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Table of Contents

Introduction Acknowledgment Executive Summary General Assumptions Management Aspect I. Company Overview A. Company & Brand Logo B. Mission C. Vision D. Objectives II. Form of Business Organization A. Ownership Form B. General Partnership Agreement C. Procedure in Establishing Partnership III. Management Team A. Organizational Chart B. Job Design & Description C. Personnel IV. Policies & Procedures A. Recruitment Method B. Business Hours C. Safety & Security D. Personnel Policies 1. Attendance 2. Company Relation 3. Employee Safety 4. Work Area Orderliness & Cleanliness 5. Proper Grooming 6. Termination of Employment Policy a) Voluntary Termination b) Involuntary Termination c) Deceased Employees d) Final Pay e) Unemployment Compensation f) Pay back E. Code of Conduct V. Benefits & Contributions A. 13th Month Pay B. Premium Contributions 1. Social Security System 2. National Health Insurance Program 3. Home Development and Mutual Fund C. Payment of Contributions D. Other Benefits a. First-aid Treatment b. Emergency Medical and Dental Services c. Paternity Leave Benefits i. ii. iii. v.

2 3 3 4 4 5 7 19 20 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51

d. Maternity Leave Benefits e. Service Incentive Leave f. Sick Leave g. Emergency Leaves (EL) h. Retirement Pay i. Paid Regular Holiday VI. Administrative Expenses A. Salary B. Employees Benefits C. 13th Month Pay D. Uniform Expense VII. Project Implementation and Time Table Marketing Aspect I. Industry Analysis A. Industry Background II. Competitors Analysis III. Market Analysis A. Market Segmentation 1. Geographic Segmentation 2. Demographic Profile B. SWOT Analysis C. Product Demand 1. Demand Schedule Basis 2. Demand Analysis 3. Demand Forecast D. Supply 1. Supply Analysis 2. Supply Forecast E. Demand-Supply Gap F. Market Share G. Market Strategy 1. Product Positioning 2. Advertising and Promotion Strategy a) Advertising b) Sales Strategy 3. Channel of Distribution Technical Aspect I. Product A. Historical Background B. Product Name C. Product Description D. Packaging E. Economic Uses of the Product II. Manufacturing Processes and Facilities A. Outline of Process for Metal Polish Making B. Flow Process Outline C. Flow Process Chart D. Description of Processes E. Production Capacity

51 51 51 52 52 52 56 57 58 59 60

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F. Production Schedule G. Raw Materials and Costing 1.Raw Materials 2.Raw Materials Costing a.Direct Materials b.Indirect Materials c.Mark-up and Selling Price A. Machines and Equipment 1. Production Line Machine 2. Other Equipment B. Machinery Costing C. Plant Location 1. Actual Plant Site 2. Plant Layout II. Structural and Renovation Costing A. Labor B. Flooring C. Doors & Windows D. Painting E. Electrical Materials F. Plumbing/Sanitary G. Total Renovation Cost III. Utilities A. Fuel Consumption B. Electric Supply C. Water Supply D. Communication System E. Shipping 1. Domestic 2. International 3. Total Shipping Cost Financial Aspect I. Factory Overhead II. Manufacturing Cost III. Administrative Expense IV. Cost of Goods Sold V. Income Statement VI. Balance Sheet VII. Statement of Changes in Equity VIII. Statement of Cash Flow IX. Financial Ratio X. Break-even Analysis Socio-Economic Aspect I. Economy II. Employment and Labor Contribution III. Environment Contribution Appendices

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