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And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

A girl once wrote: There was a rainy day here... just recently. It's like the weather was explaining my soul. Yes, there can be comfort, of course. ike it shines after the rain. !ut sometimes, you just cannot hide your feelings. You cannot hide the sorrow or the emptiness you feel. "nd somehow I actually manage to do that. To hide my feelings. To hide the emptiness inside me and just smile # no matter what. "nd what happens$ "t the end of the day I am still in my bedroom by myself, listening to heartbreaking songs, looking out the window... hoping for a sign, seeking anchor. I don't know what to think of a real world. %ow can I learn to lo&e it when dreams are much happier, much better$ In the real world you must say real goodbies, you must face your feelings and what happens. There is just so much to bear.' So, you find your comfort in your dreams and that's ok. But, don't you get bored after a while? Don't you just want to get out in the real world? Run out in the sun, scream out loud not caring if everybody's looking at you, feel the warm embrace of the soft wind... t's as if we're only com!laining about the bad in the world. But what about the good things? "hat about all the friends you have around you? #he !eo!le that care about you? $h, !lease. %ou cannot say that nobody cares. #here is always going to be someone who cares about. Sto! focusing on those wrong and bad things in your life, and start focusing on the ones that are right and that make you smile and ha!!y. $k, will you do something for me? So, close your eyes, and think of everything and anything in the world that makes you ha!!y, that makes you smile...whether it's your loved ones, you secret !lace, a smile of your sweetheart, a lovely song that reminds you of something or someone, some beautiful memories, a blue sky and a Sun u!on it, stars u!on the sky, birds' song...whatever. Did you do it? &ow o!en your eyes. can bet you see some !retty great things around you. %our loved ones. They're around you. %our secret !lace. ook for it, it's in your heart. ' smile of your sweetheart. (omewhere there's someone for e&eryone. ' lovely reminding song. )lay it with your heart, listen with your soul. Beautiful memories. They're hidden somewhere deep in your thoughts and your heart. ' blue sky, the Sun, the stars. ook

up. Birds' song. isten. (ust o!en your eyes. Well, know you're looking, but mean really o!en your eyes. 'nd you'll see. 'll of those wonderful things actually revolve around you. f only you wouldn't !ay attention that much on things that are making you uncomfortable or rather bad, insecure, sad or anything, you would really see those beautifuls. &ature. Birds. )u!!ies. *hildren. Songs. +isses. ,ugs. %our loved ones. %our heart. %our soul. %ourself. f you look with the look of the wonderful, as let myself call it that way, you could and would see it. "nd I think to myself, what a wonderful world. +now that song? $h, you do, don't you? -isten to it again. 'nd again. 'nd again, !lease. -isten to that song until you force yourself to see world as beautiful. )ut aside the cries. You ne&er needed them, unless you cried with laughter. )ut aside the hurt. It's simple, it just goes away in time, lea&es a scar, you remember it, but you get o&er it. )ut aside the sadness. -ife is just too darn short for you to go and waste it being sad, de!ressed, hurt or frowned. Believe me, smile . it's the best medicine. #he best cure. #he best... /eeling. "hen you're smiling. %ou can win someone over. %ou can make someone's day brighter and make them smile. %ou can cure your soul from hurt. %ou can refresh yourself. %es, smile. &ever regret anything you ever did. But whatever that is, remember it with a smile. %ou're hurt and you cry, feel !ain? (ust wait a while. Soon you'll smile again. Don't believe me? (ust wait and see. %ou will go and meet your friends, and you'll smile, you will have fun. %ou will meet someone who will swee! you off your feet, and you'll smile. 0aybe you'll start a family someday, and you'll see your baby's smile... 'nd you'll smile. 'nd would you believe me then? f 'd say 1Smile2? think you would. #here are !lenty of things that you can focus on and which makes you ha!!y. 'You're ne&er fully dressed without a smile' # said a writer 30artin *harnin4. 'nd believe it. #hat is rather my motto. 5o ahead, use it on yourself. (ust wear a smile . one si6e fits all. once wrote7 There was rainy day here... just recently. It's like the weather was explaining my soul. Yes, there can be comfort, of course. ike it shines after the rain. !ut sometimes, you just cannot hide your feelings. You cannot hide the sorrow or the emptiness you feel. "nd somehow I actually manage to do that. To hide my feelings. To hide the emptiness inside me and just smile # no matter what. "nd what happens$ "t the end of the day I am still in my bedroom by myself, listening to heartbreaking songs, looking out the window... hoping for a sign, seeking anchor. I don't know what to think of a real world. %ow can I learn to lo&e it when dreams are much happier, much better$ In the real world you must say real goodbies, you must face your feelings and what happens. There is just so much to bear.' ...'nd then focused,

still focused, on things that made and still make me smile. 'nd do. smile. ,ere, have a smile8 t's on me. 94

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