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30 minutes 20 questions
(The paper-and-pencil version will have 25 questions to be completed in 35 minutes.) For each question, follow the specific directions and choose the best answer. 1. Social networking is a marketing tool that many companies are harnessing to sell their products;; however, it must be used ______ because the hard sell risks offending potential customers. 2. In composing Schehera!ade," #imsky$%orsakov hoped to _______ the magical spirit" of One Thousand and One Nights, a collection of e&otic folk tales from the 'iddle (ast and South )sia. 3. *arraty states that the problems faced by private colleges in the +,-.s and +,/.s were of their own making to a degree. 'any cities and towns wanted the 0i1 ______ of hosting a college, but the supply of colleges soon 0ii1 ______ the demand, that is, the number of potential students. 2lank 0i1 2lank 0ii1 FOR QUESTIONS 15, CHOOSE ONE ANSWER FOR EACH BLANK. SELECT FROM THE APPROPRIATE COLUMN FOR EACH BLANK. CHOOSE THE ANSWER THAT BEST COMPLETES THE SENSE OF THE TEXT. 0)1 with ease 021 actively 031 4udiciously 051 e&peditiously 0(1 efficiently 0)1 motivate 021 induce 031 inspire 051 evoke 0(1 provoke 0)1 honor 021 admiration 031 character 051 outperformed 0(1 outstripped 0F1 outshone 4. 6he nation$states of early modern (urope guarded their sovereignty 0i1 _______, finding countless reasons7real and 0ii1 _______7for wars. 8eace 0iii1 _______ only when one nation managed to subdue its neighbors. 2lank 0i1 2lank 0ii1 2lank 0iii1 5. 6he speaker, a former prosecutor turned politician, remains direct, candid, and 0i1 ______ in her assessment of policy, but she can also be 0ii1 ______ and offhand toward her colleagues. She is considered a9n 0iii1 ______ legislator. 2lank 0i1 2lank 0ii1 2lank 0iii1 QUESTIONS 67 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. ) -..: study by the ;nited <ations ;niversity reported that desertification, or desert encroachment, was the greatest environmental challenge of our times." )bout two out of five )frican countries on the edges of the Sahara are under the threat of desertification. 6he ;< study reported that =d>esertification has emerged as an environmental crisis of global 5 proportions, currently affecting an estimated +.. to -.. million people, and threatening the lives and livelihoods of a much larger number." 6he study e&plained that although climate change has caused ma4or degradation of )frica?s soil, overgra!ing, deforestation, and unsus$ tainable irrigation practices are also contributing factors. 6he study added that people who are displaced by desertification put additional strains on local natural resources and nearby ! communities as conflicts arise over competition for farmland. 6he ;< report suggests that new farming practices, such as planting forests in dryland areas, could help prevent the spread of deserts. 6. 2ased on the passage, which of the following is <@6 a cause of desertificationA 0)1 climatic change 021 competition for farmland 031 overgra!ing 051 poor irrigation practices 0(1 cutting down trees 0)1 4ealously

021 intolerantly 031 liberally 051 feigned 0(1 facetious 0F1 deceptive 0*1 occurred 0B1 mediated 0I1 intervened 0)1 frank 021 pragmatic 031 rigid 051 rough 0(1 brusque 0F1 brisk 0*1 very ambitious 0B1 really approachable 0I1 no$nonsense FOR QUESTIONS 620, CHOOSE ONLY ONE ANSWER CHOICE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. FOR QUESTION 7, CONSIDER EACH ANSWER INDIVIDUALLY AND CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. 7. Select the sentence in the passage that is <@6 a ma4or detail supporting the thesis. 0)1 ) -..: study by the ;nited <ations ;niversity reported that desertification, or desert encroachment, was the greatest environmental challenge of our times." 021 6he study added that people who are displaced by desertification put additional strains on local natural resources and nearby communities as conflicts arise over competition for farmland. 031 )bout two out of five )frican countries on the edges of the Sahara are under the threat of desertification. QUESTIONS 89 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. 5uring Corld Car II, the ;.S. system of rationing did not work as planned not only because it conflicted with personal needs and wants 0which had grown during the previous years of deprivation because of the *reat 5epression and its aftermath1, but because it went against the national character of the )merican people. 6his was a nation based on the principle that 5 as long as you have money to spend, nothing is off limits. 2y limiting each individual?s purchasing power, the government had imposed a new economic system that attacked this principle. 6he emergence of the illegal black market, on the other hand, supported this basic principle of acquisition, or consumerism, for )mericans. 6his is not to deny that many who ran or even patroni!ed the black market were actually motivated by greed, but it does suggest ! that the individualistic 0and frontier1 spirit of )mericans had not been lost. 8. Select the statement that restates the premise of the author?s argument. 0)1 <ormally law$abiding citi!ens will break the law to satisfy what they consider to be their basic needs and wants. 021 )mericans during Corld Car II acted unlawfully due to circumstances out of their control. 031 6he )merican system of rationing did not work because )mericans circumvented its principles through the practice of the black market. 051 )s long as )mericans have enough money to spend, they will spend it however they can. 0(1 If the *reat 5epression had not deprived so many )mericans of basic needs and wants, they would not have patroni!ed the black market during Corld Car II. 9. Chich of the following, if it were true, would weaken the author?s argumentA 0)1 5uring the *reat 5epression, many )mericans found ways to circumvent the law in order to provide for their families. 021 6he ma4ority of )merican citi!ens are law abiding and will not break the law under any circumstances. 031 'any )mericans continued to patroni!e the black market after rationing ended. FOR QUESTION 9, CONSIDER EACH ANSWER INDIVIDUALLY AND CHOOSE ALL THAT

APPLY. QUESTIONS 1012 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. 6he increasing awareness of lighting inefficiency and the billions of dollars of potential annual energy savings that can be achieved by switching to D(5 lighting has resulted in many government$funded research initiatives around the world. In addition, governments in the ;nited States, 3anada, (urope, and )ustralia have responded to the growing need for energy 5 conservation by passing legislation that regulates or eliminates the sale of incandescent and halogen light bulbs by a certain date. Bowever, though increasing consumers? awareness of the inefficiency of other light sources can help increase the adoption of D(5 lighting, regula$ tions that focus on enforcing energy$efficient lighting are likely to work better. @ne e&ample is 3alifornia?s (nergy (fficiency Standards for #esidential and <onresidential 2uildings, or ! 6itle -E, that provides a set of mandatory regulations covering all aspects of new building construction. 6he #esidential Dighting section of 6itle -E requires that a high$efficiency light source be used in several areas of the home, including the kitchen and bathrooms, and that all outdoor light fi&tures must either use energy$efficient bulbs, or must be controlled by light and motion sensors. 1 0. 6his passage achieves all of the following purposes (F3(86 it 0)1 implies that D(5 lighting will become a necessity of the future. 021 e&plains one way governments are forcing people to switch to D(5 lighting. 031 cites a regulation that enforces the use of high$$ efficiency light sources. 051 describes how D(5 lighting is more energy efficient than incandescent lighting. 0(1 implies that government$funded research on energy efficiency is essential. 11. 6he author introduces 3alifornia?s 6itle -E in order to 0)1 support the concept that the government needs to set rules to increase the adoption of D(5 lighting. 021 provide a possible e&planation for why more )mericans have adopted D(5 lighting. 031 reinforce the concept that other methods of lighting are less efficient than D(5 lighting. 051 introduce the idea that governments need to enforce rules about high$efficiency lighting in residential buildings. 0(1 cast doubt on studies that show that )mericans are not eager to switch to D(5 lighting. 12. 'andatory" 0line +.1 most nearly means 0)1 provisional. 021 permanent. 031 predetermined. 051 discretionary. 0(1 obligatory. FOR QUESTIONS 1315, CHOOSE THE TWO ANSWERS THAT BEST FIT THE MEANING OF THE SENTENCE AS A WHOLE AND RESULT IN TWO COMPLETED SENTENCES THAT ARE ALIKE IN MEANING. 1 3. If life did e&ist on other planets, scientists theori!e that it would not _______ life on (arth. For e&ample, depending on the wavelengths of life given off by the plant, plants could be red, yellow, or green. 0)1 epitomi!e 021 mimic 031 illustrate 051 typify 0(1 imitate 0F1 reflect 1 4. Scientists believe that unlocking the genome is ______;; it will forever change the way we diagnose, treat, and someday even prevent disease. 0)1 moderni!ation 021 reforming 031 revolutionary 051 transformative 0(1 huge 0F1 corrective 15. 'any of his critics complain that once they finish reading his books with their convoluted plot lines, they are no wiser and their brains perhaps even more ______. 0)1 befogged 021 ta&ed 031 muddled 051 weakened 0(1 wary 0F1 heedful QUESTIONS 1617 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. )mong people who want to make informed choices about what they eat, the issue of whether to buy local or organic food is often debated. 6he most popular reasons cited for buying organic are to avoid pesticides that harm your health and damage ecosystems, to support a system of agriculture that uses natural fertili!ers, and to support more humane animal husbandry 5 practices. 6he reasons cited for buying local food include supporting the local economy, and also buying food that is fresher, has less packaging, and has fewer food miles," or the distance food has to travel from source to end user. It turns out to be a complicated question, one that can sometimes lead to additional questions that must be

answered in order to make a choice. Sometimes the questions are personal ones, such asG Chat food tastes betterA 2ut ! larger questions can arise, too, such asG Bow do the choices we make about our food affect the planetA 1 6. Chat is the author?s opinion about whether to buy organic or local foodA 0)1 Ce can never really know which is better. 021 Ce should try to answer important questions before trying to make that decision. 031 Ce should figure out which food tastes better. 051 Ce should try to find other ways to support the local economy. 0(1 Ce should buy the food that has the fewest food miles." 17. Chich of the following statements does the passage most clearly supportA 0)1 2uying local or organic food is better than buying food from a big chain supermarket. 021 2uying organic food does not support the local economy. 031 6he distance food has to travel is an important consideration to make when deciding where to buy your food. 051 )nimals raised on organic farms are treated more humanely. 0(1 Food from local farms may have been sprayed with pesticides. 18. Chat function does the distance food has to travel from source to end user" 0lines HI:1 serve in the passageA 0)1 It is support for the argument for buying local food. 021 It defines the term food miles." 031 It is support for the larger question about how food choices affect the planet. FOR QUESTION 18, CONSIDER EACH OF THE THREE CHOICES INDIVIDUALLY AND CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. QUESTIONS 1920 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Joter opinion polls are often disparaged because they are seen as inaccurate or misused by network news shows eager to boost ratings. Bowever, those who want to discredit voter opinion polling for elections overlook a few facts. First, the last week or two before an election is notoriously volatile. Joters finally decide whether or not to vote and undecided 5 voters make up their minds about the candidates for whom they will vote. 6his means that polls taken too far in advance of an election cannot possibly forecast with precision the outcome of that election. Second, e&it polls differ from most other types of scientific polling, mainly because dispersed polling places preclude e&it pollsters from using normal sampling methods. Bowever, debating whether voter polls are accurate or not misses the point. Joter ! polls are not intended to forecast winners and losers. 6hey are designed to describe the broad spectrum of public opinion and to elucidate what voters are really thinking and what policies are most important to them. In fact, most of what we know about voter behavior and policy preferences comes from past opinion polls about elections. ;nderstood in this conte&t, we should not dismiss polling outright, but instead consider how to improve polling and to use 5 it to its best advantage. 1 9. (lucidate" 0line ++1 most nearly means 0)1 confound. 021 elevate. 031 vanquish. 051 illuminate. 0(1 predict. 2 0. Chich of the following e&presses the author?s thesis about voter opinion pollsA 0)1 6hey can never predict the results of an election. 021 6hey can help us get a sense of the general trend in an election. 031 6hey can help undecided voters make up their minds. 051 6hey are misused by the news media. 0(1 6hey are highly unpredictable.

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