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Lahore University of Management Sciences MATH 210 Introduction to Differential Equations

Fall 2012-2013

Instructor Room No. Office Hours Email Telephone Secretary/TA TA Office Hours Course URL (if any)

I. Naeem 124 Not restricted (any time without appointment) 042-35608014 TBA TBA

Course Basics Credit Hours Lecture(s) Recitation/Lab (per week) Tutorial (per week) Course Distribution Core Elective Open for Student Category Close for Student Category

3 Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week

Duration Duration Duration


Core for math majors All students None

COURSE DESCRIPTION The laws of science and engineering are typically expressed in differential equations, which are equations with derivatives in them. Understanding of differential equations and their solutions is important in the sciences and engineering. This course deals with: First order differential equations; modeling; second order linear equations; Damped motion in mechanical and electrical systems; System of first order linear equations; Eigenvalues and Eigen vector; Series solutions; Introduction to special functions; Fourier series; Partial differential equations; separation of variables and Sturm-Liouville problems. COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) MATH 102 or MATH 102A

COURSE OBJECTIVES Students will be trained to: Solve differential equations by suitable methods Apply differential equations to real-world problems Analyze solutions of differential equations

Learning Outcomes Students will learn to: Solve differential equations by suitable methods Apply mathematics to problems in social, physical and engineering sciences etc. Formulate first order ordinary differential equations for modeling of population dynamics and Mechanics etc. Formulate second order differential equations to model physical problems involving damped motion in mechanical electrical system.

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Find Series solutions of higher order linear differential equations. Solve systems of first order linear equations by using matrix algebra. Use method of separation of variables for solutions of PDEs.

Grading Breakup and Policy Assignment(s) and Quiz(s): 25% Class Participation: Attendance: Midterm Examination: 35% Project: Final Examination: 40%

Examination Detail Yes/No: Yes Combine/Separate: Duration: 90 min Preferred Date: 13 Oct 2012 Exam Specifications: No notes/No books/No calculators

Midterm Exam

Final Exam

Yes/No: Yes Combine Separate: Duration: 180 min Exam Specifications: No notes/No books/No calculators

COURSE OVERVIEW Week Topics First order differential equations Preliminaries Separable variables Exact Equations Homogeneous Equations Linear equations Integrating factors Some nonlinear first order equations with known solution Modeling Exponential growth and decay, Half life Newtons law of cooling, series circuits Second order linear differential equations Initial value and boundary value problems Homogeneous equations Characteristic equations Complex roots, repeated roots; reduction of order Non-homogeneous equations Undetermined coefficients Method Wronskian, Particular Solution Modeling Recommended Readings Objectives/ Application Solutions of differential equations

Solutions of differential equations

Solutions of differential equations Modeling of real-world systems

Solutions of differential equations

Solutions of differential equations

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Modeling of real-world systems

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Damped motion in mechanical and electrical systems System of first order Linear equations Introduction, Review of matrices, linear independence Eigen values, Eigen vectors Basic theory of systems of first order linear equations, Homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients Complex Eigen values, repeated Eigen values, Non homogeneous linear system Series Solutions Power series Series solutions near an ordinary point, Classification of singular points Frobenius theorem Frobenius theorem (Continue) , Introduction to special functions Partial Differential equations and Fourier series Two point boundary value problems, Fourier series The Fourier convergence theorem, even and odd functions Separation of variables and partial differential equations Separation of variables and partial differential equations (Continue) Sturm-Liouville problems Sturm-Liouville problems (Continue) Solutions of differential equations

Solutions of differential equations 8

Solutions of differential equations

Solutions of differential equations


Solutions of differential equations


Solutions of differential equations


Solutions of differential equations

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Solutions of differential equations

Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings There is no required text but the following texts will be used for reference. 1) 2) 3) Differential equations with boundary-value problems by Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullin (5th Edition Brooks/Cole) Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems by William E. Boyce and Richard C. Diprima. (Seventh Edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Introduction to partial differential equations by K. Sankara Rao (Second Edition Prentice Hall of India)

Handouts on topics will also been uploaded on the LUMS website Helping Softwares : Mathematica Some crack software for PDEs Maple 13, 14

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