1) RFP For Breakwater & Jetty

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PRO1ECT : Hadramout Refinery & LPG Export Terminal Project
CLIENT : Hadramout Refineries Company, LTD.
LOCATION : Aldhaba, Yemen
DOCU. NO. : Z03089 - CSE - RFQ-002


A 08/28/`03 Issued Ior Preliminary H.I. YEON D.Y. Shin O.C. Kwon



SKEC invites the proposal Irom qualiIied consultants Ior the preparation oI a planning
study, preliminary and detail engineering, and consulting services related to the
development oI breakwater & the combined jetty system Ior the new Hadramount
ReIinery project in the vicinity oI the Canadian Nexen Crude Oil Terminal located on the
GulI oI Aden in Yemen.


Hadramout ReIineries Company Ltd (HRC) will develop, own and operate a 40,000 barrel
per day oil reIinery in the Govern orate oI Hadramout, with the right to increase the
capacity to any level, subject to availability oI additional crude quantities Irom Yemen or
The reIinery will be located at Aldhaba a site close to the city oI Al Mukalla, on the
Arabian Sea coast oI the Republic oI Yemen (see 'Site Location Map or '3784A - Ash
Shihr Terminal in attachment). The new reIinery will process the Masila Blend crude oil,
delivered Iorm existing adjacent export pipeline and terminal Iacilities. The Government
oI the Republic oI Yemen has undertaken to supply the reIinery the Masila Blend crude
oil Ior its entitlement, and to purchase Irom the reIinery all gasoline, kerosene, diesel and
Iuel oil required to supply to the domestic market in the Hadramout and Al Mahara
regions. Products surplus to the regional demand will be exported to other markets in the
Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, East AIrica or Europe.


2.1 General

SKEC will perIorm the engineering and construction works Ior the new
Hadramout ReIinery Project as an EPC contractor. SKEC intends to develop the
marine Iacilities shown on the attached plan, incorporating the reIinery plant in

SKEC will retain a consultant to assist with:
- providing guidance to SKEC in its marine Iacilities development decision-
making process
- providing planning, engineering services to develop a conceptual and
subsequently detailed design oI the new combined jetty and breakwater
system (ReIer to 'Supplementary Design Criteria Ior Marine Eacilities

The consultant`s report will include, amongst other thing:

Phase I

(a) Preparation oI a background report providing:

- Literature survey including an overview oI marine conditions Ior the
breakwater system & local regulations
- a review oI existing breakwater system in vicinity oI the project site
- a discussion oI operation Ior the new marine Iacilities such as a
combined jetty with breakwater system

(b) An assessment oI alternative breakwater and jetty structures to determine the
most economical structure in consideration oI the new marine Iacilities

(c) Consideration oI environmental impacts at the marine Iacilities

Phase II

(a) Preparation oI a concept plan(s) Ior the new combined jetty with breakwater
system which will include:

- Determination oI design parameters Ior the system
- Hydraulic model analysis and design concepts oI breakwater to assess the
eIIects oI reIraction, shoaling, diIIraction, and breaking, as the waves
propagate over the complex bathymetry oI the new marine Iacilities.
- Hydraulic and other loadings and design concepts Ior the combined jetty
- Location and layout oI the new combined jetty with breakwater system

Phase III

(a) Preparation oI a detailed engineering Ior the new combined jetty with
breakwater system which will include:

- Einalizing the hydraulic model analysis and calculation oI the breakwater
& the combined jetty structure
- Einalizing oI the Location and layout oI the new combined jetty with
- Detail engineering and construction drawings Ior the components and
elements oI the system
- Budget estimation Ior the new combined jetty with breakwater system

Phase IV

(a) Consulting work Ior construction oI the new combined jetty with breakwater
which will include:

- Supporting Documents Ior Construction Subcontractor including
Construction/Material speciIications
- Supervising Ior the new combined jetty with breakwater construction

2.2 Deliverables

The successIul consultant must include, at a minimum, the Iollowing:

(a) twelve (12) copies oI a detailed background & assessment report;
(b) Iive (5) copies oI a draIt oI conceptual design documents to be delivered to
SKEC Ior review and comment at least Iour (4) weeks beIore the reports are
(c) attend regular meeting with SKEC staII and the Owner (HRC) as required to
issue updates and receive input Irom SKEC;
(d) electronic versions oI any layouts and drawings, in AutoCAD 2002 Iormat,
and in any other Iormat suitable to SKEC;
(e) all reports are to also be provided in electronic Iormat (MicrosoIt Word 2000
and Adobe Acrobat(.pdI), Ior reproduction by SKEC Ior the Owner and the
Subcontract; and
(I) A detailed schedule and costing Ior all phases oI the development, including
critical points and major milestones.


All proposals which are received by the deadline and which satisIy the REP requirements
will be analyzed by SKEC and submitted to the Owner Ior Iinal approval and acceptance.

Consultants may be requested to make a summary presentation oI their proposal to the

3.1 Proposal Requirements

Consultants are requested to submit a Iormal proposal plus attachments such as
resumes, that address the selection criteria listed below. Every proposal shall

(a) a statement oI the project team`s qualiIication;

(b) speciIication oI team leader responsible Ior coordination oI the project and
overall accountability;

(c) identiIication oI all individual(s) to be assigned to the project along with their
proIessional credentials, capabilities and experience; individuals identiIied by
the consultant to be assigned to this project may not be substituted or
removed Irom the project without the written consent oI SKEC;

(d) the anticipated number oI hours to be spent on the project by the team leader
and each oI the other team members.

(e) details oI the team members` direct experience with waterIront planning and
development, commercial port and/or related experience, and any specialized
areas oI marine Iacilities planning and development.

(I) identiIication oI any sub-consultants that may be retained and showing:
- the team leader oI the sub-consultant responsible Ior coordination oI that
part oI the project and overall accountability;
- identiIication oI all individual(s) to be assigned by the sub-consultant
along with their proIessional credentials, capabilities and experience, the
anticipated number oI hours to be spent on the project by the team leader
and each oI the other team members oI the sub-consulting Iirm; and
- details oI sub-consultant`s team members` direct experience with marine
Iacilities planning and development or other specialized expertise.

(g) identiIication oI hourly rates Ior all individuals Irom the consultant team,
including sub-consultants, proposed to be used on this project;

(h) samples oI two (2) pieces oI planning and development work recently
completed and that the consultant consider to be comparable to this project;

(i) a project plan outlining the process to be Iollowed in carrying out the terms
oI reIerence, including a timetable Ior each milestone oI the project and
consultation with SKEC representatives and other interested parties,
including details on the number, location and scope oI the open houses and
public meetings;

(j) identiIication oI the deliverables;

(k) the names oI three (3) client reIerences, noting a senior contact person and
telephone number Ior each;

(l) the total cost to complete the project, including attendance at the open
houses/workshops and public meetings;

(m) other matters that the consultant believes should be addressed; and

(n) Iour (4) copies oI the proposal should be delivered to the receiving address
outlined in the proposal submission deadline section.


SKEC will use the consultant`s submission as the basis Ior its recommendation(s) to the
board oI directors.

Selection criteria will include:

(a) the qualiIications oI the consultant`s team, including previous marine Iacilities
planning and development experience, with emphasis on port authorities and/or
oil Iuel marine Iacilities and other relevant specialized areas;

(b) the range and quality oI personnel whose time is to be committed to the project;

(c) the consultant`s appreciation oI the issues involved in carrying out the project, as
reIlected in their proposal;

(d) the ability to complete the project according to the scheduling requirements oI
SKEC; and

(e) the budget together with such other Iactors as SKEC, as its discretion, may
determine to be appropriate.

In the event that a consultant is short-listed and invited to make a presentation, their
answers to questions at such a session will be considered in determining the consultant`s
overall score in the process.


Proposal will be accepted until 6: p.m. (local time) on the closing date oI September 15,
2003 at:

SK Engineering & Construction Company

192-18, Kwanhun-dong, Jongro-gu,
Seoul 110-300, Korea

Attention: Mr. Rim, HanTae, Project Manager
Hadramout ReIinery & LPG Export Terminal Project


(a) All requests Ior classiIication concerning this REP should be made in writing and
delivered to the address noted above, by Iax, or by e-mail to the contact person.

(b) SKEC may amend the requirements and speciIications set out in this REP at its

(c) SKEC reserves the right to suspend this project at any time.

(d) SKEC may cancel or withdraw this REP at its discretion at any time.

(e) All proposals and draIt or Iinal documents provided by the consultant shall become
the property oI SKEC and SKEC may reproduce, distribute or copy any and all
submissions, plans or documents.

(I) Proposal documents submitted by consultants become the property oI SKEC and will
not be returned.

(g) The successIul consultant will be required to provide prooI oI liability insurance
including errors and omissions insurance.

(h) SKEC will not be held liable Ior any costs oI preparation or presentation oI proposals,
including presentations that may be requested by SKEC.

(i) SKEC will require all members oI the selected consultant`s team to be Iree oI any
conIlict oI interest and will expect the consultant to advise SKEC oI any actual or
potential conIlicts oI interest.

(j) SKEC is not bound to accept the lowest or any oIIer Ior these services and may reject
any or all proposals.

(k) SKEC shall be the sole owner oI all materials, including reports, documentation and
inIormation (including copyright). The successIul consultant warrants that SKEC shall
have Iree and clear title to all materials produced and delivered to SKEC.

(l) All inIormation provided by SKEC to the consultants shall be kept conIidential.

Mr. Rim, HanTae OR Mr. Shin, Deuk Young
Project Manager Civil Supervisor
SK Engineering & Construction Company SK Engineering & Construction Company
192-18, Kwanhun-dong, Jongro-gu, 192-18, Kwanhun-dong, Jongro-gu,
Seoul 110-300, Korea Seoul 110-300, Korea

Telephone: (822) 3700-7966 Telephone: (822) 3700-8141
Eax.: (822) 3700-8240 Eax.: (822) 3700-8730
E-mail: htrimskec.co.kr E-mail: dyshinskec.co.kr

OR Mr. Yeon, Hyeong Il
Civil Engineer
SK Engineering & Construction Company
192-18, Kwanhun-dong, Jongro-gu,
Seoul 110-300, Korea

Telephone: (822) 3700-8117
Eax.: (822) 3700-8730
E-mail: hiyeonskec.co.kr


Division of Responsibility

No. Activities SKEC Consultant Remarks
A. Project Management
A-1 Project Planning P P
A-2 Design Control P P
A-3 Overall Project Milestone Schedule P R
B. Engineering & Consulting Works
B-1 Site Data
1) Topographical Survey P -
2) Bathymetry Survey P R
3) Geotechnical Investigation P -
4) Marine Investigation
- Technical SpeciIication R P
- Current ProIile P R
- Tide ProIile P R
- Wave Height P R
If the Bidder wants to have more
information for the bidding
purpose, the information such
as 1ide chart and marine soil
conditions, etc. can be obtained
from other sources.
B-2 New combined jetty with
breakwater System

1) Study oI Background and
Environmental Impact at the New
Marine Facilities
2) Detail Review oI Marine
Investigation including Meteorological
and Oceanographic Condition related
with the new combined jetty with
3) Study on Hydraulic Modeling
analysis including the determination oI
design parameters
4) Detail Engineering Ior Breakwater
& Jetty Structure
5) Overall Cost Estimation and
Material Take-OII Ior Breakwater &
Jetty construction works
6) Technical & Economical Evaluation
Ior Construction Subcontractors
7) Supervising oI Construction
Activities including speciIications

Legend Definition:
P The main deliverable (e.g. drawing, document) is to be produced by the designated company. Where a 'P is
shown for both SKEC and the Consultant, each company is responsible for producing its own deliverable.
R A Review of the deliverable produced by the other company is required. Comments are to be provided as
S Support for the designated activity or deliverable is to be provided by the designated company. Support can
be answering questions, providing information, providing review comments or similar activities needed to assist
the company who is producing the main deliverable.
A Assistance is only by the designated company when specifically requested. These activities are provided by
the Consultant only on a time and material basis.

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