RECC - English Version

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RECC, Cas Cis Cus in English ingratiatingly!

Nowadays, learning English for most people may be still regarded as a scary thing because its considered having a high level of difficulty. However, along with the progress of information and communication technology, English is more and more necessary. One of the most common difficulties is the lack of confidence to practice it. Make it easier and fun !hat"s what is offered by ##$ English %onversation %lub or shortened to #E%%. !here are many people who have learned English, but they still often confused when they have to practice. !hats why #E%% was established. %ommunity that founded in the year &''' is a facility provided by ##$ as a place for them (especially the listeners) who want to learn speaking English, not in the form of pure theory, but learning it in spoken, which is called conversation. *lthough carrying the name of ##$, the community itself is run by its members and ##$ is +ust as a facilitator. ##$ provides rooms for the members of the #E%% having activities, while the management held by its members both senior and +unior. #E%% is opened for public. *nyone can +oin the #E%%. *nyone who wants to improve their English, +ust come at weekly gathering, which is held every ,unday at - to . pm. *ctivity that lasted for two hours were filled by the members with two sessions of activities, games and discussion activity that is directed by two programmers who are also the members of #E%%. Each week the members will take turns to be a programmer. !his is intended allowing all members to be courageous and able to practice their English. !he members did not charge a fee as a condition of membership. $n terms #E%% no membership fee, but there is only an investment fee. !he members collect money voluntarily. !his is done in order not to burden the members who come from various backgrounds. $n addition, any future proceeds from the members of the volunteer will be used for the importance of #E%% itself.

$n addition to meetings held regularly every week, there are many other activities conducted by #E%%, whether it is activities that are internal and e/ternal. ,ome of its internal activities, that are celebrated the #E%% birthday, break the fast together on #amadan, and watch a movie together. $n addition, there are also training for programmers and radio presenters. !here are many opportunities for members to fill #E%% English service on ##$ 0ro & 1M 2..'' every Monday, 3ednesday, and 1riday at . to 4 p.m. #E%% also has several e/ternal activities, including a visit an orphanage on #amadan and cooperated with a !ourism ,chool in ,ubang to conduct English activities for students there. ,ince its establishment, the community that has a tagline 5$t6s a long7life learning community5 has recorded more than 8'' members and 9' to -' active members who come every week. 1or its own members, other than a place to improve their English, #E%% also is an e/cellent Hospitality, in addition get knowledge and learn to speak cas cis cus in English of course youll so many new friends here. *s stated earlier the #E%% is opened for anyone, members of #E%% is a combination of young men to youthful old man, students, and even people who6ve worked with various backgrounds and ethnic groups. E/pected by the #E%%, people"s enthusiasm and interest in speaking English will be increased and channeled properly. Many people say that learn English is about practice. 3ithout practice, it will be nothing. 3ant to be cas cis cus in speaking English but if you never practice, is it possible: English language is easy to learn, if we know the tricks. $n the book the 1inancial #evolution, !ung ;esem 3aringin said that humans tend to stay away from things he hated, and approaching things that he liked. !herefore, en+oy the English and make English fun.

,o, have fun with English: <es. <ou can have real fun with the English language. =ets +oin with #E%%, it6s a long7life learning community. Make English easier and fun

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