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47 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No.


Moral Characteristics of the Prophets:
A Qur'anic Perspective

Mahnaz Heydarpoor & Mohammad Ali Shomali

1here are a number o ways to understand the best qualities o
human beings in Islam. One way is to study how God has described
the Prophets in the Qur`an, since they are the people who are
chosen by God as Iis messengers and are the best ones to be
chosen by human beings as their guide and role models. lor this
purpose, this paper tries to present a Qur`anic account o the
characteristics o each o the Prophets mentioned in the Qur`an.
1his paper also shows that moral characteristics occupy a central, i
not, the central, position in God`s praise o their qualities and this
illustrates the signiicance o morality in Islam.
Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
J. Submissive to God
So i they argue with you, say, I have
submitted my will to God, and so has he
who follow me.' And say to those who were
gien the Book and the uninstructed ones, Do
you submit` I they submit, they will certainly be
guided, but i they turn away, then your duty is
only to communicate, and God sees best the
serants. (3:20,
Message of Thaqalayn 48

Ie has no partner, and this |creed[ I hae been
commanded |to ollow[,and I am the first of
those who submit to God.` (6:J63)
2. Gentle to the people
It is by God's mercy that you are gentle to
them, and had you been harsh and
hardhearted, surely they would have scattered
from around you. So excuse them, and plead or
orgieness or them, and consult them in the
aairs, and once you are resoled, put your trust
in God. Indeed God loes those who trust in
Iim. (3:JS9)
3. Deep concern for the people
1here has certainly come to you an apostle rom
among yourseles. Grievous to him is your
distress, he has deep concern for you, and is
most kind and merciul to the aithul. (9:J28)
4. Most kind and merciful to the faithful
1here has certainly come to you an apostle rom
among yourseles. Grieous to him is your
distress, he has deep concern or you, and is
most kind and merciful to the faithful. (9:J28)
S. Who has faith in God and His words
Say, O mankind! I am the Apostle o God to you
all, |o Iim[ to whom belongs the kingdom o
the heaens and the earth. 1here is no god except
Iim. Ie gies lie and brings death.` So hae
aith in God and Iis Apostle, the uninstructed
prophet who has faith in God and His words,
and ollow him so that you may be guided.
49 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

See also 10:104 and 39:14.
6. God-fearing
\hen Our maniest signs are recited to them,
those who do not expect to encounter Us say,
Bring a Qur`an other than this, or alter it.` Say, I
may not alter it o my own accord. I ollow only
what is reealed to me. Indeed should I
disobey my Lord, I fear the punishment of a
tremendous day. (J0:JS)
Say, Indeed, should I disobey my Lord, I fear
the punishment of a tremendous day.' (39:J3)
7. Pure in his worship
Say, O people! i you are in doubt about my
religion, then |know that[ I do not worship those
whom you worship besides God. Rather I
worship only God, who causes you to die, and
I hae been commanded to be among the
aithul, (J0:J04)
Say, Only God do I worship, putting my
exclusie aith in Iim. (39:J4)
8. His heart is strengthened by God
\hateer \e relate to you o the accounts o the
apostles are those by which We strengthen your
heart, and there has come to you in this |surah[
the truth and an adice and admonition or the
aithul. (JJ:J20)
1he aithless say, \hy has not the Qur`an been
sent down to him all at once` So it is, that We
may strengthen your heart with it, and \e
Message of Thaqalayn 50

hae recited it |to you[ in a measured tone.
9. He puts his trust in God
1hus hae \e sent you to a nation beore which
many nations hae passed away, that you may
recite to them what \e hae reealed to you. \et
they dey the All-beneicent. Say, Ie is my Lord,
there is no god except Iim, in Him I have put
my trust, and to Iim will be my return.` ,J3:30)
\hateer thing you may dier about, its
judgment is with God. 1hat is God, my Lord. In
Him I have put my trust, and to Iim I turn
penitently. (42:J0)
J0. Mercy to all the inhabitants of the world:
\e did not send you but as a mercy to all the
nations. (2J:J07,
JJ. 1rustworthy:
|saying,[ Gie oer the serants o God to me,
indeed I am a trusted apostle sent to you.
J2. Hard against the faithless
Muhammad, the Apostle o God, and those who
are with him are hard against the faithless and
merciul amongst themseles. \ou see them
bowing and prostrating |in worship[, seeking
God`s grace and |Iis[ pleasure. 1heir mark is
|isible[ on their aces, rom the eect o
prostration. Such is their description in the 1orah
and their description in the Langel. Like a tillage
that sends out its shoots and builds them up, and
51 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

they grow stout and settle on their stalks,
impressing the sowers, so that Ie may enrage the
aithless by them. God has promised those o
them who hae aith and do righteous deeds
orgieness and a great reward. (48:29)
J3. Devotion to God
Muhammad, the Apostle o God, and those who
are with him are hard against the aithless and
merciul amongst themseles. You see them
bowing and prostrating in worship, seeking
God's grace and His pleasure. 1heir mark
is visible on their faces, from the effect of
Indeed your Lord knows that you stand vigil
nearly two thirds of the night or at times
a half or a third of it along with a group of
those who are with you. ,73:20)
J4. Great character
Nun. By the Pen and what they write: you are
not, by your Lord`s blessing, crazy, and yours
indeed will be an eerlasting reward, and indeed
you possess a great character. \ou will see and
they will see, which one o you is crazy. Indeed
your Lord knows best those who stray rom Iis
way, and Ie knows best those who are guided.
JS. Good example
In the Apostle of God there is certainly for
you a good exemplar, or those who look
orward to God and the Last Day, and remember
God greatly. ,33:21,
Message of Thaqalayn 52

Characteristics of the Prophet Abraham
J. Righteous
And who will |eer[ renounce Abraham`s creed
except one who ools himsel \e certainly chose
him in the |present[ world, and in the Hereafter
he will indeed be among the Righteous.
\e gae him good in this world, and in the
Hereafter he will indeed be among the
Righteous. (J6:J22)
And \e gae him Isaac and Jacob, and \e
ordained among his descendants prophethood
and the Book, and \e gae him his reward in the
world, and in the Hereafter he will indeed be
among the Righteous. (29:27)
2. Submissive to God:
\hen his Lord said to him, Submit,` he said, I
submit to the Lord of all the worlds.` (2:J3J)
See also 3:6 and 3:103.
3. Upright (hanif)
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian.
Rather he was a hanif, a Muslim, and he was not
one o the polytheists. (3:67)
Say, God has spoken the truth, so ollow the
creed o Abraham, a hanif, and he was not one
o the polytheists. (3:9S)
53 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

And who has a better religion than him who
submits his will to God, being irtuous, and
ollows the creed o Abraham, a hanif And God
took Abraham or a dedicated riend. (4:J2S)
Indeed I hae turned my ace toward Iim who
originated the heaens and the earth, as a hanif,
and I am not one o the polytheists.` (6:79)
Say, Indeed my Lord has guided meto a straight
path, the upright religion, the creed o Abraham,
a hanif, and he was not one o the polytheists.`
Indeed Abraham was a nation obedient to God, a
hanif, and he was not one o the polytheists.
1hen \e reealed to you |saying[, lollow the
creed o Abraham, a hanif, and he was not one
o the polytheists.` (J6:J23)
4. Benefactor (muhsin)
And \e gae him Isaac and Jacob and guided
each o them. And Noah \e had guided beore,
and rom his ospring, Daid and Solomon, Job,
Joseph, Moses and Aaron -thus do We
reward the benefactor- (6:84)
\ou hae indeed ulilled the ision! Surely thus
do we reward the benefactor. (37:J0S)
1hus do We reward the benefactor. (37:JJ0)
Message of Thaqalayn 54

S. 1ender-hearted (awwah)
Abraham`s pleading orgieness or his ather was
only to ulill a promise he had made him. So
when it became maniest to him that he was an
enemy o God, he repudiated him. Indeed
Abraham was most tender-hearted and
orbearing. (9:JJ4)
Abraham was indeed orbearing, most tender-
hearted, |and[ penitent. (JJ:7S)
6. Iorbearing (halim)
Abraham`s pleading orgieness or his ather was
only to ulill a promise he had made him. So
when it became maniest to him that he was an
enemy o God, he repudiated him. Indeed
Abraham was most tender-hearted and
forbearing. (9:JJ4)
Abraham was indeed forbearing, most tender-
hearted, |and[ penitent. (JJ:7S)
7. Penitent
Abraham was indeed orbearing, most tender-
hearted, |and[ penitent. (JJ:7S)
.Our Lord! In \ou do we put our trust, and to
You do we turn penitently, and toward \ou is
the destination. (60:4)
8. Obedient
Indeed Abraham was a nation ,or leader or
model, obedient to God, a hani, and he was not
one o the polytheists. (J6:J20)
55 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

9. Grateful
Grateul |as he was[ or Iis blessings, Ie chose
him and guided him to a straight path. (J6:J2J)
J0. Most truthful
And mention in the Book Abraham. Indeed he
was a most truthful one, a prophet. (J9:4J)
JJ. Meets his Lord with pure heart
when he came to his Lord with a pure heart,
J2. Iaithful
He is indeed one of Our faithful servants.
J3. Puts his trust in God
.Our Lord! In You do we put our trust, and
to \ou do we turn penitently, and toward \ou is
the destination. (60:4)
J4. Good example in his and his followers' treatment of idol
1here is certainly a good exemplar for you in
Abraham and those who were with him, when
they said to their own people, Indeed we
repudiate you and whateer you worship besides
God. \e disaow you, and between you and us
there has appeared enmity and hate or eer,
unless you come to hae aith in God alone,`
except or Abraham`s saying to his ather, I will
Message of Thaqalayn 56

surely plead orgieness or you, though I cannot
aail you anything against God`. (60:4)
1here is certainly a good exemplar for you in
them -or those who look orward to God and
the Last Day- and anyone who reuses to
comply |should know that[ indeed God is the All-
suicient, the All-laudable. (60:6)
Characteristics of the Prophet Jesus
J. Righteous
Ie will speak to people in the cradle and in
adulthood, and will be one of the righteous.
and Zechariah, John, Jesus and Ilyas, -each of
them among the righteous- (6:8S)
2. Held in honour in the world and the Hereafter
\hen the angels said, O Mary, God gies you
the good news o a \ord rom Iim whose name
is Messiah, Jesus, son o Mary, held in honour
in the world and the Hereafter, and one o
those brought near |to God[. (3:4S)
3. 1aught the Book and wisdom by God
And He will teach him the Book and wisdom,
the 1orah and the Langel, (3:48)
\hen God will say, O Jesus son o Mary,
remember My blessing upon you and upon your
mother, when I strengthened you with the Ioly
Spirit, so you would speak to the people in the
cradle and in adulthood, and when I taught you
the Book and wisdom, the 1orah and the
57 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

Langel, and when you would create rom clay
the orm o a bird, with My leae, and you would
breathe into it and it would become a bird, with
My leae, and you would heal the blind and the
leper, with My leae, and you would raise the
dead, with My leae, and when I held o |the eil
o[ the Children o Israel rom you when you
brought them maniest proos, whereat the
aithless among them said, 1his is nothing but
plain magic.` (S:JJ0)
4. Near to God
\hen the angels said, O Mary, God gies you
the good news o a \ord rom Iim whose name
is Messiah, Jesus, son o Mary, held in honour in
the world and the Iereater, and one of those
brought near to God. (3:4S)
\hen God said, O Jesus, I shall take you|r soul[,
and I shall raise you up toward Myself, and I
shall clear you o |the calumnies o[ the aithless,
and I shall set those who ollow you aboe the
aithless until the Day o Resurrection. 1hen to
Me will be your return, whereat I will judge
between you concerning that about which you
used to dier. (3:SS)
S. Pure
Ie said, I am only a messenger o your Lord that
I may give you a pure son.` (J9:J9)
6. Kind and considerate
and to be good to my mother, and He has not
made me self-willed and wretched. (J9:32)
Message of Thaqalayn 58

Characteristics of the Prophet Moses
J. Penitent
\hen Moses arried at Our tryst and his Lord
spoke to him, he said, My Lord, show |\oursel[
to me, that I may look at \ou!` Ie said, \ou
shall not see Me. But look at the mountain: i it
abides in its place, then you will see Me.` So when
his Lord disclosed Iimsel to the mountain, Ie
leeled it, and Moses ell down swooning. And
when he recoered, he said, Immaculate are \ou!
I turn to You in penitence, and I am the irst o
the aithul.` (7:J43)
2. Iaithful
. And when he recoered, he said, Immaculate
are \ou! I turn to \ou in penitence, and I am the
first of the faithful.` (7:J43)
1hey are indeed among Our faithful servants.
3. Purified
And mention in the Book Moses. Indeed he was
purified by God, and an apostle and a prophet.
4. Given wisdom (and judgement)
So I led rom you, as I was araid o you. 1hen
my Lord gave me wisdom (judgment) and
made me one o the apostles. (26:2J)
59 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

S. Benefactor (muhsin)
1hus indeed do We reward the benefactor.
6. Noble
Certainly \e tried the people o Pharaoh beore
them, when a noble apostle came to them,
7. 1rustworthy
|saying,[ Gie oer the serants o God to me,
indeed I am a trusted apostle sent to you.
Characteristics of the Prophet Joseph
J. Most truthful
Joseph,` |he said[, O truthful one, gie us your
opinion concerning seen at cows who are eaten
by seen lean ones, and seen green ears and
|seen[ others dry, that I may return to the people
so that they may know |the truth o the matter[.`
2. 1rustworthy
1he king said, Bring him to me, I will make him
my aourite.` 1hen, when he had spoken with
him, he said, Indeed today |onwards[ you are
honoured and trustworthy with us.` (J2:S4)
Message of Thaqalayn 60

3. Good keeper
Ie said, Put me in charge o the country`s
granaries. I am indeed a good keeper |and[
well-inormed.` (J2:SS)
4. Benefactor (muhsin)
1hat is how \e established Joseph in the land
that he may settle in it whereer he wished. \e
coner Our mercy on whomeer \e wish, and
We do not waste the reward of the benefactor.
Characteristic of the Prophet Jones
He was of those who glorify God
And had he not been one of those who glorify
God, (37:J43)
Characteristics of the Prophet Lot
J. 1rustworthy
Indeed I am a trusted apostle |sent[ to you.
2. Given wisdom (and judgement)
We gave wisdom (judgement) and knowledge
to Lot, and \e deliered him rom the town
which used to commit icious acts. Indeed they
were an eil and proligate lot. (2J:74)
3. Given knowledge
We gave wisdom ,judgement, and knowledge
to Lot ... (2J:74)
61 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

4. Righteous
God draws an example or the aithless: the wie
o Noah and the wie o Lot. 1hey were under
two of our righteous servants, yet they betrayed
them. So they did not aail them in any way
against God, and it was said |to them[, Lnter the
lire, along with the incomers.` (66:J0)
Characteristic of the Prophet Saleh
Indeed I am a trusted apostle |sent[ to you.
Characteristics of the Prophet David
J. Given wisdom and kingdom
1hus they routed them with God`s will, and
Daid killed Goliath, and God gave him the
kingdom and wisdom, and taught him
whateer Ie liked. \ere it not or God`s
repelling the people by means o one another, the
earth would surely hae been corrupted, but God
is gracious to the world`s creatures. (2:2SJ)
We made his kingdom firm and gave him
wisdom and conclusive speech (or sound
judgement). (38:20)
2. Given knowledge
. and taught him whatever He liked. .
Message of Thaqalayn 62

3. Strong
Be patient oer what they say, and remember Our
serant, David, the man of strength. Indeed
he was a penitent |soul[. (38:J7)
4. Penitent
Be patient oer what they say, and remember Our
serant, Daid, |the man[ o strength. Indeed he
was a penitent soul. (38:J7)
Characteristics of the Prophet Aaron
J. Benefactor (muhsin)
1hus indeed do We reward the benefactor.
2. Iaithful
1hey are indeed among Our faithful servants.
Characteristics of the Prophet Noah
J. He puts his trust in God
Relate to them the account o Noah when he said
to his people, O my people! I my stay |among
you[ be hard on you and |also[ my reminding you
o God`s signs, for my part I have put my
trust in God. So conspire together, along with
your partners, leaing nothing ague in your plan,
then carry it out against me without giing me
any respite. (J0:7J)
63 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

2. Grateful
descendants o those whom \e carried |in the
ark[ with Noah. Indeed he was a grateful
servant. (J7:3)
3. 1rustworthy
Indeed I am a trusted apostle sent to you.
4. Benefactor (muhsin)
1hus indeed do We reward the benefactor.
S. Iaithful
He is indeed one of Our faithful servants.
6. Righteous
God draws an example or the aithless: the wie
o Noah and the wie o Lot. 1hey were under
two of our righteous servants, yet they betrayed
them. So they did not aail them in any way
against God, and it was said |to them[, Lnter the
lire, along with the incomers.` (66:J0)
Characteristics of the Prophet Solomon
J. Given judgement and knowledge
We gave its understanding to Solomon, and
to each We gave judgement and knowledge.
And \e disposed the mountains and the birds to
gloriy |Iim[ with Daid, and \e hae been the
doer |o such things[. (2J:79)
Message of Thaqalayn 64

2. Given knowledge
Certainly We gave David and Solomon
knowledge, and they said, All praise belongs to
God, who granted us an adantage oer many o
Iis aithul serants.` (27:JS)
3. Penitent
And to Daid \e gae Solomon -what an
excellent serant! Indeed he was a penitent
soul. (38:30)
Characteristics of the Prophet John (Yahya)
J. Lminent
1hen the angels called out to him, as he stood
praying in the sanctuary: God gies you the good
news o John, as a conirmer o a \ord o God,
eminent and chaste, a prophet, among the
righteous.` (3:39)
2. Chaste
.God gies you the good news o John, as a
conirmer o a \ord o God, eminent and
chaste, a prophet, among the righteous.` (3:39)
3. Righteous
. God gies you the good news o John, as a
conirmer o a \ord o God, eminent and chaste,
a prophet, among the righteous.` (3:39)
and Zechariah, John, Jesus and Ilyas, - each of
them among the righteous (6:8S)
65 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

4. Compassionate
and a compassion and purity rom Us. Ie was
pious, (J9:J3)
and good to his parents, and was not self-
willed or disobedient. (J9:J4)
S. Purity
and a compassion and purity from Us. Ie was
pious, (J9:J3)
6. Pious
and a compassion and purity rom Us. Ie was
pious, (J9:J3)
and good to his parents, and was not sel-willed
or disobedient. (J9:J4)
Characteristic of the Prophet Llias
J. Righteous
and Zechariah, John, Jesus and Llias, -each of
them among the righteous- (6:8S)
Characteristics of the Prophet Hud
J. Puts his trust in God
Indeed I have put my trust in God, my Lord
and your Lord. 1here is no liing being but Ie
holds it by its orelock. Indeed my Lord is on a
straight path. (JJ:S6)
Message of Thaqalayn 66

2. 1rustworthy
Indeed I am a trusted apostle sent to you.
Characteristics of the Prophet Shuayb
J. He puts his trust in God
Ie said, O my people! Iae you considered,
should I stand on a maniest proo rom my
Lord, who has proided me a good proision
rom Iimsel I do not wish to oppose you by
what I orbid you. I only desire to put things in
order, as ar as I can, and my success lies only
with God: in Him I have put my trust, and to
Iim I turn penitently. (JJ:88)
2. Penitent
. and my success lies only with God: in Iim I
hae put my trust, and to Him I turn
penitently. (JJ:88)
3. 1rustworthy
Indeed I am a trusted apostle sent to you.
Note: In the erse 11:8, those who had not belieed in
the Prophet Shuayb`s mission, characterised him with
orbearance and right-mindedness:
1hey said, O Shuayb, does your worship require
that we abandon what our athers hae been
worshiping, or that we should not do with our
means whateer we wish You are indeed a
gentle and sensible person.' (JJ:87)
67 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

1here are two iews among the exegetes o the Qur`an in
this regard. Some beliee that they were not serious in this
and were instead ridiculing him. Others beliee that they
had admitted that he possessed these two qualities and
were asking him that why a person like him with such
characteristics must ask them not to worship what their
athers used to worship.
Characteristics of the Prophet Jacob
J. Puts his trust in God
And he said, My sons, do not enter by one gate,
but enter by separate gates, though I cannot aail
you anything against God. Soereignty belongs
only to God. In Him I have put my trust, and
in Him let all the trusting put their trust.'
2. Righteous
And \e gae him Isaac, and Jacob as well or a
grandson, and each of them We made
righteous. (2J:72)
Characteristics of the Prophet Ismail
J. Submissive to God
So when they had both submitted to God's
will, and he had laid him down on his orehead,
2. Knowledgeable
1hey said, Do not be araid. Indeed we gie you
the good news of a knowledgeable son.`
Message of Thaqalayn 68

1hen he elt a ear o them. 1hey said, Do not be
araid!` and they gae him the good news of a
knowledgeable son. (SJ:28)
3. 1ruthful in his promise
And mention in the Book Ishmael. Indeed he
was true to his promise, and an apostle and a
prophet. (J9:S4)
4. Pleasing to his Lord
Ie used to bid his amily to |maintain[ the prayer
and to |pay[ the zakat, and was pleasing to his
Lord. (J9:SS)
S. Patient
And Ishmael, Idris, and Dhul-Kil -each of
them was among the patient. (2J:8S)
\hen he was old enough to assist in his
endeaour, he said, My son! I see in a dream that
I am sacriicing you. See what you think.` Ie said,
lather! Do whateer you hae been commanded.
If God wishes, you will find me to be patient.'
So \e gae him the good news of a forbearing
son. (37:J0J)
Characteristics of the Prophet Isaac
J. Righteous
And \e gae him Isaac, and Jacob as well or a
grandson, and each of them We made
righteous. (2J:72)
69 Spring 2010, Vol. 11, No. 1

And \e gae him the good news o |the birth o[
Isaac, a prophet, one o the righteous. (37:JJ2)
Characteristics of the Prophet Zechariah
J. Righteous
and Zechariah, John, Jesus and Llias, -each of
them among the righteous- (6:8S)
2. Humble before God
So \e answered his prayer, and gae him John,
and remedied his wie|`s inertility[ or him.
Indeed they were eer quick in |perorming[ good
works, and they would supplicate Us with
eagerness and awe and were humble before Us.
3. Quick in performing good works
So \e answered his prayer, and gae him John,
and remedied his wie|`s inertility[ or him.
Indeed they were ever quick in performing
good works, and they would supplicate Us with
eagerness and awe and were humble beore Us.

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