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Configuration details: a. Storage Object Class - SPRO->HPM->Silo/Tank management->Master data->Define Storage Object Class. T is defines t e!

nat"re of t e object t at co"ld be stored in a container! #it t is SOC. T is can be a b"lk! $ackaged goods etc. t e SOC also infl"ences! %inear to &ol"me con&ersion. 'dentified b( t e usage indicator field b. Storage Object type - SPRO->HPM->Silo/Tank management->Master data->Define Storage Object T($es. T is aids! in assigning SOC to more t an one storage objects. )or instance! if SOC is *+"lk*! t en t is SOC can be assigned to a l"bes or f"els # ic are Storage object t($es! as b"lk is a$$licable for bot . Certain c arecteristics like stra$$ing data can be maintained inde$endentl(. c. Storage Locations for Silo/ tank management - SPRO->HPM->Silo/Tank management->Master data>Define Storage %ocation as Storage location for Silo/tank amanegment ,Tcode O-.S'%O/01. T e storage location! in # ic tank or silos are a&ailable! is identified in t is ste$. Tank master data! can be created onl( for Plant/Storage %ocations! for # ic t e tank assignment &al"e is set as *M* ot *T*. d. Material Assignments - SPRO->HPM->Silo/Tank management->Master data->Define material assignment To allo# or disallo# m"lti$le material storage to a tank is config"red in t is s(stem. T is is at $lant le&el. Some additional r"les like material gro"$ c eck! if m"lti$le materials are allo#ed can also be enablede ere. c. 2ol"me/Heig t 3oM - SPRO->HPM->Oil-and 4as-S$ecific 3nits....->Define Oil and gas-S$ecific "nits of meas"rement T is 3oM is necessar( for %2C! if t e SOC is set as *O*! is ste$ a.

Tank Master data: TCode - O567 Ste$ 8Select Object T($e as *Storage %ocation* 9nter Plant and Storage %ocation , onl( stor locations! identified as $art of config are allo#ed1 and click on contin"e Ste$ 0'n t e screen la"nc ed! click on New Segment b"tton at t e toolbar and enter Storage object t($e in t e $o$"$ screen. Click on Contin"e and t e s(stem #o"ld a"tomaticall( $ick "$ SOC class! based on config. Ste$ :- S$ecifications Click on S$ecifications form 9dit men". T e la(o"t of t e screen la"nc ed! de$ends on t e "sage indicator for t e SOC.Click on set 3oMs from edit men". T e Seq no! eentered is t e tank id no and s o"ld be "ni;"e! for a storage location. 'f not entered! t e s(stem a"tomaticall( assigns &al"e. identif( 3oMs for 2ol"me and %engt . T e ma<im"m ca$acit( &al"e can be entered man"all( or else! can be calc"lated based on %2C calc"lation. T e %2C $arameter &al"es! identified ere , if c ecked1 #o"ld a$$ear for data entr( in t e %2C screen , not mandator( t o"g 1. 'nnage/"llage #o"ld be innage b( defa"lt. for definitions fo t ese %2C $araemters $lease refer sa$. el$.com. T ese are correction factors t at!calls for certain adj"stments in t e &ol"me con&ersion! d"e to certain e<ternal infl"ences on t e tank. Ste$ 5-Con&ersions

Cick on con&ersions from edit men". T e %in/2ol"me con&ersion constants screen #ill a$$ear. T e %2C $arameters! selected in t e $re&io"s screen! #ill a$$ear as fields for data entr(. Set 3oMs from edit men"! to enter t e 3oMs a$$licable for t ose %2C $aramters if selected! also t e 2ol"me/ eig t 3oM neds to be entered. 'n t e stra$$ing table at t e bottom! enter t e Heig t &al"es and t e 2ol"me/Heig t 2al"e. a minim"m of t ree &al"es is necessar(. T e lo#est &al"e and t e ig est &al"e for eig ts #ill be t e minim"m and ma<im"m di$s rese$ecti&el(. Click on 3tilities -> Con&ersions and t e s(stem #ill a"tomaticall(! calc"late t e 2ol"me &al"mes and t e ma<im"m ca$acit( &al"e , 't #ill ass"me t at t e &ol"me corres$onding to ma<im"m di$ is t e ma<im"m ca$acit( of t e tank1. T ere are certain ot er "tilities! # ic can be e<$lored. Ste$ - - Material assignment 7ssign material b( clicking 9dit -> 7ssignments. it can be for a batc t($e/ &al"ation t($e combination Ste$ = - sa&e t e entries

Tank Dip readings: Tcode - O5.T'49R Set t e transaction field as *H Create tank Di$s*. 'f $reselection is necessar(! it can be done and click on *add* in t e $reselection frame. T e &al"es #ill a$$ear in t e field. 9nter t e total eig t and t e %2C $arameters a$$licable. T e s(stem #ill a"tomaticall( calc"late t e corres$onding &ol"me and dis$la( it in Material Volume col"mn. click on sa&e to $ost t e reading 'n t e same screen c ange t e transaction &al"e to S Stock O&er&ie#! to a&e a o&er&ie# of stocks in t e $reselcted $lant/storage location/se; no. combination. T e stock value is t e c"rrent book in&entor(. T e material &ol"me! based on t e di$ reading #ill a$$ear bot in base 3oM and Tank 3oM. Dip Analysis Tcode - O5.S'%O.767.CR97T9 9<ec"te t is transaction for t e re;"ired organi>ationla data and for t e re;"ired time frame. Processing T($e defines! if t e anal(sis is altoget er ne# or else a ne# anal(sis in t e time frame deleting t e alread( e<isting anal(sis is to be done.On e<ec"tion! t e s(stem dis$la(s t e n"mber of di$ $air readings anal(sed in te sti$"lated time frame. 4o to transaction O5.T'49R and set transaction as M Tank g/l anal(sis. T e anal(sis re$ort can be seen in detail. also! on click of t e re$ort a material #ise re$ort of goods mo&ement occ"renece along #it t e ;"antit(! #ill a$$ear in t e bottom. T is re$ort can be "sed to reconcile t e book in&entor( #it t e $ (sical in&entor( , based on di$ reading1.

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