Clash of The Titans / 40k Open 3++ 2014 Player's Pack

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Clash of Titans presents.... 3++con! A Foreword & Introduction PLEASE READ THE PLAYER PACK. It will solve many issues you may ave! "el#ome $a#% to 3&&#on p'esente( to you $y to Clash of the Titans! )t e(ition as $een e'e *o' a yea' $ut we ave lots o* new stu** to inte+'ate Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on a'e one o* t e *i'st ma,o' tou'naments in t e Sy(ney a'ea *o' su# an e(ition- t us a $'ie* *o'wa'( on w at t e tou'nament is a$out an( ow it will $e 'un. "e s all $e usin+ Torrent of Fire. .i'st- an( as always- t e most impo'tant pa't o* any tou'nament- Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on is a$out avin+ *un. Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on is a .RIE/DLY an( #ompetitive envi'onment $ut t at is not meant to- no' s oul( ite#lipse t e en,oyment o* atten(ees an( we ave st'ive( to (esi+n a tou'nament system w i# *ul*ils t at en,oyment *o' eve'y pa'ti#ipant. "e0ve ma(e a *ew # an+es to ou' system *'om last yea' $ase( on you' *ee($a#% so we ope you en,oy it mo'e t is time a'oun( an( woul( app'e#iate t e *ee($a#% *o' 1213 as well. "e a'e always st'ivin+ *o' imp'ovement! Se#on(- wit t e 'e#ent e(itions to )t e(ition $ein+ so new- I ave put some 'est'i#tions in $ut ave not mo(i*ie( 'ules as t e'e as not $een enou+ time to playtest t e impa#t o* su# to (ate. Spe#i*i#ally- /4 Es#alation- /4 St'on+ ol(only T"4 $oo%s ma5imum 6i.e. a'my & allies7 an( Dataslates #an $e use( $ut ta%e up you' ally slot. T ese a'e (etaile( *ully in t e Playe'0s Pa#%. .u't e'mo'ewe s all #ontinue to use t e missions (esi+ne( t 'ou+ 3plusplus as we- t e o'+anise's- (o not *eel st'ai+ t up 'ule$oo% missions a'e t e $est *o' tou'nament play an( t us ave mo(i*ie( t em wit w at we $elieve a'e t e S8ALLEST CHA/9ES P4SSI:LE w ilst wo'%in+ towa'(s a sta$le tou'nament envi'onment. "e ave not loo%e( to # an+e #o'e me# ani#s o* t e +ame. "e ope eve'yone as a $last at Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on t is yea' an( ope to see you $a#% a+ain *o' 121;. An( a+ain- PLEASE READ THE PLAYER PACK. It ol(s many answe's! And a secret word for bonus points. :elow is t e ta$le o* #ontents (etailin+ w e'e *u't e' in*o'mation #an $e *oun( . It is very important to read this packet thorou hly as it e!plains everythin there is to know a"out Clash of the Titans and 3++con. Any en<ui'es #an $e sent to t e #onta#t e=mail a(('ess an( will $e answe'e( ASAP. Contact#


Ki'$y> "A? @ Ki'$y

Ta"le of Contents
1. Summa'y 1. Spo'tsmans ip B Con(u#t A..p+ 3 3. P'iCe Suppo't 3. Tou'nament System ;. :'a#%ets ). Tou'nament Rules B A'my Lists A..p+ ) D. T e 8issions F. Paintin+ A..p+ E A..p+ 1) A..p+ 3 A..p+ ; A..p+ ) A..p+ 1

Cost# G32 %i&e# 3F=)3 playe's 'ames# si5 +ames at 1F;2 points Time (imit# 1 ou's 32 minutes pe' +ame )ates# Satu'(ay 11 B Sun(ay 13 o* .e$'ua'y Times# Sta't FH32A8 to ;H32P8 61; minute $'ea%s $etween +ames- 32 minute lun# $'ea%7 *here# C e''y$'oo% Te# nolo+y Hi+ S# ool Pu'# ase R( C e''y$'oo%- /S"- 111)

;H22P8 @ ;H32P8 @ Day 1 pa#%=up +ayment#

Please make cheques or money orders payable to: Cherrybrook Tech Adepts. Do not send cash through the mail. Entries can also be paid via internet banking. The fees can be deposited into our account listed below, but will !T be valid if there is not a "#$%T & D '&%T &(E entered in the description for the payment. Please sen( #omplete( ent'y *o'm an( *ees toH Ant ony .elton C e''y$'oo% Te# nolo+y Hi+ S# ool Pu'# ase R(- C e''y$'oo% 111) P H 231D ))1)FE o' emailH #ta(epts>+mail.#om Inte'net :an% DetailsH :an%H Commonwealt /ameH C e''y$'oo% Te# A(epts :S:H 2)1321 A##. /oH 12132E;;

%chedule# FH22=FH32A8 @ Re+ist'ation an( mo'nin+ $'ie*in+ 6Day 1 will $e use( to (isplay you' a'mies *o' Playe'0s C oi#e7 FH32A8 @ 11H22A8 @ 9ame 1I3 11H22A8 @ 11H32A8 @ Lun# 6*oo( #an $e $ou+ t on site7 11H32A8 @ 1H22P8 @ 9ame 1I; 1H1;P8 @ ;H22P8 @ 9ame 3I)

,ou -.%T fill out the re istration form as well to secure your spot.
.pon entry to the venue/ make your way to the T0 desk to re ister your arrival/ determine where you are playin and speak to me the secret word that will stop you from askin me 1uestions answered within this packet and earn you e!tra "attle points. -ake your way to your ta"le and have fun!

2.%portsmanship & Conduct

Spo'tsmans ip is an impo'tant pa't o* Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on- not $e#ause it is pa't o* t e s#o'in+ system $ut $e#ause it0s pa't an( pa'#el o* avin+ an en,oya$le +ame @ w ateve' t e 'eason you a'e t e'e. It0s simply wit in t e spi'it o* t e +ame to $e a +oo( an( +enial opponent. Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on is all a$out en,oyin+ all aspe#ts o* t e o$$y an( ou' o$$y is a so#ial one. T is 'e<ui'es a #e'tain amount o* uman (e#en#y an( *o' t at 'eason Spo'tsmans ip will play a pa't in Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on. T e aim o* spo'tsmans ip is to ensu'e eve'yone is $e avin+ li%e matu'e a(ults an( to 'ewa'(s t ose outstan(in+ in(ivi(uals w o a'e ,ust *antasti# to play a+ainst.

2.$ 'radin


Ea# 'oun( you will $e +iven a s eet o* pape' to *ill out. 4n t at s eet will $e a s#ale *o' spo'tsmans ip as *ollows @ please *ill t is out *o' ea# opponent.

)escription 4 T is playe' (i( not play in t e spi'it o* t e +ame- slow playin+- $latantly # eate( an( was un*'ien(ly in +ene'al. THIS :EHAJI4?R SH4?LD :E REP4RTED T4 A K?D9E I88EDIATELY. S#o'es o* 2 will 'e<ui'e an e5planation to a ,u(+e. T is playe' was o%ay $ut (i(n0t ma%e t e +ame en,oya$le w ilst not ma%in+ t e +ame un$ea'a$le. T e'e wasn0t evi(en#e o* *oul play. T is playe' is you' ave'a+e +ame'. You0( en,oy avin+ anot e' +ame wit t em an( you solve( all issues matu'ely an( <ui#%ly. 8ost playe's s oul( s#o'e t is. T is playe' is simply *antasti# an( you woul( +o out o* you' way to ave anot e' +ame wit t em. /ot only (i( t ey app'oa# t e +ame in a matu'e an( a(ult manne' $ut ma(e t e so#ial inte'a#tion o* t e +ame one o* t e most memo'a$le moments o* t e wee%en(. You s oul( only +ive t is s#o'e to one o' two playe's.

+layer3s %core

It0s impo'tant to note t at as%in+ *o' a 'ules #la'i*i#ation- eit e' wo'%in+ it out to+et e' o' as%in+ a ,u(+e- is not poo' spo'tsmans ip w en t e 'e<uests a'e +enuine. You s oul( $e an(in+ out 10s to most o* you' opponent0s an( any s#o'e lowe' t an t is will 'e<ui'e a #onve'sation wit t e ,u(+e to e5plain you' 'easonin+. 8asses o* 30s will 'e<ui'e t e same e5planation. Ea# (ay you will $e as%e( to 'ate one o* you' opponent0s as you' :est 4pponent.

2.2 %corin


At t e en( o* t e tou'nament- t e total spo'ts s#o'es *'om all you' opponents will $e a((e( to+et e' wit ea# :est 4pponent 'e#eive( #ountin+ as an e5t'a point. T e playe's wit t e i+ est spo'ts 'atin+ will 'e#eive 'e#o+nition. T is will $e s#ale( to a s#o'e out o* 12 *o' you' 4ve'all s#o'e @ t is is #appe( at 12 an( a playe' w o 'e#eives all twos will +et t e *ull 12 6t e e5t'a points elp (ete'mine( winne's *o' Spo'ts awa'(s7.

2.3 +oor %portsmanship

T e ,u(+es 'ese've t e 'i+ t to 'emove any in(ivi(uals $e avin+ in an un*it manne'. T e most o$vious $e aviou's w i# woul( 'e#eive su# t'eatment a'e # eatin+- usin+ loa(e( (i#e o' $ein+ ove'ly a++'essive an( $e avin+ in an inapp'op'iate manne'. Low spo'tsmans ip ma'%s will $e t'eate( ve'y se'iously $y ,u(+es an( i* in(ivi(uals a'e not playin+ wit in t e spi'it o* t e +ame- t ey will $e as%e( to leave. In(ivi(uals w o 'e#eive multiple an( app'op'iate spo'ts s#o'es o* 2 o' 1 will $e as%e( to leave. In(ivi(uals w o a'e 'emove( in t is way will not $e allowe( to 'etu'n.

3. +ri&e %upport
T e mo'e playe's w i# atten( t e mo'e p'iCes we #an +ive out! "e a'e loo%in+ to 'ewa'( t e $est t 'ee in(ivi(uals in Spo'tsmans ip- Paintin+ an( 4ve'all 6Paintin+ & :attle Points7 w ilst also 'ewa'(in+ t e winne's o* ea# $'a#%et. Doo' p'iCes will also $e +iven out on t e se#on( (ay a*te' pa#%=up. Any (onations in t is 'e+a'( woul( $e +'eatly app'e#iate(- please #onta#t Ki'$y o' Ant ony to (is#uss t is.

3.$ %ponsors
P'iCes ave $een o'+anise( t 'ou+ The Combat Company- wit +i*t #e'ti*i#ates $ein+ +iven out as t e main style o* p'iCes. T e'e also $e stalls set=up ove' t e wee%en( *'om seve'al ven(o's- su# as 9ames Empi'ew e'e #ompetito's will $e a$le to pu'# ase (is#ounte( p'o(u#ts.

3.2 %preadin

the +ri&es around

"e want eve'yone to en,oy t e *un o* p'iCes an( will ma%e su'e p'iCes a'e sp'ea( a'oun( as mu# as possi$le. /o sin+le in(ivi(ual is +oin+ to wal% ome wit t e :est 9ene'al *'om t e Top :'a#%et- :est 4ve'all an( :est Painte( p'iCes! I* an in(ivi(ual ea'ns t ose onou's sI e will only 'e#eive one o* t e p'iCes an( t e ot e' p'iCes will *all to t e ne5t in(ivi(ual in line w o as not yet 'e#eive( a ma,o' p'iCe.

5.Tournament %ystem
T is tou'nament is $ase( on )3 atten(ees. 8o(i*i#ations will $e ma(e as ne#essa'y i* t e'e a'e *ewe' playe's. T e tou'nament will $e split into two in(ivi(ual (ays w e'e t e *i'st (ay see(s you *o' t e oppo'tunity to *i+ t *o' (i**e'ent +ene'als ip p'iCes on Day 1. Impo'tantly- an( t is is (i**e'ent *'om last yea'- only t e top 1) an( $ottom 1) playe's will +o into spe#i*i# $'a#%ets @ eve'yone else will #ontinue playin+ as pe' no'mal in a Lmos pitM 6a%a a no'mal tou'nament7 w e'e playe's a'e mat# e( up $ase( on "IL an( $attle point 'e#o'(. It0s impo'tant to note t at even $y not $ein+ in a $'a#%et Day 1t e'e a'e still many p'iCes one #an a# ieve. As note( a$ove- t is is a To''ent

o* .i'e powe'e( tou'nament $ut we s all ente' 'an%in+s into Ran%in+s HN $ase( upon you' "IL 'e#o'(. +lease note- t e 'i+ t is 'ese've( to # e''y pi#% people out o* t e $ottom $'a#%ets an( pla#e t em in t e mos pit in t e event we *eel someone is (eli$e'ately tan%in+ to play a+ainst people t ey $elieve t ey a'e $ette' t an to +ain a p'iCe. He'e0s ow t e +ames will $e o'+anise(H

Day 1 a )3 playe' $'a#%et wit playe's see(e( $ase( upon past pa'ti#ipation in Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on alon+si(e 'an%in+s *'om To''ent o* .i'e I Ran%in+sHN. T is s all $e on (isplay Day 1. +lease note# we a'e awa'e o* t e e5t'eme levels o* #omplaints #omin+ in a$out #e'tain lists @ S#'eamsta'- Spi'itsta'- 40Jesasta'- et#. "e s all use t is $'a#%et to ensu'e t ese lists 'un a +auntlet o* +oo( playe's to (ete'mine t ei' wo't an( t ey s all /4T $e in#lu(e( in t e $ottom $'a#%ets o* Day 1O t is is t e only a'ti*i#ial #onst'aint we a'e pla#in+ on su# lists as we $elieve playe' s%ill t'umps list $uil(in+ a$ility. Day 2 t e top 1) an( $ottom 1) playe's will $e o'+anise( into *ou' $'a#%ets o* ei+ t $ase( upon "IL 'e#o'( *ollowe( $y :attle Points wit eve'yone else #om$ine( into t e mos pit w i# utilises a mo'e t'a(itional tou'nament *o'mat w e'e playe's wit t e same "IL 'e#o'( mat# up a+ainst ea# ot e' $ase( upon :attle Points. Results a'e automati#ally ente'e( into To''ent o* .i'e $ase( upon you' "IL 'e#o'( @ 'an%in+ in To''ent o* .i'e is $ase( upon an EL4 system. Re#o'(s $ase( upon "IL will also $e ente'e( into Ran%in+sHN.

5.$ 6racket Format

Kno#%=out *o'mat a%in to w at is seen in ma,o' spo'tin+ tou'naments li%e t e /CAA o' Tennis Reve'se Plosin+0 $'a#%et to ma%e su'e eve'yone +ets si5 +ames in an( #an still imp'ove t ei' 4JERALL 'an%in+ an( t e potential *o' p'iCes See(in+ is $ase( upon you' "IL 'e#o'( an( Ji#to'y Points a#<ui'e( Day 1O not eve'yone will $e see(e( into one o* t e $'a#%ets

"innin+ playe's wit in t e $'a#%et will move on to play ot e' winnin+ playe's until t e'e is one playe' w o is un(e*eate( wit in t e $'a#%et le*t T e 'eve'se t'a#% (oes t is *o' losin+ in(ivi(uals as well w i# allows ea# in(ivi(ual to $e so'te( *'om 1 st t 'ou+ to Ft wit in t ei' $'a#%et

5.$.$ 'raphical )epiction of 6rackets

5.2 6attle +oints

Alt ou+ t is is a "inILoss $ase( tou'nament- :attle Points (o #ome into play an( measu'e ow well you su##ess*ully #ont'ol ea# mission pa'amete' #ompa'e( to you' opponent. T ese will $e use( *o' #al#ulatin+ )2Q o* t e 4JERALL s#o'e o* ea# in(ivi(ual an( s all in*luen#e see(in+ wit in $'a#%ets *o' Day 1. .o' all intents an( pu'poses- :attle Points a'e t e ea'ne( Ji#to'y Points wit in a +iven 'oun(. T is is e5plaine( mo'e in t e missions se#tion o* t is pa#%.

Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on will st'ive to ensu'e te''ain is o* i+ <uality an( e<ual sp'ea( ove' all 31 ta$les. T e te''ain layout will *ollow t is 'ou+ +ui(eline. Cove' 1;Q o* t e $oa'( Have multiple pie#es o* te''ain w i# $lo#% line o* si+ t 6t ese will ten( not to $e la'+e an( will $e a$le to i(e one o' two units 'at e' t an w ole a'mies7

:e a mi5 o* te''ain types @ ills- 'uins- a'ea te''ain- et#.

7. Tournament 8ules & Army (ists

T e'e will $e si5 +ames ove' t e wee%en(- t 'ee on Satu'(ay an( Sun(ay ea# . T e *i'st t 'ee +ames a'e Psee(in+0 +ames wit t e playe's (ivi(e( up into $'a#%ets an( one +ene'al pool *o' t e *inal t 'ee +ames on Sun(ay 6e5plaine( a$ove7. Ea# +ame is $ase( upon a "inILoss *o'mat 6t e'e a'e no D'aws!7 an( you will only play a+ainst in(ivi(uals wit t e same "=L. T e missions will e5plain t is mo'e.

7.$ 8ules
Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&& #on is a$out en,oyin+ t e +ame wit a $un# o* ot e' li%e=min(e( people. "e a'e #ele$'atin+ eve'y aspe#t o* t e +ame e'e an( we e5pe#t eve'yone to $e ave app'op'iately. .i'st an( *o'emost you must $'in+ a +oo( attitu(e to +et t e most en,oyment out o* Clas o* t e Titans 3& &#on! T'eat ot e's ow you woul( li%e to $e t'eate(. T e o'+anise's 'ese've t e 'i+ t to 'emove any in(ivi(uals $e avin+ inapp'op'iately an( not playin+ wit in t e spi'it o* t e +ame. Playe's s oul( ma%e t ei' way to t ei' ta$les wit in 12 minutes o* t e 'oun( sta'tin+ @ not (oin+ so #oul( 'esult in a *o'*eit.

7.$.$ +oint (imit & Army (ists

Ea# +ame will $e playe( wit 1F;2 points *'om a le+al ) t e(ition #o(e5 usin+ 4/E .o'#e 4'+anisation C a't. You may /4T +o ove' t is limit $ut a'e at pe'*e#t li$e'ty to ta%e less. .an ma(e units- a'mies- et#. a'e /4T pe'mitte(. " ite Dwa'* app'ove( units su# as t e Siste's o* :attle #o(e5 a'e allowe(. .o'ti*i#ations- "a'lo'( T'aits- 8yste'ious 4$,e#tives- AlliesDataslates an( Impe'ial A'mo' 6wit 32% app'ove( stampO you 8?ST ave t e 'ules an( t e app'op'iate mo(el7 a'e all allowe( an( will $e use(. 8yste'ious te''ain will not $e use( an( te''ain s all $e pla#e( $y tou'nament o'+anise's. Pla#e *o'ti*i#ations su# t at t ey (o not move te''ain- i* te''ain nee(s to $e move( to *it t e *o'ti*i#ation- #onta#t a T4. T e *ollowin+ 'est'i#tions a'e also in pla#eH You may only use a ma5imum o* T"4 a'mies @ one p'ima'y plus one ally Dataslates a'e allowe( $ut #ount as usin+ you' ALLY slot Es#alation an( St'on+ ol( will /4T $e use(

Dataslates *o' sin+le mo(els 6su# as an HN # oi#e7 (o not use an ally slot $ut t e app'op'iate .o'#e 4'+anisation C a't slot

A'my Lists a'e (ue two wee%s p'io' to t e event 6Satu'(ay- F .e$'ua'y 12137 an( a'e to $e sent to %i'$y> wit t e ea(in+ Clas o* t e Titans I 3&&#on AR8Y LIST- Y4?R /A8E an( A8RY. T e a'my list must in#lu(e t e *ollowin+. You' name 6an( online name i* you ave one7- #onta#t num$e' an( e=mail " i# a'my you a'e usin+ .ull wa'+ea' pu'# ases an( # an+es 6you (o not nee( to list w at t e units #ome wit stan(a'( o' t e points o* t ese options7 .ull points *o' ea# in(ivi(ual unit 6please ensu'e t'anspo'ts an( units a'e liste( sepa'ately7 It is 'e#ommen(e( al* points o* ea# in(ivi(ual unit a'e also in#lu(e( to ma%e #al#ulatin+ total points (est'oye( easie' Please (o not sen( A'my :uil(e' *o'mats wit all t e e5t'aneous in*o'mation 6su# as w at t e unit is a'me( wit no'mally7. T ese will not $e a##epte( Please 'i+o'ously # e#% you' list $e*o'e sen(in+ it in!


*hat you need to "rin

You' #o(e5- ally #o(e5- (ataslates- Impe'ial A'mo' 'ules an( 'ule$oo% measu'in+ (evi#es- (i#e an( templates you' a'my t 'ee 32mm o$,e#tives 6t ey #an $e $lan% $ases7 A(( 069:CTI;:% A8: -:A%.8:) F80- T<: :)': 0F T<: 069:CTI;: a #opy o* you' a'my list *o' you'sel* an( ea# o* you' opponents

7.$.3 FA=3s & -odels

9ames "o'%s op .AN0s an( e''atas 6availa$le online7 will $e use( *o' Clas o* t e Titans an( 3&&#on (ate( up until t e F .e$'ua'y 1213. A((itional mate'ial #ove'in+ issues not a(('esse( $y 9ames "o'%s op will $e 'elease( p'io' to t e event.

All mo(els must $e " at You See Is " at You 9et 6"YSI"Y97. Counts=as a'mies o' a'mies usin+ mo(els not yet supplie( $y 9ames "o'%s op a'e allowe( as lon+ as t e mo(el6s7 is #lea'ly i(enti*ia$le an( app'op'iately siCe(. I* you a'e unsu'e o* t is at all I woul( i+ ly 'e#ommen( sen(in+ pi#tu'es o* you' a'my to t e email a(('ess +iven to ensu'e t e'e will $e no issues on t e (ay. 8o(els must $e mo(elle( wit app'op'iate $ase( siCes 6#a'($oa'( #ut=outs wo'%7 in t e event o* any ol(e' mo(els wit (i**e'ent $ase siCes 6i.e. :'oa(si(es7. You' a'my 8?ST $e painte( to a t 'ee #olo' stan(a'( minimum on :;:8, mo(el ot e'wise you will not $e eli+i$le *o' p'iCes.

7.2 9ud es
Ku(+e 'ulin+s a'e *inal. I* you ave a 'ules (ispute ensu'e you as% a ,u(+e ASAP @ (o not wait until a*te' t e +ame an( #omplainO we will /4T +o $a#% an( P*i50 pe'#eive( p'o$lems wit in a +ame @ you must tell us as it appens. T ey a'e e'e to elp so ma%e su'e you use t em $ut listen to w at t ey say @ not (oin+ so a*te' t ey ave sai( somet in+ will 'esult in t e loss o* t e +ame 6o' 'emoval *'om tou'nament i* t e in*'in+ement is se'ious enou+ 7.

7.2.$ %low>playin
Slow=playin+ is not allowe( un(e' any #i'#umstan#es. 1 ou's an( 1; minutes #an seem li%e a minimal amount o* time *o' an 1F;2 point +ame $ut it0s plenty o* time to *inis +ames o' at least $e nea'in+ #ompletion. Slow=playin+- unintentional o' not- will $e t'eate( wit seve'ely.

7.The -issions
T e missions a'e ve'y simila' to last yea'0s wit some mino' # an+es $ase( upon playtestin+ t 'ou+ out 1213. Ea# mission as a p'ima'y an( se#on(a'y vi#to'y #on(ition wit Ji#to'y (ete'mine( $y p'o#ess outline( $elow. Ea# p'ima'y an( se#on(a'y vi#to'y #on(ition is (i**e'ent so 'emem$e' to 'ea( ea# mission #a'e*ully.

7.$ )etermine the *inner

T is is I8P4RTA/T. READ THIS. A(( all o* t e Ji#to'y Points up *o' ea# playe' a#'oss all t 'ee Ji#to'y Con(itions. T e playe' wit t e most Ji#to'y Points wins- 'e+a'(less o* ow t ey +ot t em. I* ea# playe' as an EN?AL num$e' o* Ji#to'y Points- t e playe' wit t e most Ji#to'y Points (ete'mine( $y t e p'ima'y is t e winne'. I* $ot playe's ave e<ual Ji#to'y Points (ete'mine( $y t e P'ima'y- t e playe' wit most


Ji#to'y Points *'om t e se#on(a'y is t e winne'. I* $ot playe's ave e<ual Ji#to'y Points (ete'mine( $y t e Se#on(a'y- #onta#t a ,u(+e @ Total Points Dest'oye( will li%ely $e use( as a tie=$'ea%e'. Remem$e' to 4/LY (o t is i* t e initial Ji#to'y Points a'e EN?AL. Ea# +ame is wo't a ma5imum o* 3; $attle points 6112 total *o' t e wee%en(7 @ i* you $eat you' opponent in eve'y mission pa'amete' you0ll +et 3; $attle points. T e $'ea%=(own is as *ollowsH Primary Mission Parameter: Win % points $oss &econdary Mission Parameter: Win 1 point 1! points" draw 11 points" draw ( points" draw # points" $oss ' points"

Tertiary Mission Parameter: Win ) points

% points" $oss

I* you $eat you' opponent in a +iven mission pa'amete'- you will +ain 1FI11I) points w ilst you' opponent will +ain 3I1I2 points. I* you an( you' opponent ('aw on a +iven pa'amete' you will $ot +ain EI;I3 points. A(( t e total to+et e' *o' you' :attle Points ea# 'oun( 6ma5imum 3;minimum 37. :onus PointsH Say sherlots as you a'e an(e( you' playe' pa#% $e*o'e t e tou'nament sta'ts to in(i#ate you ave 'ea( t is. -ission $# See% B Dest'oy )eployment# Hamme' B Anvil +rimary ;ictory Condition# Kill Points as outline( on p+11D. %econdary ;ictory Condition# Ea# playe' pla#es one o$,e#tive in t ei' 4PP4/E/T0s (eployment Cone w i# is at least )M *'om t e $oa'( e(+e. Ea# o$,e#tive is wo't t 'ee Ji#to'y Points an( s#o'e( as outline( on p+113. .i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111. %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t -ission )ia ram & %etup#


-ission 2# Rapi( Rai( )eployment# Jan+ua'( St'i%e +rimary ;ictory Conditions# Si5 o$,e#tives value( at 3-3-3-1-1-1 Ji#to'y Points will $e use(. T e 3 o$,e#tive is pla#e( in t e #ent'e o* t e ta$le @ 3)M in *'om t e s o't ta$le e(+es- 13M in *'om t e lon+ ta$le e(+es. T e 'est o* t e o$,e#tives a'e (ivi(e( into two piles. Pile A #ontains a 3- 1 an( 1 o$,e#tive- Pile : #ontains a 3 an( 1 o$,e#tive. T e winne' o* a 'oll=o** # ooses w i# pile t ey wis to uset ei' opponent +ets t e opposite pile. T e playe's t en pla#e t e o$,e#tives as outline( on p+ 111. T e owne' o* Pile A pla#es an o$,e#tive *i'st. 4$,e#tives a'e #ont'olle( as outline( on p+ 113. %econdary ;ictory Conditions# .o' ea# enemy .ast Atta#% # oi#e (est'oye( $y +ame0s en(- t e opposin+ playe' ea'ns one Ji#to'y Point. .ast Atta#% # oi#es a'e also s#o'in+ options as outline( on p+11E.


.i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111. %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t - .ast Re#on -ission )ia ram & %etup#

-ission 3# Re( ve'sus :lue )eployment# Dawn o* "a' +rimary ;ictory Condition# Ea# playe' pla#es one o$,e#tive in t ei' 4PP4/E/T0s (eployment Cone w i# is at least )M *'om t e $oa'( e(+e. You may 4/LY s#o'e you' opponent0s o$,e#tive w i# is wo't .IJE Ji#to'y Points. %econdary ;ictory Condition# T e Reli# is e5a#tly li%e a no'mal o$,e#tive e5#ept *o' a %ey (i**e'en#e. It #an $e move( as outline( on p+131 an( s#o'e( as outline( on p+113. T is is a # an+e *'om t e 'ule$oo% w e'e one as to ol( t e Reli# to +ain t e Ji#to'y Points = *o' all intents an( pu'poses it is an o$,e#tive w i# #an $e move( 6i.e. #an $e el( an( #onteste( as no'mal7. T e Reli# #annot $e 'emove( *'om t e ta$le in any way o' *o'm @ it #an $e pla#e( in a t'anspo't $ut t at t'anspo't #annot leave t e *iel( o* play.


.i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111. %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t -ission )ia ram & %etup#

-ission 5# A 8ost Impo'tant Pie#e o* Ha'(wa'e )eployment# Hamme' an( Anvil +rimary ;ictory Conditions# T e Reli# is e5a#tly li%e a no'mal o$,e#tive e5#ept *o' two %ey (i**e'en#es. It #an $e move( as outline( on p+131 oweve'O #an $e s#o'e( as outline( on p+113 an( is wo't .IJE vi#to'y points. T is is a # an+e *'om t e 'ule$oo% w e'e one as to ol( t e Reli# to +ain t e Ji#to'y Points = *o' all intents an( pu'poses it is a mo'e valua$le o$,e#tive w i# #an $e move( 6i.e. #an $e el( an( #onteste( as no'mal7. T e Reli# #annot $e 'emove( *'om t e ta$le in any way o' *o'm @ it #an $e pla#e( in a t'anspo't $ut t at t'anspo't #annot leave t e *iel( o* play.


%econdary ;ictory Conditions# Pla#e two mo'e o$,e#tives wo't t 'ee Ji#to'y Points ea# 3)M in *'om t e lon+ ta$le e(+e an( EM in *'om ea# s o't ta$le e(+e su# t at $ot o$,e#tives a'e /4T situate( in a (eployment Cone 6see (ia+'am7. 4$,e#tives a'e s#o'e( as outline on p+113. .i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111 %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t -ission )ia ram & %etup#

-ission 7# Rea(y! Aim! .i'e! )eployment# Jan+ua'( St'i%e +rimary ;ictory Condition# T 'ee o$,e#tives a'e to $e pla#e( 'unnin+ (own t e #ent'e o* t e $oa'( len+t =wise. Two o$,e#tives a'e pla#e( 3)M in *'om a s o't ta$le e(+e an( )M in *'om ea# o* t e lon+ ta$le e(+es. T e t i'( o$,e#tive is pla#e( in t e #ent'e o* t e $oa'(- 13M *'om t e lon+ ta$le e(+es- 3)M *'om t e s o't ta$le e(+es. Ea# o$,e#tive is wo't t 'ee Ji#to'y Points. 4$,e#tives a'e s#o'e( as outline( on p+ 113.


%econdary ;ictory Conditions# .o' ea# Heavy Suppo't # oi#e (est'oye( $y +ame0s en(- t e opposin+ playe' ea'ns one Ji#to'y Point. Heavy Suppo't # oi#es a'e also s#o'in+ options as outline( on p+11F. .i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111. %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t - Heavy 8etal -ission )ia ram & %etup#

-ission ?# Total Domination )eployment# Dawn o* "a' +rimary ;ictory Condition# .ou' o$,e#tives a'e to $e pla#e( as outline( on p+111 wit t e *ollowin+ e5#eption @ o$,e#tives cannot $e pla#e( wit in (eployment Cones. Ea# o$,e#tive is wo't t 'ee Ji#to'y Points. %econdary ;ictory Condition# Kill Points as outline( on p+11D. Howeve''at e' t an ea# (est'oye( unit #ountin+ as a Ji#to'y Point- w i# eve' playe' as t e i+ est num$e' o* Kill Points ea'ns t 'ee Ji#to'y Points. I* $ot playe's ave e<ual Kill Points- no Ji#to'y Points a'e ea'ne(.


.i'st :loo(- Line$'ea%e'- Slay t e "a'lo'( as outline( on p+ 111 %pecial 8ules# /i+ t .i+ tin+- Rese'ves- SeiCe t e Initiative- Ran(om 9ame Len+t -ission )ia ram & %etup#

7.$.$ Ta"lin
Do /4T en( t e +ame $e#ause you' opponent as $een ta$le(! All o* t e mission pa'amete's a'e still in e**e#t an( ow a$le you' a'my #an meet t em is impo'tant. Continue playin+ t e +ame as pe' no'mal $ut wit out you' opponent0s tu'n 6'an(om +ame len+t is still in e**e#t7. .ill out t e playe' s eet a##o'(in+ly. Ta$lin+ you' opponent wit one non=s#o'in+ mo(el le*t on t e ta$le is #ompletely (i**e'ent to ta$lin+ you' opponent wit you' w ole a'my *un#tional. T e only e5#eption to t is is t e Kill Points mission pa'amete' @ i* you ta$le you' opponent- you will automati#ally win t is pa'amete'.


7.2 8ecordin
Please *ill out t e playe' s eet an( su$mit it to t e T4 ASAP.

Kust li%e some people a'e ve'y #ompetitive a$out t ei' playin+ a$ility- some people a'e ve'y #ompetitive a$out t ei' paint a$ility an( it is #e'tainly a pa't o* t e o$$y we all pa'ti#ipate in! Paintin+ will $e ,u(+e( on t e (ay $y multiple paintin+ ,u(+es 6wit t ei' s#o'es ave'a+e(7.

?.$ +aint %corin

Paint s#o'in+ system is (esi+ne( to 'ewa'( playe's w o ave e5#eptional s%ill wit out (isa(vanta+in+ t ose wit minimal talent wit a paint$'us . T at $ein+ sai(- we e5pe#t e**o't put into you' a'mies. T e'e is a t 'ee #olo' minimum stan(a'( $ut t at will not +et you t e ave'a+e s#o'e 61;I327. Paintin+ will $e 32Q o* you' 4ve'all s#o'e. T is is t e same ta$le use( in Clas o* t e Titans an( 3& &#on 1213.

Army Cate ory Paintin* +,era$$

)escription Does not meet minimum stan(a'( 6e.+. "YSI"Y93 #olou'7. 8o(els meet minimum stan(a'( wit *ew e5#ee(in+. 8o(els a'e a$ove minimum stan(a'( wit *u't e' s%ills i+ li+ te( 6s a(in+- i+ li+ tin+('y$'us in+- et#.7. 8o(els a'e a$ove *u't e' s%ills stan(a'( wit a(van#e( te# ni<ues a'e (isplaye( 6i.e. *'ee= an(- /88- eyes7. 8o(els a'e a$ove a(van#e( te# ni<ues @ eve'yt in+ a$out t e mo(els is amaCin+. 9ol(en Daemon stan(a'(.

+oints 2 12 32



Army Cohesi,eness

/o unity- #o e'en#y o' t eme. A'my t eme is 'e#o+nisa$le. A'mies wit allies not inte+'ate( into t e a'my *all into t is #ate+o'y.

2 12


A'my t eme is 'e#o+nisa$le wit a #ouple o* elements pi#%in+ out s<ua(s 6i.e. s<ua( ma'%in+slo+os- $a(+es- et#.7. A'my t eme is 'e#o+nisa$le wit mo'e t an a #ouple elements pi#%in+ out s<ua(s 6i.e. s<ua( ma'%in+s- lo+os- $a(+es- et#.7. -asin* All mo(els a'e not $ase(. All mo(els a'e $ase( wit minimal wo'% to ta%e t e $ase $eyon( $la#%. All mo(els a'e $ase( wit a(van#e( wo'% applie( @ t is in#lu(es paintin+ #ustom 'esin $asesapplyin+ stati# +'assI'o#%s- et#. T e $ase is pa't o* t e mo(el. All mo(els a'e $ase( wit en an#e( s#eni# appa'el @ t e $ases tell a sto'y 6i.e. (ea( enemies on t e $ase7. Display:a#%+'oun( an( 4$,e#tives /o (isplay $oa'(- $a#%+'oun( o' #ustom o$,e#tives. Simple (isplay $oa'( an(Io' $a#%+'oun( 6i.e. sto'y o' namin+ o* units7. A(van#e( (isplay $oa'(- in=(ept $a#%+'oun( 6i.e. sto'y an( namin+ o* units7- #ustom o$,e#tives. Display $oa'( o* i+ <uality @ is pa't o* t e a'my0s t eme- in=(ept $a#%+'oun( o' #ustom o$,e#tives w i# *it a'my t eme. E5t'as an( Conve'sions /o #onve'sions o' e5t'as 6i.e. $anne's- *'ee= an(#ustom sym$ols wit +'een=stu**- et#.7. Simple #onve'sions o' e5t'as to ma%e a *ew mo(els stan( outI$e (i**e'ent 6i.e. $anne's#ustom sym$ols a#'oss a'my- et#.7. Some mo(els a'e #onve'te( to a +'eate' (e+'ee wit in#'ease( e5t'as i(enti*ie( a#'oss a'my. A *ew s<ua(s #onve'te( wit e5a#tin+ p'e#ision 6i.e. 9D stan(a'(7 wit mo(e'ate a'my=wi(e #onve'sions an( e5t'as 6i.e. i+ level *'ee= an(7.



2 12 12


12 12 32

2 12

12 32


Almost all mo(els ave a( some e5t'a wo'% p'ovi(e( to t em. A'my itsel* is a #onve'sion. Total

32 @$A4


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