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IT Concepts Course Outline

CGS 3303 IT Concepts

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida

What & Why y of IT

Information Technology (IT) is emerging as a new educational discipline on campuses across the country Any comprehensive definition of its content and structure is a bit elusive. IT is not currently represented by any official academic society. ABET has only recently started to offer accreditation of IT degree programs programs.
Sunday, December 30, 2007 University of South Florida 2

What & Why y of IT

Definition by y inference

In a report titled The Supply of Information Technology workers in the United States, [Freeman and Aspray - 1999] the authors first define IT as it refers only to computer-based systems. C Computer-based t b d systems t i include l d a wide id range of f activities ranging from hardware issues such as design and production of chips to the design and i l implementation t ti of f complex l systems t all ll th the way t to end-use of such systems.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida

What & Why y of IT

IT would include academic disciplines p from computer science to computer engineering to information systems and management information systems [Denning - 1998]. 1998] Freeman & Aspray say these disciplines capture some aspects of what we regard to be information technology, but none of them covers all aspects. one of the attributes of information technology that makes it worthy of study is its pervasiveness in society.
University of South Florida 4

Sunday, December 30, 2007

What & Why y of IT

In a government report we read

In a broad sense the term information worker can be applied to data entry personnel, auto mechanics who use computer diagnostic equipment, , loan officers , computer scientists and engineers officers, engineers.

The ITAA on the other hand broadens the definition by including any any skilled worker who performs any function related to information technology.
University of South Florida 5

Sunday, December 30, 2007

What & Why y of IT

What is an IT Professional?

Separating the IT enabled worker from the IT professional is a function of levels of IT knowledge versus levels of domain knowledge [CRA - 1999] The level of formal education has a high correlation with the category of the worker (IT-enabled vs. IT professional). The level of formal vs. job related knowledge seems critical in our identification of the IT professional The CRA concludes there is some question whether it (job related training) can adequately replace the foundational knowledge acquired in the formal degree programs, programs
University of South Florida 6

Sunday, December 30, 2007

What & Why y of IT


IT is a superset of many of the traditional computing-based academic disciplines and that the development of a meaningful IT curriculum is a serious challenge. The IT professional of the future will require an academic d i b background k d well ll grounded d di in th the core concepts of computer science, computer engineering and information systems as well as the opportunity t it to t become b familiar f ili with ith d domain i specific ifi knowledge in an area of interest to the student.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida

What & Why y of IT

We We are at last beginning to address the challenge of designing an education for an IT professional that is not constrained by the idiosyncrasies of any particular specialty, most notably computer science [Denning 2001]

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


What then is IT at USF?

Inclusive of the major conceptual components of computer science Offer a degree program that will educate students in both the depth and breadth of the IT discipline(s). Be innovative in its presentation of materials Be available through technological resources to all campuses in the USF system Add value to the Florida educational system (at all levels) and the business enterprises located in the state

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


BSIT the departments department s flagship degree

The traditional degree AA BSIT Also two Minors in IT:

General Minor (15 cr. hours) Technical Minor (21 cr. hours)

BSAS with IT Concentration

More recent AS BSAS IT Management Certificate (15 cr. hours) IT Professional Certificate (30 cr. hours)
University of South Florida 10

Certificates post-baccalaureate: post baccalaureate:

Sunday, December 30, 2007

And this Course

This course:

The basic goal of this course is to give you a comprehensive view of Information Technology You will be exposed to the whole forest we call IT before examining the trees. This will help you understand the function of the trees and how they interact to become part of the larger system we call the forest.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


And this Course

Too often we teach technology courses in isolation. The result being g that the student never sees the natural interactions of the various subjects. All of the core courses in IT are interrelated: thats why we have prerequisite chains h i

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


And this Course

This course will cover many aspects of Information Technology as part of the larger tapestry

Concepts will be covered not in isolation of each other, but rather in conjunction with each other Wh When youve completed l t d this thi course, you will ill be b ready to take the plunge into the depths of IT while g the conceptual at the same time understanding glue of IT.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


And this Course

Expected Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will have knowledge concerning the following topics and an understanding of the relationships l ti hi b between t th them:
The history of computing Theoretical underpinnings of computation The basic components of a computer Binary number systems Basic computer math And perhaps some Simple DC circuitry other areas as well Computer logic Basic Boolean algebra Machine and assembly language programming

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Boiler Plate

1 1. 2. 3. 4.

Religious Holidays
Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of a major religious observance must provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by the 2nd meeting. In accordance with FS240.134 and BOR Rule 6C.011, the University of South Florida has established the following policy regarding religious observances. All students, faculty and staff at the University of South Florida have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, observances practices and beliefs beliefs. Students are expected to attend classes and take examinations as determined by the University. The University will, at the beginning of each academic term, provide written notice of the class schedule and formal examination periods. The University, through its faculty, will make every attempt to schedule required classes and examinations in view of customarily observed religious holidays of those groups or communities comprising the University's University s constituency. constituency No student shall be compelled to attend class or sit for an examination at a day or time when he or she would normally be engaged in a religious observance or on a day or time prohibited by his or her religious belief. Students are expected to notify their instructors if they intend to be absent for a class or announced examination, in accordance with this policy, prior to the scheduled meeting. Students absent for religious reasons will be given reasonable opportunities to make up p any y work missed. In the event that a student is absent for religious g reasons when the instructor collects work for purposes of grading (homework, pop quiz, etc.) the student shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make up such work or shall not have that work averaged into the student's grade at the discretion of the instructor. Any student who believes he or she has been treated unfairly with regard to the above may seek review of a complaint through established University Grievance Procedures including those provided by the University's Office of Equal Opportunity Affairs.


Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Holidays y and schedules in general g

This being a totally online course, course technically holidays will not affect us. We will take spring spring break break (3/10-3/15). (3/10 3/15)

Assessments (exams, quizzes, etc.) will not have due dates during that week week. Your final assessments/projects/quizzes will be due during final exam week (4/26-5/2).
University of South Florida 16

The semester runs 1/7 through 4/25.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Keeping p g on track & on schedule

Students tend to do whatevers due next!

i.e., a project due in four weeks will typically not be worked on until the last week. Maybe M b the th last l t couple l of fd days! !

I will do my best not to subject you to this t temptation. t ti So: S

Frequent and regular assessments. Late L t submissions b i i generally ll not t accepted. t d Makeup exams only under extremely unusual circumstances circumstances.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Boiler Plate


If you have, or believe you have, a disability, you may wish to self-identify. You can do so by providing documentation to the Office for Services for Students with disABILITIES /ADA. Appropriate accommodations can then be p provided for y you.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Boiler Plate

Assignments, Projects & Quizzes Discussion Questions 3 Exams @ 15%

35% 20% 45%

Part multiple guess guess, part problem-solving problem solving

+ and grades will be used. Scaling is done. Extra credit is available available, but but

Sunday, December 30, 2007 University of South Florida 19

Boiler Plate

Extra Extra Credit Credit

Do this differently than most instructors

But the only way for extra credit to be valid and even-handed in a scaled grade environment

Accumulated is separate p bucket Final letter grades are determined Then, extra credit points considered

May boost your grade, especially in borderline situations

University of South Florida 20

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Boiler Plate

Late assignments and make-up exams:

Everything in this course is online. Assessments may be taken at any time during a fairly wide period of time. Take exams early! Do not wait until the last minute. No make make-ups ups or late assignments assignments, except under extremely unusual circumstances!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Textbook, lack thereof

Required Text:
As this is a course with no existing text available there will be no required textbook available, textbook, per se. All course information will be in Blackboard material, PowerPoint presentations, lecture videos, and required readings and websites. Optional book for some of our discussion questions

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Book for discussion q questions

The Systems Bible

by John Gall $27.95 $27 95 Order at web site (or call (218) 5470095 and probably speak p to the author). Fun to read.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


Final thoughts g

1st time online

Expect some glitches E li h let l me k know! ! Stay on track and on schedule! Dont Don t blow off easy points!

i.e., discussion topics - quantity vs. quality

Remember that assignments g &q quizzes count 35% of your grade! Much material builds on previous material.

Difference between A and C = ~ two weeks! Remember: I dont g get to see the confusion!
University of South Florida 24

If you dont understand something ASK!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

And finally y

Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


IT Concepts Course Outline


Sunday, December 30, 2007

University of South Florida


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