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Non-Native/Exotic/Alien/Invasive Species Graphic Organizer

Name Where did it come from? Where is it no ? Wh! is it a pro"lem?

Eastern Asia
Arundo donax Giant reed

Tuscon Audubon and other parts of the U.S

South America
$ater %#acinth

Asian Swamp Eel Sea &ampre#

Asia Atlantic )cean Eastern Asia

alifornia! Texas! &ouisiana! Georgia! 'lorida 'lorida! Georgia! %awaii Great la(es hicago area! Ar(ansas! 'lorida! alifornia! olumbia! ,ar#land! -elaware! +ew .erse#! /hode island! ,assachusetts +orth east area of America! $estern area near alifornia.

rowds out native species! reduces wildlife habitat! contributes to higher fire fre"uenc# and intensit#! modifies river h#drolog# 'orms dense colonies that bloc( sunlight and crowd out native species ompetes with native species *re#s on native species *re#s and competes with native species.

+orthern Sna(ehead

0uagga ,ussel

-neiper /iver drainage of U(raine Eurasia Africa

3ebra ,ussel

Africani4ed %one#bee

Alters food web b# filtering water and removing plan(ton1 clogs water2inta(e pipes Eastern part of the ompetes with native United States species1 clogs pipes ,ontana! +orth -a(ota! ,ore aggressive than 5ndiana! 6irginia European hone#bees1 negative impact on hone#


Where did it come from?

Where is it no ?

Wh! is it a pro"lem?

Asian Tiger ,os"uito

'ormosan Subterranean Termite ,editerranean 'ruit 'l# /ed 5mported 'ire Ant


5ndiana! areas near new 7or(! %as aggressive da#time areas near alifornia human2biting behavior and abilit# to vector man# viruses! including $est +ile 6irus Southeast U.S ompetes with native species1 causes structural damage to buildings %awaii and alifornia 5ndiana! +evada! +ew 7or(! *enns#lvania! Texas! )(lahoma! :ansas %awaii! 'lorida Attac(s over 899 species of fruits and vegetables an attac( and cause painful stings on humans! pets! and livestoc( *re#s on and competes with native species1 highl# toxic to predators ;including pets< ompetes with native species1 destro#s crops -amages native plants and

Sub2Saharan Africa South America

ane Toad

European Starling $ild =oar

South America! entral America! ,exico! and extreme southern Texas Eurasia Entire U.S Eurasia

South eastern area of the U.S

and alifornia area

Salt edar ;plant<

Eurasia Asia

$ashington! northern area of the U.S +ortheastern U.S.! Appalachian region! Great &a(es region! *acific +orthwest! and /oc(# ,ountain region

$hite *ine =lister /ust

crops and competes with native species Absorbs large amounts of water and creates large deposits of salt 'ungal disease of five2 needle ;white< pines

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