Approxiamate Schedule of The Drikung Kagyu Three Year Retreat

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Approxiamate Schedule of the Drikung Kagyu Three Year retreat

(Not including teaching days before each practice) Amitayus 100 000 mantra recitation puja 6 !days " #uter $reliminary $ractice% Contemplation on the four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma ! days "" "nner $reliminary $ractices% 1. Prostrations 60days 2. Vajrasatt a &' days !. "andala offering () days #. $uru %oga &0 days """ The *i+e *old $ath of ,ahamudra 1- Special $reliminary $ractice .ith /odhisatt+a +o. ceremony &o ing 'indness ! days Compassion ! days (odhicitta )ith Prostrations &0 days )- Yidam 0etreat of 1hakrasam+ara *etreat 60 days +ire Puja 12 days &- *our Kaya 3uru Yoga Nirmana,aya 6!days -amboga,aya &0 days Dharma,aya 10 days - aba i,a,aya 60 days (- ,ahamudra -hamata &0 days Vipasana 1) days "ahamudra &0 days '- Dedication )1 days "4 The Six Yogas of 5aropa Yidam 0etreat of 4ajra 4arahi *etreat '0 days or more +ire Puja )& days 1- Tummo .ummo Preliminary/ total ') days (.sa 20days1 &ung2 days1 .igle 23 days) .ummo 4eat/ total 6&days (getting a hold of tummo1# days1 stabili5ing 1# days1 inner heat !3 days1 outer heat 10 days1 both inner and outer heat 10 days) .ummo (liss/ total 26 days ("elting and (lai5ng 6(ar .sag7 !0 days1 the +our 8oys 6$a 9hi7 3: days1 "elting (liss 69hu de7 10days to ! )ee,s) .ummo Non;thought/ !days )- 1lear 7ight () days &- Dream Yoga )6days (- "llusory /ody )6 days '- $ho.a )1 days 6- /ardo () 2' days Amitayus 100 000 mantra rectitation 6 !days

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