A Wonder in A Cup - Instant Noodle

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle


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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

D. Introduction Instant noodle has been popular for many years. Nowadays, there are more and more people eating instant noodle when they feel hungry. As students, we always saw our classmates eating instant noodles during lunch time. And we are, of course, some of them. Also, people can easily buy it at a convenient store. So, we start thinking about how it came from, who invented it, and when it was invented. After such a long time, is there any change in it? Did the methods of producing instant noodle differ from before? Recently, healthy diets are more and more important. However, it seems to be harmful to our health. Still, there are some negative news of instant noodle. We want to know what the harmful elements are. If we always eat it, will it influent our health? Since it may be harmful to our health, we wonder why it is still so popular all over the world. Is that because of its good test or its convenience? What is the main reason that it becomes be so popular for such a long time? All of the questions arouse our interests to look into this project. And we are going to investigate into four topics as follows: 1. The origin of instant noodle 2. How to produce instant noodle 3. The influence on people 4. Why it is so popular E. Thesis 1. The origin of instant noodle (1) Who Mofuku Ando is a Taiwanese-Japanese. His Chinese name is Wu Pai-fu. He was born in March fifth 1910, and died in January fifth 2007. His is the inventor of instant noodle and cup noodle. (2) When In 1957, AndoFs career in Japan went into bankruptcy. Then the image of people waiting in line in the rain in order to buy a bowl of ramen at the end of the World War E came to his mind. He determined to invent something that is low-priced, delicious, easily-cooked and easily-conserved. So, he embarked on inventing this kind of food. (3) How One day, when seeing his wife frying tempura, Ando found that frying can make the water in noodles vapor, and there will be lots of small holes on their surfaces. These holes can absorb water, and the water can change the noodles back to the way they were. That is how Ando decided to use frying to conserve noodles.

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

2. How did the instant noodles be made? (1) Manufacturing process of the fried noodles.

Mixed mixer

Compound extend

Cut and shape

Steam and Season

1. Mixed mixer: mix the special flour noodles mix with a special mixture, mixed with a different speed. And control the temperature of dough with ice water. 2. Compound extend: With the FIFO principle, preserve the elasticity with the five-thick flour wrapping.

3. Cut into strips and make into a shape of wave: increase the area in a unit length, in order to reduce the manufacturing time. 4. Steam and Season: Steam the noodles with 100G vapor for 100 seconds or 150 seconds. Then add a special sauce to increase the noodleFs taste.

Cut and fry

Fried and dehydration


Check the quality

5. Cut down the noodles and put into the fryer: Cut the noodle into the same length and put into the fryer. 6. Fried and dehydration: To preserve the noodles, you have to remove the water in the noodle by frying it 120 seconds with a temperature of 150G.

7. Cooler: Cool the hot noodles with temperature under 40G. 8. Check the quality of the noodles: Use one kind of detector to examine the amount of metal. Workers check the appearance, color, other things, and the degree of cooling.

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle



Check the contents

Seal and finish.

9.Packing: Put the contents into the pack. 10. Packing: Put the sauce into the pack. (2) Manufacturing process of non-fired noodle.

11. Check the contents. 12. Seal and finish.

Mixed mixer


Cut and shape


1. Mixed mixer: mix the special flour noodles mix with a special mixture, mixed with a different speed. And control the temperature of dough with ice water. 2. Compound extend@ After the extension, the noodles can be looser or tighter.

3. Cut it into strips and make into a shape of wave: Cut the extended noodle into proper shape and make into wave. 4. Steam machine: Steam and cook the noodles with 100G vapor and make the noodles render the original elasticity.

Extension Machine




5. Extension Machine: Extend the noodles which have been steamed. 6. Cutter: Cut the noodle into the same length and put into a box to dry.

7. Dryer: Dry the noodles with HHot air drying,I completely preserve the noodles elasticity. 8. Cooler: Cool the hot noodles with a temperature of under 40G with the filtered cold wind.

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle



Check the contents.

Seal and finish.

9.Packing: Put the contents into the pack. 10. Packing: Put the sauce into the pack.

11. Check the contents. 12. Seal and finish.

3. The influence on people (1) Styrene The Styrofoam bowl is made of styrene. If you have styrene for a long time, even only a little, it may cause such cancer as blood cancer, lymph cancer, the pancreas cancer and so on. If you eat it for a short time in a large amount, it may also cause arrhythmia, respiratory failure, hepatitis, nausea puke and other symptoms. Styrene will be released when the temperature is between centigrade 70 and 80; likewise, it will be released much more when it is between centigrade 80 and 90. In Japan, scientists pay attentions to the aspect and make a study that point out some ideas as follows. If you are 50 kg, you can only ingest 0.05mg per day. But one Styrofoam bowl will dissolve 0.015mg styrene when you enjoy the instant noodle. It almost reached one fourth of danger quantity. (2)Sodium ConsumersF Foundation randomly inspected the content of sodium in instant noodles, cookies, plum and dried fruit. They found that the content of sodium in instant noodles was too much, and it even over the standard ingestion per day. The Department of Health claimed that people should pay attention to the quantity of sodium ingestion on the base of the principle of absorbing no more than 2400mg. Sodium mainly comes from the flavoring package of instant noodles. They suggest that when eating instant noodles people can add less flavoring or eat less soup to decrease the amount of the sodium they eat. The Department of Health also indicated that many countries didnFt have the warning sign of sodium, which made some scholars, experts and consumer protection groups further discuss the issue. The Department of Health encouraged people to have a balanced diet and eat more vegetables and fruit. According to the research conducted by Department of Health, the major cause of death in 2008 is hypertension accounting for 2.8%, that is, 3,507 people died of this disease. When purchasing processed food, especially for hypertensive patients, people should be careful and understand the information on the

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

packing and absorb less sodium in order to keep health. (3) Practical knowledge supplement A. The benefit of sodium to human: Sodium mainly controls the balance of the water in our bodies, the sodium ion, muscle traction, nerves and carbohydrateFs absorption. B. The harm of sodium to human: If you absorb it too much, the water will stay in your body, which increases your blood pressure and cause burdens to your heart. (4) Instant noodle and our health A. Eating too much instant noodle make people become mammy? a. Many people think that instant noodle contain antiseptic, and it will make us become mammy. In fact, Instant noodles do not contain antiseptic. It is BHT that is harmful to our health. BHT is a chemical which is produced when frying the noodle. b. Will eating too much instant noodle cause baldness? A twenty-night-year old man has become bald since he was eighteen years old. He ate instant noodle as meals and snacks when he was a child. A dermatologist indicated that instant noodles contain BHT. If you overuse it for a long time, it will cause folliculitis. If you want to revive your hair, you need to change your dietary habit, together with medications and massages. B. The most poisonous instant noodle is in Taiwan. According to clinical report, to have a fantastic soup, the manufacture adds much more doses than other countries. The dose of instant noodle in Taiwan is twenty times higher than that in America, forty times in Japan. If you eat one pack of instant noodle, your kidney needs to take 32 days to digest it. C. The nutrition and calorie of instant noodle. The seasoning of instant noodle needs disinfection and vacuum treatment. So the nutrition that meat and vegetable have is no longer existent. All we eat is lots of calories. A small cup of instant noodle has 350 calories. If you spend much money buying a bigger cup of instant noodle, what you really buy is more calories. D. Enjoy delicacy and take care about health at the same time. a. The pack of seasoning must to be boiled. By boiling, the anti-oxidant in the pack can be decomposed. b. Putting half of seasoning will be much better and healthier. J. Why can instant noodle be so popular? The biggest advantage of instant noodle is that it is very convenient. We donFt need to wait for a long time to enjoy our meal when we are hungry. Another advantage is that it is cheap. Everyone can afford it. Furthermore, the price that is from twenty to thirty is the

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

most common price in the market, and most of people can accept it. So, it is no doubt that instant noodle can be so popular among people. While the healthy diet becomes more and more popular, the high-calorie instant noodle is still popular among people. The flavor of instant noodle is also wonderful. Lots of people buy it because it tastes good. Also, many people think the soup of instant noodle is delicious. Some people buy it for its fantastic soup. Besides convenient, cheapness and taste, instant noodle can also fill our stomach. Those are the reasons why instant noodle becomes an indispensable food in our daily life. We compile statistics. The outcome is as follow. 1. In which condition you will choose to eat instant noodle?

P1: When will you choose to eat it?

2. The advantages of instant noodle?

Based on Pic:1 and Pic:2, most people think it is a convenient food and it is also not expensive. Those are why they are so popular.

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

3. What will you concern when buying instant noodle?

About half of the people will consider the soup when choosing instant noodle eat. A soup with good flavor can make the item popular. Also, a delicious noodle will make people buy it. 4. What attract you to buy this item?

Sixty-five percent of the people claim that the price of instant noodle will influence their choice to buy the product. Especially during the recession, the low-priced goods Kinstant noodle- easily becomes the most popular food.

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

5. What is the instant noodleFs price you can accept?

The most common price in the market is twenty to thirty, and people usually can afford it. That is why instant noodle can be so common. L. Conclusion After doing the research, we found that student often eat instant noodle. Those who live with their family eat less instant noodle. What surprises us is that the calories of instant noodle wonFt impact its popularity among people, because people seem to love low-calorie food in the present. In addition, after we study whether the antiseptic is added into the instant noodle, we found that the instant noodle does not contain antiseptic. And the non-fried noodles are promoted because of its low calorie. What is more, eating non-fried noodles is much healthier than eating fried ones. The instant noodles undoubtedly have become indispensable food in our daily life. How deeply students depend on it is beyond description. So, people is not only eat instant noodle happily but also eat healthily. M. Reference NOPQRSTUVWXQ-2009 Y 8 Z 26 V[\] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!pREi6o.RBQPFZVRzqUh9LRnH/article?mid=60 ^_`(2003)-abPcd-2009 Y 8 Z 26 V[\] http://www.sunny.org.tw/fin/finreport/report/noodles/new_page_1.htm 7ef(2009)-abgh-2009 Y 8 Z 27 V \] http://lsf0906.myweb.hinet.net/health/h005.htm i6jklm-abn'op-2009 Y 8 Z 27 V[\] http://www.noodle.com.tw/museum/flow2.asp

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A wonder in a cup ---Instant noodle

i6jklm-abn'op-2009 Y 8 Z 27 V[\] http://www.noodle.com.tw/museum/flow.asp qrst(2009)-uvwt-xyyzY 8 Z 29 V[\] http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609051007400 qr{|}(2009)-v~st-xyyzY 8 Z 29 V[\] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!Yyvd3MKeFRJGzzIpQt_pb7pTq2SJuZo-/article?mid=216 7 .!"#.i6jk$X%XQ{(2008)-ab&'-./()*+,-. /. Appendix 1. Questionnaire Hello! We are the students of TCHCVS. We are going to write an essay. Our topic is about instant noodles. Please help us fill out the questionnaire. We will appreciate your help. 1. How old are you? 010~19 020~29 030~39 0 over 40 2. How many times do you eat instant noodle every week? 0 never 0 one time 0 two times 0 three times 0 over four times 3. In what situation you will choose to eat instant noodle? 0You feel very hungry but you donFt have enough money. 0You are in a hurry. 0You just canFt resist its favor. 4. In your opinion, what is the advantage of instant noodle? (Arrange in order to your interest.) 0cheap 0convenient 0delicious 0various favor 0easy to get 5. Which brand is your favorite? 0 i6 0 12 0 34 0 ~?5 0 67 6. According to question NO.5, why you love the instant noodle of this brand? 0 favor 0 soup 0 noodle 0 the advertisement attract you 0 others 7. What will you concern when buying instant noodle? 0 packing 0 calorie 0 price 0 others 8. How is the instant noodleFs price you can accept? 0 NT$20~29 0 NT$30~39 0 over NT$40 9. Have you ever eaten vegetarian instant noodle? 0 yes 0 no 0 If you never eat it, would you want to give it a try. 10. Do you think vegetarian and un-fired instant noodle are much healthier? 0 yes 0 no 11. Do you that instant noodle doesnFt contain antiseptic ? 0 yes 0 no

Thank you for your help.

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