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CCNA 1 Chapter 3 (Part 1) OSI Model each layer specific services and protocols Application Layer provides interface

nterface between applications we use to communicate and underlying network over which our messages are transmitted Application Layer Protocols - used to exchange data between programs running on the source and destination hosts OSI Model 7. Application 6. Presentation 5. Session > TCP/IP Model Application Presentation Layer - Coding and conversation of application layer data to ensure that data from the source device can be interpreted by the appropriate application on the destination device - Compression of the data in a manner that can be decompressed by the destination device - Encryption of the data for transmission and the decryption of data upon receipt by destination Quicktime Apple specification for video/audio MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) Standard for video compression and coding GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Standard for graphic images compression and coding JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Standard for graphic images compression and coding TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Standard coding format for graphic images The Session Layer - create and maintain dialogs between source and destination applications - handles exchange of into to initiate dialogs - keep them active - restart sessions that are disrupted/idle for long period of time TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols DNS, HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, FTP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) transfer of mail messages/attachments TCP/IP Protocols defined by RFCs (Request For Comments), maintained by IETF Application Layer 2 forms of software programs/processes that provide access to the network applications and services - Network Aware Applications Implement the application layer protocols and able to communicate directly with the lower layers of protocol stack (eg. Email clients, web browsers) - Application Services Programs that interface with the network and prepare data for transfer. Other programs may need assistance to use network resources (eg. File transfer, network printer spooling) Different data require different network services to ensure that it is properly prepared for processing by the functions occurring at lower layers of OSI Model Each application/network service use protocols, without data network wouldnt have a common way to format and direct data When discussing a protocol it could be in terms of the application, service or protocol Application Layer Protocols - specify what messages are exchanged between source and destination hosts - the syntax of the control commands - the type and format of the data being transmitted - the appropriate methods for error notification and recovery Application layer protocols on source and destination must match, for communication to be successful

Protocols - establish consistent rules for exchanging data between applications and services loaded on participating devices - specify how data inside the messages is structured and the types of messages that are sent between source and destination - define message dialogue

CCNA Chapter 3 (Part 2) Client/Server Model - device requesting information is client - device responding to request is server - Application Layer protocols describe the format of the request and responses between clients and servers - Exchange might also require control information (eg. User authentication, identification of data file to be transferred) Upload client to server data transfer Download server to client data transfer Function of a server any device that responds to requests from client applications Different server applications may have different requirements for client access (eg. User authentication, permissions) Client/Server Network - server runs a service/process/daemon (run in background and are not under end users direct control) Daemons listen for a request from a client A single application may employ many different supporting Application Layer services Individual client requests must be handled simultaneously and separately for the network to succeed Application Layer processes and services rely on support from lower layer functions to successfully manage the multiple conversations P2P (Peer to Peer Network Design) - two or more computers are connected without having a dedicated server - every connected end device (peer) can act as a client or a server simultaneously - On per request basis - Decentralized resources, security, user accounts, permissions and monitors P2P (Peer to Peer Applications) - every client a server and every server a client - both can initiate a communication and are considered equal in communication process - each end device must provide user interface and run a background service - used on P2P networks, client/server networks and across internet P2P (Peer to Peer Hybrid System Applications) resource sharing is decentralized but indexes point to resource locations. Indexes are stored on a centralized directory (Index Server) (can help connect 2 peers)

CCNA Chapter 3 (Part 3) Transport layer uses addressing scheme called a port number Port numbers identify applications and Application Layer services that are source and destination data

Server programs generally use predefined port numbers that are commonly known as clients FTP Port 20 and 21 (TCP) Telnet Port 23 (TCP) DNS Port 53 (TCP/UDP) DHCP Port 67 and 68 (UDP) HTTP Port 80 (TCP) POP Port 110 (TCP) Domain names were created to convert the numeric address into a simple, recognisable name > DNS Protocol - an automated service that matches resource names with required numeric network addresses - it includes the format for queries, responses and data formats - DNS Protocol communications use a single format called a message (client queries, server responses, error messages, transfer of resource record information between servers) DNS is a client/server service. DNS client (DNS resolver) runs as a service itself and supports name resolution for other network applications and other services that need it NSLookup - manually query the name servers to resolve a given host name - troubleshoot name resolution issues - verify current status of name servers DNS records: - A an end device address - NS an authoritive name server - CNAME the canonical name (fully qualified domain name) for an alias, used when multiple services have the single network address but each service has its own entry in DNS - MX mail exchange record DNS server first checks Name Daemon (named) to see if it can resolve DNS server temporarily stores the numbered address that matches the name in cache Ipconfig /displaydns displays all of the cached DNS entries on a computer DNS uses hierarchical system to create a name database to provide name resolution - Top of hierarchy top level domain servers (eg. .au, .co, .com, .jp, .org) - 2nd level in hierarchy second level domain names - Authoritive if a server has resource records that correspond to its level in the domain hierarchy URL Uniform Resource Locator URI Uniform Resource Indicator Web Browsers client applications our computers use to connect to the world wide web and access resources stored on a web server Web Server runs as a background service and makes different files available Browsers can interpret and present HTML, other data types may need a plug in or add on to interpret The web server specifies what kind of data the file contains

3 parts of a URL: - 1.The Protocol (eg. http) - 2.The Server Name (eg. - 3.The specified file name requested (eg. Web-server.htm) HTTP developed to publish and retrieve HTML pages HTTP now used for distributed, collaborative information systems and data transfer HTTP Message Types: - GET client request for data (responds with a status line) - PUT uploads resources of content to the web server - POST upload data to a web-server, in plain text HTTPS uses encryption MUA (Mail User Agent)/Email Client allows messages to be sent and places received messages into clients mailbox POP to receive email SMTP to send email Email Server Processes - MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) used to forward email (based on the message header, it determines how the message has to be forwarded to reach its destination) - MDA (Message Delivery Agent) receives all inbound mail from MTA and places it into the appropriate users mailbox if on local server (can also resolve final delivery issues virus scanning, spam filtering, return receipt handling) The server sends or receives email via the internet through the products internet mail gateway, which performs any necessary reformatting POP/POP3 - inbound mail delivery protocol - typical client/server protocols - deliver email from email server to client (MUA) - MDA listens for when client connects to server then server can deliver message SMTP - transfer of outbound email - sends client to email server MDA - transport of email between email servers (MTA) Commands in SMTP Protocol - HELO identifies the SMTP client process to the SMTP server process - EHLO newer version of HELO, includes service extensions - MAIL FROM identifies sender - RCPT TO identifies recipient - DATA identifies body of message FTP Client application that runs on a computer that is used to push and pull files from a server running the FTPd (FTP daemon) For FTP to work it must make 2 connections: - Connection 1 Port 21 control traffic, consisting of client commands and server replies - Connection 2 Port 20 actual file transfer and is created every time there is a file transferred Client upload PUSH Client download PULL

DHCP Automates assignment of IP addresses, subnet masks, gateway, other IP networking parameters Pool configured range of addresses Leases assigning of address to host for set period Home networks DHCP server located at ISP End user devices DHCP Gateways, switches, servers, printers Static How DHCP works: - host makes broadcast of DHCP discover packet - DHCP server replies with a DHCP offer - host makes broadcast of DHCP request packet - DHCP server replies with a ACK Message (acknowledgement message) - (if no ACK message, DHCP server sends a NAK message (negative acknowledgement) if so restarts again with a discover packet) Once client has lease, it must be renewed prior to lease expiration through another DHCP request message SMB (Server Message Block) client/server file sharing protocol IBM developed in 1980s to describe structure of shared network resources, it is a request/response protocol and clients establish long term connection to servers LINUX/UNIX SMB Samba SMB messages share a common format, using fixed size header followed by a variable sized parameter and data component SMB messages can - Start, authenticate and terminate sessions - control file and printer access - Allow an application to send or receive messages to or from another device P2P applications/Gnutella Protocol Sharing files over internet, allows users to connect to Gnutella services over internet and to locate and access resources shared by other Gnutella peers (eg. BearShare, Gnucleus, LimeWire, Morpheus, WinMX, XoIoX) When connected to a Gnutella service, client applications will search for other Gnutella nodes to connect to. Nodes handle queries for resource locations and replies to those requests. Govern control messages (which help the service discover other nodes) The file transfers rely on HTTP services Gnutella protocol different packets - ping for device discovery - pong as a reply to ping - query for file location - query hit as a reply to query - push as a download request Telnet 1970s, provides a standard method of emulating text-based terminal devices over the data network Telnet connection VTY session/connection Telnet uses software to create a virtual device that provides the same features of a terminal session with access to server CLI Server runs telnet daemon, a virtual terminal connection is established from an end device using a telnet client application

Other terminal applications that run as telnet client are HyperTerminal, Minicom and TeraTerm Telnet is a client/server protocol and it specifies how a VTY session is established and terminated, provides syntax and order of commands used to initiate telnet session, as well as control commands that can be used during a session Telnet commands consist of 2 bytes - First byte called IAC character (Interpret As Command) - Second byte IAC defines as a command rather than text Telnet Commands - AYT (Are You There) Indication that a VTY session is active - EL (Erase Line) Deletes all text from current line - IP (Interrupt Process) Suspends, Interrupts, Aborts or terminates the process to which the virtual terminal is connected Telnet sessions are transported as plain text across a network For encryption use SSH

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