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Tendai (True Inner Self Power) has many methods because it is not confined to a set form of methodology. It is energy where Tendai members define the form and develop preferred methods to achieve a purpose. Tendai advocates the discovering of ones True Self prior to any self improvement affirmation/intent. However, to ease a students usage/application of Tendai energy-works, below are some useful and recommended methods. Just press Ctrl on your keyboard at the same time you click on a method exemplified below. Warm Up Energy Test Fingers Scan Finger Settings TENDAI X-Y Method Aura Surgery Aura Sweep / Aura Scan Area Fencing IMPORTANT: Always remember the purpose of Tendai to KNOW True Self and let TRUE SELF guide you towards spiritual awakening and enlightenment, i.e. to be closer to the Creator. That is the ultimate goal, the main project, the life purpose. Recall the story of the Warrior and the King and the analogy of the main project. Also, as the True Selves of each individual are unique, so are the abilities and talents of each person. Therefore, do not be discouraged when others can perform spectacular energy-works and you cant, because your talents have not been fully explored. Some people can sing very well, but not all becomes famous singers.

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

Tendai Application III

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Warm Up (Go to Top) WARM UP Whenever I refer to WARM UP, what I mean is this: 1. Tendai breathing 10 times (for heavy duty applications .. hehehe), 2 times (for small, quick applications). 2. CALM 3. Eyes either closed or unfocused (dream or trance state). You can evoke this trance state by a finger trigger. Example, by personal choice and preference, mine is the touching of the middle finger fingernail by the thumb (left hand). This is similar to the three finger technique in Silva. In fact, you can bring across Silva methods to Tendai, or any other methods in this case, relevant to your needs. You decide. I advise. Still you decide. Also this finger trigger can be non intrusive and would not draw attention from the public. (Imagine if you close your eyes and assume the Tendai pose in a public park bench!.. hehehehe) 4. CALM 5. Prayer based on your own religion, beliefs and custom. 6. CALM 7. Sitting or standing doesn't matter. What matters is... 8. CALM 9. CALM 10.CALM All the above 'steps' are so that you are CALM when applying. When we are calm, our energy is stable and non-fluctuating. CALMness also comes when your mind is on a single thought. CALMness is also when you are at peace with your SELF. CALMness is synonymous with PEACE AT SOUL & SPIRIT. (PASS) Energy Test (Go to Top) I recommend to 'Energy-test' yourself before doing many energy works like healing, AT (Astral Travel). How? Check the Tendai application book in the files section. It's called "Checking self energy level" One, intent to measure your energy level. Sit calmly , eyes closed. Sit straight. Feet flat on the floor. Breathe Tendai wy for at least 10 times. Do it slowly, unhurriedly, calmly. Intent to check energy level. Then apply the 'self energy level checking'. What for? Example, before you jump over a hurdle, you measure it first right? You estimate how high it is, how much energy you need to generate to produce a jump high enough to overcome the hurdle. So it is with Tendai or any energy discipline. If you want to astral travel, you need to measure how much energy is needed to overcome the 'hurdles' before you can successfully AT. How to do this? Example, Astral Travel. After the usual 'WARM UP' (breathing 10 times, calm, sit straight, etc) intent to MEASURE HOW MUCH ENERGY IS NEEDED TO ASTRAL TRAVEL TO THE SPIRITUAL REALM ON A SCALE OF 0 TILL 100. With your eyes closed, bring up the number 0. When you can see/sense/feel 0, advance to 10 by calling up/saying 10. Then call up 20. Then 30. Keep doing this until you find it very heavy/hard/difficult to say/call up the next number. Let's say you find it difficult to call up the number 40. That means 40 is the energy level you need to overcome before you can successfully AT!

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

Tendai Application III

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Next step: After 'WARMUP', intent to increase your energy level in respect to a successful AT to 50. Keep meditating until you can feel that you have reached required energy level i.e. 50. (Note: 50 here does not mean that your total energy level is 50. It only is a scale for you to measure the required energy level to succeed. And the units of measurement here is not years. It's mph (miles per hour).. I know.. I know.. it's weird.. We can modify it later but for now... let it be.) Note: you can apply this to anything. Just change the AT in the example. Fingers Scan (Go to Top) This method is useful when determining the energy strength of a particular idea/thought/person/realm/object/attitude/behavior/aura/etc. 1. WARM UP (refer back post) 2. Hold out your hands with palms upwards and fingers spread not touching each other. 3. Prayer. 4. Intent 'Starting from my left hand to my right hand, from my thumb to my little finger. Let it be so that every finger is an increment of ten units. My left thumb is unit 10. (Will the thumb to vibrate. Feel the vibration, then advance to the next finger). My left forefinger is 20. (Do the same for this finger, wait for vibration or tingling, then advance). My middle finger is unit 30. And so on. Then my right thumb is unit 60..... until my little finger is unit 100. From this moment on, this settings will remain and it is called the FINGERS SCAN. This is so3x.' 5. Once you have set the FINGERS SCAN comfortably, intent "From a scale from 0 to 100 units, show me the strength of .... (say the object you want to energy test)...." 6. Wait. 7. Wait. Do not force an answer. 8. Wait. Do not force an answer. Focus on your breathing. 9. When an answer via vibration is given, then you will know 'how much' energy you need to generate to overcome whatever task. Example, Rodriquez wants to quit smoking. First, he needs to scan the strength of his desire to smoke. Let's say he gets an answer of 50 units. Then, he needs to gather energy thru meditation (refer to Application of Tendai - to increase energy level) and intent like so "From a scale of 0 100, I want to increase my energy strength to quit smoking to 60 units so that I can overcome my desire to smoke. This is so3x" Finger Settings (Go to Top)

Now, this is a method to condition or set the fingers to perform or achieve a certain energy level required to perform an energy-work. There are about 48 settings you can do with this. Let's say you have an energy-work that you do quite often like absorbing energy of prosperity at 9am everyday, or need to shut the dogs barking at you every time you walk home, or to protect your car when you are in the office. Intent "Whenever I touch my right thumbnail with my middle finger, the energy-work I performed for the protection of my car is strengthened. This is so3x." as one example. Another example, "As long as I touch the tip of my left ring finger with my thumb, the barking dogs will be quiet. This is so3x"

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

Tendai Application III

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Another, "The setting remains so that whenever I touch the second joint of my right middle finger with my right thumb like so (do it while saying it) I access my intuition clearer and easier. this is so3x" That's a lot of settings .. There may be more than 48 settings.. but i only use 5 active ones. Start with few settings until it becomes second nature. Desire-Belief-Expectation-Preparation-Action TENDAI X-Y Method (Go to Top)

X-problem/hurdles/difficulties/negative person Y-solution/adjusted behavior 1. WARM UP (refer to back posts) 2. On a piece of paper (A4 sized or letter sized), write "I have X, I don't WANT X. I WANT Y!" once on a line. 3. Then fill up the page with "I want Y." 4. At the end of the page, write "I want Y by .. (write a time frame or date)...". The dateline must be realistic. Give some time for your solution to be manifested in the physical world. 5. Prepare a glass of live water in front of you. Drink half. Assume the Tendai pose. 6. Personal prayer. Say it. 7. Intent "I want Y by .. (timeframe)... With the will the Creator, this is so.this is so.this is so." 8. Say "Yaa Mughni" or "Yaa Razzaq" over and over for 15 mins. Yaa Mughni (pronounced yaa mooghnee) means The Giver of Wealth, The Fulfiller of Needs" for those who feels your needs are not sufficient yet. "Yaa Razzaq" means The Supplier, The Provider - for those wanting to be granted some more. "Yaa Khobir" means The Inner Self Aware, The Knower of Reality - for inner awareness, used for AT because actually when we AT, we are going within, not going out of our body. That's why when I gave the meaning before I put it in such a way so that it's easily understood. The opening of a curtain to spiritual realm. Sounds not so heavy eh.. curtain vs door. "Yaa Salam" means the Source of Peace, The Flawless - for those wanting to find peace at heart or feeling of inferiority complex. "Yaa Jabbar" means The Restorer, Repairer and "Yaa Muhyi" means The Giver of Life, The Reviver - for those meditating to heal self or others. These are not mantras, but like a 'key' to attain attributes of the Creator. Choose the attribute which suits you or your situation. 9. CALM throughout the meditation. 10. End of 15mins, wipe your face with your hands. Before finishing the water, say This water contains the essence and energy of Y. This is so3x. DO it often. 7 days straight. Or 21days straight. There is no shortcut. Until you are satisfied there is improvement in what you asked for. AURA SURGERY (Go to Top) Close and distant healing. Yourself or others. WARMUP (breathing 10 times, eyes closed, calm, prayer, etc) "See" the body of the patient. In your mind's eyes, get a surgical scalpel or knife, cut open the body from the head down. See the fat, see the sickness. Wash the sickness away. Or cut out the fat. Take out the eyeballs, rinse with clean pure water, then put it back. Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

Tendai Application III

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Take out the throat. Clear the passageway. Use your imagination here. Blow the sickness away. Any dislocation of bones, right them. Straighten them. Don't worry of hurting the patient, you WON'T. Clean the heart. So that it pumps better. Lungs. Any black spots, clean it, scrub it. (Use imagination) Intestines. Take them out. Rinse. Scrub. Put them back. Tummy fat. Slice out the fat. Pound the fat and throw them away. Then put back the stomach back. Do this for every organ. Principle is, cut, take out, clean, heal, then PUT BACK. Then sew back the body. Seal your work with an intent to put a protective shielding around the patient. DONE Note: The more you do this, the better it gets. The benefits are more. Can follow up with salt water to drink or bathe. Or a 'sweeping' cleansing with the hands (Aura Sweep) AURA SWEEP or AURA SCANNING/CLEANSING (Go to Top) This is particularly useful for overall healing and protection for a person, near or far, or self. Have the subject lie in front of you, with the head on the right of you ( if you are right handed ), opposite if you are left handed. Burning of Negative Energy: at the head (top of the head), bring up an image of a flame thrower (hehehe), blowtorch, or oxygen gas burner. The idea is to 'see' a fire emitting device burning the area just above the head, to burn any negative energy there. Use the colour red. Do the same for the area below the feet. Call up the color red to achieve this. Then, hold out your hands straight and relaxed, palms down. Intent to cleanse and balance the aura (bio-energy field) of the person. Sweep your hands slowly parallel to the person's body about 1 ft above. When the aura is balanced, the aura sweep would be flat or constant parallel (horizontal - since the person is lying down) along the person's body. When there is imbalance, there would be (1) a 'spike' or 'peak' , or (2) a 'drop'. For 'spikes', sweep the aura ( imagine leveling an elevated ground so that when you are done with it, the formerly elevated area will be level with its surroundings) TOWARDS the FEET ONLY. Do it 2-3 times. Then AURA SCAN again. If still a 'spike' exists, do the sweep again. For 'drops', focus your hands on that area by intending of sending blue or white color energy to that area. AURA SCAN again to check your handiwork. hehehe... Once you are satisfied with your energy-session, you need to CLOSE the session so that no leakage of energy would occur from the person. (We wouldn't want all our work to go to waste due to a leakage in the aura sweep, eh?) Intent "Lock" or imagine a locked door at the HEAD and at the FEET. Both must be locked. The eyes are the windows of the soul. But the top of the head and the feet are the doorways for the soul. That's why in Malay 'traditional' healing for 'demon possession' , the feet or rather the big toe is pinched while a 'prayer' is muttered. Once Locking is in place, give thanks to the Creator. Smile, one more method at your disposal. Hopefully, with these methods I have shared with y'all, you would soon be able to develop your own methods. Keep your methods simple. K I S S (Keep It Simple & Safe). Know why you need to do s'thing. Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

Tendai Application III

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AREA FENCING (Go to Top) Particularly useful when you want to install a protection capsule around a house, car, person, a fruit orchard, etc House : First, ENERGY-TEST or FINGERS-SCAN how much energy is needed for the task. Then gather an energy strength slightly higher than from the result. Then, position yourself at the center of the house, sitting or standing doesn't matter. Hold out your hands at arms length with the palms facing a wall. Like in the Aura-Sweep for a patient, feel for any spike or drop. Intent to install protection energy at where you point your hands to. Objective is to have a flat or level energy distribution around the house. Breathe in to concentrate the energy below the navel, then while exhaling slowly make a sweep with hands until satisfied the energy distribution is level. Then turn around slowly until you face the other wall. do the same. Do this until all four walls are swept. For added energy, go outside the house. Call upon the energy from the skies (Just intent "I intent so that energy from the skies......") to create a seven-layered shield around your house. Then, call the energy from the earth to form a seven-layered shield from under the house. Here, you can use your imagination. Car : When it is parked at home, do the same to it like the Aura Sweeping for the house but from outside the car of course... hehehe... We can't have you twisting around in the car eh... Then the seven-layered shield calling. Add this to the process - Intent whenever you touch the fingernail of your little finger (just an example) with your thumb and do a 'twisting' motion, this shield is strengthened. This is so3x. Hey.. be creative my fellow energy-manifestors! hehehe You can apply this method to anything needing protection. Cats... ahem.. girlfriends children .. kids grandparents office

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved by Calvin Jugah. Prohibited from reproducing and distributing any content in this material in any form. Only for personal purpose. Only for Tendai members who can develop their own applications solely at their own responsibility for energy healing and such. Please be responsible in applying Tendai.

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