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Conversion of Times: Most Frequently Used

Operations on Time To add or subtract time, do the same thing as when adding or subtracting whole numbers. Example: What is the time difference between April 14, 2013 1:45 PM and April 16, 2013 12 PM? Steps 1. Convert time to 24-hour system if necessary. 24-hour system does not show AM or PM while 12-hour system does. Let 0:00 be 12:00 AM. For this example, 1:45 PM becomes 13:45 and 12 PM becomes 12:00. 2. Subtract. (Align times.) April 16 April 14 Take note that the two digits at the right of colon are minutes and at the left of colon are hours. You cannot subtract 12:00 by 13:45. Borrow one day from April 16 and add 24 hours to 12:00 since there are 24 hours in one day. You will then get: 36:00 April 15 -13:45 April 14 Do the usual subtraction. 365:05010 April 15 -13:45 April 14 22:15 1 day When borrowing, note that when the tens digit of minutes borrowed one hour, the tens digit will become six because of there is 60 minutes in one hour. The final answer should be 1 day, 22 hours, and 15 minutes. Exercises 1. Time difference between April 16, 2013 11:00 am and May 3, 2014 7:15 am. 2. A broken analog clock was set to correct time at 12oclock. It registers 15 minutes for every hour in real time. In how many hours will it register a correct time?

3. A worker is paid $5 an hour during normal working hours. He is paid $7 an hour if he works overtime. How much is he paid if he works from 8:30 to 21:00 which includes 3 hours of overtime and two 45-minute breaks for lunch and dinner? 4. Express 1 hour and 45 minutes after 10:47 pm in 24-hour time. 5. A train leaves Station A at 10:56 pm and arrives at Station B 1 hour and 32 minutes later. Find the time at which the train arrives in Station B, expressing your answer in 24-hour time. 6. The trip for a certain flight from Manila to London departed 6:00 AM Manila time. They arrived 2:30 PM London time. How long is the trip given that Manila time is 8 hours ahead of London time? 7. A man parks his car at 9:45 am and collects it at 3:05 pm on the same day. a) How long was his car in the car park? b) Parking charges are at the rate of $2 for the first 1 hour and 90 cents for each half hour or a part of a half hour after the first hour. How much must he pay for this days parking? 8. A tutorial teacher charges P600 for a tutorial session lasting 2 hours. How much should he charge for one lasting hours, if charges are made at the same hourly rate? 9. The table on the right shows an extract from a bus time-table. Given that the Bus Station buses leave the bus station every 10 minutes and take the same time to complete Ratio Street Rate Tower the journey, Proportion a) how long does a bus take to travel from Park i) Ratio Street to Decimal Street? Integer Hall ii) Rate Tower to Fraction Street? Fraction iii) Integer Hall to Mathematics School? Street b) at what time will the 7 oclock am bus arrive at Decimal i) Proportion Park? Street ii) Decimal Street? Mathematics School c) Ms King has an appointment with Mr Queen at Integer Hall at 9:00 am. Which bus must he take from the bus station to arrive on time for his appointment? 6:30 am 6:40 am 6:44 am 6:50 am 6:56 am 7:00 am 7:11 am 7:20 am

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