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International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

State of the Youth on our Environment Annual Study 2013/14

Background While there have been a significant increase in environmental initiatives to promote awareness among people, this limited impact into the peoples lifestyle in making more informed consumers. ECO Singapore began a series of environmental awareness campaigns, programme and projects since 2006. And like several existing efforts by different stakeholders, the initiatives have been relatively successfully in reaching out to thousands of young people. However, it has not been able to quantify their impact beyond the initial engagement, especially in converting awareness building into lifestyle action. The state of the youth is increasing changing with times. Their knowledge, motivation, interest and engagement are often affected by the accessibility of information, technologies and social influence. This means that in order to engage these target audience, we will need to be connected to the changes this group are experiencing. Currently there is no independent body doing a study of the state of youth on environmentalism in Singapore. Since ECO Singapore is the pioneer in engaging young people, we hope to begin this annual engagement process with its finding that could be share to various stakeholders. Objectives To understand their level of environmental awareness. To understand how to better engage them. To create and maintain an ongoing relationship.

Target Age Group Primary: 16 to 25 Secondary: 26 to 35

Targeted Outreach 3,000 online survey responses 150 focus group sessions
Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

Targeted Timeline October 2013: Begin conducting online survey November 2013: Begin conducting focus group sessions February 2014: Conclude online survey and focus group sessions April 2014: Launch of Report

Methodology Both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be undertaken to provide information and knowledge about this project from a range of stakeholders. We are conscious that this survey will consist of both environmental converts and non-converts. 1. Qualitative Approach The qualitative methods to be utilised allows for the voices, views, opinions and stories of participants to be heard and will be facilitated through a range of qualitative interview processes. The qualitative approach will consist of the following: Focus Groups A focus group approach allows for the bringing together of groups (of no more than 20pax) of people who operate within a similar context that relates to the research area. Focus groups provide opportunities for information to come forward through a process of discussion and interaction. A benefit of focus group work is that it can highlight commonalities in collective understandings and also the points at which perspectives differ. The focus groups will also provide understandings for the development of the current youth scene. The focus group will take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours and will be transcribed fully. We are going for a total of 50 focus groups to be carried out. 2. Quantitative Approach A quantitative approach will be undertaken in regard to gaining wider youth participation in the evaluation process. This will be in the form of an online survey operated via google forms.

Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

From a total number of 3,000 local youth nationally we will interview 1,500 participants. As such the focus group study will involve 50% of the total participants in the online survey, as part of the larger study. It is our belief that this number will provide adequate information for the evaluation. It is expected that each focus group will take 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. We have allowed this time to enable two open-ended questions as requested by the sponsor (if any). A small pilot survey with 12 participants will be undertaken to test the questionnaire for comprehension and appropriate language. Guiding Questions Online Survey Questions 1. Do you think environmental issues are important? Yes No 2. Do you believe your individual effort will make a difference for a more sustainable environment? Yes No 3. What is your level of concern on the following environmental issues? (not concerned / Neither / Concerned / Dont know) Biodiversity conservation Sustainable Consumption and Production Global Warming Industrial Pollution Waste and Recycling Littering Ozone Hole Water Conservation Clean Drinking Water Bioengineered Food Others 4. Do you think the current level of public awareness on the environment is adequate? Yes
Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.


5. Are there enough environmental campaign that interest and motivate you? Yes No 6. How often do you think about your environmental impact when you purchase things? 0% 1% - 20% 21% - 40% 41%~60% 61% - 80% 81% - 99% 100% 7. Which is the best way to communicate environmental information to you? Facebook Posters Word of Mouth Email Twitter Newspaper Bus Stop advertisements Handphone App SMS NGO Websites Company / School Website Public Talks / Lectures Flyers / Brochures Publicity Events Others

8. Who do you think is responsible for environmental actions at school / work? Myself Cleaners and Janitors My Institution (School / Company) Government Businesses Green Clubs / Environmental Groups / Community Groups Others
Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

9. Have you taken part in any initiative in promoting and / or educating environmental awareness? Yes No

Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

Focus Group Guiding Questions Awareness 1. Are you interested in environmental issues? And why? 2. What are the environment issues that you are aware of? 3. Why are you interested or disinterested in environmental issues? 4. How do you get your information about environmental matters? 5. Do you honestly think environmental issues affect you directly? And does it matter? 6. As a young person, what are the means to best get your interest into environmental issues? (Prompt: major events or celebrity engagements etc) 7. What do you think about the current environmental concerns that should be addressed? (Note: Break up into national, regional and global) 8. Share the environmental campaigns that you are aware of? And your views on them. (Prompt: Including local, global and even governmental) 9. What are the environmental groups are you aware about? How do you get to know them? Action 1. What is your view about young peoples awareness to action on environmental matters? 2. Why would you or would you not consider your environmental impact when you purchase things? (Prompt: be it food, electronic product, etc) 3. How do you feel when a friend reminds you or your group during an outing about your actions by relating it to environmental impacts? (Prompt: Examples include using of straws, eating in instead of take away, food wastage, taking too many serviettes, using of plastic bags, etc)
Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

4. What would motivate you to be a more responsible consumers? (Prompt: Will a reward system work? Show the ECO Leaders Programme visuals) 5. How do you determine whatever you purchase is environmentally or socially responsible? 6. What are the companies that are environmentally responsible that comes to your mind? (Prompt: Use categories of energy, water, food, waste management if needed to guide participants) 7. What do you think about the current environmental policies in place? Share a few you know of?

Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

International Plaza 10 Anson Road, #15-14 Singapore 079903 Our Youth. Our Future.

Execution The whole survey will be carried out primarily through the support of new and existing volunteers. We will be doing briefing and training of volunteers to conduct the facilitation processes. Volunteers from all walks of life are welcome and we will conduct one-to-one briefing / training and including the report format that will be required to produce after each focus group session. Afterwhich, we will facilitate a schedule that puts two to three of them to conduct each session, with one allocated scribe.

Registered as Environment Challenge Organisation (Singapore) Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 I Charity Reg. No: 1739

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