Prof. S K Palhan Operations Management: Post Graduate Diploma in Management Batch: 2013-2015

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Post Graduate Diploma in Management Batch : 2013-2015

Facul ty !ours e

Prof. S K Palhan Operations Management

erm !redit s

Term-2 3

"#out the $nstructor: %&'palhan(iemr'in

)o' o* contact hours Session Duration

: 30 (Thirty Hours)

: 90 Minutes.

1' !ourse +#,ecti-e and %cope

Improving the operations of both manufa turing an! servi e organi"ations to ma#e them ompetitive in terms of $ua%ity & ost ' !e%ivery.. This ourse (i%% provi!e an intro!u tion to the on epts an! ana%yti metho!s that are usefu% in un!erstan!ing the management of a firm)s operations. *e ause the ourse !ea%s (ith the management of +pro esses&+ it app%ies to both for,profit an! non,profit organi"ations& to both servi e an! manufa turing organi"ations& an! to virtua%%y any fun tiona% area or in!ustry. 2'+#,ecti-e -. .n!erstan! the ro%e of operations in !ifferent types of organi"ations an! ho( operations an be a sour e of ompetitive a!vantage for any organi"ation. /. To re ogni"e the tra!eoffs an! a%ternatives that operations managers0 fa e an! the impa t their hoi es have on the organi"ation0s apabi%ities an! su ess. 3. To un!erstan! an! re ogni"e the ontribution of emergent on epts in pro!u t an! servi e !eve%opment& pro ess !esign& an! apa ity an! fa i%ities strategy. 1. To un!erstan! spe ifi on epts re%ate! to 2onversion pro ess 3ore asting 2apa ity p%anning 4 management 5o ation p%anning 5ayout p%anning Inventory management 6ua%ity management 7or# Stu!y Mo!ern tren!s in operations management 8. To provi!e a on eptua% un!erstan!ing of managing the operations of a business that pro!u es a pro!u t or provi!es a servi e& an! to gain insight on ho( organi"ations a tua%%y operate.

Post Graduate Diploma in Management Batch : 2013-2015

Facul ty !ours e

Prof. S K Palhan Operations Management

erm !redit s

Term-2 3

9. To un!erstan! ne essary improvements in the organi"ation)s operations in or!er to be ompetitive in the hanging +(or%!+ mar#ets. :. To un!erstan! the va%ue of ana%yti a% te hni$ues in bui%!ing insight an! supporting management !e ision,ma#ing& an! to gain e;perien e in using these te hni$ues. 2' .e/uired te0t Boo& : Everett E. Adam, Jr.Ronald J Ebert 1 Production and +peration Management1 8th <!ition& =HI& >e( De%hi Supp%ementa% ?ea!ings an! ?esour es "dditional .eadings : @perations Management by ?oberta S. ?usse%% *ernar! 7. Tay%or A=earson n <!u ation @perations Management by BraCe(s#i& ?it"man ' Ma%hotra, =renti e Ha%% @perations an! Supp%y Management by ?i har! 2hase& ?avishan#ar& 3.?obert Da obs&>i ho%as D.E$ui%ano pub%ishe! by Tata M Fra( Hi%% <!u ation =rivate 5t!.

3' 23"45" $+) !+MP+)2) % : !omponents o* 2-aluation *or the !ourse 6ui""es an! %ass tests =roCe t Mi! Term <;amination <n! Term <;amination @ther Tota% -00 Percentage Distri#ution *or the !omponent 30 -0 /0 10

6' D2 "$4 %2%%$+) +5 4$)2 -. Intro!u tion to operations management


Post Graduate Diploma in Management Batch : 2013-2015

Facul ty !ours e

Prof. S K Palhan Operations Management

/. 2onversion pro ess 3. 3ore asting 1. 3ore asting 8. 3ore asting 9. 2apa ity p%anning :. 5o ation p%anning G. 5o ation p%anning 9. 5ayout -0.5ayout --.Mi! term e;am -/.Inventory management -3.Inventory management -1.M?= -8.DIT -9.6ua%ity ontro%

erm !redit s

Term-2 3

-:.6ua%ity ontro% -G.Dob !esign -9.7or# stu!y /0.Mo!ern on epts in operations

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