

16 hrs

Introduction to Eclipse o Installing eclipse o Understanding Perspective & workspaces o Changing Compiler, JRE and other setting o Adding and removing plug-in Project Management o Creating various type of projects o Closing & Importing projects o Building projects Managing Libraries and Dependencies o Adding jar files from eclipse library o Adding third party jar o Removing jar files from a project Code Generation & Refactoring o Generating getter & Setter methods o Generating constructors o Overriding and implementing methods o Renaming classes and members o Moving classes and packages o Extracting interfaces and abstract classes Server Management o Configuring web/application server o Starting and stopping servers

o Deploying and undeploying applications Debugging o Debug perspective o Using line, method, exception and data member breakpoints. o Setting up conditional breakpoints. o Using step into, step over, step return and resume. o Peeking into stack and heap contents Unit Testing o Introduction to JUnit o Understanding assertions o Writing & executing Test Cases o Managing test cases with Test Suites Subversion (SVN) Code Repository & Client o Need of Code Repository o Architecture of SVN Code Repository o Configuring Project in a SVN Code Repository o Installing SVN Client o Connecting client to SVN Repository o Checking out project form the repository o Updating SVN and local repository Log4j o Understanding the need of Logging o Introduction to Apache Log4j o Log4j Architecture: Appender, Logger & Layout o Log4j Configuration for web application

Project Description Project Architecture Project Conventions and Deliverables Data sources, Work flows and Modules Project Interface Design Creating project prototype Testing, Modification & Acceptance

40 hrs

Commencement of next Iteration Testing, Modification & Acceptance Integration Testing and project deployment

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