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A Most Important Piece of Hardware 1.

1 Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary Victory Conditions: The Relic is exactly like a normal objective except for two key differences. It can be moved as outlined on pg131 and is worth FIVE victory points. This is a change from the rulebook where one has to hold the Relic to gain the Victory Points - for all intents and purposes it is a more valuable objective which can be moved. Secondary Victory Conditions: Place two more objectives worth three Victory Points each 18 in from the long table edge and 12 in from the short table edge such that both objectives are NOT situated in a deployment zone(see diagram). Objectives are scored as outline on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 14 Victory Points). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

A Most Important Piece of Hardware 2.0 Deployment: Hammer and Anvil Primary Victory Conditions: The Relic is exactly like a normal objective except for two key differences. It can be moved as outlined on pg131 however; can be scored as outlined on pg123 and is worth FIVE victory points. This is a change from the rulebook where one has to hold the Relic to gain the Victory Points - for all intents and purposes it is a more valuable objective which can be moved (i.e. can be held and contested as normal). The Relic cannot be removed from the table in any way or form it can be placed in a transport but that transport cannot leave the field of play. Secondary Victory Conditions: Place two more objectives worth three Victory Points each 36 in from the long table edge and 9 in from each short table edge such that both objectives are NOT situated in a deployment zone (see diagram). Objectives are scored as outline on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Total Domination 1.0 Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Four objectives are to be placed so that they form a rectangle with dimensions of 24x16. Each objective is therefore placed 24 in from a short table edge and 16 in from a long table edge. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Objectives are scored as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Condition: Kill Points as outlined on pg127. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 15 Victory Points + Kill Points earned). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

Total Domination 2.0 Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Four objectives are to be placed as outlined on pg121 with the following exception objectives cannot be placed within deployment zones. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Secondary Victory Condition: Kill Points as outlined on pg127. However, rather than each destroyed unit counting as a Victory Point, whichever player has the highest number of Kill Points earns three Victory Points. If both players have equal Kill Points, no Victory Points are earned. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Rapid Raid 1.0 Deployment: Hammer & Anvil Primary Victory Conditions: Six objectives valued at 4,3,3,2,2,1 Victory Points will be used. The 4 objective is placed in the centre of the table 36 in from the short table edge, 24 in from the short table edge. The rest of the objectives are divided into two piles. Pile A contains a 3,2 and 1 objective, Pile B contains a 3 and 2 objective. The winner of a roll-off chooses which pile they wish to use, their opponent gets the opposite pile. The players then place the objectives as outlined on pg 121 with the following change: objectives cannot be placed within 12 of the short table edge. The owner of Pile A placing an objective first. Objectives are controlled as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Conditions: For each Fast Attack choice destroyed by games end, the opposing player earns one Victory Point. Fast Attack choices are also scoring options as outlined on pg129. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length, Fast Recon Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 21 Victory Points). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

Rapid Raid 2.0 Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary Victory Conditions: Six objectives valued at 4,3,3,2,2,1 Victory Points will be used. The 4 objective is placed in the centre of the table 36 in from the short table edges, 24 in from the long table edges. The rest of the objectives are divided into two piles. Pile A contains a 3, 2 and 1 objective, Pile B contains a 3 and 2 objective. The winner of a roll-off chooses which pile they wish to use, their opponent gets the opposite pile. The players then place the objectives as outlined on pg 121. The owner of Pile A places an objective first. Objectives are controlled as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Conditions: For each enemy Fast Attack choice destroyed by games end, the opposing player earns one Victory Point. Fast Attack choices are also scoring options as outlined on pg129. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length, Fast Recon Mission Diagram & Setup:

Red versus Blue 1.0 Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Each player places once objective in their deployment zone 6 from the board edge as outlined on pg130. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Secondary Victory Condition: Each player is given two objectives to place worth one Victory Point each. The placement of these objectives is outlined on pg121 with the following change: objectives cannot be placed within 12 of a table edge. All objectives in this mission are scored as outlined on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 13 Victory Points). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

Red versus Blue 2.0 Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Each player places one objective in their OPPONENTs deployment zone which is at least 6 from the board edge. You may ONLY score your opponents objective which is worth FIVE Victory Points. Secondary Victory Condition: The Relic is exactly like a normal objective except for a key difference. It can be moved as outlined on pg131 and scored as outlined on pg123. This is a change from the rulebook where one has to hold the Relic to gain the Victory Points - for all intents and purposes it is an objective which can be moved (i.e. can be held and contested as normal). The Relic cannot be removed from the table in any way or form it can be placed in a transport but that transport cannot leave the field of play. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Seek & Destroy Deployment: Hammer & Anvil Primary Victory Condition: Kill Points as outlined on pg127. Secondary Victory Condition: Each player places one objective in their OPPONENTs deployment zone which is at least 6 from the board edge. Each objective is worth three Victory Points and scored as outlined on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 7 Victory Points + Kill Points earned). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

Ready! Aim! Fire! Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary Victory Condition: Three objectives are to be placed running down the centre of the board length-wise. One objective is placed 36 in from a short table edge and 6 in from each of the long table edges. The third objective is placed in the centre of the board, 24 from the long table edges, 36 from the short table edges. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Objectives are scored as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Conditions: For each Heavy Support choice destroyed by games end, the opposing player earns one Victory Point. Heavy Support choices are also scoring options as outlined on pg128. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length, Heavy Metal Mission Diagram & Setup:

Determining the Victor: Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 15 Victory Points). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, the player with the most Victory Points from the Tertiary is the winner. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL.

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