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1. Introduction of Morarka Foundation: M.F is a leading Voluntary Organization engaged in Research & Development in Organic Agriculture.

Started in 1995, the Foundation started working on Agri biotechnology for reducing the cost of cultivation . The Vermiculture Technology developed by MF was awarded Gold Medal at India International Trade Fair, New Delhi in 2002. The experience gained by the MF enabled it to introduce Organic Agriculture for over, 2. 50,000 farm families in 16 states spread across the country. The Foundation is also a recognized Training & Resource Centre for various schemes of Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centers, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and various State Governments. 2. Abstract: Vermiculture is the process of culturing worms to decompose organic material/Cow dung turning into a nutrient rich material capable of supplying necessary nutrients to help plant growth. This method is simple, effective, convenient and noiseless. It save water, energy, landfill, and help to rebuild the soil. The worms have the ability to convert organic material/Cow dung into nutrient rich material which reduces the needs for synthetic fertilizers. Vermicompost improves soil structure and aeration as well as increases water holding capacity. Worms helps the environment by decomposing organic material turning it into a natural rich organic soil amendment. Vermicompost composting is natures way of completing the recycling loop. Being born, living, dying and being reborn again. Adding compost to soil aids in erosion control, promotes soil fertility, and stimulates healthy roots developments in plants. 3. Implementation Plan: Morarka Foundation will provide turnkey services and or consultancy as per requirement of the client. MF will implement the plan and provide technology support to execute the project along with initial hand holding

support for system installation including training of the staff and labour appointed by the client. After completion of one production cycle of Vermicompost, MF will withdraw its technical supervision and would provide time to time monitoring visits as per requirement. 4. Introduction of Vermiculture Technology: To being with, application of Vermiculture biotechnology for Vermi composting is not at all new. In fact the origin of present day Vermiculture has been the outcome of research carried out for treating households waste. Once it was found to be successful at households level, up-scaling has been done to produce Vermicompost for large scale use in Agriculture by utilizing organic waste from many and diverse sources. In India, it has already been about 10 years, that Government of India through Ministry of Urban Development under Supreme Court directions, short listed Vermiculture technology for treatment of segregated waste in urban areas. It has made it compulsory for all Municipal Local Bodies above certain size to use segregated urban household solid waste to produce Vermicompost. Additionally, once Vermi Casting has been found to very effective in agriculture, many commercial producers have started using Food and Agriculture industry waste also for vermicasting. Vermiculture biotechnology is a modern concept of harnessing an ecosystem for effective utilization of organic residues with the help of earthworms. Earthworms play a key role in waste recycling biology by serving as versatile natural bioreactor to effectively harness the beneficial micro flora and destroy pathogens. The role of earthworms in farming was known to farmers since long, but their role in waste treatment is a new area. 5. Benefits of using Earthworms: Short life cycle, prolific breeding and high rate of organic material consumption characterize earthworms. They can be adopted to feed on any organic material.

The biggest advantage of using earthworms for generating organic compost lies in minimizing the time of composting. Mixing up of secretions of earthworms with the composted material enhances the microbial decomposition process. Earthworms eat partially degraded organic material and this material undergoes chemical breakdown by the enzymatic activity in their gut. Thus organic material exposed to earthworm activity undergoes both physical and chemical breakdown through biological activity. As compared to natural degradation, earthworm can be used to speed up the process by a factor up to 50-100%. Earthworms ensure bio-sanitization and prevent sewage sickness through effective regeneration of the adsorbent bio-medium. In this process, there is no environmental pollution. 6. Why Eudrillus eugineae is used among so many species of earthworms: They are surface dwelling. This means they depend upon different kinds of waste materials available on soil surface as their food material. Other earthworms prefer mainly soil as their food and draw their nutrients from humus and other semi decomposed materials available in the soil. Hence they are the most suitable species for waste management. Their rate of feeding is the fastest, comparable to any other species of earthworms available. This means, they can eat up waste materials very fast and convert them into compost. Their rate of breeding is very fast comparable to any other species of earthworms available. i.e. they can multiply 8-10 times in an year which is a no match for other earthworms. This ensures their survival rate in any kind of compost system. Even if some worms die due to unfavorable conditions, others survive and continue their work.

7. Microbial decomposition technology: The Eco-System consisting of macro and macro organisms has enough ability to deal with bio waste. The eco system has also the ability to deal with both toxic and non toxic substances but biotechnology intervention speed up the process of waste decomposition and reduce the burden and associated hazards of undecomposed or partially decomposed waste. The synergistic action of this has enough ability to recycle bio waste faster than any conventional method without losing its nutrition value. Composting is the only the first step in the process of breaking down organic matter. Earthworms finish this process. By feeding on the microorganisms which feed on organic waste, earthworms convert organic material into a nutrient rich substance which provides many benefits to plants. Over a short period of time the worms will break down the organic matter into the fine nutrient rich "castings". Vermi composting is the breaking down of organic material through the use of worms, bacteria, and fungi. In nature, organic matter is decomposed through these organisms. By managing Vermi composting you are essentially speeding up Mother Natures process of breaking down organic matter. The prepared compost has reduced toxicity level compared to the original waste 8. Benefits of Vermicompost: Increase soil fertility: By improving humus content in soil. Improves soil structure: Due to the structure of Vermicompost it aids in loosening and aerating the soil so that more oxygen gets to the roots. Regulates plant nutrients: The casting themselves have the ability to fix heavy metals in organic waste. Pest/ Disease resistance: Humus in Vermicompost withdraws harmful and fungi bacteria from the soil, giving plants the ability to fight of disease.

9. Vermicompost innovative uses: In addition to Vermi compost application in agriculture, many other innovative uses have also been reported. According to our experiences, almost two-third of total Vermicompost produced by us is presently being used for applications other than agriculture. Some of the significant applications are as follows. 9.1. 9.2. Landscape, Gardens and Nurseries: It reduces water consumption. It improves the quality and appearance. It reduces the bulk (as compared to FYM). It eliminates the need for weeding operations. It increases the shelf life of flowers. It improves germination of seeds in nurseries. Soil and Water Conservation :

It helps in stabilization of earthen structures through better vegetative growth. It promotes grass production in degraded open grass lands. Enables reclamation of waste lands for plantation & cultivation. 9.3. Forest Development:

Helps in early stabilization of transplants. Enables early regenerations of partly degraded forest areas. Increases overall vegetation in hilly regions. 9.4. Waste Management:

Helps recycle segregated solid wastes from diverse sources. 9.5. Ecological Renewal:

Helps in plantation of trees in extremely adverse conditions. This is highly suitable for establishment of new plantlets in rocky soil conditions.

10. Operational manual: Identification of composting feasibility using vermicompost and DL Composting technology. Preparation of windrows of 10 L x 3 W x 1.5 H (Can be done mechanically) Estimation of production cycle, total area required, production flow chart, approximate budget etc will be calculated. Designing of sprinkling system. (If required) Designing of mechanical compost harvesting system. Designing of Sieving system. Enrichment of compost as per requirement The compost can be fortified with Neem Cake, Phosphate Solublizing Microbes and other natural ingredients to produce different product mix having higher nutrition value. Providing supervision platform for monitoring the activities. 11.Proposed List of responsibilities: 11.1. Responsibilities of the client: To provide land for developing the facilities for operation of vermicompost project. All civil construction work will be done by the client as per the design provided by MF (if required). Client will make its own collection and transportation arrangements for shifting of organic waste material (Cow dung) to the processing site. Client will provide utilities like water, power and labour etc. for the project. Client will provide smooth passage to the workers of MF, to the production site. 11.2. Responsibilities of Morarka Foundation: MF will install the Vermicompost unit. MF will provide operation manual of the Vermicompost system. After completion of one cycle, MF will make smooth switch over of the management responsibility of the unit to any designated party by the client. MF will make necessary arrangements on its own for procurement of all types of cultures (Sanitizer/Earthworms etc.)


Keeping cow dung for 7-8 days for reducing temperature

Preparation of beds using worms

Spraying water continuously for maintaining moisture

Cover the beds with horticulture waste

Covered bed keeps ideal environment for worms

Ready Vermicompost

17. Budget: (A) Total area required for the project: 2000 Sqft. S. No. Particulars 1 1.1 Area/Quantity Rate/Unit Amount

Capital Cost Technical Expert & Supervision Charges include lodging & boarding 15,000 15,000 Total Capital Cost 2 2.1 Operational Cost Vermiculture (Live Earth Worms) 100 Kgm @ RS. 350/- per kgm 35,000 50,000

Total Project Cost (1+2)

*Other arrangements needed by party: Tools and Tackles, (As per mentioned in Annexure 2 i.g. Hand Cart, Fork, Spade, Pipes, Drum etc.) & Electricity and water. Local arrangements of labour required for the composting plant. Local arrangements of Cow Dung. Local arrangements for infrastructure. (If any)

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