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BURGUNDY WINE A few of the most exciting wines in the world come from Burgundy.

The Burgundy region begins a hundred kilometers south from Paris and spreads itself down to Lyon. It stretches on 36 kilometers !""# miles$. Burgundy is a region with %arious soils& di%ided in numerous districts' (hablis& ()te d*+r !di%ided in ()te de ,uits and ()te de -eaune$& ()te (halonnaise& ./connais and -eau0olais. Burgundy wines are of a %el%ety and subtle red or of a sensual and characteristic white. The most basic information on the wine of Burgundy are' Location: South of Paris, between Dijon and Lyon, the Burgundy wine region stretches on 360 Kilometers !!" miles# 3$ "00 %m!
si&e of the Burgundy region# 60,000 acres#

Size: Size of the vineyards: Grapes in Burgundy: Production: Type of Wine:

!",000 hectares
'' wine a((ellations )

*ed wine+ Pinot ,oir -hite wine+ .hardonnay $/0 million bottles 0ull1body red wine Pommard, .orton# 2edium1body red wine Beaune# Dry white wine .hablis, .hassagne 2ontrachet#

Burgundy Wine and food:

*ed+ 3ame *ed 2eat -hite+ 3rilled fish 4ysters

Chablis !and Petit (hablis& (hablis Premier (ru& (hablis 1rand (ru$ The %illage of Chablis gi%es its name to one of the most famous white wine in 2rance. (hablis is located at the north of the -urgundy region. Chablis wine is brisk and fruity& %ery dry and with a refreshing acidity. (hardonnay grapes grow on a limestone soil rich with fossils.

.hablis wine information+

5((ellation .hablis 3rand .ru .ontrol6e

Chablis Appellation:

5((ellation .hablis Premier .ru .ontrol6e 5((ellation .hablis .ontrol6e 5((ellation Petit .hablis .ontrol6e

Location: Places: Soil in Chablis: Size: Production: Grapes:

,orth of Burgundy, around the city of 5u7erre

$/0%m south of Paris $$0 miles#

.hablis, Beines, 0ontenay (r8s .hablis, etc in

$/ 9illages#

2arl and fossils

:,300 ha

$0,"00 acres#

3! million bottles
-hite wine only in .hablis)

.hardonnay Type of ines: 0ruity dry white wine ! to " years

Premier .ru+ 3 to ; years 3rand .ru+ " to $! years

Age: !intages:

!003, !00!, !00$, !000, $'';, $''6, $''" ,uts Butter 2ineral 3rilled salmon Poultry -hite meat Lobster and shellfish
.h89re goat cheese# 5isy .endr6 .antal .haource <(oisses Langres

Aro#as in Chablis:

Chablis and %ood:

Chablis and Cheese:

.habichou du Poitou .rottin de .ha9ignol

Cte de Nuits Villages Cte de Nuits is not an appellation but a wine region producing great red wines such as (hambertin& .orey34aint35enis& (hambolle3.usigny& 6ougeot& 6osne37oman8e and ,uits 4aint3 1eorges. They are all robust and elegant red wines with an intense and fragrant bou9uet. The Cte de Nuits Villages appellation applies to the wines coming from Pr8meaux to (orgoloin 0ust south of ,uits 4aint 1eorges. The *terroir* there is known for the purity of the limestone. A few wines from 2ixin are also in the appellation. Cte de Nuits Villages are great %alue red wines& %ery fruity and should be drunk before # years.

.=te de ,uits >illages wine information+

Appellation: Location: Place: Soil: Size: Production: Grapes: *ed+ Pinot ,oir
-hite+ .hardonnay

5((ellation .=te de ,uits >illages .ontrol6e South of ,uits Saint 3eorges 0i7in, Brochon, Pr6meau7, .omblanchien, .orgoloin Limestone .lay $;0 ha
:!0 acres#

$ million bottles
>ery limited (roduction of white

Type of ines: Age: !intages:


0ruity medium1body red wine

3 to " years !003, !00!, $''', $''; *ed fruits


Licorice %ood: *oasted duc% *ed meat Brie Brillat1Sa9arin .antal .haource Salers


Gevrey Chambertin Gevrey Chambertin is the largest appellation in ()te de ,uits. 1e%rey3(hambertin is also one of the most famous wines in 2rance. The location of the %ineyard is crucial in Gevrey Chambertin. The red wines 3 red wine only in 1e%rey (hambertin 3 range from 0ust a%erage to supreme. The best 1e%rey3(hambertin grands crus are (hambertin and (los de -:;e. They are among the finest french red wines.

3e9rey .hambertin wine information+

5((ellation 3e9rey .hambertin Premier .ru Appellation: 5((ellation 3e9rey .hambertin .ontrol6e and ' 3e9rey .hambertin 3rand .rus Location: Places: Soil: Size: Production: Grape: Pinot ,oir Type of ines: Dee( colored full body red wine ,orth of 3e9rey 3e9rey .hambertin, Brochon Limestone gra9els .layey limestone :00 ha
''0 acres#

!?3 million bottles

*ed wine only in 3e9rey .hambertin)

Age: !intages:

" to !" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/', $'//, $'/", $';/ .herry 2us% Licorice 3rilled red meat *oast red meat


Gevrey and %ood: Cheese:

<(oisses Clos de Vougeot .onks first planted %ine in Clos de Vougeot in the <"th century. ,owadays& protected by a wall of stones& (los de 6ougeot is the largest grand cru area in -urgundy. The %ineyard of Clos de Vougeot is shared between = owners. It generates a lot of troubles for wine tasters as the a%erage production per owner is a little bit more than <& bottles > Vougeot and Vougeot !remier Cru are the smallest appellations in -urgundy 3 excluding (los de 6ougeot 3 and sometimes pro%ide %ery good %alue with both red and white wines.

.los de >ougeot wine information+

5((ellation .los de >ougeot 3rand .ru Appellation: 5((ellation >ougeot Premier .ru 5((ellation >ougeot .ontrol6e Location: Place: Soil: Size: @n .=te de ,uits >ougeot .layey limestone 3ra9els higher 9ineyard# Aumus lower 9ineyard# :"0 ha
$,$$0 acres#

Production: Grape:

!!0,000 bottles
*ed wine only in .los de >ougeot)

Pinot ,oir Type of ines: Age: !intages:


Aarmonious full body red wine

$0 to $" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/' *ed fruits .hocolate Licorice


Clos de !ougeot and 3rilled red meat %ood: Cheese: <(oisses Vosne Roman"e Vosne Roman"e is home to one of the most famous wines in 2rance' La 7oman8e (onti. Although Roman"e Conti is uni%ersally known& the %illage of 6osne 7oman8e where it comes from is one the smallest wine %illages in -urgundy > The wine region around 6osne 7oman8e also hosts se%eral grands crus such as 1rands3 ?che;eaux and 7ichebourg which make of Vosne Roman"e terroirs the best of -urgundy red wines >

>osne *oman6e wine information+

5((ellation >osne *oman6e .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation >osne *oman6e Premier .ru List of a((ellations in >osne *oman6e Location: Place: ,orth (art of .ote de ,uits >osne *oman6e, 0lagey1Bche&eau7

Soil: Size: Production: Grape:

.lay $"0 ha
3;0 acres#

'00,000 bottles
*ed wine only

Pinot ,oir Type of ines: Age: !intages:


<legant red wine

" to $" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/' .herry Strawberry



.oC au 9in coC au 9in reci(e# *oast red meat 2unster 2aroilles .habichou Saint ,ectaire


Nuits #t Georges The %illage of Nuits #aint Georges gi%es its name to the ()te de ,uits. The ()te de ,uits starts 0ust south of 5i0on to the edge of (ote de -eaune. Nuits #aint Georges produces mostly red wines. 7ed ()te de ,uits are robust and elegant. Their bou9uet is intense and fragrant. The other %illages producing ()te de ,uits are Chambertin& $orey #aint Denis& Chambolle $usigny& Vougeot and Vosne Roman"e !see 7oman8e3(onti$.

,uits Saint 3eorges wine information+

5((ellation ,uits Saint 3eorges .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation ,uits Saint 3eorges Premier .ru Location: South of Dijon city


,uits Saint 3eorges, Pr6meau7 .layey limestone *oc%s 300 ha

;:0 acres#

Soil: Size: Production: Grapes:

$?; million bottles

Limited white wine (roduction

*ed+ Pinot ,oir

-hite+ .hardonnay

Type of ines: Age: !intages:


0ull body red wine

" to !0 years !003, !00!, $''', $'';, $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/', $'//, $'/" .herry Blac%currant Druffle *oast game 2eat in red wine sauce Brie .antal


%ood: Cheese:

Cte de Beaune The Cte de Beaune begins 0ust a few miles south of ,uits 4aint3 1eorges& around the %illage of Ladoix. The Cte de Beaune appellation is gi%en to wines coming from the city of -eaune but also from <6 %illages around -eaune such as Auxey35uresses& (hassagne3.ontrachet& Ladoix& 4aint37omain and 4a%igny les -eaune. 7ed Cte de Beaune are noticeable for their aroma and their warm bou9uet. They ha%e a tendency to a slightly lighter body and a 9uicker maturation than the ()tes de ,uits. The white wines of ()te de -eaune are straw3yellow& robust& thick and smooth& %ery dry. Cte de Beaune Villages is a different appellation. @ines

from all the ()te de -eaune area can substitute their local appellation with this regional type of appellation.

.=te de Beaune wine information+

Appellation: Location: Place: Soil: Size: Production: Grapes: *ed+ Pinot ,oir -hite+ .hardonnay Type of ines: Age: !intages:

5((ellation .=te de Beaune .ontrol6e @n the Beaune EmountainE Beaune and $6 9illages Limestone 3" ha
/" acres#

$;0,000 bottles
!F3+ red 1 $F3+ white

Light fruity red wine white wine ! to " years !003, !00!, $''' *ed+ *as(berry


-hite+ -hite flowers 3ra(efruit Burgundy snails .antal .oulommiers <mmental 2unster *eblochon

Beaune and %ood:


%lo&e Corton and Corton 'and Corton Charlemagne( Corton is the largest area of 1rands (rus in -urgundy. This terroir also called la montagne !the mountain$ in the Aloxe3(orton area produces the best red wines of ()te de -eaune. (orton needs to age at least < years to de%elop the smooth& rich red fruits aroma. At the top of the hill& (orton3(harlemagne is a great white -urgundy wine& one of the best in the region among .ontrachet and .eursault. Its is said that the french emperor (harlemagne owned this place <&3 years ago. The other wines are sold under the %lo&e Corton appellation. They are %ery good red wines and offer good %alue.

5lo7e .orton and .orton wine information+

Appellations in Corton:

5((ellation 5lo7e1.orton .ontrol6e 5((ellation 5lo7e1.orton Premier .ru 5((ellation .orton 3rand .ru 5((ellation .orton .harlemagne 3rand .ru ,orth (art of .=te de Beaune 5lo7e1.orton, Ladoi71Serrigny, Pernand1 >ergelesses Limestone 2arl
5lo7e .orton+ $30ha .orton+ $00ha .harlemagne+ 60ha Dotal+ !'0 ha ;$" acres#

Location: Place:




5lo7e .orton+ ;"0,000 .orton+ :/0,000 .harlemagne+ 300,000 Dotal+ $,"30,000 bottles
''G of red wine

Grapes: *ed+ Pinot ,oir

-hite+ .hardonnay, Pinot Beurot

Type of Age:


Dee( colored red wine " to $" years+ 5lo7e1.orton

$0 to !0 years+ .orton and .orton1 .harlemagne !intages:


!003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/', $'//, $'/"

*ed+ *ed fruits Aro#as in Corton: Druffle

-hite+ .innamon, Aoney, Butter

Corton and %ood:

>enison Duc% *ed meat

Cheese: -hite wine+ *eblochon

!ommard There are only red wines in !ommard. They are among the most tannic and robust wines in -urgundy& much stronger than -eaune and 6olnay close3by wines. Although !ommard is one of the most well3known appellation of the region& the wine*s 9uality decreased o%er the last decades. Aowe%er& since a number of campaigns& !ommard wines is impro%ing and the name is back into business>

Pommard wine information+

5((ellation Pommard .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation Pommard Premier .ru Location: Place: Soil: Size: Between Beaune and >olnay Pommard Limestone and red clay 3$" ha
;/0 acres#

Production: Grapes:

$?/ million bottles

4nly red wine in Pommard)

Pinot ,oir Type of ines: Age: !intages:


Dannic full1body red wine

" to $" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/', $'// Blac% cherry Blac%currant 2us% 3ame >enison *oast red meat


Po##ard and %ood: Cheese:


Volnay Volnay has been %ery famous for already = centuries > A Bing of 2rance e%en took the whole production of a campaign for his own only > Volnay produces only red wines. They are well3structured and elegant. The white wines made in the 6olnay area are sold under the .eursault appellation. ,ote that red 6olnay34antenots wines are actually coming from .eursault >

>olnay wine information+

5((ellation >olnay .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation >olnay Premier .ru Location of !olnay: Place: >olnay Between Pommard and 2eursault in .ote de Beaune

>olnay1Santenots is made in 2eursault

Soil: Size: Production: Grapes:

Limestone .lay !30 ha

";0 acres#

$?3 million bottles

4nly red wine in >olnay)

Pinot ,oir Type of ines: Age: !intages:


<legant red wine

3 to $" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/' *ed berry *as(berry >iolet 3ame .iteau7 <(oisses


!olnay and %ood: Cheese:

$eursault The white wines from $eursault are among the finest white wines in 2rance. It seems that white wine has always been grown in .eursault& as early as < # . A third of the production in $eursault has a Premier (ru label and is of great 9uality. The best of the best are Les Perri:res& Les (harmes& les 1outtes d*+r.

2eursault wine information+

Appellations 5((ellation 2eursault .ontrol6e in &eursault:

5((ellation 2eursault Premier .ru

5((ellation >olnay1Santenots Premier .ru red wine#

Location: Place:

@n .ote de Beaune, south of >olnay and north of Puligny 2ontrachet

2eursault Limestone 2arl ::0 ha

$,0'0 acres#

Soil: Size: Production: Grapes:

!?" million bottles

Limited (roduction of red wine

.hardonnay Type of ines: Age: !intages:


Hnctuous dry white wine

3 to $" years !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/' 5lmond 5((le ,ut 0ish in white sauce
.antal .haource .oulommiers <(oisses *eblochon Saint 2arcellin >acherin


&eursault and %ood: Cheese ith &eursault:

Chassagne $ontra)het Chassagne $ontra)het in the ()te de -eaune is famous for the great white wines produced in the # appellations !see below$ including 3 grands crus. .ontrachet& the most famous of them& is

often called Cking of white winesC. Chassagne $ontra)het until recently produced mainly red wines. Although a few of them can match with the best of the -urgundy region& the o%erall (hassagne3 .ontrachet red production cannot be compared with (orton and 6olnay. ,owadays& 6 D of the wines in Chassagne $ontra)het are white. They are among the best in -urgundy& e%en in 2rance and are increasingly popular.

.hassagne 2ontrachet wine information+

5((ellation .hassagne 2ontrachet .ontrol6e 5((ellation .hassagne 2ontrachet Premier .ru

Appellations in Chassagne &ontrachet:

5((ellation 2ontrachet 3rand .ru 5((ellation BItard 2ontrachet 3rand .ru 5((ellation .riots BItard 2ontrachet 3rand .ru

Location: Place:

South of .=te de Beaune .hassagne 2ontrachet, *emigny .layey limestone 3"0 ha

/6" acres#

Soil: Size: Production: Grapes:

! million bottles
60G+ white 1 :0G+ red

*ed+ Pinot ,oir -hite+ .hardonnay Type of ines: 0ruity full1body red wine 0ull1fla9ored white wine *ed+ 3 to $0 years -hite+ " to !0 years *ed+ !003, !00!, $''', $''6, $''3, $''0, $'/', $'//, $'/" -hite+ !003, !00!, !00$,

Age: !intages:

!000, $''', $''6, $''", $'/', $'/" *ed+ .herry Blac%currant Aro#as in Chassagne &ontrachet: -hite+ 5lmond *i(en a((le Aoney *ed+ *oast game %ood: -hite+ 3rilled fish -hite meat 0ish in white sauce -hite+ Langres Saint ,ectaire


Rully Although Rully is located in the ()te (h/lonnaise& the terroirs& the history and style of 7ully wines make them more similar to ()te de -eaune. -oth red and white wines from Rully are good %alue for your money. "# Premiers (rus ha%e reached o%er the years a %ery good le%el.

*ully wine information+

5((ellation *ully .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation *ully Premier .ru Location: Place: ,orth (art of .=te .hIlonnaise *ully, .hagny Limestone .lay 3!0 ha
;'0 acres#

Soil: Size:

Production: Grapes:

! million bottles
!F3+ -hite 1 $F3+ *ed

-hite+ .hardonnay *ed+ Pinot ,oir

Type of


0ine dry white wine -ell1structured red wine -hite+ ! to " years

Age: *ed+ 3 to " years !intages:


-hite+ !003, !00!, !00$, !000, $''' *ed+ !003, !00!, $''' -hite+ Aa&elnut -hite flowers

Aro#as in 'ully: *ed+ *as(berry .herry -hite+ 3rilled 0ish Shells *ed+ *ed meat 'ully and Cheese: -hite wine+ Beaufort .omt6 <mmental

'ully and %ood:

Givry Givry is a pretty %illage 0ust outside of (halon sur 4a)ne city. There are many historic places of interests in the %illage of 1i%ry itself. Although& the wine from Givry is not one of the most famous in -urgundy& a new generation of winemakers is responsible for attracti%e wines. Givry red wines are similar to those of .ercurey. @inemakers also produce a fine white wine in limited 9uantity.

3i9ry wine information+

5((ellation 3i9ry .ontrol6e Appellation: 5((ellation 3i9ry Premier .ru Location: Place:
.lose to .halon sur Sa=ne and 6%m south of 2ercurey

3i9ry, Dracy1le10ort, Jambles .lay Limestone !!0 ha

":0 acres#

Soil: Size: Production: Grapes:

$?: million bottles

Limited white wine (roduction

*ed+ Pinot ,oir

-hite+ .hardonnay

Type of ines: Age: !intages:


2edium1body red wine 3 to ; years !003, !00!, $''', $'';, $''6 .herry *as(berry *ed+ *ed meat Brie de 2eau7 .harolais *eblochon Parmesan


Givry and %ood:


!ouilly *uiss" Pouilly and 2uiss8 are two distinct %illages in the ./connais. The large wine area actually co%ers E %illages to produce a good white wine sold under the name of !ouilly *uiss". Although Pouilly

2uiss8 should be drunk when age #& it can be forgotten in a cellar for a %ery long time as it can possibly age " years or e%en more > !ouilly *uiss" should not be confused with Pouilly 2um8& a white wine from the Loire 6alley.

Pouilly 0uiss6 wine information+

Appellation: Location: Place: Soil: Size: Production: Grapes: .hardonnay Type of ines: Age: !intages:

5((ellation Pouilly 0uiss6 .ontrol6e around 2Icon 0uiss6, .haintr6, Solutr61Pouilly, >ergisson .layey limestone /;" ha
!,$"0 acres#

"?/ million bottles

-hite wine only in Pouilly 0uiss6)

*ich dry white wine ! to 6 years !003, !00!, !00$, !000, $''' 3rilled almond ,ut -hite flower


Pouilly %uiss( and %ood: Cheese:

Shellfish, 4ysters

Banon 2Iconnais Picodon

Bourgogne %+C

Bourgogne appellation co%ers all the -urgundy region. The %ineyards of -ourgogne A+( are located on 3=# %illages > The grapes used in -urgundy are Pinot ,oir for red wine and (hardonnay for white wine. A few decades ago& winemakers also used Pinot -eurot& (8sar and Tressot red grapes but they ha%e now almost completely disappeared. The 9uality %aries %ery much from acidic to supple from one producer to another.

Bourgogne 54. wine information+

)a#e: Location: 5((ellation Bourgogne .ontrol6e Burgundy region
3/" 9illages as (er de(artment+ ": in Konne '! in .=te dL4r $": in Sa=ne et Loire /" in *h=ne


Soil: Size:

>arious from limestone to clay 3,000 ha

;,:00 acres#

!: million bottles Production:

*ed+ $" million -hite+ ' million

Grapes in Burgundy:

*ed+ Pinot ,oir -hite+ .hardonnay

Type of ines: Age: !intages:


>arious *ed+ ! to / years -hite+ $ to " years *ed+ !003, !00!, $''', $''6 -hite+ !003, !00!, !00$, !000, $''' *ed+ Licorice Blac% fruits -hite+


Aoney >anilla Lemon *ed+ *ed meat %ood: -hite+ -hite meat 0ish *ed wine+ 2aroilles 2unster .amembert <mmental


Bourgogne %ligot" Bourgogne %ligot" is a light white wine. People in -urgundy drink it young as Aligot8 is not a wine that can age such as others. %ligot" stands for a white grape name used only in -urgundy. Aowe%er winemakers are allowed to add up to <#D of (hardonnay grapes. The production of -ourgogne Aligot8 is decreasing years o%er years as people are going more after (hardonnay these days. Bourgogne %ligot" from -ou;eron %illage deser%e a special note for the winemakers* efforts toward 9uality.

Bourgogne 5ligot6 wine information+

)a#e: Location: Places: Soil: Size: Production: 5((ellation Bourgogne 5ligot6 .ontrol6e 5ll Burgundy region Same as Bourgogne 54. 3/" 9illages
>arious all Burgundy region#

$,:00 ha

3,:60 acres#

$$ million bottles
-hite wine only)


and u( to $"G of .hardonnay

Type of Age: Aro#as:

ine: Light white wine Drin% it young) 5((le Lemon Shellfish 5(eritif with or without blac%currant cream .harolais 2Iconnais

%ood: Cheese:

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