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Three Articles That Are A Must For Reading Among Parents, Language Lovers And
By Eugenio A. Siervo
Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Reading is one of the many things that should be
included in day-to-day activities of every able man in every place where
newspapers, magazines or books are avialable.However; there are people who said
that they don’t have time to read simply because they are busy with their jobs.
But if they really want to read in the first place, we know that they can also do
it, if they have the interest to get some knowledge, information and good ideas
which they can apply in their lives. In fact there are many things we did not get
to know and learn in school that we can gathered from reading various materials.
When I was an ICS journalism student I was instructed by my far-flung London-
based instructor to set aside daily an hour or two for my home study course. One
of the requirements is to read also an hour or two everyday and have a good handy
dictionary for reference for unfamiliar words I’ve met in my daily reading.
I was a self-supporting student then at that time when I was working and living in
Metro Manila during the past several years. I went to Manila for the sake of
adventure to see the palpable physical appearance of the place which I could only
see in Tagalog films in the province.
With my daily schedule of serving my employer and attending to my daily
lessons, with a rest only on Sundays, I’ve always get the point to read at least
one or two hours daily. At the same time referring the unfamiliar words I’ve met
in my daily reading to my handy dictionary and tried to understand its different
meanings. Also to recognize its part of speech and to memorize it until it will be
absorbed in my mind. I was also advised to familiarize the unfamiliar words I have
come to know in my reading and use it in my writing.
You see, there’s always time to read if we really want to. Time management is
the only way to get to read if a person is really interest in developing the
habit. If indeed you are too busy with your daily activities, the time to read is
when you set back to relax. The spare time you use in your relaxation can still be
utilized for reading like 2 news stories,2 opinion/editorial articles, sports news
and two feature stories that drive your interest of the day. If we really find a
way, whatever kind of works we have, should not serve as hindrance in acquiring
important informations, applicable knowledge and getting good ideas by reading.We
should not also overlook the importance of reading our very own respective
languages. The reason why I cannot read is when I have a headache, not feeling
well or that I happen to have a fever or a schedule for a day that “reading
insertion” of any kind seems to have a no way.
The only reason why people could not have a reading activity on a daily basis
is when he/she has defective eyes. Blurriness is one of the many defects of the
eyes. The other is called “watery eyes”(my own term) which is the result after an
individual’s reading of an article his/her eyes would produce some
tears.Nevertheless, this defect can be corrected with the wearing of double vision
glasses as prescribed by an ophthalmologist/optomitrist.The other defect is that
when one’s eyes would get hurt and worsens its condition upon reading..
Nonetheless, for those who are gifted with good visions there’s no reason why
they don’t read
as part of self-education. Those who are wearing graded-eye glasses should
continue to read because learning is an endless process, unless the reading
activity would still hurt his/her eyes and worsen its condition. Reading would
keep us abreast with what is happening in different parts of the world. Like for
instance, the discovery of new drugs or the concoction of various herbal plants
as food supplement that could cure different types of illnesses including cancer,
the emergence of new inventions that provide comfort to humans, a new kind of 4-
wheeled spaceship that could land on wheels in other planet thru gradual descent,
how the new first black President Barack Obama wriggles his way and expertise by
the help of his advisers in finding solutions to some of America’s economic
turmoil and other inherited problems from his predecessor.
Some people would also say: “We only watch TV and listen to various broadcasts
of events throughout the world. We no longer read newspapers or magazines because
we are busy.” Others would say: “We don’t buy the newspapers anymore. WE view the
internet at home because we have an access to it”Well, this is not bad. However,
what you get from listening to radio and viewing the TV broadcast are only sketchy
reports. Some of its important details were cut off due to time constraint pose by
the radio management and scheduled TV programs. While the long hours of viewing
the internet where the readers eyes are exposed to bright light must be controlled
by the users;/viewers themselves to protect their eyes from hurting. It would be
good for computer-internet users to wear computer-fit eyeglasses or ultraviolet
rays-proof graded eyeglasses for protection.
In the course of my reading, I have read several important articles including
some essays, commentaries and feature stories in a newspaper or magazine. From my
reading, though I’m behind from my other classmates’ reading habit of reading
different kinds of books since our high school days, I would like to share with
the readers 3 good articles that I have read recently. The first is about how to
properly and correctly discipline the kids by their parents who should provide the
lead and guidance for their growing children. The title of the article is “Ang
Wastong Pagmamahal Sa Anak”written by Alberto P. Gonzales (PASUGO, November 2008,
pages 23-25).Yes, an English translation for the writer’s article is necessary for
other peoples of the world to understand it. This monthly religious magazine can
be found in the New Era University Library,Quezon City, National Library in Manila
and possibly in some big libraries in Metropolitan cities of the
country and is available to some members of the Church Of Christ(Iglesia Ni
Cristo) in your localities or districts.
The article is designed and intended for all the parents to read and to apply.
the instruction and exhortation on what to do with their children while still in
their formative years. The writer’s dissertation is based on quoted scriptural
passages always emphasizing the Lord’s Words and Commandments and the
indispensable need for the rod(whip)as accompanying remedial measure in
disciplining the kids whose nature of stubbornness must be corrected and
contained. This is the stage when parents have to start disciplining their kids,
who mostly always want their own ways. Unknowing on the consequences of their
unreasonable demands, which in the long run would be damaging to their character,
if remain unchecked by their respective parents. A kid will always be a kid who
most of them would demand something that is bad for him/her. The parents who know
what is good or bad for them must not give in to the stubbornness of a child. They
must explain the reason for the prohibition, which is good for him/her. Teaching
them what is good and what is bad. Teaching them (the kids) what is wrong and what
is right. Teaching them good Christian moral values. Always correcting and guiding
their kids the right ways as they grow up in order to inculcate and embedded in
their minds the wisdom that will enlighten them in every way of their lives and be
a good and productive citizens.
The second is about respect and equality in the treatment of different
languages in the country. It’s an essay.
One of the best essays so far concerning the treatment of languages from my years
of reading. Although I’m not a consistently regular reader as compared to some of
the journalists I’ve known including a classmate who is now a news editor in one
of the popular Manila broadsheets. It is aptly titled “Language Respect and
Equality” written by a certain Akoyako, obviously a pen name. This particular
essay was sent to Sir Manuel Faelnar, Director of Defenders of Indigenous
Languages in the Archipelago (DILA) and posted on Jan. 17, 2009 at past 4 p.m. at and have links to other sites like; and you can ask for a copy of his essay thru his email One of the ways to respect and equally dealt with one’s
language is to use it
regularly in speaking and writing. Translation of Bisaya/Cebuano works into
Tagalog must be provided. Likewise, translations of Tagalog works into
Bisaya/Cebuano should also be done. Similar policy would also be applied with
other languages and dialects in the country to have an understanding of their
respective languages and dialects’ works. The translators who most of them are
educators and linguists are advised to use the groups of peoples’ respective
mother tongues the foremost, and also in Tagalog or English in their translations.
The translations of works/articles must obviously be in accord with the prevailing
communicative suitability of the local tongue.
There’s also an admonition to let the Tagalogs who have migrated or assigned in
Mindanao or Visayas to learn the language of the locals. This should be the way in
order for the Tagalog migrants to communicate understandably with the people in
the areas. The Bisaya-Cebuano and other groups of people who have distinct
languages of their own are likewise to do the same thing of learning the Tagalog
language if they also decide to work or migrate in Metro Manila and other parts of
Luzon. As a sign of respect and to cherish,sustain,nurture and patronize each
nation’s distinct languages, or each group of people’s language in the
Philippines, are obliged to use their respective native tongues in speaking and in
writing with his/her fellow Bisaya-Cebuano,Ilonggo,Waray-
others. To shift also automatically to one’s second adopted language in a place
where he/she has chosen to work and live permanently if talk to by his/her “second
home” inhabitants.
In this respect, Binisaya/Cebuano songs should be played side by side with
English and Tagalog songs during daytime just like what the FM/Am disc jockeys
have been doing for several years now.Binisaya/Cebuano songs should not be
relegated to be played only as opening program at dawn or during midnight when
majority of the listeners are already sleeping. This apparent discrimination done
by among the majority of disc jockeys in the Visayas and Mindanao of consigning
our very own songs to the sideline must be stopped now. Why should most of our
disc jockeys, whom I believe are most of them are Bisaya/Cebuano -speaking who
also speak fluent English as one of FM’s/AM’s requirements, are only promoting and
patronizing English and Tagalog songs? This is the main reason why majority of our
young generations of music lovers in our places have failed to recognize and
appreciate their very own songs, whether in classics, ballads, love songs,
folksongs, etc.Except for the new yagayaga(humorous or antics )songs composed by
some of the current bisrock bands that are being played from time to time in most
of the FM stations particularly in Cebu.Why not also include some of our good
original songs sung by our yesteryears popular Bisaya/Cebuano singers? Their songs
are irreplaceable and timeless and are still relevant in today’s musical genre
even for the younger generations of music lovers. There should be a variety of
songs for the pleasure of entertainment among the radio listeners of all walks of
life. This is one remedial measures that will overcome and reciprocate what is
lacking to the present generations of music lovers- the point of regaining the
interest of learning to embrace our local song compositions and know how to sing
it with gusto and much familiarity equal to the interest that they have shown in
singing many of English and Tagalog songs.
The third article is also an essay written by Mary Tyrene L. Delgado entitled
“The Devil’s Breath”(Philippines Daily Inquirer’s Opinion/Youngblood section, Jan.
24,2009 issue).This is about a very serious problem, but taken lightly by
generations of smokers and government leaders involving and affecting millions and
millions of people throughout the world. This is the perennial and inveterate
habit of smoking cigarettes done by millions of young, adult, and old people
alike. This is the kind of habit which turns into an addiction hard for others to
eradicate or cut off in their system. However, if a smoker really wants to cut off
the habit of smoking he/she can do it. Many inveterate and chain smokers have
tried it already and they were successful.
The three abovementioned articles are worthy of clear Xerox copying in much
bigger letters for framing and hanging in conspicuous spaces in all private and
public offices, in all schools, colleges and universities, and in all homes and
residential buildings. These are for daily reading as constant guides and
reminders not only among parents, language lovers or smokers but also to all kinds
of peoples of the world.
Why? Simply because disciplining is not only for Filipino kids or children but
also to all kids/children of the whole world regardless of their nationality or
race. This is in order for them to grow up to be cooperative, respectful to elders
and the rights of others, obedient to parents, law-abiding, good and productive
citizens of each country. On the same vein, to form the habit of becoming language
lovers is not only good and imperative for every Filipinos, but also for other
groups of peoples of the world.Likewise, to quit smoking is not only good for
Filipinos’ health but also for the other peoples’ health and to the health of all
passive receivers of fumes
worldwide and their immediate environment, if the rest of the world’s inhabitants
in the entire planet earth will also quit smoking cigarettes.(Copyright 2009 by
Eugenio A. Siervo.)

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