Accounting - FA - GL - Master Records - Ind - Processing - Centrally

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Financial Accounting

1. Chart of Accounts (Page 119-1)

Accounting -> FA -> GL -> Master Records ->Ind.Processing ->Centrally Key name language length of GL A/c Group Chart of A/c (GCOA) For Cross Company code ( !tyh "!ff COA) #eport!ng $loc% &nd!cator' (anual or Automat!c creat!n of Cost type (for (()) only !f default *alue for the +C, (+r!mary Cost element) Category !s "ef!ned COA Segment Account ) Only ,/ternal Ass!gnment (0ser has to spec!fy. -o range !s def!ned !n Account group master. !t can o*erlap ) -ame + 1 L or $2 Acount for + 1 L type + 1 L statement A/c type (#eta!ned ,arn!ng A/c) ) 3 Funct!onal Area 4rad!ng +artner Group A/c -o ) for Cross Company #eport!ng. (andatory !f GCOA !s def!ned for the COA. 2ame A/c -o can .e used for (ultuple Accounts Account Group ) 4h!s controls the 4he F!eld Access !n the Company code 2egment.(2uppress'"!splay'#e5u!red'Opt!onal). A #ange Can .e Ass!gned to the A/c Group 6h!ch can O*erlap -ote ) &n add!t!on to the A/c Group ' there can .e transact!on spec!f!c Control (Create or Change) to control the F!eld Access !n the Company code segment Company code Segment Currency ((andatory) ) !f the Curreny !s the Local Currency (Company code Crncy) ' Account Can .e posted !n any currency' Othe !se post!ng can .e only !n the F.C. #eco. Account for Account 4ype ) Account 4ype GL ($lan%) K Cred!tors " "e.tors A 7 Asset Cant "!rectly +ost to the A/c for type K 1 " 4a/ &nd!cator L!ne &tem d!splay ) 2ummary or "eta!l !n #eport ("o not use for #eco. Accounts ' #e*enue A/c'2toc% A/c 1 4a/ Accounts) 2ort Key ) for 2ort!ng !n reports F!eld 2tatus Group ((andatory) ) 4h!s Controls the F!eld access !n the 4ransact!ons #ele*ant For Cash Flo 8ouse $an% 1 Account &" &nterest "eta!ls Open &tem (anagement ) 0se for Clear!ng Accounts. 2hould ha*e L!ne !tem "!splay ena.led Can .e Changed only !f the A/c $alance !s 9ero.

Only $alance !n Local Crncy ) use for Clear!ng Accounts h!ch "oes not
re5u!re ,/.#ate "!fference +ost!ngs. 4ransact!on f!gures are managed for amount

4ranslated !nto L.C. (ust use for Cash "!scount and G#/&# A/c . 2hould not use for A+/A# #eco. Accounts Country A/c -o ) Country A/c code 2hould .e 0n!5ue. ,ntered !n C.Code 2egment Creat!on of COA (anual ) COA segment and Comp 2egment 2eparatly or together Copy!ng ) From &nd!*!tual A/c or ,ntr!re C.C 2egment or ,nt!re COA Collect!*e +rocess!ng

:. Customer / endor !aster (Page " 1#$-1)

Account Group for Customers : IMG -> FA -> AR AP Accounting -> Customer Accounts -> Master !ata -> Prepare creation of Master !ata -> !efine Account group Account Group for "endors : IMG -> FA -> AR AP Accounting -> "endor Accounts -> Master !ata -> Prepare creation of Master !ata -> !efine Account group Creating Customer : Accounting -> FA -> AR -> Master !ata -> Create Creating "endor : Accounting -> FA -> Creditors -> Master !ata -> Create Cl!ent Le*el 2egment'C.Code 2egment'2ales area 2egment' +urchase Organ!sat!on 2egment 0sually At least 2ales area segment /+urchase area segment for the 2ales area / +urchase organ!sat!on area ass!gned to the Company coded should .e Created C.Code 2egment ta.s ) Account!ng &nformat!on +ayment 4ransact!on Correspondance &nsurance (for Customers) 6!thhold!ng 4a/ (For ;endors)

Can .e ma!nta!ned centraly or 2egments separatly. "upl!cat!on can .e chec%ed .y 0s!ng a match code .efore the creat!on and Act!*at!ng the Automat!c "upl!cat!on chec%. Open !tem management 1 L!ne !tem d!splay as standard conf!gurat!on F!eld status can also .e controlled .y C.Code spec!f!c layout. A/c Grop spec!f!c'4ransact!on spec!f!c (Create/Change) and C.Code spec!f!c F!eld status Compared and .ased on pr!or!ty access !s set. Changes to any cr!t!cal F!elds 'after creat!on 'can .e controlled .y "ef!n!ng f!elds for dual control !n ;/C (aster !n &(G. &f a f!eld !s mar%ed as sens!t!*e and any change !s made to !t' 2ystem !ll .loc% all payments t!ll the Author!sed person appro*es !t. &f a Customer !s also a *endor ' the Correspond!ng Code can .e g!*en. +ayment 1 "unn!ng +rogram can clear open !tems aga!nst each other A/c !f <Clear!ng !th ;endor= F!led !s mar%ed (at C.Code Le*el).

; / C Account -o ) Cl!ent le*el ; /C Account Group ) "eterm!ne the #ange ( #ange Can=t O*erlap). Can .e ,/ternal or !nternal. &f e/ternal ' Alpha numer!c can .e used. A #ange can .e ass!gned (ore than one account Group "eterm!ne One t!me ;/C or -ot. For one t!me ';/C spec!f!c F!elds are 8!dden. "eta!ls are entered "ur!ng "ocument +ost!ng "eterm!ne F!eld 2tatus for the (aster #ecord. Once Created ' Can=t .e changed (,/cept!on ) !f use +artner role !n 2" )

2earch 4erm ) For 2erch!ng +ayment 4erms ) Corporate Group ) 0ser def!ned group %ey for Grop!ng Customer/;endors . used for #eprt!ng ' 4ransact!on +rocess!ng 1 (atch codes Cler% Account!ng (&") ) Autamat!caly pr!nted !n all correspondance. Can .e used for 2ort!ng "unn!ng and +ayment +roposal l!st. &$A- ) &nternat!onal .an% account Country spec!f!c. Can .e used for !nternat!onal +ayment transact!ons . 4o .e entered manualy !n each record . 2ystem can generate Country spec!f!c .an% deta!l for certa!n countr!es 4erms of payment ) at Company code le*el and 2ales 2egment le*el and purchase seg le*el Clear!ng !th ;endor ) hen the Custmer !s also a *endor or *!se *ersa &nd!cator A/c Control 1 2tatus ) 4o +r!nt partner relat!on sh!p !n reports >> Alternate +ayer/+ayee ) Can .e at Cl!ent le*el and C.Code Le*el ' $ut C.Code le*el has 8!gher +r!or!ty. &nd!*!tual 2pec!f!cat!on (For Alternate +ayer/+ayee) ) !f the Correspond!ng ;/C !s not created can enter the &nformat!on a.out the alternate payer/payee. Account (anagement (8ead Off!ce) ) For Customers ho purchase for $ranches' .ut +ayment made .y head off!ce (Created as another Customer). "unn!ng -ot!ce go to the head off!ce. (!f the "ecentral!sed +rocess!ng !s selected for the 8ead off!ce Customer (aster "unn!ng and +ayment program use the or!g!anl ($ranch) Account $an% 4ype ) Add!t!onal 2elect!ons area ) For pr!nt!ng ;/C #elat!onsh!p'Alternate +ayee' Account management 8ead off!ce !n reports

$% &an's (Page " 1(9-1) $an% (aster #ecord) Accounting -> FA -> #an$s -> Master !ata -> #an$ Master -> Create 8ouse $an% ) IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting ->#an$ Accounts -> !efine %ouse #an$s $an% Account ) IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting ->#an$ Accounts -> !efine %ouse #an$s One 8ouse $an% can ha*e (ult!ple $an% Accounts. $an% account !s !dent!f!ed .y 8ouse $an% &" and Account &". "ef!ne GL A/c for the $an% Account. $oth $an% Account and GL Account 2hould ha*e the 2ame Currency. ,!ther GL A/c -o can .e enterred !n the $an% (aster ,ntry or 8ouse $an% &d / $an% Account &" can .e entered !n GL ,ntry. $an% #ecord !s &dent!f!ed $y the $an% Key and the Country code $an% Group ) For +ayment Opt!m!sat!on $an% &" and $an% type !s used .y +ayment +rogram for Opt!m!sat!on $an% country Creat!on of $an% (aster "ata. ?. 6hen ,nter!ng $an% !nformat!on !n the C/; (aster @. Create $an% 4ransact!on !n A+/A# (aster data menu A. &mport!ng .an% d!rectory B. $atch !nput (!f loc%.o/ used) CCCC +age 1DE Chec% !n the 2ystem C/; (aster

8ouse $an% ) Company code 8ouse $an% &" $an% Country $an% Key

$an% Account ) 8ouse $an% &" Account &" $an% Account Currency G/L Account

)% *ocument +ype !aster , *ocument -o% .ange / Posting 0eys IMG -> FA->FA Glo&al 'etting -> !ocument -> !ocument (eading -> !efine "f!ned at Cl!ent Le*el #ange for "ocument 4ype #e*erse +ost!ng "ocument Author!sat!on group Allo ed Account types for +ost!ng (assets/customer/*endor/gl/mater!al) -et "ocument type F/- ) !f F' system !ll automat!caly deduct cash d!scount from *endor !n*o!ces. Customer / ;endor chec% (F/-) ) hether 'ore than one customer/*endor can .e entered !n one document 8eader te/t and #eference -o are (andatory or not 6hether &n*o!ces are posted !th net procedure -ega!*e +ost!ng Allo ed *ocument -o% .ange (*-.) IMG -> FA -> Fa Glo&al 'ettings -> !ocument -> !)R &nternal 1 ,/ternal ,cah company can ha*e !ts o n "-# Fear &ndependent (0p to a F!scal year) / Fear "ependant 2ame "-# can .e ass!gned to "!fferent "ocument 4ypes Posting 0eys "ef!ned at Cl!ent Le*el "e.!t or Cred!t 4ype of Account Allo ed L!ne !tem !s Connected !th a payment 4ransact!on or not ( for analyG!ng and payment not!ces) 2ales #elated F/2pec!al G/L F/#e*ersal +ost!ng Key

Field Status ariant "ef!ned at Company code le*el and attached to company codes . F!eld status groups are attached to GL A/c . For 2L Accounts there !s no f!eld status group F!eld 2tatus +r!or!ty ) 2uppress "!splay #e5u!red Opt!onal. Fiscal year 1ariant ;arant codeH

6hether year dependant or not Calendar year or not -o of post!ng per!ods and spec!al per!ods only year dependant FF can .e shortend +er!od deta!ls +er!od deta!ls can .e spec!f!ed only for calendar !ndependant f!scal year (onth "ay +er!od (Cont!nuous no) Fear sh!ft (I'7'E) Posting Period ariant (Page 22# -1) IMG -> FA -> F.A Glo&al 'ettings -> !ocument -> Posting Periods -> *pen + Close Posting Periods +ost!ng +er!ods are def!ned !n the F!scal year *ar!ant (a/!mum 1B per!ods !nclud!ng @ 2pec!al +er!ods. 2e*eral Company codes can use the same post!ng +er!od For all the Company codes Ass!gned 'the per!ods are opened and closed s!multaneously +ost!ng +er!ods can .e hadled d!fferently for "!fferent Account 4ypes For any per!od that=s opened ' atleast one account type (I) should .e entered. At l!ne !tem le*el .ased on the account type of the post!ng %ey system che%es hether per!od !s opened CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Chec% the 2creen Account 4ype A/c Code From A/c code 4o +er!od From year +er!od to year 2pec!al +er!od From year 2pec!al +er!od to year Author!sat!on Group (appl!ca.le to the f!rst +er!od &nter*al )

+ost!ng Author!sat!ons (4olerance Groups) IMG -> FA -> FA Glo&al 'ettings -> !ocument -> !ocument item -> !efine ,olr.Groups !efine -ser ,ol.Grps ,mployee 4olerance Groups ) 0pper l!m!t for 4ransact!ons 1 allo ed payment d!ff. GL A/c 4olerance Groups ) Allo ed payment d!fference. Ass!gned to GL A.c C/; 4olerance Groups ) clear!ng 4ransact!ons'Allo ed +ayment "!ff'+ost!ng res!dual !tems and payment ad*!se notes . Ass!gned to C/; Group ) 4olerance Group Company Code Currency (Local currency of the C.Code) 4otal Amount +er document Amount +er open &tem (ma/!mum amount allo ed for C/;) Cash "!scount +er L!ne !tem (a/!mum +ayment "!fference ) for ,mployee 1 C/; Groups

"efault tolerance group for ,mployees !thout a group ) JJJJ 2!mple "ocuments +ar%ed "ocument 8old "ocument +ost "ocument 2!mulate 1 +re*!e #ecurr!ng entry document document !th reference Account ass!gnment model 4o use L!ne !tem te/t for ,/ternal purpose 0se the letter C

#% *ocument Control "ocument &dent!f!cat!on ) "ocument -o I company code I F!scal Fear (&nternal/,/ternal) (a/!mum DDD L!ne &tems "ocument 4ype ) controls the 8eader and the type of A/c that Can .e selected for L!ne !tems "ocument -o ) Can .e alpha numer!c !f ,/ternal "-# 4he F!elds status def!ned for the GL Account and the +ost!ng Key controls the F!eld access and the 8!gher pr!or!ty appl!es. ,/cept!ons ) !f .us!ness area !s used !t must .e ready (act!*ated .y ena.l!ng .us!ness area FA statements !n company code). 4a/ F!elds only !f rela*ant to the GL A/c 6hen post!ng to a 2L Account F!eld status group of the #econc!l!at!on a/c !s used.

Posting Control (Page 23$ 4 1) "efault ;alues 0s!ng +arameter &" "efault *alues can .e set "ocument Change Control IMG -> FA - > FA Glo&al 'etting -> !ocument -> Line items -> !oc C(ange Rules line items -> )e. /ntries 8eader F!elds 4hat can .e changed ) #eference -o and 4e/t F!eld "eta!l ) Any f!elds that ould affect the #econc!l!at!on (Amount '+ost!ng Key ' Account ,tc.) "ocument Change #ules can .e def!ned .ased on the Account 4ype ' 4ransact!on Class

(2pec!al GL 4ransact!ons) and Company code

Cond!t!on for F!eld change ) +ost!ng per!od not closed. L!ne &tem !s not cleared -ot a Customer "e.!t or ;endor Cred!t -ot a &n*o!ce related cred!t memo -ot Cred!t memo for "o n payment "ocument #e*ersal (+age ) :KE71) -ormal #e*erse +ost!ng ) #eason Code ) Also Controls hether +ost!ng "ate can .e d!fferent from document "ate "ocument !th Cleared !tem can=t .e re*ersed. -egat!*e +ost!ng ) +osted amount !s not added to the transact!on f!gures ' .ut su.stracted. Company code (ust .e conf!gured for -egat!*e +ost!ng #eason must .e "ef!ned for -egat!*e re*ersal "ocument type should support nega!*e +ost!ng "!fferent 4ra5n.type for Cross C.Code transact!on re*ersal 4erms of +ayment 1 Cash d!scounts ( +age ) :KD71) IMG -> FA ->AR AP ->#usiness ,ransactions -> Incoming In0oices Cr.Memos ->Payment terms $asel!ne "ate ) start!ng date to calculate due date -o default 'post!ng date' "oc."ate or ,ntry "ate . $ase date Calculat!on ) &nstead of Calander day ' a F!/ed day can .e used as .asel!ne date. -o of months can .e added calculate the .ase date. Cash "!scount +er!ods 1 rates ) (a/!mum ? sla.s can .e def!ned for Cash d!scount. F!/ed days and add!t!onal months can .e def!ned Cash d!scount L -o of "ays ) !f payment !s made .efore ho many days. "ay L!m!t ) 4o store se*eral *ers!os of payment terms under the same payment term Account 4ype ) 2ame payment term can .e used for .oth Customers and *endors $loc%) !nstallement plan ) "o not spec!fy Cash d!scount deta!ls .,*ery !nstallment should ha*e !ts on plan A Certa!n amount also can .e reta!ned. Cash d!scount can .e changed after !n*o!ce creat!on. Cash d!scount a/c s are spec!f!ed !n conf!gurat!on. Cash d!scount A/c used !n net procedure are Cash d!scount clearng a/c and Cash "!scount Loss a/c. A/cs used !n gross procedure are cash d!scount re*enue and cash d!scount e/pense a/c Cash d!scount Clear!ng account must .e open !tem account &n the &n*o!ce Cash d!scount can .e f!/ed amount or +ercentage &f cred!t memos are l!%ed to !n*o!ces payment terms of the !n*o!ce !ll cop!ed to Cr.(emo 4erms of payment !n non7!n*o!ce l!n%ed Cr.memos are !n*al!d and !ll .e due on .ase l!ne date. +ay.4erms for such Cr.memos can .e act!*ated .y enter!ng <;= !n !n*o!ce reference f!led !n "ocument entry

Cross Company code +ransactions (Page " $))-1) IMG -> FA -> GL Accounting -> #usiness ,ransactions -> Prepare Cross C.Code ,ransactions 4ransact!on !n h!ch more than one company !n*ol*ed 4he compan!es !n*ol*ed can ha*e f!fferent Local Currency

Cross C.Code 4ran -o. ) 4 o "ocuments !ll .e generated and there !ll a Cross7c.code transact!on h!ch l!n%s the t o documents. 4h!s !s com.!nat!on of "oc -o of the &st C.Code ' &st C.Code and F!scal Fear Clear!ng Account ) 4here !ll .e a clear!ng account .et een the compan!es for A#/A+. Clear!ng A/c can .e A#/A+/GL Account. 4o reduce -o of clear!ng Accounts a clear!ng company code can .e used. 4a/ "!str!.ut!on ) 4a/ !s not d!str!.uted .et een the Company codes. 4a/ !s al ays posted to the companycode of the f!rst l!ne !tem.4a/ Funct!onal!ty can .e used !f the transact!on !s non7ta/ rela*ant or .oth company codes form one ta/a.le ent!ty. 4o post ta/ to the company code for the !n*o!ce' !n*o!ce !tem should .e the f!rst l!ne !tem. "e.!t +ost!ng Key and de.!t Account ' Cred!t +ost!ng Key ' Cred!t Account for &st Company "e.!t +ost!ng Key and de.!t Account ' Cred!t +ost!ng Key ' Cred!t Account for :nd Company Clearing (Page " $##-1) Accounting -> FA ->Customers "endors ->Account -> clear "ocuments !th open !tems can=t .e arch!*ed. +ost!ng !th Clear!ng ) through (anual +ayment or Automat!c payment program . &n manual payment ' !f the Clear!ng "ocument amount does not match !th the amount of the open !tems selected ' post!ng for the d!fference can .e made to a #ound off A/c . Can .e run s!multaneously for (ult!ple Accounts / Currenc!es ,tc. Account clear!ng ) Clear!ng an !n*o!ce !th a related cred!t memo and payment on Account. Can .e used for GL !th open !tem management or 2L and Accounts to .e cleared must .e def!ned. A clear!ng transact!on !ll .e created . 4h!s document (ay not conta!n any l!ne !tem (,/cept!on ) &tems .elong to "!ff. $us!ness areas). Clear!ng "oc -o and "ate are updated !n the Cleared "oc. Clear!ng "ate can .e any date .2elect the open !tems to .e cleared and the net total should .e Gero . Can .e #un Automat!caly or manually. +ost!ng %eys to .e used !n the clear!ng "ocument are def!ned !n clear!ng transact!ons Automat!c Clear!ng +rogram ) 2yetem Groups "ocuments for an account for clear!ng .ased on #eco. Account -o ' Crncy ' 2p.GL !nd!cator and can .e f!*e user def!ned cr!t!ter!a l!%e ass!gnment ,tc. from the "oc 8eader. Account #e5u!re automat!c clear!ng must .e def!ned !n Custom!s!ng.

&tems -ot cleared !th Auto +rogram ) -oted !tems ' 2tat!st!cal post!ng ' 2p.GL transact!on and &tems !th !thhold!ng ta/

5ncoming / Outgoing Payments (Page " $67-1) +ayment 8eader ' $an% deta!ls and open !tem select!on Clear!ng te/t F!eld $an% Charges +osted to 2pec!al ,/pense A/cs ;alue date ) used for cash management 4e/t ) !f C !s entered !t !ll .e pr!nted !n the Correspodance Account 4ype ) ;/C

-ormal Open !tems and 2+.GL 4ransact!ons alo ed +ayment Ad*!ce -ote -o) Can .e used to select open !tems Other Accounts ) Other A/c !n F& to process the!r open !tems same t!me "!str!.ute .y age 1 Auto 2erach ) 4o speed up open !tem select!on Cash d!sount ) !f entered manualy' should not e/ceed the 4olerance group l!m!t +ayment "!fferences (+age ) ?K171) &f the +ayement d!ff. !s too h!gh !t can .e processed as a part!al payment' +ayment "!ff can .e poasted as a res!dual !tem (Org "ocument and payment cleared and the res!dual !tem rema!ns as open !tem. A ne doc. -o !s generated !th ref to org. no)' can .e posted to an account ass!gned to a reason code or r!tten off manually enter!ng ne post!ng !tem or can .e posted as r!tten off payment to an account (ore than one reason code can .e ass!gned to a payment d!ff. #eason Codes IMG -> FA -> AR AP Accounting -> #usiness.,ransaction -> #asic settings -> Pay. !iff -> !efine Reason can .e used to Control ) 4ype of payment not!ce to custonmer ' Control Account for res!dual !tem post!ng 'Automat!c post!ng of #es!dual !tem to a 2p. Gl Account or e/clut!on of res!dual !tems from cred!t l!m!t chec% ,/change #ate "!fference (+age ?DA71) All reconc!l!at!on accounts and all G/L accounts !th open !tem management !n F.C (ust .e Ass!gned #e*enue / ,/pense Accounts for real!sed Loss or ga!ns. One ga!n/Loss account can .e ass!gned to all currency / currency type Com.!nat!on to determ!ne and post e/change d!ff. Cash 8ournal (C8) Configuration ()72-1) IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting -> #usiness ,ransactions -> C1 -> Create GL for C1 IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting -> #usiness ,ransactions -> C1 -> Create C1 IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting -> #usiness ,ransactions -> C1 -> !efine )um Range for C1

Company Code CM Code and -ame GL Account Currency "ocument type ) for G/L A/c +ost!ng ' Out +ay to *endors ' &n pay from *endors ' Out +ay to Customers ' &n pay from customers #ange $loc% Creat!ng $us!ness 4ransact!ons for CM IMG -> FA -> #an$ Accounting -> #usiness ,ransactions -> C1 -> Create #usiness ,ransaction Company Code $us!ness 4ransacton category (types) , ,/pense # #e*enue $ CM to $an% C $an% to CM7 " A# K A+ G/L Account ) Can=t set GL account code for CM transact!ons " 1 K &nd!cator ) 4o ena.le GL A/c code !n CM transact!ons so that !t can .e changed. For ,'#'C 1 $

4a/ Codes ) for , 1 # &nd!cator ) 4o ena.le 4a/ code !n CM transact!ons so that !t can .e changed. For ,'#

C8 +ransactions( Page )1$-1) Account!ng 7N FA 7N $an%s 7N &ngo!ngs 7N CM CM entr!es can .e sa*ed Localy !n the CM su.ledger and copy or delete then and can .e posted to the GL. From CM 4ransact!on F& transact!ons are created. A CM doc can conta!n &tems !th "!fferent ta/ codes . +ost!ng can .e made for one t!me ;/C also. Special 9: +ransactions (Page " )$1-1) 4ransact!ons for A#/A+ and d!splayed separatly !n 2u.7Ledger .6hen a 2+.GL document !s posted ' a 2pec!al GL #econc!l!at!on A/c !s updated !nstead of A+/A# reconc!l!at!on A/c. 2p.Gl Classes "o n +ayment #e5uest 1 "o n +ayment $!ll of ,/change #e5uest 1 $!ll of ,/change Others &nd!*!tual ;alue AdOustments (for 0ncollecta.le rece!pts.#ece!*a.les are not cleared)' Guarantee ' &nterest 1 user def!ned 4ypes of 2p.GL Free offset post!ng ) part of .alance sheet. Offset A/c Freely def!na.le. 0ser must enter the GL A/c for offset post!ng. ,/. $an% +ost!ngs for a "o n payment Automat!c Offsett!ng ) Al ays posted to the same Offset A/c. ,/. +ost!ng a guarantee. "!splayed !n the anne/ of .alance sheet -oted &tems ) #e5uests. A/c $alance !s affected . one l!ne !tem !s created. -ot !ncluded !n the GL. 2ystem does not post offset transact!on. (anaged as open !tems . 2hould al ays Act!*ate l!ne !tem d!splay !n GL a/c master for such accounts Automat!c stat!st!cal Offsett!ng ) -ot sho n !n the $alance 2heet. ,/. Gurantee G!*en. 2p.Gl Account !s .ased on Account 4ype (;/C) and the spec!al GL !nd!cator #e5uest 7N "o n +ayment 7N &n*o!ce 7N "o n payment clear!ng of !n*o!ce 7N open !tem clear!ng Conf!gurat!on of 2pec!al Gl (+age ) @@@ 1) 2tandard 2+.GL 4ransact!ons are conf!gured !n the system. Changes can .e made to ) Account -os. +ost!ng Keys 2ett!ngs for automat!cal post!ng -oted &tems ) #ela*ance for Cred!t L!m!t Chec%s 4ransact!on Class ) hether !t=s a do n payment or .!ll of e/change ,tc. 4arget 2p.GL &nd!cator ) used for "o n payment re5uests +ost!ng Key) Comm!tment arn!ng ) For arn!ng hen transact!ons are posted to ;/C Account Automatic Payment Program 6hat !s to .e pa!d 6hat payment methods !ll .e used 6hen !ll the payment .e made 6h!ch company codes !ll .e cons!dered

8o are they go!ng to .e pade Configuration For All Company Codes (2ee the 2creen) 2end!ng Copany code ) !f A !s ma%!ng payment on .ehalf of $ ' $ !s the 2end!ng Company &f $lan% ' 2ame as pay!ng company code +ay!ng Company code ) 4he company h!ch ma%es the payment ($). $an% Gl of pay!ng company and Ap/A# GL of send!ng company updated. Cross Company 4ransact!on !ll .e generated 4olerance "ays ) -o of days the payment can .e postponed e*en after the due date 2p.GL 4ransact!ons to .e pa!d ) 6h!ch type of 2p.GL transact!on can .e processed +aymethod supplement ) For sort!ng and pr!nt!ng the payment. Can .e ass!gned to the C/; master #ecord and can .e changed !n the l!ne !tem For &nd!*!tual Company codes (!n!mum Amount for &ncom!ng 1 outgo!ng payments Forms used for payment ad*!ce and ,"& -o of $!ll of ,/change ,ntr!es to .e created per Account 6h!ch open !tems for $!ll of e/change payment to .e cons!dered Company code dependant standard te/ts For ,ach Country +ayment (ethods Country 2pec!f!c sett!ngs (aster #ecord re5u!rements ) #e5u!red F!leds !n the ;endor (aster record ' !f m!ss!ng ' payments !ll not .e made. "ocuments 4ypes used for +ost!ng payments and clear!ng documents

+r!nt +rogram for the method Currenc!es that can .e used ) !f left .lan% ' all the currenc!es are allo ed C.Code 2pec!f!c sett!ngs (!n!mum 1 (a/!mum amounts allo ed for the +ayment (ethod Fore!gn $us!ness partner Allo ed ) Fore!gn ;endors/Customers +ayment Allo ed or not C/; $an%s a.road allo ed or not F.C Allo ed or -ot $an% opt!m!sat!on used or not +ostal Code opt!m!sat!on used or not ($an%s can .e ass!gned to part!cular areas) Form "ata ) 2A+ scr!pt form for payment med!a $an% 2ett!ngs #an%!ng Order 8ouse $an% $an% 1 the $an% Acount $an% Accounts 8ouse $an% $an% Account &" +ayment method Currency $an% 2u. Account Amount A*a!la.le +er $an% Ac/

Currency 1 Amount A*a!la.le for out go!ng payments #unn!ng Automat!c +ayment +rogram &dent!f!ed .y #ndate and &dent!f!cat!on Can select "ocuments ,ntered 0pto 6hat date. +ost!ng "ate Company codes for h!ch auto payment !s to .e made (All the company codes should .elong to the same country) +ayment (ethods to .e used ) +r!or!ty !s .ased on the ,ntry Order ;endor #ange #un the +roposal ,/cept!on l!st ) -o *al!d payment method ' $an% m!ss!ng or .lo%ed for payment (&nd!*!tual transact!on or !n the ;endor (aster record) '+ayemtn 4he "ocuments !ncluded !n the l!st are .lo%ed for any other change. 8eader te/t of the documents generated conta!ns the run date and the !dent!f!cat!on -o -e/t post!ng date can .e spec!f!ed so that any open !tem that .ecomes due .efore the ne/t run !ll get pa!s !n the current run "e.!t $alance Chec% 4o pre*ent Outgo!ng che5ues to *endors !th de.!t .alance. A "e.!t .alance chec% program can .e run after runn!ng the proposal and !f the ne/t .alance !s Less than the m!n!m amount for payment' the documents are added to e/cept!on l!st and the account !s .loc%ed for payment. 4h!s .loc% can .e remo*ed manualy or hen the ne/t proposal !s run

Automatc *unning Customers !thout a dunn!ng procedure !n the master record can=t .e dunned. &f dunn!ng areas are not def!ned dunn!ng run at the company code le*el. "unn!ng can .e run for $oth #egular and one t!me ;/C. "unn!ng !nter*el ) For repeated runs. ,*en !f ne !tems has .ecome o*erdue dunn!ng run !ll not 4a%e place !f try to run .efore the .efore the !nter*al Le*els ) -o of le*els that !ll .e used for the 2e*er!ty of the letter. (a/!mum D (!n!mum "ays !n Arrears ) (!n!m days passed for atleast one !tem for the Customer after the !tem .ecame due. At least one !tem should .e due for the Customer' !f that account !s to .e processed Grace "ays. &nterest !nd!cator ) 6hether !nterest !s to .e calculated or not. For each dunn!ng le*el an !nterest can .e calculated Al ays dun opt!on ) "unn!ng not!ce st!ll !ll .e pr!nted e*en !f no ne !tems added or no !tems reached h!gher dunn!ng le*el "ead L!ne "ays ) th!s days added to the -ot!ce date !ll .e the dead l!ne date "unn!ng Charges ) "unn!ng charges can .e spec!f!ed for each le*el / Currency. &t can .e percentage or F!/ed Amount. A m!n!mum amount due to calculate dunn!ng charges can .e set at each le*el

"unn!ng not!ce can .e prepared separately for dunn!ng area. Can .e sorted on user spec!f!c cr!ter!a. "uun!ng .loc% pre*ents accounts or !tems .e!ng dunned.

#unn!ng the dunn!ng program "unn!ng "ate and an &". 6h!ch company codes are dunned ( "uun!ng procedure must .e entered !n the ;/C master and Last duun!ng date !n the master I !nter*al must me less than the dunn!ng date). #ange of ;/C Accounts. "ocument posted up to hat date to .e cons!dered . Cred!tmemos !f not l!n%ed !th !n*o!ce ' !s due on .ase date. Clear!ng .et een ;/C accounts. &tem can .e .loc%ed for dunn!ng. &tems ' (aster data for payment method for +ayment rem!nder ) dunn!ng !th one le*el $y ass!gn!ng dunn!ng %eys ' !tems can .e pre*ented from e/ced!ng certa!n le*el. "unn!ng le*el !n the master !s updated at the t!me of pr!nt!ng. &f !tems or accounts !n a ha*e a payment method for !ncom!ng payments .ut no payment .loc%s !ll not .e dunned. &f dunn!ng data not changed and <Al ays "one < not selected dunn!ng !ll not .e done. ,d!t!ng the +roposal ) Can $loc%/un.loc% an account or l!ne !tem. Can Lo er the Le*el of an !tem. Any changes to the !tem/master record does not affect the +roposal created. +r!nt!ng "unn!ng ) !tems grouped together !f they ha*e same comoanycode ' Account code and "unn!ng area(!f used) Correspodance A pr!nt program and select!on *ar!ant assoc!ated !th each correspondance. Che;ue !anagement "ocuments !n*ol*ed !n a payment process ) ;endor !n*o!ce ' +ayment "ocument and Che5ue Che5ue can .e pr!nted only !f there !s a paya.le . Che5ue can .e *o!d 1 repr!nted or made *o!d or *o!d the che5ue and re*erse the payment' document. 6hen a che5ue made *o!d a re*erse doc os paased. 4hree ays to pay an !n*o!ce ) Auto payment program ' post 1 pr!nt forms and +ost!ng Financial 1ersions 2pec!al !tems !n F!nan!cal *ers!ons ) Aseet ' l!a.!l!t!es ' prof!t ' losss ' preof!t 1 loss results and Account -ot ass!gned. A ;er!on can ha*e a ma/!mum of 1E le*els. Account Group ass!gnment Accord!ng to .alance ) Can spec!fy only !f the .alance !s de.!t or cred!t or !n .oth cases !t should appear !n the report &lance Confirmation $alance Conf!rmat!on ' re5uest ' not!f!cat!on' F%C aluation ,/change #ates must .e def!ned. ;alueat!on method shold .e def!ned (Lo est *alue pr!nc!ple ,tc.). Open !tems !n F.C needs to .e re*luated .ased on the currency at the the of clos!ng. Creates a *aluat!on post!ng. 4he d!fference !s posted to AdOustment A/c not to the #econc!l!at!on a/c of the ;/C. the d!fference can .e updated !n the l!ne !tem. &f the l!ne !tem !s not updated !t !s re*ered on the ne/t day .y the system. Other !se !t gets updated at the t!me of actual post!ng alue Ad<ustments For dou.tful/uncollecata.le rece!*a.les. #ece!*a.les are not cleared 4hree ays to create *alue adOustments ,nter &nd!*!tual *alue adOustments (&;A) as spec!al GL 4ransact!on , #un <Add!t!onal *aluat!on < 4o carry out flat aret &;A

+ass a manual GL account post!ng Automat!c flat rate &;A can .e done ;aluat!on adOustment %ey should .e ass!gned to the customer master.

Accrual / *eferal Posting &n the Accrual / deferal document re*ersal #eason code needs to .e spec!f!ed. 4h!s reason !s noted !n the document that !s re*ersed. 4he reason code !dent!f!es hether re*ersal document can ha*e a d!fferent post!ng date and negat!*e re*ersal allo ed or not. +echnical organisational and *ocumentory steps for period end processing (Page ))( 4 )97 " 2) &f there are accounts !th d!fferent currenc!es ' th e!nd!cator < $alance only !n L.C= !n the master record of the #eta!ned earn!ng A/c !ll translate all account .alances !nto L.C

2chedule (anager Categor!ees of tas% that can .e def!ned ) +rogram !th *ar!ant ' -otes ' 4ransact!on 1 +rocess "efen!t!on Cash Flo "!rect determ!nat!on) #e*enue that does affect earn!ngs e/pense that does affect earn!ngs &n7d!rect determ!nat!on ) net prof!t/loss for the year I #e*enue that does not affect earn!ngs e/pense that does not affect earn!ngs

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