Simple Future Tense

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Simple Future Tense

I will sing The simple future tense is often called will, because we make the simple future tense with the modal auxiliary will.

How do we make the Simple Future Tense?

The structure of the simple future tense is: subject + auxiliary verb WILL invariable will + main verb base V1

For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not between the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the simple future tense: subject + + ? ? I You She We Will Will auxiliary verb will will will will you they main verb open finish not be not leave arrive want the door. before me. at school tomorrow. yet. on time? dinner?

When we use the simple future tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and auxiliary verb: I will you will he will I'll you'll he'll

she will it will we will they will

she'll it'll we'll they'll

For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we contract with won't, like this: I will not you will not he will not she will not it will not we will not they will not I won't you won't he won't she won't it won't we won't they won't

How do we use the Simple Future Tense?

No Plan
We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. Look at these examples:

Hold on. I'll get a pen. We will see what we can do to help you. Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking. We often use the simple future tense with the verb to think before it:

I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow. I think I will have a holiday next year. I don't think I'll buy that car.


We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:

It will rain tomorrow. People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century. Who do you think will get the job?

When the main verb is be, we can use the simple future tense even if we have a firm plan or decision before speaking. Examples:

I'll be in London tomorrow. I'm going shopping. I won't be very long. Will you be at work tomorrow?

Future Tense

Future Tense atau Simple Future digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi. Future tense adalah tentang Nanti. Sesuatu arti katanya Future yaitu Masa Depan. Karena itu dalam Future Tense penggunaan kata Will, Shall yang artinya akan pastilah mendominasi. Masih ingat pembagian Tenses dalam garis besar kan? Yes, ada 3 besar Tenses yaitu: Past, Present dan Future (Dulu, Kini, Nanti). Pegang ini kuat-kuat: Setiap Future pasti pakai WILL atau SHALL, artinya AKAN. Namun ada juga yang namanya Past Future Tense nanti. Karena Past maka Will dan Shall nya pakai past juga yaitu Would, nanti kita pelajari lebih dalam di Past Future Tense. Oh ya, sesudah Will atau Shall atau Would pasilah diikuti bentuk 1 baik itu kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu. Kembali ke laptop!.
Rumus Future Tense Positif: S + will + V1 Negatif: S + will + not + V1 Tanya: Will + S + V1

Shall jarang digunakan. Bisanya Shall untuk Subject I dan We (I shall, We shall.) dan tidak untuk yang lain. Tetapi lebih sering orang pakai I will.. dan We will.. Jadi untuk I dan We boleh pakai baik will atau shall. Sedangkan Subject yang lain seperti HE, SHE, IT, YOU, THEY, WE semuanya pakai Will. Kalau begitu, untuk mempermudah pemahaman saya HANYA akan gunakan WILL saja. Kan WIL itu enak toh? Itu tuh yang L nya satu! haha becanda ya. Contoh Kalimat Positif dalam Future Tense: -I will study -You will swim -They will visit Tokyo Silahkan buat sendiri contoh Future Tense versi Anda ya. Buat dalam hati saja, lalu ucapkan sendiri, hehe.. Sengaja contoh saya persimple agar mudah dimengerti.

Future Tense Kalimat Negatif

Kalimat Negatif untuk Future Tense juga luar biasa mudah, jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan menjalankan Internet Marketing Indonesia misalnya, apa hubungannya? ya nda ada sih. sekali-sekali ngelantur agar nda bosan, toh pelajaran ini ringan kok.. -I will not study -You will not swim -They will not visit Tokyo Mudah kan?

Future Tense Kalimat Tanya

Tinggal dibalik saja, Will nya di depan. -Will You study? -Will You swim? -Will They visit Tokyo? Tentunya karena Future Tense bicara Akan maka keterangan waktu berikut biasa ditambahkan: tomorrow, next month, three days to go, next year dan segala sesatu yang menunjukkan akan tersebut.

-You will swim together tomorrow -They will visit Tokyo next year -No one will stop us now from loving each other -I dont think They will come on time

Structure Examples We use the Future Simple Tense: The future simple tense is composed of two parts: will/shall + base verb. Will and shall are often contracted to 'll. Affirmative form I we + shall / will + work

you he/she/it they

+ will + work

1. I shall/will write her tomorrow. 2. We shall/will go shopping together during the holidays. Note: 'Will' is used with all persons. 'Shall' can be used instead of 'will' with I/we. In modern English, particularly in American English, 'shall' with a future reference is rarely used. Negative form I we SHALL + NOT /SHAN'T/ +


I you WILL + NOT he/she/it /WON'T/ we + WORK they I won't answer that question. They won't accept this offer. Interrogative form To form interrogative sentences we use will with all persons: WILL I WORK? we

you WILL he/she/it WORK? they Will you open the window, please? Will you do it for me? Note: We use shall to make offers, ask for advices or suggestions, etc. (mainly in British English)

1. Shall I close the door? 2. Shall we go to picnic tomorrow? 3. Shall I study English? 'Shall' is also used as an imperative in formal or legal written statements: 1. The Chairman shall be present at the Company's general meetings. 2. The accused shall be present during the trial. 1. I will finish my report later today. 2. The sun will rise at 6:03 am. 3. I'll go to the market tomorrow. 4. There will be another conference next month. 5. I'll come to see you on Sunday. 6. We'll be back on Friday afternoon. 7. Tom will visit his parents next week. 8. They will paint the fence blue. 9. I will return in two hours. 10. He will finish his homework in twenty minutes. 11. Jane will turn 18 this year. 12. The wedding will take place on May 8th. The ceremony will begin at 4pm, followed by a meal and a big party. Note: In certain situations we use 'will' to emphasize: 13. You will drink your milk! 14. I will find a job. to say that something will happen in the future. Adverbs of time that will indicate such tense may include, tomorrow, today, later today, in five minutes, in two hours, on Monday, on Saturday afternoon, next week/month, this year, etc. ! Note that when we talk about prior plans, strong intentions or fixed arrangements we do not normally use 'will': I am going to meet him this afternoon. ('to be' + 'going to' + main form of the verb) I'm going to buy a new car this year. ('to be' + 'going to' + main form of the verb) I am going to a party tommorrow night. (the present continuous) Tina is getting married next month. (the present continuous) ! Note: 'Will' is used instead of 'going to' when a formal style is required, particularly in the written language (See 12) 1. I'll close the window. 2. I'll have a cup of tea, please. 3. - The phone is ringing. - I'll answer it. 4. - Oops, I dropped my pencil. - I'll pick it up. to express spontaneous decision / to volunteer to do something (the action is decided at the moment of speaking) 1. I think it will rain. 2. The weather tomorrow will be sunny and warm.

3. I think David Brown will be the next mayor of our city. 4. Everything will be fine. 5. You are going to be a famous artist some day. 6. I think you are going to marry a wrong person. to predict future events (for example, to say what we think or believe will happen), we use both 'will' and 'going to' ! But note that we use 'going to' (not 'will') to make predictions about events when there is a concrete evidence: Look at those dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain soon. 1. I'll be there at 7 p.m., I promise. 2. I'll tell your parents what you did. to make promises or threats 1. Will you please help me to do my homework? 2. That suitcase is too heavy. Ill help you. to request help or to offer help 1. I'll probably get there by my car. 2. You must read this book. I'm sure you'll like it. 3. I expect Tom will pass his exam. with words and expressions such as: probably, possibly, perhaps, (I'm) sure, (I) expect 1. If it begins to rain, I'll certainly nead an umbrella. 2. She will tell him when he calls. to talk about consequences (with if, when, provided, unless, as, as soon as, as long as, etc.) 1. I'll be in Athens tomorrow. 2. I'll be at a conference next week. when the main verb is be even if we talk about planned events More examples: 1. Will you go shopping? 2. I will not permit that kind of behaviour. 3. Will our theacher come with us? Yes, he will. No, he won't.

4. Our teacher won't come with us.


a. Use: The Simple Future tense is used to express actions which will take place in the future; --> They will finish the work tomorrow. --> He will arrive next Saturday. Will is used to talk about a future fact: --> The Mayor will open the new musem next Tuesday. Will can be used to make a prediction; --> I think it will be hot and sunny tomorrow. Will is also used to express an intention or decision made at the moment of speaking: --> It's very hot in here. I'll open the window.

b. Formation: The Simple Future of any verb is formed from the auxiliary will or shall, followed by the bare infinitive of the verb. In informal English, particularly in American English, the Simple Future is usually conjugated entirely with the auxiliary will. The auxiliary will is a modal auxiliary. Modal auxiliaries do not modify, but have the same form, regardless of the subject. The auxiliary will is often contracted to 'll. Thus, in informal English, the Simple Future of the verb to work is usually conjugated as follows: Without Contractions I will work you will work he will work she will work it will work we will work they will work With Contractions I'll work you'll work he'll work she'll work it'll work we'll work they'll work

Verbs used with the subjects I and we are generally referred to as being in the first person; verbs used with the subject you are generally referred to as being in the second person; and verbs used with the subjects he, she, it and they are generally referred to as being in the third person. For formal English, there is a rule which states that in the Simple Future, the auxiliary shall should be used in the first person, and the auxiliary will should be used in the second person and third person. Like the auxiliary will, the auxiliary shall is a modal auxiliary.

Thus, in formal English, the Simple Future of the verb to work may be conjugated as follows:

I shall work you will work he will work she will work it will work we shall work they will work Even in informal English, the auxiliary shall is usually used in the first person for questions in which a request for permission is implied. e.g. Shall I call the office? Shall we go to the library? However, the use of will for the first person of the Simple Future is beginning to be considered acceptable in formal English. Thus, except for questions where a request for permission is implied, either will or shall may be used for the first person of the Simple Future. In this chapter, the alternative use of the auxiliary shall in the first person will be indicated by the word shall in brackets. The rules for the use of will and shall which apply to the Simple Future tense, also apply to the other future tenses. c. Questions and negative statements As is the case with other English tenses, questions and negative statements in the Simple Future are formed using the auxiliary. Questions are formed by placing the auxiliary before the subject. For example: Affirmative Statement It will work. They will work. Question Will it work? Will they work?

Negative statements are formed by placing the word not after the auxiliary. For example: Affirmative Statement It will work. They will work. Negative Statement It will not work. They will not work.

In spoken English, the following contraction is often used: Without Contraction With Contraction

will not


The contracted form of will not is unusual, since it is not only the o of not which is omitted. In addition, the ll of will is omitted, and the i of will is changed to o. The contracted form, won't, is pronounced to rhyme with don't. In addition, shall not is sometimes contracted to shan't. However, the word shan't is rarely used in modern American English. Negative questions are formed by placing the auxiliary before the subject, and the word not after the subject. However, when contractions are used, the contracted form of not immediately follows the auxiliary. The following are examples of negative questions with and without contractions: Without Contractions Will it not work? Will they not work? With Contractions Won't it work? Won't they work?

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