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Basic Lab Tech/DMLT 13 Batch



DAY 1: Task: 1: Glass pipetting 1. Measure 10ml of the solution C by using the graduated pipette provided 2. Measure 01ml of the solution D using the graduated pipette provided Task 2: Identification of glass ware ITEM USE (2minutes x7) (15 minutes)

Task 3: Approximate reagent preparation 1. Prepare 50ml of 2.5% Sodium chloride less accurately

(15 minutes)

Task 4: Harvard Trip Balance Measure the mass of the following using the Harvard Trip Pan Balance A: B:

(7.5 x 2 minutes)

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Basic Lab Tech/DMLT 13 Batch


DAY 2: Task 1: Serial dilution/Microtitre dilution (15 minutes)

In immunology, serial dilutions are often made of serum samples. How could you a final dilution of 1 to 320 be made? The sample volume is 20l. In a micro titer plate make the stated serial doubling dilutions from the provided Solution F, as given in the table Well 1 A 2 3 4 5






Complete the following a. Volume of sample should be taken in to the first well 20 l b. Volume of diluent should be taken in to the first well ____________ c. Volume of diluent should be taken in to the 2 nd and the following wells ________ d. Volume of diluted solution to be transferred from the first well to the second well___________ e. Dilution of the solution in the 8th well is ______________

Procedure 1. Label the micro titer plate 2. Set the correct volume in the micropipette 3. Pipette _______ l of diluent into the first well 4. Pipette _______ l of sample into the first well 5. Pipette _______ l of diluent into the wells from 2 to 8 6. Mix the content of first well and transfer ____ l of solution from first well to the second well and repeat the procedure serially with the six remaining tubes 7. Discard _______ l from the last tube.

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Basic Lab Tech/DMLT 13 Batch


Task 2: Microscope 1. Focus the given urinary sediment at 40x and show it Task 3: Colorimeter

(15 minutes)

(15 minutes)

1. Measure the absorbance of the following solution. Use de-ionized water as the reagent blank A: B: Task 4: pH meter 1. Measure the pH of the solutions provided and record your value H: J: Task 5: Accurate reagent preparation 1. Prepare 50ml of 3% Sodium Chloride accurately (15 minutes) (15 minutes)

Task 6: 1. Identify the labeled parts of the centrifuge and state their function A: B: C: 2. Identify the labeled parts of the autoclave A: B: C 3. Read the volumes of the following A: B:
Department of Biomedical Sciences/FHS/MNU

(5minutes x3)

C: D:
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Basic Lab Tech/DMLT 13 Batch


DAY 4: Autoclave 1. Set up the provided items for a decontamination cycle 2. Run a decontamination cycle in the manual autoclave( the pressure cooker)

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