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A Study on Strategic Human Resource Management of Bangladesh police

Presented as eMBA Term Paper by: Dr. hando!ar Mahid "ddin #a$i %ashim "ddin

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Executive summary
This paper is prepared as a report on the human resource management of BD Police. As we enter the twenty-first century, experts continue to validate that it is the human asset, not the fixed asset that will ma e the difference for successful organi!ations. "n a rapidly changing competitive environment, human resources are one important source of competitive advantage. #uman resource systems can contri$ute to sustained competitive advantage through facilitating the development of competencies that are organi!ation specific. %trategic human resource management concerns with the creation of a lin age $etween the overall strategic aims of organi!ation and the human resource strategy and implementation. Technology has changed everything with great extent, the process of recruitment, the training techni&ues, and new e&uipment etc. 'ow it(s up to #) personnel(s to wor with their functions to $est manage the wor force. "n these pieces of paper we have discussed those foremost issues and challenges which are confronting to BD Police. To overcome these issues and challenges the #)* of BD Police will have to $uild a standard structure that allows managing all different wor force alternatives. This way the BD Police can provide $etter services towards people.

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The aim of %trategic #uman )esource *anagement of BD Police is to improve the human capital of the Bangladesh Police. %trengthened human resource management and development processes will support recruitment, promotion, transfer and development opportunities that are administered in a manner which is transparent and merit $ased. The way police discharge their tas s will, to a large degree, determine how people feel a$out their safety in Bangladesh. This places high demands on the professionalism and competences of police officers. A professional police service re&uires strategic direction on #uman )esource *anagement. The selection, training, and welfare of police needs to $e managed in a way which provides incentives for good performance and encourages positive morale and $ehavior. There is a clear need to improve training systems and human resource management. +ess than ,- of the Police $udget is currently allocated to training. 'early ./- of pu$lic respondents $elieved that training was necessary to improve police s ills. Police personnel are also eager for greater training in crime prevention, use of computers, investigations and community partnership. *ore than ./- of Police $elieve that greater specialisation and professionalism will lead to improved police performance. P)P is supporting efforts to strengthen the #uman )esource Department at Police #ead&uarters to administer all human resource functions including recruitment, promotions, transfers, &ualifications, travel, performance appraisal and professional development records. The Department will initiate research and generate policies, procedures and systems to ensure that positions are classified accordingly to the level and type of responsi$ility and 0o$ descriptions and that training options are matched to tas proficiency. A strong #) department will underline the cultural expectations of the police and promote professionalism and ethical conduct.

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1verview of BD Police
The Bangladesh Police is the main law enforcement agency of Bangladesh. "t is administered under the *inistry of #ome Affairs of the 2overnment of Bangladesh. "t plays a crucial role in maintaining peace, and enforcement of law and order within Bangladesh. Though the police are primarily concerned with the maintenance of law and order and security of persons and property of individuals, it also plays a $ig role in the criminal 0ustice system. Motto: Peace Discipline %ecurity Progress. Agency overview: Employees: 148, ooo Legal personality: Governmental: &perational structure
Head'uarters: 6, Phoenix Road, Fulbaria, Dhaka - 1000 Agency e(ecuti)e: Hassan Mahmood hand!er, BPM, PPM, nd , *nspector #eneral of Police +acilities Stations: 61!

Government agency. Police station: 615 VISION

To provide service to all citi!ens and ma e Bangladesh a $etter and safer place to live and wor . MISSION To uphold the rule of law. To ensure safety and security of citi!ens. To prevent and detect crime. To $ring offenders to 0ustice. To maintain peace and pu$lic order.
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The relevance of 3o$ 4haracteristics *odel of 3o$ Design5

%ome people are muti-tas ing and multi-talented, they can do variety of wor with ease and expertise, and some people aren(t, they love to do speciali!ed wor only. %ome people $ecome more productive while listening music or telling6listening 0o es or entertaining stories, and some people doesn(t need anything they want to $e alone and undistur$ed while doing their wor .

3o$ Design provo es an insight to understand $ehavioral pattern of individuals and to ad0ust 0o$ accordingly so that individuals could $e more productive.

3o$ 4haracteristics of BD Police can $e enumerated as follows5

,. % ill 7ariety5 'um$er of s ills needed to do variety of activities.

8. Tas "dentity5 "dentification of tas , its variations and processes involved in it.

9. Tas %ignificance5 Tas significance and impacts on individual(s life.

:. Autonomy5 ;reedom and responsi$ility of the tas .

/. ;eed$ac 5 ;eed$ac on performance.

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Demographics of the wor force5 Analysis of trends < their application on #) of BD Police
As Bangladesh Police is an age-old institution, it will face significant demographic changes over the next 8= years in the wor force. BD Police is already seeing a reduction in the &uality of potential employees, as well as greater gender, ethnic, and age diversity than at any time in the past. The lac of s illed wor ers for increasingly complex 0o$s is considered to $e a ma0or, ongoing pro$lem. Partly as a result of this shortage of s illed la$or, we are seeing older employees with high-level s ill sets remain in the wor force. Aging of the Workforce BD Police is experiencing a demographic shift as populations age. The impact of this shift will have on the wor place is expected to $e significant. Growth in the no. of women police %ince ,>.? BD Police are recruiting women Police. 'ow-a-days this num$er has increased a lot. As a result #) should consider a$out gender issue. Changing amily !attern"
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ey demographic trends: "ging o# $he %ork#or e &ro%$h in $he nu'ber o# %o'en Poli e (hanging #a'il) *a$$ern+ ,n rea+e in un+killed %ork#or e &enera$ional i++ue+ &ro%$h in $he nu'ber o# e'*lo)ee+ %i$h hild are re+*on+ibili$ie+ ,n rea+e in age di+ ri'ina$ion li$iga$ion

Another issue that will impact BD Police, along with many other aspects, is the changing structure of the family. )esponsi$ility for $oth childcare and eldercare at the same time may $e more common among single parents, and these responsi$ilities will demand a greater amount of time from those who have no one to share them with. The growing num$er of couples without children and single-person households is another ma0or demographic shift. Eventually there could $e fewer married wor ers in the wor force than single wor ers. Increa"e in #n"kille$ Workforce A lac of s illed wor ers over the coming decades is a ey concern for BD Police Generational I""%e" 2enerational differences could contri$ute to a clash in BD Police over the coming decades. %ome experts $elieve that the presence of these different generations at wor and the growing dominance of 2enerations @ and A as the $a$y $oomers $egin to exit the wor force could create a cultural shift in the wor place. This is $ecause of the following reasons5 ,. Bor has $ecome more demanding on employees. 8. Employer-employee relationships have $ecome less hierarchical and more transactional. 9. Employers are moving away from long-term employment relationships. :. Employees have less confidence in long-term rewards and greater expectations for short-term rewards. /. "mmediate supervisors are the most important people in the wor place. ?. %upervising employees now re&uires more time and s ill on the part of managers.

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)ecruitment process < selection criteria of BD Police 5

&ecr%itment proce"" The recruitment process differs according to the level of position $eing recruited to, and direct entry Cwhere an applicant does not have to start at the lowest levelD is possi$le. The educational re&uirements increase with ran . A minimum : years degree is re&uired for Assistant %uperintendent of Police, minimum $achelor degree for %u$-"nspector, and %ergeant, and for 4onsta$le, a %econdary %chool 4ertificate is re&uired. )ecruitment is conducted in the following three tiers5

"n the ran of Assistant %uperintendent of Police CA%PD "n the ran of %u$-"nspector C%"D or %ergeant "n the ran of 4onsta$le

Selection criteria 'he A""i"tant S%perinten$ent of !olice (AS!) The Assistant %uperintendent of Police CA%P(sD are recruited $y Bangladesh Pu$lic %ervice 4ommission CBP%4D through the competitive Bangladesh 4ivil %ervice CB4%D examination. They undergo a one year long training in the Bangladesh Police Academy as Pro$ationary A%Ps. After passing from the

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academy, they undergo an orientation training for six months in the district level as a pro$ationer. S%*+In"pector (SI) %u$-"nspectors are recruited $y Police #ead&uarters centrally. They undergo a one year long training in the Bangladesh Police Academy as 1utside 4adet %u$"nspectors. After that they have parta e in a two years pro$ationary period in different police units. Sergeant %ergeants are recruited $y Police #ead&uarters centrally. After appointment they undergo a six month long training course in the Bangladesh Police Academy, at the ran of Pro$ationary %ergeant. After passing from the academy, they also undergo an orientation training of six months in the ran of pro$ationer. Con"ta*le 4onsta$les are recruited in the district level. They undergo a six month long training in the Police Training 4entre as a Trainee )ecruit 4onsta$le CT)4D. Growth in the N%m*er of ,mployee" with Chil$care &e"pon"i*ilitie" "n BD Police, the num$er of women of child$earing age in the wor force and the num$er of children under five years of age are expected to rise gradually over the coming decade . This indicates a li ely increase in the num$er of employees with childcare responsi$ilities.

Increa"e in Age -i"crimination .itigation BD Police are expecting an increase in age discrimination litigation as a result of greater num$ers of older wor ers in the wor place. Increa"e in the N%m*er of In$ivi$%al" with -i"a*ilitie"

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)is of many different inds of disa$ilities increases with age, so an increase in the num$er of elderly across the industriali!ed world will li ely also mean a rise in the num$er of individuals with disa$ilities. This may $e particularly true in BD Police where levels of chronic disease are higher than in many other institutions. BD Police will need to step up efforts to $ridge the digital divide $etween individuals with disa$ilities and an increasingly technology-driven wor place. "n many cases, technology already exists that can ena$le individuals with disa$ilities to participate fully in the wor place. "t will $e up to #) practitioners to $uild this awareness in their organi!ations. -emographic Change": Implication" for /- !olice BD Police have to determine to what extent these demographic trends will impact their organi!ation. BD Police should ta e the following initiatives for facing demographic changes5 "nvesting more in training and development to $oost employee s ill levels %uccession planning Training to recogni!e and respond to generational differences Bringing retirees $ac into the wor force 1ffering customi!ed $enefits pac ages to employees 4onducting studies to determine pro0ected demographic ma eup of organi!ation(s wor force 4onducting studies to determine pro0ected retirement rates in the organi!ation 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of discrimination against individuals with disa$ilities

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1ffering employment options designed to attract or retain semiretired employees. 1ffering employment options designed to attract and retain 2enerations @ and A 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of age discrimination 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of racial

discrimination 1ffering language courses for employees 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of discrimination $ased on sexual orientation 4hanging health and safety policies to reflect changing language needs of the wor force 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of discrimination $ased on ethnicity 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of gender discrimination 4hanging employment practices to address the issue of religious discrimination 1ffering language courses. 4hanging health and safety policies to reflect the aging of the wor force Esing retirees as mentors

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Effectiveness of BD Police and strategic #)5

#)* needs to achieve the following strategic goals in order to gain and sustain the goals, mission and vision of BD Police5 to invest in people through the introduction and encouragement of learning processes designed to increase capa$ility and align s ills to organi!ational needs, to ensure that the organi!ation identifies the nowledge re&uired to meet its goals and ta es steps to ac&uire and develop its intellectual capital, to define the $ehaviours re&uired for organi!ational success and ensure that these $ehaviours are encouraged, valued and rewarded to encourage wor force to engage wholeheartedly in the wor they do for the organi!ation, to gain the commitment of people to the organi!ation(s mission and values.

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)egulating physical appearance5 Dress code, height6weight restriction

-re"" co$e Bangladesh Police is a uniform service. Employees of BD Police must wear uniform during discharging his6her duties. The uniform is different for various types of Police li e District Police, *etropolitan Police, )ailway Police, #ighway Police, %BAT Police, APBn. etc. 0eight1weight re"triction or AS!: *inimum /( :F for male and minimum :( ,=F for female. There is no weight restriction. or SI an$ Con"ta*le: *inimum /( ?F for male and minimum /( 8F for female. There is no weight restriction.

)eward for BD Police5

Police medals are awarded every year in the annual Police Bee Parade. They are awarded $oth for $ravery and service. /angla$e"h !olice Me$al (/!M)

Bangladesh Police *edal CBP*D Bangladesh Police *edal - %ervice CBP*-%e$aD

!re"i$ent !olice Me$al (!!M)

President Police *edal CPP*D President Police *edal - %ervice CPP*-%e$aD

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Ethics in #) of BD Police5 An examination of ey issues

The human resources function deals with a variety of ethical challengesG $eing the department that deals directly with people, #) includes numerous ethical pitfalls that can damage reputation if not handled properly. The importance of ethics in human resources is crucial for BD Police. But the #) practices of BD Police are not satisfactory for the following unethical practices5 &ecr%itment: "n case of %u$-"nspector and 4onsta$le, most of the cases recruitments are $eing completed $y ta ing $ri$e without considering the merit. "n case A%P the level of corruption is very minimal. !romotion: *ost of the cases employees are not getting promotion in right time. Promotion is $eing given $ased on either political favour or $y ta ing $ri$e. 'ran"fer: Transfer is $eing done either on the $asis of political favour or $y ta ing $ri$e. The employees who are enough capa$le are not getting posting in the right place $ecause they do not have political power and ade&uate money. 'raining: Employees are not getting training e&ually. %ome employees are getting training fre&uently.

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Training and development

In+co%ntry training A""i"tant "%perinten$ent of police (AS!) The Assistant %uperintendent of Police CA%PD are recruited $y Bangladesh Pu$lic %ervice 4ommission CBP%4D through the competitive Bangladesh 4ivil %ervice CB4%D examination. They undergo a one year long training in the Bangladesh Police Academy as Pro$ationary A%Ps. After passing from the academy, they undergo an orientation training for six months in the district level as a pro$ationer. S%*+In"pector %u$-"nspectors are recruited $y Police #ead&uarters centrally. They undergo a one year long training in the Bangladesh Police Academy as 1utside 4adet %u$"nspectors. After that they have parta e in a two years pro$ationary period in different police units. Sergeant %ergeants are recruited $y Police #ead&uarters centrally. After appointment they undergo a six month long training course in the Bangladesh Police Academy, at the ran of Pro$ationary %ergeant. After passing from the academy, they also undergo an orientation training of six months in the ran of pro$ationer.

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Con"ta*le 4onsta$les are recruited in the district level. They undergo a six month long training in the Police Training 4entre as a Trainee )ecruit 4onsta$le CT)4D.

Police personnel is trained on various issues and su$0ects related to operational, management and leadership, including5 4rime Prevention and 4ommunity %afetyG 2enderG 4ommunication, psychological $ac ground on victims of crimeG 4rime %cene *anagementG 4riminal "ntelligence AnalysisG ;orensic AwarenessG 2eneric *urder "nvestigationsG Train The Trainer( CTTTDG Effective *edia )elationsG and #uman Traffic ing "nvestigations.

.i"t of 'raining In"tit%tion" Police %taff 4ollege, Dha a Bangladesh Police Academy, %ardah, )a0shahi Police Training 4entre, Tangail
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Police Training 4entre, )angpur Police Training 4entre, Hhulna Police Training 4entre, 'oa hali Detective Training %chool CDT%D, )a0ar$agh, Dha a ;orensic Training "nstitute, *ali$agh, Dha a %pecial Branch Training %chool, *ali$agh, Dha a Police Peace eepersI Training %chool, )a0ar$agh, Dha a Police %pecial Training %chool CP%T%D, Bet$unia, )angamati Traffic and Driving %chool CTD%D, *ill Barrac , Dha a *otor Driver Training %chool C*DT%D, 3amalpur Telecommunications Training 4enter, )a0ar$agh, Dha a Dha a *etropolitan Police Training Academy, )a0ar$agh, Dha a )apid Action Battalion ;orces Training %chool, 2a!ipur Armed Police Battalion Training %chool *oreover there are in-service training centres in different districts. Over"ea" St%$y 'o%r1Conference 2 training A num$er of study visits and conferences were organi!ed in overseas to identify regional and international $est practices and capacity $uilding. 5 "nternational 4ommanders Programme C"4PD in EHG Executive +eadership Programme at the Australian "nstitute of Police *anagement in %ydneyG
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4rime "ntelligence Analysis course in EHG Training on J*a ing 2overnance 2ender )esponsiveF in *anila, PhilippinesG Training on "nternet as an "nvestigation Tool at 4anadian Police 4ollege, 4anadaG %tudy visit to #ong Hong, Thailand, %ingapore and %ri +an a to have an exposure of training facilitiesG %tudy 7isit to 3apan and Thailand to esta$lish further cooperation $etween Bangladesh and 3apan in the area of law enforcement and to meet with "'TE)P1+ officials in Bang o G 7isit to Bang o to attend %outh East Asia #eads of T#B Enit meetingG %tudy visit to Australia to have an exposures of current investigation practicesG 4onference on E' 2";T C2lo$al "nitiative to ;ight #uman Traffic ingD at 7ienna, AustriaG 4onference on TET)A %ystems at #ong Hong. %BAT training in America.

#p+gra$ation of 'raining Co%r"e" A num$er of training courses have $een up-graded and re-developed for Bangladesh Police including5 4onsta$les( Kualification Program DetectiveG +atent ;ingerprintG

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%cene 1f 4rime 1fficers C%141DG ;orensic AwarenessG 4rime %cene and Personal PhotographyG and 4ourse for 3udges and ProsecutorsG Basic "4TG Effective *edia )elations.

#N Civ !ol !eace keeping training Police Training 4enter CPT4D, Tangail has $een identified as the location for a dedicated E'-Training-;acility, to enhance capacity for the participants of BP for E' peace eeping missions considering their greater involvement. The existing 4"7P1+ training course has $een reviewed. Procurement of e&uipment for the training center is underway.

2eneration differences5 4hallenges for BD Police5

2eneration is a group of people who share a common range of $irth dates, normally ,L years and who share a common set of experiences. 4haracteristics5 2enerations are influenced $y its periods economic, political, and social events, which later influences and shapes our decisions and actions. 2enerations have a lot in common $ut small differences can lead to conflict at wor .
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*em$ers of each generation $ring distinct sets of values, attitudes, and $ehaviors to the wor place, largely as a result of the era in which they grew up in. Differences with values, ideas, ways of getting things done and different ways of communicating. Challenge": Accommo$ate employee $ifference" +earn all you can a$out them, wor to meet their specific needs and serve them according to their uni&ue preferences. 2enerational competence M the a$ility to understand, appreciate and meet the specific needs of different generations. Create workplace choice" Allow the wor place to shape itself around the wor $eing done, the people $eing served and the people who wor there. Operate for a "ophi"ticate$ management "tyle 2ive those who report to you the $ig picture, specific goals and measures. 2ive them feed$ac , rewards and recognition as appropriate. &e"pect competence an$ initiative Treat everyone as if they have great things to offer and are motivated to do their $est. #ire carefully to assure a good match $etween people and wor . No%ri"h retention 1ffer lots of trainingMfrom one-on-one coaching sessions, to interactive computer-$ased classes, to an extensive and varied classroom curriculum. Encourage lots of lateral movement and $roader assignments.

2ender issue and EE1 Act5

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The Bangladesh Police have made concerted and comprehensive efforts ma e the gender issue pivotal and important at its recent endeavours. Training, raising awareness for the promotion and protection of gender and increased interest to recruit women in Bangladesh Police are a few of the P)PNs initiatives that have $een rendered to Bangladesh Police. Ender capacity development intervention, the P)P recently organi!ed a Training of Trainers for 8= instructors in the ran of %u$-"nspector and Assistant %u$"nspector of different Police Training %chool in Bangladesh. The course was entitled gender sensitive policing and organised at the Detective Training %chool, Dha a. *s. *ily Biswas, Additional 4ommissioner of Dha a *etropolitan Police and D"2 inaugurated the session along with senior police officers and P)P officials who attended as special guests. P)P 2ender Expert, *s. ;aw!ia Hhond er Eva, was the core facilitator of the training. The training covered the current situation of women in Bangladesh, the difference $etween sex and gender, the root causes of the une&ual relationship $etween men and women as well as violence against women. "t is noteworthy to mention that the P)P has developed a module on 2ender %ensitive Policing to train master trainers who, in turn, will $e e&uipped to carry out gender sensitivity training in Bangladesh Police. The master trainers then train other police personnel without P)PNs direct intervention which paves the way to ensure a sustaina$le development and ownership within the Bangladesh Police. This module will act as a guideline for future training. "t is noted that the P)P has already trained >? trainers at thana level followed $y a gender orientations for the field level for employees of Bangladesh Police. "t is widely ac nowledged that women are under-represented in law enforcement in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Police have responded $y prioritising the
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recruitment of an additional 9=== female police in the %trategic Plan 8==L-8=,=. "ncreased representation of women in the Bangladesh Police is critical to sustain reform. ;or example, the retention and effective deployment of women police is lin ed to the sustaina$ility of the crime prevention and community policing outcomes as more female investigating officers will li ely encourage more women to assist police with investigations and prosecutions. All support to this 1utcome will $e consistent with Bangladesh Police policies and regulations. The P)P follow-up survey demonstrated overwhelming pu$lic support C>=-D for women to wor in the police service. 1ver :=- of the respondents felt women should comprise half of the police force. P)P will support the Bangladesh Police to get closer to the +D4 average of around L- women(s representation in the police service. P)P will support efforts to develop a Bomen in Policing %trategy, which will include a comprehensive plan to actively recruit women at all levels. P)P, under 1utcomes 8 and :, will assist with infrastructure development at selected training institutions and Thana to provide women with appropriate accommodation and facilities. P)P will also assist with training of women police for specialist roles and positions of leadership. This will support efforts to ma e policing a feasi$le career option for women. 1verseas management and leadership courses will also $e supported. P)P will assist Bangladesh Police women and men to provide training on how to wor effectively with women Cwhether as colleagues or clientsD, in a nondiscriminatory and e&uita$le way. Policies and procedures in the Bangladesh Police will $e reviewed and updated to ensure they are gender sensitive and nondiscriminatory. %upport to develop modular, competency-$ased training on domestic violence, sexual assault, child a$use and child victims, victim management and interviewing techni&ues will also $e provided. ;urther support will also $e provided to the Bangladesh Police Bomen(s 'etwor
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to expand their communication networ s $oth nationally and internationally, strengthen their capacity to contri$ute to policy and decision-ma ing, and raise awareness. This 1utcome places a strong emphasis on raising awareness and victim supportG particularly for women, children, poor and vulnera$le groups. The 7ictim %upport 4entre model will $e expanded through the esta$lishment of up to ? additional %upport 4entres. The Bangladesh Police will need to meet recurrent costs for these 4entres to $e successful so this will need careful planning and to $e lin ed to the Police $udget. Partnerships with '21s and other government agencies will $e further strengthened to $uild victim support networ s and referral mechanisms to streamline access to 0ustice, social and medical supports. P)P will support efforts to develop a victim referral system so it can $e extended in all Thana. "n addition the partnership with relevant government agencies and E' agencies to improve 3uvenile 3ustice in Bangladesh will continue. P)P will continue to support the development of a 3uvenile 3ustice %trategy and to wor with the police to respond to the needs of 0uveniles in conflict and contact with the law through identified pilot initiatives. Hey outputs5 ,. The participation of women in Bangladesh Police is increased at all ran s, and progressively more women are represented in positions of authorityG 8. 2ender awareness increasedG and 9. "mproved victim support services.

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PE%TE+ Analysis of BD Police5

A PE%TE+ analysis is a framewor or tool used $y organi!ation to analy!e and monitor the macro-environmental factors that have an impact on an organi!ation. The result of which is used to identify threats and wea nesses which is used in a %B1T analysis. !olitical actor" These are all a$out how and to what degree a government intervenes in the functioning of the BD police. This can include O government policy, political sta$ility or insta$ility, foreign policy, la$our law, environmental law,

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and various types of laws. "t is clear from the list a$ove that political factors often have an impact on BD Police and it needs to $e a$le to respond to the current and anticipated future legislation, and ad0ust their policy accordingly.

,conomic actor" Economic factors have a significant impact on BD Police. ;actors include O economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, disposa$le income of consumers and $usinesses and so on. Social actor" Also nown as socio-cultural factors, are the areas that involve the shared $elief and attitudes of the population. These factors have a great impact on the activities of BD Police. %ocial factors include security< safety, crime, terrorism, women repression, dowry etc. .

'echnological actor"

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Be all now how fast the technological landscape changes and how this impacts the way we provide our services to the people. Technological factors may affect BD Police in the following ways5 )ecruiting Training Performance management Data storage < retrieval ,nvironmental actor" These factors also affects the functioning of BD Police. These includes what service people are demanding from police. Police personnel should $e recruited, trained and managed according to the demand of the society, state or country. .egal actor" +egal factors include - health and safety, e&ual employment opportunities, gender discrimination, human rights etc. "t is clear that BD Police need to now what is and what is not legal regarding human resource management.

%B1T analysis of BD police5

The %B1T analysis ena$les us to identify the positive and negative influencing factors inside and outside of an organi!ation. The ey role of %B1T is to help develop a full awareness of all factors that may affect strategic planning and decision ma ing, a goal that can $e applied to most any aspect of industry. %B1T analysis of BD Police is as follows5 Strengths BD police is an age old $randed Weaknesses %alary is very poor.
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)is y wor ing condition. organi!ation. %ocial status is very high. "t is a uniform service. %ocial $elongingness. %trong leadership. Poor promotion scope. "nefficient employee. A$sence of modern weapons. A$sence of modern technology. Poor logistic support. +ac of compensation. Opport%nitie" 1pportunity to wor a$road in E' *ission. 'ew posts are created continuously. #uge promotion scope will $e created in the coming future. #arassment to the victim. 1pportunity to wor with international police. There is an opportunity to provide service to the marginal people. "mage crisis Political interference. 4orruption. 'hreat"

#) of Bangladesh Police in the 8, st. 4entury5 4hallenges for the future5

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-ifference" *etween pa"t an$ pre"ent view of 0&M: 'ra$itional 0&M Agency 4ontrol6monitoring "nformation asymmetry Enidirectionality %tructure-oriented Behavioural consistency ;it #ierarchy 1riented towards cost ;ormal rules #K initiatives ;unctionalism Administrative spirit !re"ent 0&M %tewardship Trust6commitment $uild Hnowledge sharing )eciprocity Process-oriented 4ognitive reference ;lexi$ility #eterarchy 1riented towards value "nformal norms %u$sidiary initiatives 4ross-functionalism Entrepreneurial spirit

Based on the a$ove discussion the challenges of BD Police in the 8, st 4entury can $e enumerated as follows5 /eing the ,mployer of Choice Becoming and remaining an employer of choice is the top-ran ing #)-related challenge BD Police is facing today. Employees need a culture, a place in which to grow and feel good a$out their surroundings. BD police should $e concerned with providing potential, current and even past employees with this environment.

-elineating the C%lt%re: 1rgani!ation(s culture is a dramatic force $ehind every employer of choice. Eni&ue to each organi!ation, culture has many drivers, such as the organi!ation(s leadership or the product or service produced. At the very least, BD Police should $e the designated

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eeper of the corporate culture. At its $est, BD Police can $e instrumental in creating or maintaining a culture that is truly great. An identifia$le culture attracts employees, gives them a sense of purpose and offers a $asis for participation in decision-ma ing. #"ing /ran$ing to !romote C%lt%re: Branding promotes culture. BD Police must develop a compelling $rand image for the wor force. Staying Att%ne$ to Changing -emographic": The wor force has changed and will continue to do so. BD Police should recogni!e and understand the dynamics of the Jnew wor force,F where for the first time four distinct groups of wor ers wor together under one virtual roof. The over-/= $a$y-$oomers lend themselves to loyalty and sacrifice, those in their :=(s $elieve hard wor will ta e them to the top, 9=-somethings see a $alance $etween wor and home, and new wor ers in their 8=(s are realists wired for technology. #owever, today(s employees are even now experiencing a metamorphosis. The role of women and other minorities is expanding, median age is increasing and there is a rise in the contingent wor force. Winning the War for 'alent BD Police has already come a long way toward winning the war for talent, which is another significant #) challenge. &ecr%iting an$ &etaining Over 'ime: 2iven suita$ly competitive offerings with respect to compensation, culture is an organi!ation(s num$er one recruitment and retention tool. This is also a challenge for BD Police.

.everaging an In$i"pen"a*le !layer: 'echnology *eeting today(s #) challenges would $e impossi$le without technology, a critical practice in and of itself. *ost people want to wor for companies that have good technology. ;or example, college graduates accustomed to using the internet for their wor , research, thesis, and case studies expect the latest technology on the
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0o$. 2iven the widespread availa$ility of technology, an organi!ation lac ing in this component will not &ualify as an employer of choice for the emerging wor force. ,"ta*li"hing Self+Service an$ Colla*oration: People want to wor for and stay at companies that empower them to do their 0o$s, and selfservice and colla$oration do exactly that. Employee self-service ma es #) and other wor -related transactions easily accessi$le 8:6., granting increased wor force autonomy and lightening the #) administrative load. C%ltivating .ea$er"hip: +oyalty to a single organi!ation is rapidly $ecoming a thing of the past. Bhile culture attracts a new hire, the reason an employee stays on is $ecause the wor ing environment is challenging and meaningful, engendering growth and development. The num$er one reason an employee leaves an organi!ation is lac of respect of the immediate supervisor. The culprit is the aging wor force, which causes organi!ations to promote younger individuals $efore they might $e ready to $e managers. Incorporating le3i*ility an$ A$apta*ility: ;or years organi!ations have $een moving away from hierarchical, structured environments $ecause they are neither effective for organi!ing nor comforta$le for employees. BD Police needs to mirror this movement $y allowing employees M particularly managers M to $e flexi$le, adapta$le, and nim$le. ;or example, instead of restricting a creative re&uisition that strays from an exact, predefined 0o$ description and salary range, BD Police can allow for variances that fit special circumstances.

The impact of information technology on #) management of Bangladesh Police5 opportunities < challenges
Technology has changed the world many times over. "n the "nformation Age, the advent of computers and the "nternet has increased that impact significantly. *any organi!ations cannot even function without the use of computer
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technology. This impact is seen in nearly all areas of organi!ations, including human resources, where technology continues to have a significant impact on #) practices. &ecr%iting 1ne way in which human resources of BD Police has $een significantly impacted $y technology is in the area of recruiting. Before the "nternet, They had to rely on print pu$lications, such as newspapers, to post 0o$s and get prospects for open positions. 1ther methods such as networ ing also were used, $ut they did not have the a$ility to post a 0o$ in one or more locations and have millions of people see it all at once. Technology has made recruiting more efficient and, in the hands of the right recruiter, more effective as well. 'raining "nformation technology ma es it possi$le for human resources professionals to train new staff mem$ers in a more efficient manner as well. The a$ility to access company information and training programs from remote locations eliminates the need for trainers to wor directly with new hires on all training. %ome interaction will always $e necessary on some level, of course, $ut training in virtual classrooms ma es it possi$le for the #) professionals to train a large num$er of employees &uic ly and to assess their progress through computeri!ed testing programs. -ata Storage an$ &etrieval #uman resources professionals generally process a considera$le amount of paperwor and also have to eep much of that paperwor on file for a considera$le period of time. The use of electronic imaging has made it possi$le for BD Police to store and retrieve files in an electronic format. Technology also ma es it possi$le for human resources professionals to simply print the forms that are needed for employees. Printing on demand eliminates the need to dig through an endless num$er of files in the file ca$inet to find what is needed.

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!erformance Management Enhanced performance management is another $yproduct of technological improvement.BD Police can use computer technology to assess employee performance and also to get employee feed$ac to $e used for the $etterment of the organi!ation. 7arious software programs ma e it possi$le for BD Police to examine employee performance using metrics to ensure that employees are meeting performance standards. Employees that donIt measure up can $e su$0ected to additional training or let go in favor a replacement who can come in and do the 0o$.

#) department of BD Police should $e transparent and accounta$le in respect of recruitment, promotion, transfer, training etc. %alaries of the police force as a whole should $e increased to a satisfactory level so that they can live in the society with pride and dignity $earing in mind that PThe necessity nows no $ounds.( At the same time tougher measures Qsuch as exemplary punishment for illegal means6methods eeping in mind the theory of deterrenceR should $e introduced against corruption and $ri$e. Employees of BD Police need more training. Better training will improve the professionalism and performance of the police, including increasing awareness of human rights and police responsi$ilities. Employees of BD Police should get compensation for extra hours duty. *odern technology should $e assem$le in the #) department of BD Police. Police should not only $e given physical trainings, $ut they should also $e trained intensively and extensively on morality and human rights.

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Police should $e given proper resources that are appropriate6suita$le to the modern times and their dress and its colour should $e reformed in such a way that could command respect of the wider pu$lic. Appointment and promotion within the Police %ervice should solely $e $ased on merit, performance and experience as opposed to nepotism, regionalism and party affiliation or $elongings. Policy level and operational level must clearly $e mar ed6set and the police should $e given a$solute responsi$ility to deal with all operational matters without any political interference. 4ode of Ethics should $e introduced. )eview operational roles and deployment of staff to ensure the maximum and efficient use of all police and to potentially reduce wor loads, ensuring compensation for additional hours performed. Training plans $ased on training needs analysis Cincorporating

competency profiling and s ills auditsD and in line with the organi!ation(s strategic plan, need to $e drafted and implemented, resulting in annual training for all officers. E&ual employment opportunity should $e implemented. #ealth and safety issues should $e considered. ;inancial $udget for #uman resource department of BD Police should $e increased.

Based on the discussion in the previous pages a$out dominant issues and challenges which are facing $y #)* of BD Police, the first and foremost wor $y the #) of BD Police is to develop sound organi!ational structure with strong interpersonal s ill to employees, and also to train employees $y introducing them
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the concept of glo$al human resource management to perform $etter in the glo$al organi!ation context. All these issues and challenges li e wor diversity, leadership development, change management, force organi!ational

effectiveness, 2lo$ali!ation, succession planning and compensation etc. can $e $est management $y #) of BD Police when it will wor with #) practices, such as rigid recruitment and selection policy, division of 0o$s, empowerment, encouraging diversity in the wor place, training and development of the wor force, fostering innovation, proper assigning of duties and responsi$ilities, managing nowledge and other functions as are shown. "n a nutshell when #) wor s enthusiastically $y eeping all the practices in mind, competitive advantages can thus $e accomplished, the value of human resource can $e improved, organi!ation efficiency can $e enhanced, and the organi!ation will sustain to survive.

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