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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust Fictitious Name Or Address Public Notice/Public Record Fictitious Name Or Address

See: orei!n-"tatus-#ub$ic-%otice-#ub$ic-&ecord !en "ou use t!e two letter T#RR$TOR% desi&nation' "ou are com(elled to use a )i( code' because t!ere are man" states' for e*am(le' t!at start wit! +M,+ M# is Maine -- M$ is Mic!i&an, -ow man" (eo(le do +i+ or ma/e an i t!at loo/s li/e and +e0+ it! MA' MO' MN' MS' etc and some slo((" writin&' and "ou could not tell one from t!e ot!er, So we use t!e )i( code in order to tell t!em a(art, 1ut if "ou wrote Mic!, or Minn,' or Miss,' 2true abbre.iations3 t!ere would be no real (roblem tellin& w!ic! state is w!ic!, T!ere is no !arm in usin& t!e )i( code' if "ou lawfull" identif" "our state, $ found out t!at no state le&islature !as met to lawfull" c!an&e t!e abbre.iation of t!e state from its true abbre.iation, T!erefore' if "ou do not use t!e lawful abbre.iation for t!e union state' but use t!e s!orter new T#RR$TOR%' "ou use t!e )i( code, Loo/ on (a&e 44 of t!e 5i( Code 6irector"' and it will tell "ou t!at t!e first di&it of t!e )i( code is t!e federal re&ion in w!ic! "ou are (ur(orted reside, $f "ou use A5 for Ari)ona' "ou cannot use t!e state constitution to (rotect "ou because "ou did not identif" Ari)ona state, %ou used t!e )i( code' w!ic! identifies w!ic! federal re&ion t!e 7NAM#7 resides, And Con&ress ma" rule directl" federal re&ions' but it cannot rule t!e citi)ens of an" state, T!e re&ion better /nown as a federal area or territor" is $L' $N' A5' etc, Pro(erl" construed' 5$P Codes can onl" be a((licable in Federal territories and t!at ma" be located wit!in t!e 89 States of t!e :nion' and to t!e 7:nited States7 and 6istrict of Columbia and its territories -- cf, Pi;ua 1an/ ., <nou(' = O!io >?@' ?9? 24A8=3 and :,S, ., 1utler' @BC :,S, 4' => 24B>=3 to t!e effect t!at 7in" state t!ere are two &o.ernmentsD t!e state and t!e :nited States,7 T!erefore' 5$P Code addresses are for t!e cor(orate 7:nited States7 and its a&ents 2for e*am(le' a customs and dut" collector at New %or/ !arbor' w!en t!e" mo.e out into t!e States of t!e :nion to (erform functions dele&ated to t!e 7:nited States7 b" t!e National/Federal Constitution' or t!e Penns"l.ania 6e(artment of Trans(ortation' 1ureau of Motor Ee!icles' or a :,S, Con&ressman3, 1ut' b" (ro(a&anda' misleadin& information and seditious s"nta*' &o.ernment !as &otten nearl""one in t!e 89 States of t!e :nion to use 5$P Codes of address' and t!at creates a PR#S:MPT$ON or a PR#F:6$C$AL A6M$SS$ON t!at one is in suc! a Federal .enue' or t!at one is suc! a &o.ernment a&ent, $n realit" itGs t!e 7NAM#,7 See: !tt(://www,scribd,com/doc/4A89C9A49/Common-Law-Trust-Le&alFictions-6efined-Public-Notice-Public-Record $n &eneral' it is well settled in law t!at $ncome Ta* Statutes a((l" onl" to cor(orations and to t!eir officers' a&ents' and em(lo"ees actin& in t!eir official ca(acities' e,&, from Colonial Pi(eline Co, ., Trai&le' ?@4 :,S, 499' ?? L,#d,@d 4' B8 S,Ct, 48>A 24BC83: 7,,,' all +income ta* statutes+ a((l" onl" to state created creatures /nown as cor(orations no matter w!et!er state' local' or federal,7 Since cor(orations act onl" t!rou&! t!eir officers' em(lo"ees' etc,' t!e income ta* statutes reac! out to t!em w!en actin& in t!eir official ca(acities' but not as indi.iduals, T!is is t!e real (ur(ose for $dentif"in& Numbers -- cf, @= CFR >94,=49B-42d3 H 2&3 and @= :,S,C, =>>42a3 and @= CFR >94,=>>4-4' Part ?, See: !tt(://www,scribd,com/doc/4B94@9=C8/A-Forei&n-#ntit"-A&enc"-Or-State-Cannot-1rin&-An"-SuitA&ainst-A-:nited-States-Citi)en-Common-Law-Trust-Public-Notice-Public-Record :se of a 5$P Code address is tantamount to t!e admission of bein& a 7Citi)en of t!e :nited States7 w!o does not !a.e t!e (rotections of t!e first ei&!t Amendments to t!e Constitution 2t!e 1ill of Ri&!ts3 w!en (roceeded a&ainst b" Federal or State aut!orit" -- Ma*well ., 6ow' 4C= :,S, 8A4' @9 S,Ct, ??A 24B993' but' 7All t!e (ro.isions of t!e constitution loo/ to an indestructible union of indestructible states7' Te*as ., !ite' C all, C99D :,S, ., Cat!cart' @8 F,Case No, 4?'C8=D $n re C!ar&e to Irand Fur"' >9 F, Case No, 4A'@C> 2=8 C,F, Section @3 -- not /nown to be o.erturned, American Furis(rudence $n &eneral' it is essential to identif" (arties to court actions (ro(erl", $f t!e alle&ed

Certified Mail Article Number: (arties to an action are not (recisel" identified' t!en w!o is in.ol.ed wit! w!om or w!at' and !ow0 $f not (ro(erl" identified' all corres(ondin& Jud&ments are .oid' as outlined in Eolume ?=' American Furis(rudence @d' at KFud&ments,L Sec, 499 Parties M A Jud&ment s!ould identif" t!e (arties for and a&ainst w!om it is rendered' wit! suc! certaint" t!at it ma" be readil" enforced' and a Jud&ment' w!ic! does not do so' ma" be re&arded as .oid for uncertaint", Suc! identification ma" be ac!ie.ed b" namin& t!e (ersons for and a&ainst w!om t!e Jud&ment is rendered, Tec!nical deficiencies in t!e namin& of t!e (ersons for and a&ainst w!om Jud&ment is rendered can be corrected if t!e (arties are not (reJudiced, A reference in a Jud&ment to a (art" (lainl" liable' followed b" an omission of t!at (art"Gs name from t!e lan&ua&e of t!e decree' at least & rise to an ambi&uit" and callin& for an in;uir" into courtGs real intention as reflected in t!e entire record and surroundin& circumstances,L T!e use of' b" im(lication' mista/e' or ot!erwise' of fictitious names wit!in an" lawful and e.en Kle&alL document renders said document/instrument fatall" flawed for sim(le fraud, And' since no man or woman in t!e Pri.ate 6omain can be !eld accountable for t!e same crime twice' b" &uarantee' t!en if initiall" one is c!ar&ed in t!e wron& name' and t!at mista/en identit" at an" sta&e of t!e (roceedin&s renders t!e (resent (roceedin& null' .oid and dismissed, T!is renders t!e abo.e KstatuteL also null' .oid' and written' for t!is fatal error cannot be corrected and one must' secondl"' face t!e same c!ar&es, Mista/en $dentit" cannot be used as a correctable error merel" because one cannot be c!ar&ed twice for t!e same cause' e.en if t!e first c!ar&e was mista/en, Fictitious name or address !' for t!e (ur(ose of conductin&' (romotin&' or carr"in& on b" means of t!e Postal' an" sc!eme or mentioned in t!is title or im(risoned not more t!an fi.e "ears' or bot!, 2Fune @8' 4B?A' c!, =?8' =@ Stat, C=>D Pub, L, B4M>C8' N=2J324@3' Au&, 4@' 4BC9' A? Stat, CCAD Pub, L, 49>M>@@' title OOO$$$' N>>994=2432-3' Se(t, 4>' 4BB?' 49A Stat, @4?C,3 See: !tt(://www,scribd,com/doc/4A89C9A49/Common-Law-Trust-Le&al-Fictions-6efined-Public-Notice-PublicRecord Frauds and swindles !' ! de.ised or intendin& to de.ise an" sc!eme or artifice to defraud' or for obtainin& mone" or (ro(ert" b" means of false or fraudulent (retenses' re(resentations' or (romises' or to sell' dis(ose of' loan' e*c!an&e' alter' &i.e awa"' distribute' su((l"' or furnis! or (rocure for unlawful use an" counterfeit or s(urious coin' obli&ation' securit"' or ot!er article' or an"t!in& re(resented to be or intimated or !eld out to be suc! counterfeit or s(urious article' for t!e (ur(ose of e*ecutin& suc! sc!eme or artifice or attem(tin& so to do' (laces in an" (ost office or aut!ori)ed de(ositor" for mail matter' an" matter or t!in& w! to be sent or deli.ered b" t!e Postal' or de(osits or causes to be de(osited an" matter or t!in& w! to be sent or deli.ered b" an" (ri.ate or commercial interstate carrier' or ta/es or t!erefrom' an" suc! matter or t!in&' or /nowin&l" causes to be deli.ered b" mail or suc! carrier accordin& to t!e direction t!ereon' or at t!e (lace at w!ic! it is directed to be deli.ered b" t!e (erson to w!om it is addressed' an" suc! matter or t!in&' s!all be fined under t!is title or im(risoned not more t!an @9 "ears' or bot!, $f t!e .iolation occurs in relation to' or an" benefit aut!ori)ed' trans(orted' transmitted' transferred' disbursed' or (aid in connection wit!' a (residentiall" declared maJor disaster or emer&enc" 2as t!ose terms are defined in section 49@ of t!e Robert T, Stafford 6isaster Relief and #mer&enc" Assistance Act 2?@ :,S,C, 84@@33' or affects a financial institution' suc! (erson s!all be fined not more t!an P4'999'999 or im(risoned not more t!an >9 "ears' or bot!, 2Fune @8' 4B?A' c!, =?8' =@ Stat, C=>D Ma" @?' 4B?B' c!, 4>B' N>?' => Stat, B?D Pub, L, B4M>C8' N2=32J32443' Au&, 4@' 4BC9' A? Stat, CCAD Pub, L, 494MC>' title $O' NB=42i3' Au&, B' 4BAB' 49> Stat, 899D Pub, L, 494M=?C' title OOE' N@89?2!3' No., @B' 4BB9' 49? Stat, ?A=4D Pub, L, 49>M>@@' title OOE' N@8999=' title OOO$$$' N>>994=2432-3' Se(t, 4>' 4BB?' 49A Stat, @9AC' @4?CD Pub, L, 49CM@9?' title $O' NB9>2a3' Ful" >9' @99@' 44= Stat, A98D Pub, L, 449M4CB' N?' Fan, C' @99A' 4@4 Stat, @88C,3 Section @ Q Princi(als 2a3 ! commits an offense a&ainst t!e :nited States or aids' abets' counsels' commands' induces or (rocures its commission' is (unis!able as a (rinci(al, 2b3 ! willfull" causes an act to be done w!ic! if directl" (erformed b" !im or anot!er would be an offense a&ainst t!e :nited States' is (unis!able as a (rinci(al, 2Fune @8' 4B?A' c!, =?8' =@ Stat, =A?D Oct, >4' 4B84' c!, =88' N4Cb' =8 Stat, C4C,3 See: !tt(://www,scribd,com/doc/4B9AA>@A9/Common-Law-Trust-Fraud-6efined-Public-NoticePublic-Record

Certified Mail Article Number: $dem est facere' et non (ro!ibere cum (ossisD et ;ui non (ro!ibit' cum (ro!ibere (ossit' in cul(a est 2aut Jubet3 defined: To commit' and not to (ro!ibit w!en in "our (ower' is t!e same t!in&D and !e w!o does not (ro!ibit w!en !e can (ro!ibit is in fault' or does t!e same as orderin& it to be done, 1lac/+s Law 6ictionar" Si*t! #dition 2(a&e C??3 T!e (ublic record bein& t!e !i&!est form of e.idence' freeborn s(iritual bein& on t!e land bein& of sound mind' com(etent' t!e a&e of ei&!teen do !ereb" certif"' .erif"' state' claim and declare wit!out abandonmentD Real Pro(ert" 2on #art!3D Personal Pro(ert" 2bod"3D and #cclesiastical Pro(ert" 2soul3 to&et!er wit! all trusts' (robate' ri&!ts' titles' interests droit' droit bot! absolute and contin&ent' as are due and as mi&!t become due' now e*istin& and as mi&!t !ereafter arise' and as mi&!t be suffered b"' im(osed on' and incurred b" 6ebtor for an" and" reason' (ur(ose' and cause w!, PR$EAT# defined: Affectin& or belon&in& to (ri.ate indi.iduals' as distinct from t!e (ublic &enerall", Not officialD not clot!ed wit! office, Peo(le ., Powell' @A9 Mic!, =BB' @C? N, , >C@' >C>, 1lac/Gs Law 6ictionar" Si*t! #dition 2(a&e 44B83 Sui Furis' /nown as: Fo!n' of t!e &enealo&" of 6oe freeborn s(iritual bein& on t!e land state t!e facts contained !erein are true' correct' com(lete' and not misleadin&' to t!e best of m" (ersonal first !and /nowled&e and belief, 1ein& of sound mind' com(etent' t!e a&e of 4A, T!is m" free will' .oluntar" act and deed to ma/e' e*ecute' seal' ac/nowled&e and under m" !and and seal wit! e*(licit reser.ation of all m" unalienable ri&!ts and m" s(ecific common law ri&!t not to be bound b" an" contract or obli&ation w!ic! $ !a.e not entered into /nowin&l"' willin&l"' .oluntaril"' and wit!out misre(resentation' duress' or coercion' w!ereb" $ did not si&n nor consent, $ am not now nor !a.e been a :,S, Citi)en or a Fourteent! Amendment Federal Citi)en or #m(lo"ee' $ am not bound b" sworn oat! or oat! of office, !ereas $ !ereb" disclaim Clauses One and Two of Section One to t!e Fourteent! Amendment' to&et!er wit! Article Four Section T!ree Clause Two, K it!out t!e :,S,L S!ould t!is not be true t!en let t!e record be corrected or it will stand as trut!, Time is of t!e essence, Eeracit"D $n m" Pri.ate Ca(acit" as Ieneral #*ecutor/#*ecutri* of said Cestui Rue Trust 2#state3 account 6roit' 6roit' T!is Notice t!at "our offer !as been Acce(ted as Ealuable Consideration and Returned for Ealue, T!is (ro(ert" is #*em(t from Le.", Please AdJust t!is Account for t!e Proceeds' Products' Accounts and Fi*tures and Release T!e Order2s3 of T!e Court to Me $mmediatel", Ma/e adJustment and close t!is account immediatel"' wit! (reJudice, $ acce(t "our Oat!' Oat! of Office Securit" A&reement' Constitutions as b"-laws' and Malfeasance 1ond and (lace "ou in t!e Pri.ate commencin& t!is selfe*ecutin& bindin& contract between "ou and $, Furt!er' $ a((oint "ou trustee KFull" Personall" Liable NowL on "our !onor and solemn Oat! to (erform "our obli&ations and duties to Protect M" un-a-lien-able Ri&!ts in "our Fiduciar" Ca(acit" a&ainst an" and all claims' le&al actions' orders' warrants' Jud&ments' demands' liabilities' losses' foreclosure' de(ositions' summonses' lawsuits' costs' fines' liens' le.ies' (enalties' ta*es' dama&es' interests' and e*(enses w!' bot! absolute and contin&ent' as are due and as mi&!t become due' now e*istin& and as mi&!t !ereafter arise' and as mi&!t be suffered b"' im(osed on' and incurred b" 6ebtor for an" and" reason' (ur(ose' and cause w!, Please !onor Obli&ation of Iood Fait! in Performance of "our 6uties, Ruid Pro Ruos' an e;ual e*c!an&e or substitution,

T!is m" free will' .oluntar" act and deed true and lawful attorne"-in-fact to ma/e' e*ecute' seal'

Certified Mail Article Number: ac/nowled&e and under m" !and and seal' e*(licitl" all ri&!ts wit!out (reJudiceD 1":SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Sui Furis /nown asD Fo!n of t!e &enealo&" of 6oe 1ailor for FO-N 6O# 1ailee SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Rand' Roe T!ird Part" itness Probatio (lena 7Sealed and deli.ered in t!e (resence of us,7 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ric!ard' Roe T!ird Part" itness Probatio (lena 7Sealed and deli.ered in t!e (resence of us,7 STAT# OF $LL$NO$S 3 3 SS: CO:NT% OF COO< 3 C#RT$F$CAT# OF AC<NO L#6IM#NT On t!is date t!e indi.idual named abo.e' in !is/!er stated ca(acit"' (ersonall" a((eared before me to e*ecute t!is ac/nowled&ement t!at t!is instrument was si&ned' sealed' and deli.ered as t!eir free will' .oluntar" act and deed to ma/e' e*ecute' seal' ac/nowled&e and under t!eir !and and seal .erified and aut!enticated for t!e uses and (ur(oses t!erein mentioned, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6AT# AFF$O NOTAR% S#AL $F R#R:$R#6 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Si&nature of NOTAR% P:1L$C 6ate Commission #*(ires SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

NOT$C#: Public acts defined: are t!ose w!ic! !a.e a (ublic aut!orit"' and w!ic! !a.e been made before (ublic officers' are aut!ori)ed b" a (ublic seal' !a.e been made (ublic b" t!e aut!orit" of a ma&istrate' or w!ic! !a.e been e*tracted and been (ro(erl" aut!enticated from (ublic records, 1lac/Gs Law 6ictionar" Si*t! #dition 2(a&e @=3


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