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Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844 Vol. III (2008), Suppl.

issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2008, pp. 150-155

Inverse Kinematics Solution of 3DOF Planar Robot using ANFIS

Srinivasan Alavandar, M.J. Nigam Abstract: One of the most important problems in robot kinematics and control is, nding the solution of Inverse Kinematics. Traditional methods such as geometric, iterative and algebraic are inadequate if the joint structure of the manipulator is more complex. As the complexity of robot increases, obtaining the inverse kinematics is difcult and computationally expensive. In this paper, using the ability of ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) to learn from training data, it is possible to create ANFIS with limited mathematical representation of the system. Computer simulations conducted on 2DOF and 3DOF robot manipulator shows the effectiveness of the approach. Keywords: ANFIS, manipulator, Inverse kinematics, Degree of freedom(DOF)


Robot control actions are executed in the joint coordinates while robot motions are specied in the Cartesian coordinates. Conversion of the position and orientation of a robot manipulator end-effector from Cartesian space to joint space, called as inverse kinematics problem, which is of fundamental importance in calculating desired joint angles for robot manipulator design and control. For a manipulator with n degree of freedom, at any instant of time joint variables is denoted by i = (t ), i = 1, 2, 3,..., n and position variables x j = x(t ), j = 1, 2, 3,...,m. The relations between the end-effector position x(t ) and joint angle (t ) can be represented by forward kinematic equation, x(t ) = f ( (t )) (1)

where f is a nonlinear, continuous and differentiable function. On the other hand, with the given desired end effector position, the problem of nding the values of the joint variables is inverse kinematics, which can be solved by, (t ) = f (x(t )) (2) Solution of (2) is not unique due to nonlinear, uncertain and time varying nature of the governing equations. The different techniques used for solving inverse kinematics can be classied as algebraic[1], geometric[2] and iterative[3]. The algebraic methods do not guarantee closed form solutions. In case of geometric methods, closed form solutions for the rst three joints of the manipulator must exist geometrically. The iterative methods converge to only a single solution depending on the starting point and will not work near singularities. If the joints of the manipulator are more complex, the inverse kinematics solution by using these traditional methods is a time consuming.In other words, for a more generalized m-degrees of freedom manipulator, traditional methods will become prohibitive due to the high complexity of mathematical structure of the formulation. To compound the problem further, robots have to work in the real world that cannot be modeled concisely using mathematical expressions. Utilization of Neural network (NN) and Fuzzy logic for solving the inverse kinematics is much reported[4-8]. Li-Xin Wei et al[9]., and Rasit Koker et al[10]., proposed neural network based inverse kinematics solution of a robotic manipulator. In this paper, neuro-fuzzy systems which provide fuzzy systems with automatic tuning using Neural network is used to solve the inverse kinematics problem. The paper is organized as follows, in section 2, the structure of ANFIS used is presented. Section 3 describes results and discussion. Section 4 ends with conclusion.

ANFIS Architecture

This section introduces the basics of ANFIS network architecture and its hybrid learning rule. Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System is a feedforward adaptive neural network which implies a fuzzy inference system through its structure and neurons. Jang was one of the rst to introduce ANFIS[11]. He reported that the ANFIS architecture can be employed to model nonlinear functions, identify nonlinear components on-line in a control system, and predict a chaotic time series. It is a hybrid neuro-fuzzy technique that brings learning capabilities of neural networks to fuzzy inference systems. The learning algorithm tunes the membership functions of a Sugeno-type Fuzzy Inference System using the training input-output data. A detailed coverage of ANFIS can be found in[11-13].
Copyright 2006-2008 by CCC Publications - Agora University Ed. House. All rights reserved.

Inverse Kinematics Solution of 3DOF Planar Robot using ANFIS


For a rst order Sugeno type of rule base with two inputs x, y and one output, the structure of ANFIS is shown in Figure 1. The typical rule set can be expressed as, Rule 1: If x1 is A1 AND x2 is B1 , THEN f1 = p1 x + q1 y + r1 Rule 2: If x1 is A2 AND x2 is B2 , THEN f2 = p2 x + q2 y + r2
IF part A1 inputs

rules + norm
THEN part




f 1 (x, y )




layer 5

P B2 layer 1
layer 2


layer 3

f 2 (x, y ) layer 4

Figure 1: Structure of ANFIS In the rst layer, each node denotes the membership functions of fuzzy sets Ai , Bi , i = 1, 2 be Ai (x1 ), Bi (x2 ). In the second layer the T-norm operation will be done related to AND operator of fuzzy rules. Considering T-norm multiplication: wi = Ai (x1 ).Bi (x2 ) (3) In the third layer, the average is calculated based on weights taken from fuzzy rules, wi = wi w1 + w2 (4)

In the fourth layer, the linear compound is obtained from the input of the system as THEN part of Sugeno-type fuzzy rules as, wi . fi = wi ( pi x1 + qi x2 + ri ) (5) In the fth layer, defuzzication process of fuzzy system (using weighted average method) is obtained by, f = wi . fi =

i wi . fi i wi


This paper considers the ANFIS structure with rst order Sugeno model containing 49 rules. Gaussian membership functions with product inference rule are used at the fuzzication level. Hybrid learning algorithm that combines least square method with gradient descent method is used to adjust the parameter of membership function. The owchart of ANFIS procedure is shown in Figure 2.

Simulation and Results

Figure 3(a)and 3(b) shows the two degree of freedom (DOF) and three DOF planar manipulator arm which is simulated in this work.


Two Degree of Freedom planar manipulator

For a 2 DOF planar manipulator having l1 and l2 as their link lengths and 1 ,2 as joint angles with x, y as task coordinates the forward kinematic equations are, x = l1 cos(1 ) + l2 cos(1 + 2 ) (7)


Srinivasan Alavandar, M.J. Nigam

Initialize the fuzzy system Use genfis1 or genfis2 commands

Give the parameters for learning Number of Iterations (epochs) Tolerance (error)

Start learning process Use command anfis Stop when tolerance is achieved

Validate With independent data

Figure 2: ANFIS procedure



Figure 3: (a)Two degree of freedom (DOF) and (b)Three DOF planar manipulator y = l1 sin(1 ) + l2 sin(1 + 2 ) and the inverse kinematics equations are, (8)

1 = atan2(y, x) atan2(k2 , k1 ) 2 = atan2(sin2 , cos2 )

(x2 +y2 l 2 l 2 )

(9) (10)

1 2 where, k1 = l1 + l2 cos2 , k2 = l2 ,sin2 cos2 = and sin2 = (1 cos2 2 ). 2l1 l2 Considering length of rst arm l1 = 10 and length of second arm l2 = 7 along with joint angle constraints 0 < 1 < 2 , 0 < 2 < , the x and y coordinates of the arm are calculated for two joints using forward kinematics. The coordinates and the angles are used as training data to train ANFIS network with Gaussian membership function with hybrid learning algorithm Figure 4 shows the training data of two ANFIS networks for two joint angles. The coordinates act as input to the ANFIS and the angles act as the output. The learning algorithm


300 output 200 100 0 100 15 10 5 input2 0 5 input1 5 0 15 10

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

15 15 10 5 0 0 input2 5 input1 5 10



Figure 4: Training data of (a)1 and (b)2 . "teaches" the ANFIS to map the co-ordinates to the angles through a process called training. In the training phase,

Inverse Kinematics Solution of 3DOF Planar Robot using ANFIS


the membership functions and the weights will be adjusted such that the required minimum error is satised or if the number of epochs reached. At the end of training, the trained ANFIS network would have learned the inputoutput map and it is tested with the deduced inverse kinematics. Figure 5 shows the difference in theta deduced analytically and the data predicted with ANFIS.
4 2 THETA1Diff 0 2 4 6 x 10

Joint angle 1(Deduced Predicted)










6 4 THETA2iff 2 0 2 4

x 10

Joint angle 2(Deduced Predicted)










Figure 5: Difference in theta deduced and the data predicted with ANFIS trained


Three Degree of Freedom planar manipulator

For a 3 DOF planar redundant manipulator, the forward kinematic equations are, x = l1 cos(1 ) + l2 cos(1 + 2 ) + l3 cos(1 + 2 + 3) y = l1 sin(1 ) + l2 sin(1 + 2 ) + l3 sin(1 + 2 + 3) (11) (12) (13)

= 1 + 2 + 3
and the inverse kinematics equations are,

2 = atan2(sin2 , cos2 ) 1 = atan2((k1 yn k2 xn ), (k1 xn k2 yn ) 3 = (1 + 2 )

(x2 +y2 l 2 l 2 )

(14) (15) (16)

1 2 where, k1 = l1 + l2 cos2 , k2 = l2 ,sin2 cos2 = , sin2 = (1 cos2 2 ), xn = x l3 cos and 2 l 1 l2 yn = y l3 sin . For simulation, the length for three links are l1 = 10, l2 = 7 and l3 = 5 with joint angle constraints 0 < 1 < 3 , 0 < 2 < 2 , 0 < 3 < the same procedure is repeated. Figure 6 shows the training data of three ANFIS networks for three joint angles. Figure 7 shows the difference in theta deduced analytically and the data predicted with ANFIS.

40 10 20 0 output output 0 20 20 40 20 15 10 5 input2 0 5 0 5 10 input1 15 20 20 15 10 5 input2 0 5 0 5 10 input1 15 20 20 15 10 5 input2 0 5 0 5 10 input1 15 20 output 10 60 40 20 0 20




Figure 6: Training data of (a)1 , (b)2 and (c)3


Srinivasan Alavandar, M.J. Nigam

Deduced theta1 Predicted theta1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Deduced theta2 Predicted theta2 THETA2D THETA2P 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Deduced theta3 Predicted theta3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Figure 7: Difference in theta deduced and the data predicted with ANFIS trained


The difference in theta deduced and the data predicted with ANFIS trained for 2DOF and 3DOF planar manipulator clearly depicts that the proposed method results in an acceptable error. Trained ANFIS can be utilized to provide fast and acceptable solutions of the inverse kinematics thereby making ANFIS as an alternate approach to map the inverse kinematic solutions. Other techniques like input selection and alternate ways to model the problem may be explored for reducing the error further.

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Inverse Kinematics Solution of 3DOF Planar Robot using ANFIS


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Srinivasan Alavandar, M.J. Nigam Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Roorkee-2477667, Uttarkhand, INDIA E-mail:

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