Narrative Text - Suparman Turned Into A Superman

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June, 14th 2009 Suparman Turned Into Superman

By Deastika Bayuning Sudjasmara (0807338)

Once upon a time, there was a boy, named Suparman. He loves readin , especially readin comics. He has ten boo! shelves that are "illed by a lot o" comics. His "avorite comic is Superman. He loves Superman badly. He had all editions o" Superman comic and also he had all stu""s that related with Superman, such as t#shirt, ba , shoes, toys and posters. He wanted to be a Superman but he !new that it $ust a dream. %&" you !eep readin a novel so much, &'ll hide all your comics so that you'll study.( His mother o"ten told him but Suparman never hear that. One day a"ter school, Suparman came home. )here's no one at home because all o" his "amily was oin . He didn't o with his parents because he wanted to "inish read the comic. *oreover, he "ound that all his comics had lost. %+here are they, +here are all o" my comics( he screamed. How it could be loss,( He tried to "ind all his comics in every side in his house but he didn't "ind the comics. He cried loudly until he was slept in the "loor. %Help me- Help me, please-( a irl screamed. %Help me- Help me- Help me- .oes anybody could help me,( a woman screamed louder and hysteric. %&'ll help you, irl.( Superman answered. %+hat happen with you, irl,( Superman came and as!ed the "irst irl. %Oh Superman, my hero, could you help me please,( )he "irst irl need helpin . %&s there anybody hurt you, /an & help you, irl,( Superman was panic.

%0es, o" course. Superman, could you help me to brin all this suitcases to my car. & couldn't brin it $ust by my sel".( %+hat, Oh my 1od-( Superman "rowned. %Superman, please help me to brin e2plained. %Hello, &'m a Superman. &'m not your body uard or your servant.( Superman wailed. %Help me- Help me-( a woman screamed a ain. %&t's better "or me to help another people than $ust help you to brin all that important suitcases.( Superman said Superman. %Help me- Help me- *y son doesn't want to wa!e up. 3lease help me to ma!e him wa!e up.( )he woman said. %Superman is comin . 4ut where is the voice comin "rom, & hear you but where are you, irl,( Superman con"used. %&'m here. &'m where &'ve always been.( said the woman. %4ut & don't see you.( Superman started to loo! around tryin to see where the voice was comin "rom. )hen the woman said, %+a!e up, wa!e up, wa!e up, Suparman. &t's me your mother. 0ou're Suparman, not Superman. 0ou read Superman comic too much.( %*other, Suparman, &'m Superman. &'m a hero. &'m not Suparman.( Suparman still sleep. %+a!e up, Suparman.( His mother scoled. all my suitcases to my car.( )he "irst irl

%*om- &'ve dreamed. &t's $ust a dream. &'m bein a hero.( Suparman said. %0es, Suparman. 0ou've dreamed.( Said his mother. %*om, where are all my comics, &'ve "ound them but & didn't "ind that.( 5s!ed Suparman. %Oh, sorry boy. &'ve made you con"used. &'ve put it at our mini library. 6ow, we have mini library. &'ve cleaned our warehouse and ma!e it be a mini library.( e2plained his mother. %Oh, than! you very much *om.( Suparman was happy because all his comics didn't loss. 5lthou h he had dreamed li!e that, he still loves Superman badly. He always ima ined that Suparman turned into Superman.

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