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Codex Borgia: The Boiling Pot

Clifford C. Richey
December 2013 It will be useful to refer to: l!"rehistoric!#epicted!$i%n!& n%u %e when re din% this p per s it e'pl ins the use of (orm) Im %er*) +esture si%ns) $t nce) llusion nd position s these were used in composin% %l*phs.

Illustration 1: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10 ,his composition is tr nsl ted usin% the -nown rules of depicted si%n l n%u %e. ,he $ettin% is one of (i%ure nd limbs t the mouth of .essel. If person) who didn/t -now the rules of depicted si%n l n%u %e. viewed this composition the* would prob bl* 0ust see the (i%ure/s he d nd limbs in the vessel s well s the colorful s-ulls on the lower sides of the vessel. ,he rest of the composition would ppe r to be m 1e of s2ui%%l*) nonsensic l) lines. ,his p per w s written in n ttempt to provide some) be%innin%) insi%ht into the ver* complic ted mess %es found in the 3ode' 4or%i . 5lthou%h it isn/t -nown with cert int* which prehistoric 3entr l 5meric n culture produced the 3ode' it does ppe r st*listic ll* rel ted to the 51tec culture. ,here re few problems in tr nsl tin% this composition. ,here ppe rs to be some d m %e to p rts of few si%ns due to deterior tion b* %in% so not ll the si%ns c n be ccur tel* tr nsl ted. ,here is lso problem with the me nin% of the colors red nd *ellow. ,he red color m * represent or be rel ted to rebirth while the *ellow m * rel ted to the Sun. 6ot ll the 3entr l 5meric n cultures used the colors in the s me m nner lthou%h there were simil rities. #espite these issues the m in theme of the composition is 2uite cle r s bein% cosmolo%ic l in n ture nd rel ted to de th nd the fterlife. ,he tr nsl tion in this p per uses blue colored print with comments in %r *. (orm nd Im %er* re c pit li1ed in order to sep r te them from their ssoci tive me nin%. 7e be%in our tr nsl tion with the l r%est) over ll) (orm nd wor- our w * down throu%h the incre sin%l* sm ller (orm nd Im %er*. 3omm s re used to sep r te the words nd phr ses represented b* the si%ns. " r phr sin% h s been consciousl* -ept to minimum in this tr nsl tion. ,his w s done so th t the re der could more e sil* tr c- the use of the si%ns within the composition.

Illustration 2: The Fire The !essel. The Stea" ,he ,ot l (orm of this composition doesn/t m -e much sense but if it is sep r ted into the three distinct (orms it depicts (ire under the .essel with $te m stemmin% from the top of the .essel. ,he .essel w s used) b* the scribe) s met phor for the 8 rth. ,he 8 rth w s conceptu li1ed s %re t cont iner of w ter. +iven the %eolo%ic l conditions found in 3entr l 5meric the cultures were w re of re s of the e rth th t spewed out hot volc nic w ter. $uch conditions m * h ve inspired this composition. ,he %esture si%ns for (ire nd $te m re prett* much the s me e'cept in si%nin% for ste m the %esture si%n is m de bove the si%ner/s he d.1 ,he s me is lso true s %esture si%n to indic te $mo-e.

Illustration #: $esture for Fire 7e c n see some) v %ue) resembl nce to the %esture si%n nd the fire in the composition. 4ut we lso -now th t %esture si%ns were not lw *s used when it would be e sier nd cle rer to 0ust depict the ob0ect. (or e' mple) there is little rel tionship between the %esture si%n for (ro% 9 0umpin% motion m de with the ri%ht h nd ne r the left shoulder: nd the depiction of (ro%.
1 ,om-ins) 7illi m #over "ublic tions) Inc. Indi n $i%n & n%u %e) 6ew ;or-) 1<6<. "p. 2=!2<. FIRE (meaning: blaze). Carry right arm well down in front of body, fingers partially closed; raise hand slightly and snap fingers upwards. Repeat. STEAMBOAT (meaning: fire-boat). a!e the sign for "#$%; then sign for &'R(, holding hand a little higher than the head. SMOKE same as &ire but continue raising hand higher until o)er head.

Illustration &: The Fire The !essel. The Stea"

Illustration ': (riginal Co"%osition

If we loo- t the im %er* level of the ori%in l composition we see th t there is %re ter mount of the blue!%reen color in the si%ns bove the .essel th n in the bottom p rt of the composition. $o the lo%ic of the positionin% of these si%ns tends to re!enforce the fire nd ste m concept. 7e lso note th t the si%n >to boil? is m de b* compoundin% of %esture si%ns for 7 ter!(ood!@ettle!(ire.2 ,he ,ot l Im %er* presents us with .essel of boilin% w ter with Aum n Ae d nd &imbs stic-in% out of the pot. Bur thou%hts immedi tel* %o to the possibilit* th t the %l*ph is bout c nnib lism) perh ps ritu l c nnib lism. 7e c n be sure th t m n* ncient cultures were w re of c nnib lism. 7e even find isol ted inst nces of c nnib lism in tod */s cultures. ,here is) t le st) reference to the coo-in% of hum n depicted b* the over ll settin%. Aowever) the m in theme of the composition/s mess %e is cosmolo%ic l nd is not rel ted to c nnib lism. 7e must remember th t the .essel represents the 8 rth nd it is the entit* coo-in% the hum n bod* p rts. If we loo- t the ( ce of the (i%ure in the .essel we c n see th t its st nce is one of slee%ing or bein% t rest. In %esture si%nin% the si%n for dead is m de b* m -in% the si%ns for die nd slee%.C ,hus it is the 8 rth th t is >coo-in%? the bod* of the de d nd reducin% it to its b sic components. It is reducin% the bod* to its essence or spirit. ,he bod* of the Aum n is) in sense) bro-en up s food for the e rth. ,hese were w *s of describin% the decomposition of the bod* of the dece sed within the e rth..

2 C

,omp-ins) 7illi m #over "ublic tions) Inc. Indi n $i%n & n%u %e) 6ew ;or-) 1<6<. ". 17. 94oil 9to: D -e the si%n for 75,8E or (ood) then the si%n for @ettle nd (ire. Ibid. ". 2C. #e d: D -e si%ns for #ie nd $leep

Illustration +: (riginal Co"%osition The Great Vessel, the great earthen container, met phoric ll* the fem le e rth w s conceptu li1ed s l r%e 9%re t: vessel cont inin% )ater. Her Breasts, the hills, the bre sts of the fem le!e rth met phoric ll* viewed s hills the *ellowish forms on e ch side of the red tri n%le On the sides, of The female-earth, The movement. the red tri n%le w s p tterned fter the form of the hum n fem le %enit l re the bre sts re positioned s on the sides of the e rth ,he sides of the ,ri n%le re m de with sm ll undul tin% si%ns indic tin% "o*e"ent.

Illustration .: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10

The Skull, The dead one, On the Left, in the east,4 position l His ace, his a!!earance, as s!irit, white is the color ssi%ned to spirits. on the sides "of the earth#, position l of The Great Vessel, the great container, Held, "the dead ones# the curved brown line th t connects the two s-ulls the me nin% is) held as in a bo)l The $outh, the %ater source, The o!ening, the >.? sh pe of the mouth which is position ll*) on the side On the side, The &a%, The one that o!ens and closes, The $outh, the %ater source the 0 w viewed s hinge th t opens nd closes the w ter source such s se son l sprin% or se son l w ter seep %e t led%es The Teeth"'#, the ones that che% things u!, the num(er three is shorthand for, the man) The man), Hori*ontal-s!irit !laces, the hori1ont l!rect n%les s the si%ns for hori,ontal-%laces the si%ns re position ll* sensitive the color white indic tes) spirit!pl ces
4 ,om-ins) 7illi m #over "ublic tions) Inc. Indi n $i%n & n%u %e) 6ew ;or-) 1<6<. ". 7C. >... under circumst nces where the points of the comp ss re not cle rl* understood) the left side supposes the e st nd the %estures rel tin% to sun) d *) etc.) re m de with such reference.?

Illustration 2: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10 The Bird, the one that flies, the) white-s%irit) upper portion of the s-ull is in the form of the bird/s nec-!thro t s si%n for the one that flies The Throat, the tunnel, the nec- or thro t of the bird w s considered s tube or tunnel connectin% the underworld or the bowels of the e rth with the mouth!the w ter source ,he) *ellow) nose of the s-ull forms the bird/s be Held as in a (o%l, the curved line!form th t is under the concentric circles of the hill si%n On the side, the bird form is position ll*) on the side of the vessel The +)e "of the Sun#, Venus ,he e*e is lluded to s the hill si%n 9the concentric circles: is pl ced over the re where n e*e would be e'pected the e*e si%n is not cle rl* e'pl ined in this composition but c n be deduced from its over ll conte't nd is b sed on the results of tr nsl tin% m n* simil r compositions b* other cultures ,hese tr nsl tions c n be found online) t $ On the hillside, the red) 2u rter circle) is the si%n for a side) th t overl *s the hill si%n thus indic tin% hillside the hillside of rebirth/01 The +)e(ro%, the t%o together, si%ned s two fin%ers) to%ether) united s one) this tells us th t the ppe r nce of .enus s two >st rs? were -nown to be s one bene th the e rth On the side position ll* The ,ose, the dual holes, the nostrils s orifices or holes. these %ere holes !ositioned in the east and %est from %hich Venus arises The location, the one, the *ellow circul r b c-%round is the si%n for the location the one 9*ellow) of the $unF:

the red dots m -e up the tri n%ul r form of the e rth!fem le!spirit 9red) reborn s...: The earth-female-s!irit, the spirit of the dece sed m le is fem le when it is within the dom in of the e rth!fem le -ithin, position l The Throat, the tunnel, The location the one,

Illustration 4: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10 The earth-female-s!irits "4# in all the & directions the s%irit sign can be *ie)ed as doubled b3 using one dot to re%lace a dot in the other sign ever)%here, The location, the one. the *ellow circle form in the b c-%round of the red dots 9red) rebornF: 9*ellow) of the $unF: The earth-female-s!irit. it is not -nown wh* this) simil r) st tement w s dded The great one, the form of the >crest? si%n is lso severed fin%er indic tin% the number one nd great b* its rel tive si1e) The great arising, the brown >crest? on the bird/s he d is in the form of n arising si%n +ver)%here. ,here ppe r to be 4 circles indic tin% the location the one in the 4 directions or e*er3)here The Li*ard, the one that clim(s to%ard the Sun, the nim l with lon% t il enterin% into the mouth of the s-ull this phr se w s b sed on the beh vior of li1 rds climbin% up on roc-s to b s- in the sun. 4ein% cold blooded the ddition l w rmth is needed to become ctive in the d *time

+nters, $t nce The $outh, the %ater source, Here, the t il of the li1 rd is severed fin%er pointin% the direction) here ,he fin%ertip lso lludes to the n l re nd is within the >.? sh pe) an o%ening) m de b* the le%s of the li1 rd. ,he center line throu%h the bod* of the li1 rd indic tes) n unseen %ath)a3 the li1 rd h s onl* C le%s) me nin%) "an3 the llusion to le%s nd feet indic tes a long 5ourne3 The Leg ! The "eet The long #o$rney ! The many.

Illustration 10: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10 Taken do%n, On a long unseen, %alk or .ourne), On the side, position l of The earth-female. this section reflects b c- to the l r%e severed fin%er on the bird/s he d !!the %re t risin% or scension this completes the left h nd section rel ted to the lower p rt of the vessel It needs to be repe ted here th t) in %esture si%nin%) the left nd ri%ht h nds re considered to rel te to the east nd )est respectivel*. ,herefore the %re t risin%9s: should be considered s events th t occur in the e st nd west. ,his combined with other inform tion bout the 8*e of the $un le ds us to the conclusion th t the sub0ect of this composition is .enus. ,he onl* >st r? th t e'hibits this beh vior. ,he si%ns t both sides of the bottom of the .essel re ver* simil r with onl* few minor det ils depicted differentl*. ,herefore the ri%ht side is not tr nsl ted.

Illustration 11: Codex Borgia: A Section of Page 10

His ace, his a!!earance, /t 0est, $t nce of the e*e Gclosed His emergence, $t nce from The $outh, the %ater source, the mouth of the vessel. ,he .essel w s lso considered s bod* with its own p rts such nec- or thro t) bre sts) etc of The +arthen Vessel the e rth conceptu li1ed s an earthen *essel cont inin% )ater The %ide s!irit-!lace, the white lon% rect n%le taken u!%ards "12# the >shepherd/s croo-? si%ns me n) ta6en u%)ards nd h s count of ten. this prob bl* rel tes to the < levels of the underworld nd the tenth level s th t of the e rth/s surf ce. ,he e rth/s surf ce or middle world 9between the fem le!e rth nd m le s-*: llows for both %enders on the surf ce the spirit!pl ce possibl* rel tes to fo m or froth found on boilin% w ter or fermentin% li2uids s where the spirits ccumul te. 5n* pl nt or li2uid h vin% ps*chotropic effect w s prob bl* consider rel ted to spirits much s we tod * refer to lcohol s spirits. to The surface, lon% str i%ht line) top of the rect n%le) indic tes a surface %ithin position l The foam or froth, ,his met phor m * depend on wh tever fermentin% or boilin% li2uid w s within the vessel th t w s) met phoric ll* comp red with n* froth found t the outlets of sprin%s. fermentin% li2uid especi ll*) m * h ve been thou%ht to cont in spirits 0ust s we refer to some lcoholic

bever %es tod * s >spirits.?

The Ser!ent, the stream, the 9%reen: serpent is formed from h nd on the left nd continues on to the ri%ht where it is le% nd foot with the sole of the foot f cin% upw rds The Hand, the ste%ard "of the Sun#, The +)e of the Sun, Venus, The location, the one, the levels "4#, +ver)%here,

Illustration 12: Signs Internal To The Ser%ent the thumbn il is possible circle indic tin% the location the one while the fin%ern ils were positioned in vertic l series cre tin% levels. ,he count of 4 indic tes e*er3)here s pointed out previousl*. ,he form of the serpent/s he d touches red s2u re which is the si%n for a house. ,he house si%n nd curved si%n cre te the form for wrist nd 9*ellow: left h nd. The House of The Hand, the ste%ard, *ellow) of the $un 9F: Taken here, the *ellow >croo-? si%n indic tin% ta6en nd termin tin% here in the 9f int: multiple lined) blue!%reen color) for flo)ing w ter. in The flo%ing %ater, The cleansing, the !urification, the flowin% w ter si%n combine with the h ir indic tes cleansing

On the left, in the east,

Illustration 1#: 7abbit 8ead For" The Large 0a((it, the great .um!er, ,he) brown) form is one of E bbit/s he d. ,he beh vior l ssoci tion is one of a great 5u"%er. In some simil r ncient compositions (ro% form or im %e w s used to indic te le pin% upw rds to the s-*. ,he E bbit m * h ve been chosen here due to some other ssoci tion m de with the Doon 9m n* ncient cultures s w the form of r bbit on the Doon/s surf ce. Bne E bbit m * h ve been ssoci ted with new time count thus a ne) beginning. 7e will need to find the r bbit form nd im %er* is sever l conte'ts before its me nin% becomes cle r.

Illustration 1&: Touched 9% 7abbit Cro%

Illustration 1': (riginal 7abbit Cro%

Illustration 1+: 7abbit and 8and For"s

The Hori*ontal-!lace, possibl* s2u re si%n for a house the house of rebirth "an3 holes in the earth are the houses of ani"als the) red) rect n%le indic tin% hori1ont l!pl ce 9 pl ce of) red) rebirthF: Taken u!%ards and do%n%ards, the) *ellow) >shepherd/s croo-? si%n me nin% t -en upw rds) turnin% nd downw rds on the side, position ll* The +)e of the Sun, Venus, .enus/ ppe r nce before the $un s the >mornin% st r? w s conceptu li1ed s -ind of dv nce scout for the $un in The hole

the concentric circles th t llude to the position of the e*e a(ove and (elo% severed fin%ers pointin% upw rds nd downw rds -ithin position l The (lue-green, %ater,

Illustration 1.: Touched 9% 7abbit Cro%

The Tumi 3nife, the 0a) of the Sun, ,he ,umi -nife) the si%n for r * of the $un) a )arrior 9*ellow) of the Sun01 The %arrior, / hori*ontal-!lace, Here, brown but uncle r si%n th t m * be be severed fin%er pointin% to the surf ce line /n o!ening. the form of the bl des ed%e nd sides th t m -e up h lf circle th t forms the u%%er-side si%n the >h ndle? of the -nife is t pered into >.? sh ped o%ening si%n Gan o%ening in the surface arising in the east and %est, the form of the left nd ri%ht curved arising lines th t m -e up the sides of the -nife to the arc of the sk) the curved rc th t is the bl de of the -nife) the bow or rc of the '-* on the u!!er-side, the u!!er-%orld.

Illustration 12: Touched 9% 7abbit Cro%

Illustration 14: 7abbit and 8and For"s

The +ars, the holes the e rs llude to the orifices) the holes positioned on the sides on the sides

Illustration 20: 7abbit and 8and For"s Taken do%n%ards, on an unseen, %ater), !ath%a), >shepherd/s croo-? si%n ta6ing do)n)ards center line /a %ath)a31 between the double lines /unseen1 the blue-green color for w ter "then# Taken u!%ards, /rising, form of the 8 r) blue!%reen) )ater si%n is depicted s the curved arising si%n the -nife) the w rrior is t -en downw rds nd then rises in the flow of w ter High a(ove, t perin% off into the dist nce 9$t nce: %ithin The %ater, On an unseen !ath%a). ,he line within the double lines 9unseen: of the blue!%reen w ter si%ns

Illustration 21: The 7abbit The $reat :u"%er On the 0ight, in the %est, The 0a((it, The great .um!er, from the hole, The +)e of the Sun, Venus. Taken do%n the side, the *ellow. 3roo- th t indic tes t -en in the direction indic ted The Hand of the Sun, the ste%ard of the Sun, the) *ellow) form of the h nd $un!priest whose t s- it w s to ssist the $un

Illustration 22: Signs ;ithin the 7abbit For" Taken do%n, the side, ,he n rrow) *ellow) >croo-? form for ta6en in the direction indic ted nd position ll* on the side of The earth-female the red 2u si tri n%ul r form Here, the fin%er of the h nd 9 nother >croo-? si%n: pointin% to the blue!%reen )ater The Hand of the Sun, the ste%ard of the Sun, " )ello%, of the Sun 4# in The flo%ing %ater, blue!%reen w ter with f int multiple lines indic tin% a flo) the Stance of the w ter is one of o*erflo)ing on the side of the earthen-*essel "uch as boiling )ater often does

from The $outh, the %ater source, the open mouth of the ( ce indic tin% w ter source

Illustration 2#: the Ser%ent Color Coded The Ser!ent, the stream of %ater color coded blue!%reen to show the form The one, his location, The +)e "of the Sun#, Venus. ,he circle th t m -es up the thumbn il colored or n%e for identific tion

Illustration 2&: The For" of the 8ands and <egs The Hand, the ste%ard of the Sun, /rising, $t nce The One, His location, the) circul r) thumbn il The S!irit-Levels "4# the fin%ers rr n%ed in vertic l series with the fin%ern ils e2u tin% to hori1ont l!pl ce si%ns or le*els the white color indic tes) s%irit the count of 4 representin% the 4 directions or e*er3)here. The Leg, The oot, the long .ourne), the le% indic tes long while the foot indic te w l- or 5ourne3 Beneath the surface,"45# s!irit-!laces. the foot is %ositioned with its sole f cin% upw rds on the underside ,he hori1ont l!spirit!pl ces 9FH: the toe count c nnot be determined due to d m %e

The S6uirrel, the small one %ho clim(s, the form of s2uirrel Sitting, %aiting, the $t nce th t indic tes w itin% the s2uirrel is sittin% upon the -nee of the le% which m * rel te to the hinge li-e o%ening nd closing of this bod* re The male-s!irit, the form of the s2uirrelIs he d th t is b sed on the %l ns penis) indic tin% a "ale-s%irit The +)e of the Sun, Venus, n llusion to the s2uirrel/s e*e On the surface the str i%ht line of the e*e of / vertical-!lace, the vertic l rect n%le 9vertic l!pl ce: of the nec- or thro t 9a *ertical tunnel: of the s2uirrel %here He arises ,he form of the t il is the arising si%n.

Illustration 2': 8is Face At The Center /t the center, position l the 3enter of the e rth) the Douth of the 8 rth 9.essel:) me nin% cosmolo%ic ll* si%nific nt center viewed s doorw * or port l) on the surf ce of the middle world) between the underworld nd the s-* sprin% or other source of subterr ne n w ter His Small ace, His little a!!earance, /t rest, $t nce of hori1ont l he d nd closed e*e -ithin position l The Ser!ent, the stream, Taken to the hori*ontal-!lace of darkness, the >croo-? si%n for ta6en in the direction indic ted the bl c- rect n%le indic tin% hori1ont l!pl ce of d r-ness the f ce cre tes lump in the serpent/s bod* which is prob bl* reference to the bod* of the m n bein% >di%ested? b* the w ter of the stre m within the e rth Belo% ,he >croo-? si%n continues on p st the d r- pl ce indic tin%) position ll*) below

The +)e of the Sun, Venus, n llusion to the position of the e*e overl id b* the >croo-? si%n Taken do%n, the >croo-? si%n th t be%ins t the llusion to the e*e

Illustration 2+: the Ser%ent Color Coded His Hair, his develo!ment, the hori*ontal-!lace of %ater the blue!%reen rect n%le pl ce of w ter) lludes to the h ir indic tin% gro)th or de*elo%"ent On the side position l The Long Turning, the long >U? sh pe form round the mouth The oot, the %alk or .ourne), the foot e2u te to w l- or 0ourne* nd its $t nce is u%)ards position ll*, on the side 7! the side to The vertical-!lace of The $outh, the s!irit-!lace, the %ater source. ,he pl ce si%n is the white color for spirit

Illustration 2.: 8is Face 8is A%%earance His large ace, his great a!!earance, the) rel tivel*) l r%e f ce indic tes) great this m * rel te to the $un thus providin% rel tionship in si1e between the %re ter $un nd the sm ller !enus %t re t! $t nce of he d is hori1ont l nd e*e is closed The One facing u!%ards, he d is f cin% u%)ards

The ,ose, the dual holes, n llusion to the nostrils s holes Taken u! to the surface, the >croo-? of he nose th t le ds up to the hori1ont l line th t serves s surf ce line The o!ening the >.? si%n t the brid%e of the nose th t indic tes n openin% in the %round/s surf ce The +ar, the hole, n llusion to the orifice of the e r on The side "of the earth#. position l

Illustration 22: 8is Face 8is A%%earance His gro%th, his develo!ment, The Great One, his location, -ithin The (lue-green, %ater, at The tunnel-!lace, the nec-!thro t viewed s connectin% tunnel between the bowels of the e rth nd the mouth or w ter source t the surf ce His (od) / vertical-!lace of Blue-green, %ater, The /rm, the %arrior, The Hand, the ste%ard, /rising, %ith the (lue-green, %ater, form of the rm nd h nd off 8nto the distance. ,he risin% si%n t perin% to dist nt point ,he rm of the %reen!blue fi%ure is pointin% tow rd the e st) the pl ce of the risin% $un

$umm r* 7hen re din% the composition one is led to the conclusion th t .enus w s the ultim te destin* of the dece sed w rrior!priest in his fterlife. ,his hi%hl* met phoric l composition does not even cont in st r si%n rel tin% to .enus. In the process of re din% the %l*ph we le rn th t the v riet* of im %er* found in the composition is not one of %ods but r ther one rel ted to descriptive words nd phr ses. ,he people who composed the %l*ph were immersed in n ture nd used their w reness of nim l beh vior to cre te ssoci tions rel ted to the v rious nim ls nd other ob0ects. ,hus within the composition we observe li1 rd) s2uirrel) nd r bbit. 7e find hum n f ces) hum n bod* form) s well s det ched rms) le%s nd feet) even bre sts. 7e lso see the form of ver* l r%e pot or vessel. ,he result nt im %er* ppe rs not onl* bit ch otic but lso bit %ruesome with hum n he d nd limbs pp rentl* bein% coo-ed in the vessel. 5ll of these forms nd im %er* re tied to%ether thou%h the use of %esture si%ns th t provided further inform tion be*ond th t provided b* the ssoci tion l form nd im %er*. ,he f ct th t the ncient scribes were so dept t usin% met phor le ds one to believe th t the cosmolo%* w s not intended to be t -en liter ll* but r ther li-e poetr* nd son% w s me nt to ppe l to the im %in tion s to wh t mi%ht lie behind th t which our e*es c nnot see. Dost e rl* societies were nimistic nd believed th t ever*thin% in the world w s live nd h d spirit. ,hese spirits were forces found in the n tur l world nd were not completel* understood nor controlled b* m n. ,he* were therefore not so much pr *ed to s %ods but were tre ted s person lities th t mi%ht be pl c ted or even bribed with offerin%s into doin% wh t m n desired. (rom the e' mple described in this p per we c n ppreci te the sophistic tion of both the si%n l n%u %e s*stem s well s the sophistic ted world view th t w s presented b* the s*stem. Dost of the inform tion th t we presentl* depend upon historic ll* h s been distorted both un-nowin%l* nd deliber tel* b* other societies th t were either bent on t -in% over the l nds nd resources of the more ncient societies or determined to convert the other to the >ri%ht? w * of thin-in%. ,he ncient cultures were described s devil worshipers) or s bein% involved in idol tr*. $uch ne% tive descriptions of the other culture llowed the con2uerin% culture to destro* s much of the liter ture of the ncient culture s possible. ,he composition informs us of the %re t import nce of w ter in the ncient cosmolo%*. Underst ndin% this lso %ives us %re ter insi%ht into the r tion le for petro%l*phs bein% found %rouped) in l r%e numbers) in re s where subterr ne n w ter ppe red on hills nd mount insides. 8ven w ter seep %e from roc- led%es seems to h ve followed this re sonin%. 7e re lso ble to % in better underst ndin% of the re son .enus w s so si%nific nt in number of ncient $un oriented cultures. Dost if not ll e rl* cultures were w rrior b sed societies nd it w s the w rriors th t provided the communit* with securit* from other cultures ttempts to t -e over their resources. ,he cosmolo%* reenforced the import nce of the w rriors nd m * h ve even provided them with ps*cholo%ic l source of br ver*. ,he w rriors were better ble to ris- their lives with the belief the* would rew rded with speci l fterlife where the* could continue their service to the $un.

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