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An Antique Drama in Five Acts by Eduard Schur


! " #"ve$ and bear% t" h"&e ti## H"&e creates Fr"m its "'n 'rec( the thin) it c"ntem&#ates*+ ,, SHELLE-. Prometheus Unbound

AC FOUR AC FI2E CHILDREN OF LUCIFER is enacted a)ainst the hist"ric bac()r"und "3 the 3"urth century A*D*$ the &eri"d "3 the )reat c"n3#ict bet'een He##enism and Christianity% but the im&etu"us s&irits "3 the t'" #eadin) characters brea( thr"u)h and transcend this c"n3#ict$ in their as&irati"n t"'ards an idea# "3 0an and 1"man 'hich neither Hist"ry n"r Le)end n"r 4"etry has as yet rea#i5ed6name#y a L"ve that &"urs 3"rth in a united c"m&ani"nshi& that is active* In this drama the man emb"dies the s&irit "3 He##enism$ the '"man &ers"ni3ies the s"u# "3 Christianity$ and their 3usi"n is acc"m&#ished by the mirac#e "3 L"ve* hat 'hich ass"ciates and unites them is an inte)ra# and abs"#ute #"ve$ at "nce human and divine$ &assi"nate and s&iritua#$ a #"ve 3erti#i5in)$ redeemin) and creative* 7"th )ive themse#ves 3ree#y$ each "3 them is submer)ed in the "ther$ and each is reb"rn in the "ther t" rise re,enriched$ s" that they 3"rm "ne sin)#e bein) 'h"se &"'er is mu#ti&#ied a hundred3"#d by the t'" ma)netic &"#es* 4h"s&h"r"s bec"mes the c"nscience "3 C#e"nice and C#e"nice bec"mes the s"u# "3 4h"s&h"r"s* hus the acti"n "3 this 3ree &air is #iberatin)% and thus they shed ar"und them a ne' #i3e$ and 'ith"ut intendin) it$ be)et a ne' re#i)i"n* Fr"m their radiance the 3ree city is b"rn* Such a &air$ h"'ever$ cann"t #"n) trium&h in the '"r#d int" 'hich they are b"rn* hey are 3ated t" succumb in their darin) cam&ai)n a)ainst Caesar and the Church$ and can "n#y a33irm their vict"ry by means "3 their death* On#y thus 'i## they bequeath t" man(ind the testament "3 their 3aith under the si)n "3 Luci3er* Luci3er$ the S&irit "3 Science$ Freed"m and Human Individua#ity$ is an im&#acab#e adversary "3 the Church in its &resent 3"rm$ but he is n"t an adversary "3 Christ$ a#th"u)h he un3"#ds himse#3 in an inverse directi"n% he is rather Christ+s c"m&#ement* F"r there is a &"int at 'hich the man 'h" see(s t" bec"me a )"d c"incides 'ith the )"d,made man6the &"int at 'hich Science bec"mes 1isd"m by b#endin) 'ith L"ve* THE PLAY$ dedicated t" She##ey$ 'as ins&ired by the same m"ti3 as im&e##ed the #atter t" 'rite his Prometheus Unbound$ and the ima)ery came 3r"m the same s"urce 8see She##ey+s 4re3ace9* heir her"es are a(in* Schur 'r"te his 4#ay in :;<<* In :;<= he 3irst met Rud"#3 Steiner and a c#"se 3riendshi& ensued* In :;<;$ a trans#ati"n int" /erman by Fr>u#ein v"n Sivers$ #ater Frau 0arie Steiner$ 'as &r"duced as a 4#ay at 0unich by Rud"#3 Steiner$ and 3"rmed a &re#ude t" his C"urse "3 Lectures Occident and Orient$ "r the Children of Lucifer and the Brethren of Christ* hese #ectures are trans#ated int" En)#ish and &ub#ished by 0essrs 4utnams under the tit#e "3 The East in the Light of the West 8see &&* ;,:? herein9* his 4#ay served a#s" as an intr"ducti"n t" Rud"#3 Steiner+s "'n 0ystery 4#ays 'hich he initiated at 0unich the 3"##"'in) year and 'hich are n"' )iven at D"rnach$ S'it5er#and$ in the stu&end"us /"etheanum erected by him 3"r the &ur&"se*
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Rud"#3 Steiner and Eduard Schur Eduard Schur 8:AB:,:;?;9 died "n the Ath "3 A&ri# in his AAth year* In his mem"irs &ub#ished a year a)" 8Le RCve d+une 2ie$ C"n3essi"n d+un 4"Dte9 he qu"tes Rud"#3 Steiner incidenta##y "n#y$ dev"tin) n" &art "3 the mem"ir t" him* As he himse#3 had re&eated#y said that he had Rud"#3 Steiner t" than( that he c"u#d achieve the )reater &art "3 his #ater '"r($ and 3"r the certainty "3 havin) described in his '"r(s rea# 3acts "ut "3 the s&iritua# '"r#ds$ and that EDr* Steiner had &#ayed an im&"rtant r"#e in his #i3e$E I as(ed him "n "ne "3 my 3requent visits t" his c"untry h"use$ near 7arr in A#sace$ 'hether he '"u#d n"t #i(e his meetin)s 'ith Rud"#3 Steiner t" be rec"rded* He t"#d me that he 'as '"r(in) "n a b""(. The Occult Streams of the Twentieth Century, necdotes and !ecollections $ and that he intended t" dev"te a cha&ter "r m"re t" Rud"#3 Steiner and the Christian Es"tericism* -et a#th"u)h the '"r( 'as be)un he had n" surety that his hea#th '"u#d a##"' him t" 3inish it$ there3"re he '"u#d #i(e t" &ass "n t" me by '"rd "3 m"uth 'hat 'as n"t yet 'ritten "3 these meetin)s$ and 'hat mi)ht be "3 s"me si)ni3icance t" us y"un)er &e"&#e* ")ether 'ith s"me Anthr"&"s"&hist 3riends "3 the A#sace,L"tharin)ian -"uth /r"u& 8a number$ 'hich by Schur+s 'ish 'as #imited in c"nsiderati"n 3"r his hea#th9 I bet""( myse#3 in Oct"ber$ :;?A$ t" 7arr in "rder t" receive Schur+s c"mmunicati"ns c"ncernin) "ur teacher* he c"untry h"use ELes 7"u#eauFE #ies at the 3""t "3 the ruins "3 the cast#e An#au near the t"'n "3 7arr in A#sace* Schur sat "n the verandah$ 3acin) t"'ards the Rebber)e* Autumn br""ded "ver the #and* 7irches 'hich Ebecause "3 their s"u#sE Schur c#ear#y #"ved$ )re' near by$ #eanin) t"'ards us* his is the h"use 'here Rud"#3 Steiner had t'ice visited Schur* he 3irst time he had addressed a )atherin) "3 3riends 3r"m A#sace$ invited by Schur$ in the r""m neFt t" the "ne t" 'hich 'e &resent#y retired* he "ther time Rud"#3 Steiner 'ent 'ith him and 0arie v"n Sivers u& t" the Odi#ienber)$ 'hich r"se ab"ve us 'here the va##ey stee&#y m"unted* Hearin) "ur a&&r"ach Schur t"re himse#3 a'ay 3r"m his 'ritin) stand 8he habitua##y st""d t" 'rite9$ &assin) his hand "ver his 3"rehead as i3 t" brush a'ay his dreams and visi"ns 3"r a m"ment$ and came quic(#y 3"r'ard 'ith hands "utstretched as i3 t" )reet "#d 3riends* he bushy hair 3e## "ver the tem&#es "n either side "3 his hi)h and sti## sm""th 3"rehead* A habit "3 m"vin) his eyebr"'s )ave animati"n t" his s&eech* His 3ace sh"ne 'ith &#easure and his eyes #i)hted u& as he s&"(e "3 0ar)herita A#bana$ the '"man 'h" had E#ed him by the hand int" the '"r#d "3 the )reat Initiates*E E hese are the y"un) &e"&#e 'h" '"u#d #i(e t" hear me s&ea( "3 their teacher Rud"#3 SteinerG -"u have a## seen Rud"#3 Steiner$ n" d"ubtGE EN"$ very 3e' "3 us (ne' him% that is 'hy 'e are s" anFi"us t" hear ab"ut him 3r"m a man s" hi)h#y esteemed by "ur master$ and a man 'h"m he himse#3 ca##ed a )reat 4re&arer "3 the 1ay$ and the !7anner,bearer "3 the es"teric band "3 the 1estern &e"&#es*+E Schur sett#ed himse#3 in his armchair in the midd#e "3 the )reat '"r(r""m* He )r"u&ed us ar"und him at a #itt#e distance in a ha#3 circ#e as i3 he 'ished t" 3ee# himse#3 in the circ#e "3 mem"ry* A)ain his hand 'andered "ver his 3"rehead* E-"u brin) a s&irit "3 y"uth t" my "#d a)e* I 'ish I c"u#d stand be3"re y"u as Rud"#3 Steiner st""d be3"re y"un) &e"&#e* He #""(ed dee& int" their s"u#s and s&"(e a#'ays "3 'ays d"'n 'hich he had himse#3 trave##ed*E EOh$ yes$E s"me "3 us be)an$ but Schur had be)un his narrative* E he 3irst time I sa' Rud"#3 Steiner 'as in A&ri#$ :;<=* F"rmer#y I had "n#y heard "3 him 3r"m "ur mutua# 3riend 0arie v"n Sivers* In :;<= I had &ub#ished my drama he Chi#dren "3 Luci3er$ and 0arie v"n Sivers had as(ed my &ermissi"n t" trans#ate the &#ay int" /erman$ 3"r she 3"und in it thin)s she th"u)ht "3 '"rth$ 'hich sh"u#d have a )reat si)ni3icance "3 "ur times* E1hi#e it 'as bein) trans#ated 'e (e&t u& "ur c"ntact by c"rres&"ndence* Once be3"re 0arie v"n Sivers had be))ed my "&ini"n "n the &resent day S"cieties 3"r S&iritua# Science t" 'hich "ne mi)ht 'ith &r"3it be#"n)* I ans'ered that I myse#3 be#"n)ed t" the he"s"&hica# S"ciety$ and this u& t" the &resent I c"nsidered the best$ a#th"u)h it did n"t c"m&#ete#y satis3y me in that the si)ni3icance "3 the Christ 'as c"ntinua##y 'ea(ened$6es&ecia##y thr"u)h Annie 7esant$ since her '"r( "n he Ancient 1isd"m t""( this directi"n*E

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In :;<@ 0arie v"n Sivers 'r"te 3"r the 3irst time "3 Rud"#3 Steiner$ "3 the man 'h"se (n"'#ed)e sur&assed Eeverythin) 'hich unti# then had been deemed es"teric by men*E In :;<= Rud"#3 Steiner came 'ith 0arie v"n Sivers t" 4aris t" #ecture there* Here I qu"te Schur+s "'n '"rds. 6EI had indeed eF&ected a man$ 'h"$ 3r"m a## I had heard 3r"m 0arie v"n Sivers and had read 3r"m "ther s"urces$ mi)ht be a 3e##"',trave##er 'ith the same )"a# in vie' as myse#3% but I 'as s"me'hat indi33erent 8the times 'ere indeed unins&irin)9 as Rud"#3 Steiner a&&r"ached me* E hen$6as he st""d in the d""r'ay and #""(ed at me 'ith eyes 'hich 'ere e#"quent "3 hei)hts and de&ths "3 deve#"&ment$ 'ith his a#m"st ascetic c"untenance$ eF&ressin) )""dness and un#imited trust$ and a#s" ins&irin) it$6he made a tremend"us im&ressi"n u&"n me 8une im&ressi"n 3"udr"yante9$ such as I had eF&erienced "n#y t'ice be3"re in my #i3e$ and then #ess str"n) in s"me 'ays 83r"m Richard 1a)ner$ and 3r"m 0ar)herita A#bana v"n 0i)naty9* '" thin)s became immediate#y c#ear t" me$ be3"re he had even s&"(en* F"r the very 3irst time I 'as certain that I had an Initiate be3"re me* I had #"n) #ived in s&irit 'ith Initiates 'h"se hist"ry and deve#"&ment I had ventured t" describe* And here at #ast "ne st""d be3"re me "n the &hysica# &#ane* EAnd an"ther thin) became c#ear t" me at this m"ment$ that 'e mutua##y 3"r)"t everythin) ar"und us and became immersed in each "ther% I 'as certain that this man 'h" then st""d be3"re me 'as t" &#ay a )reat r"#e in my #i3e* * * *E Rud"#3 Steiner )ave a c"urse$ at that time in 4aris$ "3 ei)hteen #ectures$ "3 'hich Schur said that it 'as as i3 everythin) that s" c#ear#y and unequiv"ca##y treated "3 s&iritua# 3acts 'as said t" him$ Schur$ a#"ne% E3"r t" every questi"n 'hich I had secret#y br""ded "ver the #ecturer be3"re us )ave the c#earest and m"st &recise ans'ers* S" intimate#y had "ur s"u#s immediate#y 3"und each "ther "n the 'ay thr"u)h s&iritua# '"r#ds that 'e c"u#d ans'er each "ther "n s&iritua# matters bey"nd time and s&ace* EAs 3"r 'hat these #ectures themse#ves treated "3 it became c#ear t" me 'hat an abyss se&arated the Indian teachin) 'hich abs"rbed a## t"" )reat a &art "3 he"s"&hy$ 3r"m that 'hich Rud"#3 Steiner here tau)ht* One had heard the su))esti"n that he 'as sim&#y tryin) t" Eur"&eanise the Indian re#i)i"n* 1hat I then 3"r the 3irst time rec")nised and became increasin)#y c"nvinced "3 in my "'n see(in)s and rec")niti"ns 'as that 'hat Steiner )ave in Anthr"&"s"&hy had as its centre "n#y the Christ$ and that he )ave 'hat "ne mi)ht and did ca## the Christian he"s"&hy "3 that time 8:;<=9 'hi#e the rest "3 he"s"&hy 'as indeed "n#y Orienta#*E Schur t"#d us that a3ter that im&ressive 3irst meetin) 'ith Rud"#3 Steiner in 4aris he as(ed himse#3 'h"$ bey"nd the )uides "3 his ear#y b"yh""d$ c"u#d have been "n the &hysica# &#ane Rud"#3 Steiner+s s&iritua# )uide* He &r"mised he '"u#d te## us m"re "3 this* Schur s&"(e "3 the time in 'hich$ as he said$ Ehe 'as enab#ed t" '"r( 'ith Rud"#3 Steiner$ and 'ith th"se 'h" surr"unded him in a## dev"ti"n t" him and his '"r(*E In :;<H the 3irst &er3"rmance "3 the 0ystery "3 E#eusis as Schur sa' it and re&resented it$ 'as )iven in 0unich under Rud"#3 Steiner+s mana)ement* E1hat I had unc"nsci"us#y seen and re&resented$E said Schur$ ERud"#3 Steiner rec")nised and c"n3irmed my re&r"ducti"n "3 it as a true "ne* He sa' in this 0ystery "3 E#eusis the startin) &"int "3 the true dramatic art$ as I dem"nstrated #ater in my Theatre of "nitiation$ and sa' in it 'hat "ne must ever and a)ain c"m&rehend in "rder t" reach the s"urce 'hence rea# eF&erience in the s&iritua# '"r#d can be substantiated int" the dem"nstrab#e* In the #ystery Rud"#3 Steiner c"n3irmed n"t "n#y the 3"rm$ but a#s" the treatment and the '"rds* I can hard#y eF&ress 'hat inner satis3acti"n I 3e#t 'hen Rud"#3 Steiner made this c#ear t" me$ and 3urther 'hat enc"ura)ement I )"t t" c"ntinue the '"r( I had unti# then been d"in)* F"r it is "ne "3 th"se very cherished m"ments in the creative #i3e "3 the artist 'hen he meets s"me"ne 'h"m he rec")nises and "3 'h"m he (n"'s that he is dra'in) 'hat he says 3r"m the 'h"#e "3 the s&iritua# visi"n$ 'h" c"n3irms the truth "3 that creati"n 'hich 'as 3irst &r"duced 3r"m dim creative ur)e* * * *E O3 the &r"ducti"n "3 this drama Schur had a )""d dea# t" re#ate* He remar(ed am"n)st "ther thin)s that t",day it 'as quite c#ear t" him 'hen his Theatre of the Soul had ta(en sha&e$ that that &#ay de&ended u&"n s&iritua# visi"n and "n very 3e' d"cuments* He c"ntinued. EIn the year :;<; the 3irst &er3"rmance "3 The Children of Lucifer t""( &#ace$ &receded by a series "3 #ectures by Rud"#3 Steiner$ in 'hich he treated "3 the drama and the s&iritua# re#ati"nshi&s c"nsidered therein* Seven years ear#ier$ be3"re he 'as &ers"na##y acquainted 'ith me$ Rud"#3 Steiner had s&"(en "3 this &#ay$ and had made it a startin) &"int 'ith sma##er circ#es "3 his 3riends "3 th"se times* 1e had (n"'n each "ther severa# years% and 'e 'ere then "n#y seven 3riends* 1hat a#ready struc( me at that time 'as that Rud"#3 Steiner 3"und it necessary t" re&eat a)ain and a)ain that everythin) in The
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$reat "nitiates 'as &er3ect#y true* And in these #ectures in the 4rin5en Ha## in 0unich and t" an audience "3 =<< he reminded us "3 it "nce m"re*E On his qu"tin) this seven,year &eri"d I reminded Schur "3 a &assa)e in the Cyc#e J2III$ 'hich he did n"t (n"'. E1hen I ventured t" c"nsider that the time had c"me t" brin) my s&iritua# strivin)s int" c"nnecti"n 'ith 'hat "ne mi)ht ca## s&iritua# science "r he"s"&hy$ there 'as the d""r thr"u)h 'hich I s"u)ht t" intr"duce int" he"s"&hy a discussi"n 'hich sh"u#d #in( "n 'ith this dream The Children of Lucifer* And then 'e #et &ass a &eri"d "3 seven years+ deve#"&ment "3 the he"s"&hica# '"r( under c"nsiderati"n. but the seed 'hich 'as then #aid in "ur s"u#s by the '"rds s&"(en ab"ut the Children of Lucifer )erminated mean'hi#e in a re)u#ar seven,year e&"ch in c"m&#ete sti##ness* A3ter the seven years 'e had reached a &"int 'hen 'e c"u#d re&resent the drama The Children of Lucifer as an intr"ducti"n t" "ur underta(in)s in 0unich*E Schur c"mmem"rated in 'arm '"rds this &resentati"n "3 his drama% he menti"ned es&ecia##y h"' 0arie v"n Sivers '"r(ed "n the &#ay and in his "&ini"n had s" abs"rbed herse#3 in the manner "3 it that he sa' h"' very 3ar "ur &resent, day act"rs '"u#d need t" )et in "rder t" &ut his &#ays "n the sta)e* EA3ter this &er3"rmance$ at 'hich I 'as &resent$E Schur c"ntinued$ EI 'as "ver'he#med 'ith questi"ns* Rud"#3 Steiner 'as standin) by* 4e"&#e as(ed 'here I had 3"und this and that$ 'hy I had 'ritten this "r that in such a 'ay* And I 'e## remember h"' Rud"#3 Steiner st""d by my side and #""(ed at the questi"ners as i3 he 'ished t" he#& me "ut "3 the embarrassment* Rea##y I c"u#d n"t say 'here I had )"t a## this and 'hy it 'as s" and n"t "ther'ise* And n","ne underst""d this better than Rud"#3 Steiner*E E1hen 'e 'ere at #ast a#"ne$ 'e s&"(e "3 the m"ment in 'hich this drama emer)ed* Rud"#3 Steiner remar(ed that it had n"t$ as I th"u)ht a&&eared untime#y$ but that the times had ca##ed it "ut$ as he had been ca##ed by a## the &e"&#e 'h" surr"unded him and 'h" c"unted am"n)st his near 3riends* 1e s&"(e "3 the thresh"#d "3 the century and "3 the ne' )enerati"n 'hich then came int" bein)* Rud"#3 Steiner asserted 'hat I myse#3 have said "3 it. F"r humanity the year :;<< is "3 the nature "3 a c#imaF* 1e 'ere b"th c"nvinced that the ev"#uti"n "3 the 1est '"u#d be 3"und t" be at its critica# turnin) &"int$ a &"int 3r"m 'hich the y"un) '"u#d bear a 3u##er c"nsci"usness*E 1e &ut the questi"n t" Schur$ 'hether he (ne' a## the &assa)es in Rud"#3 Steiner+s #ectures in 'hich "ur teacher s&"(e "3 his #ystery of Eleusis$ his Theatre$ and his '"r( in )enera#* He said he did n"t* On#y a 3e' &assa)es 'ere (n"'n t" him% but he c"u#d 'e## ima)ine that Rud"#3 Steiner had &ers"na##y &ut the same th"u)hts t" him be3"rehand* At this &"int I may be a##"'ed a remar(* In a 3"rmer c"nversati"n I had &ut a questi"n "3 c"nscience t" Schur c"ncernin) the re&r""3s he had ca##ed d"'n u&"n himse#3 in c"nsequence "3 his attitude t" Rud"#3 Steiner durin) the 'ar* He 'arm#y 'e#c"med the "&&"rtunity t" eF&#ain* It is n"t &"ssib#e here t" )" int" the questi"n 3u##y* S" much has even t" be added t" it* " be)in 'ith the c"ntents "3 Schur+s '"r(s c"ncernin) A#sace 8 l% lsace &ran'aise, l% lsace et les Pretensions Prussiennes, etc*9 '"u#d have t" be eF&#ained* One '"u#d need t" (n"' 'hat 'as in the s"u# "3 the French at such s&ecia# times as the 'ar,time* 8 his is n"t s"methin) by 'ay "3 eFcuse*9 he 'riter "3 these #ines 'h" thr"u)h his destiny as A#satian is &ermitted this )#im&se 'i## try e#se'here and m"re c"m&#ete#y n"t t" eFcuse "r t" ta#( a'ay its e33ects but t" eF&#ain them* In the year :;<= a3ter the 4aris #ectures Schur had a #"n)er c"nversati"n 'ith Rud"#3 Steiner "ver the Way of "nitiation* he &"int "3 the discussi"n 'as the S&iritua# /uide* 7ut there came in 3"r s&ecia# menti"n by Rud"#3 Steiner the means$ that is the s&ecia# eFercises$ by 'hich "ne attains t" the c"nsci"us seein) thr"u)h 'hich man reaches the 'ay "3 Initiati"n* Schur re#ated that in that m"ment the R"sicrucian 'ay "3 Initiati"n st""d s" c#ear#y be3"re his eyes that he res"#ved that #ater he '"u#d 'rite a drama u&"n it* E7ut this '"r($E t" qu"te in his "'n '"rds$ Ethe master himse#3 has 3u##y carried "ut in his R"sicrucian 0ystery 4#ays*E his 'as the m"ment$ h"'ever$ 'hen I be)an t" )ras& the si)ni3icance "3 the eFercises Rud"#3 Steiner )ave m"re c#ear#y$ and t" attain n"t t" the m"re c"nsci"us seein)$ "r t" the imitati"n "3 Rud"#3 Steiner+s eF&eriences 8'hich 'as quite "ut "3 the questi"n$ and 'as indeed never demanded by him9$ but t" the abi#ity t" see h"' individua# the 'ays are 'hich #ead t" initiati"n* At "ne &"int I reminded Schur "3 Dr* Ernst 7arthe#+s b""( lsatian S(iritual )estiny 8A#sace 4ub#ishin) C"m&any$ C"#mar9* Schur had read it* It treats "3 his c"nnecti"n 'ith Steiner and their in3#uence u&"n "ne an"ther* Schur said that 7arthe#$ 'ith his &reKudiced ideas and his d")matic &hi#"s"&hy$ c"u#d n"t &"ssib#y c"m&rehend either Steiner "r himse#3$ and much #ess 'as seershi& &"ssib#e 3"r him "r even the ac(n"'#ed)ment "3 the eFistence "3 such a thin)* E here3"re$E he c"ntinued$ Eit 'as sheer im&udence t" assert that Rud"#3 Steiner had "btained his ideas 3r"m my $reat "nitiates* At the time 'e met$ Rud"#3 Steiner certain#y had n" need t"* He 'as 3ar 3urther "n than I* hat the "&&"site 'as a#s" n"t the case$ Steiner himse#3 said m"re than "nce* he ha&&iest eF&erience 3"r us b"th 'as that 'hi#e 'e 'ere se&arated in s&ace
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'e b"th came t" simi#ar resu#ts$ and they &resented themse#ves t" us in di33erent 3"rms "n#y in s" 3ar that I ca## Rud"#3 Steiner the 0aster and myse#3 the &u&i#$ and in that I$ in actua# acc"m&#ishment$ had n"t reached 'hat he c"u#d )ive*E As an eFam&#e 'hich ta##ies 'ith this &ara##e#ism "3 their 'ays t"'ards the same )"a#$ but 'hich ha&&ened under di33erent 3"rms$ is their eF&erience in re)ard t" the 3i)ure "3 Odi#ia in A#sace$ E'h"se actua# 3i)ure 'as the "bKect "3 Rud"#3 Steiner+s search$ 'hi#e I hunted "ut the #e)end$E said Schur* EF"r many years I tried t" trace "ut the evidences "3 the #i3e and '"r( "3 Odi#ia "n the Hi##$ in the 'h"#e "3 A#sace and in the s"u#s "3 the inhabitants% but Steiner s"u)ht 3"r Odi#ia herse#3* 1e 'ent 3r"m here u& "n t" the Hi##* here 'e sat 3"r #"n) "n the errace* Frau#ein v"n Sivers$ a3ter'ards Frau Dr* Steiner$ 'as 'ith us* F"r a #"n) time Rud"#3 Steiner did n"t s&ea(* He 'as dee&#y sun( in meditati"n$ "r rather in a search* It 'as Odi#ia+s se#3 that he 'as see(in)* A3ter'ards he said t" me that he had n"t 3"und her here$ but that he had been ab#e t" 3ind her much m"re c#ear#y "n her 3#i)ht t" Ar#esheim in S'it5er#and* At every restin) &#ace in her 3#i)ht she had reached a hi)her sta)e$ c"rres&"ndin) t" her Larma$ "3 her s&iritua# deve#"&ment*E hese t'" 'ays "3 see(in) an hist"rica# &ers"na#ity 'itnessed tru#y t" the di33erences in the 3"rms "3 re&r"ducti"n "3 'hat 'as &erceived by these t'" eFa#ted &ers"ns$ 'h" &r"ceeded "n their 'ay t")ether$ and 3r"m time t" time he#d "ut a hand t" "ne an"ther* Schur described t" us his im&ressi"ns "3 the /"etheanum* It 'as natura##y a questi"n$ at the m"ment$ "3 the 3irst /"etheanum* He had n"t seen the sec"nd$ but "n#y the &icture I sh"'ed him* He 'ent dee&#y int" the di33erences bet'een the /ree( em&#e$ the /"etheanum$ and the /"thic Cathedra#* He had been instructed by Rud"#3 Steiner himse#3 "ver the aim$ the name and 'hat it 'as destined 3"r* Schur said "3 it$ EIt 'as Kust this 3irst bui#din) that made such an im&ressi"n u&"n me$ i##ustratin) s"methin) s" di33erent 3r"m /"thic bui#din) such as the Strassbur) 0inster* hat the /"etheanum 'as n"t t" be c"nsidered a em&#e 'as si)ni3ied by Rud"#3 Steiner 'hen he chan)ed the name 3r"m M"hannes 7au t" /"etheanum* he man 'h" achieved the 7au c"u#d natura##y n"t bui#d acc"rdin) t" the &rescri&ti"ns "3 science and technica# (n"'#ed)e$ 'hich he himse#3 dec#ared t" be insu33icient* Under the cu&"#a "3 the /"etheanum I have (n"'n h"urs "3 beauti3u# eF&erience*E N N N N N N

Returnin) t" the #ystery of Eleusis Schur a##uded t" the #ectures )iven by Rud"#3 Steiner 'ith a sh"rt &assa)e 3r"m 'hich 'e 'i## here c#"se$ a &assa)e in 'hich Schur 'as &ut in the &#ace in s&iritua# ev"#uti"n 'hich be#"n)ed t" him. E he auth"r "3 The Children of Lucifer 'h"m 'e had the &#easure "3 seein) at the &er3"rmance #ast year$ and a)ain at the #ectures #ast year and this year$ in his $reat "nitiates has created a qua#ity "3 ideas "3 'hich the e33ects "n the mind and s"u# can "n#y in the 3uture be seen in their ri)ht #i)ht* EIt may stri(e y"u$ my dear 3riends as eFtra"rdinary in many 'ays 'hen the estimati"n in 'hich the s&iritua# 3"rces and '"r(s "3 "ne time "r an"ther in the &ast are c"m&ared 'ith 'hat ru#ed in the c"nsci"usness "3 the c"ntem&"raries "3 th"se times* 1e s" easi#y mista(e the 'ay in 'hich 'e "urse#ves thin( ab"ut /"ethe$ Sha(es&eare$ Dante$ 'ith that in 'hich the c"ntem&"raries 'ere eF&ert$ 'h" studied them and estimated them 3r"m s&iritua# 3"rces 'hich thr"u)h such &ers"na#ities 'ere )iven b"dy by the &r")ressive s&irit "3 man* And it is es&ecia##y incumbent u&"n us as he"s"&hists t" brin) it t" "ur c"nsci"usness that man in his "'n times #east "3 a## can measure the si)ni3icance and 3"rce "3 s&iritua# &r"ducti"ns 3"r the s"u# #i3t "3 their c"ntem&"raries* 1hen 'e c"nsider h"' the Kud)ment "3 the 3uture 'i## be quite di33erent 3r"m that "3 the &resent$ then 'e may say that the a&&earance "3 the $reat "nitiates 'i## s"me time be seen as s"methin) "3 tremend"us si)ni3icance b"th because "3 its c"ntents and 3"r the s&iritua# dee&enin) "3 "ur time* F"r 3r"m many s"u#s be#"n)in) t" the 'idest cu#ture circ#es "3 "ur times there res"und ech"es "3 'hat 'i## have bec"me &"ssib#e "n#y because these ideas 3"und entrance int" the hearts "3 "ur c"ntem&"raries* * * * And 3"r such these ech"es are "3 )reat si)ni3icance% 3"r number#ess 3"#( they mean a certainty "3 #i3e$ and trust and h"&e in the m"st di33icu#t m"ments "3 their #ives* And "n#y 'hen 'e understand h"' t" reK"ice in the ri)ht 'ay "ver such s&iritua# deeds "3 "ur time dare 'e assert that 'e have 'ithin "ur breasts a he"s"&hica# &erce&ti"n and he"s"&hica# 3rame "3 mind$ "3 any '"rth* And "ut "3 th"se de&ths "3 s"u# 3r"m 'hich the ideas "3 The $reat "nitiates streamed 3"rth the 3i)ures "3 The Children of Lucifer a#s" received their 3"rm and stam&* It brin)s a )reat &eri"d "3 man(ind be3"re the s"u#$ a time in 'hich the "#d and the ne' in the ev"#uti"n "3 the '"r#d K"st#ed each "ther* he"s"&hy must understand h"' in this &#ay there is a t'",3"#d stream% human #i3e$ human '"r($ and human in3#uences "n the &hysica# &#ane as it is &resented t" us thr"u)h the 3i)ures 'hich meet us in The Children of Lucifer* And in these '"r(s$ int" these in3#uences$ there shines 'hat 'e may ca## i##uminati"n 3r"m the hi)her '"r#ds*E 8:=th Au)ust$ :;:<$ 0unich*9
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C #"LLE SC*+E")E!,


It is a time 'hen C"nstantine has dec#ared Christianity t" be the re#i)i"n "3 the '"r#d$ and the #ast re#ics "3 &a)anism are
bein) stam&ed "ut re#ent#ess#y* 7ut the city "3 Di"nysia sti## cherishes its traditi"n$ in s&ite "3 the &resence "3 a Christian 7ish"&% and the 4r"c"nsu# Har&a#us$ has been sent t" reduce it t" submissi"n* Damis is #"ya# t" his "#d be#ie3s$ but 4hry)ius has #"st his "'n (in)d"m and b"'s t" the inevitab#e* he"(#es 8the her" "3 the &#ay9$ a y"un) n"b#eman "3 Di"nysia$ a true &a)an$ returns 3r"m his trave#s t" 3ind his City ab"ut t" be )iven "ver t" R"me* he 4r"c"nsu# arrives$ and by "33erin) t" the &e"&#e a## the &#easure and &r"3it 'hich R"me can )ive$ is received 'ith a&&#ause$ and Andr"c#es$ a 3riend "3 he"(#es$ has t" surrender the (eys "3 the City* A ri"t$ h"'ever$ has ta(en &#ace because "3 a &#acard si)ned Harm"dius$ den"uncin) R"me and ca##in) u&"n the citi5ens t" rise*N he"(#es te##s his 3riends that he is the 'riter "3 this &r"c#amati"n* At the su))esti"n "3 Lyc"&hr"n$ an "#d )rave,di))er and seer$ he #eaves the city 3"r a 'i#d re)i"n "3 the aurus 0"untains in "rder t" )et advice 3r"m Hera(#id"s* Here he c"mes t" the em&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d$ 'here he is initiated by Hera(#id"s in the mysteries "3 Luci3er and !the heaven#y v"ice+$ and is )iven a ne' name$ 4h"s&h"r"s$ and armed 'ith the visi"n "3 !the Star and the "rch+* 7ut he is 'arned that he 'i## "n#y bec"me a !Her"+ 'hen a vir)in+s #"ve 3"r him is s" 3ear#ess that she ren"unces her )"d t" 3"##"' him* hus &re&ared he sets 3"rth "n his trave#s$ and arrives at an "asis "3 #"'er E)y&t 'here a Christian tem&#e is (e&t by the !Father "3 the desert*+ Here is C#e"nice$ 'h" has dedicated her #i3e t" vir)inity and &rayer$ but 'h" has seen 4h"s&h"r"s$ "r he"(#es$ in the mar(et,&#ace "3 Di"nysia* She is determined that i3 4h"s&h"r"s c"mes her 'ay she 'i## curse him$ but the Father "3 the desert cauti"ns her a)ainst her rashness* 4h"s&h"r"s arrives and C#e"nice carries "ut her threat$ th"u)h in d"in) s" she re#ents$ and it is c#ear that 4h"s&h"r"s has c"nquered her % but he #eaves the c#"ister never t" see her a)ain* He receives in3"rmati"n 3r"m his 3riends at Di"nysia that he has been &ard"ned "n c"nditi"n "3 his return t" de3end his c"nduct$ and they 'arn him that this is "n#y a tric(* In s&ite "3 this 3riend#y 'arnin)$ he determines t" return t" Di"nysia at "nce* hessa#us$ an "#d servant "3 C#e"nice+s 3ami#y$ arrives at her c#"ister and te##s her that he has met 4h"s&h"r"s$ 'h" has t"#d him that he is "n his 'ay t" Di"nysia t" stand his tria# as an enemy "3 Caesar* C#e"nice thereu&"n #eaves the c#"ister t" he#& 4h"s&h"r"s in his tr"ub#e* She 3inds "n arriva# that 4h"s&h"r"s is cast int" &ris"n$ and am"n) his 3riends 4hry)ius$ is hesitatin)* he tria# ta(es &#ace* 4h"s&h"r"s in his s&eech ma(es n" de3ence but carries the attac( int" the cam& "3 his "&&"nents* He is c"ndemned t" death$ but this is miti)ated t" banishment i3 he can )et "ne &ers"n "ut "3 the cr"'d t" say a )""d '"rd 3"r him* C#e"nice immediate#y intervenes* he cr"'d$ t" 'h"m C#e"nice is 'e## (n"'n$ is #"ud in its a&&#ause$ the 4r"c"nsu# is (i##ed$ the R"man s"#diers driven bac($ and 4h"s&h"r"s is &r"c#aimed Arch"n "3 Di"nysia* he Christian 7ish"& (n"'s that he has the R"man Em&ire in his su&&"rt and is determined t" '"r( the ruin "3 the ha&&y &air$ 'h" are n"' married* S""n 4h"s&h"r"s #earns that his armies are )ivin) 'ay$ and in s&ite "3 enc"ura)ement and he#& 3r"m C#e"nice$ is 3ee#in) des&"ndent* C#e"nice herse#3 is entra&&ed by a m"n( t" #eave her h"use in "rder t" meet the 7ish"&* he #"ya# Damis arrives 'ith bad ne's 3"r 4h"s&h"r"s* Damis is$ h"'ever$ at a critica# m"ment ab#e t" re#ease C#e"nice$ 'h" has been cast by the 7ish"& int" &ris"n$ and a)ain the &e"&#e are turned t" 3av"ur 4h"s&h"r"s* 7ut the invincib#e armies "3 R"me are &ressin) "n$ 4hry)ius has deserted his 3riends$ and the 7ish"& em&#"ys the time by a 3"rce3u# a&&ea# t" the su&erstiti"n and 3ear "3 the &"&u#ace$ 'hen he &r"n"unces !anathema u&"n the accursed &air+* here are m"re ri"ts in the City$ 4h"s&h"r"s and C#e"nice are se&arated$ the Armies enter$ and 4h"s&h"r"s 3#ees t" the em&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d$ 'here he is eF&ected by the "#d initiate Hera(#id"s* C#e"nice a#s" 3inds her 'ay there$ but the R"man armies$ 'ith the Christian 7ish"&$ are intent u&"n their destructi"n* C#e"nice is &re&ared t" die 'ith 4h"s&h"r"s* 4h"s&h"r"s$ in the "#d &a)an s&irit$ is determined at any rate t" 3i)ht$ and re3uses t" yie#d% but it is b"rne in u&"n b"th "3 them that their sacri3ice in death 'i## be the 3u#3i#ment "3 the )reatest human idea# and 'i## he#& t" brin) ab"ut in humanity a truer Christianity$ and they ta(e "3 the same &"is"ned cu&$ and &erish*

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At this m"ment the 7ish"& and the tr""&s enter the em&#e$ but 3a## bac( terri3ied at the visi"n "3 the 3#amin) star and the 3iery cr"ss* he 7ish"& dr"&s his cr"5ier$ the tr""&s (nee#$ 'hi#e Hera(#id"s )ives the Si)n "3 the imes6the Cr"ss "3 Christ u&"n the Star "3 Luci3er*
N Harm"dius and Arist")eit"n in /ree( hist"ry are the &r"t"ty&es "3 #iberty*

CHARAC ERS HEOLLES. #ater surnamed 4HOS4HOROS$ citi5en "3 Di"nysia* CLEONICE. A Christian maiden "3 Di"nysia* DA0IS.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4HR-/IUS.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Friends "3 he"(#es* ANDROCLES.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ALCE AS.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L-CO4HRON. A Seer* HERALLIDOS. A Hier"&hant in the em&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d* HAR4ALUS. 4r"c"nsu# "3 Asia* HE HI/H 4RIES OF 7ACCHUS* HE 7ISHO4 OF DION-SIA* A 0ONL* HE FA HER OF HE DESER * A/LAE.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C- HERIS.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C"urtesans attired as 7acchantes* 0I0ALONE.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HESSALUS. An "#d s#ave* A SER2AN OF 4HOS4HOROS* HE HERALD OF HE 4ROCONSUL* A CEN URION* 1O HI/HLAND 0EN* A -OUN/ 0AN.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A -OUN/ 1O0AN.,,,,,,,,,, O3 the &e"&#e "3 Di"nysia* AN OLD 0AN.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A S4IRI in the 3"rm "3 Luci3er* HE 2OICE "3 the 3#amin) Star* R"man #e)i"naries$ Lict"rs$ y"un) men "3 the Di"nysian &ha#anF$ 2ir)ins "3 the Desert$ &"&u#ace* The action ta-es (lace at the beginning of the fourth century, ,),, in the reign of Constantine the $reat, The scene is laid in sia #inor and in Egy(t,
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Public s.uare at )ionysia, a town in sia #inor, t the bac- a gateway o(ening on the courtyard of the Prytaneum, On the left, the entrance to the Tem(le of Bacchus, bordered with sycamore trees, On the right, a Christian basilica surmounted bya cross, "t is night,

DA0IS and 4HR-/IUS enter slowly, on the alert as if trying to distinguish something in the dar-ness, 4HR-/IUS* Have y"u seen the R"mansG DA0IS* N"t yet* 4HR-/IUS* his is the squareG DA0IS* -es$ the a)"ra 'ith the 4rytaneum* It is deserted and dar( as th"u)h it 'ere a3raid t" see the da'n brea(* 8Trum(ets sound far off*9 4HR-/IUS* D" y"u hear that 3#"urish "3 trum&etsG DA0IS 8trembling9* It is theyO hey are c"min) #i(e thieves be3"re daybrea(* 4HR-/IUS* Listen$ it is c"min) nearer* 8 nother louder flourish,9 H"' m"urn3u##y it s"unds in the 'an da'n "3 this si#ent city* DA0IS* Every "ne "3 these harsh n"tes sti3#es s"me virtue in the s"u# "3 these c"'ard#y s#ee&ers* he #e)i"ns "3 the Em&er"r "3 R"me and 7y5antium are ab"ut t" ta(e &"ssessi"n "3 the citade#* S""n the v"ice "3 the im&eria# trum&et 3r"m the summit "3 the Acr"&"#is 'i## &r"c#aim the entry "3 the 4r"c"nsu# int" this t"'n* hen the 3reed"m "3 my ancient city "3 Di"nysia 'i## have breathed its #ast* 4HR-/IUS* Such is the 3ate "3 cities a## "ver the '"r#d* F"r centuries &ast everythin) has b"'ed be3"re R"me% t",day every"ne crin)es be3"re Caesar dei3ied* 0y native t"'n is ca##ed Dyra&"#is$ the city "3 Mu&iter the hunderer* It stands u&"n an inaccessib#e m"untain* O3 "#d it 'as the terr"r "3 Asia and the "ver#"rd "3 y"ur city* -es$ ei)ht hundred years a)" 'e the &r"ud m"untaineers$ descendants "3 the /a#atians$ 'e c"nquered y"ur city by 3"rce "3 arms* 1e c"mmanded y"u as masters$ y"ur 3"re3athers &aid us tribute "3 )"#d and "3 3#esh* Di"nysia 'as the &"rt "3 Dyra&"#is and the e33eminate chi#dren "3 7acchus "beyed the s"ns "3 Mu&iter the hunder,bearer* I$ s"n "3 these ancient (in)s$ I can remember a## this* 1e##$ 'hen the #e)i"ns c#imbed "ver "ur 'a##s$ 'e t"" had t" b"' "ur heads* Caesar+s ea)#es have 3#"'n even t" the summit "3 hau)hty Dyra&"#is 'hich had (n"'n n" "ther #"rds than the c#"uds and the #i)htnin)* It is ri)ht that s"3t Di"nysia sh"u#d in her turn abase her b"dy "3 a 7acchante and her br"' "3 a s#ave* DA0IS* AhO -"u d" n"t (n"' the s"u# "3 my native city$ her tra)ic and sub#ime destiny* In "#den days certain#y the n"b#e queen "3 I"nia$ 'h" )ave t" the '"r#d the thyrsus and the #yre$ did 'ear 3etters 3"r)ed by y"ur 3"re3athers* 7ut A#eFander the /reat$ a3ter havin) subKected the 'h"#e '"r#d u& t" the Indus$ #iberated "ur t"'n 3r"m y"ur y"(e$ because a Di"nysian &ha#anF "3 y"uths had 3"##"'ed this ne' Achi##es$ the eFu#tant c"nquer"r "3 the '"r#d$ even t" the sh"res "3 the Indian Ocean* He remembered that Di"nysia is the city "3 Di"nys"s the Liberat"r* 1e '"rshi& 7acchus$ the divine S&irit$ reb"rn 3r"m the earth riven by the thunderb"#t% Di"nys"s man)#ed by the itans$ but rest"red t" #i3e in the #i)ht "3 heaven* Our )"d is n"t an una&&r"achab#e and &iti#ess master% he is a )"d ever su33erin)$ ever bec"min)$ a )"d 'h" m"ves and thr"bs in "ur hearts$ a )"d 'h" dies and is b"rn a)ain #i(e "urse#ves* Our 3#esh is his b"dy and "ur b#""d is the sm"(e "3 his dreams% "ur s"u#s are the tears "3 his eyes$ and i3 they are imm"rta#$ it is because they have been 'e&t by HimO * * * Our city shares the destiny "3 its )"d$ 'hich is t" )ive birth in su33erin)* In turn rich "r &""r$ 3ree "r ens#aved$ c"vered 'ith )#"ry "r 'ith shame$ she has never ceased$ the '"r#d "ver$ t" 'ave her t"rch a3#ame #i(e L"ve burnin) in the cha"s "3 the universe* She is n" city "3 (in)s "r "3 the mi)hty "nes "3 the earth$ n"r yet that "3 the 'ise sa)es% she is the city "3 ins&ired reve##ers$ heretics and rebe#s% but "ut "3 her K"ys are b"rn &"ets$ "ut "3 her 3ren5y &yth"nesses$ "ut "3 her tribu#ati"n her"esO D" y"u (n"' 'hat is the n"b#est )#"ry "3 Di"nysiaG It is t" have "n her Acr"&"#is$ 3acin) the tem&#e "3 the 1in)ed 2ict"ry$ an a#tar a#'ays 'reathed 'ith 3#"'ers and dedicated !t" the #ast b"rn "3 the )"ds+* In "ur
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'"rst mis3"rtunes 'e a#'ays #""( 3"r'ard t" s"me )"d 'h" 'i## be b"rn "r t" s"me her" 'h" 'i## arise* hat is 'hy "3 "#d "ur y"uths$ "ur ath#etes$ "ur vir)ins$ used t" #ay their t"rches$ their 'ea&"ns and their #"c(s "3 hair as 3irst3ruits "n the mystica# a#tar "3 the #atest and #"ve#iest "3 the Imm"rta#s* hat is 'hy thr"u)h"ut the centuries Di"nysia has remained the em&#e "3 Desire and the Land "3 H"&eO 8The dawn is beginning to brea-,/ 4HR-/IUS* 1e##$ t",day it is the statue "3 the Em&er"r "3 R"me and 7y5antium 'hich stands "n that a#tar* DA0IS 8bowing his head and dro((ing his arms9* A#asO I (n"' it* 4HR-/IUS* 7e#ieve me$ there is n" "ther )"d save Destiny and Caesar*

HE SA0E$ then L-CO4HRON$ a bent old man in rags who slowly a((roaches the two s(ea-ers, *e is carrying on the end of a chain a bron0e lantern with horn (anes, which swings in his sha-ing hand and (ro1ects its flic-ering beam through the grey dawn, 4HR-/IUS* 1h" is this decre&it "#d manG 7y Hercu#es$ "ne mi)ht ta(e him 3"r Char"n surveyin) s"me river in Hades* DA0IS* hat is Lyc"&hr"n$ a d"'n,at,hee# sa)e* Puesti"n him* 4HR-/IUS* 1hat is y"ur trade in this t"'nG L-CO4HRON* Lee&er "3 a cemetery* 4HR-/IUS* 1e##$ 'h"m are y"u$ #i(e an"ther Di")enes$ see(in) 'ith y"ur #anternG L-CO4HRON* I am see(in) a #ivin) s"u# in the dead city* 4HR-/IUS* Have y"u n"t 3"und "ne then any'hereG L-CO4HRON* N"'here$ neither in this t"'n n"r in a## the 'ide '"r#d* -"u are a## #i3e#ess shad"'s$ #arvae 'ith"ut 'i##$ 3it t" &e"&#e artarus$ but n"t 3ree men '"rthy "3 the sunshine "3 A&"##"* 1ere y"u #ivin) s"u#s$ y"u '"u#d bear y"ur #i)ht 'ithin y"urse#ves and '"u#d 'a#( by it* 7ut a## "3 y"u 'ait t" be sh"'n the 'ay be3"re ta(in) a ste&* -"u need t" be da55#ed "r e#se driven 'ith a 'hi&* Shad"'s "3 shad"'s$ c"&ies "3 c"&ies$ are y"uO AhO hese sta)e,&u&&etsO " act they need the &ric( "3 vanity "r the #ash "3 3earO On#y stri& "33 y"ur mas(s$ y"u &#ay,act"rs$ s" that y"ur m"n(eys+ "r shee&+s 3aces may be seen* 4HR-/IUS* It is envy and im&"tence 'hich &r"m&t y"u t" s&ea( s"$ 'retched "#d manO 1hat have y"u d"ne$ vi#e hersites$ ab"rti"n "3 humanity$ t" have the ri)ht t" insu#t the n"b#e s"ns "3 i##ustri"us cities 'h" '"u#d be cr"'ned 'ith )#"ry i3 the times 'ere &r"&iti"usG L-CO4HRON* 1hat have I d"neG Ni)ht and day I see($ I haunt the cr"ss,r"ads$ the thresh"#d "3 h"uses$ the '"men+s a&artments* I study thr"u)h"ut man(ind the th"u)hts at the bac( "3 their minds* I have the )i3t "3 &erceivin) them* Rich$ &""r$ the y"un)$ c"urtesans$ "#d men$ matr"ns$ tyrants and dema)")ues6I (n"' their secret se#ves* OhO 1hat hide"us m"nsters #ur(in) under th"se ba#d s(u##s$ under th"se seductive head,dressesO 0en and '"men 3ear me because I te## the truth* Have y"u d"ne as muchG " dare t" te## the truth$ is that n"t en"u)h t" merit a &#ace in the sunG 4HR-/IUS* hat is a trade a man can scarce#y #ive by* L-CO4HRON* hey say even that "ne starves at it* 0en c"ver the bearers "3 #ies 'ith )"#d$ but 'hen truth a&&ears t" them$ they st"ne it* 8#ysteriously*9 hat is n"t a## * * * behind the th"u)hts "3 men * * * I have s"u)ht * * * the human s"u#$ the marve##"us 2ir)in 'h" is said t" be 'in)ed * * * F"r I have a secret t" sh"' me men+s s"u#s 'ithin their b"diesO
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DA0IS* 1hat secretG Revea# that t" us* L-CO4HRON* I ma(e use "3 this ma)ica# #am&* 1hen I 3"cus it sudden#y "n a man+s eye at the m"ment 'hen he #east eF&ects it and thr"' the beam int" the de&th "3 his di#ated eyeba## * * * then I can see$ #i(e a 3aint shad"' in a dim ha#"$ a &"rtrait "3 himse#3$ the etherea# nimbus "3 his s"u#O AhO h"' terri3yin) these ima)es areO Never an A&"##"$ a#'ays a 0arsyas% never a 7acchus$ a#'ays a Si#enus "r a Saturn* OhO 1hat hide"us anima#s+ heads I have seen in human eyes% bu##s$ )"ats$ ti)ers$ hyenas$ b"ars and '"rse sti## * * * * -es$ 3"r m"re than a century I have been see(in) the divine 4syche 'ith the )"#den 'in)s * * * * 8With disgust*9 7ut "n#y screech,"'#s and bats have c"me 3#utterin) ar"und my #am&* 4HR-/IUS* Oh"O "#d man 'ith the #anternO his butter3#y chase "3 y"urs has made y"u #ame and sh"rt "3 breath* DA0IS 8with curiosity9* his 4syche$ this 'in)ed and #ivin) s"u# is &erha&s in us t'"G Have y"u #""(edG L-CO4HRON 8slowly raises his lantern to )amis%s eyes and scrutini0es them with an old man%s tenderness 9* I see a 'hite chrysa#is* Inside it has &retty 'in)s 'ith de#icate c"#"urs* It '"u#d #i(e t" ta(e 3#i)ht but cann"t$ 3"r its &ris"n st"&s it* 1hen y"ur #itt#e s"u# emer)es$ be'are "3 the st"rm 'hich in its &assa)e s'ee&s &""r #itt#e butter3#ies int" the "ceanO 4HR-/IUS* And IG L-CO4HRON 8.uic-ly (uts the lantern to his face9* OhO by 4#ut"O -"urs is a b#ac( cater&i##ar 'ith a s&"tted and &ric(#y s(in* It is ven"m"us* A )reat death+s,head m"th 'i## 3#y "ut "3 it**** Let th"se be'are 'h" t"uch y"uO 8 *e turns away in horror*9 4HR-/IUS* -"u 3"u# "#d cater&i##ar$ )et bac( t" y"ur businessO -"u ree( "3 cemeteries and h"ve#s * * * be "33O 8L-CO4HRON mo2es off softly, without listening, lost in his thoughts*9 L-CO4HRON* 4sycheO the 1in)ed S&iritO 1hen sha## I 3ind herG 4HR-/IUS 8shrugging his shoulders9 * A madmanO DA0IS* A seerO

DA0IS$ 4HR-/IUS$ the HERALD "3 the 4ROCONSUL* The !oman flourish of trum(ets sounds from near by in the court of the Prytaneum, cluster of the (eo(le gathers at the sound of the trum(et, The *erald of the Proconsul comes forward through the gateway with three Lictors bearing the consular fasces surmounted by a3es, "t is now broad daylight, DA0IS* he Hera#d "3 the 4r"c"nsu#O ListenO 8Trum(et call*9 HE HERALD* Caesar Au)ustus the A##,&"'er3u#$ S"verei)n "3 R"me and 7y5antium$ Father "3 the Nati"ns$ Im&erat"r "3 the Armies$ 0aster "3 the Universe$ the /reat and Divine C"nstantine6t" the i##ustri"us city "3 Di"nysia6Hai#O6 Caesar Au)ustus$ 4r"tect"r "3 the Christians and the /ree(s$ has res"#ved t" ta(e under his su&reme )uardianshi& the ancient city "3 Di"nys"s$ its churches$ its tem&#es$ its h"mes$ in "rder t" de3end it a)ainst its enemies* he #e)i"n "3 Au)ustus 'i## "ccu&y the citade#* On beha#3 "3 Caesar$ Har&a#us c"mmands Andr"c#es t" de#iver t" him the )ates "3 the city and the insi)nia "3 the &hratries* Andr"c#es 'ith the 4r"c"nsu# 'i## ascend the Acr"&"#is and 'i## carry the 3ire "3 the 4rytaneum be3"re the a#tar "3 the #atest,b"rn "3 the )"ds$ 'here stands the ima)e "3 Caesar$ c"nquer"r "3 the '"r#d* Chi#dren "3 this city$ ta(e u& y"ur 'ands$ scatter 3#"'ers* Ere #"n) Caesar himse#3 'i## c"me t" ce#ebrate in the Christian basi#ica his nu&tia#s 'ith the Pueen "3 I"nia* F"r y"u he brin)s reve#s and )ames$ a th"usand 'i#d beasts and 3ive hundred )#adiat"rs* A##,&"'er3u# Caesar t" Di"nysia. Hai#O 8The (eo(le cry out 4 *ail Caesar5 4, the *erald and the Lictors disa((ear into the courtyard of the Prytaneum *9
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4HR-/IUS* S" then$ y"u are de#iverin) t" Har&a#us the )ates "3 the city$ a## its &"'ers and the sacred 3#ame "3 2esta y"ur &r"tectressG And it is Andr"c#es$ the #eader "3 the Di"nysian &ha#anF$ 'h" is c"mmittin) this crimeG DA0IS* OhO Andr"c#es has a #i"n+s heart in the b"dy "3 an ath#ete* 7ut the Senate is summ"nin) Caesar$ and the &e"&#e a&&#aud him* 1hat can he d"G He can "n#y ra)e and "bey* 4HR-/IUS* In his &#ace I sh"u#d have &re3erred t" &erish under the Lict"r+s aFe* 8The trum(et call and muffled cries of 4*ail Caesar5% are heard again *9 DA0IS* Listen t" th"se criesO 1hat can be d"ne 'ith such a &e"&#eG 8 bell rings in the basilica*9 4HR-/IUS* D" y"u hear that be##G he Christians are )reetin) the entry "3 the #e)i"ns and Caesar 'h" is t" &r"tect them* DA0IS* hat is y"ur 3unera# (ne##$ Oh$ Di"nysiaO In my heart I hear y"ur #ast si)h* * * * 8 *e bows his head, then raises it with a sudden mo2ement,9 And yet y"u used t" #ive and t" s&ea( t" me in that unique 3riend 'h"se &resence sh"ne u&"n my y"uth* * * * In him 'h"m I #"ved and have #"st 3"r everO 8 *e hides his face in his hands*9

DA0IS$ 4HR-/IUS$ HEOLLES* The latter wears a (ur(le tunic and a blac- cloa-, on his head a cy(ress wreath, in his belt a short sword dec-ed with a branch of myrtle, *e a((roaches from behind and (uts his hand on )amis%s shoulder, DA0IS 8turning round9* he"(#esO At this very m"ment y"u 'ere in my th"u)htsO Is it &"ssib#eG -"u #iveG -"u sti## breatheG E#der br"ther "3 my s"u#$ my unique$ my r"ya# 3riendO 8*e throws himself on the other%s nec- and ga0es at him, 9 In y"ur 3irst )#ance y"ur 'h"#e se#3 c"mes bac( t" meO HEOLLES* And y"u t" me* Oh$ h"#y 3ide#ity "3 men+s 3riendshi&$ the "n#y ba#m "n earthO DA0IS* Seven years "n y"ur trave#s$ and never a messa)e 3r"m y"uO D" y"u reca## the times 'hen I 'as siFteen and y"u t'enty,3ive$ 'hen "ur va)ab"nd s&irits '"u#d r"ve thr"u)h the 3ie#ds "3 the 0usesG D" y"u reca## h"' 'e '"u#d )" at da'n$ 'reathed in smi#aF$ t" the )r"ve "3 Da&hne 'here the e#ms murmured beside the &#ane treeG D" y"u reca## th"se divine days 'hen 'e read 4#at"$ 'hen ruth$ Mustice and 7eauty '"u#d 'a#( be3"re us #i(e three )"ddesses in the dee& shade "3 the treesG * * * D" y"u reca## it a##G HEOLLES* "" many t"rrents have s'e&t my heart since the days 'hen thr"u)h it the &ure stream "3 my y"uth ri&&#ed* DA0IS* -"u have 3"r)"tten me thenG HEOLLES* N"% but I have been see(in) ruth thr"u)h"ut the '"r#d* '" austere divinities have esc"rted me am"n) man(ind. S"#itude and Si#ence* he "ne has set a barrier ab"ut my heart and the "ther has c#"sed my #i&s* DA0IS* Have y"u 3"und ruthG HEOLLES 8s"mbre9* At certain h"urs$ in the de&th "3 myse#3* 7ut 'hen sha## I &r"ve her be3"re the '"r#dG 4HR-/IUS* And d" y"u n"t rec")ni5e meG HEOLLES* -es$ y"u are 4hry)ius "3 Dyra&"#is* 4HR-/IUS* Once 'e 'ere riva#s in the )ymnasia* HEOLLES* Nay$ rather c"m&etit"rs*
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4HR-/IUS* 1hen y"u sa' that 'e c"u#d n"t beat "ne an"ther$ y"u "33ered me 3riendshi&* HEOLLES* And t")ether$ 'ith the 4am&hi#ians$ 'e 'ent t" the 'ars a)ainst the 4arthians* 4HR-/IUS* 0y ambiti"n as a s"#dier 'as t" bec"me a (in)* HEOLLES* And mine t" 3ind re#ease 3r"m the 3etters "3 my "'n th"u)ht* 4HR-/IUS 8ironically9* And neither "3 us has succeeded* DA0IS 7ut 'hat d" I seeG -"u 'ear a b#ac( c#"a( and y"ur 3"rehead is shaded by the cy&ress* 1hat (insman d" y"u m"urnG A man "r a '"manG HEOLLES* Neither man n"r '"man% I have n" #"n)er any (indred* DA0IS* 1hy then d" y"u 'ear m"urnin)G HEOLLES* F"r my unrea#i5ed desires$ 3"r my s"u# sti3#ed by the universe$ 3"r ruth that is 3"r ever vei#ed* DA0IS* 1hy$ then$ a## men "u)ht t" 'ear m"urnin)* HEOLLES* hey have sacri3iced even H"&e t" their thirst 3"r &#easure* here3"re I 'ear m"urnin) 3"r them$ 3"r this ens#aved city$ 3"r this '"r#d that &ines under the dar( &a## "3 baseness and hatred* 4HR-/IUS* -et y"u have seen the )reatest nati"ns "3 the earth* HEOLLES* I have seen 7aby#"n$ hebes$ A#eFandria$ Athens and R"me* Every'here the tem&#es are mute$ the )"ds dead$ men+s s"u#s em&ty* 7e3"re their id"#s "3 )"#d "r ir"n$ men c"'er #i(e &a#try d'ar3s* heir )"d is Caesar * * * and they are '"rthy "3 him* -et my ind"mitab#e s"u# can neither set the '"r#d 3ree n"r b"' t" its y"(e* 1h" 'i## 3"rete## me my destiny and that "3 my c"untryG 4HR-/IUS* Here is 7acchus himse#3 'h" sends y"u his train in ans'er* DA0IS* Here c"mes the bri##iant A#cetas$ 'ith three hetaerae dressed as 7acchantes*

HE SA0E$ then ALCE AS enters with A/LAE$ C- HERIS and 0I0ALONE* They are clad in tunics of fawn, (anther and tiger s-ins, and wreathed in flowers and foliage, They mo2e towards the altar which stands on the ste(s to the Tem(le of Bacchus, 0I0ALONE 8raising her thyrsus9* " thee$ divine 7acchus$ "ur "33erin)sO A/LAE 8(ouring a libation from a golden cu(9* Here is the Kuice "3 the vine t" quic(en thy heartO C- HERIS 8scattering roses from a bas-et9* Here are the s'eets "3 the mead"'s t" 3reshen thy 3"reheadO 0I0ALONE 8wa2ing the thyrsus9* Here is the thyrsus 'hich summ"ns thee in the dense '""d#ands* S'eet is thy s#ee& in death and in ecstasy$ < )"d t"rn asunder by the itans$ and s&#endid thy a'a(enin)s* * * * /rant us 3"r thy birthday a ha&&y day$ 3"##"'ed by a ni)ht "3 reve##in)* ALCE AS 8noticing Theo-les9* 1hat$ it is y"u$ he"(#esG 7ac( a#ready 3r"m y"ur trave#sG HEOLLES* A#readyG Seven years seem a sh"rt time t" y"uG ALCE AS* 4#easure (n"'s n"thin) "3 time* F"r me the h"urs$ the days$ the m"nths$ the years a## have 'in)s*
4a)e :? "3 @=

HEOLLES* S" y"u are a#'ays ha&&yG ALCE AS* A#'ays* D" y"u remember that in "#d days y"u 'ere my c"m&ani"nG I used t" as( "n#y "3 every day a ne' &assi"n$ "3 every ni)ht a ne' de#i)ht* 7ut y"u$ unha&&y "neO -"u '"u#d &r"be even beneath &#easure a3ter the secret "3 thin)s* In the chaste hymns "3 maidens$ in the s"bs "3 heartbr"(en s'eethearts$ in the trans&"rts "3 c"urtesans * * * ahO I sti## #au)h t" thin( "3 it * * * y"u #"ved * * * 'hatG he S"u# "3 Nature$ su33erin)$ dis&ersed and mu#ti&#e* * * * -"u s"u)ht * * * 'h" '"u#d be#ieve itG * * * the hidden )"dO 7ut$ madman$ y"u 3"und him n"t * * * and y"ur (eenest K"ys turned int" b#ac( t"rments* 8*e laughs*9 Are y"u sti## the sameG HEOLLES* ",day my s"u# is erect in my breast$ #i(e a 0inerva "n )uard in her tem&#e$ a'aitin) the h"ur "3 batt#e* ALCE AS* 4"#itics thenG I &ity y"u a## the m"re* -"u 'i## end bad#y* L""( at these c"urtesans 'h"m I am ta(in) t" the 3estiva#s "3 7acchus$ and c"me 'ith us* S&ea( t" him$ subt#e &u&i#s "3 A&hr"dite* Ha&#y he 'i## #isten t" y"u* A/LAE 8shows him her goblet9* 0y name is A)#ae* I am Desire* I3 y"u drin( the #iqu"r "3 this )"b#et$ a de#ici"us 3ire 'i## run thr"u)h y"ur veins* C- HERIS 8offers him her bas-et9* 0y name is Cytheris* I am De#i)ht* 1ith these r"ses I quench the terrib#e 3#ames (ind#ed by A)#ae* 0I0ALONE 8wa2ing her thyrsus9* 0y name is 0ima#"ne* I am Int"Ficati"n insatiate in &#easure 'ith"ut end* I3 y"u 3"##"' my thyrsus$ y"u 'i## see a th"usand 7acchantes dancin) "n the hi##side "3 the )"d$ and y"u 'i## 3ind them a## a)ain in "ne "3 my embraces* I am as vast as Li3e and as dee& as DeathO HEOLLES* < divine 7acchantes$ human b#"ss"ms "3 the eterna# Earth$ a##,&"'er3u# in y"ur 3"##y$ y"u 'h" bear scents and &"ur #"ve charms$ y"u the /races and the Furies "3 man$ can y"u quench the thirst 'hich c"nsumes me$ can y"u )ive me ruth 'hich satis3ies$ Faith that saves and Acti"n 'hich createsG Can y"u at #east )ive me Ob#ivi"nG I3 s"$ I 'i## 3"##"' y"u t" the endO * * * 8They consult silently amongst themsel2es and encircle him as though to cast a s(ell on him, glae holds out her cu(, Cytheris strews roses on him, #imalone wa2es the thrysus abo2e his head, 9 HEOLLES* 8*e remains motionless, with arms folded and eyes ri2eted on a distant 2ision,/ Oh$ 3ar a'ay 3r"m the na(ed 7acchantes$ 'here art th"u$ < my vei#ed 0useO 8The three Bacchantes recoil abru(tly with a startled and res(ectful mo2ement *9 he 0useO 0I0ALONE* 1e have n" &"'er "ver him* ALCE AS* 1e##$ y"u are n"t c"min)G HEOLLES* I cann"t* ALCE AS 8aside9* He is ambiti"us* 8 loud*9 0ay F"r,tune &r"tect y"uO HEOLLES* A&hr"dite 3av"ur y"uO 8E3it lcetas, The courtesans follow him, Before they disa((ear they turn bac- once, holding each other by the shoulders, to loo- at Theo-les*9 A/LAE* H"' hands"me he isO C- HERIS* H"' &ure he isO 0I0ALONE* H"' str"n) he isO ALL HREE* Fare'e##$ s"n "3 Di"nys"sO 8Theo-les remains sun- in his re2erie without hearing or seeing them *9
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DA0IS$ 4HR-/IUS$ HEOLLES$ the FA HER OF HE DESER $ 'ith the SE2EN 2IR/INS$ am"n) 'h"m is CLEONICE$ vei#ed* he be##s and the strains "3 the "r)an are heard 3r"m the basi#ica* 4HR-/IUS* A)ain the 3unera# (ne## "3 these ChristiansO DA0IS* Here c"mes the Father "3 the Desert 'ith the c"nsecrated 2ir)ins* HE FA HER 8t" he"(#es9* 0y s"n he"(#es$ y"uth3u# h"&e "3 "ur ancient city$ I 'as a'are "3 y"ur return* F"r #ast ni)ht I dreamt "3 y"u* I behe#d y"u bathed in a da55#in) but #urid #i)ht% and behind y"u a v"ice cried. He 'i## be the )#"ry and the sc"ur)e "3 his cityO * * * I (n"' that y"ur s"u# is u&ri)ht and c"ura)e"us* I (n"' y"ur secret th"u)hts* * * * I (n"' that y"u are tem&ted by the AdversaryO 8Theo-les loo-s at him in astonishment*9 I (n"' it and I mean t" save y"u* C"me 'ith me t" the desert t" yie#d y"urse#3 t" /"d* here I &r"mise that y"u sha## 3ind a## that y"u see(. ruth$ Stren)th and Li3e* HEOLLES* And t" )ain that 'hat must I d"G HE FA HER* -"u must deny y"urse#3$ 3"re)" a## desire$ ma(e y"urse#3 n"thin) be3"re Christ$ and bec"me n" m"re than an instrument in the hands "3 /"d* HEOLLES* hen my innerm"st se#3$ the shrine "3 my name#ess #"n)in)$ this h"#y 3#ame by 'hich I #ive and by 'hich I am a #ivin) s"u#6I must ren"unce a## thisG HE FA HER* -es$ 3"r the m"ment* HEOLLES* D" y"u n"t (n"'$ then$ that this #"n)in) is itse#3 a s&ar( 3r"m /"d$ nay$ that it is /"d Himse#3 in a## His &"'erG HE FA HER* Insane arr")anceO D" n"t dare t" insu#t the 1"rd made F#esh$ Mesus Christ$ the "n#y /"dO HEOLLES* A## h"n"ur t" the )reatest "3 the S"ns "3 /"dO I3 Mesus sh"u#d return t" this '"r#d$ I '"u#d )" t" #isten t" His '"rds "n the 0"unt and t" ad"re Him "n His Ca#vary* 7ut yie#d t" y"u and y"ur re)u#ati"ns6neverO I3 I re3use t" b"' be3"re the )"ds "3 O#ym&us$ 'hy sh"u#d I )" and c"'er beneath a cr"ssG Rather &erish 3"r a## eternity than 'in my sa#vati"n by starvin) my s"u#% because a /"d has died 3"r me$ sha## I n" #"n)er have the temerity t" #iveG -"u are 'astin) y"ur time$ "#d man* -"u 'i## n"t intimidate me either by the c"rd "3 &enitence "r by the trans&"rts "3 3ear* Learn that I mean t" ma(e "3 the earth an ab"de "3 K"y$ and a tem&#e "3 beauty 3"r s"u#s that are 3reeO HE FA HER* Freed"mG It is in the divine mystery "3 sacri3ice* -"u 'i## never (n"' it$ I can see that* * * * -"u bear "n y"ur 3"rehead the 3ata# sti)ma "3 Luci3er* HEOLLES 8mo2es towards the &ather with sudden curiosity9* Luci3er$ 'h" is thatG HE FA HER* he An)e# "3 Rev"#t* HEOLLES* Ah$ h"' I '"u#d #i(e t" (n"' himO HE FA HER* 1retched man$ he has y"u a#readyO 8*e ste(s bac- with a startled gesture*9 Oh h"rr"r$ a s"n "3 Luci3erO HEOLLES* e## me$ Father$ 'hy is that 2ir)in vei#ed 'hi#st the "thers sh"' their 3aces unc"veredG HE FA HER* hat is C#e"nice$ dau)hter "3 the Arch"n La"di("s$ the richest and m"st i##ustri"us Christian "3 the city* She dares n" #"n)er sh"' her beauti3u# 3ace t" the #i)ht$ 3"r 3ear "3 the "utra)es "3 the heathen* She is )"in) 'ith the "ther 2ir)ins t" #ay the 3#ame "3 her s&irit and the 3#"'er "3 her 3#esh at the 3eet "3 Christ* On#y such a 3ine s&irit$ such a n"b#e
4a)e :B "3 @=

2ir)in mi)ht be ab#e t" save y"u by her &rayers* * * * 8Cleonice, unseen by the &ather, mo2es a few ste(s towards Theo-les,9 4ernici"us man$ 3ated t" u&set the '"r#d 3"r "ur mis3"rtune and y"ur "'n$ y"u have 3"res'"rn Christ t" yie#d y"urse#3 t" SatanO 8Cleonice loo-s long at Theo-les through her 2eil,9 HEOLLES 8aside9* Is this s"me mute divinity 'h" #""(s at me beneath a vei#G his un(n"'n '"man has the sha&e "3 my destiny* * * * Oh$ my visi"n "3 the 0useO 8Cleonice turns away with her arms lifted in a gesture of des(air, then clas(s her hands for (rayer and co2ers her face with them, sobbing,9 HE FA HER 8"bservin) C#e"nice+s m"vement$ turns t" he"(#es9* Chi#d "3 the Dem"n$ may /"d c"n3"und thee$ and &reserve us 3r"m thee* 8E3it with Cleonice and the 6irgins,9 HEOLLES 8)a5in) a3ter C#e"nice9* She is sti## 'ee&in)* * * * H"' beauti3u# she is under the mysteri"us 3"#ds "3 her vei#$ and 'hat ma)ic in her )esturesO Dread$ &rayer$ s"bs$ in her a## is sub#ime* And t" thin( that I sha## never see that 3ace and th"se eyes$ &erha&s the "n#y "nes 'hich have 'e&t and 'i## 'ee& divine tears "ver meO < A#mi)hty /"d$ 'hy is it that in this '"r#d the 3inest s"u#s are vei#ed and s"#itary #i(e is#ands in the dee&O

DA0IS$ 4HR-/IUS$ HEOLLES$ and soon after ANDROCLES with a few of the 4EO4LE* DA0IS* H"' '"nder3u# is this Cr"ss that issues 3r"m the dar(ness "3 basi#icas and cry&ts t" the c"nquest "3 the '"r#dO 4HR-/IUS* he Christians a33irm that their 0essiah is the "n#y S"n "3 /"d* DA0IS* he Chi#dren "3 Israe# a33irm that the 0essiah is n"t yet c"me$ but that He 'i## c"me* HEOLLES* It is ri)ht that man(ind sh"u#d sti## br""d dar(#y "ver 3uture 0essiahs and eF&ect their c"min)% n"ne (n"'s 'hen the 0essen)ers "3 the Eterna# are t" c"me$ and they '"u#d never c"me un#ess s"u#s athirst 3"r #i)ht 'ere t" ca## them and un#ess the 'arri"rs "3 the s&irit (e&t 'atch in arms* * * * 8 *e falls into re2erie*9 7ut i3 /"d has c"me d"'n t" man$ 'hy sh"u#d n"t man ascend a)ain t" /"dG hat is itO here are t'" 1"rds "3 the A#mi)htyO he 0essiah and Luci3er* DA0IS 8uneasily9* 1hat is the matter 'ith y"uG In y"ur eyes 3ires are 3#ashin) and stars )#istenin)* * * * HEOLLES 8in a -ind of trance9* 1e d'e## in the terrib#e (in)d"m "3 Desire 'here a## men c"nsume each "ther in their stri3e 3"r mastery* 7ut bey"nd the Lin)d"m "3 Desire I &erceive the radiant Lin)d"m "3 Art 'hich sha&es its &hant"ms in the marb#e "3 beauty* Sti## hi)her$ in the centre "3 the '"r#ds$ I see the shinin) Lin)d"m "3 L"ve 'hich "ut "3 the divine Fire m"u#ds #ivin) s"u#s in uncreated Li)htO -"nder is the s&here "3 the Imm"rta# Archan)e#s* * * * OhO t" create #i(e themO 4HR-/IUS* Day,dreamsO Are y"u madG I3 y"u 'ant t" c"nvince us$ s&ea( by actsO HEOLLES 8reco2ering himself, 2ery calmly9* 1ait and y"u 'i## see* 8Loud clamour from behind, A 1O0AN* 1hat a scanda#O AN OLD 0AN* 1hat audacityO
4a)e :@ "3 @=

few of the (eo(le run in gesticulating,/

A -OUN/ 0AN* It is the be)innin) "3 rev"#tO HE OLD 0AN* It is the end "3 the cityO 8The trum(et call is heard*9 HE -OUN/ 0AN* here is the Hera#d "3 the 4r"c"nsu#* Let us run t" seeO RunO 8The crowd runs out noisily*9 DA0IS* Here c"mes Andr"c#es$ the C"mmandant "3 the Acr"&"#is* 8 ndrocles rushes in*9 4HR-/IUS* 1hat is the matterG ANDROCLES 8with intense e3citement9* A si)nO A mirac#eO A &r"di)yO 'hich a#ready is s&readin) thr"u)h the city and t"ssin) men+s s"u#s hither and thither$ #i(e a st"rm 'ind that #ashes the 'aves and a)itates the "ceanO I 'as ascendin) the Acr"&"#is 'ith the 4r"c"nsu#% 'e 'ere marchin) in the midst "3 the Senate "3 the city$ acc"m&anied by the #e)i"naries and 3"##"'ed by the 'h"#e &"&u#ace* I 'as carryin)6much a)ainst my 'i##$ the Senate had s" decided by "rder "3 Har&a#us6I 'as carryin) the t"rch #it 3r"m the 3ire "3 2esta* 1e 'ere nearin) the a#tar !"3 the #ast,b"rn "3 the )"ds+$ the h"#iest in the city$ the a#tar 'hich is su&&"sed t" &r"n"unce "rac#es and 'hich n"' bears the statue "3 Caesar* he 4r"c"nsu# ste&s 3"r'ard% then he 'avers and starts bac(* He has seen s"me verses insu#tin) t" Caesar 'ritten in CHARAC ERS "n the &edesta#* Har&a#us in a)itati"n cries "ut. ! he a#tar has been de3i#ed by s"me b#as&hemer$ the sacri3ice interru&ted% but be3"re He#i"s has set$ I sha## have detected and chastised the cu#&ritO+ I dr"& my t"rch$ 'hich )"es "ut% but the &e"&#e &ress 3"r'ard t" read the darin) c"u&#ets and scatter t" s&read them t" the 3"ur c"rners "3 the city* hey are ca##in) "ut that an un(n"'n )"d has d"ne this mirac#e and 'i## aven)e them "n CaesarO hey are brandishin) 'ands$ &a#ms$ s'"rds6'hi#e the R"mans$ s&e##b"und in c"n3usi"n$ stand thunderstruc(* HEOLLES* 1hat are these '"rds 'hich have ar"used the s#ee&in) s"u# "3 my native cityG ANDROCLES* Here is the Orac#e 'hich 3#ames "n the a#tar "3 the #atest,b"rn "3 the )"ds. -e her"es "3 "ur City$ ye 3"rebears$ b#ush 3"r shameO Our &r"ud Acr"&"#is this day 3"r3eits its ancient 3ame% 4""r Di"nysiaO "nce ca##ed Pueen "3 a## I"nian #ands$ L" n"'O "n the )"ds+ &edesta# a &i)my Caesar standsO 4HR-/IUS* Is the auth"r "3 these verses (n"'nG ANDROCLES* He is a her" sure#y* hey are 'ritten in b#""d and si)ned. !HAR0ODIUS*+ 4HR-/IUS* hat Harm"dius 'h" "3 "#d 3reed Athens 3r"m tyrannyG DA0IS* S"metimes the s&irits "3 the dead s&ea( in b#""d* 4HR-/IUS* Is he dead "r #ivin)G HEOLLES* Livin) * * * I am !Harm"dius+O 8)amis, Phrygius and ndrocles recoil thunderstruc- and draw their swords *9 ALL HREE* HeG he"(#esO HEOLLES* Sha## I 3ind an !Arist")eit"n+G DA0IS 8clas(ing his hand9* Here is "ne*
4a)e := "3 @=

ANDROCLES* Here are t'"* HEOLLES* 1e are three then* hree t")ether 'e can dare$ 'e can act$ 'e can &ut a '"r#d "n the anvi# a)ain* ANDROCLES* 4#ace the hammer in "ur hands and 'e 'i## stri(e* HEOLLES 8to ndrocles and )amis9* Are y"u n"t the #eaders "3 the t'" c#ans disarmed t",day$ 'h" used t" 3i)ht under the emb#em "3 0ars and A&"##"G DA0IS AND ANDROCLES* -es* HEOLLES* Dri## them in the )ymnasia 'ith"ut revea#in) anythin) t" them* 1hen it is br"ad day#i)ht$ hide them in the under)r"und chambers "3 the Acr"&"#is* At the 3irst si)na# "3 a rev"#t #ead them "ut and (i## the "33icers "3 the #e)i"n* ANDROCLES* And thenG HEOLLES* Once 3ree$ Di"nysia 'i## 3ind a##ies* 8To Phrygius*9 Are y"u n"t the s"n "3 the ancient (in)s "3 Dyra&"#isG Have y"u n"t 'ithin y"u the c"ura)e$ the &ride and the s&irit "3 y"ur raceG 4HR-/IUS* -es$ sure#y* HEOLLES* Act then 'hen 'e act* EF&e# the R"mans and set y"ur city 3ree* I3 y"u d" that y"u 'i## be (in)O 4HR-/IUS 8aside9* Lin)G hat is true* * * * I mi)ht be then* 8*e lifts his hand to his breast as if from e3cess of 1oy*9 8 loud*9 2ery 'e##$ i3 Di"nysia 3rees herse#3$ Dyra&"#is 'i## 3"##"' her eFam&#e* 7ut the si)na#6'h" 'i## )ive thatG HEOLLES* 1e threeO DA0IS$ ANDROCLES 8together9* 1hat sha## it beG HEOLLES 8wal-ing to the bac- and (ointing to the Curule Chair under the Porch9* Stab the 4r"c"nsu# "n his Kud)e+s thr"ne$ in the 4raet"rium$ in the si)ht "3 the 'h"#e city* DA0IS$ ANDROCLES 8following Theo-les as though fascinated by the 2ision of the act 9* HereG HEOLLES* HereO he rev"#t 'i## #ea& 3r"m m"untain t" m"untain and 3r"m city t" city thr"u)h"ut a## I"nia* 8 ll four come forward again*9 DA0IS* And "n that day$ #i(e y"u$ 'e sha## bedec( "ur s'"rds 'ith the 3#"'er "3 Harm"dius and Arist")it"n* HEOLLES* Let that be "ur bad)e "3 3e##"'shi&* As the na(ed stee# 3#ashes "ut "3 the )reen b"u)h$ s" the creative 'i## issues 3r"m the vir)in 3"#ia)e and b#"ss"ms "3 th"u)ht% even s" 'i## "ur 3"rmidab#e &ur&"se issue 3r"m the sa& "3 "ur y"uth and 3r"m the 3"unt "3 undyin) K"y* And Kust as this scented b"u)h mas(s an aven)in) s'"rd$ s" at the h"ur "3 acti"n #et a smi#e "3 )aiety mas( "ur terrib#e intent* he 3reed"m "3 cities is n"thin) 'ith"ut the 3reed"m "3 s"u#s* It is 3"r this that 'e sha## 3i)ht* And th"u)h 'e 'ere t" &erish$ 'e and "ur city$ 'e sh"u#d #eave t" the '"r#d an eFam&#e 3iner than that "3 an emanci&ated city6the indiss"#ub#e br"therh""d "3 3ree s&irits* 7"dies may &erish$ s'"rds brea($ ram&arts crumb#e * * * but the S"u# is invincib#eO Let us be 3ree s"u#s6and 'e sha## be the city "3 the 3uture* 8)amis, ndrocles, Phrygius cross their swords on the sword of Theo-les *9 ALL HREE O/E HER* 1e stand t")etherO 8The !oman trum(et call is heard from the bac- of the Praetorium, The three cons(irators tremble and hastily hide their swords under their cloa-s, Theo-les alone stands motionless and calmly returns his to his girdle *9

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HE SA0E$ then the HERALD of the 4ROCONSUL who mo2es forward with his three Lictors on the stairway of the Praetorium, few of the (eo(le gather before him, t the same moment the *igh Priest of )ionysos issues from the tem(le and halts on the threshold, O((osite him the Christian Bisho( comes out of the basilica and remains under the Porch, HE HERALD* In the name "3 the Em&er"r and "3 the maKesty "3 the R"man &e"&#e$ hear my '"rdsO A miscreant has "utra)ed the statue "3 Caesar* he 4r"c"nsu# "3 Asia ca##s u&"n every citi5en$ s#ave "r 3"rei)ner t" disc"ver and surrender the cu#&rit* Every inhabitant$ man "r '"man$ 'h" )ives him she#ter "r 3""d sha## be &unished 'ith death* Let him be searched "ut$ trac(ed d"'n and br"u)ht b"und t" the 4raet"rium t" under)" the &ena#ty "3 b#as&hemers* 7y "rder "3 the 4r"c"nsu#$ a## baths$ )ymnasia$ circuses and s&ectac#es are t" be c#"sed* he taFes are tri&#ed unti# the day 'hen the &e"&#e sha## surrender t" their Kud)e the crimina# 'h" si)ns himse#3 !HAR0ODIUS+O 8#urmurs among the crowd*9 HE HI/H 4RIES OF DION-SOS 8under the 4"rch "3 the em&#e9* he enemies "3 the )"ds are the enemies "3 the city* heir heads d" n"t #"n) stand erect ab"ve the cr"'ds% they 3a## stric(en by the thunderb"#t #i(e mi)hty trees* Caesar and Destiny are a##,&"'er3u# )"ds* 1"e t" th"se 'h" de3y themO 1"e t" Harm"diusO HE 7ISHO4* 1e render t" Caesar the thin)s that are Caesar+s and t" /"d the thin)s that are /"d+s* 7#essed be the Em&er"r 'h" &r"tects the Christians* he enemies "3 the Em&er"r are the enemies "3 Christ* Curses u&"n the sacri#e)i"usO 1"e t" Harm"diusO 8The *eralds, the *igh Priest and the Bisho( withdraw, and the (eo(le in dismay dis(erse, murmuring *9 HE 4EO4LE* Harm"diusO Death t" himO DA0IS* I3 y"u are detected I 'i## she#ter y"u in my h"use* -"u (n"' that it is at y"ur service 'ith a## that I &"ssess* HEOLLES* N"$ 3riend% eFi#e is sa3er* ANDROCLES* -"u (n"' 'hether my heart is "n y"ur side* -"u (n"' that in the day "3 batt#e every musc#e "3 this arm '"u#d harden int" a 3ibre "3 stee#* 7ut the times are adverse* F#ee$ y"ur #i3e is at sta(e* HEOLLES* he s"u# "3 Di"nysia$ 'hich but n"' 'as seethin) #i(e a hive "3 bees$ has 3a##en dumb a## at "nce$ and "ver the t"'n #ies a si#ence "3 death* I3 such is the &"'er "3 a R"man Hera#d 'ith t'" Lict"rs$ 'hat 'i## be that "3 the 4r"c"nsu# himse#3$ and "3 Caesar 'ith a## his #e)i"nsG 8 man wra((ed in a cloa- is seen lur-ing at the bac-*9 ANDROCLES 8t" he"(#es9* D" y"u see that manG hat is the 4r"c"nsu#+s s&y* He is 'atchin) us* 7e'are* A#ready the shad"' "3 Caesar is h"verin) "ver y"u$ and his ever,&resent hand 'i## c#"se u&"n y"u* -"ur #i3e is in dan)er$ he"(#es* F#eeO F#eeO 8The man in the cloa- 2anishes*9 HEOLLES* I mean t" set y"u 3ree 3r"m this shad"' that dar(ens the universe$ 3r"m this hand 'hich h"#ds y"u d"'n* ANDROCLES* Such an attem&t '"u#d need m"re than a man$ it '"u#d need the v"ice "3 a )"d* 4HR-/IUS* -es$ "3 a )"d* HEOLLES* 7ut 'ere that )"d ever t" s&ea($ y"u '"u#d actG ANDROCLES AND 4HR-/IUS* -es* HEOLLES* hen "ur &act remains indiss"#ub#e ti## the day "3 the si)n 3r"m heavenG
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ANDROCLES$ 4HR-/IUS AND DA0IS* It remains* HEOLLES* Fare'e##$ then$ unti# 'e meet a)ain* 8E3it ndrocles and Phrygius*9 DA0IS* Let me 3"##"' y"uO HEOLLES* N"$ y"u 'i## stay here* -"ur messa)es 'i## te## me 'hat is bein) said in the city* I 'i## see y"u a)ain be3"re de&arture* N"' #eave me* I need t" be a#"ne* 8E3it )amis*9

HEOLLES$ then L-CO4HRON* HEOLLES 8alone9* hey are ri)ht * * * t" thin($ man is su33icient t" himse#3% but t" act he needs the v"ice "3 a )"d* 1hich is the )"d 'h" 'i## s&ea( 3"r meG 8*e meditates with his chin in his hands*9 8Lyco(hron a((roaches, with his lantern still alight in the broad daylight, and e3amines Theo-les at close .uarters *9 HEOLLES 8starting out of his thoughts9* 1hat d" y"u 'antG L-CO4HRON* -"un) man in m"urnin)$ 'ith 3#"'ers "n y"ur s'"rd$ n"b#e eFi#e$ behind y"u I see h"verin) a '"man 'ith )"#den hair$ 'reathed in narcissus$ 'ith a stran)e smi#e* She h"#ds a dart and a &a#m #ea3 and murmurs divine '"rds in y"ur ear* * * * !Is it Death "r Imm"rta#ityG+ 4erha&s b"th* 8 *e brings his lantern near Theo-les%s eyes*9 -es$ y"u * * * y"u have a #ivin) s"u#O 8*e blows out his lantern*9 I have n" m"re need "3 my #i)ht% I have 3"und 'hat I have been see(in) a## my #i3e* HEOLLES* 1hat d" y"u mean by a #ivin) s"u#G L-CO4HRON* A s"u# 'hich acts "3 itse#3 and n"t under the &ressure "3 "thers* Such a s"u# is unbrea(ab#e and may ar"use the '"r#d* HEOLLES* I3 then I am such a s"u#$ 'hy cann"t I d" itG /ive me the centaur+s h""3 t" master the m"untain$ and the ea)#e+s 'in) t" reach its summits$ and then my humanity 'i## equa# the reach "3 my desire* * * * 7ut I am n"t even ab#e t" breathe my 3aith int" the heart "3 a sin)#e 3riendO L-CO4HRON* hat is because y"u d" n"t yet (n"' the hi)hest 3"rce "3 a##* Have y"u ever heard "3 Hera(#id"s$ the Hier"&hant "3 the Un(n"'n /"d$ 'h" d'e##s in the 'i#d )#ades "3 the aurus 0"untainsG HEOLLES* N"* L-CO4HRON* /" t" him* He 'i## ma(e y"u (n"'n t" y"urse#3 and 'i## unvei# t" y"u the secret &"'ers "3 nature* He a#"ne 'i## ma(e y"u see the S&irit 3ace t" 3ace and c"mmune 'ith the heart "3 the '"r#d* HEOLLES* H"' stran)e#y y"ur '"rds vibrate in the de&th "3 my heartO 1h" are y"u thenG L-CO4HRON* /rave,di))er and seer* I bury the dead and sh"' the 'ay t" the #ivin)* /" t" Hera(#id"sO 8*e goes out softly, Theo-les stands still and follows him with his eyes *9



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HE E04LE OF HE UNLNO1N /OD* wild region of the Taurus, The scene re(resents a wide (orch built against the wall of the mountain, *igh )oric columns carry the o2erhanging roc-s, Their double row encloses in the middle of the scene a ga( forming an entrance7 at the bac- is seen the mouth of a chasm in the ground, Behind the chasm, a gallery of stout s.uare (illars (lunges as far as the eye can see into the bowels of the mountain and ends in a luminous (oint, This is the inaccessible sanctuary, +o statues or ornaments7 the tem(le is bare and em(ty7 the na-ed roc- forms both floor and ceiling, Only two gigantic s(hin3es, facing the s(ectator, crouch on watch at the edge of the chasm, The one on the right is white, the one on the left is blac-, Their wings are outs(read, +ear the chasm, e.uidistant from the two s(hin3es, a marble altar on which burns a scarcely 2isible flame, To right and left co((er basins containing incense stand on tri(ods,

HEOLLES$ helmeted, a na-ed sword in his hand, enters by a gateway in the roc-, *e halts in the middle of the scene and casts loo-s of astonishment about him, HEOLLES* At #ast I have reached y"u$ terrib#e sanctuaryO H"' have I c#imbed the r"c(y stair'ay under the 3#i)ht "3 vu#tures and ea)#esG In truth$ I (n"' n" #"n)er* An irresistib#e desire carried me "n its 'in)s$ and this s'"rd "&ened my 'ay* * * * 7ut 'here am I n"'$ )reat HeavenG Si#ence and err"r d'e## in this &"rch$ and a## ar"und the eye &erceives n"thin) but summits and &reci&ices* 8*e turns towards the s(hin3es*9 And y"u$ dumb c"#"ssi$ 3abu#"us beasts$ are y"u the "n#y #ivin) bein)s hereG 1hat terri3yin) and sub#ime mystery$ 'hat m"nster "r 'hat )"d d" y"u 'atch "ver 'ith y"ur "uts&read 'in)sG 1hich "3 y"u t'" is the )reater$ the b#ac( "r the 'hiteG he s"mbre )uardian "3 the dar(ness 'hence n"ne returns$ "r the radiant messen)er c#"thed in imm"rta# #i)htG 8 *e ad2ances between the two s(hin3es to the edge of the chasm and stoo(s o2er it*9 his is the un3ath"mab#e abyssO It descends int" the b"'e#s "3 the earthO And bey"nd it a narr"' trac( 3ades int" the In3inite 'here a s&ec( "3 #i)ht )#eams 3aint#y* * * * Here is indeed the tem&#e "3 thy '"rd$ the tri&"d "3 thy "rac#es$ < terrib#e un(n"'n /"dO H"' "3ten the h"rr"r "3 thy sanctuary has haunted my s#ee&#ess ni)hts$ and n"' that I beh"#d it I tremb#e t" the marr"' and '"u#d 3#ee t" the ends "3 the earthO 8 *e loo-s again at the s(hin3es*9 And yet I must hear his v"ice$ th"u)h it sh"u#d stri(e me d"'n at the 3""t "3 these c"#umns* 7ut h"' t" ma(e him s&ea(G S&hinFes have ever been si#ent 3r"m a## eternity* heir st"ny eyes c"mmune 'ith /"d but n"t 'ith man* 8 *e notices a shield fastened by its centre to one of the columns of the (orch *9 1hat d" I see hereG A shie#d$ 'ith #etters "3 )"#d )#eamin) "n the brass* 8*e reads aloud the following inscri(tion*9 !1"e t" any &r"3ane stran)er 'h" cr"sses the thresh"#d "3 this em&#e* h"u 'h" desirest t" (n"' the Un(n"'n /"d$ enter n"t i3 th"u art im&ure* 7ut i3 th"u darest t" ca## u&"n him$ stri(e "n me * * * "nce$ i3 "n#y a man * * * t'ice i3 a (in) * * * thrice i3 an initiate*+ 8 *e reflects a moment*9 C"me$ my heart$ th"u hast n"t tremb#ed be3"re the sh"uts "3 the enemy and the sh"c( "3 arms* 1hy tremb#e be3"re the un(n"'nG Let the hi#t "3 my s'"rd be the 3"r)er "3 my 3ate* And th"u$ shie#d$ re&#y i3 th"u hast a s"u#* 1ith"ut 3ear I stri(e theeO 8*e stri-es three blows on the shield with the handle of his sword *9

HEOLLES$ then HERALLIDOS$ who emerges slowly through the bron0e door of a building ad1oining the gateway on the right, *e wears the white robe of a *iero(hant, a golden tiara, on his white hair intertwined (ur(le fillets, and carries an ebony sce(tre adorned with a golden lion, HERALLIDOS* -"u 'h" have dared t" c#imb the 3"rbidden m"untain and t" &ass the thresh"#d "3 this em&#e 'ith a na(ed s'"rd in y"ur hand$ "3 'hat )"d are y"u an initiateG HEOLLES* O3 n" )"d* HERALLIDOS* -"u are a (in) thenG HEOLLES* N"t that either* HERALLIDOS* 7y 'hat ri)ht$ then$ bein) neither &riest n"r (in)$ d" y"u dare t" (n"c( three times "n the 3ate3u# brassG Ln"' that the ca## "3 the shie#d reverberates thr"u)h the dee&s "3 7ein)* N" &"'er can reca## the s"und$ 'ave "n its c"urse in the in3inite* Its tri&#e si)na# summ"ns the tri&#e )"d* I3 I ma(e him s&ea( 3"r y"u$ he 'i## mani3est himse#3 in his
4a)e ?< "3 @=

a'3u# maKesty* H"' 'i## y"u a mere m"rta#$ endure his radiance and his v"ice$ y"u 'h" are neither the (in) "3 any nati"n n"r the initiate "3 any cu#tG HEOLLES* It is true that I am n" m"re than a mere m"rta#* 7ut by the immensity "3 my desire I 3ee# myse#3 t" be a (in)$ and by the terr"r 'hich my s"u# has "verc"me I am an initiate* HERALLIDOS* IndeedG I (n"' n"t 'hich is the )reater$ y"ur audacity "r y"ur arr")anceO Are y"u &erha&s s"me char#atan 'h" be#ieves that by an act "3 3urtive &i#3erin) he can 3i#ch the eterna# mysteries$ "r e#se s"me sacri#e)i"us re&r"bate &r"m&ted by an im&ure intentG A&&r"ach this chasm* I (n"' s"me 'h" a3ter a sin)#e )#ance int" its de&ths 'ere sei5ed 'ith )iddiness and #et themse#ves 3a##* Others have been unab#e ever t" 3"r)et it and be#ieve that they are 3a##in)$ 3a##in) 3"r ever int" a b"tt"m#ess v"id* 1ei)h y"ur stren)th then and c"nsider* -"u can sti## 'ithdra'* HEOLLES* A man d"es n"t 'ithdra' 'hen the desire "3 a #i3etime is sta(ed u&"n "ne h"ur and 'hen he (n"'s that h"ur t" be c"me* F""#hardyG 0aybe$ but neither sacri#e)i"us n"r a char#atan* I am a man 'h" means t" vie' Heaven and the Abyss be3"re actin) and t" match the /"d 'hich he carries 'ithin him a)ainst the /"d "3 the universe* he terr"rs y"u s&ea( "3 d" n"t 3ri)hten me* hey cann"t equa# the he## "3 th"u)hts 'hich I bear 'ithin me 'ith"ut tremb#in) "r 3#inchin)* HERALLIDOS* -"u s&ea( #i(e a &redestined her"* -"ur nameG HEOLLES* he"(#es "3 Di"nysia* HERALLIDOS* 1h" sends y"uG HEOLLES* Lyc"&hr"n* HERALLIDOS* It is 'e##% I 'as eF&ectin) y"u* -"ur '"rds suit y"ur deeds as a s'"rd,hi#t the b#ade% that is the mar( "3 the str"n)* -"u are a true s"n "3 Ma&het$ "ne "3 th"se 'h" 'a#( under the si)n "3 the sun and 'h"m I$ heir "3 the ancient sa)es$ am b"und t" de3end* N"' 'hat d" y"u as( "3 meG HEOLLES* " #earn my destiny$ and t" 3ind the &ath that I see(* HERALLIDOS* It is u&"n y"u t" ch""se y"ur destiny and t" 3ind y"ur &ath* 7ut I am ab#e t" brin) 3"rth 3r"m the Un3ath"mab#e and the Eterna# the 4"'ers 'hich have be)"tten y"u and the /uardian An)e# 'h" ru#es "ver y"ur s"u#* HEOLLES* AhO I3 "n#y y"u c"u#dO HERALLIDOS* I 'i## attem&t it* C"ncentrate y"ur s"u# in the de&th "3 y"ur heart and d" n"t stir 3r"m here ti## I ca##* 8*era-lidos -neels, (rostrates himself, then -neels u(right, Then he (rays as follows, with u(lifted arms, 9 L"rd 1h" hast hy thr"ne in the Un3ath"mab#e$ Lin) "3 Heaven and Earth$ Father "3 1"r#ds and S"u#s$ Qeus6Ad"nais$ I inv"(e hee* 4ermit that "ne "3 hy Rays be mani3ested t" this 3ear#ess "ne$ t" this s"n 'h" ascends t" hee 3i##ed 'ith audacity and n"b#e &ur&"seO 8 white flash issues from the inaccessible sanctuary, *era-lidos stands u( again, 9 he Un(n"'n /"d 'i## s&ea(* 8*e traces a circle in the air,9 Ste& int" the circ#e* 8Theo-les ste(s into the middle and stands still, *era-lidos ta-es incense from the co((er bowl near the blac- s(hin3 and throws some on the altar fire, red flame flashes out, 9 And n"' in the Name "3 the A#mi)hty$ s&ea($ 4"'ers "3 Heaven and EarthO I inv"(e the /uardian S&irit 'h" ru#es "ver this manO 8*e raises his sce(tre, Thunder is heard underground, crimson light comes from the chasm, 9 he m"untain quivers "n its base* he c"#umns "3 the em&#e ree#* Red 3#ashes &r"c#aim the c"min) "3 the S&irit* He is the m"st &"'er3u# "3 a## in the Abyss* * * * 8To Theo-les,9 /ras& y"ur s'"rd in y"ur hand and beh"#dO 8 beautiful figure slowly rises and a((ears abo2e the chasm, The &allen ngel is seated on a (lanet half ri2en and seamed with cre2asses, One of his hands is chained to the globe by an iron ring ri2eted to the soil by a thunderbolt, "n the other hand he (roudly raises a torch in the dar-ness,/ HEOLLES* Sub#ime and a'3u# An)e#$ I tremb#e and eFu#t at the si)ht "3 thee* Every 3ibre in my b"dy quivers* 0y Li3e F"rce$ mu#ti&#ied a hundred3"#d$ seethes as th"u)h it )ushed eFu#tant#y 3r"m the 'e##,s&rin)s "3 /enerati"n and "3 Eterna# Desire* H"' sad and h"' s&#endid th"u art$ < my /uardian S&irit$ my /"d$ my Luci3erO LUCIFER* h"u hast summ"ned me% 'hat '"u#dst th"u "3 meG
4a)e ?: "3 @=

HEOLLES* " be #i(e thee* LUCIFER* ry then* HEOLLES* H"' can it be d"neG LUCIFER* 7e#ieve in thyse#3 and strive 'ith the Eterna# 'ith a## the 3"rce "3 thy bein)* HEOLLES* 1i#t th"u su&&"rt meG LUCIFER* -es$ 3"r as #"n) as thy 3aith in thyse#3 #asts* HEOLLES* Since I have seen hee$ I 3ee# it t" be invincib#e* 7ut 'hy$ < mi)hty An)e#$ is thy imm"rta#ity sh"t thr"u)h 'ith &ain and 'hy d"es the shad"' "3 death dar(en thy br"'G LUCIFER* 1hen /"d said. Let there be #i)htO I 'as b"rn$ radiant and &r"ud$ "3 the breath "3 His m"uth* A star )#eamed "n my 3"rehead* S"arin) thr"u)h s&ace I cried. !I am Inte##i)ence and Liberty$ I am Li)htO I 'i## n"t "bey hee* It is thr"u)h myse#3 that I mean t" be$ t" (n"' and t" c"nquer*+6!See($ then$ Luci3er$ thr"u)h 4ain and thr"u)h DeathO+ said the Eterna#* hen I came near t" the heart "3 the A#mi)hty t" stea# His 3ire* Stric(en by its s&#end"ur$ I 3e##$ I the Star "3 the Archan)e#s$ dra))in) d"'n 'ith me a sh"'er "3 suns and "3 dem"ns* I 3e## int" the Abyss u&"n an accursed &#anet and the Star "n my br"' has 3aded* Since that day I have ran)ed thr"u)h s&ace 'ith this t"rch (ind#ed at the tabernac#e "3 the Eterna#$ and s#"'#y I am reca&turin) His universe* 1"u#dst th"u rather enK"y 'ith"ut e33"rt the uncreated Li)ht "r attain it 'ith me thr"u)h 4ain and DeathG HEOLLES* Rather a hundred th"usand deaths and ever#astin) &ain than 3"re)" a sin)#e 3ra)ment "3 my #ibertyO LUCIFER* Art th"u as str"n) as th"u be#ievestG HEOLLES* 0y 'h"#e bein) as&ires t"'ards thee and ascends at si)ht "3 thee u& t" unima)ined hei)hts* 0y heart (ind#es at thy t"rch "3 &ride and #i)ht* LUCIFER* It is 'e##* Hence3"rth thy name sha## n" #"n)er be he"(#es$ but 4h"s&h"r"s* F"r th"u 'i#t bear my #i)ht be3"re men* /" "n thy 'ay* 8*e sin-s into the blac- chasm amid red flashes and renewed underground thunder *9 4HOS4HOROS* He is &#un)in) a)ain int" the )u#3* * * * He disa&&earsO Oh$ that m"an 3r"m the abyss$ 'here mi##i"ns "3 damned s"u#s )r"an and 'ai# 'ith"ut res&"nse* * * * err"r sei5es me ane'* < Luci3er$ my m"rta# &ain is hei)htened by thy imm"rta# &ainO Sha## I be ab#e t" endure it and t" sustain thy t"rchG I have &resumed t"" 3ar "n my stren)th* I 3ee# myse#3 3aintin)* * * * 8*e reels and bac-s a few ste(s*9 HERALLIDOS* 7e'areO D" n"t &ass the circ#e "r y"u ris( y"ur #i3e* he abyss is seethin) and its 3umes v"mit 3"rth dem"ns* 8*e stretches out his sce(tre o2er the chasm*9 N"' hear the other 2oiceO 8*e ta-es more incense from the righthand tri(od near the white S(hin3 and s(rin-les it on the altar, whiteness flashes out, t once sweet music is heard from the inaccessible sanctuary *9 flame of da00ling

4HOS4HOROS* 1hat are th"se ce#estia# strains$ #i(e the harm"ny "3 the s&heres$ "r the incense 'hich c"mes 3r"m the heart "3 the Sera&himG It s"3tens the b"'e#s "3 the r"c(% the hu)e m"untain seems etherea#i5ed * * * the c"#umns "3 the em&#e vibrate #i(e #yres * * * and the innerm"st s"u# un3"#ds its 3#"'er* HERALLIDOS* It is a v"ice 3r"m ab"ve* L""(O he music bec"mes #i)ht$ and the #i)ht is ab"ut t" s&ea(O 8 Star a((ears abo2e the chasm7 it is a fi2e (ointed Star of a 2i2id whiteness with a golden core, "t glitters li-e a sun7 a 2oice comes out of it*9

4a)e ?? "3 @=

HE HEA2ENL- 2OICE* 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO h"u hast the brand that burns and the t"rch that shines* 7ut t" ma(e thee a her"$ a s&"t#ess s"u# must be#ieve in thee* One a#"ne is en"u)h* 7ut 'ith"ut it th"u 'i#t be n"thin)* 4HOS4HOROS* 1here d'e##s such a s"u#G HE 2OICE* 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO " ma(e thee a her"$ a vir)in must burn 3"r thee 'ith a 3ear#ess #"ve and ren"unce her )"d t" 3"##"' thee* A '"man 'ith the seven rays "3 /#"ry must &#un)e int" her "'n heart the seven s'"rds "3 4ain* Fee#est th"u the stren)th t" a'a(en such #"veG 4HOS4HOROS 8with a cry of 1oy9* -esO 7y a## the 3"rces "3 Desire$ by the t"rch "3 Luci3er I 3ee# str"n) en"u)hO HE 2OICE* Fu#3i# thy destinyO 7e'are "3 &ride 'hich #eads t" the Abyss* And 3"##"' the Star "3 L"ve* * * * Li)ht is a 2"ice* * * * Let its 2"ice be thy Li)htO 8The Star 2anishes*9 HERALLIDOS* he Abyss has s&"(en and Heaven$ t""* he /uardian S&irits have ba&ti5ed thee 'ith a Divine name* h"u ca##ed "n them% they have ch"sen thee% hence3"rth th"u must "bey them* 4HOS4HOROS* he "rchO he StarO 1hen sha## I see them a)ainG HERALLIDOS* h"u 'i#t see the "rch a)ain in the h"ur "3 stru))#e$ but the Star 'i## (ind#e "n thy br"' under the breath "3 a divine '"man* 4HOS4HOROS* 8$ras(s the arm of the *iero(hant and cries with (assion*9 A '"man+s breath mi)hty en"u)h t" (ind#e the Star "n the br"' "3 the 1arri"rG 8*e lets go *era-lidos%s arm*9 his '"man$ th"u ma(est me dream "3 her$ th"u brin)est her #ivin) be3"re my eyes * * * 'ith her trans&arent 3#esh and the &assi"nate rin)#ets "3 her dar( hair% her eyes 3"untains "3 #i)ht$ her m"uth a 3#"'er "3 tenderness and stren)th* * * * 8 *e sha-es his head*9 7ut such a '"man d"es n"t eFistO < "verb"#d seer$ dan)er"us &r"&het$ 'hy cast this dev"urin) 3ire int" my heartG Even the hair "3 the 0aenads and the caresses "3 the 7acchantes cann"t (ind#e such 3#ames "3 desireO HERALLIDOS* It is 'ith that 3ire that her"es are 3"r)ed* hy heart is "n the anvi#* Let the hammer beat and the s&ar(s 3#y* 4HOS4HOROS 8not listening9* he s"u# 'h" 'i## be#ieve in me * * * the vir)in 'h" 'i## #eave her )"d t" 3"##"' me * * * the itan '"man b"rn "3 the #"ve "3 the dau)hters "3 Eve 'ith the Archan)e#s* * * * 1here c"u#d I ever 3ind herG HERALLIDOS* 7e#ieve in thy Star and th"u 'i#t 3ind herO 4HOS4HOROS* < mysteri"us sister "3 my desire$ be)"tten "3 the b#""d "3 my travai# and the va&"ur "3 my dreams$ "n 'hat hei)ht$ in 'hat abyss am I t" see( theeG " disc"ver thee I '"u#d ransac( the '"r#d and su33er a th"usand deaths* 2ast is the universe$ but vaster sti## is my desireO And yet$ Hera(#id"s$ I #eave thee 'ith re)ret* hese tem&#e c"#umns 'here the )"ds have s&"(en t" me$ 'hen sha## I be ab#e t" c"ntem&#ate them a)ainG HERALLIDOS* < 4h"s&h"r"sO One day th"u 'i#t return here* 4HOS4HOROS* 1i## it be a day "3 vict"ry "r "3 de3eatG HERALLIDOS* /"d a#"ne (n"'s* 7ut 'hat matter i3 th"u remainest equa# t" thyse#3G 4HOS4HOROS* < '"ndr"us Sa)e$ th"u 'h" d'e##est #i(e a #i"n in the cave "3 ruth$ th"u hast sh"'n me the si)ns$ th"u hast made t" s&ea( the /uardian S&irits 'h" rei)n "ver me* In their &resence my "'n s"u# has risen #i(e a 'arri"r in arms* 7y revea#in) me t" myse#3 th"u hast set me 3ree 3"r ever* 7ecause "3 that I ca## thee my 0aster and my Lin)* 8 *e -neels before the Sage,9 HERALLIDOS 8(utting his hand u(on Phos(horos%s head9* And I$ < 4h"s&h"r"s$ I ca## thee my s"n* 7e the a'a(ener "3 s"u#s and the trum&et,b#ast "3 the Un(n"'n /"d in the '"r#d "3 the #ivin)* And n"' t" acti"nO 4HOS4HOROS 8rising9* he Star and the "rch summ"n meO Fare'e##O HERALLIDOS 8stretching out his sce(tre9* i## 'e meet a)ainO
4a)e ?I "3 @=

8E3it Phos(horos,9

HE HE7AID OF HE 2IR/INS OF HE DESER * n oasis of Lower Egy(t, Christian cha(el of (rimiti2e sim(licity, installed in the ruins of an Egy(tian tem(le, o(en to the s-y, The scene is framed by two enormous columns with bell8sha(ed ca(itals which disa((ear out of sight, *ere and there stum(s of (illars ser2e as seats, On the walls, images crudely (ainted in the By0antine style of $od the &ather, the 6irgin #ary and Christ, Colossal images of the Egy(tian gods car2ed in hieratic lines in the stone can be seen rising at the bac-, To the right, doors built in the wall lead to the cells of the 6irgins, To the left, a larger fully arched door8way, with the do2e of the *oly $host car2ed in stone abo2e it, leads to the cell of the &ather of the )esert, t the bac- in a niche of the tem(le where once stood an Egy(tian god, the recluses ha2e (laced a statue of Christ the She(herd, carrying the lamb and holding the Cross li-e a croo-, Behind the fragments of tumble8down walls can be seen the to(s of gigantic (alm trees which o2ershadow (art of the tem(le,

HE FA HER OF HE DESER $ CLEONICE* The &ather is standing towards the front of the scene, Cleonice comes out of her cell and a((roaches slowly from behind, She seems to be in search of someone behind the columns of the ruins7 at length she touches the &ather%s arm, CLEONICE* He has n"t c"me yetG HE FA HER* N"$ I d" n"t be#ieve he 'i## c"me this evenin)* he sun is settin) a#ready* 0y &rayers have (e&t him a'ay* CLEONICE* Oh$ n"$ I can te## by the anFi"us thr"bs "3 my tr"ub#ed heart* * * * I am sure he 'i## c"meO HE FA HER* -"u are determined then t" see this re&r"bate$ this he"(#es$ n"' ca##ed 4h"s&h"r"s$ 'h" dares t" &r"&a)ate even in these re)i"ns the cu#t "3 the rebe# An)e#G CLEONICE* -es* HE FA HER* And 'hy d" y"u$ a de3ence#ess maiden$ 'ish t" s&ea( t" himG CLEONICE* " abase him be3"re Christ * * * "r i3 he 'i## n"t #isten$ t" thr"' a curse u&"n him 'hich 'i## #eave him &"'er#ess 3"r everO HE FA HER* 7e'are$ my dau)hter$ that is a dan)er"us missi"n* -"u d" n"t yet (n"' a## the assau#ts and snares "3 the devi#* His 'i#es are subt#er than a s&ider+s 'eb$ and "nce he has cau)ht us$ he enc#"ses us in meshes "3 stee#* he &resence "3 such men is dead#y* O3ten a sin)#e '"rd "r #""( 3r"m them may taint a s"u# 3"r ever* CLEONICE* Christ is "n my side$ and I 3ee# the stren)th t" brin) this rebe# t" the Savi"ur+s 3eet* HE FA HER* 1hat 3""#hardiness$ my dau)hter* -"u brin) t" y"ur dev"ti"n a## the &assi"n "3 y"ur untamed s&irit* 7e humb#er% I 3ear #est the c"ntrary may ha&&en and Satan entice y"u t" himse#3* CLEONICE* NeverO Mesus$ 1h"m I see in dreams$ has c#"thed me in chastity 3"r an arm"ur and has )iven me His c"ura)e 3"r a diam"nd shie#dO HE FA HER* -es$ i3 y"u 'ere a tried saint$ but y"u are "n#y an ardent * * * a t"" ardent * * * n"viceO

4a)e ?B "3 @=

CLEONICE* Has n"t the Divine 0aster said. !1hats"ever ye sha## as( in &rayer$ be#ieve that ye sha## receive it * * * ye sha## "btain everythin)$ even t" cast the m"untains int" the sea+G 1e## then$ I 3ee# 3"r this "verbearin) 4h"s&h"r"s a hatred intense en"u)h t" "verturn m"untains* I mean t" abase him be3"re the s&#end"ur "3 my Lin)O HE FA HER* Headstr"n) audacityO -"u are re#a&sin) int" the '"rst err"rs "3 the heathen* It is n"t hatred but #"ve 'hich m"ves m"untains* Mesus 3"rbids hatred% it #eads t" every (ind "3 d"'n3a##* CLEONICE 8with a dee( sigh9* AhO -"u d" n"t understand that my hatred 3"r the 3"es "3 Mesus s&rin)s 3r"m my b"und#ess #"ve 3"r Him* 8She wrings her hands and folds her arms across her face,9 HE FA HER 8sternly9* -es$ I understand * * * everythin)* N"' that I see c#ear#y int" y"ur a)itated heart$ I bid y"u 3#ee 3r"m the enemy "3 /"d* Return t" y"ur ce##O CLEONICE* I "bey* 8She goes in slowly and with bent head*9 HE FA HER 8(ensi2e9* She 'i## have t" su33er much t" bec"me a saint* Ha&&i#y I am "n the 'atch * * * and the enemy 'i## n"t c"me n"'* 8With both hands he ma-es a gesture of e3orcism towards the desert, 9 Let us return t" &rayer* 8*e re8 enters his dwelling,9

4HOS4HOROS$ then CLEONICE* Phos(horos enters left and leans against the great column in the front of the scene, 4HOS4HOROS* It is here that h"u art '"rshi&&ed < ChristO 7e3"re the humb#e statue 'ith a #amb in its arms$ the 2ir)ins "3 the Desert c"me t" ad"re hee% and ni)ht and day they &"ur "ut 3#""ds "3 tenderness at hy 3eet* * * * And I 'h" bear in my heart the #iberty "3 man(ind and the beauty "3 a ne' '"r#d$ I have n"t met a sin)#e s"u# 'h" has seen int" the de&ths "3 my "'n and 'h" be#ieves in me 3"r #i3e "r deathO 1hen sha## I have the si)nG 1hen 'i## the h"ur "3 acti"n rise in my heaven 'ith the 3#amin) StarG * * * It 'i## never c"me* * * * 8Turning with a weary gesture towards the hori0on,9 O b"und#ess desert$ dus(y shr"ud$ en3"#din) dead cities and buried )"ds* * * * "'ards thee I stretch my em&ty arms in vainO 8 t this moment Cleonice comes out of her cell, The setting sun falls full u(on her face, On noticing Phos(horos, she ma-es a startled motion, but regains her com(osure at once and ste(s forward (ur(osefully, 9 CLEONICE* Stran)er$ by 'hat ri)ht d" y"u enter this tem&#eG 4HOS4HOROS* he tem&#e stands "&en$ I have c"me t" #""( at its /"d* CLEONICE* D" y"u (n"' that this /"d is Christ$ and that these ruins she#ter the 2ir)ins "3 the DesertG 4HOS4HOROS* I (n"' it* 7ut 'h" are y"u 'h" s&ea( s" eFce##ent#y the s"3t t"n)ue "3 I"niaG CLEONICE* I am C#e"nice$ dau)hter "3 La"di("s$ "3 the city "3 Di"nys"s* 4HOS4HOROS* C#e"niceG 'h"m I met a 'hi#e since$ vei#ed$ in the A)"raG CLEONICE* he same* And here I am n"' in sa3e harb"ur in this "asis "3 &rayer$ in "ne "3 the citade#s "3 Christ 3"r the c"nquest "3 the '"r#d* 7ut y"u$ 'hat is y"ur nameG
4a)e ?@ "3 @=

4HOS4HOROS* 0y 3ather named me he"(#es* 0y destiny and my /uardian S&irit have surnamed me 4h"s&h"r"s* CLEONICE* Ln"' then$ 4h"s&h"r"s$ that the true /"d h"#ds y"u accursed$ sc"ur)e "3 the '"r#d$ a)ent "3 SatanO He 'i## stri& branches 3r"m the trees t" ma(e r"ds 3"r y"ur chastisement* -"u have seen si)ns 'ith"ut understandin) them* 2"ices have ca##ed t" y"u$ but y"u have n"t heard them* Lumin"us hands have traced "n the 'a##$ in #etters "3 3ire$ the name "3 the Eterna#% and y"u have erased the 'ritin) 'ith y"ur c#"a($ 3#ushed 'ith &resum&ti"n and #ust* Christ has died and risen a)ain$ and y"u (n"' n"thin) "3 itO 1"e u&"n y"u 'h" be#ieve n"t in the 0essiahO 4HOS4HOROS* I be#ieve in myse#3$ and my /"d is the Outcast An)e# 'h" i##uminates the '"r#d 'ith his t"rch* CLEONICE* Oh &iti3u# &resum&ti"nO Oh d" y"u n"t (n"' Him then6the Divine Su33ererG -"u have n"t seen Him 3aint under the Cr"ss* He c"mes t" visit us here in the cry&t$ He the Savi"ur "3 the '"r#d% He brin)s t" us the bread "3 an)e#s and the cha#ice "3 sacri3ice* I3 y"u "n#y (ne' h"' beauti3u# He isO His b"dy shines #i(e a sun* Fr"m a## His '"unds He &"urs "ut the r"ses "3 L"ve and the #i#ies "3 /race* hen I cast myse#3 at His b#eedin) 3eet and I 'ee& t" be unab#e t" su33er 3"r Him a## the a)"nies He has su33ered 3"r man(indO -"u d" n"t (n"' HimG Oh$ i3 y"u c"u#d but (n"' HimO 4HOS4HOROS 8loo-s at her fi3edly, then turns away9aside9* I "u)ht t" have met this '"man s""ner* CLEONICE* 1hat ai#s y"u then$ 4h"s&h"r"sG -"u tremb#e% y"u seem a)itated* * * * 4HOS4HOROS 8loo-ing at her again and then turning away9aside9* Hithert" I have seen n"ne but #"'#y maidens$ d"'ntr"dden 'ives "r 3rantic 7acchantes% but this is a '"manO 7eneath the #ivin) 3#esh her ardent s"u# quivers* * * * 1hat a 3#ame burns in the di#ated "rbit "3 her eyesO * * * And in her b"s"m thr"bs the heart "3 the '"r#d$ athirst 3"r #"ve and s"rr"'* * * * A '"man$ a rea# '"man* * * * A '"man c"nsci"us and c"m&#ete* * * * On#y "ne * * * and yet that '"u#d su33ice 3"r the birth "3 a her" and the renaissance "3 the '"r#dO CLEONICE* 1hat are y"ur th"u)htsG 4HOS4HOROS* I 'as thin(in) h"' ha&&y is y"ur 0essiah t" be thus be#"ved by y"u* I t"" 'i## be a 0essiah% I t"" am a 0essen)er "3 the Ever#astin)* I t"" 'i## redeem men by r"usin) in them their s#ee&in) s"u#s$ the divine s&ar($ the 3ire 'hich creates* D" y"u (n"' 'hat curses$ 'hat su33erin)s a'ait me 3"r the 3etters that I sha## brea($ 3"r the truths that I am ab"ut t" s"' thr"u)h"ut the '"r#d #i(e t"rches and s'"rdsG D" y"u (n"' the hatred$ the s"#itude$ the banishment$ death maybe$ in s"me rem"te desert m"re des"#ate than this hebaid "3 y"urs$ 'here y"u d'e## in visi"n and ecstasyG A## that a'aits me$ "h &ure and divine maidenO 7ut y"u have tears "n#y 3"r y"ur ChristO 7e ha&&y* * * * 0y b#essin) u&"n y"uO I desire the ha&&iness "3 man(ind% y"u &"ssess it* 0ay y"u retain it 3"r everO Fare'e##O CLEONICE 8in her turn a2erts her eyes9aside9* 1"e is me 3"r havin) behe#d his radiant )#anceO An)e# and ser&ent in "neO he 'i#es "3 a seducer and the cand"ur "3 a )"d#i(e her"* 1hat sub#ime terr"r$ 'hat dread3u# K"y stea#s "ver meO H"' sha## I rec"ver hence3"rth the &eace "3 Heaven 'hen I thin( "3 the des&erate 'arri"r$ the n"b#e su33erer 3i)htin) his 'ay u& 3r"m the abyssG hr"u)h his eyes shines a rev"#ted an)e# 'h" see(s t" "verthr"' meO 8 She staggers and leans against the column,9 4HOS4HORUS* 1hat ai#s y"u$ maidenG 1hy d" y"u b"' y"ur her"ic headG 1hy #"'er as i3 in &ain y"ur b#ac(,3rin)ed eye#ids "ver the s&#end"ur "3 y"ur eyesG OhO curse me "nce a)ainO C"ver me 'ith anathemas$ s" "n#y I may see th"se eyes shine 3"r "ne #ast timeO 8They loo- at each other with growing intensity and emotion, ll at once she turns away and fe2erishly lifts her hands to her tem(les, and then to her bosom, as though stifling,9 4HOS4HORUS* In the name "3 Christ$ 'hat is the matter$ C#e"niceG CLEONICE 8with an abru(t defensi2e gesture9* Si#enceO * * * D" n"t #""( at me any m"reO Leave meO Leave meO 8 She mo2es away swiftly and re8enters her cell without loo-ing bac-, 9 4HOS4HORUS 8a#"ne9* here is the 3irst s"u# I have ever '"nO A s"u# vibrant and str"n)$ 'hich can see and (n"'$ a s"u# ca&ab#e "3 embracin) the universe% the 1"man in the 0aiden$ the Her"ine in the L"ver$ the Heaven#y 4syche in the c"m&#ete EveO Never sha## I 3"r)et th"se tremb#in) eye#ids$ n"r th"se tears 'hich 3e## #i(e &ear#s "3 #i)ht 3r"m her 3iery eyes* * * * A si#ent vict"ry in the heart "3 the desert$ "n the thresh"#d "3 a hebaid% 7ut '"rth the r"ut "3 armies* 1hat
4a)e ?= "3 @=

divine 3"rce has st"#en int" my heartG N" d"ubt I sha## never see thee m"re$ < C#e"niceO 7ut I sha## (n"' in my ever#astin) s"#itude that a s"u# s"#itary #i(e my "'n$ a d'e##er in this desert$ is "ne 'ith meO

4HOS4HORUS$ a 0ESSEN/ER* HE 0ESSEN/ER* I arrive breath#ess 3r"m A#eFandria* he #ast shi& c"min) 3r"m I"nia has br"u)ht a messa)e 3"r y"u* It is 3r"m Damis* 8*e hands him a tablet of wa3,9 4HOS4HORUS 8reading9* !Every"ne (n"'s here that y"u are Harm"dius$ and y"ur 3"##"'in) is increasin) visib#y* Every day 'e read inscri&ti"ns "n the 'a##s "3 the City Ha##. EReturn$ Harm"dius% Di"nysia m"urns her s"n+s absenceO E he 4r"c"nsu# Har&a#us$ a#armed at this sediti"us "utcry$ is &#annin) y"ur ruin* He has &ub#ic#y re&ea#ed the "rder "3 banishment issued a)ainst y"u* He &r"mises that y"u sha## d'e## unm"#ested in the city and 3ree#y enK"y y"ur &"ssessi"ns$ "n c"nditi"n "3 a&&earin) be3"re his c"urt t" Kusti3y y"urse#3 be3"re the assemb#ed citi5ens a)ainst the )rave char)es br"u)ht a)ainst y"u* his is but a tra& set 3"r y"ur ea)erness$ and y"ur return '"u#d mean y"ur death* 7e'are "3 sh"'in) y"ur 3ace in Di"nysia* Stay rather 'ith "ur 3riends in A#eFandria* !-"ur 3aith3u# !DA0IS*+ S" that is itG 0y 3riends are bein) disc"ura)ed by threats t" my #i3eO he )erm "3 my ideas is t" be sti3#ed in their hesitant hearts% thus the ea)#et 'i## be crushed in the e))* 1e## ca#cu#ated$ Har&a#us* 7ut y"u re#y t"" much "n my 3ear* It sha## n"t be said that 4h"s&h"r"s shrin(s 3r"m de3endin) himse#3 be3"re Caesar+s hire#in) and be3"re his 3e##"',citi5ens* his is the m"ment t" dare$ the ca## "3 destiny c"mes in ans'er t" the si)n* he h"ur "3 acti"n has struc(* 8 To the #essenger,9 D" y"u (n"' 'hether any b"at is ab"ut t" #eave 3"r I"niaG HE 0ESSEN/ER* In three days+ time$ a 4h"enician b"at 'i## be settin) sai# 3"r "ur sh"res* 4HOS4HOROS* Let us hasten t" the harb"ur and then a'ay t" Di"nysiaO And n"'$ Star "3 Luci3er$ #"ne 4#anet shinin) in in3inite s&ace$ rise in s&#end"ur "n the h"ri5"nO 8 E3it with the #essenger,9

CLEONICE and the 2IR/INS of the DESER * "t is night, The 6irgins carrying lighted ta(ers issue one by one from their cells and go to -neel at the bac- of the scene, at the foot of the statue of Christ the She(herd, Cleonice comes out last and stands loo-ing after them, CLEONICE* I dare n"t 3"##"' them* * * * I can n" #"n)er &rayO 8 She mo2es cautiously towards the column,9 Oh that &iercin) #""( 'hich trans3iFed me$ 3r"m 'hat de&ths did it c"meG Fr"m 'hat sea "3 su33erin)G It &ierced me t" the marr"'* OhO that a)"ni5ed #""($ h"' it d'e##s sti## in me and )"verns my s"u#O H-0N OF HE 2IR/INS 8-neeling at the bac- of the scene9* Here are s"me 3#"'ers "3 the va##ey hat the rea&er &#uc(s at da'n% Here are s"me #i#ies "3 /a#i#ee$ O Harvester "3 Divine L"veO Li(e b"u)hs sti## athirst Under the tree "3 the Cr"ss$ 1e brin) hee "ur #ives* En3"#d the &ure "3 heart In hy &ierced side$
4a)e ?H "3 @=

< Christ$ < Lin) "3 Lin)sO 8The 6irgins descend into the cry(t,9 CLEONICE* H"' b#iss3u# they are$ the s&"uses "3 ChristO hey &"ssess Heaven u&"n Earth* " thin( that I 'as #i(e them$ and n"' burn 'ith an"ther 3ire* 1i## Mesus #eave me t" 3ace a#"ne the terrib#e S&irit 'h" is assai#in) meG Has the Divine 0aster "3 &ard"n and "3 )race a#ready c"ndemned meG N"$ that is n"t &"ssib#e* * * * hat '"u#d be an inKusticeO 1hat have they d"ne 3"r hee$ < Christ$ these inn"cent maidens$ these #"'#y vir)insG hey have br"u)ht hee 'ea( s&irits$ tremb#in) s"u#s$ 'hich have never 3e#t the tem&tati"ns "3 the '"r#d$ "r the #ure "3 &"'er* 7ut I$ I have br"u)ht hee a r"ya# heart$ brimmin) 'ith stren)th$ ca&ab#e "3 every (ind "3 &ride and #"ve$ and I have crushed it at hy 3eet t" share in hy divine s"rr"'sO he Pueen "3 F#"'ers$ the entrancin) r"se$ has she #ess '"rth in hine eyes than the #i#ies "3 the 3ie#dG L"rdO h"u "'est me a mirac#eO I3 h"u 'i#t save me$ sh"' hyse#3 in hy )#"ryO 8She mo2es towards the interior of the dim tem(le and (rostrates herself before the altar, But suddenly lifting her head again she beholds Lucifer in the (lace of Christ, standing in a shaft of da00ling light, with outs(read wings, in the (osture of a s(irit about to ta-e flight, *is right hand holds the torch, his left is outstretched o2er the bewildered su((liant, The 2ision lasts a few seconds and then fades,9 CLEONICE 8hastenin) bac( t"'ards the 3r"nt "3 the scene9* he Fa##en An)e#O Luci3erO hat 'as his 3aceO It 'as heO 4h"s&h"r"sO * * * I am #"stO 8She colla(ses half fainting on the ground with her head against the column, 9

HE FA HER 8ste&&in) "ut "3 his d'e##in)9* 1h" is thereG I heard a des&erate cry in the dar(ness* here is s"me"ne si)hin) at the 3""t "3 the c"#umn* 8He c"mes nearer*9 Is that y"u$ C#e"niceG 1hy d" y"u #ie thereG CLEONICE 8raisin) herse#3 "n "ne arm9* Oh a'3u# and s&#endid visi"nO HE FA HER 8ta-ing her arm9* -"u seem ai#in)6beside y"urse#3* -"ur chee( is 3evered$ y"ur hands burn* Let me raise y"u u&* CLEONICE 8lets him raise her and remains wra(t in a re2erie7 finally she murmurs in a low tone 9* Luci3erO 4h"s&h"r"sO HE FA HER* -"u are i##$ C#e"nice$ and m"re in s&irit than in b"dy* CLEONICE 8loo-s at him in bewilderment as if unable to recogni0e him, then (asses her hand o2er her forehead and gradually reco2ers her senses9* -es$ I am stran)e#y i##$ and it '"u#d be better i3 I 'ere deadO HE FA HER* 1hat has ha&&ened thenG CLEONICE* S"methin) incredib#e and terri3yin)$ en"u)h t" ma(e a## the tem&#es "n earth crumb#e int" dust$ but I cann"t te## y"u* * * * HE FA HER* 1hy$ 'hat is itG CLEONICE* A#ready it seems t" me that an eternity has e#a&sed since I sa' this thin) * * * s" much has it a#tered 3"r me the a&&earance "3 the '"r#d* HE FA HER* I 'i## (n"' everythin) and have a ri)ht t" (n"'* I am y"ur s&iritua# 3ather* CLEONICE* -"u insistG HE FA HER* I c"mmand y"u*
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CLEONICE 8in a muffled 2oice and still as if dreaming9* Must n"' I 'as &rayin) t" the L"rd at the 3""t "3 this a#tar* Oh I 'as &rayin) 'ith the 'h"#e breath "3 my bein)$ 'ith the 'h"#e b#""d "3 my heart * * * and my s"u# had but "ne th"u)ht6 t" see Him* A## at "nce$ 3ee#in) myse#3 t"uched by a su&ernatura# ray$ I #i3ted my head * * * but there$ instead "3 Christ$ Luci3er 'as standin) be3"re the a#tarO HE FA HER* Luci3erO CLEONICE 8with a mysterious smile9* -es$ Luci3er$ 'ith his t"rch and his 'in)sO * * * N"$ he 'as n"t #"aths"me as y"u de&ict him* He 'as radiant and beauti3u# #i(e the Savi"ur$ but m"re s"mbre and sad* * * * HE FA HER* Unha&&y maidenO A#ready #ed astray by the S&irit "3 Evi#$ d" y"u n"t (n"' that the Dem"n+s '"rst tem&tati"n is t" assume the sha&e "3 the An)e#G Unti# y"ur s"u# is c#eansed I eFc#ude y"u 3r"m the h"#y mysteries and 3r"m the sisterh""d* 4r"3"und humi#ity$ #"n) re&entance and abs"#ute "bedience t" my "rders6yes6annihi#ati"n "3 y"ur 'i##6this a#"ne can sti## redeem y"uO CLEONICE 8still in her dream9* Humi#iate myse#3G Annihi#ate myse#3G 1hy n"tG I3 the h"#"caust "3 my b"dy and s"u# mi)ht serve t" redeem himG HE FA HER* 1h"mG CLEONICE* 4h"s&h"r"sO HE FA HER* He$ 'h" by his mere &resence has cast an evi# s&e## "ver this sanctuary and im&#anted sin3u# err"r in y"ur heartG N"$ he is accursedO Never thin( "3 him m"reO A#ready y"u are tainted by an im&ure breath% )"$ abase y"urse#3 in y"ur ce##$ &ut "n the hairc#"th and &"ur ashes "n y"ur head* 8*e goes towards the bac- and descends into the cry(t, 9 CLEONICE 8who has bent her head under the &ather%s condemnation, now raises it again, smile of (ity, followed by an inner ra(ture, illuminates her features9* 4h"s&h"r"s accursedG * * * I 'i## )" &ray 3"r himO 8She returns to her cell with head erect and as if in ecstasy,9

HESSALUS$ then CLEONICE* HESSALUS 8an old sla2e9* < Mu&iterO < (ind#y CeresO I am ha#3 dead "3 hun)er$ 3ati)ue and thirst* It is here that C#e"nice d'e##s 'ith the 2ir)ins "3 the Desert* She a#"ne can save me* I 'i## a'ait herO * * * 8 *e s.uats near the column and falls aslee(, )awn brea-s,9 CLEONICE 8issuing from her cell9* A#ready da'nG A &r"&hetic )#eam i##uminates the ashes "3 the desert * * * and in my heart a ne' day is risin)* 7ut 'hat is this marve##"us star that &ierces the red da'nG It )#itters #i(e an amethyst under a vei# "3 &ur&#e* Is it n"t the "ne "3 'hich the &r"&het has said. !1hy hast th"u 3a##en 3r"m Heaven$ 3iery star$ th"u 'h" 'ast s" bri##iant at thy risin)G+ It is the )em "3 thy cr"'n$ &r"ud An)e# "3 Rev"#t and S"rr"'* 7ut y"nder it reascends$ 3#amin) #i(e an emera#d t" meet the radiance "3 day* * * * I #"ve y"u$ 4h"s&h"r"s$ in y"ur sadness and beauty$ y"u 'h" brin) #i)ht int" the '"r#dO AhO &iti#ess Father$ y"u 'i## &revent me 3r"m #"vin) 3ree#yG -"u (n"' n"t then$ that a heart invaded by trium&hant #"ve bec"mes untamab#e$ because it is inhabited by a )"dG Christ is ha&&y in His Heaven$ but 4h"s&h"r"s is su33erin) "n earth* Let "thers imm"#ate themse#ves at Mesus+ 3eet t" save their tremb#in) s"u#s* As 3"r me$ I 'i## 3"r3eit mine t" redeem the "ne 'h" is AccursedO HESSALUS 8awa-ening and standing u(9* D" y"u rec")ni5e me$ C#e"niceG CLEONICE* 1hat$ hessa#usO 0y 3ather+s s#aveO HESSALUS* -es$ "#d hessa#us 'h" nursed y"u as an in3ant in his arms* -"ur 3ather$ 'hen he became a Christian$ had &r"mised t" 3ree me* 7ut "ne day 'hen I 'as )"in) t" the tem&#e "3 7"na Dea t" be hea#ed "3 my diseases$ he s"#d me t" s"me Syrian merchants* hey carried me "33 in a caravan b"und 3"r hebes$ and then cast me "ut by the 'ayside because I 'as t"" "#d and 3eeb#e* hen I #earned that y"u$ C#e"nice$ the h"#y maiden$ d'e#t in this hebaid* here are e'es and )"ats in this "asis* Let the Father "3 the Desert ta(e me as a she&herd* < my dear mistress$ intercede 3"r y"ur "#d servantO
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CLEONICE* 1h" t"#d y"u that I 'as hereG HESSALUS* A c"untryman "3 y"urs named 4h"s&h"r"s$ 'h" is trave##in) in these &arts* CLEONICE* 1here did y"u see himG HESSALUS* Puite near here* He t"#d me that he 'as returnin) t" his native city t" a&&ear be3"re the tribuna# "3 the 4r"c"nsu#* It is said that he is an enemy "3 Caesar and is in dan)er "3 bein) c"ndemned t" death* CLEONICE* " deathG HeG hat sha## n"t be* Listen$ hessa#us* Are y"u 'i##in) t" ta(e me bac( t" Di"nysiaG HESSALUS* Sure#y$ i3 y"u 'i## ta(e me int" y"ur serviceO 7ut h"' can 'e #eave this accursed c"untryG CLEONICE* -"u 'i## see* 1ait 3"r me a m"ment* 8She goes into her cell and returns immediately wra((ed in an am(le grey cloa-, with a cas-et of cedarwood under her arm, 9 Here is a## that I have (e&t "3 my 'ea#th* 7ut this b"F is 3u## "3 )ems and &reci"us st"nes* It is my 'h"#e inheritance* 1ith this treasure I intended t" bui#d a c"nvent 3"r the dau)hters "3 the L"rd% n"' I 'i## use it t" save 4h"s&h"r"sO HESSALUS 8o(ening the cas-et and loo-ing into it greedily9* 7y 4#ut"O 1hat '"nder3u# thin)sO 1hen sha## 'e #eaveG CLEONICE* Instant#y* 8The 6irgins and the &ather of the )esert are seen issuing from the cry(t at the bac- of the scene and gathering in front of the altar at the feet of Christ the She(herd, The 6irgins -neel down and resume the singing of the hymn already gi2en, The &ather remains standing behind them, his arms outstretched o2er his floc-, and his bac- towards the audience, till the end of the scene,9 H-0N OF HE 2IR/INS* Here are s"me 3#"'ers "3 the va##ey hat the rea&er &#uc(s at da'n$ Here are s"me #i#ies "3 /a#i#ee$ < Harvester "3 Divine L"veO 8 s soon as the 6irgins a((ear, Cleonice (ushes Thessalus behind a column, 9 CLEONICE* 1e must hideO 8)uring the hymn,9 In s&ite "3 myse#3 I 3ee# a &an) at &artin) 3r"m them* Fare'e##$ be#"ved hymns* * * * S'eet ecstasies$ )ent#e &eace "3 the hebaid* * * * 7ut n"' I must #ive n" #"n)er in a sa3e harb"ur but rather "n the st"rmy 'aves* 8To Thessalus,9 hey mi)ht see us$ #et us a'ayO 0y n"stri#s #"n) 3"r the sea,s&ray and my eyes 3"r I"nia+s sh"resO HESSALUS* Have y"u n" 3ear t" trave# 'ith "n#y a &""r "#d s#ave as y"ur &r"tect"rG CLEONICE* N"$ I n" #"n)er dread the #i"ns "3 the desert$ and I #au)h at the 3uries "3 the "cean* HESSALUS 8su(erstitiously9* 1hy then$ is s"me )"d 'atchin) "ver y"uG CLEONICE* -es hessa#us$ a )"d str"n)er than the ra)e "3 m"bs and b"#der than the sayin)s "3 &r"&hets6a )"d 'h" de3ies in3amy$ "utra)e and death * * * and the name "3 this )"d is Er"s$ L"ve$ the Creat"r and S"verei)n "3 the '"r#dO 8 She (ulls Thessalus after her, E3eunt both hastily,



Same setting as in ct ", The agora of the city of )ionysia, To the left the Tem(le of Bacchus7 to the right the Christian basilica, t the bac- the Prytaneum con2erted into the Praetorium of the Proconsul, Under its (orch a Curule Chair in marble,
4a)e I< "3 @=

CLEONICE$ 2eiled, in a grey cloa-$ HESSALUS% soon afterwards the 0AIDENS in mourning$ L-CO4HRON$ a few 4EO4LE$ the HI/H 4RIES of )ionysos, a 1O0AN$ a -OUN/ 0AN and an OLD 0AN* CLEONICE 8throwing bac- her 2eil9* 1hat a c#"ud "3 an)uish dar(ens the air "3 this cityO Over the h"uses and c"untenances "3 men h"vers the #ivid )#eam "3 Destiny$ the re#ent#ess master "3 )"ds and men* 1h" 'i## ever be ab#e t" #i3t its 'ei)ht 8To Thessalus,9 7ut 4h"s&h"r"s$ 'here is heG HESSALUS* -"nder in the dun)e"ns "3 the City Ha## He surrendered himse#3$ unha&&y manO 1hat madnessO CLEONICE* I (n"' 'hy* He has c"me t" 3ace his destiny* He '"u#d rather &erish than stay a'ay 'hen summ"ned* 1hen is the Kud)mentG HESSALUS* I (n"' n"t* HushO Here is a train "3 m"urners* 8Cleonice 2eils her face under her cloa-,9 8Si3 maidens in blac- 2eils carrying oli2e branches, followed by a few of the (eo(le, including Lyco(hron, a((roach the Tem(le of Bacchus and (rostrate themsel2es before the altar, 9 HE LEADER OF HE 0AIDENS* < /"d "3 this city$ mi)hty 7acchus$ #""( "n us vir)ins su&&#iant be3"re hine a#tar and dei)n t" hear us as 'e 'ee& in des"#ati"n* One "3 the n"b#est s"ns "3 the city is ab"ut t" 3ace a terrib#e Kud)ment* he Lict"r+s aFe$ shar&ened by Nemesis$ is ready in the shad"'$ and the s'"rd "3 'rath3u# Caesar is sus&ended ab"ve us #i(e the thunderb"#t s#umberin) in the b"s"m "3 the st"rm,c#"ud* Our s"u#s are aquiver #i(e sycam"re #eaves and the stream "3 "ur tears is shed at hy 3eet #i(e de'* Di"nys"sO C"me t" the aid "3 hy chi#drenO HE 0AIDENS IN UNISON* Di"nys"s$ c"me t" the aid "3 hy chi#drenO HE HI/H 4RIES 8coming out of the Tem(le9* 0aidens "3 the city "3 Di"nys"s$ I have heard y"ur su&&#icati"ns$ and I c"me t" y"u 3u## "3 c"ncern and "3 h"&e* I brin) y"u the very '"rds "3 the /"d* Hear 'hat he s&a(e this m"rnin) by the m"uth "3 a b#ind &r"&het* HE 4EO4LE* An "rac#eO Hear the "rac#eO HE HI/H 4RIES * ! he city "3 Di"nys"s is tainted by a sacri#e)e* A her" a#"ne can rem"ve it* Di"nys"s &r"mises t" his chi#dren a her" and a )"dO 7ut 3"r their advent a mirac#e is needed * * * a mirac#e in the si)ht "3 the 'h"#e city * * * a mirac#e da55#in) #i(e the #i)ht "3 the sun 'hich "utshines the starsO * * *+ 8The Woman, the :oung #an and the Old #an gather into a grou(,9 HE 1O0AN* 1h" is the auth"r "3 the sacri#e)eG HE OLD 0AN* It is 4h"s&h"r"s* HE -OUN/ 0AN* N"$ 4h"s&h"r"s is the her"* HE OLD 0AN 8nodding his head9* He 'i## be c"ndemned* HE -OUN/ 0AN 8to Lyco(hron9* 1hat d" y"u thin( ab"ut it$ < seerG L-CO4HRON* A true her" 'ears a star "n his br"'* ear the sca#es 3r"m y"ur eyes and y"u 'i## see him* HE LEADER OF HE 0AIDENS* < Di"nys"s$ )"d rent asunder by the itans and reb"rn dai#y in #ivin) s"u#s$ th"u 'h" stirrest in the de&ths "3 the earth$ as in the '"mb "3 'ives 'hen they c"nceive s"ns in thine ima)e$ th"u 'h" createst
4a)e I: "3 @=

men 'ith thy tears and )"ds 'ith thy smi#e * * * )ive us him 'h" 3i)hts and him 'h" saves * * * )ive us the her" and the )"dO HE 0AIDENS 8in unison9* /ive us the her" and the )"dO HE HI/H 4RIES * C"me int" the em&#e t" &ray durin) the Kud)ment* 8The maidens and the leader enter the Tem(le with the *igh Priest,9 CLEONICE 8standing a(art9* he Kud)ment a&&r"achesO * * * < Heaven$ 'hat is t" be d"neG HE -OUN/ 0AN* 1hat )"d did the "rac#e meanG HE OLD 0AN* Is it CaesarG HE 1O0AN* Is it ChristG L-CO4HRON* he "rac#e s&ea(s "3 a ne' )"d* HE OLD 0AN* 1hat name d" y"u )ive himG L-CO4HRON* he name c"mes "n#y 'ith the act* Stran)e are the '"rds "3 the &r"&het$ but stran)er sti## 'i## their 3u#3i#ment be* HE OLD 0AN* Never sha## 'e hear anythin) &#ain 3r"m this seerO HE 1O0AN* Let us )" t" c"nsu#t the 7ish"&* He 'i## eF&#ain t" us* HE OLD 0AN* Let us )"O 1e are Christians a3ter a##* 8The three, followed by a few of the (eo(le, mo2e towards the basilica, 9

CLEONICE$ HESSALUS$ L-CO4HRON$ the OLD 0AN$ the 1O0AN$ the -OUN/ 0AN$ 4EO4LE* HE OLD 0AN* She&herd "3 the F#"c( "3 the Faith3u#$ in the name "3 Christ$ c"me 3"rth 3r"m y"ur sanctuary* he city is in distress and the &e"&#e ca## u&"n y"u* 8 bell sounds within the basilica,9 HE 4EO4LE* In the name "3 Christ$ the &e"&#e ca## u&"n y"u* 8The bell rings again,9 HE 7ISHO4 8coming out of the (orch9* I am here* 1hat is itG HE OLD 0AN* 0"st H"#y 7ish"&$ "ur 3e##"',citi5en 4h"s&h"r"s is ab"ut t" 3ace a Kud)ment* He is char)ed 'ith c"ns&iracy a)ainst Caesar and the '"rst "utra)es a'ait him* Neverthe#ess$ the v"ice "3 Di"nys"s &r"mises us a mirac#e and a Redeemer* 1h" is this RedeemerG -"u must (n"'$ y"u 'h" h"#d the secret "3 the "n#y truth* HE 7ISHO4* H"' can y"u c"me t" s&ea( t" me "3 the 3a#seh""ds "3 Di"nys"sG D" y"u n"t b#ush 3"r shame$ y"u 'h" ca## y"urse#ves Christians$ that y"u sti## 3requent the haunts "3 the devi#G AhO As #"n) as it stands$ that den "3 &erditi"n$ that em&#e "3 7acchus$ it 'i## taint the city 'ith the breath "3 #ust and insurrecti"n* -"u s&ea( "3 a Savi"urG here is n" "ther but Mesus Christ* -"u s&ea( "3 a mirac#eG Christ a#"ne can &er3"rm such thr"u)h His a&"st#es and His Church* Ln"' that in this t"'n this cr"5ier a#"ne can &er3"rm them* -"u 'h" c"me t" me stained 'ith the dre)s "3 7acchus and the &esti#ences "3 2enus$ in3am"us &e"&#e$ I eFc#ude y"u 3r"m the sacraments* A'ay 3r"m hereO
4a)e I? "3 @=

HE 4EO4LE 8dismayed9* He curses usO HE 7ISHO4* Or e#se &r"mise re&entanceO HE 4EO4LE* 1e &r"mise it* HE 7ISHO4* Listen t" me then* 8*e comes down the ste(s of the basilica,9 A&&r"ach * * * nearer * * * but d" n"t raise th"se ins"#ent heads * * * 8threatening them with the cro0ier9* 7"' y"urse#ves t" the earth #i(e the vi#e sinners that ye are* 8#en and women form a circle around the Bisho(, with bowed heads and strained attention, The Bisho( resumes in muffled and hissing tones, sometimes whis(ering into the ears of his listeners, 9 4h"s&h"r"s is c"nvicted n"t "n#y "3 "utra)e a)ainst Caesar but "3 crimina# interc"urse 'ith the dem"n* He has visited$ in the aurus$ the m"untain "3 the 0a)icians 'h" ca## u& Satan* On#y the s"ns "3 Luci3er return 3r"m it% the "thers 3a## head#"n) int" un(n"'n abysses* Further he has seduced a h"#y vir)in and t"rn her 3r"m her hebaid * * * and n"ne (n"'s 'hat has bec"me "3 her* 8 The (eo(le react with gestures of ama0ement and horror,9 Such is y"ur her"$ he"(#es the a&"state$ 4h"s&h"r"s the hire#in) "3 the devi#* 7ut he is ab"ut t" a&&ear be3"re the tribuna# "3 the 4r"c"nsu#* He 'i## have t" abase himse#3$ t" c"n3ess his crimes and t" cra'# in the dust t" the cr"ss "3 my basi#ica* hen$ by /"d+s )race$ it is I 'h" 'i## &er3"rm the mirac#e$ I 'i## "btain &ard"n 3"r him* he 4r"c"nsu# 'i## #isten t" me$ 3"r my in3#uence 'ith Caesar is )reat* 7ut sh"u#d 4h"s&h"r"s be "bdurate$ sh"u#d he de3y Caesar and H"#y Church$ then y"u must cry. !Death t" himO+ hat is the "n#y thin) that can sti## save y"u 3r"m eterna# &erditi"n* Have y"u underst""dG 8The (eo(le start bac- in terror, The Bisho( solemnly ascends the ste(s of the Church and turns round under the (orch, With outstretched cro0ier he (ronounces the following with the intonation of an officiating (riest 9. On that c"nditi"n I &r"mise y"u &ard"n 3"r y"ur sins$ admissi"n t" the sacraments and my &riest#y b#essin)* 8The crowd dis(erses slowly, cowed and with gestures of de1ection, The WO# +, the :OU+$ # + and the OL) # + go off last, turning se2eral times to (oint with frightened gesture at the (orch, 9 L-CO4HRON 8aside9* 1hat end d" the sacraments serve in the hands "3 "&&ress"rsG On#y t" sti3#e men+s s"u#s and t" (i## their c"nsciences* 8E3it*9 CLEONICE* hey are a## a)ainst him* A)ainst him$ Caesar 'ith his s"#diers$ and the 'h"#e Em&ire% a)ainst him$ the 7ish"& 'h" has the &e"&#e in the h"##"' "3 his hand* hey are ab"ut t" crush the man$ the "utcast$ 'h" 'ears a star "n his a)"ni5ed br"'O I see the Kud)e a&&r"ach* * * * 7ehind him an innumerab#e army * * * and in this sea "3 men brist#in) 'ith &i(es$ n"t "ne #ance$ n"t "ne s'"rd 'hich is n"t aimed at the heart "3 4h"s&h"r"sO O A#mi)hty L"rd$ 'here is hy 3ire and hy 'hir#'ind t" s'ee& a'ay the m"untain "3 ir"n and c"nsume the army "3 hatredG * * * H"' can I d" itG Did n"t the risen Christ descend int" he## t" save the damnedG And I$ risen a)ain thr"u)h L"ve$ sha## I n"t have the stren)th t" save my Her"G He#& me$ &"'ers "3 Heaven 'h" rain d"'n mu#titudes "3 s"u#s thr"u)h s&ace and 'h" scatter "ver the earth the seed "3 3ree menO 7e 'ith me$ divine L"ve$ ma(e "3 my heart a r"c( "3 diam"nd t" bear a## b#"'s$ and "3 my arms$ t'" 3#ames t" burst a## b"nds and de#iver him I #"veO 8She remains with outstretched arms as though in a trance,9 HESSALUS* Here c"me armed men* 1e mi)ht be disc"vered* C"me$ #et us hide 'ith y"ur sister Cadmea* 8E3it, drawing her after him,9

Enter in haste DA0IS$ 4HR-/IUS$ ANDROCLES$ con2ersing in hushed tones and to an agitated rhythm, ANDROCLES 8to )amis9* Have y"u 3"##"'ed my "rdersG DA0IS* At a## the )ates "3 the city there are )r"u&s "3 t'enty men hidden in h"uses* hey have trusty #eaders$ and at the 3irst si)na# 'i## 3a## u&"n the #e)i"naries 'h" )uard the city* And y"u$ have y"u &#anned the sur&rise attac( "n the Acr"&"#isG
4a)e II "3 @=

ANDROCLES* he &ha#anF has "ccu&ied the under)r"und chamber$ and is ready t" #ay hands "n the a#ien )uards* 7ut a## de&ends "n the 3irst str"(e* Once the 4r"c"nsu# has 3a##en the &e"&#e 'i## rise$ the )uard 'i## be intimidated and the rev"#t s&read as i3 "n 'in)s* DA0IS* At 'hat m"ment must 'e stri(eG ANDROCLES* 1hen he &r"n"unces the death sentence "n 4h"s&h"r"s* 4HR-/IUS* 7ut can y"u be certain "3 reachin) the 4r"c"nsu#$ surr"unded by his )uards 'h" (ee& 'atch "ver him 'ith Ar)us eyesG It '"u#d need a mirac#e t" acc"m&#ish this str"(e "3 audacity* And the &e"&#e are 'aitin) 3"r it and 'i## n"t 3"##"' us 'ith"ut it* ANDROCLES* It is "ur tas( t" brin) ab"ut the mirac#e by stri(in) h"me at the ri)ht m"ment* 4HR-/IUS* 7e3"re "ur s'"rds have entered his breast$ a hundred &i(es 'i## have &ierced "ur "'n* Once 'e are dead$ 'h" 'i## raise the t"'nG 1h" 'i## &r"c#aim the 3reed"m "3 I"niaG DA0IS* Are y"u tryin) t" undermine "ur enter&riseG ANDROCLES* It '"u#d mean certain ruin 3"r us t" dra' bac( n"'O 4HR-/IUS* I require a si)n 3r"m Heaven* 1ith"ut it$ I sha## n"t m"ve* 8Trum(et call in the Praetorium,9 ANDROCLES* HushO Here c"mes the 4r"c"nsu#O

he 4ROCONSUL HAR4ALUS comes forth from the Praetorium, (receded by his Lictors and *erald, *e ta-es his seat on the Curule Chair, at the head of the stairway, Behind him, under the (ortico, at the bac-, the legionaries form a barrier, &rom all sides the 4EO4LE (our in and fill the gora, mid the throng the -OUN/ 0AN$ the 1O0AN and the OLD 0AN form a grou( a(art, ALCE AS arri2es with the three courtesans A/LAE$ C- HERIS$ 0I0ALONE$ attired as Bacchantes, They sit down to the right, on the ste(s of the Tem(le of )ionysos, The seer L-CO4HRON$ bent o2er a -nobby stic-, (laces himself at their feet, &rom the right, CLEONICE$ her face screened behind the hood of her cloa-, a((ears beneath the (orch of the basilica, The three cons(irators, DA0IS$ ANDROCLES$ 4HR-/IUS$ occu(y the centre of the scene, ALCE AS* A Kud)ment is the 3inest "3 a## s&ectac#es* 1e are )"in) t" have s"me 3un* A/LAE 8ironically9* Let us see 'hether the s"n "3 Di"nys"s is sti## as hands"me* * * * C- HERIS 8disdainfully9* Sti## as &ure * * * 0I0ALONE 8bitterly9* Sti## as str"n)O * * * A/LAE* Under the Lict"rs+ r"ds ha&#y he may re)ret my )"b#et* * * * C- HERIS* * * * my r"ses that he reKected* * * * 0I0ALONE* * * * and my ma)ic 'andO 8&rom the bac- three Lictors lead in Phos(horos, bareheaded, wearing his sword, They stand with him on the Proconsul%s right,9 DA0IS* here he is* * * * H"' &a#e he #""(sO
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ANDROCLES* He is unm"ved* 4HR-/IUS* He is c"'ed* CLEONICE 8leaning against the (illar of the (orch9* I 3ee# ready t" 3aintO 8 murmur of emotion runs through the assembly,9 HE HERALD* Si#ence$ a## y"u in the squareO he 4r"c"nsu# is ab"ut t" s&ea(O HAR4ALUS 8seated in his 4raet"r+s chair9* he"(#es$ s"n "3 A)ath"n$ y"u 'ere "ne "3 the &rivi#e)ed chi#dren "3 this city$ y"u 'ere rich and 3ree$ d"'ered 'ith a## the )i3ts "3 mind and 3"rtune* -"u mi)ht have bec"me the chie3 citi5en "3 i##ustri"us Di"nysia$ aye$ even "ne "3 the hi)hest in the Em&ire$ had y"u but been 'i##in) t" "bey the t'in &"'ers instituted by /"d 3"r the )"vernance "3 the earth. Caesar and the Church* -"ur 3ather 'as a n"b#e ma)istrate$ y"ur m"ther a )"d,3earin) '"man* 7ut y"ur &erverse s"u# seems t" have been c"nceived in s"me 'i#d hi)h#and cave by a 4hry)ian 7acchante and the dem"n "3 the st"rm* Fr"m y"ur ear#y years &ride d'e#t in y"ur untamab#e heart* -"u have never c"nsented t" b"' y"ur head be3"re the Cr"ss "3 Christ$ the L"rd "3 Heaven$ n"r be3"re the au)ust ima)es "3 Caesar$ #"rd "3 the '"r#d* -"u have he#d a#""3 3r"m the c"urt "3 7y5antium and re3used t" &ay h"ma)e t" the Em&er"r* I3 y"u 3requented &a)an tem&#es$ it 'as "n#y t" see( there 'ea&"ns a)ainst us* N" )"d 3"und 3av"ur in y"ur si)ht* 4""r demented 'retch$ y"u th"u)ht t" be y"urse#3 /"d and CaesarO * * * -"ur trave#s have been n"thin) but "ne #"n) c"ns&iracy* F"r seven years y"u have r"amed the '"r#d 'ith s"me mysteri"us &ur&"se * * * and n" "ne (n"'s 'hy* In Cha#dea$ and in E)y&t y"u )ave y"urse#3 u& t" the satanic rites "3 b#ac( ma)ic* -"u have 'andered 3r"m ri"t"us A#eFandria t" venerab#e Athens$ and entered as an enemy int" R"me$ the Eterna# City$ 3"unded 3"r the eterna# &"'er* Every'here$ in the arenas "3 ath#etes$ under the &"rtic"s "3 the &hi#"s"&hers$ by the 3ireside "3 ma#c"ntents$ y"u have 3"mented d"ubt$ resistance and rev"#t* he eye "3 Caesar$ 'hich sees a##$ 3"##"'ed y"u% his c#emency s&ared y"u sti##* 7ut a3ter y"ur return t" y"ur native t"'n$ 'hat is y"ur 3irst actG A m"nstr"us crime* At ni)ht$ 'ith a Kar c"ntainin) a devi#ish #iquid min)#ed 'ith y"ur "'n b#""d$ y"u have been seen tracin) #etters under Caesar+s statue* NeFt day the 'h"#e city$ struc( 'ith h"rr"r and dismay$ read the sacri#e)i"us verses si)ned !HAR0ODIUS+O61here3"re I$ Har&a#us$ 4r"c"nsu# "3 Caesar and y"ur Kud)e$ I char)e y"u 'ith the crime "3 hi)h treas"n* De3end y"urse#3 n"' and re#y n" #"n)er but "n the mercy "3 Caesar% c"nsider that y"ur #i3e is in my hands* L""( ar"und y"uO 7eh"#d this c"urt brist#in) 'ith &i(es and this terri3ied city6u&"n 'hich y"u '"u#d #i(e t" dra' d"'n the 'rath "3 heaven* he Cr"5ier and the AFe are raised a)ainst y"u% the Church and the City accuse y"u% Caesar questi"ns y"u* Ans'er$ y"u 'h" are named 4h"s&h"r"s* 4HOS4HOROS* I 'i## n"t &#ead 3"r myse#3O H"' c"u#d I #"'er myse#3 t" de3end my #i3e 'hen it de&ends "n a '"rd 3r"m y"ur #i&s "r a si)n 3r"m y"ur handO I have yie#ded it in advance t" y"ur Lict"rs* 7ut t" my #ast breath I 'i## &#ead 3"r my c"untry% I 'i## sin) a 3unera# dir)e in h"n"ur "3 Di"nysiaO Ever 3ree since the her"ic a)es unti# t",day$ Di"nysia 'as "nce the a##y "3 the &e"&#e 'hich ca##s itse#3 the 4e"&#e,Lin)$ but 'as never the subKect "3 R"me* he Di"nysian &ha#anF 3"u)ht "3 its "'n 3ree 'i## 3"r A#eFandria and re3used its aid t" Mu#ius Caesar$ 'h" res&ected its re3usa#* Neither iberius n"r Ner"6th"se m"nsters6durst vi"#ate its #iberties% neither raKan n"r 0arcus Aure#ius6th"se sa)es6tried t" d" s"* he 3asces "3 the c"nsu#s 'ere #"'ered be3"re "ur )ate% the ea)#es "3 the #e)i"ns sa#uted "ur Acr"&"#is 3r"m a3ar* It is "n#y y"ur Christian Em&er"r 'h" has tried t" reduce this t"'n t" s#avery under the &reteFt "3 sa3e)uardin) his Church* here are t" be n" m"re arch"ns$ n" m"re c#ans$ n" m"re c"nsecrated &ha#anFes* Has Di"nysia ever 'ithhe#d anythin) "3 its )reatness$ "3 its treasuresG N"% she has )iven everythin)$ the &""r 3a##en city 'hich 'as "nce 'arri"r and &yth"ness* She has yie#ded everythin) t" Caesar% her 'a##s$ her #ands$ her h"uses and her tem&#es* 7ut there remained t" her "ne unstained marb#e$ "ne a#tar$ "ne h"#y &#ace$ a#'ays dec(ed 'ith 3#"'ers$ #"c(s "3 '"men+s hair and tr"&hies "3 the y"un) men* Di"nysia c"u#d sti## say t" the "ther cities "3 the universe. ! " y"u 'ea#th and &"'er$ the )"#den treasure "3 m"untains and the c#am"ur "3 the #e)i"ns. t" y"u K"y"us 3estiva#s and trium&ha# marches "n the ca&it"#* 7ut I have (e&t H"&e% 3"r I 'atch by the a#tar "3 the #ast,b"rn "3 the )"dsO+6AhO 7ut insatiab#e Caesar 'as Kea#"us even "3 H"&e* " ensure that she sh"u#d never revive$ he has erected his "'n id"# "n the h"#y a#tar* * * * -et the s"u# "3 Di"nysia$ 0"ther "3 the Her"es and 0uses$ 'as n"t 'i##in) t" die 'ith"ut havin) uttered her cry a)ainst this sacri#e)e* It is I$ the #ast "3 her s"ns$ 'h" have uttered this cry* -esO It is I 'h" si)n myse#3$ 'ith a## my b#""d$ Harm"dius* I &re3er t" die under that name% a## the "thers I cast 3r"m meO HAR4ALUS* -"u have said en"u)h t" deserve y"ur c"ndemnati"n and t"" much 3"r my &atience* 7ut 'here are y"ur acc"m&#icesG 4HOS4HOROS* 1"u#d t" /"d that I had anyO L""( at this dumb city and these #ivid c"untenances* D" they #""( #i(e the 3aces "3 c"ns&irat"rsG ReK"ice$ Har&a#us$ and trium&h t" the 3u##* I am a#"ne in de3yin) y"u* I sh"u#d have acc"m&#ices i3 I had br"thers in s&irit * * * but I have n"ne*
4a)e I@ "3 @=

HAR4ALUS* -"u have s"me and I 'i## (n"' themO Hear then my sentence* 2OICES A0ON/ HE 4EO4LE* 0ercyO 0ercy 3"r 4h"s&h"r"sO HE HERALD* Si#enceO Hear the Kud)mentO HAR4ALUS* 7y y"ur "utra)es a)ainst a#mi)hty Caesar y"u have merited death a hundred3"#d* I there3"re de&rive y"u "3 y"ur tit#e "3 R"man citi5en and sentence y"u t" &erish by the Lict"rs+ aFes "n the Acr"&"#is at the 3eet "3 Caesar 'h"m y"u have insu#ted$ a3ter havin) been sc"ur)ed 'ith r"ds be3"re y"ur 3e##"',citi5ens * * * 8 #urmurs of indignation in the crowd,9 * * * un#ess a 3riend sh"u#d be 3"und t" share y"ur 3ate* In that case Caesar63"r it is he 'h" 'i##s it thus6 c"mmutes the death &ena#ty t" eFi#e 3"r #i3e am"n) the Scythians* C"me n"'$ Orestes$ &#ead y"ur cause and #et us see 'hether y"u have a 4y#ades* DA0IS 8to ndrocles and Phrygius9* I 'i## n"t desert himO * * * I3 y"u d" n"t (i## Har&a#us$ I sha## 3"##"' 4h"s&h"r"s* 4HR-/IUS* 4""r 3""#O D" y"u n"t see that it is a tra& "3 the 4r"c"nsu# t" disc"ver the c"n3ederatesG ANDROCLES* hen #et us stri(eO N"' is the m"mentO 4HR-/IUS* N"O he #e)i"naries are 'atchin) us and the &e"&#e 'i## n"t 3"##"' us* Let us 'ait* HE HERALD* Is there any"ne in the city 'h" is 'i##in) t" 3"##"' he"(#es int" banishmentG Let him c"me 3"r'ardO 8The three cons(irators cling together as if in consultation, Phrygius holds bac- )amis and ndrocles, who with their hands on their sword hilts, are about to s(ring forward,9 HAR4ALUS* Citi5ens "3 Di"nysia$ I ca## y"u t" 'itness that he"(#es$ the enemy "3 Caesar$ has n"t 3"und a sin)#e 3riend t" 3"##"' him int" banishment* C"ura)e$ Harm"dius$ ca## u&"n y"ur )uardian s&irit* N"' Lict"rs bind him and stri(eO 8 he Lict"rs bind 4h"s&h"r"s+s hands behind his bac($ 3"rce him t" his (nees and raise their r"ds t" stri(e* A shudder runs thr"u)h the cr"'d* C#e"nice$ thr"'in) "33 her h""d and c#"a($ rushes 3"r'ard t" the &#at3"rm$ tears the r"ds 3r"m the Lict"rs+ hands and cries "ut9. CLEONICE* H"#d$ 'retchesO 8turning towards the Proconsul and the (eo(le9* I3 there is n"ne am"n)st y"u t" de3end the "n#y 3ree s&irit in the city$ I$ C#e"nice "3 Di"nysia$ I am ready t" 3"##"' him int" eFi#e "r t" die 'ith himO 8She ta-es Phos(horos%s head in her hands and -isses him on the forehead, Then she cuts his bonds with a dagger, E2erybody remains stu(efied,9 4HOS4HOROS 8stands u( and remains a moment thunderstruc-9* C#e"niceO 0y C#e"niceO 1hat ba&tism "3 3ire has t"uched my 3"rehead$ a#ready c"#d 'ith deathG It needed y"ur #i&s t" rest"re me t" #i3eO 8$reat e3citement among the crowd, which brea-s into louder and louder clamour, 9 HE 1O0AN* A mirac#eO A mirac#eO HE OLD 0AN AND HE -OUN/ 0AN* he &r"mised Her"O 2OICES IN HE CRO1D* he 2ir)in "3 the DesertO O HER 2OICES* 4h"s&h"r"sO C#e"niceO C#e"niceO 4h"s&h"r"sO ALL* A mirac#eO A mirac#eO Let us haste t" their rescueO 4HOS4HOROS 8dra'in) his s'"rd9* Harm"dius is a#iveO " my he#&$ a## his 3riendsO HAR4ALUS 8risin)$ t" the Lict"rs and the #e)i"naries9* Stri(e d"'n the )ui#tyO
4a)e I= "3 @=

DA0IS$ ANDROCLES$ 4HR-/IUS 8throw themsel2es with drawn swords on *ar(alus, crying9* Death t" the 4r"c"nsu#O 8*ar(alus falls bac-, mortally wounded, on his chair,9 4HOS4HOROS 8who has stood still before *ar(alus, with sword u(raised to hea2en9* he s"u# "3 Di"nysia aven)es herse#3* Hai# t" her /uardian S&irit 'h" h"vers ab"ve the cityO HAR4ALUS* 4h"s&h"r"sO * * * he #ast,b"rn "3 the )"dsO 8)ies,9 8The legionaries ha2e made a mo2ement to fall u(on the confederates, but are (re2ented by the (eo(le, who rush to disarm and re(ulse them, The body of *ar(alus is remo2ed from the chair, Cleonice throws herself into the arms of Phos(horos, and they stand loc-ed in a long embrace abo2e the Praetorium , , , , &rom the left, behind the scene, a loud clash of cymbals is heard, The lo2ers stand motionless, lost in one another, 9 DA0IS 8rushing to the front of the scene9* Hear the v"ice "3 the cymba#sO he )ates "3 the city are 3reedO 8 Trum(et call from the right,9 ANDROCLES 8running forward9* Listen t" the trium&hant s"und "3 the trum&etO hat is the Di"nysian &ha#anF reca&turin) the Acr"&"#isO 4HR-/IUS 8running forward9* Listen t" its #"n),dra'n ech"O ",m"rr"' Dyra&"#is 'i## sha(e "33 the y"(e "3 R"me and 7y5antium* I$ the Lin)+s s"n$ a33irm itO 4HOS4HORUS 8loosening himself from Cleonice%s arms9* 7e 3ree "nce m"re$ < my Di"nysiaO Let the trum&et ca## "3 thy K"y$ the t"rch "3 thy h"&e #ea& 3r"m hei)ht t" hei)ht$ 3r"m city t" city$ thr"u)h a## I"nia$ bey"nd /reece and 4r"&"ntis$ t" ann"unce t" the 'h"#e '"r#d. ! he ancient 3etters are br"(en% there is a )"d 'h" rei)ns in the heart "3 man. an imm"rta# K"y s"ars u&'ard 3r"m the earthO+ 8The (eo(le form a wide circle around the gora, The three cons(irators stand in the middle, 9 ALL* /#"ry t" C#e"niceO /#"ry t" 4h"s&h"r"s$ Arch"n "3 Di"nysiaO 4HOS4HOROS 8ste(s down from the Praetorium holding Cleonice by the hand9* < my br"thers "3 the city "3 Di"nys"s$ it is n"t I 'h"m y"u must a&&#aud% it is the a##,&"'er3u# #"ve "3 this her"ic maiden 'hich has &er3"rmed the mirac#e* Her bare arms have been str"n)er than the &i(es "3 the #e)i"naries* he 3#ames 3r"m her eyes have carried 3urther than the t"rches and ta&ers "3 y"ur &riests* Her heart "3 3ire has been mi)htier than a## the "ther hearts t")ether "3 the una'a(ened city* It is she 'h" has br"(en my b"nds$ dra'n y"ur s'"rds 3r"m their sheaths and br"u)ht 3"rth 2ict"ry 3r"m the s"i# "3 the city #i(e a )"ddess armed 'ith 3#ashes "3 #i)htnin)* O C#e"nice$ I d" n"t as( y"u i3 y"u #"ve me * * * 3"r since y"ur arms have c#as&ed me t" de#iver me$ y"ur #"ve sur)es thr"u)h my veins and y"ur breath has bec"me my v"iceO 1i## y"u then be ca##ed my 'i3e and share my destinyG CLEONICE* 0y her"$ my husband$ my dream and my )"dO 1ith y"u I 'i## share a##$ #i3e and death$ heaven "r he##$ imm"rta#ity "r n"thin)nessO 1hen y"u 'ere n"t yet y"urse#3$ a#ready y"u #ived radiant#y in my th"u)hts* N"' that vict"ry has cr"'ned y"u$ I #ive "n#y in y"uO 8They embrace and stand lost in mutual contem(lation, The three Bacchantes ha2e ste((ed down from the stairs of the tem(le of )ionysos, fascinated at sight of the lo2ers whom they contem(late with intense curiosity, Suddenly they halt, 9 A/LAE* 7e3"re their (isses$ my )"b#et+s &"'er is )"ne* 8She a2erts her eyes and bows her head,9 C- HERIS* And my 3#"'ers 'ither be3"re their smi#es* 8 She sin-s down on the ste(s of the Tem(le,9 0I0ALONE* 7e3"re such #"ve as this I 3ain must brea( my thyrsus* 8 She brea-s her thyrsus in two and throws herself down on the stairs in a con2ulsion of des(air,9 ALCE AS 8his eyes bent on the cou(le9* 1hat beauty is theirsO I t"" am "verc"me*

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L-CO4HRON* remb#e$ tyrants "3 the S"u#$ and &ay heed$ imm"rta# )"dsO 7eh"#d a##,&"'er3u# L"ve in the heart "3 man$ and the her"ic c"u&#e in the heart "3 the CityO

HE SA0E$ the 7ISHO4* HE 7ISHO4 8coming forth hastily from the basilica9* A ne' and terrib#e s&ectac#e assai#s my eyes and ears* 4h"s&h"r"s$ y"u 'h" have Kust (i##ed y"ur master and y"ur Kud)e% 4h"s&h"r"s$ s"'er "3 rev"#t in the heart "3 y"uth$ bra5en seducer "3 a maiden c"nsecrated t" Christ$ y"u have thrust this t"'n int" an abyss "3 ca#amities* -"u are acc#aimed$ y"u are hai#ed as Arch"n* 7ut I 'h"se &ast"ra# sta33 d"minates the city$ I de3y y"u t" name the master thr"u)h 'h"m y"ur devi#ish ma)ic '"r(s* I3 y"u dare t" name the s"urce "3 y"ur &"'er$ instant#y he 'i## #ie shattered "n the )r"und #i(e a statue 'ith 3eet "3 c#ay$ and the 'rath "3 heaven 'i## c"nsume y"u* 1here3"re by the &"'er c"n3erred "n me by Christ$ I summ"n y"u t" &r"c#aim &ub#ic#y the )"d in 'h"se name y"u are raisin) the city a)ainst its #e)itimate #"rds$ Caesar and the Church* S&ea(O "r I sha## curse y"uO 4HOS4HOROS* 7ish"&$ y"u 'h" ca## y"urse#3 She&herd "3 the 4e"&#e and Instrument "3 /"d$ I have n" 3ear "3 y"ur thunderb"#ts* I3 y"u (n"' "n#y h"' t" curse$ it is y"u 'h" c"me 3r"m he##* his n"b#e maiden has 3"##"'ed me 3ree#y* As 3"r myse#3$ I sha## n"t shrin( 3r"m namin) my /uardian S&irit* Li(e y"ur Christ$ the Archan)e# 'h"m I inv"(e c"mes d"'n 3r"m heaven% He is the "ther 2"ice "3 the A#mi)hty% and I am ab"ut t" revea# Him be3"re a##* Listen$ y"u my 3riends$ br"thers "3 Harm"dius$ a## y"u chi#dren "3 stru))#e and s"ns "3 s"rr"'$ "3 "#d my 3e##"',m"urners in the si#ence "3 "&&ressi"n$ t",day my br"thers in arms in the 3reed"m "3 K"y% (n"' that in y"u a## d'e##s a s&ar( "3 the hidden )"dhead6the 3ire st"#en 3r"m heaven$ an ember 3r"m the t"rch "3 the An)e# 'h" i##uminates the '"r#d 'ith (ind#ed s"u#s* It is this divine 3ire that I see( t" re(ind#e in y"u$ in s&ite "3 the aFe "3 Caesar 'hich intimidates the 3#esh$ in s&ite "3 the cr"5ier "3 the Church 'hich intimidates the s&irit* here 'as a time 'hen the )"ds used t" c"me d"'n t" men t" instruct them* 1e see n"' the da'n "3 the a)e 'hen emanci&ated man(ind 'i## ascend t"'ards the )"ds* he Di"nysian &ha#anF has reca&tured the Acr"&"#is% &e"&#e "3 Di"nys"s$ )" y"u and thr"' d"'n the statue "3 CaesarO In its stead$ "n the a#tar "3 the #ast,b"rn "3 the )"ds$ 'e 'i## set u& the t"rch,bearin) An)e#$ the /uardian S&irit "3 the ne' city$ Luci3er the Liberat"rO HE 4EO4LE 8streams out with cries of9. Luci3er the Liberat"rO HE 7ISHO4 8aside9* Un#""se y"ur in3ern"% I sha## (n"' h"' t" h"und it "n a)ainst y"uO It is C#e"nice 'h" )ives him stren)th% they must be &arted at a## c"sts* 8*e goes bac- hastily into the basilica,9 8&rom within the Tem(le of )ionysos are heard solemn strains of nu(tial music, in which the flute is blended with the lyre, accom(anied by the mysterious 2ibrations of cymbals, The *igh Priest a((ears under the (ortico, (receded by the maidens who ha2e changed their mourning robes into festi2e garments, The Chorus Leader carries the &lammeum, a (ur(le 2eil s(angled with stars, while the second holds the bridal wreath7 with these they attire Cleonice, The others carry torches, The maidens stand at the right, the )ionysian (halan3 on the left so as to form a double line leading to the City *all, "t is twilight,9 4HOS4HOROS 8turns round shar(ly and notices the torches being lighted in the courtyard of the Praetorium, to Cleonice9* 1hat is ha&&enin)G 1here are 'eG Are y"u C#e"niceG And am I 4h"s&h"r"sG Are y"u the 2ir)in "3 the Desert$ y"u 'h" n"' a&&ear be3"re me under a vei# "3 3#ame 3#ec(ed 'ith stars$ and 'h" min)#e in y"ur eyes$ as in brimmin) cu&s$ the ard"ur "3 the mistress 'ith the &ride "3 the 'i3eG his nu&tia# &a#ace * * * these t"rches 'hich bec("n t" us * * * is it n"t a visi"nG *** I tremb#e be3"re the rea#i5ati"n "3 the dream and dare n"t ste& int" the em&#e "3 "ur de#i)ht* * * * CLEONICE 8radiant9* 1here3"re$ my n"b#e her"$ are y"u bec"me s" 3ear3u#G 0y Christ I have ren"unced 3"r y"ur sa(e* Can y"u divine the c"ura)e I neededG Hence3"rth y"u are my 0essiah$ and I tremb#e n"t be3"re my b#iss% I inha#e it 'ith a## my senses* hese t"rches are t"" &a##id 3"r me$ these &er3umes t"" 3aint* he v"#canic 3ire "3 my heart$ re&ressed ti## n"'$ rises t" my tem&#es and turns my b#""d int" streams "3 #ava* I am athirst t" die in y"uO 4HOS4HOROS 8ga0ing at her ra(turously9* H"' sha## 'e ever eF&iate the immensity "3 such b#issG
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CLEONICE* AhO 1hat matters thatG Is n"t this heaven#y nu&tia# ni)ht '"rth eternityG Heaven envies us$ and the 'h"#e 3irmament 3#ames u&"n "ur hearth* And then$ y"u d" n"t yet (n"' L"ve* * * * 1hat matter t" him K"y "r sadness$ trium&h "r de3eat$ )#"ry "r i)n"miny$ &r"vided he be L"veO He can brave everythin) i3 he remain equa# t" himse#3$ and the s"u# that #"ves rei)ns as a s"verei)n "ver the '"r#d$ even in the very b"s"m "3 )rie3* Fr"m the shinin) summit 'here 'e stand$ #ead me t" the de&ths "3 the abyss$ and y"u 'i## see 'hether C#e"nice is &r"ud t" su33er 3"r y"u* 4HOS4HOROS* C"meO he universe is in y"ur eyesO 8They mount the ste(s of the City *all, and turn round on reaching the door8way, With graceful gestures Phos(horos salutes the )ionysian (halan3, and Cleonice the be2y of maidens, t the same moment the three Bacchantes, transfigured, mo2e forward to the foot of the ste(s,9 A/LAE 8(ouring a libation from her goblet9* " y"u divine DesireO C- HERIS 8strewing flowers from her bas-et9* " y"u$ the 3#"'ers that never dieO 0I0ALONE 8raising two clusters of (alm lea2es in her hands9* " L"ve trium&hant$ &a#m #eaves and 'in)sO 8)amis comes forward as leader of the )ionysian detachment to recite the first 2erse of the +u(tial Ode, 9 Hai# t" thee$ Hai#O Ardent bride$ hy day "3 days has c"me* Under the #i)hted t"rch 1e have a'aited thee% hy s&#end"ur has risen$ hy her" has c"nquered* ALL* Evi"sO Evi"sO HymenO HymenO HE LEADER OF HE 0AIDENS* 1e have &ut "n he s'"rd 'ith the myrt#e 'reath And the tyrant is n" m"re* 1ith the myrt#e 'reath and the s'"rd 1e have 3"u)ht and &revai#ed* A ne' /"d sha## be b"rn$ A her" has c"me* ALL* Evi"sO Evi"sO HymenO HymenO 8While the married (air slowly mo2e towards the bac- of the City *all, the young men and the maidens cross their swords and torches, and alternately recite the e(ode, 9 DA0IS* On this day #et us 'ed Our t"rches and "ur s'"rds 1reathed in myrt#e* HE LEADER OF HE 0AIDENS*
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7ear 'ith y"u y"ur 3air dream " d'e## in y"ur h"me* A ne' /"d is risin) 1ith L"ve trium&hantO ALL Evi"sO Evi"sO HymenO HymenO

4HOS4HOROS+S /ARDEN A DION-SIA* Clusters of s(reading trees, and here and there columns surmounted by busts of sages and heroes, distant 2iew of the sea is framed by the statues of Castor and Pollu3, on marble horses which rear towards the s-y, To the left a little (ortico with "onian columns, "n a niche of the cha(el stands a marble image of Lucifer ta-ing flight, with one foot on the globe, Before the statue is the household altar, at the foot of which lies a tro(hy of wea(ons, +ear by is a stone bench, To the right can be seen the (ers(ecti2e of the town dominated by the cro(olis,

CLEONICE$ before the altar, is fastening to it a garland of foliage and some wreaths of flowers, Phos(horos is seated on the stone bench, guard is standing in front of him, 4HOS4HOROS* N"thin) 3r"m DamisG HE /UARD* N"$ master* 4HOS4HOROS* N"thin) 3r"m Andr"c#es and the armyG HE /UARD* N"thin)* 4HOS4HOROS* N"thin) 3r"m 4hry)iusG HE /UARD* N"thin) either* 4HOS4HOROS* 2ery 'e##* I3 they c"me #et them enter 'ith"ut de#ay* 8E3it the guard,9 CLEONICE* 1hy has my #"ve ceased 3"r three days t" te## me his th"u)htsG 1hy is he mute as a shad"' this m"rnin) be3"re his 7e#"vedG 4HOS4HOROS* here are days 'hen a man needs t" 'ithdra' int" the s"urce "3 his bein)$ s" that he may #isten t" the v"ices "3 si#ence* CLEONICE 8dro((ing her unfinished garland9* Si#ence be3"re meG Is y"ur c"nscience a3raid "3 y"ur s"u#G 1hat is ha&&enin)G 4HOS4HOROS* -"u (n"' it a##* CLEONICE 8comes swiftly and sits on the bench, She ta-es Phos(horos%s hands, then clas(s his head between hers and loo-s dee( into his eyes9* It is n"t true* 1hat ai#s y"uG 1hat is the vei# "ver y"ur eyesG 1hat sadness behindG < 4h"s&h"r"s$ re&#y t" the s"u# "3 y"ur #i3eO 1ithin me I hear the eterna# music "3 the #"ve I have 3"r y"u* he strin)s "3 it
4a)e B< "3 @=

vibrate$ n"' 'ith tenderness n"' 'ith ra&ture$ the ce#estia# harm"ny is ever there* I &"ssess y"u by the ri)ht "3 this 3"rce 'hich is 'ith"ut measure "r #imit* I have )iven everythin)6and I 'ant everythin)O 4HOS4HOROS* < my #ivin) 0use$ my beauti3u# desire$ my dream incarnate$ h"' can I resist y"u$ dear divinerG 1e## then$ yes$ I am su33erin)* Unti# n"' I had the 3aith 'hich m"ves m"untains$ I 3e#t in myse#3 the stren)th "3 Hercu#es t" "verturn them* I have braved the t'" su&reme &"'ers "3 this '"r#d. Caesar and the ChurchO * * * 7ut the '"r#d marches behind them* Inevitab#e as Nemesis$ the universe 'hich I s"u)ht t" raise in rev"#t is ab"ut t" 3a## bac( u&"n me* CLEONICE* S&ea( n"t s"$ my 4h"s&h"r"s* he s'i3t,3""ted 2ict"ries are )"ddesses* 7e n"t un)rate3u# t"'ards the "ne 'h" t"uched y"ur 3"rehead 'ith her 3#ashin) 'hite 'in)* Remember that day "3 a## days* A3ter y"ur de&arture 'ith "ur &ha#anF$ I c"u#d n" #"n)er stay here* In s&ite "3 y"u I meant t" K"in y"u in the su&reme h"ur* 1hen I reached the cam&$ y"ur tent 'as em&ty% the 3i)ht 'as be)innin)* O&&"site me Caesar+s army 'as s'ee&in) "ver the &#ain% the du## br"n5e "3 the undu#atin) #e)i"ns 'as strea(ed 'ith the bri##iant hues "3 the barbarian detachments* he hi## "n 'hich I st""d 'as )#eamin) 'ith breast&#ates$ he#mets and s'"rds% it 'as the c"nsecrated &ha#anF #ed by y"u$ 'ith Damis and Andr"c#es "n the 'in)s* he nei)hb"urin) hei)ht brist#ed 'ith a m"vin) &a#isade% it 'as 4hry)ius 'ith the /a##ic h"rsemen and the archers "3 Dyra&"#is* he m"untain and the va##ey 'ere eFchan)in) ra##yin),cries* he m"untain sh"uted. !4hry)iusO+ and the va##ey re&#ied. !4h"s&h"r"sO+ hen$ sei5in) a hand3u# "3 Kave#ins$ y"u darted 3"r'ard in the midst "3 y"ur men$ cryin) a#"ud. !F"r Luci3er and the Free CityO+ 0y 'h"#e b"dy seemed at "nce t" burn and t" shiver% y"ur )uards he#d me bac( 3r"m 3"##"'in) y"u$ and 3"r a 'h"#e day I 'atched "ur &ha#anF enve#"&ed in the 'hir# "3 the batt#e$ advancin)$ retreatin)$ 'ith shie#ds in c#"se array$ n"' in squares$ n"' in trian)#es$ "3ten br"(en asunder$ but ever rebui#din) 3r"m its shattered 3ra)ments the a)i#e t"rt"ise 3"rmati"n "3 its shie#ds* And "verhead the unm"vin) Fates s#"'#y #et 3a## 3r"m their im&artia# hands the 'hite dice "3 #i3e$ the b#ac( dice "3 death* I th"u)ht I sh"u#d s'""n* At #en)th the R"man #ine br"(e and the &ha#anF s'e&t thr"u)h t" the cry "3 !Luci3er and Di"nysiaO+ 4HOS4HOROS* And that evenin)$ a3ter "ur men had ta(en &"ssessi"n "3 the R"man cam&$ 'hen I sa' my C#e"nice ride "n t" the batt#e3ie#d #i(e an Ama5"n 'ith streamin) #"c(s6h"' I #i3ted her 3r"m her nei)hin) char)er$ maddened by distance and the c#am"ur "3 trum&etsO here 'as 3ire "n y"ur #i&s* * * * hen$ ah then$ I sa' my 2ict"ry$ I he#d her in my armsO CLEONICE* -"u remember it* * * * 1hy then d"ubt it t",dayG hin( "3 Damis 'hen he came t" y"u t" &#ead 3"r the #iberty "3 a ca&tive$ as i3 3"r his "'n br"ther* he )raci"us y"uth 'as radiant as th"u)h he had bec"me a y"un) A&"##"* hin( "3 Andr"c#es$ stained 'ith b#""d and dust$ but bearin) his tr"&hy$ c"m&"sed and str"n) #i(e Hercu#es* hin( "3 4hry)ius$ &r"c#aimed Lin) by his &e"&#e$ "33erin) y"u his hand 'ith the &ride "3 a Mu&iter* han(s t" y"u$ the 3irst had '"n a s"u#$ the sec"nd a tr"&hy$ the third a cr"'n* hey came t" eFhibit their c"nquests t" their master* F"r it 'as y"u 'h" had 3i##ed them 'ith y"ur breath$ it 'as y"u 'h" had eFa#ted them t" the #eve# "3 their )"dsO 4HOS4HOROS* -es$ t" create 3ree men6that is my desire* On that day the city "3 my dream came t" #i3e* CLEONICE* And 'hy sh"u#d it n"t #ive 3"r everG 4HOS4HOROS* 7ecause there are s"me hei)hts 'hich are reached "n#y "nce and 3r"m 'hich the #imits "3 destiny can be vie'ed* CLEONICE* Listen$ my Fire and my Li)ht$ d" y"u (n"' 'hat I 3e#t "n that evenin) "3 batt#e$ 'hen I s#i&&ed &antin) and eFhausted$ 3r"m my h"rse int" y"ur armsG A&art 'e are &"'er#ess% united 'e can d" anythin)* 1hen 'e #"ve each "ther it is a '"r#d 'hich meets a '"r#d* heir im&act has re&ercussi"ns in the in3inite* Each "3 the t'" seems ab"ut t" &erish in the tem&est% but beh"#d$ 3r"m their embrace a ne' '"r#d is b"rn* 4HOS4HOROS* It is trueO he branches "3 the ne' city have b#"ss"med* CLEONICE* 1e are its #ivin) stem* 4HOS4HOROS* And the city 'i## #ive as #"n) as the sa& 3#"'s 3r"m the stem t" the branches* CLEONICE* And as #"n) as 'e t'" t")ether sha## be "ne b"dy$ "ne s"u# and "ne th"u)ht* 4HOS4HOROS* hus 'e are invincib#e*

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HE SA0E$ then L-CO4HRON$ 'h" m"ves 3"r'ard s#"'#y$ st"&s in 3r"nt "3 the &air and )a5es at them$ #eanin) 'ith t'" hands "n his stic(* CLEONICE* he seerO 4HOS4HOROS* Lyc"&hr"n$ the 3irst time I sa' y"u$ y"u 3"ret"#d vict"ry t" me and y"ur &r"&hecy has been 3u#3i##ed* N"' mis)ivin)s seem t" tric(#e 3r"m y"ur 'eary eye#ids* 1hat d" y"u brin) us$ "#d man ever b"'ed under the shad"' "3 the 3utureG L-CO4HRON* 7e "n y"ur )uard$ 4h"s&h"r"s% d" n"t rest "n y"ur #aure#s* he h"ur "3 tr"ub#e is a&&r"achin)* 7e'are "3 the 7ish"&* * * * 7e'are "3 the Christians* 7e vi)i#ant "ver y"ur cityO 4HOS4HOROS* Let us #eave the 7ish"& and his m"n(s t" their &#"ts* Damis$ Andr"c#es and 4hry)ius are the #ivin) &i##ars "3 my city* hey t"" are "n the 'atch* As #"n) as they stand$ I sha## 3ear n"thin)* L-CO4HRON* remb#e 3"r Damis% his tender and #"ya# heart has n"t y"ur stren)th6the sa&#in) may be br"(en by a st"rm* Chec( the b"#dness "3 Andr"c#esO He is im&u#sive and rash% a #i"n may 3a## int" the huntsman+s net* Distrust the &ride "3 4hry)ius% he is ambiti"us* -"u have made him a (in)% his cr"'n is a riva# "3 y"ur t"rch* 4HOS4HOROS* I$ be'are "3 Damis$ 4hry)ius and Andr"c#esG 1hy$ I trust in their hearts m"re than in the ram&arts "3 my 3"rts* I3 that is s"$ then te## my s"u# t" distrust my "'n b"dy$ my "'n arms and my "'n 3iery heart* L-CO4HRON* he b"dy has "3ten betrayed the s"u#* 4HOS4HOROS* Have y"u c"me t" r"b me "3 my c"ura)eG L-CO4HRON* I am c"me t" stee# it a)ainst adversityO 4HOS4HOROS* Rash "#d man$ it 'as y"u 'h" sent me t" the em&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d$ 'here my /uardian S&irit 3#ashed be3"re my si)ht$ it is y"u 'h" have started me s'"rd in hand "n my head,#"n) c"urse* 1hy d" y"u s&ea( t" me n"' "3 mis3"rtune and death$ 'hen y"u have &r"mised me 2ict"ry and Imm"rta#ityG L-CO4HRON* 2ict"ry is the 3#ame 'hich rises 3r"m the )reat 3unera# &yres* And imm"rta#ity is the dau)hter "3 death* 8*e ta-es some ste(s towards the bac-, turns round between the )ioscuri with u(raised arms and disa((ears, 9 4HOS4HOROS* 1hether these be an "#d man+s 3ears "r a seer+s visi"ns$ 'hat is the use "3 testin) themG Let us assemb#e the &ha#anF* I 3ee# the a&&r"ach "3 the )reat batt#e bet'een the '"r#d and me* CLEONICE* I sha## be in it$ sha## I n"tG 4HOS4HOROS* On that day then$ C#e"nice 'ishes t" stru))#e at my sideG CLEONICE* 1ish itG I demand it* " #"se "ne+s se#3 in #"ve ti## the '"r#d is 3"r)"tten is a human K"y% but t" 3i)ht and c"nquer t")ether6that is a &#easure "3 the )"dsO 4HOS4HOROS* 0y 1in)ed 2ict"ry y"u 'i## ever beO 8*e clas(s her in his arms and goes out,9

CLEONICE$ soon after the 0ONL* Cleonice, left alone, goes towards the household altar, ta-es a (alm branch from it and goes to sit down on the marble seat, Soon she dro(s the branch and falls into re2erie, The #on- emerges stealthily from a clum( of trees and cautiously
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a((roaches Cleonice, loo-ing around carefully, *a2ing con2inced himself that he is not obser2ed, he assumes a gra2e attitude, (uts his hands within his slee2es, (osts himself at a distance and fi3es his eyes on the wife of the rchon, CLEONICE 8turnin) s'i3t#y 'ith a start9* A m"n( hereG 1hat d" y"u 'ant 'ith meG HE 0ONL 8stretchin) "ut his hands t"'ards her9* L"st shee& "3 the L"rd$ may the Divine )race be u&"n y"uO CLEONICE* H"' did y"u 3ind y"ur 'ay int" this )ardenG HE 0ONL* /"d+s messen)ers c"me by a## r"ads* CLEONICE* 7y 'hat ri)ht are y"u addressin) meG On beha#3 "3 'h"mG HE 0ONL* Our m"st h"#y 7ish"& sends me t" the 'i3e "3 the Arch"n* He '"u#d s&ea( 'ith the s"u# "3 her 'h" 'as "nce the 2ir)in "3 the Desert* He (n"'s that n"b#e C#e"nice is the dau)hter "3 &i"us La"di("s$ he (n"'s that$ even i3 the c#a's "3 the Dem"n have ta(en h"#d "3 her$ yet the secret )race "3 the L"rd has never deserted her* * * * -es$ at the b"tt"m "3 y"ur heart y"u are sti## a Christian* * * * He (n"'s that y"ur s"u# is c#"uded by the )r"'in) dan)ers 'hich threaten the city * * * and the Arch"nO A## this tr"ub#es him* * * * C"me 'ith me* * * * he s"verei)n &"'er "3 him 'h" he#d y"u at the 3"nt 'i## abs"#ve y"u$ and his 'ise c"unse# 'i## )ive y"u the stren)th t" assure the trium&h "3 /"d * * * 'hi#e sti## remainin) the 'i3e "3 4h"s&h"r"s* 8*e ma-es the sign of the cross,9 CLEONICE* -"u have s&ied u&"n me t" ta(e me una'ares* 7ecause y"u have st"#en #i(e a thie3 int" my sanctuary$ y"u thin( y"u can cree& as 3ar as my heartG Ins"#ent m"n( "3 the hy&"critica# band 'h"se b""(s disti# the h"ney "3 H"#y 1rit 'hi#e s"'in) hate in the hearts "3 the &e"&#e$ y"u have s'"rn t" y"ur 7ish"&$ "ur enemy$ t" #ead C#e"nice as a &enitent t" his 3eetO /" bac( and te## him 'h" sent y"u that the 2ir)in "3 the Desert is n"' "n#y the 'i3e "3 4h"s&h"r"s* He is her (in)$ her master and her )"d* I3 the 7ish"& 'i## s&ea( 'ith me$ #et him c"me here* I sha## n"t )" t" him* HE 0ONL 8crosses himself again, then mo2es suddenly towards Cleonice and addresses her in a tune of insidious familiarity9* Unha&&y '"manO hat is n"t a##O here is a#s" a questi"n "3 an im&eria# secret * * * "3 a c#andestine messa)e 3r"m Caesar t" "ur H"#y Father the 7ish"& * * * the #i3e "3 y"ur husband is at sta(eO CLEONICE 8rising in great agitation9* he #i3e "3 4h"s&h"r"sO 8reco2ering herself9aside9* 7ut n"O hat is "n#y a tra&* 8 loud*9 AhO I understand y"u '"u#d #i(e t" c"mmunicate t" Caesar the &#ans "3 the Arch"n* * * * 4riests$ (ee& y"ur "'n secrets* C#e"nice (n"'s h"' t" de3end her husband+s #i3e * * * and has )iven &r""3 "3 itO HE 0ONL 8drawing bac- haughtily9* Demented '"manO Ln"' then the 'h"#e truth* Dan)ers surr"und y"u and #ur( 3"r y"u at every ste&* he threat c"mes n"t "n#y 3r"m Caesar and his a##ies$ but 3r"m the &e"&#e "3 Di"nysia* here are mu33#ed stirrin)s "3 rev"#t$ insurrecti"n is near* On a## sides it is said that the sacri#e)e in the name "3 Luci3er 'i## brin) d"'n a## the sc"ur)es "3 /"d u&"n the city and that her #ast day dra's near* A#ready y"u are ca##ed !the Devi#+s c"u&#e+* At this m"ment the Christians are )atherin) in the cry&t$ and 'ith #"ud cries are ur)in) the 7ish"& t" #aunch his anathema a)ainst y"u* 7ut in his c"m&assi"n he sti## &auses* * * * He see(s t" save y"u$ "n c"nditi"n that y"u c"me t" Kusti3y y"urse#3 be3"re him* CLEONICE* I re3use* /"d a#"ne is my Kud)e* HE 0ONL 8scornfully9* 2ery 'e##$ I 'i## #eave y"u* 7ut bear in mind 'hat the &e"&#e "3 Di"nysia 'i## thin(* hey have been t"#d that the 'i3e "3 4h"s&h"r"s &"ssessed the c"ura)e "3 the Christian '"men martyrs* N"' they 'i## say. !She is audaci"us en"u)h 'hen she &asses in the street in her chari"t under the &r"tecti"n "3 her )uards "r 'hen she &arades 'ith the Arch"n be3"re the &ha#anF* 7ut 'hen it is a questi"n "3 c"n3essin) her 3aith$ then she is a3raid and 3#ees #i(e a c"'ard#y heathen* * * * And the s#ave "3 4h"s&h"r"s c"'ers behind her 'retched id"#O+ CLEONICE* A3raid "3 y"ur masterG A3raid "3 the &e"&#eG A3raid "3 y"uG 1e## #""( here* 8 She goes towards the household altar, ta-es from it a wreath of red lilies and (uts it on her head, then she (ulls a 1a2elin from the tro(hy of wea(ons,9 1ith my head 'reathed in 3#"'ers I 'i## )" t" c"n3ess my #"ve and my 3aith at the tribuna# "3 y"ur master$ in the &resence "3 a## the Christians* I3 they as( me 'hat 4h"s&h"r"s has d"ne 3"r Di"nysia$ I 'i## sh"' them this R"man Kave#in$ "ne "3 a th"usand ca&tured 3r"m the 3"rest "3 ir"n "3 the #e)i"nsO And i3 they 'ish t" st"ne me then$ 'hy$ Luci3er 'i## have a martyrO 8E3it ra(idly at the bac-,9

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HE 0ONL 8loo-ing after her9* I have succeededO * * * It is by their &ride that the chi#dren "3 the Devi# can be cau)ht* he 7ish"& said t" me. ! he &e"&#e #"ve her% she enhances the Arch"n+s &resti)e* At a## c"sts they must be &arted be3"re the m"b surr"unds their h"useO !N"' it is d"neO She is hastenin) t" the cry&t #i(e a 'i#d beast t" the &it* Once she is inside$ I bar the d""r 'ith ir"n chains* Let her )nash her teeth in &ris"n$ the hereticO And n"' t" 3"ment this insurrecti"n$ s" that be3"re ni)ht3a## I may see this devi#+s h"use )" u& in 3#amesO 8 E3it running,9

4HOS4HOROS$ a /UARD$ soon after DA0IS* 4HOS4HOROS 8returning9* he city is des"#ate% n"t a si)n "3 Andr"c#es% Damis sti## absent* * * * Can the seer have been ri)htG 1hat are the c"min) disasters hera#ded by such a si#enceG 8 To the guard,9 1here is C#e"niceG HE /UARD* She has Kust )"ne "ut 'ith a m"n(* 4HOS4HOROS* 1ith a m"n(G And 'hither have they )"neG HE /UARD* " the basi#ica* 4HOS4HOROS* his is stran)e* 8Enter )amis,9 -"u DamisG At #ast* DA0IS 8running forward9* 4h"s&h"r"s$ y"ur #i3e is in dan)erO he &e"&#e are surr"undin) y"ur h"use* I entreat y"u$ have y"ur d""rs )uarded by y"ur &ha#anF* 4HOS4HOROS* Oh$ 'hat matters my h"useO -"u c"me 3r"m the cam&G 1hat is Andr"c#es d"in)G DA0IS* A#asO he tidin)s I brin) are s" terrib#e that they turn my b#""d c"#d in my veins and benumb my t"n)ue* I have ridden the 'h"#e ni)ht$ carryin) the dread3u# ne's 'ithin my b"s"m* N"' that I must brin) it 3"rth$ my heart 3ai#s me* I sha## die "3 itO 8*e colla(ses on to the seat,9 4HOS4HOROS* S&ea($ I am &re&ared 3"r anythin)* DA0IS* At three h"urs+ march 3r"m the &ass$ at the "ther end "3 the m"untain$ a messen)er came rushin) t"'ards me* he cam& is destr"yed* * * * Andr"c#es$ sur&rised by Caesar+s van)uard$ has died in the de3ence "3 his &"st* * * * he army is in 3#i)htO 4HOS4HOROS* H"' did Andr"c#es #et himse#3 be sur&risedG DA0IS* H"'G hat is the '"rst "3 a##* 4hry)ius has betrayed us* 4HOS4HOROS* 4hry)iusG DA0IS* he c"'ard a#'ays envied y"u* Ever since Caesar+s vict"ry "ver the 4arthians$ 4hry)ius has been &#"ttin) his treas"n by stea#th* It 'as he 'h" in3"rmed C"nstantine "3 Andr"c#es+s m"vements* In return Caesar has )uaranteed t" him his tit#e as Lin) "3 Dyra&"#is* F"##"'in) his #ead$ the 'h"#e "3 I"nia is desertin) us* E&hesus$ Susa$ Ha#icarnasses$ La"dicea6a## acc#aim 4hry)iusR'h" is treatin) 'ith Caesar* 4HOS4HOROS* 4hry)ius6'h"m I treated as my br"ther in armsO I made him Lin) "3 Dyra&"#is$ and he &re3ers t" 'ear an ir"n c"##ar under Caesar+s r"d rather than t" #ive and die a 3ree manO he vi##ainO 7ut a## is n"t "ver* 0y &ha#anF 'i## n"t betray me* I am sti## Arch"n "3 Di"nysia and Luci3er 'atches "ver me* DA0IS 8rising with dee( concern9* 4h"s&h"r"s$ I 3ear 3"r y"u**** Caesar is dra'in) near* His s&ies are 3"mentin) sediti"n in the t"'n$ and the an)ry &e"&#e #ed by their 7ish"& are turnin) a)ainst y"u* 4HOS4HOROS* he An)e# struc( d"'n by the thunderb"#t is a#s" the An)e# 'h" reascends* 1e are his s"ns$ imm"rta# #i(e himse#3*
4a)e BB "3 @=

DA0IS* And yet * * * i3 he 'ere t" be vanquished by that "ther S"n "3 /"d$ by the &a#e Christ 'ith His ha#"$ c"me d"'n 3r"m his heaven t" die and rise a)ain in the b#""d,stained dar(ness "3 the earth* 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO I3 y"ur /uardian S&irit sh"u#d have deceived y"uO 4HOS4HOROS* Damis$ y"u have d"ubted meO N"' I am a#"ne* 8*e dro(s on to the seat,9 DA0IS 8alarmed9* -"u are su33erin)$ 3riend* I cann"t bear t" see y"u thus* S&ea( t" me$ I entreat y"u* * * * Re&#y t" y"ur br"therO 4HOS4HOROS 8still seated9* N"$ y"u are n" #"n)er my br"ther* 1e had a c"mm"n 3aith$ #umin"us as the t"rch 'hich "3 "#d the runners "3 Athens used t" hand "n t" each "ther at the 3estiva# "3 4r"metheus* It 'as "n y"u that I re#ied t" hand it "n t" the '"r#d% but y"u have #et the brand 3a##O 8 *e stands u(,9 Oh$ t" &"ssess a sin)#e 3riend 'h" be#ieves in y"u is t" &"ssess the earth% 3"r "ne s"u# is '"rth m"re than a## 'ea#th* 7ut t" see y"ur 3aith die "ut in the heart "3 y"ur best 3riend 6there is the su&reme s"rr"'O I (n"' that the s&irit 'h" a&&eared t" me at the tem&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d did n"t #ie* I3 y"ur 3aith is desertin) y"u$ #eave me and )" t" K"in 4hry)ius* I sha## remain a#"ne t" a'ait the &e"&#e$ the 7ish"& and Caesar* DA0IS* < my 3riendO F"r)ive me i3 I have 'avered "ut "3 tenderness 3"r y"u* he heart "3 Damis (n"'s a## he "'es t" 4h"s&h"r"s* At the a)e 'hen the s"u# eF&ands #ea3 by #ea3$ #i(e a 'hite #"tus "n the turbid 'aters "3 #i3e$ y"u br"u)ht mine t" b#"ss"m 'ith y"ur '"rds "3 3ire* At the a)e 'hen "ne must 3i)ht in the cause "3 truth$ y"u marched be3"re me and I 3"##"'ed y"u* N"$ they did n"t #ie$ th"se &aths "3 my ad"#escence$ scented by the ste&s "3 divine 7eauty 'hen I 3irst met y"u* -"u have been my 3riend$ my br"ther$ my master* -"u sh"'ed me the imm"rta# &attern t"'ards 'hich I as&ire* I "'e y"u a ne' s"u#6and 3"r that I be#ieve in y"uO I am ready n"' t" 3i)ht a)ain 3"r the dreams "3 "ur y"uth* Ans'er$ 4h"s&h"r"s$ have I #"st my 3aithG 4HOS4HORUS 8clas(ing him in his arms9* 4ard"n$ br"ther$ it 'as I 'h" 'avered* I had d"ubted y"uO And n"' i3 y"u 'i## strive a)ain 3"r 4h"s&h"r"s$ )" and 3ind C#e"nice at the basi#ica* I 3ear s"me snare "3 the 7ish"&* * * * At this m"ment$ I 3ee# it$ a m"rta# dan)er is threatenin) us* At a## c"sts brin) her bac( hereO DA0IS* 7e easy* I 'i## hasten there* 8E3it*9 8Twilight9a murmur of 2oices from behind,9 A /UARD* 0y #"rd$ the &e"&#e are thr"n)in) at the )arden )ate and 'ith 3ierce cries demandin) entrance* Sha## 'e drive them bac( 'ith &i(es and st"nesG 4HOS4HORUS* O&en the )ates 'ideO On a day "3 disaster I 'i## meet my &e"&#e 3ace t" 3ace* He 'h" )"verns the city "3 Di"nys"s must (n"' h"' t" dea# 'ith the miscreants in his "'n ran(s* O&en the )atesO HE /UARD 8aside9* he Arch"n is )"in) madO 8E3it with an angry gesture,9

4HOS4HORUS$ the 0ONL$ a band of the 4EO4LE$ later CLEONICE* Enter the #on-, followed by a mob armed with (i-es, sta-es and cudgels, with a ferocious clamour, 4Where is he;% t the sight of the rchon, standing alone and com(osed before his household altar, the Peo(le, awestruc-, form into a semicircle to the right, HE 0ONL 8to the Peo(le9* -"u see himO here is the man 'h" has ruined y"u* Caesar in his 'rath has said that he 'i## reduce t" ashes the rebe##i"us city$ burn the citi5ens a#ive in their d'e##in)s$ and &ass the &#"u)hshare thr"u)h the s"i# that 'as "nce Di"nysia6un#ess 4h"s&h"r"s be de#ivered t" him dead "r a#ive* And he$ d"es he #""( even c"nsci"us "3 itG here he stands be3"re the id"# "3 his )"d 'h"m he ca##s Luci3er* 7ut I$ I te## y"u that it is SatanO 8 Signs of alarm among the Peo(le,9 And then n"tice that a## his 3riends have #e3t him* Even his 'i3e C#e"nice is n" #"n)er by himO 2OICES FRO0 HE 4EO4LE* 1here is sheG
4a)e B@ "3 @=

HE 0ONL* In the basi#ica$ at the 3eet "3 the 7ish"&$ c"n3essin) her sins and &rayin) 3"r &ard"n* 8#urmur of astonishment in the crowd,9 HE OLD 0AN* I3 C#e"nice deserts him$ the Arch"n is #"st* 8 *e comes forward towards Phos(horos,9 Caesar is marchin) u&"n us and threatenin) t" destr"y the cityO Rest"re &eace t" us and save "ur #ivesO HE -OUN/ 0AN* /ive us bac( "ur &#easuresO HE 1O0AN* /ive us bac( the sacraments 'hich redeemO HE OLD 0AN* 1hat )""d is y"ur )"d t" us$ i3 the city is ab"ut t" &erishG 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat )""d is the #atest,b"rn "3 the )"ds t" y"uG " be 3ree men% t" crin)e neither be3"re Caesar n"r the Cr"ss% t" (n"' that 7eauty$ ruth and Mustice are 'ithin y"u$ and t" c"nc#ude 'ith them a &act 'hich sha## ma(e y"u masters "3 y"urse#ves and "thers* Un#ess each "3 y"u 3ee# himse#3 a Luci3er t" de3y Caesar and the Church$ y"u are un'"rthy t" die 'ith me 3"r Di"nysia$ the 0"ther "3 Her"es and the City "3 Free S&iritsO HE 0ONL* -"u see$ he see(s t" sacri3ice y"u t" his arr")ance% he 'ants t" dra' y"u d"'n 'ith him int" the &it "3 Satan* And y"u 'i## #et himG C"me$ c"me$ s#ay this s"n "3 the devi#$ stri(e d"'n his a#tarO -"u 'i## save y"ur #ives and the Church 'i## ta(e y"u bac( t" her b"s"mO HE 4EO4LE 8mo2ing against Phos(horos, who has remained motionless9* DeathO DeathO CLEONICE 8hastens in from behind and inter(oses between Phos(horos and the Peo(le 9* Stri(e me 3irstO 8She stands in front of him with e3tended arms, The Peo(le draw bac-,9 HE 0ONL 8dumbfounded9aside9* 7ut I had im&ris"ned her* HE OLD 0AN* C#e"niceO HE 1O0AN* he Christian '"manO HE 4EO4LE* he 2ir)in "3 the DesertO CLEONICE* Learn the truth thenO his in3am"us m"n( entra&&ed me* On &retence "3 #eadin) me t" the 7ish"& and t" the assemb#y "3 Christians t" Kusti3y my husband$ he #"c(ed me treacher"us#y int" the cry&t as int" a &ris"n ce##O 2OICES FRO0 HE 4EO4LE* IS this trueG Is this trueG HE 0ONL* She is #yin)O 8Enter )amis with (ieces of a chain in each hand,9 CLEONICE* here is my 'itnessO DA0IS* his chain 3astened the d""r "3 the cry&t in 'hich this m"n( had shut u& the Arch"n+s 'i3e* 7ut I br"(e itO Here are the &iecesO 8*e flings them at the #on-%s feet,9 4HOS4HOROS 8ta-ing the hands of his wife and of )amis and coming forward to the Peo(le 9* And thus 'e sha## brea( a## the chains y"u have riveted u&"n men+s s"u#sO 8 t the rchon%s words, a grou( of armed young men of the (halan3 and a grou( of maidens run forward with a sudden mo2ement from both sides of the cha(el, before which stand the statue of Lucifer and the household altar, The young men draw swords to defend him, and the maidens hold out (alm branches to (rotect him, t the head of the two grou(s, a youth and a maiden raise on high bright torches, The (eo(le draw bac- in ama0ement, 9

4a)e B= "3 @=

HE SA0E% the 7ISHO4 a((ears between the DIOSCURI with two deacons bearing (itch brands with red smo-y flames* HE 7ISHO4* C#e"nice$ rebe##i"us '"man$ y"u 'h" 'ere "nce the &ure 2ir)in "3 the Desert$ hear me* I am ab"ut t" &r"n"unce the anathema "3 the Church u&"n this man accursed 'h" has ruined this city and set u& the cu#t "3 the An)e# "3 Dar(ness* 7ut I 'i## try t" save y"u sti##* Aband"n the "utcast$ i3 y"u 'i## n"t receive the anathema 'ith him* CLEONICE* D" n"t h"&e t" 'in me bac(O Did n"t a b"#d messen)er 3r"m my n"b#e her" c"me Kust n"' t" brea( the bars "3 y"ur church in 'hich y"u s"u)ht t" #"c( me in am"n) the b"nes "3 the dead$ s" as t" sti3#e my #"ve under y"ur cr"5ierG 0y church is as 'ide as the earth$ as hi)h as heaven 'here shines the star "3 Luci3er* 8 She throws her arm round the shoulders of Phos(horos,9 -es$ I #"ve the An)e# "3 Li)ht and his Her"* he m"re y"u curse him the m"re I sha## #"ve him* F"r I #"ve him 'ith that #"ve 'hich &receded the birth "3 the '"r#d and 'i## "ut#ast it$ that #"ve 'hence divine s"u#s 3#"'ed and 'hich s&rin)s 3r"m the heart "3 /"d* his #"ve dreads n"thin)$ (n"'in) itse#3 imm"rta#* It #au)hs at y"ur threats$ y"ur b"nds and y"ur t"rches* HE 7ISHO4* hree3"#d disaster u&"n y"uO Have y"u th"u)ht that$ accursed u&"n earth$ y"u 3"r3eit heaven t""G CLEONICE 8ironically9* And i3 I &arted 3r"m him$ i3 I crin)ed at y"ur 3eet$ '"u#d he enter Heaven 'ith meG HE 7ISHO4* NeverO 1hat c"mes 3r"m /"d returns t" /"d% but 'hat c"mes 3r"m the devi# returns t" the devi#* He is damned t" a## eternity* CLEONICE* hen (ee& y"ur HeavenO I ch""se He## 'ith my 7e#"vedO HE 7ISHO4* 7e ye then b"th accursed* In the Name "3 the Father$ "3 the S"n and "3 the H"#y /h"st$ I eFc"mmunicate y"u and de#iver y"u int" the hands "3 SatanO Chi#dren "3 the Evi# One$ be abh"rred "3 a## men and a## s&irits$ a thin) #"athed by day and at the mercy "3 the ni)ht* 7e it 3"rbidden t" a## Christians t" )reet y"u$ t" &ray$ '"r( "r eat 'ith y"u* Let n" &riest sustain y"u in the h"ur "3 death* 0ay y"ur bed be 3ruit#ess$ y"ur hearth i##,"mened* Let th"se 'h" sha## )ive y"u bread$ 'ater "r 3ire be accursed 'ith y"u* Let there be s"#itude 'heres"ever y"u sha## set y"ur 3""t* Let terr"r march be3"re y"ur eyes and death at y"ur hee#s* Let a## nati"ns drive y"u "ut$ m"untains 3a## u&"n y"u$ rivers en)u#3 y"u$ heaven and earth cry "ut "n y"u. !Anathema u&"n the accursed &airO+ 8 To the deacons,9 hr"' d"'n the brands* 8The deacons fling the brands to the ground and .uench them with their feet, 9 0ay y"ur #ives be tram&#ed under 3""t #i(e these brands$ may y"ur s"u#s be quenched #i(e these 3#amesO HE 0ONL 8to the Peo(le, (ointing at the (air9* 7eh"#d Anti,Christ and his c"ncubineO HE -OUN/ 0EN "3 the &ha#anF 8guarding the household altar, mo2e with drawn swords towards the #on-, crying 9* C"'ardO 4HOS4HOROS 8chec-ing them with a gesture9* Let us endure 'ith unm"ved s"u#s the eFc"mmunicati"n "3 the "&&ress"rs "3 the s"u# and the hatred "3 their s#aves* 8E3it the Bisho( with the deacons, The Peo(le ha2e drawn bac-, horrorstruc-, but remain as though fascinated by the luminous cou(le, who stand in solemn (osture before the altar between the ran-s of the (halan3 and the maidens, amid a forest of swords, torches and (alm boughs,9 HE 0ONL 8aside9* I be#ieve that n"t'ithstandin) the curse he 'i## seduce them a)ain* 8 loud9to the Peo(le,9 7e)"ne$ heathensO

4a)e BH "3 @=

4HOS4HOROS* 1hat a m"urn3u# si#ence has 3a##en a## at "nceO Ni)ht is c"min) "n$ and s"#itude eF,tendin) ar"und us #i(e an immense circ#e* L""( at th"se quenched brands sti## sm"u#derin) "n the )r"und* Are th"se tru#y "ur s"u#sG Is it a## "verG CLEONICE 8loo-s at the brands and shi2ers, then clas(s the hand of Phos(horos with sudden resolution 9* N"O A## be)ins a3resh* he '"r#d may be b"rn a)ain 3r"m "ne #"ve$ &r"vided it be the hi)hest* 4HOS4HOROS 8clas(ing her in his arms9* Let us &r"ve then t" the '"r#d that a man and a '"man 'h" #"ve each "ther in the radiance "3 an imm"rta# idea can brave the 'h"#e universeO CLEONICE* Let us be the tem&#e "3 the #ivin) cityO


The same setting as at the o(ening of ct Two, Stormy night, gale moans round the columns of the (ortico, Thunder (eals as if it would sha-e the foundations of the mountain, The blac- s(hin3 and the white s(hin3, crouching o2er the abyss at the entry of the inaccessible sanctuary, with their wings outs(read, a((ear and disa((ear through the dar-ness by the glare of the lightning flashes, which recur at fre.uent inter2als,

HERALLIDOS 8striding out of his shelter and stoo(ing to the right towards the 2alley 9* Sti## n" "neO * * * -et I am sure that he must c"me "n this 'i#d ni)ht by the "bscure ravine 'hich #eads t" the stee& m"untaint"&* 7ut in this b#ac( and hissin) 'hir#&""# I can detect n" human v"ice$ n" si)n "3 a t"rch* he thunderb"#ts 3a##$ the 3uri"us 'inds assai# the m"untain "n every side% the ra)in) e#ements shrie( in their eddyin) 'hir# as i3 they 'ere the masters "3 the earth and as i3 the ever#astin) La' had n" c"ntr"# "ver them* Even s" in the &"&u#"us cities$ cr"'ned by a 'hite acr"&"#is$ d" human &assi"ns ra)e$ 'hen n" sa)e "r her" is there t" )uide them and 'hen the sun "3 truth 3ai#s t" &ierce their c#"ud masses 'ith its shinin) beams* 8The storm seems to recede, the lightning continues, 9 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO -"ur city is ab"ut t" crumb#e* 7ut y"u$ her #ast her"$ hera#d "3 a ne' '"r#d$ y"u must &r"c#aim y"ur 3aith t" the end$ 'ith"ut 'a##s "r c"mrades t" &r"tect y"u* I3 n"' the '"r#d 'ere t" see y"u 'aver$ man(ind+s H"&e '"u#d sin( 'ith its c"ura)e t" dare* Fr"m y"ur eFam&#e must shine 3"rth a )#eam bri)ht en"u)h t" i##umine the 3uture* 1i## y"u have the stren)th t" &ersevere in the su&reme "rdea# "3 seein) y"ur '"r( a&&arent#y &erish and yet h"#din) 3ast t" y"ur be#ie3$ < y"u$ the #iberatin) Her"$ < y"u 'h"m my meditati"ns have cherished #i(e a m"ther and 'h"m my th"u)hts have &receded #i(e ea)#esO " 'hat &ur&"se sha## I have (n"'n the inm"st secrets "3 divine (n"'#ed)e$ 3aith3u##y transmitted 3r"m a)e t" a)eG " 'hat &ur&"se my &"'er "3 c"ntem&#atin) the Archety&es and "3 ca##in) 3"rth )uardian s&irits$ un#ess a Her" by his #i3e and death incarnates their &"'er in the si)ht "3 menG -es$ i3 I have d'e#t in this s"#itary tem&#e t" the eFtremity "3 a)e$ #i(e a sn"',c#ad cedar "n the summit "3 Leban"n$ it 'as t" see "ne day a Her" ta(e in his hand the t"rch "3 Luci3erO 7ut 'hat 'i## y"ur 3ina# destiny be$ < 4h"s&h"r"sG Stran)e t" say$ the heaven#y v"ice c"mmanded me #ast ni)ht t" set !t'" cha#ices "n the a#tar 3"r the c"mmuni"n "3 su&reme #"ve+O * * * 1h" 'i## 3i## these cha#icesG 1h" 'i## drin( 3r"m themG I (n"' n"t% I "bey the S&irit 'hich s&ea(s t" me* 8*e goes with the two golden chalices in his hand to (ut them on the altar at the bac- between the two s(hin3es,9 he 2"ice said t" me 3urther. ! he "&&ress"rs "3 the S"u# are threatenin) the em&#e "3 ruth% but the chi#dren "3 Luci3er 'i## save it by a burnt "33erin)* Fr"m the sacri3ice 'i## issue the si)n "3 3u#3i#ment*+ 1hat is this sacri3iceG 0ystery* S"methin) )reat and 3"rmidab#e is in &re&arati"n* As 3"r me$ I 'atch and 'ait* 8 &urther (eals of thunder,9 7ut the st"rm is returnin)* 1i## the 3ury "3 the e#ements en)u#3 my her"ic seed #i(e a 'is& "3 stra'G Dem"ns "3 the air$ 'atch "ver the s"n "3 the em&#e% res&ect him$ heaven#y thunderb"#t% 3"r he a#s" is a s&ar( "3 the A#mi)htyO 8*e stoo(s to loo- into the 2alley,9 A t"rchO * * * a t"rch in the ravineO his 'ay$ 4h"s&h"r"s * * * this 'ayO

4HOS4HOROS$ HERALLIDOS* Enter Phos(horos with a lighted torch, *era-lidos clas(s him in his arms and leads him to the middle of the (orch,
4a)e BA "3 @=

HERALLIDOS* 0y s"n$ my her"$ 'e#c"me t" my sanctuary* As y"u see$ the em&#e "3 ruth d"es n"t tremb#e amid the tem&ests* 4HOS4HOROS 8dro(s his torch and sits down e3hausted at the foot of the column 9* -"u a#"ne can sti## save me* 8The storm abates,9 HERALLIDOS* It 'as t" save y"u that I sent 3"r y"u* It is here that im&erishab#e shie#ds are 3"r)ed a)ainst the Fates* 4HOS4HOROS* he "mens are sinister* Every"ne is desertin) me$ b"th I"nia and my city* Andr"c#es is dead$ 4hry)ius has betrayed me* N"' at the m"ment "3 the su&reme stru))#e$ the 'h"#e city$ raised a)ainst me by the 7ish"&$ threatens me 'ith banishment * * * t" be banished by Di"nysia t" 'hich I had rest"red a s"u#* * * * Can y"u c"nceive that$ Hera(#id"sG HERALLIDOS* hey 'ish t" #ive 3"r themse#ves$ and y"u t" 3i)ht 3"r the #atest,b"rn "3 the )"ds* H"' c"u#d y"u a)reeG 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat 'i## bec"me "3 this )"d 'ith"ut the city 'hich serves him as a tem&#e and a &edesta#G he ri)"ur "3 destiny$ #i(e human e33"rt$ must have its b"unds* At y"ur ca##$ I have #e3t C#e"nice in the hands "3 Damis and I have c"me* Rest"re t" me n"' my city 'hich is desertin) me$ "r e#se y"ur ma)ic art is n"thin) but tric(ery and y"ur )"d has #ied ab"ut itO HERALLIDOS* Un#ess y"u have acted 3r"m the innerm"st &r"m&tin) "3 y"ur desire and un#ess y"u 3ind y"ur su&reme K"y in this th"u)ht$ y"u are n" Her"* As 3"r me$ I bear 'itness in the name "3 the #ivin) /"d$ i3 I have n"t sh"'n t" y"u the true /uardian S&irit "3 y"ur s"u#$ I am n"thin) but an im&"st"r* 4HOS4HOROS* 7ut de3eatG HERALLIDOS* here is "n#y "ne de3eat$ t" d"ubt "nese#3* 4HOS4HOROS* 7ut my '"r(G HERALLIDOS* he '"r( 3"r 'hich "ne dies revives mysteri"us#y by a heaven#y ma)ic* hat is h"' the Eterna# &r"ves its '"rth "ver the E&hemera#* Did I &r"mise y"u that y"u '"u#d die 3u## "3 years and riches$ and a (in)G Are y"u n"t be#"ved by a divine '"manG Have y"u n"t rea'a(ened the s"u# "3 Di"nysia and br"u)ht 3"rth a ne' )"d 3r"m the s"i# "3 y"ur native #andG 1"u#d y"u have d"ne this mirac#e and tasted 3"r a day the K"y "3 the Imm"rta#s$ had I n"t )iven t" y"u the ba&tism "3 3ire by inv"(in) y"ur /uardian S&irit and y"ur StarG 4HOS4HOROS* 0y /uardian S&irit and my StarG * * * 1here are theyG AhO C"u#d I but see them a)ainO HERALLIDOS* -"u can* 7ut c"nsider. heaven$ #i(e earth$ has its inde3easib#e #a's* he S&irit 'hich )uides the #i3e "3 her"es a&&ears t" them thrice "n#y. "n the eve "3 initiati"n$ "n the eve "3 vict"ry and "n the eve "3 death* -"u have seen y"urs t'ice a#ready* 1i## y"u n"' inv"(e him 3"r the third6and the #ast timeG 4HOS4HOROS* -es$ I 'i## d" s"$ ha&&en 'hat mayO 7etter t" die seein) Him than t" #ive d"ubtin) Him* Let me (n"' 3r"m Him the #ast '"rd "3 my destiny* HERALLIDOS 8scattering incense on the altar flame9* An)e# "3 the Em&yrean 'h" d'e##est in the abyss% 4rince "3 the S"u#s 'h" strive a)ainst the A#mi)hty in the name "3 the Eterna# Himse#3$ I inv"(e heeO C"me at the ca## "3 a Her" 'h" summ"ns hee* Luci3erO Luci3erO C"me 3"rthO C"me 3"rthO 8Lucifer a((ears abo2e the chasm between the two s(hin3es, seated on a globe as in ct Two, *is arri2al is announced by the same im(erious strains of brass, but they are now hushed and as it were 2eiled by a tone of mourning, red light mo2es in front of him, but no underground thunder accom(anies him, "nstead of holding his torch u(raised to hea2en, he holds it downward with his arm hanging beside him, *is (ensi2e countenance is bowed o2er his bosom, 9 LUCIFER* h"u hast ca##ed me be3"re the a&&"inted h"ur and a)ainst my 'i##* 1hat d"st th"u 'ant "3 me$ 4h"s&h"r"sG 4HOS4HOROS* 0i)hty S&irit$ the 3irst 3#ash "3 thy )#"ry ar"used my na(ed s"u# and made my 'i## master "3 the dar(ness "3 instinct* I have 3"u)ht under thy si)n$ I have he#d a#"3t thy t"rch in my city* Li(e thee 'h" (neadest 'arri"rs
4a)e B; "3 @=

"ut "3 earth#y c#ay$ I have a'a(ened s"u#s$ I have re3ashi"ned men+s hearts$ I have br"u)ht 3"rth 3ree men* 7ut n"' the '"r#d 'hich I have braved is 3a##in) bac( u&"n me #i(e an "cean in "ver3#"'* 0y m"ther city$ 'hich has bec"me my dau)hter city$ see(s t" banish me* I a&&ea# t" thee$ my Archety&e$ my Archan)e#$ )ive me bac( my 'ea&"ns t" 3i)ht$ )ive me bac( my stren)th and my &e"&#eO LUCIFER* I have d"ne 3"r thee a## that I c"u#d* h"u hast 3"u)ht thy 3i)ht$ and had thy vict"ry* /reat intenti"ns must be eF&iated% her"es have their Nemesis* 4HOS4HOROS* h"u 'i#t aband"n me thenG LUCIFER* N"% un#ess th"u 'i#t aband"n thyse#3* 4HOS4HOROS* 7ut the '"r(G hine and mineG 1hat 'i## bec"me "3 itG LUCIFER* he times "3 tria# have c"me* 0y 3"##"'ers 'i## be tram&#ed d"'n* he '"r#d is &r"strate in submissi"n$ in &rayer and in a'e "3 the Eterna#* Stren)th resides in th"se 'h" deny themse#ves* he mastery "3 the earth be#"n)s n"' t" the "ther 1"rd "3 /"d$ t" Christ* 7ut I sha## rise a)ain "ut "3 my dar(ness$ I sha## brea( my chains asunder$ I sha## #i3t "n hi)h my t"rch* A day 'i## c"me 'hen 'e sha## rei)n t")ether u&"n earth$ He the 0essiah$ c"me d"'n 3r"m Heaven$ and I the Archan)e#$ risen a)ain 3r"m the Abyss* 4HOS4HOROS* Hast th"u n" "ther &r"miseG 1hat 'i## bec"me "3 meG LUCIFER* h"u art but "ne "3 the myriads "3 s&ar(s 3r"m my t"rch* 7ut th"u mayst ch""se 'hether t" annihi#ate thyse#3 "r #ive by thine "'n 'i##* 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat must I d" t" #iveG LUCIFER* L""( at me$ the S&irit cast "ut by thunderb"#t$ 'h"m n"thin) crushes n"r que##s$ neither sc"ur)es$ n"r t"rtures$ n"r the ruins "3 a)es$ neither the 3ear "3 He## n"r that "3 Eternity* And n"' the abyss dra's me bac($ the ni)ht en3"#ds me ane'* And yet I (n"' * * * it be#"n)s t" me * * * he Em&yrean *** the Em&yrean* * * * 8Lucifer has raised his torch and slowly (lunges into the chasm, 9 4HOS4HORUS* D" n"t )" a'ayO * * * St"&O A '"rd * * * but "ne '"rd m"reO LUCIFER 8from the de(th of the abyss9* 4er * * * severeO 4HOS4HOROS* He has )"ne * * * 'ith"ut a '"rd "3 h"&e* HERALLIDOS* he Star a#s" 'i## s&ea( 'ith y"u* * * * Hear itO 8The glowing Star draws near, as in ct Two, along the gallery and remains (oised o2er the chasm, to the sound of sweet music,9 4HOS4HOROS* A heaven#y serenity radiates 3r"m its )"#den c"re$ and the )#"ry "3 its beams sets men+s s"u#s at rest* 2OICE OF HE S AR* 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO 7e#ieve in L"veO I3 thy ch"sen S"u# sti## #"ve thee 'hen a## e#se deserts$ then the immensity "3 thy h"&es 'i## sti## shine "n the h"ri5"n* 4HOS4HOROS* 1i## she be 3aith3u# t" the endG HE 2OICE* hy 3aith is the measure "3 her #"ve* 4HOS4HOROS* Sha## I see her a)ain in this '"r#dG HE 2OICE* H"&eO
4a)e @< "3 @=

4HOS4HOROS* And in the "therG HE 2OICE* 7e#ieveO 4HOS4HOROS* 7ut 'here sha## I 3ind su&reme ruthG HE 2OICE* 1here the Star "3 Luci3er shines thr"u)h the Cr"ss "3 Christ* 8The Star fades,9 4HOS4HOROS* It 3ades and )"es "ut * * * and 'ith"ut a '"rd "3 certainty 3"r my thirstin) heartO Hera(#id"sO Can y"u brin) it bac(O HERALLIDOS* N" &"'er can re(ind#e that #i)ht "r rene' the vibrati"n "3 that sub#ime v"ice* -"u 'i## hear it n" m"re in this '"r#d* 7ut I hear "ther v"ices* 8*e mo2es towards the left end of the (ortico,9 HERALLIDOS* A t"rch in the ravineO A 0essen)erO

HE SA0E$ a SER2AN of Phos(horos* HE SER2AN 8out of breath9* I have 3"##"'ed y"u$ my #"rd$ thr"u)h the dar(ness and the st"rm$ under the )uidance "3 the hi)h#and 3"#( 'h" are 3riends "3 Hera(#id"s and )uard the em&#e* D" n"t return t" Di"nysia% never return there$ y"ur #i3e de&ends "n it* 4HOS4HOROS* 1hy$ 'hat has ha&&enedG HE SER2AN * Scarce#y had y"u #e3t 'hen the assemb#y "3 the &e"&#e c"ndemned y"u t" death* hen they &u##ed d"'n the statue "3 Luci3er "n the Acr"&"#is and raided y"ur h"use* Damis de3ended it 'ith the &ha#anF$ but he 3e## stric(en 'ith many b#"'s at the 3""t "3 the h"useh"#d a#tar* 4HOS4HORUS* < Damis$ 3#"'er "3 my y"uth$ my #ivin) h"&e$ the tenderest sh""t "n the tree "3 my #i3eO -"u t"" )"neO 1hat a ven)eance y"u have ta(en 3"r my d"ubts "3 y"uO -"u have 3"resta##ed me in the &a#m "3 martyrd"mO6And C#e"niceG -"u have n"thin) t" te## me "3 C#e"niceG HE SER2AN * he sentence "3 banishment did n"t inc#ude her$ but she has disa&&eared* 8&rom now on the storm is renewed with increasing force,9 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat d" y"u say$ 'retched manG HE SER2AN * -es$ she has disa&&eared 'ith"ut #eavin) a trace* S"me say she is in hidin) in the re3u)e "3 the basi#ica$ "thers say 'ith her sister Cadmea* Others a)ain be#ieve her deadO 4HOS4HOROS 8sei0ing him by the throat9* LiarO HE SER2AN * 0aster$ have &ity "n me* I have been ab#e but t" n"te the rum"urs that are circu#atin)* I have c"me t" save y"ur #i3e at the &eri# "3 my "'n* D" n"t b#ame me 3"r 'hat is n"t my 3au#t* 4HOS4HOROS* O3 'hat use is y"ur accursed ne's t" meG -"u sh"u#d n"t have c"me 'ith"ut C#e"niceO 8 The ser2ant goes away,9 Let the Fates de&rive me "3 my earth#y c"nquests. my city$ my &ha#anF$ my br"thers in arms and my #ast re3u)e% #et them he' "33 my branches$ s#ay me$ and #eave me na(ed "n the )r"und #i(e a stri&&ed tree* * * * hey have the ri)ht t" d" a## this% but they have n" ri)ht t" r"b me "3 my divine c"nquest * * * the s"u# and the b"dy "3 C#e"niceO
4a)e @: "3 @=

HERALLIDOS* 7ut 'h" says they have ta(en her 3r"m y"uG 4HOS4HOROS* hen 'hy is she n"t hereG Disa&&earedO DeadO 2i"#ated &erha&sO and unburiedO *** Hear h"' this 'ind hisses and h"' this thunder r"arsO /"d$ man(ind and nature are in #ea)ue a)ainst the chi#dren "3 Luci3er* he very e#ements have made a &act 'ith Caesar and the Church$ and the tem&est at their biddin) has b"rne the s"u# "3 C#e"nice 3ar 3r"m 4h"s&h"r"sO HERALLIDOS* Let the tem&est ra)e% it is n"t ever#astin)* It is the 'i## "3 /"d and the &ur&"se "3 the un(n"'n sa)es 'h" 'atch "ver the earth6that n" &"'er in the '"r#d sha## be ab#e t" &art the dau)hter "3 Christ 3r"m the s"n "3 Luci3erO 4HOS4HOROS* Sh"' her t" me thenO Can the hurricane rest"re t" me her v"ice "r the b"und#ess sea her 3aceG C#e"nice )"ne 'ith"ut a traceG N"u)ht is #e3t t" me but the abyss 'hich s'a##"'ed u& my /uardian S&irit$ and I )" t" K"in himO 8*e wal-s, as if da0ed, towards the chasm,9 HERALLIDOS 8barring the way with his sce(tre9* As #"n) as I 'ear my tiara as a Hier"&hant and bear my s"verei)n sce&tre$ y"u sha## n"t &ass* 8*e catches him by the arm and sha-es him,9 C"me t" y"ur senses$ madmanO D" y"u n"t 3ee# c"min) t"'ards y"u a )reat s"u# 'h" is see(in) y"u thr"u)h a## the cha"s "3 the e#ementsG Listen* * * * Listen t" that human v"ice that s"unds thr"u)h the turm"i#* * * * 2OICE 7EHIND HE SCENE* 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO 4HOS4HOROS* Li)htO I hear my #ivin) StarO HE SER2AN 8leaning forward from the ledge of the Tem(le9* "rchesO "rchesO hey are c"min) u&$ they are c"min) u&O

HE SA0E$ CLEONICE$ followed by two mountain men carrying torches, She rushes forward under the (orch, breathless and dishe2elled* CLEONICE* 1here are y"uG 1here are y"uG 8"n the centre of the scene she comes u(on Phos(horos, They stand facing each other for a few seconds, 9 4HOS4HOROS* Is it y"u$ C#e"nice$ my Star human and divineG 0y city$ my earth and my heaven$ my he## and my &aradiseO 8Cleonice throws herself with a cry into his arms, t the same moment a thunderbolt stri-es the to( of the Tem(le with a shar( im(act,9 CLEONICE* hunder as th"u 'i#t$ Meh"vah* * 4aradise is re)ainedO 8The thunder (eals and is re8echoed far off,9 4HOS4HOROS* S"u# "3 my bein)O It is '"nder3u# t" embrace beneath the 3ire "3 heaven* I had th"u)ht y"u deadO Fa#se d"ubts "3 L"ve and y"uO 8&rom now on the storm ceases com(letely, )awn begins to brea- with a wan light, 9 CLEONICE* I came ni)h t" &erishin) in the ra)in) city$ beneath the 'rec( "3 "ur h"use$ by the side "3 n"b#e Damis and the 3e' #ast 3aith3u# "nes* ears$ &ity$ h"rr"r$ des&air a## ur)ed me t" die * * * but y"u 'ere 3ar a'ay* hr"u)h a## the 3ury "3 the st"rm I have succeeded in K"inin) y"u* N"' /"d himse#3 'i## n" #"n)er be ab#e t" &art us* 4HOS4HOROS* D" y"u n"t shudder be3"re y"ur tra)ic destinyG
4a)e @? "3 @=

CLEONICE* I have ch"sen it$ my 4h"s&h"r"s$ and I #"ve it ab"ve a## "thers* Under the ma#edicti"ns "3 the 'h"#e '"r#d$ y"u sha## #earn the )reatness "3 my #"ve* It is n"' that the c"nsecrated 2ir)in "3 the Desert 'i## (ind#e the brands as y"ur 7e#"ved and the t"rches as y"ur 1i3e* -es$ I s'ear it be3"re the )reat Initiate$ be3"re the 'ise Hier"&hant in the em&#e "3 the Un(n"'n /"d$ 3ace t" 3ace 'ith the S&hinFes "3 the Eterna# 0ystery * * * 'h"se vei#s are be)innin) t" &art* 4HOS4HOROS* < C#e"nice$ in this a'3u# and ha##"'ed s&"t$ y"ur stature seems t" )r"'* Here$ bet'een the t"rches and the #i)htnin)$ y"u c"me be3"re me #i(e a ne' bride ready 3"r a ne' marria)e* CLEONICE* -es$ a ne' marria)e in the eFtremity "3 s"rr"'$ dee&er than that in the eFtremity "3 K"y* 4HOS4HOROS* 7ut 'here sha## 'e #iveG 1ith"ut a native c"untryG 1ith"ut hearth and h"meG Caesar+s sce&tre eFtends 3r"m the 4i##ars "3 Hercu#es t" the Indian Ocean$ 3r"m the sn"'s "3 the Sarmatian 0"untains t" the sands "3 Ethi"&ia* CLEONICE* 1e sha## carry 'ithin "ur hearts an ever#astin) h"me* 4HOS4HOROS* Fr"m city t" city 'e sha## have t" dra) "ur martyrd"m* CLEONICE* Fr"m y"ur 4r"methean cries an aven)er 'i## be b"rn* 4HOS4HOROS* he 2ir)ins 'i## 'ee& "n hearin) y"ur sea,nym&h+s music* 8They ta-e each other%s hands and turn towards the *iero(hant,9 4HOS4HOROS AND CLEONICE 8'ith "ne v"ice9* he "utcast &air sa#ute thee$ Hera(#id"sO 8They -neel,9 HERALLIDOS* h"u)h the 'h"#e '"r#d curse y"u$ Hera(#id"s b#esses y"u in his em&#eO 4reserve y"ur 3aith intact in the ri"t "3 h"sti#e t"'ns$ in the si#ence "3 t"rrid deserts* H"&e "n a)ainst every 3ear$ be#ieve sti## a)ainst every disaster$ #"ve "n 'ith a #"ve str"n)er than death* he '"r#d 'h"se hatred sti3#es y"u t",day 'i## acc#aim y"u "ne day as #iberat"rs$ and 3r"m the b"s"m "3 the seas the city "3 the 3uture smi#es t" y"u #i(e a shinin) is#and* 8 *e -isses them on the forehead and raises them,9 7etr"thed "3 EFi#e$ rise n"' as S&"uses "3 Eternity* 7ut be3"re de&artin) hear 'hat the v"ice 3r"m ab"ve has said t" me. !I3 y"u 'ish the seed "3 y"ur #i3e t" yie#d a human harvest$ i3 y"u 'ish the city "3 y"ur dreams t" c"me 3"rth 3r"m y"ur eFam&#e$ y"u must #i)ht a h"#"caust+ * * * hus the v"ice s&"(e t" me* 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat h"#"caustG HERALLIDOS* I (n"' n"t* It is 3"r y"u t" 3ind the a#tar$ the 3ire and the "33erin)* 7y burnin) it y"u 'i## rescue this threatened em&#e$ and 3r"m the sacri3ice 'i## c"me 3"rth the si)n "3 3u#3i#ment* * * * 4HOS4HOROS AND CLEONICE 8with one 2oice9* he si)n "3 3u#3i#mentO 4HOS4HOROS* 1e 'i## see(* * * * CLEONICE* 1e 'i## 3ind* * * * 8They e3tend their hands towards *era-lidos in a gesture of farewell *9 4HOS4HOROS 8(utting his arm round Cleonice%s shoulders and wra((ing her in his cloa-9* C"me beneath the c#"a( "3 eFi#eO CLEONICE* Let us startO 4HOS4HOROS* 1hither sha## 'e )"G CLEONICE* " E)y&tG 4HOS4HOROS* " the crad#e "3 "ur #"veG
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CLEONICE* " the h"#"caustO 8<ust as they are about to go out they are sto((ed by two mountain men bearing torches, )ay is brea-ing, 9 FIRS HI/HLAND 0AN* D" n"t descend the m"untain* It is encirc#ed by a #e)i"nO SECOND HI/HLAND 0AN* A band "3 s"#diers is "n the 'ay u& t"'ards this em&#e* 1ith them is the 7ish"& "3 Di"nysia$ and they are advancin) 'ith cries "3 !Death t" the chi#dren "3 Luci3erO+ HERALLIDOS* he "verb"#d &riestO He dares t" trac( y"u even int" my very sanctuaryO It is the 3irst time that any &riest has vi"#ated my s"#itude and de3ied me "n my "'n m"untain* hey mean t" catch the ea)#e 'ith his ea)#ets$ t" thr"' the eyrie int" the abyss* 7ut the 3ather 'i## stand by his chi#dren and /"d 'i## &r"tect His em&#e* Stay here% I 'i## st"& them* * * * Rather than #et a hair "3 y"ur head be harmed$ I 'i## brin) 3"rth 3#ames 3r"m the )r"und and send b"u#ders t" hurt#e d"'n 3r"m the m"untain t"&O 8E3it,9

4HOS4HOROS$ CLEONICE* 4HOS4HOROS 8aside9* he #e)i"ns #ed "n by the 7ish"& * * * the m"untain encirc#ed* * * * CLEONICE 8aside9* N" 'ay "3 esca&e * * * n" re3u)e * * * 'e are #"st* * * * 8They loo- .uestioningly at one another as if to read their thoughts in one another%s eyes, Phos(horos draws his sword to show that he means to defend her7 Cleonice bows her head, chilled with horror, 9 4HOS4HOROS 8aside9* hus the ineF"rab#e Fates have cast their net and are ab"ut t" enve#"& us in its meshes* Caesar and the Church are c"min) t" )ras& their &rey in the em&#e "3 ruth* S"n "3 Luci3er$ this is thy #ast 3i)htO 0y /uardian S&irit has sun(% the Star is quenched* * * * H"' sha## I de3end myse#3G 8He 'a#(s "ver t" the b#ac( s&hinF*9 Ans'er$ th"u my #ast 'itness$ b#ac( S&hinF 'ith 'in)s "3 dar(ness$ )ive me the u#timate c"unse#s "3 des&airO CLEONICE 8aside9* S"$ then$ even eFi#e$ even the desert is c#"sed a)ainst usO I sha## see n" m"re my serene hebaid 'here Christ '"u#d a&&ear t" me* Is there then n" re3u)e #e3t 3"r the chi#dren "3 Luci3erG N"' they are tra&&ed bet'een the Ka's "3 the abyss and the a&&r"ach "3 their m"rta# enemies* OhO th"se &r"&hetic v"icesO 1hat did they 3"recastG 1hat did they 'ant "3 usG 1hat is this h"#"caustG 8She turns towards the white s(hin3,9 Ans'er$ < #umin"us S&hinF$ th"u 'h"se 'in)s are )#eams "3 'hite$ n"' is the h"ur "3 the su&reme reve#ati"nO Sh"' us the ri)ht &ath* * * * 8The !oman trum(et call is heard 2ery far off,9 4HOS4HOROS* D" y"u hear the trum&ets "3 "ur enemiesG I cann"t stay here* 0y s'"rd )r"'s im&atient* 7e3"re I die I 'i## ma(e a hecat"mb "3 these c"'ardsO CLEONICE* StayO 1hat c"u#d y"u d" a)ainst s" many assai#antsG And 'hat '"u#d bec"me "3 me a3ter y"ur deathG Dra))ed as a ca&tive t" Di"nysia$ insu#ted by the m"b$ im&ris"ned by the 7ish"& "r handed "ver t" CaesarG N"$ 4h"s&h"r"s$ the time "3 human hecat"mbs has )"ne by 3"r us* 8 Prom(ted by a sudden ins(iration,9 7y the b#""d "3 Christ$ I understand n"'O I (n"'$ I see$ I 3ee# the truthO he &ath "3 #i)ht )#eams be3"re meO 4h"s&h"r"sO 4h"s&h"r"sO Listen t" me* hat v"ice that s&"(e t" the Hier"&hant$ did it n"t say. ! he chi#dren "3 Luci3er sha## save the em&#e by (ind#in) a h"#"caustG+ 4HOS4HOROS* 1e##G CLEONICE* 1e##$ I te## y"u$ I y"ur &r"&hetess$ that this sacri3ice is "urse#vesO 4HOS4HOROS* Ourse#vesO CLEONICE* he v"ice "3 the hi)hest L"ve is the v"ice "3 /"d$ the cry "3 the S"u# t"'ards the In3inite$ and the re&#y "3 the In3inite 'ithin the S"u#* Must n"' I ca##ed u&"n /"d$ He has ans'ered me 'ith the u#timate certainty* He said t" me.
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! here is n" truth but in #"ve and in deathO+ 4HOS4HOROS* " dieG 1hen the b#""d "3 y"uth is sti## thr"bbin) in "ur veinsG 1ith"ut havin) drun( the cu& "3 #i3e t" the 3u##G CLEONICE* Li(e the 3umes "3 the sacri3ice$ "ur resur)ent s"u#s 'i## ascend t" heaven "n the 3#ames "3 the h"#"caust* 4HOS4HOROS* " die 'hen my s'"rd sti## quivers una&&eased at my sideG 1hen the tas( t" 'hich 'e have set "ur hands is in ruinsG CLEONICE* 1e sha## vibrate thr"u)h in3inite s&ace$ and by the sacri3ice "ur tas( 'i## be 3u#3i##ed "n earth* 4HOS4HOROS* " die 'hen the '"nders "3 L"ve are 'idenin) y"ur eyes #i(e dee&er s(ies "n un(n"'n seasG CLEONICE* here are mi)htier '"nders sti## in st"re 3"r us* D" y"u n"t 3ee# that death can "n#y unite us m"re ardent#yG 4HOS4HOROS* 1hither 'i## y"u #ead me$ terrib#e &r"&hetess$ my bride in marria)e and in deathG CLEONICE* Int" my "'n (in)d"m * * * 'here there is neither "bstac#e n"r barrier n"r b"unds * * * 'here 3ree at #ast 'e sha## min)#e "ur s"u#s #i(e t'" mete"rs in a starry s(yO * * * 8They clas( each other again and e3change a long loo-, Their li(s see- and touch each other, 9 4HOS4HOROS* 1hat bitterness and 'hat s'eetness "n y"ur #i&sG 1hat a stran)e da'n in the dar(ness "3 y"ur eyesO -"ur (iss "3 ice and 3ire has ha##"'ed me 3"r y"ur mysteri"us (in)d"m * * * the air bec"mes rarer ab"ut me * * * the 3etters "3 earth s#i& 3r"m me* 8The trum(et call is heard near by, Phos(horos tears himself from Cleonice%s arms and wa2es his sword,9 -es$ then$ #et us die t")ether$ but #et us die )#ad#y$ #i(e true chi#dren "3 Luci3erO he '"r#d means t" crush usG Let us #iberate "urse#ves* It means t" &art usG Let us unite 3"r ever* Death is &ursuin) us* Let us )" t" meet him* /"d demands a h"#"caustG Let us "33er t" him &r"ud#y$ #i(e a 3estiva#$ the 3#"'er "3 "ur t'" #ives and the her"ic dream "3 "ur s"u#sO Let us &ass thr"u)h the Ni)ht "3 Death t"'ards a n"b#er dayO CLEONICE* Are y"u readyG 4HOS4HOROS* I am* Lead me* CLEONICE 8drawing from her bosom a golden (hial9* L""( at this &hia#* It c"ntains the su&reme remedy* It came t" me 3r"m a 4hry)ian '"man 'h"m #"n) a)" I 3reed 3r"m s#avery* Its essence is a &"'er3u# narc"tic* It #eads int" my (in)d"m thr"u)h the #imb" "3 ever#astin) s#ee&* * * * D" y"u understandG Such is the 'i## "3 the A#mi)hty* * * * See h"' the cu&s "3 #iberati"n 3#ash "n the a#tarO 4HOS4HOROS* Let us drin( then un3#inchin) the cu& "3 de#iveranceO 8Cleonice (ours the essence into the cu(s, gi2es one to Phos(horos, and ta-es the other, 9 CLEONICE* I drin( t" 4h"s&h"r"s the Li)ht,bearerO 4HOS4HOROS* I drin( t" C#e"nice$ my 1in)ed 2ict"ryO CLEONICE* " the divine Dream "3 "ur #i3eO 4HOS4HOROS* " L"ve trium&hantO CLEONICE* " Di"nysiaO 4HOS4HOROS* " Eterna# Li3eO 8They drain the cu(s at the same moment, t once Cleonice reels and falls into Phos(horos%s arms, with her head thrown bac-,9
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4HOS4HOROS* C#e"niceO D" n"t )" 'ith"ut meO * * * -"ur 'ide eyes 3iFed u&"n em&ty s&ace$ Oh 'hat d" they seeG CLEONICE* AhO his K"urney 3r"m '"r#d t" '"r#d * * * 'ith y"uO * * * I see * * * I see the Cr"ss "3 Christ shinin) thr"u)h the Star "3 my Luci3erO 8Both sin- on to the ste(s of the altar,9 CLEONICE* he si)nO * * * 8*er head falls forward,9 4HOS4HOROS* he 3u#3i#mentO 8They die,9

HERALLIDOS and the 7ISHO4$ followed by a CEN URION and a ROO4 OF LE/IONARIES* HERALLIDOS 8entering from the right and noticing the bodies lying on the altar ste(s 9* he h"#"caustO CEN URION* hey are deadO 7ISHO4* hey are br"u)ht #"'O HERALLIDOS* hey are vict"ri"usO F"r they have #"ved and stru))#ed t" the end* 7#essed are th"se 'h" have be#ieved in their dream. they 'i## &"ssess it* 7ISHO4* he 'ind "3 the desert 'i## s'ee& a'ay their ashes and /"d 'i## erase their names 3r"m the mem"ry "3 men* HERALLIDOS* he em&#e 'i## &reserve their t"mb* Fr"m the de&th "3 these h"#y s"#itudes$ their hi)h #"ve 'i## shine "ut u&"n man(ind #i(e a t"rch "3 the 3ree cityO 7ISHO4* a(e u& these t'" c"r&ses and dra) them t" the )ibbet be3"re the &"&u#ace "3 Di"nysiaO And then 'e sha## return t" thr"' d"'n this em&#e 3r"m t"& t" b"tt"m$ as 'e have d"ne 'ith the em&#e "3 Di"nys"sO HERALLIDOS* a(e careO Lee& y"ur &r"3ane hands 3r"m th"se b"dies scanti3ied by the h"#"caust "3 L"veO 7e'are "3 t"uchin) my sce&tre 'ith y"ur cr"5ier* his em&#e is n"t "ne "3 th"se 'hich y"u can sha(e* * * * 7e'are "3 the /"d 1h"m y"u (n"' n"tO 7ISHO4 8to the hesitating legionaries9* Sei5e th"se c"r&ses* 8<ust as the legionaries draw near, the flaming Star a((ears abo2e the lo2ers, t its core gleams a fiery Cross, t the same moment a flame rises from the altar beneath which the bodies lie clas(ed, The legionaries draw bac- in alarm and fall on their -nees,9 7ISHO4 8drawing bac- a ste(, terrified9* 1hat is thatG 8*e dro(s his cro0ier,9 HERALLIDOS* hat is the Si)n "3 the imes t" c"me6the Cr"ss "3 Christ u&"n the Star "3 Luci3erO H"' it burns$ the 3iery Cr"ss at the c"re "3 the 3#amin) StarO hus these t'" trans3i)ured s"u#s are 3used int" 3#ame in the in3inite* 7y their sacri3ice$ Her"ic L"ve has re)ained divine 1isd"m% the Rebe# An)e# has 3"und a)ain his #"st Star* And n"'$ 7ish"&$ in the name "3 the A#mi)hty 'h" has mani3ested Himse#3 here$ ta(e u& y"ur cr"5ier and )" te## y"ur &e"&#e 'hat y"u have seen in the em&#e "3 ruth* * * * rue her"es 'i## c"me here t" (ind#e their t"rches$ 3"r 3r"m the chi#dren "3 Luci3er has c"me 3"rth an ineFtin)uishab#e 3#ameO 8*era-lidos e3tends his sce(tre o2er the dead cou(le lying under the flame on the altar7 the Bisho( stands (etrified, the legionaries remain -neeling, and the curtain falls on the flaming 2ision of the Star and the Cross, 9

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