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Mesaj cu ocazia srbtoririi Zilei Forelor Terestre p.2 Preedintele ROMNIEI Traian BSESCU Ordinul ministrului Aprrii Naionale privind aniversarea Zilei Forelor Terestre p.4 Ministrul Aprrii Naionale Teodor ATANASIU Mesajul efului Statului Major General cu prilejul aniversrii Zilei Forelor Terestre p.6 General dr. Eugen BDLAN Mesajul efului Statului Major al Forelor Terestre General-locotenent dr. Sorin IOAN p.8

str. Drumul Taberei nr. 9-11 sector 6 cod 061416 BUCURETI tel: 021-318 22 47 021-318 53 67 int. 189, 389 fax: 021-318 53 65 021-318 22 47 REDACTOR-EF Locotenent-colonel Drago ANGHELACHE SENIOR EDITOR Colonel (r.) Nicolae DINU REDACTOR Slt. Andreea FLEANCU SECRETAR DE REDACIE Maior Luigi-Mihail COJOCARU TEHNOREDACTARE Elena RDULESCU CORECTURA Cristina BULEA PROCESARE TEXTE Plt. adj. Adrian IUZIC Filofteia LINC ADMINISTRAIE I EXPEDIIE Plt. adj. Adrian IUZIC

Message on the Occasion of Land Forces Anniversary p.3 Traian BASESCU, President of ROMANIA Order of the National Defence Minister Regarding the Anniversary of the Romanian Land Forces p.5 Minister of National Defence Teodor Atanasiu The Message of the Chief of the Occasion of the Land Forces p.7 Day Anniversary General Ph.D. Eugen BADALAN Message of the Chief of Land Forces p.8 General-lieutenant Ph.D. Sorin IOAN

Transformarea Forelor Terestre Romne

Transformare i reform Colonel dr. Florin DAMIAN Cpitan Dnu DINIC Structuri p.15 Colonel dr. Florin DAMIAN Cpitan Dnu DINIC Instruirea ................. p. 17 Colonel dr. Florin DAMIAN Cpitan Dnu DINIC p.12

Romanian Land Forces' Transformation

Reformation and Transformation p.12 Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA Structures p.15 Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA Training the Soldiers Leaders Trainers p.17 Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA

Actualitate n Forele Terestre Romne

Steagul de identificare al Forelor Terestre a fost primit la Preedinie p.20 Comandantul forelor terestre americane din Europa s-a a ntlnit cu e ful SM FT p.24 ntlnirea anual a efului SMFT cu ataaii militari p.26 Maior Renato NADOLU

Land Forces Actuality

Land Forces Identification Flag was received by the President p.21 The American Land Forces Command Europe met the Chief of the Land Forces Staff p.25 The Yearly Meeting between Chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff and Military Attaches p.27 Major Renato NADOLU

w w w. r ft . f o r t e r. r o e - m a i l : r ft @ f o r t e r. r o C o p e r ta 1 O viziune asupra Forelor Terstre Romne foto: LTC Dragos ANGHELACHE C o p e r ta 4 O revist pentru orice vrst foto: Emil MORITZ

Teatre de operaii
Comandamentul SEEBRIG din Constana a plecat n misiune n Afganistan p.28 Locotenent-colonel Drago ANGHELACHE Oameni care au nevoie de noi Locotenent Marius NIULESCU p.32

Theatres of Operation
SEEBRIG Command at Constanta Left for Mission in Afghanistan p.29 Lieutenant-Colonel Dragos ANGHELACHE People who need us p.33 Lieutenant Marius NITULESCU Mission in Kandahar, together with The White Sharks p.37 Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN Medical Mission in the Afghan Villages Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN p.41

B 00420 C: 00000/06
Tiprit la Centrul Tehnic Editorial al Armatei tel: 021-2 224 26 34 fax: 021-2 224 04 05

n misiune la Kandahar mpreun cu Rechinii Albi p.36 Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN Misiune cu spec ific medical n satele afgane p.40 Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN Batalionul 341 Infanterie, al VIII-l lea detaament romnesc la Kandahar Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN

este autorizat orice reproducere, fr a percepe taxe, cu condiia indicrii cu exactitate a numrului i a datei apariiei publicaiei


The 341st Infantry Battalion, the VIIIth Romanian Detachment in Kandahar p.45 Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN

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Ziua Forelor Terestre


cu ocazia srbtoririi Zilei Forelor Terestre

Domnilor generali, ofieri, maitri militari, subofieri, militari angajai pe baz de contract i personal civil, Dragi ostai, Srbtorirea Zilei Forelor Terestre mi ofer plcuta ocazie de a v adresa sincere felicitri pentru activitatea desfurat n ndeplinirea misiunii nobile de aprare a suveranitii, independenei i integritii Romniei. Semnificaia acestei srbtori este marcat n fiecare an, la 23 aprilie, de prznuirea Sfntului Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Patronul Spiritual al Forelor Terestre - cea mai cuprinztoare i reprezentativ categorie de fore a Armatei Romniei. Srbtoarea constituie un prilej deosebit de a rememora i cinsti faptele de arme ale militarilor de toate gradele din trupele terestre, care au fcut suprema jertf pe cmpurile de btaie. Suntem onorai ca, i de aceast dat, s le cinstim memoria i, totodat, s aducem omagiul nostru tuturor celor care, n vremuri de restrite pentru ar, au servit, cu credin i onoare, patria i poporul romn. Eroismul i jertfa lor sunt pilde de urmat n demersurile noastre pentru construirea prezentului i viitorului Romniei. n calitate de ar membr NATO participm, mpreun cu prietenii i partenerii notri din Alian, la promovarea unor decizii politice i militare cu impact major asupra stabilitii i securitii internaionale, contribuind la reconstrucia politic, democratic, economic i social a unor regiuni i ri, precum Balcanii de Vest, Afganistan i Irak. Eforturile rii noastre i, totodat, ale Armatei Romniei de integrare n structurile NATO, precum i reformele promovate n scopul afirmrii valorilor democraiei, consolidrii statului de drept i structurilor economiei de pia, reprezint garania sigur a ndeplinirii obiectivului nostru de integrare n Uniunea European. De modul n care ne vom respecta angajamentele internaionale, dar i cele fa de cetenii Romniei, va depinde locul pe care ara noastr l va ocupa n rndul rilor europene. Trebuie s confirmm, nc o dat, c suntem un popor demn i responsabil.
Land Forces No. 1

Prin rezultatele obinute zi de zi, militarii din Forele Terestre au dovedit c sunt pregtii s-i ndeplineasc toate obiectivele i misiunile cu profesionalism, transformndu-se ntr-o categorie de fore puternic, capabil s rspund cerinelor naionale i angajamentelor internaionale asumate de ara noastr. n contiina romnilor, Armata rmne garantul valorilor fundamentale ale statului de drept i, totodat, participant activ i credibil la aciuni multinaionale pentru ntrirea stabilitii i securitii globale. Mereu la datorie, militarii Forelor Terestre au acionat constant pentru desfurarea procesului de transformare i realizarea unor structuri profesioniste, pe deplin compatibile cu armatele rilor membre ale Alianei Nord-Atlantice. Prin participarea la misiunile internaionale cu peste 2000 de militari, Armata este un puternic promotor al politicii externe romneti. n acest context, doresc s mulumesc militarilor romni care, astzi, se afl la datorie, departe de ar i de cei dragi, n teatrele de operaii din Bosnia-Heregovina, Irak i Afganistan. Le adresez calde felicitri i le apreciez curajul, profesionalismul i eforturile pe care le fac pentru a reda sperana celor afectai de tragedia rzboiului, ntr-un viitor mai bun. i cu aceast ocazie, constat cu satisfacie c, ori de cte ori ara noastr s-a confruntat cu dezastre naturale i autoritile statului au apelat la Armat, dumneavoastr, militarii din Forele Terestre, ai rspuns de fiecare dat Prezent la datorie!. Ai ajutat la nlturarea efectelor dezastrelor naturale provocate de inundaiile de anul trecut, de alunecrile de teren de pe Valea Oltului dar i la aciunile de combatere a efectelor gripei aviare. Pentru toate acestea v aduc mulumirile mele sincere. n ncheiere, v urez succes n activitate, un clduros La muli ani i, ntruct Ziua Forelor Terestre este srbtorit n sfnta zi a naterii mntuitorului nostru Isus Hristos, v transmit dumneavoastr i familiilor dumneavoastr tradiionalul Pate fericit! TRAIAN BSESCU, PREEDINTELE ROMNIEI

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Romanian Land Forces Anniversary

Message on the Occasion of Land Forces Anniversary

Dear generals, officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel and civilians, Dear soldiers, Land Forces Day offers me a great opportunity to address the kindest congratulations for the activities you developed in accomplishing the noble mission of Romanian sovereignty, independence, and integrity defense. The signification of this day is marked, every year, on the 23rd April, by the celebration of the Saint Martyr George, the spiritual patron of Land Forces - the largest and most representative force service. This holi day represents a special moment for recalling and cherishing the courageous deeds of the land forces militaries of all the ranks that made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefield. We are honoured, once again, to cherish the memory and to bring our homage to all those that faithfully served our country and our people. Their heroism and sacrifice are models to follow in our efforts to build the present and the future of our country. As a NATO member state, we participate, together with our allies and partners in promoting certain political and military decisions with major impact upon the international stability and security, thus bringing a significant contribution to the political, democratic, economic and social reconstruction of several regions and countries such as the West Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq.
April 2006

The efforts of our country and our Armed Forces in joining NATO structures, as well as the reforms promoted to affirm the values of democracy, the consolidation of state and market economy structures, represent the solid assurance of our objective accomplishment: European Union structure integration. Our place among the European countries will depend upon the manner in which we will respect our international commitments, as well as our commitment to the Romanian citizens. We must certify, one more time, that we are a dignified and responsible people. Through the daily accomplishments, land forces militaries have proved to be ready to meet all their objectives and missions in a professional manner, turning into a solid force service, capable to respond to national requirements and to accomplish the international commitments we have assumed. Within the conscience of the Romanian people, armed forces remain the keeper of the state fundamental values, as well as an active and credible participant to multinational missions, to consolidate the global stability and security. Allways on duty, land forces militaries have constantly activated to develop the transformation process and accomplishment of professional structures, fully interoperable with NATO member nations. Through the participation in the international

missions, with more than 2,000 militaries, armed forces are a powerful promoter of the Romanian external politics. In this context, I would like to thank all the Romanian militaries that these days are abroad, far from the country and from the beloved ones, in the theatre areas of operations like Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq and Afghanistan. My deepest congratulations and respect for their courage, professionalism and their efforts to bring back hope for a better future to those affected by the tragedy of war. Also with this occasion, I realize with satisfaction that, any time our country - confronted to natural disasters - and state authorities relied on the armed forces, you, land forces militaries, have always answered, Present on duty. You have helped to removing the natural disasters effects provoked by the floods last year, by the earth flows on Olt Valley and also in fighting against the bird flu effects. For all these, please receive my warmest and sincere congratulations. In conclusion, I wish you success in your activities, many happy returns of the day and since the Land Forces Day is celebrated in this holy day of Jesus Christ resurrection, I wish you and your families Happy Easter! H TRAIAN BASESCU President of Romania
Translated by: Elena CISMASU

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Ziua Forelor Terestre

Ordinul ministrului Aprrii Naionale privind aniversarea Zilei Forelor Terestre

rbtorirea celei mai numeroase categorii de fore ale Armatei Romniei n ziua n care prznuim pe Sfntul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Purttorul de Biruin, patronul militarilor din Forele Terestre Romne, mi ofer fericitul prilej de a v adresa dumneavoastr, tuturor celor care slujii cu credin interesele naionale n cadrul acestei categorii de fore, cele mai alese sentimente i felicitri pentru devotamentul i profesionalismul pe care le dovedii n ndeplinirea misiunilor ce v revin. Este o zi n care se cuvine s cinstim memoria celor ce au luptat de-a lungul timpului pentru neatrnarea neamului i s le aducem un pios omagiu celor care i-au dat viaa pe cmpul de lupt: infanteriti, vntori de munte, cercetai, parautiti, artileriti, tanchiti, geniti, chimiti i transmisioniti. Profundele transformri pe care le-a traversat Armata Romniei i, implicit, Forele Terestre Romne, profesionalismul dovedit de dumneavoastr n exerciiile desfurate n ar sau n misiunile executate peste hotare, au sporit credibilitatea instituiei militare de garant al independenei naionale i democraiei constituionale. Militarii din forele terestre aflai sub drapel, n afara hotarelor patriei, i-au transformat numele n renume, datorit profesionalismului cu care i ndeplinesc misiunile, a respectului i omeniei dovedite n relaiile cu populaia local. De fiecare dat cnd ara noastr a fost ncercat de vicisitudinile naturii, dumneavoastr, mpreun cu camarazii din celelalte categorii de fore, ai rspuns cu promptitudine i profesionalism solicitrilor, fie intervenind nemijlocit n ajutorul i salvarea populaiei cu tehnica din dotarea unitilor dumneavoastr, fie participnd la deblocarea unor ci rutiere. Procesul de transformare a Forelor Terestre cunoate noi valene. Renunarea la stagiul militar obligatoriu reprezint o etap important n procesul de profesionalizare a armatei. Aceasta va conduce la selecionarea numai a acelor oameni care au afinitate pentru meseria armelor, ceea ce va avea ca efect o mai mare responsabilitate i profesionalism n executarea misiunilor. i acest pas, alturi de cei realizai anterior, ne va apropia mai mult de obiectivul nostru, de a realiza o for militar eficient i flexibil, capabil s rspund cerinelor naionale de securitate i mpreun cu aliaii s desfoare misiuni pentru combaterea ameninrilor la adresa pcii i securitii mondiale. Domnilor generali, ofieri, maitri militari, subofieri, militari angajai pe baz de contract i personal civil contractual din Forele Terestre, Dragi ostai ! Aceast srbtoare constituie pentru toi att un prilej de mndrie i satisfacie profesional, ct i un imbold la gndire i aciune creatoare, astfel nct, prin tot ce facem, s ridicm Armata Romniei la noi parametri de performan. Acordai prioritate perfecionrii cunotinelor dumneavoastr n spiritul conceptelor moderne de conducere i desfurare a aciunilor de lupt ! Militai pentru instaurarea unui climat de ordine i disciplin i respectare a legilor i regulamentelor militare ! Manifestai permanent cutezan, profesionalism i realism n executarea misiunilor pe care le avei de ndeplinit ! * * * Cu prilejul aniversrii Zilei Forelor Terestre, v adresez cele mai calde i sincere felicitri, v urez succese n activitatea viitoare, mult sntate, putere de munc, fericire dumneavoastr i familiilor dumneavoastr. MINISTRUL APRRII NAIONALE TEODOR ATANASIU
Land Forces No. 1

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Romanian Land Forces Anniversary

Order of the National Defence Minister Regarding the Anniversary of the Romanian Land Forces
he anniversary of the most numerous force service of the Romanian Armed Forces on the day in which we also celebrate the Great Martyr St. George, the Victorys Bearer and Spiritual Patron of the Romanian Land Forces, offers me the happy opportunity to address you, all who faithfully serve the national interests within this force service, the most sincere feelings and congratulations for your devotion and professionalism you prove during the missions you fulfill. It is a day in which it is worth honoring the memory of all who have fought along the time for the independence of our people and bringing homage to those who gave their lives on battlefields: infantrymen, mountain fighters, Reece troops, paratroops, gunners, tank men, engineers, NBC troops and signal troops. The deep transformation the Romanian Armed Forces went through, including the Romanian Land Forces, the professionalism you proved in the exercises and missions performed both in our country and abroad, made the credibility of our institution as a guarantor of the national independence and constitutional democracy - to increase. The military of the Land Forces who serve under the national colors in missions abroad have won honor and prestige because of their professionalism and of their respect and humanitarian relations regarding the local people. Each time our country was put in difficulty by the natures hardships, you together with your colleagues from other force services, answered promptly and with professionalism when requested, both directly helping for saving the affected people, using your own equipment, and participating in unblocking the communication ways. Process of transformation within the Land Forces knows new valences. Giving up the compulsory military service represents an important stage in the process of rendering a professional army. This fact will conduct to the selection only of those who are keen of the arms profession, having as a resulted effect a higher responsibility and a higher professionalism as regards the mission achievement. This step alongside the previous ones will bring us closer to our goal of achieving an efficient, flexible military force, able to satisfy the national security requirements and, alongside the allied forces, to perform missions against terrorism and security and peace threats in the world. Misters generals, officers, warrant officers, non-c commissioned officers, contract soldiers and civilians from the Romanian Land Forces, dear conscripts ! This celebration is also an occasion of proud and professional satisfaction as well as an urge to creative action and thought, so that through all what we do to uphold the Romanians Armed Forces at new parameters of performance. Give priority to perfecting your own knowledge according to the modern concepts of conducting and deploying the combat operations ! Maintain a climate of order and discipline, of respecting the military regulation ! Manifest permanently courage, professionalism and realism in performing the missions you received. * * * On the occasion of the Land Forces Anniversary I wish you the best and the sincere congratulations, much success in your future activity, health, power of work, happiness for you and your families. Minister of National Defence Teodor Atanasiu
April 2006

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Ziua Forelor Terestre

Mesajul efului Statului Major General cu prilejul aniversrii Zilei Forelor Terestre
rbtorim, prin tradiie, de Ziua Forelor Terestre, pe Sfntul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe Purttorul de Biruin, patronul spiritual al militarilor care i servesc ara sub culorile acestei importante categorii de fore a Armatei Romniei. Alegerea acestei zile constituie dovada de nezdruncinat a continuitii i temeiniciei existenei celor dou instituii fundamentale: Biserica i Armata, care ocrotesc att spiritul ct i linitea i pacea poporului romn. Srbtoarea Forelor Terestre a coincis cu cea mai sfnt zi a credinei noastre ortodoxe, zi cu profunde semnificaii spirituale i morale, pecetluite prin jertfa Fiului lui Dumnezeu pentru iertarea pcatelor omenirii. Este momentul n care gndul nostru zboar ctre faptele de arm ale celor care i-au vrsat sngele pentru aprarea poporului romn i pentru eliberarea teritoriului naional de sub ocupaie strin. S ne nclinm cu recunotin n faa memoriei eroilor czui la datorie i s aducem omagiul nostru tuturor veteranilor de rzboi care au slujit cu credin i onoare naiunea i statul romn. Generaiei de astzi i adresm cele mai calde felicitri, iar n acest ceas aniversar ne exprimm nc o dat bucuria i satisfacia fa de succesele cu care ne prezentm la aceast aniversare. n acest moment se poate afirma c Forele Terestre ale Armatei Romne sunt o categorie de fore bine definite i individualizate, n plin proces de modernizare, caracterizate prin suplee, mobilitate i capacitatea de a ndeplini toate tipurile de misiuni specifice pentru aprarea naional i colectiv, n sprijinul pcii sau umanitar. Druirea i
Land Forces No. 1

profesionalismul lupttorilor din structura dumneavoastr sunt astzi caliti unanim recunoscute i apreciate de ctre aliaii notri n teatrele de operaii din Balcanii de Vest, Afganistan i Irak. Anul 2006 este anul n care Forele Terestre Romne vor ncorpora pentru ultima dat militari n termen, renunarea la stagiul militar obligatoriu marcnd, ncepnd cu 1 ianuarie 2007, profesionalizarea deplin a Armatei Romne. Am ncredere c vom reui s atragem tineri valoroi, care contribuie la creterea calitii resursei umane pe care o avem la dispoziie. Potenialul uman, precum i eficiena misiunilor ndeplinite confer Forelor Terestre puterea de a impune respect i ncredere oriunde n lume. mi exprim convingerea c fiecare dintre dumneavoastr militar sau civil vei aciona prioritar pentru ndeplinirea atribuiilor funcionale cu deplin responsabilitate, pentru ca naiunea noastr s poat munci n linite i n pace. Profit de aceast ocazie s v mulumesc tuturor ofieri, maitri militari, subofieri, salariai civili, militari angajai pe baz de contract, studeni, elevi i militari n termen pentru modul exemplar n care v ndeplinii datoria i v urez multe succese profesionale i personale, mult sntate i o via familial fericit. Purtai n suflet lumina credinei i convingerea c Sfntul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe ne va cluzi paii spre izbnd ! Aa s ne ajute Dumnezeu ! Hristos a nviat !
General dr. Eugen BDLAN Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

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Romanian Land Forces Anniversary

The Message of the Chief of the General Staff on the Occasion of the Land Forces Day Anniversary
e celebrate, by tradition, on the Land Forces Day, Saint Martyr George, the victory bearer, the spiritual patron of the military that serve their country under the colours of this important service of Romanias Armed Forces. Choosing this day represents the solid proof of continuity and rationality of the two basic institutions existence: the Church and the Armed Forces that protect both the spirit and the peace and stability of the Romanian people. The Land Forces Day coincided with the holy day of our orthodox faith, day with solid spiritual ad moral signification, sealed by the sacrifice of the Son of God for the forgiveness of the human kind sins. It is the moment when we think about the military activities of those who gave their lives for the defense of the Romanian people and the liberation of the national territory under foreign occupation. We have to praise with gratitude the heroes who died on duty and to give our respects for the war veterans who served with faith and honoured the nation and the Romanian State.
April 2006

We congratulate todays generation, and on this occasion we express, once again, the joy and satisfaction for the success due to this celebration. Nowadays, we may say that the Land Forces of the Romanian Armed Forces are a force service well defined and individualized, in an ongoing modernization process, characterized by viability, mobility and the capacity to perform the entire range of specific missions for the national and collective defense, peace and humanitarian support. The dedication and professionalism of the combatants from your structure are recognized and appreciated by our allies in the theatres of operations from the Western Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. 2006 is the year when the Romanian Land Forces will enlist conscripts for the last time. Giving up the compulsory military service marks, starting with the 1st of January 2007, the full integration of the Romanian Armed Forces. I am convinced that we will succeed in drawing in young men who will contribute

to increasing our human resource quality. The human potential, as well as the accomplished missions efficiency offer the Land Forces the strength to entail respect and trust everywhere in the world. I am convinced that each of you military or civilian will act for the accomplishment of the functional responsibilities so that our nation could work in peace. I take advantage of this occasion to say thank you to all of you officers, civilians, enlisted personnel, students, pupils, conscripts for the good way in which you have accomplished your duty and to wish you professional and personal success, health and a happy family life. May you bear in your soul the faith and conviction that Saint Martyr George will guide our efforts towards victory! May God help us! Happy Easter!

General Ph.D. Eugen BADALAN

Translated by: Oana TUGURLAN

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Ziua Forelor Terestre

Mesajul efului Statului Major al Forelor Terestre

General-locotenent dr. Sorin IOAN

23 aprilie, Ziua Forelor Terestre

[a cum s-a impus n tradi]ia ultimilor ani, o datq cu prqznuirea Sfntului Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Purtqtorul de biruin]q, la 23 aprilie sqrbqtorim Ziua For]elor Terestre Romne. n acest an, n mod fericit, aniversarea noastrq coincide cu Duminica Sfintei nvieri, zi n care tot cre[tinul [i cautq odihna, fie [i pentru cteva clipe, nquntrul sufletului squ. Este momentul n care aducem un pios omagiu nainta[ilor [i camarazilor [i nu uitqm sq nchinqm o rugq celor cqzu]i la datorie, fie n rqzboaiele prin care ne-am pqstrat identitatea neamului, fie departe de ]arq, n misiuni de men]inere [i consolidare a pqcii n ]qri greu ncercate de conflicte. Totodatq, este un bun prilej sq adresez mul]umiri tuturor celor care au contribuit cu pricepere, efort [i responsabilitate pentru ca For]ele Terestre Romne sq-[i ndeplineascq obiectivele [i misiunile eficient, operativ [i cu profesionalism [i sq devenim o categorie de for]e puternicq, capabilq sq rqspundq cerin]elor na]ionale de securitate dar [i angajamentelor interna]ionale asumate. Suflete[te, rqmnem aproape de colegii no[tri, de care suntem nevoi]i sq ne despqr]im ca urmare a procesului inevitabil de transformare [i restructurare a armatei. Un sincer mul]umesc,
Land Forces No. 1

buni camarazi ! Un gnd de mul]umire adresez familiilor militarilor no[tri pentru sprijinul acordat, n]elegerea [i rqbdarea de care dau dovadq, nu o datq, atunci cnd misiunile complexe i ]in departe de cei dragi. Suntem n plin proces de continuare n pagina 10
Foto: Pltmaj. Dan BOBAN

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Romanian Land Forces Anniversary

Message of the Chief of Land Forces

Lieutenant-General Ph.D. Sorin IOAN
Translated by: Elena CISMASU

23 April, Land Forces Day

In accordance with our tradition, on the 23rd April, the day of the Great Martyr Saint George, we celebrate Romanian Land Forces Day. This year, happily, our anniversary coincides with the Holy Sunday of Easter, a day in which each Christian seeks for inner peace and comfort, even for only few moments. It is a moment in which we cherish our predecessors and comrades and do not forget to pray for those fallen at duty, either during the wars in which we have gained our national identity, or far from the country, in peacekeeping and peace reinforcement missions.
April 2006

Also, this is a great opportunity for me to address my warmest thanks to all those that have skillfully contributed, with efforts and responsibility so that Romanian Land Forces accomplish their objectives and missions, in an efficient and professional manner, to become a solid force service, capable to answer to our national security requirements, as well as to accomplish the international commitments that we have assumed. In our hearts, we remain close to our colleagues from whom we had to separate, as a consequence of the inevitable transformation and

restructuring process. Thank you, my dear comrades! The same thoughts also go to the families of our militaries, for their support, understanding and patience that they have proved each time the complex missions kept their beloved ones far from their homes. We are now under full land forces transformation process, a difficult one, which we cannot complete unless we are together and in the spirit of virtues that have guided us during time: cohesion, courage, initiative and teamwork. In a future context we will face a new challenge, another kind of mission

continued on the 11


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Ziua Forelor Terestre

transformare a for]elor terestre, un proces dificil, pe care nu l putem mplini altfel dect mpreunq [i n spiritul virtu]ilor care ne-au cqlquzit de-a lungul timpului: coeziunea, curajul, ini]iativa [i spiritul de echipq. ntr-un viitor apropiat vom traversa o nouq provocare, un alt gen de misiune pe care va trebui s-o ndeplinim cu succes, [i anume constituirea unei armate n totalitate profesionistq, cu oameni pentru care meseria armelor nseamnq pasiune. Mul]umesc [i militarilor din For]ele Terestre afla]i n Teatrele de Opera]ii din

Orientul Mijlociu, Asia [i Balcanii de Vest sau n Africa unde sunt [i ambasadori ai Romniei care, prin profesionalism [i omenie, prin respectul fa]q de popula]ia localq, de cultura acesteia, fa]q de autoritq]ile locale [i institu]iile statului, au onorat imaginea pozitivq a ]qrii [i spiritului poporului romn. Un gnd bun [i salutul nostru camaraderesc transmitem colegilor din celelalte categorii de for]e mpreunq cu care ac]ionqm pentru mplinirea obiectivului fundamental de creare a unei Armate profesioniste. Vq mul]umesc, tuturor celor

care constitui]i cea mai mare avu]ie a For]elor Terestre, [i anume resursa umanq: generali, ofi]eri, mai[tri militari, subofi]eri, personal civil contractual, militari angaja]i pe bazq de contract, studen]i, elevi, militari n termen [i termen redus, pentru modul exemplar n care vq ndeplini]i atribu]iile. Vq urez mult succes, mpliniri profesionale [i n via]q ! Dumnezeu sq ne ajute [i sq i ocroteascq pe camarazii no[tri pleca]i departe de ]arq ! La mul]i ani [i Pa[te fericit !


Land Forces No. 1

Me e ssage es

Romanian Land Forces Anniversary

that we would have to accomplish successfully, that of building a fully professional army, manned with people for whom military duties mean passion. I would like to thank land forces militaries in the theatre areas of operations from Middle East, Asia, the West Balkans or Africa where they are true

ambassadors of Romania who, through their professionalism and kindness, through respect shown to local population, local authorities and state institutions, have honored the positive image of our country and our Romanian people spirit. To our colleagues from the other force services we transmit our salute.

Together with them, we take part to those missions of accomplishing the basic objective, that one of building professional armed forces. Thank you all those that represent the most important part of land forces human resources: generals, officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, civilians, enlisted personnel,

students, pupils, conscripts, for the exemplary way in which you accomplish your duties. I wish you success, professional achievements as well as personal satisfactions! May God help us and protect our comrades that are being far from the country! Happy Easter!

April 2006


Photo: NCO Dan BOBAN

L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

Romanian Land Forces' Transformation

Reformation and Transformation

Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA

t is not our intention to provide you a Romanian defense review. Well just try to underline the efforts Romania has done so far and is going to do, in order to become from a credible partner to a reliable ally. Taking into consideration the major changes in the strategic environment since 1990, Romania has understood, and adopted as well, a new vision, a new meaning of social reform and modernization strategy. In this regard, the Romanian Land Forces have taken into account the geopolitical and geo-strategic changes in international security environment, and as a result, the Land Forces reorganization and modernization process has been consistently developed with political and diplomatic actions that have aimed at supporting Romanias
Forele Terestre No. 1

accession to NATO. At that moment, the reform represented both a requirement to accomplish interoperability with NATO and an internal need, too. The most important element when assessing future evolution of defense capabilities is their capacity to respond to future challenges in the security environment. There is no doubt that

todays security threats are different from those of Cold War period and come mainly from failed states, terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, crime syndicates and competition for natural resources. These new threats are global in nature and could arise anywhere, but their implications affect us all. Because the threats

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L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

are different, the response must be different. Sitting back, with huge numbers of forces dedicated to territorial defence, and working in isolation, have definitely lost relevance in this new threat environment. Thats why Romania is committed to adopt its force structure and doctrines to meet the new challenges of the security environment and the requirements as member of NATO. Transformation is about changing the military culture into one that encourages innovation and intelligent risk taking. Although we now face the enormous challenge of winning the global war on terrorism, we must also address the equally large challenge of preparing our forces for the future. Our overall goal is to encourage a serie of transformations that, in combination, can produce a revolutionary increase in our military
April 2006

capability and redefine how war is fought. Throughout the period that has passed since we started the reform and restructuring process, weve aimed at both modernizing and integrating the Land Forces into the new democratic society. From the very beginning, the model was inspired from NATO countries, NATO integration process itself being a strong catalyst for the internal reform of the Romanian military system. Apart from indicating the general political line, the civil authorities trusted and respected the military advice in the restructuring and modernization process. The main aim of the Land Forces transformation process is the accomplishment of several capabilities based on which the forces can efficiently react to the current as well as the future challenges within the

security environment. The general objective is the accomplishment of modern, full professionalized forces, with a high

accomplishing NATO obligations; Training and participating in EU missions; Modernization of the command and

control system; degree of mobility, Modernization of efficiency, flexibility, the logistic support deplorability, system; sustainability, able to Accomplishment take actions jointly of the C4I2SR and to engage in a wide range of missions. systems and the The accomRomanian armed plishment of the forces information general objective of process. the transformation At the beginning of process will be suppor2000, the reformation ted by the future process continued projects, regarding the based on the armed forces transfor- Reorganization and mation, comprising Modernization the following action Program, which was directions: to be accomplished in Assuming continued on the 14th page and

L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

two phases: The first one (up to 2003) initiated at the same time with the beginning of the 3rd PARP cycle, and the second one (till 2007), whose objectives were those showed on the picture. During this process we have realized that reorganization doesnt mean only structural changes, adjustment of doctrines, new rules, new documents, but especially it means a deep change of mentality. The fundamental review of the Objective Force 2007 was approved by the Homeland Supreme Defense Council in 2004, when the first phase of force restructuring started. The new force structure is planed to be completely implemented by 2007, when we expect to have 90,000 people within the Armed Forces. Two brigades will be ready to operate for NATO collective defense by that time, if needed. Transformation can be thought as innovation on a large scale undertaken by a military that believes major changes are occurring in the character of conflict that will produce a dramatic boost in military capabilities within a

relatively short period of time. These changes can either be in the form of newly emerging challenges - or prospective major opportunities - in the ways that military operations are conducted. Transformation Strategy Coming to our daily awareness and concerns in the transformation area, the Romanian Ministry of Defense initiated a package of projects for future, dedicated to the transformation of the RO Land Forces. The first project refers to the Romanian Armed Forces Transformation Strategy, a document meant to coordinate the internal transformation with NATOs transformation process. In the ROAF Transformation Strategy is stated that the fundamental goal of transformation is to get appropriate capabilities to respond the current and future challenges to security environment. The main outcome of the process will be a modern, fully professional, mobile, effective, flexible, deployable,

sustainable force structure able to act jointly and participate in a broad scope of missions. Force Objective 2007 At the time Romania was receiving the invitation to join NATO and our Armed Forces had already gone through an intense reviewing and adapting process. Based on NATO Ministerial Directive and Prague Capabilities Commitments, Romanian General Staff decided to start a fundamental review of the Objective Force 2007. The fundamental review of the Force Objective 2007 is performed on the basis of missions and specific requirements of the Romanian Armed Forces, as follows: - to contribute to the Romanias peacetime security; - to defend Romania and its allies; - to promote regional and global stability and security; - to provide support to local and national authorities in civil emergencies.


Land Forces No. 1

L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

Romanian Land Forces' Transformation

Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA

s a whole, in about 10 till 15 years framework, the transformation process must turn the actual structures into a modular, flexible, more compact, interoperable, deployable and sustainable force. This new stage will allow us to provide not only the capability but also the
April 2006

desired readiness of our forces. The new force structure will provide: Homeland defense, an important contribution to the collective defense within the Alliance, leading us to the status of fully integrated NATO member, a significant contribution to European

Security and Defense Policy and participation in other security initiatives and coalitions, according to our national interests and commitments. To be able to cope with the challenges of the new position of Romania as a part of the western world, a

continued on the 16


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L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

modernization process had to be start. This process firstly began at the level of the Land Forces Staff. I would highlight a few significant points: - The Land Forces Staff primarily performs the administrative function, while the operational command and control of tactical units fall under a separate command. - The goal of this reorganization of Land Forces, which was accomplished almost two years ago, is to allow our Operational Command to focus on training and readiness of our combat, combat support and combat service support units and first of all on the NATO Integration activities. We are striving to adapt our standards, so that they converge to the NATOs ones. Additionally, we are determined to reshape the education and training system, to integrate the military education into the national system and to adapt it to the Alliances doctrines and standards.
Land Forces No. 1

Improvement of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluating System is another direction of the transformation strategy in the Romanian Armed Forces. It aims at optimizing the national legal framework and also at increasing the role of the defense planner in the system. A new vision relating to the coordinated modernization of the military equipments is under construction. It will attempt to harmonize the acquisition process with the general process of transformation. Reshaping the Intelligence and Military Medical Systems are other two projects on our list with the priorities for future. As we negotiated with NATO, by the end of 2012, the Romanian pool of forces offered for NATO capabilities is shown very briefly bellow. Additionally, until 2007 the Land Forces will also make operational a mechanized brigade (with 30 days level of readiness), as well as a number of different other units, subunits and CS and CSS detachments. This is an important commitment that requires a substantial financial support.

L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

Romanian Land Forces' Transformation

Training the Soldiers Leaders Trainers

Colonel Ph.D. Florin DAMIAN Captain Danut DINICA

RADOC is responsible for institutional, unit, and self-development training programs for all the soldiers, leaders, civilians, and units. It provides a progressive, developed, and long life learning experience for leaders and soldiers that complete and enhance their experience in the field. Military Education System Basic missions: - officers, NCOs, warrant officers academics and military training. Main objectives: - to implement NATO policy for military education in accordance with MC 458/1NATO education, training, exercise and evaluation policy; - to implement national changing legislation regarding education; - to increase the quality of graduates; - to increase the efficiency of military education. Until now the Armed Forces have been served by Service Academies, tailored to support what were seen to be unique requirements of each service.
April 2006

The focus and mission of each academy has been to meet the substantial technical requirements of each service, and this was done through training, with less emphasis placed on leadership and academic knowledge, based dimension of education. Basic missions and main goals are part of the new military education system for the new concept of Reshaping Military Education System which is about to be implemented. TRADOC has been structured to fulfill its mission and to have

appropriate specialists gathered under a common and efficient management. TRADOC has links with almost every component of the Ro Army. The vertical and horizontal links allow TRADOC to accomplish its tasks resourceful. Together, these domains interact using feedback and assessment from various sources and methods to maximize war fighting/or other types of action readiness. - The operational domain


L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

includes home station training, combat training center rotations, joint training exercises, and operational deployments that satisfy national objectives. Each of

necessary to reduce or eliminate the gap between operational and institutional experiences. - The assessment is the method used to determine the

these actions provides foundation experiences for soldiers, leaders, and unit development. - The institutional domain focuses on educating and training soldiers and leaders on the key knowledge, skills, and attributes required to operate in any environment. It includes individual, unit and joint schools, and advanced education. - The selfdevelopment domain, structured and informal, focuses on taking those actions
Land Forces No. 1

proficiency and potential of leaders against a known standard. - Feedback must be clear, formative guidance directly related to the outcome of training events measured against standards. All of these interrelated activities take place within the Land Forces culture or shared set of beliefs, values, and assumptions that define for us what is most important.

The evolving of the training system. This picture depicts the overall process that we are trying to put in place. Many are already functioning but all of the functional elements will evolve over the next five to ten years. One of our greatest challenges was to completely rewrite and institutionalize new modern doctrine in our schools and units. Regardless laying this foundation to training it is essential to rigorously train to standard and be prepared for all of our assigned missions. This scheme is the summary of the Romanian Land Forces training doctrine and applies throughout the forces, to all units, at all echelons, certainly, the best to the NATO designated units. Training to the Land Forces standard is the key to fighting and winning. Every

leader/commander from squad to Land Forces Staff is expected to know, understand, and apply this capstone training doctrine. Training excellence is the cornerstone of combat readiness. Generating/Regenerating Phase Presumes Post Operational Activities The main accent is on individual training, training to become a leader, small teams/structures training no higher than Platoon level. Mission Preparation Phase Presumes Collective/Joint and Combined Training Activities and Exercises Subunits use all training opportunities to perform individual, leaders and team training. Units and large units have the possibilities to plan and execute especially different kind of exercises. Mission Participation Cycle - Maintaining the Planned Level Training is concentrated mainly on collective tasks with individual and leading tasks integrated in multiechelon training. You can see on the picture our training cycle concept in

continued on the 19


L and For r ce e s Today

Romanian Land Forces Transformation

accordance with what all NATO declared units must be real for the designated mission. The picture above describes some of the soldier training initiatives that will enable us to better produce young warriors who are ready to fight and win the day they arrive at their first unit of assignment. from soldiers ready to join a unit, we will graduate soldiers ready to win and survive in combat; instead of largely garrison oriented training, soldiers will now conduct more field oriented training; less emphasis on practicing drill and ceremonies; soldiers will be trained and become proficient in tactical movements and combat drills; instead of simply passing their apt, we will train soldiers to be fit for campaign endurance, combat fitness and combative; from soldiers
April 2006

qualifying only on their weapons, soldiers now will be proficient in the employment of multiple weapons found in todays units; in addition to current training focusing on army values, we will also ensure our soldiers embody the warrior ethos. The Operational Environment in which

Land Forces will operate will be both complex and challenging. The battle space will be of 360 degrees, enemies will be dispersed throughout the area and given its non linearity, enemy positions will be hard to template. The battle space will be violent, unpredictable and multidimensional. Enemies will try to fight in complex and urban terrain in order to degrade our long range targeting and precision munitions delivery capability.

More noncombatants, media and civilian agencies will populate the battle space, thus complicating operations. These factors translate into a battle space that offers no definable lines and offers no respite from constant high intensity close combat. The intensity of this environment, coupled with the fact that soldiers and units may have to operate for long periods separated from one to another will increase both physical and psychological stress, and demands increased individual competent judgment and decision making down to individual soldier levels.


Actualitate e n For r e e le e Te e r e str re

Mentalitatea apartenenei la NATO

Steagul de identificare al Forelor Terestre a fost primit la Preedinie

Mi se prea nedrept ca la instituia cu cea mai mare responsabilitate pentru aprarea naional i securitatea naional s se afle arborat doar drapelul NATO.
(Extras din discursul preedintelui Romniei la primirea steagurilor de identificare ale categoriilor de fore).
Toate popoarele au folosit, de-a lungul timpului, ca mijloc de individualizare i comunicare, diverse simboluri, devenite apoi nsemne naionale. Aprute din nevoia de a se putea distinge pe cmpul de lupt o unitate de alta i de a arta lupttorilor locul n care trebuia s se adune n cazul cnd au fost risipii n timpul luptei, stindardele au fost folosite nc din vechime de numeroase popoare, de egipteni, de asirieni, de peri, de strmoii poporului romn: dacii i romanii.

Stindardele de lupt n istorie n spaiul romnesc ntlnim steagul n diferite ipostaze: n viaa politic i militar, ca drapel de stat i stindard de lupt. Geto-dacii aveau i ei steag, n jurul cruia adunau armata n caz de rzboi. Strbtut de numeroase rzboaie n evul mediu romnesc, prezena steagului de lupt pe cmpurile de btlie este atestat de izvoarele istorice, fr o cromatic tricolor i care desemna: nsemn militar, purtnd semnul distinctiv al unitii respective; unitate militar a rii Romneti i Moldovei, n secolul al XVII-lea, cuprinznd 50-100 de oameni; steag de domnie sau steagul rii. Simbolurile dacice s-au pstrat la romni pn n vremea

continuare n pagina 22


Land Forces No. 1

L and For r ce e s Actuality

The mentality of belonging to NATO

Land Forces Identification Flag was received by the President

"It seemed unfair to me that at the institution with the highest degree of responsibility in what regards the national defense and the national security, only the NATO flag to be hoisted".
(Extract from Romanian president's speech at the receiving of force services identification flags).
ll people have used, in time, as means of individualization and communication, several symbols, which became

national marks. They were initially used in order to distinguish units from one another on the battlefield and to point out the place where

soldiers had to gather. Flags have been used ever since the old times by many cultures, by Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, by the Romanian people's ancestors: Dacians and Romans. Combat flags in history Within the Romanian historical background the flag is mentioned in different postures: in the political and military life, as a national flag and combat banner. GetoDacians had also their flag, around which the army was organized in wartime. During numerous wars in the medieval times, the presence of the combat flag is mentioned by the historical documents, without the three colors, which

continued on the 23
April 2006


page 21

Actualitate e n For r e e le e Te e r e str re

Mentalitatea apartenenei la NATO

acestei instituii va fi aceea de a apra poporul romn. n cadrul acestei ceremonii de primire a steagurilor de identificare ale categoriilor de fore, preedintele Traian Bsescu a subliniat c dorete s restabileasc importana gradului de general n Armata Romn. Steagul de identifi care al Forelor Terestre Steagul de identificare al Forelor Terestre are inscripionat pe o parte a flamurii nsemnul heraldic al Statului Major al Forelor Terestre, cu denumirea n clar, iar n colurile flamurii sunt dou sbii ncruciate ce simbolizeaz hotrre i curaj. Flamura, de culoare roie, simbolizeaz bravur, putere i ndrzneal. Pe cealalt flamur a Steagului de identificare este inscripionat Sf. Gheorghe ucignd balaurul, simboliznd, metaforic, actul de natere al poporului romn, prin victoria crucii asupra balaurului, care a fost nevoit s se refugieze din nou n mitologie, ca simbol al rului. Steagul de identificare sau reprezentrile acestuia sub form de fanioane poate fi expus n birouri, cancelarii, sli de curs, cabinete etc., poate fi oferit, fr lance, personalului cu merite deosebite n activitate, celor care trec n rezerv sau se pensioneaz, efilor de promoii ori, n dar, delegaiilor strine.

desclectorilor i a ntemeierii statelor medievale romneti, pe blazoanele unor domni i boieri romni. Reflectnd simbolic procesele sociale, steagul mbrac azi diferite forme. El este cunoscut i apreciat sub adevrata sa fa, de fenomen uman permanent, act de cultur formativ, profund integrat ansamblului social comunitar. Ceremonial la Preedinie Acestei integrri comunitare a armatei i s-a dat cea mai nalt recunoatere oficial, prin ceremonialul de primire a steagurilor de identificare organizat la Preedinie. Mi se prea nedrept ca la instituia cu cea mai mare responsabilitate pentru aprarea naional i securitatea naional s se afle arborat doar
Land Forces No. 1

drapelul NATO, fr a da semnificaia acoperirii acestui drapel, coninutului acestui drapel, din punct de vedere al forelor armate ale Romniei - preciza preedintele Bsescu n discursul su. Dup primirea celor patru drapele, preedintele Traian Bsescu a inut s sublinieze rolul pe care l-a avut Armata Romn n nfptuirea Marii Uniri: A dori s fiu acela care recunoate public i menioneaz public, nu numai ntr-un discurs politic, dar i ntr-o intervenie cu adresa Armata Romn, faptul c n-ar fi fost posibil Marea Unire fr jertfa extraordinar a Armatei Romne din primul rzboi mondial. n final, eful statului a mulumit Armatei Romne pentru devotament i a subliniat c singura solicitare pe care le-o va adresa reprezentanilor

L and For r ce e s Actuality

The mentality of belonging to NATO

stood for: military ensign, with the distinctive mark of the respective unit, military unit in Wallachian region and Moldavia, in the XVII century, comprising 50-100 militaries; rule flag or national flag. Romanian people kept the Dacian symbols until the creation of the Romanian medieval states, on regnant blazons. Reflecting symbolically the social processes, nowadays, the flag has different forms. It is known and appreciated with its real meaning, as a permanent phenomenon, as a formative cultural act, deeply integrated in the communitarian assembly. Ceremony at presidency To this communitarian integration of the army, it was given the highest official commitment, through the ceremony of receiving the identification flags, organized by the president. It seemed unfair to me that at the institution with the highest degree of responsibility in what regards the national defense,
April 2006

and the national security, only the NATO flag to be hoisted, without offering the proper significance of its covering, from the Romanian Armed Forces point of view, said president Basescu in his speech. After receiving the four flags, president Basescu wanted to underline the role Romanian Armed Forces had in accomplishing the Great Union: I would like to be the one that publicly admits and mentions, not only in a political speech, but also in an intervention bearing Romanian Armed Forces address, the fact that the Great Union hadnt been possible without the Armed Forces sacrifices in First World War. Finally, the chief of state expressed his appreciations to the Romanian Armed Forces for their devotion and underlined that the only request he would have from the representatives of this institution would be that of country defence. During this ceremony, president Basescu highlighted the fact that he wanted to re-

establish the importance of the rank general within the Armed Forces. Land Forces Identification Flag Land Forces Identification Flag has the armorial mark of the Land Forces Staff on one side, with its clear denomination, and in the corners there are two crossed swords, meaning determination and courage. The red pendant symbolizes braveness, power and daring. On the other pendant of the identification flag it is written Sf. Gheorghe,

killing the ogre, symbolizing metaphorically, the creation of the Romanian people, by the victory of the cross against the ogre, which had to flood out in the mythology, as the symbol of evil. The identification flag or its other forms, like streamers can be placed in offices, orderly rooms, course rooms, cabinets, etc; it can be offered, without the javelin, to the personnel with special merits in their activity, to those who retire, to the chiefs of promotion or to foreign delegations, as gifts.
Translated by: Elena CISMASU

Actualitate e n For r e e le e Te e r e str re

Relaii internaionale

Comandantul forelor terestre americane din Europa s-a ntlnit cu eful SMFT
Cooperarea romno-american n teatrele de operaii, precum i obiectivele procesului de transformare a forelor terestre romne au fost principalele subiecte discutate n cadrul ntlnirii dintre comandantul structurii similare americane din Europa, general-locotenent David D.McKiernan i eful SMFT, general-locotenent dr.Sorin Ioan, din perioada 15-16 februarie. Romnia a fost prima ar vizitat de ctre generalul american, care este i comandantul Armatei a VII-a americane, n noua funcie pe care a preluat-o n luna decembrie 2005. n acest context, generalul McKiernan a subliniat importana relaiilor de cooperare bilaterale, exprimndu-i fa de partea romn disponibilitatea de a continua i dezvolta activitile comune.

eneralul american a fost primit, n prima zi a vizitei, de eful Statului Major General, general dr. Eugen Bdlan, i de secretarul de stat i ef al Departamentului pentru Relaii cu Parlamentul, Armonizare Legislativ i Relaii Publice, Marius Balu. Generalul McKiernan este cunoscut n mediile militare americane ca fiind unul dintre cei mai capabili comandani militari, fiind de o modestie remarcabil. Este adeptul convins al lucrului n echip i pledeaz pentru aceasta ori de cte ori are ocazia. Puterea armatei americane st n construirea, dezvoltarea i susinerea unei echipe. Dac oamenii sunt puternici, nu exist misiuni sau circumstane prea dificile, afirma generalul american ntr-un interviu acordat prestigioasei reviste Stars and Stripes, citat de agenia Rompres. A intrat n armat n 1972 i a parcurs toate treptele de comand militar, de la comandant de pluton
Land Forces No. 1

i pn la funcia pe care o deine n prezent. Din august 1998 i pn n septembrie 1999 a fost adjunctul efului Direciei Operaii din cadrul Comandamentului Forelor Terestre Americane din Europa, pe toat dura-

ta operaiunilor militare simultane din Bosnia, Albania i Kosovo. n martie 2003, generalul-locotenent McKiernan a fost numit comandant al forelor terestre care au atacat Irakul pentru a ndeprta de la putere regimul lui Saddam Hussein.

Generalul-locotenent David D.McKiernan pe timpul vizitei n Romnia.

Foto: lt.col. Drago ANGHELACHE

L and For r ce e s Actuality

International relations

The American Land Forces Command Europe met the Chief of the Land Forces Staff
The Romanian-A American cooperation in the theatre areas of operations, as well as the Romanian Land Forces transformation process have been the main subjects discussed during the meeting between the commander of the American similar structure in Europe, Lieutenant-G General David D.McKiernan and the chief of the Land Forces Staff, Lieutenant-G General Ph.D. Sorin Ioan, during 15-1 16 February. Romania was the first visited country by the American general, that is also the Commander of the American VIIth Armed Forces. He manned the new position in December 2005. In this context, General McKiernan highlighted the importance of the bilateral cooperation relations, expressing his availability towards the Romanian party to continue and develop the common activities.
During the first day of his visit, the American general was received by the chief of the General Staff, General Ph.D. Eugen Badalan and the Secretary of State and Chief for Relationship with the Parliament Department, Legal and Public Relation Department, Marius Balu. David McKiernan is known within the American military environments as being one of the most capable military commanders, but as a very modest person. He is for the work team and militates for it wherever he has the occasion. The power of the American Armed Forces is the team building, development and support. If people are powerful, there are no missions or circumstances too difficult, said the American general in an interview given to the famous
April 2006

magazine Stars and Stripes, quoted by Rompres agency. He entered the U.S. Army in 1972 and covered the entire steps of military command, from platoon commander to the present position. From August 1998 to September 1999 he was the deputy chief of the Operations Direction within the American Land Forces Command in Europe, during the entire period of the simultaneous military operations in Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo. In March 2003, the Lieutenant-General McKiernan was named as the commander of forces that attacked Iraq in order to remove from power the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Translated by: Oana TUGURLAN


Photo: Lieutenant-Colonel Drago ANGHELACHE

Actualitate e n For r e e le e Te e r e str re

ntlnire cu ataaii militari

ntlnirea anual a efului SMFT cu ataaii militari

Maior Renato NADOLU

Este remarcabil excelenta cooperare dintre trupele romne i partenerii notri att din teatrele de operaii din Afganistan, Irak i Balcanii de Vest, ct i pe timpul participrii la exerciiile comune, le-a spus astzi, 22 martie, Ioan ataailor militari strini acreditai la Bucureti, participani la ntlnirea

anual cu eful Statului Major al Forelor Terestre. Ataailor aprrii le-au fost prezentate misiunile i responsabilitile curente i de perspectiv ce revin forelor terestre. Subiecte care au prezentat interes pentru ataaii militari au mai fost: procesul de transformare pe care l traverseaz Forele Terestre Romne,

programele de modernizare aflate n derulare i nlocuirea serviciului militar obligatoriu cu serviciul militar pe baz de voluntariat. Alturi de Ioan, la manifestarea din sala General tefan Gu din sediul Statului Major al Forelor Terestre au fost prezeni generali i ofieri din conducerea Statului Major al Forelor Terestre.


Land Forces No. 1

L and For r ce e s Actuality

Meeting with the Military Attaches

The Yearly Meeting between Chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff and Military Attaches
Major Renato NADOLU
Translated by: Major Luigi-Mihail COJOCARU

It is remarkable the excellent cooperation between Romanian troops and our partners both in the theatre areas of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Western Balkans and during their participation in joint common exercises, Lieutenant-General Ph.D.Ioan Sorin said on the 22nd of March, in front of the military attaches appointed at Bucharest, on the occasion of the yearly meeting with the chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff (ROLAFORS). Defence attaches were presented the current missions and responsibilities as well as those for the future, belonging to the Romanian Land Forces (ROLAFOR). The most interesting subjects were as follows: the transformation process of ROLAFOR; the current upgrading programs and replacement of the military conscription with that one of
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volunteering. Alongside Lieutenant-General Ph.D. Ioan Sorin, at that meeting held in General Stefan Gusa Hall of

ROLAFORS, generals and officers from ROLAFORS Command also participated in.


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Comandamentul SEEBRIG

Comandamentul SEEBRIG din Constana a plecat n misiune n Afganistan

Un numr de 233 militari romni din cadrul Comandamentului SEEBRIG (Brigada Multinaional din sud-estul Europei) i din dou subuniti de sprijin particip, timp de ase luni, ncepnd cu 6 februarie, la misiunea Forei Internaionale de Asisten pentru Securitate din Afganistan (ISAF).
Locotenent-colonel Drago ANGHELACHE

eremonia militar prilejuit de plecarea n misiune a primului ealon al comandamentului a avut loc luni, 16 ianuarie, la Academia Naval Mircea cel Btrn din Constana, n prezena unor oficialiti de la NATO i din alte organizaii internaionale, a reprezentanilor statelor care fac parte din SEEBRIG i a autorit-

ilor locale constnene. Armata Romniei a fost reprezentat la ceremonial de o delegaie condus de general dr. Eugen Bdlan, eful Statului Major General. Potrivit unui comunicat al Biroului de pres al MApN, comandamentul brigzii are n compunere 101 funcii, din care 18 aparin Romniei. ara noastr asigur compania de stat-major

(125 militari) i pe cea de transmisiuni (90 militari, crora li se adaug 30 de militari turci). Brigada va aciona sub mandat ONU i sub conducerea operaional a NATO, denumirea marii uniti pe timpul executrii misiunii din Afganistan fiind Brigada Multinaional Kabul IX (KMNB IX). Potrivit comandantului SEEBRIG, general de brigad Neyco Nenov, misiunea brigzii este de a desfura aciuni de securitate i asisten n Kabul i n zona nconjurtoare. Vom sprijini guvernul afgan pentru meninerea unui climat stabil i sigur n zona noastr de responsabilitate, adugnd c aceast misiune va fi un adevrat test pentru SEEBRIG. Totodat, va fi o oportunitate fantastic nu numai de a rspunde cerinelor NATO, dar i de a opera cu forele NATO.

Foto: maior Renato NADOLU

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SEEBRIG Command at Constanta Left for Mission in Afghanistan

A number of 233 Romanian militaries within SEEBRIG Command (Multinational South Eastern Europe Brigade) and two support subunits have been participating, for six months, beginning with the 6th of February, at ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) in Afghanistan.
LieutenantColonel Dragos Anghelache
Translated by: Elena CISMASU

he military ceremony organized when the first command unit left for mission took place on 16 January, at the Naval Academy Mircea cel Batran in Constanta, honored by the presence of several NATO officials, international organizations representatives, the representatives of the states that are part of SEEBRIG and of the local authorities from Constanta. The Romanian Armed Forces were represented at the ceremony by a delegation led by General Eugen Badalan, chief of General Staff.
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According to a press release from the Ministry of Defense, the brigade command comprises 101 functions, among which 18 are Romanians. Our country provides the staff company (125 militaries) and the signal company (90 militaries, together with 30 Turkish militaries). The brigade will perform operations under UN mandate and NATO operational command. During the mission in Afghanistan it will be named the Multinational Brigade Kabul IX (KMNB). According to the SEEBRIG commander,

Brigadier-General Neyko Nenov, the brigades mission is to perform security and assistance operations in Kabul and the surrounding area. We will support the Afghan government in the maintenance of a stable and secure climate, in our area of responsibility, adding that this mission will be a real test for SEEBRIG. Moreover, this will be a great opportunity, not only to respond to NATO requirements, but also to operate with the NATO forces.

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Comandamentul SEEBRIG
Foto: maior Renato NADOLU

Iniiativa SEDM a fost lansat n martie 1996, avnd drept scopuri promovarea cooperrii regionale i a relaiilor de bun vecintate, dezvoltarea capacitilor defensive i a cooperrii prin eforturi colective, i facilitarea proceselor de integrare n instituiile euroatlantice. Statele participante la iniiativ sunt: Albania, Bulgaria, Grecia, Italia, Fosta Republic Iugoslav a Macedoniei, Romnia, Ucraina (din decembrie 2005) i Turcia. La consultrile politice i militare particip, cu statut de observator, Croaia, Slovenia i SUA. Preedinia Comitetului de Coordonare a Procesului Reuni-

unilor Minitrilor Aprrii din sud-estul Europei i a Comitetului Politico-Militar

Director, precum i comanda SEEBRIG sunt asigurate timp de doi ani, prin rotaie, de toate rile semnatare. La 1 iulie 2005 a avut loc, la Constana, unde se afl comandamentul SEEBRIG ncepnd din 2003, ceremonia de predare-primire a preediniei politico-militare i a comenzii militare a Forei Multinaionale de Pace din sudestul Europei, acestea fiind deinute n prezent de Albania, respectiv Bulgaria. n ceea ce privete ara noastr, eful Statului Major General, general Eugen Bdlan, aprecia c pentru Romnia, procesul de evaluare a capabilitilor operaionale ale comandamentului desfurat n dou etape a reprezentat un moment de mare responsabilitate i efort susinut prin implicarea multor structuri din Armata Romniei, nu numai a celor iniial angajate n proiectul SEEBRIG.


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SEDM Initiative was launched in March 1996, aiming at promoting the regional cooperation and good neighboring relations, development of defensive capabilities, cooperation through collective efforts and the development of the integration process within the Euro-Atlantic structures. The states participating at this initiative are: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine (beginning December 2005) and Turkey. At the political and military consultations Croatia, Slovenia and USA participate, as observatory. The presidency of the defense ministers reunion coordination board in the South Eastern Europe and of the Political Military Committee, as well as the SEEBRIG command are ensured for a period
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of two years, through rotation, by all the signatory states. On the 1st of July 2005, it took place in Constanta, where the SEEBRIG command is, starting with 2003, the hand over receiving ceremony of the political-military presidency and of the military command

of SEEBRIG, currently this being held by Albania and Bulgaria, respectively. Regarding our country, the chief of General Staff, General Eugen Badalan, said that for Romania, the evaluation process of the command operational

capabilities developed in two phases represented a moment of great responsibility and effort, supported by the involvement of several structures from the Romanian Armed Forces, not only those initially engaged in the SEEBRIG project.


Photo: Major Renato NADOLU

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Batalionul 280 Infanterie

Oameni care au nevoie de noi

Locotenent Marius NIULESCU

La o lun de la preluarea mandatului, militarii Batalionului 280 Infanterie pot afirma c i cunosc aria de responsabilitate cu oamenii, dar mai ales cu problemele ei. Faptul c este locuit de o populaie majoritar iit a fcut ca n regimul Saddam Hussein dezvoltarea facilitilor vitale (sisteme de ap potabil, igien, reele de canalizare, drumuri i nvmnt) s fie afectat.
sprijinit ntotdeauna populaia local prin numeroase proiecte umanitare. n aceast diminea, am vzut militari romni distribuind materiale n coli i le sunt recunosctor pentru acest lucru, iar pe elevi i-ai vzut i dumneavoastr ct de fericii au fost. Cred c ai reuit s micai ceva n sufletul lor, ceea ce le-a adus un zmbet pe buze - declara Haithen Azeez, eful districtului Suq Ash Shuiyukh i totodat primar al Consiliului local al localitii Al-Uchaikah. Declaraia oficialitii irakiene a fost fcut cu prilejul distribuirii de ctre militarii focneni a unor ajutoare constituite din aproximativ 500 de piese de mobilier, birouri i scaune, 250 de ghiozdane, avnd fiecare rechizitele necesare unui semestru colar. ntr-o coal de chirpici, fr ui i fr geamuri, cu clase mici, noile piese de mobilier artau nefiresc. i copiii se simeau stingheri. ntr-una din coli spunea cpitanul Ciprian Nstase n-aveau nici mcar bncile lor. Pentru orele de clas aveau

nvmntul, o prioritate n numele meu i al locuitorilor din Suk Al Shuiukh i din Al Ukaikah vreau s mulumesc forelor armate romne pentru c au

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T h e 2 8 0 th I n f a n t r y B a t t a l i o n

People who need us

After a month from their mandate's taking over, the militaries of the 280th Infantry Battalion can say that they know the area of responsibility with its people, but especially with its problems. The fact that the majority is formed of Shiite people, affected the development of the vital facilities, during the regime of Saddam Hussein (water supply systems, hygiene, sewerage networks, roads and education).
Lieutenant Marius NITULESCU
Translated by: Oana TUGURLAN

Education, a priority On behalf of my name and the one of the Suk Al Shuiukh inhabitans, I want to thank to Romanian Armed Forces for their support by numerous humanitarian projects. This morning I have seen Romanian militaries sharing assets in school, for which I am very grateful and you have seen how happy the pupils have been. I think you have succeeded to move something in them and brought a smile on their faces declared Haithen Azeez , chief of Suq Ash Shuiyukh and mayor of al-Uchaikah local council.

The declaration of the Iraqi oficiality has been made on the occasion of the aids distribution by the militaries from Focsani, aids consisting of 500 pieces of furniture, desks and chairs, 250 schoolbags, each of them

having the necessary school supplies for a semester. In a school made of adobe, without doors and glasses, with small classrooms, the new pieces of furniture looked out of place. The children felt odd. In one of

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Photo: NCO Dan BOBAN

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Batalionul 280 Infanterie

Foto: Pltmaj. Dan BOBAN

Brigada 3 Irakian. Instruire, cunoaterea armamentului i trageri n poligonul Garibaldi sunt reperele pregtirii primului batalion din cadrul acestei brigzi. Din rndul acestor militari se vor alege viitorii instructori. Este un program de pregtire ce implic fizic, dar mai ales lingvistic, pe fiecare. Uor-uor, relaiile trec din sfera profesional n cea personal. Este o form direct de relaionare cu populaia, din care au de ctigat ambele pri. Fiecare

mprumutate cteva piese de mobilier n care stteau ngrmdii copiii. Dup primele momente de tatonare, curajul specific vrstei i-a fcut pe copii s pun ntrebri i s-i priveasc pe cei doi-trei romni care au ncput n chilii, ca pe unii de-ai casei. Lipsa armamentului, lsat afar din respect pentru elevi, a grbit apropierea. La sfrit, pe tabla clasei - scris de romni - a rmas o propoziie simpl dar gritoare, repetat de toi copiii: Irak i Romnia, prietene. Un viitor mai sigur, o armat mai bun De peste un an, militarii batalioanelor romneti pregtesc viitoarele cadre ale armatei irakiene. Faptul c armamentul romnesc este asemntor cu cel al armatei irakiene a determinat Coaliia ca
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n aceast zon instruirea s fie o sarcin asumat de romni. Sptmnal, o echip a batalionului, format din apte cadre, i desfoar activitatea la

dintre militarii irakieni au trit drame, au ce povesti. Toi ncearc s uite trecutul, n sperana unui viitor mai bun. Pentru el se pregtesc.

Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

T h e 2 8 0 th I n f a n t r y B a t t a l i o n

the schools said captain Ciprian Nastase - they didnt have their benches. For the lessons they borrowed some pieces of furniture where the children stayed very crammed. After some moments, the courage specific to the childrens age made them ask questions and look at the two-three Romanians that entered the small rooms as their friends. This happened very quickly, because of the lack of armament, left outside for respect of children. In the end, on the classrooms blackboard written by the Romanians remained a very eloquent sentence, repeated by the children: Iraq and Romania, friends. A safer future, a better Armed Force For more than a year, the militaries from the Romanian
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battalions have been training the future officers of the Iraqi Armed Forces. The fact that the Romanian armament is alike the one of the Iraqi Armed Forces determined the Coalition that in this area, the training be a task assumed by the Romanians. Every week, a team of the battalion, formed of seven officers develops the activity at 3rd Iraqi Brigade. Training, armament knowledge and live-firings in Garibaldi firing range are the training earmarks of the first battalion within the brigade. Future trainers will be chosen out of these militaries. It is a training program that involves each individual from the physical, but especially linguistic point of view. The relationship slowly pass from the professional sphere to the personal one. It is a direct form of relationship with the population, out of

which both parties have something to gain. Each one of the Iraqi militaries has lived dramas, has something to talk

about. Everybody tries to forget the past, hoping of a better future. They are preparing and waiting for it.


Photo: NCO Dan BOBAN

Te e atr r e de e ope e r aii

Rechinii Albi

n misiune la Kandahar mpreun cu Rechinii Albi

Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN

ona n care acioneaz Rechinii Albi, situat n provincia Kandahar, este ntr-o permanent schimbare, i pe zi ce trece, progresul este vizibil. Dei pericolele se menin, tendina principal a aciunilor forelor Coaliiei este de cretere a rolului i importanei aciunilor CIMIC, indiferent c este vorba de proiecte de lung durat sau de ajutorul direct al populaiei din zona rural. Exist dou tipuri mari de misiuni pe care militarii romni le ndeplinesc aici la Kandahar. Cele interne, din baza KAF, ce cuprind paza bazei i asigurarea operaiunilor logistice zilnic i a bazarului, smbta. Aciunile n aria de responsabilitate a Rechinilor Albi sunt concretizate prin patrule de recunoatere, de prezen, de sprijin al autoritilor locale i de cercetare pe timp de noapte pentru a descuraja eventualele aciuni ale forelor anticoaliie. Tot n cadrul acestor aciuni sunt i cele umanitare sau cu focus medical, de evaluare a satelor i localnicilor. Misiunile executate n aria de responsabilitate ne fac s putem trage unele concluzii n ceea ce privete att capacitatea de adaptare a militarilor, ct i modul n care ei au reuit s rspund misiunilor ordonate. Maiorul Tiberiu erban este comandantul companiei a 2-a, prima care a luat contact cu toate tipurile de misiuni, pentru c au fost primii care au ajuns la Kandahar. n prima faz au preluat misiunile interne, apoi, pe msur ce au venit i ceilali militari, au fost primii care au ieit la misiuni continuare n pagina 38
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Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

The Whitw Sharks

Mission in Kandahar, together with The White Sharks

Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN
Translated by: Elena CISMASU

continued on the 39
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page 37

Photo: NCO Dan BOBAN

he area covered by The White Sharks, situated in Kandahar province, is under permanent change, and day-by-day, the progress is visible. Although there are still lots of risks, the main tendency of the coalition forces is to increase the role and the importance of CIMIC actions, no matter whether they are long-term projects or the direct help of the rural area population. There are two major types of missions, which the Romanian militaries

accomplish here in Kandahar. The internal ones, within KAF base, that comprises the base guarding and securing the logistic operations - daily - and the bazaar safeguarding on Saturdays. The actions developed in The White Sharks area of responsibility are: reconnaissance patrols, ensuring force presence, support of the local authorities, reconnaissance operations during night time, in order to deter the potential actions of the anti-coalition forces. These operations also

comprise the humanitarian actions, medical assistance, evaluations of villages and local population. The missions performed in the area of responsibility make us draw some conclusions in what regards the militarys capacity to adjust, as well as the manner in which they have succeeded to accomplish the ordered missions. Major Tiberiu Serban is the commander of the 2nd company, the first that came into contact with all types of missions, as they

Te e atr r e de e ope e r aii

Rechinii Albi

n aria de responsabilitate. La noi, cuvintele de ordine sunt: vigilen maxim i flexibilitate. Ct despre militari... nu am avut nici o surpriz din partea lor, m ateptam ca ei s fac fa cu succes misiunilor, pentru c nu este o diferen mare fa de perioada de pregtire. Doar c acum suntem contieni c totul este real, nu o simulare, i c este nevoie de foarte mare atenie. Aici o secund poate s-i fie fatal. Dar o planificare atent i riguroas face ca riscurile s fie diminuate, pentru c este imposibil s fie excluse. n aceast perioad au intervenit schimbri de la o zi la alta, schimbri la care militarii au dat dovad de flexibilitate, adaptndu-se foarte repede cerinelor. Buna cunoatere a procedurilor de operare specifice teatrului de operaii a fcut posibil executarea tuturor misiunilor fr incidente, ntr-o manier profesionist i responsabil. Toi militarii Batalionului 341 Infanterie i pregtesc misiunile cu deosebit atenie i le dedic cea mai mare parte a timpului lor, pentru c nu i pot permite nici cea mai mic eroare. Indiferent despre ce tip de misiune vorbim, militarii romni demonstreaz responsabilitate i i ctig n acest fel respectul colegilor de Coaliie. n fiecare sptmn, am planificat n aa fel operaiunile, nct s executm toate tipurile de misiuni, pentru c toate sunt importante i colegii de Coaliie se bazeaz pe noi, spune comandantul detaamentului, locotenent-colonel dr.Vasile Vreme. Dar nici o misiune nu poate fi ndeplinit fr cteva componente
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eseniale, care trebuie s fie la cele mai nalte standarde de funcionare: oamenii - n primul rnd - pregtii att fizic ct i psihic, comunicaiile, armamentul i tehnica de lupt. Toi tim c ritmul i condiiile extrem de vitrege de mediu n care se desfoar activitatea n Afganistan sunt mult diferite fa de cele de acas, motiv pentru care fiecare amnunt din pregtirea misiunii este vital. Unul dintre punctele de lucru cele mai fierbini din baz este atelierul de reparaii al tehnicii militare. Aici o mn de oameni harnici i pricepui se strduiesc, n puinul timp dintre dou misiuni, s menin toat tehnica de lupt n stare de operativitate. n tabra detaamentului romnesc, misiunile se desfoar aa cum au fost planificate, fr incidente i fr a fi afectai de starea de tensiune a cror semne pot fi vzute att pe chipurile localnicilor, ct i pe cele ale militarilor care se afl n patrule. Nici unul dintre militarii notri nu a fost implicat n vreun incident i suntem permanent conectai la realitate prin structurile specializate n culegerea i analiza informaiilor. Astfel, fiecare dintre cei care ies n afara Bazei KAF sunt

pregtii din toate punctele de vedere. Psihologul detaamentului, maiorul Traian Ciupitu, ne asigur c moralul militarilor notri este foarte bun, c sunt extrem de motivai, n primul rnd pentru c sunt contieni c au preluat misiunea ENDURING FREEDOM de la un detaament cu experiena teatrului de operaii. Rechinii Albi au ns ncredere n forele proprii i n profesionalismul i capacitatea de conducere a comandanilor, precum i n capacitatea unitii de a-i ndeplini misiunea.
Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

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The Whitw Sharks

were the first that arrived in Kandahar. In the initial phase, they executed the internal missions, then, as the other militaries arrived, were the first who performed actions within the area of responsibility. For us, the regular issues are maximum vigilance and flexibility. Regarding the militaries there was no surprise; we have expected them to successfully accomplish their missions because there is not a big difference from the training period. We are now conscious that everything is for real now, there is no longer a simulation, and that we need to be extremely attentive. A second could be fatal here. But a careful and thorough planning diminishes the risks, as its impossible to exclude them. In this period lots of changes happened from one day to another, changes to which the militaries responded with flexibility, and rapid adjustment to
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the new requirements. Good knowledge of the operating procedures specific to the theatre of operations made possible the execution of all missions, without incidents, in a professional and responsible manner. All the militaries within the 341st Infantry Battalion prepare their missions with extreme care, and dedicate to them most part of their time, as they could not afford a single error. Irrespective of the mission type, the Romanian militaries prove responsibility and thus earn the respect of their coalition comrades. Every week, we plan the missions so that we execute the entire range, as they are very important and the coalition comrades rely on us, says the detachment commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Ph.D. Vasile Vreme. Nevertheless, no mission could be fulfilled without few essential components

that had to be maintained at the highest operating level: personneltrained both physically and psychically, the communications, the armament and the combat technique. We all know that the rhythm and the austere weather conditions in which operations are developed in Afghanistan are much different from those at home, a reason for which every detail in the mission training program is vital. One of the hottest working points in the base is the workshop of the combat technique repair. In here, a group of diligent and skillful people works hard, to maintain the entire combat technique at operating levels, in the little spare time they have between two missions. In the Romanian detachment camp, the missions are developed as planned, without incidents and without leaving themselves influenced by the

pressure, which can be read on peoples faces, as well as on militaries in patrol missions. None of our militaries have been involved in incidents and we have been permanently connected to reality through the structures specialized in information gathering and analysis. Thus, each of those that go outside the KAF base is fully trained. The detachment psychologist, Major Traian Ciupitu, ensures us that the military morale is very good, that they are extremely motivated, firstly because they are conscious of having taken ENDURING FREEDOM mission from a detachment with experience in the theatre of operations. The White Sharks trust their own forces, their professionalism and their leaders command capabilities, as well as units capability to accomplish missions.

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Misiune cu specific medical

Misiune cu specific medical n satele afgane

Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN

up alt sptmn trecut de la preluarea misiunilor din aria de reponsabilitate White Sharks, militarii de la Topraisar au ncheiat una din misiunile eseniale, cnd au desfurat mpreun cu partenerii de Coaliie o operaiune umanitar, cu focus medical. n aciune au fost implicai aproape 150 de Rechini,

din care a fcut parte i o echip medical format din medicii detaamentului, asisteni i sanitari care au examinat, mpreun cu colegii lor americani, localnici din cinci sate afgane. Rolul militarilor notri a fost de a asigura att convoaiele umanitare, ce transportau medicamente i ajutoare, ct i de a realiza

sigurana personalului medical pe durata acordrii consultaiilor. Misiunea a reprezentat un succes, medicii militari romni tratnd populaia afgan din zon cu deosebit responsabilitate i atenie, chiar dac condiiile oferite de mediul de aici nu sunt dintre cele mai bune. Trebuie s precizez c toi medicii sunt la prima lor misiune ntr-un teatru de operaii, iar stomatologul detaamentului este un ofier-femeie, locotenent Adina Gurzu. Ea a fost nevoit ca nc din cea de a doua zi de la aterizare s porneasc deja n misiune, n sprijinul populaiei afgane. ns pentru nici unul dintre medici, fie el brbat sau femeie, nu a fost deloc uor. Pe lng oboseala drumului i succesiunea rapid a misiunilor, acestea desfurndu-se, practic, zilnic, pe durata a ase-zece ore, ei s-au confruntat pentru prima dat n cariera lor cu oameni att de necjii, oameni pentru care apa cald este un lux, care nu au auzit nici de periu de dini, nici de spun, nici de

Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

continuare n pagina 42
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The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

Medical Missions

Medical Missions in the Afghan Villages

Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN
Translated by: Oana TUGURLAN

fter another week past the taking over of the missions from The White Sharks area of responsibility, the militaries from Topraisar concluded one of the essential missions when they developed a humanitarian operation, with medical focus, together with the Coalition partners. Within the action, almost 150 Sharks have been involved, with a medical team formed of the detachments doctors, medical personnel that have examined, together with the American colleagues, people from five Afghan villages. The role of our militaries has been to ensure the humanitarian convoys that transported medicines and aids and also to maintain the medical personnel secured during the medical care. The mission was a success, the Romanian medical militaries took care of the Afghan population with
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responsibility and attention, even if the conditions from that environment are not the best ones. I have to underline that it has been the doctors first mission in a theatre of operations and the detachments dentist is a woman officer, Lieutenant Adina Gurzu. From the very first day she had to go in a mission in the support of the Afghan population. But for no doctor, man or woman, was easy. Besides the tiredness from the road and the daily rapid succession of the missions, for the first time in their career, they did face people so wretched, people for whom the warm water is a luxury, people who havent heard of the tooth brush, soap or

civilized conditions of hygiene. Many of the Afghan people are not used with the notion of doctor or help. Medicines are more than a luxury. They are convinced that if they swallow three or four pills a day they are cured of every disease. Thus, there is the risk of intoxication, so that the medical personnel is very

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Misiune cu specific medical

condiii civilizate de igien. La toate acestea se adaug faptul c muli dintre afgani nu sunt obinuii cu noiunea de medic i de ajutor. Medicamentele sunt mai mult dect un lux. Ei sunt absolut convini c dac nghit trei-patru pastile de-odat se vindec de orice boal. Exist astfel i riscul apariiei intoxicaiilor, aa c personalul medical este extrem de atent att la distribuirea medicamentelor, ct i la explicarea ntocmai a instruciunilor de administrare. Medicul-ef al detaamentului, cpitanul Viorel Stoica, ne spune c
Land Forces No. 1

starea de sntate a localnicilor este destul de precar, oamenii i triesc scurta via trecnd de regul din boal n boal, pn cnd organismul nu mai rezist i clacheaz. Media de vrst a brbailor din Afganistan este de 45 de ani. Lipsa alimentelor, igiena precar i bolile infecioase sunt factorii care i pun amprenta pe starea lor de sntate. Din informaiile adunate se cunoate faptul c aproximativ un sfert din copii mor nainte de mplinirea vrstei de cinci ani, iar despre starea de sntate a femeilor nu prea exist date.

Prezena populaiei civile a fost diferit de la o localitate la alta, att din punct de vedere numeric, ct i al categoriilor de persoane. Au solicitat asisten medical comuniti locale ncepnd de la cteva zeci de persoane, pn la cteva sute (ntr-una din zile au participat aproximativ 800 de civili afgani). De asemenea, componena grupurilor de afgani a fost diferit de la o localitate la alta. n general, au predominat brbai i copii biei, dar au fost locuri unde s-au prezentat n proporii relativ egale brbai, copii i femei. Oboseala acumulat i praful nghiit n transportoarele blindate nu au reuit ns s-i descurajeze pe vreunul dintre medicii romni. La ntoarcerea din fiecare misiune se putea citi n ochii lor bucuria reuitei, a muncii fcute ct se poate de bine i, mai ales, satisfacia pe care numai un om adevrat o poate simi, aceea de a fi de un real ajutor semenului su. Misiunea cea mai grea au avut-o ns militarii care au asigurat convoaiele i personalul medical. Att drumul trebuie s spun aici c au fost parcuri n ase zile peste 800 km i sunt kilometri de drum arid, spart, de pmnt strin i neospitalier, de deert de piatr , ct i responsabilitatea pe care o aveau i-a convins, cred, pe toi militarii romni, de importana misiunii pe care noi o avem aici.

The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

Medical Missions

careful when they distribute the medicines and when they explain the instructions of administration. The detachment doctor in charge, Captain Viorel Stoica, said that the peoples health level is poor enough, they live their short life going from one disease to another, until their organism doesnt resist anymore. The men age average is of 45 years old. The lack of aliments, the poor hygiene and the diseases are the factors that influence their health status. Out of the information collected, it is known the fact that almost a quarter of the children die before five years old and as regards the womens health status, there is no information. The presence of the civil population was different from one village to another,
April 2006

from the numerical and categories of persons point of view. Local communities have requested medical assistance for tens of people to hundreds (one of the days almost 800 Afghan civilians participated). Also, the composition of the Afghan groups was different from one locality to another. In general, men and boys participated, but

there were places where men, children and women came in equal proportions. The tiredness and the dust swallowed in the armored carriers didnt succeed in discouraging any Romanian doctors. When they returned from the missions, one could see in their eyes the happiness of a work done very well and, especially the satisfaction that only one real man

can feel, that of being a real help for its fellows. But, the hardest mission was that of the militaries who escorted the convoys and the medical personnel. Both the road I have to say that over 800 km were covered in six days, arid road, stone desert and the responsibility they had, convinced all the Romanian militaries of the missions importance.


Te e atr r e de e ope e r aii

Batalionul 341 Infanterie

Batalionul 341 Infanterie, al VIII-lea detaament romnesc la Kandahar

n a doua decad a lunii februarie, pe data de 17, n tabra romneasc din Afganistan a avut loc ceremonialul de predareprimire a comenzii i misiunilor pe care le au de executat Rechinii Albi pe durata a ase luni, pn n iulie, precum i transferul de autoritate de la Comandamentul 2 Operaional ntrunit ctre Brigada 173 Aeropurtat, creia i se subordoneaz batalionul romnesc aici, la Kandahar.

Locotenent Alice MOLDOVAN

n a doua decad a lunii februarie, pe data de 17, n tabra romneasc din Afganistan a avut loc ceremonialul

de predare-primire a comenzii i misiunilor pe care le au de executat Rechinii Albi pe durata a ase luni, pn n iulie, precum i transferul de

autoritate de la Comandamentul 2 Operaional ntrunit ctre Brigada 173 Aeropurtat, creia i se subordoneaz batalionul romnesc aici, la Kandahar. Partenerii de Coaliie nu fac absolut nici o diferen ntre Rechinii Albi, ca nou-sosii n teatrul de operaii, i cei pe care i nlocuim, spune maiorul Ctlin Ticulescu, ofierul de legtur al Detaamentului ENDURING FREEDOM VIII. Ce-i drept, cu toate c ne bucur mult, atitudinea lor ne i oblig pentru c trebuie s ne ridicm la nivelul ncrederii care ni se acord, spune

continuare n pagina 46
Land Forces No. 1

The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

The 341st Infantry Battalion

The 341 Infantry th Battalion, the VIII Romanian Detachment in Kandahar

The ceremonial of hand over-r receiving command and missions that "the White Sharks" have to perform for six months, until July, as well as the transfer of authority from the 2nd Joint Operational Command to 173rd Airborne Brigade, to which the Romanian Battalion is subordinated in Kandahar took place during the second decade of February, on 17th, in the Romanian camp in Afghanistan.
Lieutenant Alice MOLDOVAN
Translated by: Oana TUGURLAN

The Coalition partners make no difference between the White Sharks, as the new ones arrived in the theatre of operations and those ones that they have to replace, says Major Catalin Titulescu, liaison officer of ENDURING FREEDOM VIII Detachment. It is true that even if we are very glad about their attitude, it compels us to be at their level of confidence, says proudly Major Titulescu. The 341st White Sharks Infantry Battalion starts a new important mission because it
April 2006

has to start from a very high level. In the meantime, we ourselves have to prove that the Romanian Armed Forces is formed of professionists and it is capable to

accomplish the assumed missions. A day after taking over the ENDURING FREEDOM mission in Afghanistan, the Sharks perform their first mission in

continued on the 47


page 45

Te e atr r e de e ope e r aii

Batalionul 341 Infanterie

mndru maiorul Ticulescu. ntr-adevr, Batalionul 341 Infanterie Rechinii Albi ncepe o misiune nou, incitant, pentru c trebuie s plece de la o tachet foarte sus ridicat. n acelai timp, i noi trebuie s demonstrm c Armata Romn este format din profesioniti, capabil s i ndeplineasc misiunile asumate. La doar o zi de la preluarea misiunii ENDURING FREEDOM n Afganistan, Rechinii au executat prima lor misiune n sprijinul populaiei civile din Azam Kala, un sat aflat n zona lor de responsabilitate. Aproape 100 de familii, nsemnnd peste 500 de locuitori, au primit chiar din minile comandantului

Batalionului 341 Infanterie, locotenent-colonel dr.Vasile Vreme, alimente, pturi, unelte i cteva reouri, precum i alte materiale foarte necesare acestora. i au mai primit ceva copiii de la Azam Kala nite desene trimise de ctre copiii unei grdinie din Constana, aduse de corespondentul Radio Constana, Cristina Iliu. Acuarele naive, pictate de copii romni nu mai mari de cinci ani..., acuarele pe care copiii afgani nu reueau nici mcar s le neleag. Din pcate, vor crete i ne vor ntreba aa cum ne-a ntrebat i interpretul, un tnr de aproape 20 de ani: Ce sunt acestea ? Ce reprezint ?. Tot de la Constana a mai venit un

mic motiv de zmbet pe micile lor fee pline de praf: cteva ciocolate fabricate la noi acas, n Romnia. Praful ridicat atunci n urma TAB-urilor romneti nu a avut ns timp s se aeze, pentru c urmtoarea zi a adus i urmtoarea misiune. Comandantul Rechinilor Albi, locotenent-colonel dr.Vasile Vreme, a hotrt nc din primele zile la Kandahar i dup cteva misiuni executate c nu este deloc timp de stat. Oamenii acetia au mare nevoie de ajutor, iar noi, att ct ne st n putin, trebuie s i ajutm. Fiecare misiune de tipul Village Engagement (primul contact cu un nou sat), cnd aflm ce nevoi au oamenii de acolo, cnd evalum msura n care i putem ajuta, trebuie urmat neaprat de o alt vizit, concretizat printr-o misiune umanitar sau medical, conchide comandantul. Deja nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni c n afar de omniprezentul imprevizibil, intervine un alt factor extrem de deranjant: praful permanent. Niciodat nu ajungi s l ignori, pentru c l simi mereu pe fa, n nri, pe buze... n plmni, la fiecare respiraie. La Kandahar, dei februarie, ncep cldurile. Ziua deja sunt aproape 30 de grade, ns dup apusul soarelui, ncepe s se rcoreasc. Fiecare patrul ncepe misiunea pe rcoare i se ntoarce acas cnd aerul este aproape fierbinte, cnd transportoarele se ncing i nu le mai poi atinge dect cu mnui.


Land Forces No. 1

The e atr r e s of Ope e r ation

The 341st Infantry Battalion

the support of the civil population from Azam Kalay, a village situated in their area of responsibility. Almost 100 families, meaning over 500 habitants, received from the 341st Infantry Battalion commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Ph.D. Vasile Vreme, foodstuffs, blankets, tools and some heating devices, as well as other necessary assets. Also, the children from Azam Kalay received some drawings sent by the children from a kindergarten in Constanta, brought by the corespondent of Radio Constanta, Cristina Iliuta. Nave water colors, painted by the Romanian children of five years old, those water colors that the Afghan children didnt succeed to understand. Unfortunately, they will grow and will ask, as the interpreter, a young man of 20 years old did: What are these ? What do they represent ?. From Constanta came another reason that
April 2006

brought a smile on their small faces full of dust: some bars of chocolate made in our country, in Romania. Hardly had the dust behind the Romanian APCs laid down, that the next day brought the next mission. White Sharks commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Ph.D. Vasile Vreme, decided from the very first days in Kandahar and after some missions performed that there is no time to waste. These people need

help and we have to help them as we can. Each mission as Village Engagement (the first contact with a new village) when we find out what needs the people over there have, when we evaluate the extent of our help has to be followed by another visit, a humanitarian or medical mission, says the commander. It is not a secret anymore for anyone that, besides the presence of unforeseeable, there is another annoying

factor: the permanent dust. You never get to ignore it, because one can feel it always on face, nostrils and lips, ears, lungs, with every breath. Although it is February, the heat already began. During the day it is almost 30 degrees, but after sun down, it starts to chill out. Each patrol starts its mission on coolness and returns home when the air is already hot, when the APCs are hot and one can not touch their armour without gloves.


Foto: Plt.maj. Dan BOBAN

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