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The mean value theorem relates the value of the derivative of a function f at a point a with the value of f at the same point. 2. If the derivative f' of a function f takes both positive and negative values, then the function f must also take both positive and negative values. 3. If f' is positive on an interval (a,b), then f must be an increasing function on that interval. 4. If a function f is increasing on an interval (a,b), then f' must necessarily be positive everywhere on that interval. 5. If two functions have the same derivative on an interval (a,b), then they must be equal on that interval. 6. Every critical point is either a local min or a local max. 7. Every critical point where the second derivative there is non-zero is either a local min or a local max. 8. A critical point can be both a local min and a local max. 9. If the second derivative f'' of a function is positive in an interval (a,b), then the function f must be increasing on that interval. 10. If a function f is concave up in the interval (a,b), then its derivative f' must be increasing. 11. It is possible for a function to be concave up and increasing in an interval (a,b), as well as concave

down and decreasing at a later interval (c,d) (where b < c). 12. We cannot have an always concave up function for which f'(1) = 2 and f'(3) = 1. 13. The second derivative test always tells us if a critical point will be local min or local max or neither. 14. If the second derivative test at a critical point is inconclusive, then that point is neither a local min nor a local max. 15. Newton's method applied to a function f always finds a solution to the equation f(x) = 0. 16. A function f can have many antiderivatives on an interval (a,b). 17. If two functions are antiderivatives of f on the same interval (a,b), then they must differ by a constant. 18. Every continuous function has an antiderivative. 19. The left-endpoint sum always gives us a value less than the true area. 20. A partition of an interval divides the interval into subintervals of equal length. 21. A continuous function on an interval [a,b] must also be integrable on [a,b]. 22. A continuous function on an interval [a,b] must also be integrable on every subinterval [x,y] <= x < y <= b). (where a

23. The integral of a continuous function f from a to b is always exactly equal to the area between the graph of f, the x axis, and the vertical lines y=a and y=b. 24. The integral of a continuous function f from a to b is always exactly equal to the signed area between the graph of f, the x axis, and the vertical lines y=a and y=b. 25. The integral of a positive continuous function f from a to b is always exactly equal to the area between the graph of f, the x axis, and the vertical lines y=a and y=b. 26. We cannot write down "integral from a to b of f" unless a < b. 27. The value of a Riemann Sum R(f,P,C) depends on the choice of sample points we make. 28. If f is a continuous function on [a,b], then the function A(x) = "integral from x to b of f" is an antiderivative for -f(x) on the interval (a,b).

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