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Thoughts of Beauty by Kim Snyder

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2006 Kim Snyder All rights reserved. No part o this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any orm or by any means! mechanical or electronic! including photocopying and recording or any in ormational storage or retrieval system! "ithout permission in "riting rom the publisher. #isclaimer$ %his author is assumes no responsibility or your use o these beauty articles and makes no claim that they "ill change your li e. &se your o"n 'udgment and don(t take these tips as the only "ay to do something. %his book is not intended to give you all you need! so don(t orget to check out other beauty books and look inside yoursel . )nly you kno" "hat makes you eel beauti ul. *ut you never kno"! it may help you become the ne+t supermodel in your o"n li e, *eauty is a state o mind,

Table of Contents
-oming o Age! %he .o"er in /our *eauty000000000000000000... 2et(s -reate Sultry Smokey 3yes 000000000000000000000000 4o" to *lend %"o 3ye Shado"s to -reate the .er ect Smoky 3yes000..0... 3ver %ried to #e ine the 6eaning o *eauty7.......................................00......... Step9*y9Step 3asy 6anicure......................................................................00......... Should Aromatherapy be .art o /our Skincare0000000000000000..
page 1 page 6 page 5 page 80 page 88 page 81

2006 Kim Snyder

Welcome to Thoughts of Beauty!

%his book is a compilation o my best articles! assembled or your en'oyment. .erhaps reading this book "ill introduce you to beauty tips and hints that you don(t already kno". %his book is intended as a ree gi t to you. :t can be passed along reely! as long as nothing is changed or removed. : you see this book or sale! or you are asked to pay or it! please let the author kno".

About the author

: am a "i e and mother o t"o gro"n sons ; not so very di erent rom many o my readers. : go to "ork every day and need <uick9and9easy beauty routines. : have been "earing makeup or many years and have come across a e" good tips that have been ound help ul. =ead and en'oy,

"Beauty is a state of mind. You are only as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. Many women are thought of as beautiful by model standards, but are ugly on the inside from the abuse they do to themselves - just to be perceived as beautiful. You can paint on make up and mimic the common standards of beautiful! yet the woman standing ne"t to you with no makeup on at all is truly beautiful, because of her own personal confidence level and her true love for herself. Beauty is just a state of mind. #hen you start really caring for yourself, inside and out, and start by backing off on the amount of makeup you are wearing. $hink about who you may be trying to hide from% &on't compare yourself to the models you see in any kind of advertising. (he had to fight her own level of true beauty to be seen beautiful by the standards of those paying her. $hat is not a real person you see ) she is starved and airbrushed into perfection. *ook to yourself. *ook at the women in your life. #ho is most happy with what and who they are% $hey are the women you need to be more like, not that woman you see all made up.! +uote by ,im (nyder -../ >elcome to Thoughts

of Beauty!

2006 Kim Snyder

Coming of Age: Today s !o"er in #our Beauty

%here comes a time "hen "e all need a little help to pull o the ne"est in seasonal looks. As "e think back to the eternal beauty o 6arilyn 6onroe! Ava @arner! and the ravishing beauty o the young 3liAabeth %aylor! "e can see "hy "e "ould love that look. As Summer blossoms rom Spring! it(s time to take notes rom the looks that make these amous 4olly"ood beauties stunning and turn it into your o"n uni<ue ashionable hip style.

Those luscious li$s:

%here a secret to Spring(s bright lipsticks in li esaver colors$ bright reds! corals! pinks and uchsias. /ou can put these colors on your lips as long as you do not "ear them matte. %he key to this look is shine or this look isn(t going "ork. Start looking at the images in today(s beauty B ashion magaAines and decide or yoursel ! C#o those colors look better on me or her7D ; "ho ever that CherD may be in the trendy magaAines o today. Not every actress has a sense o taste or color! she has an army o helpers to make those decisions or her.

The confident loo%:

3ver heard o aking confidence7 %his is all about aking it till it becomes "ho "e are. =emember it is all about attitude, >hen you look good! you "ill eel con ident.

Be stylish:
=emember there is a ine line bet"een looking like a polished! con ident and stylish "oman and a vulgar CtartD. *e care ul. :t(s ho" you pull o your o"n bold look! "ithout going over that ine line )nce over! it(s Coh noD and "ash it all o and try it again! till you have it.

Cleansing&Bac% to basics$
As a resh palette or all make up! one needs to start "ith a cleansed! "ell9moisturiAed ace. %oday "e are becoming chic and updated. %hink glamorous! as in movie star style Ethink Ava @arner! 6arilyn 6onroeF. /ou are going to "ork on adapting their classic looks or your glamorous today.

The natural loo%:

Not all "omen "ant to attend the latest @ala "ith 'ust a bare ace! and "earing lip9gloss. Not everyone "ants to "ear the Cl am all9natural look.D Some really do 'ust love those trendy colors, %his is not a look that re<uires you to "ear oundation. *y doing so you are taking this look back instead o bringing it or"ard into our time. %hat is "hy you need to stay a"ay rom those over plucked eyebro"s as "ell.

2006 Kim Snyder

The strong but seductive "oman:

Start thinking about going or a time "hen "omen "ore strong lipstick and dark eyes. %his is not the type o "oman you(d "ant to mess "ith, She "ears %eal eye shado" on her eyelids and -oral 2ipstick "ith shine on her lips. 4er strength shines through the colors. %his is a look "e all have secretly desired but never truly kne" ho" to pull it o . No" here are some ideas o ho" to really pull it o ! "ithout taking a"ay rom "ho or "hat you are. :t(s very important to all "omen to be able to signal 'ust ho" strong "e really are! by "hat "e "ear! "hat "e do and ho" "e are seen by others. Some o us "ant to be in the back! behind the scenes! "hile others "ant to be our in the ront! leading the "ay. >ho do you "ant to be today7

Ti$s for those bold li$s:

>hy not try that on your o"n lips -oral or maybe even Guchsia7 4ere is a simple trick to keep your lipstick color on your lips or a very long time. /ou could use lip liner but once your lipstick has "orn o "hat is le t7 2ined lips and that looks so tacky. %ry this instead$ apply a cream9based stick oundation over your lips and let it set or about a minute. /ou "ait because you don(t "ant your oundation blending "ith your lipstick. A ter "aiting! put on your avorite bright lip stick. %he cream oundation "ill help keep your lipstick in place. Are you "orried about your lipstick eathering on you7 %hen line your lips "ith a "a+ pencilH there are a e" great ones out there ; 'ust check your avorite make9up counter. %his is one very po"er ul but simple lip look that anyone can try! starting "ith spring and going right into summer lipstick colors. Summer colors are anything but <uiet these days,

'on t forget those nails:

%o make this glamorous look your o"n you must "ear your ingernails "ith simple nude shades or a Grench manicure. =emember! this look "orks i you don(t over do it. : you still eel the need to "ear bright red or pink nail color! then do it on your toes. >ho is going to kno"7 6ood nail polish is an even better choice o colors on your toes. >ho kne" that sho"ing o your mood on your toes could be so much un7 *esides! "ith today(s ashion craAes! "earing open toe shoes "ith a splash o color can really help highlight the beauty o a pair o the most up9to9date stylish shoes. All you are really doing is making sense o the po"er o true beauty! yours.

Ta%e charge "ith style:

No" or the "oman "ho is going to be the -3) o her o"n company$ :t(s time to ind po"er "ithin yoursel ! starting today. >ith your mind and body illed "ith con idence! you can "alk by the hall mirror and you say to yoursel C#amn, : look good,D %hen you have pulled this look together and made it yours. Start today by taking charge o "ho you are and "hat you are! the latest po"er ul "oman is born,

2006 Kim Snyder

(et s Create Sultry Smo%y )yes!

%hey say there is nothing se+ier than a pair o sultry smoky eyes! smoky eyes done so right that they can cause a man to stop dead in his tracks. *ut 9 do you kno" ho" to create such a per ect set o smoky eyes7 >hat you need to get started$ 3ye .rimer 2oose po"der #ark 3ye shado" 6edium 9 grey eye shado" *lack 6agic 6ascara 6agic 2ash

#our )yes
No"! the idea here is to have se+y! smoky eyes! yet not so obvious that you look like you orgot to take your eye makeup o last night, %hough that has been kno"n to turn on <uite lot o men! because it makes them "onder "hat you been up %o start creating the 2ook you must have a base or it. %his helps to keep the color in one place. Smooth on an eye shado" primer! irst. Some say oundation is good to use!08 as long as its color doesnJt take a"ay rom "hat you are trying to achieve. No"! pat on loose po"der! setting the base. %he real secret to the smoky look is in the color o the eye shado" you use. Tips: : your eyes are blue and youJre blond! then go or greens instead ; the darker the better. : your eyes are green, then go or blues ; again the darkest shades o blues you like. : your eyes are brown, then you are 'ust plain lucky "ith your choices o colors. *ro"n eyed ladies can try any colors you like.

2006 Kim Snyder

No" purple eye shado" is a color that everyone can try. Kust try it in shades o .lum! *erry and others like those. =im your eyes "ith a black or grey pencil! dra"ing a line along both upper and lo"er lash lines. Starting rom the inner corner o your eyes! going out"ard! starting a ine line going into a heavier line as you dra" out"ards the outer corner. : black or grey seems too harsh or the 2ook youJre going or! then try dark bro"n! plum or taupe instead. Apply a medium 9 grey eye shado" all over your lids! stopping at the crease. Apply your dark eye shado" into the crease! then take a angled brush and apply the dark eye shado" onto the eyeliner. %he angled brush is great or getting eye shado" up under your lashes on your bottom eyelid! "hich in turn helps keep your eyeliner in place. Smudge it "ell "ith a cotton s"ab! keeping as much o the color at the outer corner o your eyes. :tJs this smudging that must be done care ully. %he idea is to blend the eye shado" and eyeliner together. : you "anted a more L elineL aka Ccat eyesD then use a li<uid eyeliner. 4elping to contrast the darkness o your eye shado"! lightly s"eep a pearliAed ivory eye shado" over your bro" bones or a "ide9eyed look. *y applying a little at a time! you "ill build up the e ort gradually! till you like "hat you see. Ginish o the look "ith one coat o black magic mascara! and one coat o Magic *ash i you "ant super long eyelashes to go along "ith this 2ook! then one more coat o black magic mascara. #ark colors trend to make small eyes look even smaller. /ou can open them up by lining the rims rom the inner to the center "ith a light9colored pencil! rather than a dark pencil. %hen gently pat pale eye shado" on the center o each lid. %hat "ill open up small eyes and make them look bigger. %o inish o the rest o this ideal 2ook$

#our Chee%s
Ginish o by using a ta"ny blusher or a bronAing po"der. :t(s a natural color that "onJt complete "ith the rest o your makeup. S"eep it over your cheekbones! blending a"ay to the edges into your hairline.

#our (i$s
Keeping your lips neutral gives this 2ook its real impact. @o or a pinkish 9 beige shade o lip pencil and smudge it over your entire mouth or a matte! C: 'ust been kissedD yet very understated e ect. No" your eyes are ready or "hatever you might have planned. %his 2ook can be toned do"n or "ork but "ho "ould "ant to7
2006 Kim Snyder

*o" to Blend T"o )ye Shado"s to Create the !erfect Smo%y )yes
>hen it comes to creating smoky eyes! there is more than one techni<ue! rom the color you use! to ho" dark or light one does it. /et! "hen it gets do"n to it ! it(s really the "ay you blend your eye shado" colors that creates the per ect set o smoky eyes. %here are t"o ma'or problems "hen blending$ ho" it(s done and "hat you use "hen you are doing it. >e are going to tackle both problems and so your eyes "ill become the sultry set "e both kno" you can create.

#ou need:
4ighlight color 2 di erent colors eye shado"$ one dark and one light Ea pale greyF *lending 6akeup *rush Angle 6akeup *rush 3yeliner 3ye Shado" .rimerN oundation : pre er mineral eye shado" but any po"der eye shado" "ill "ork or this 'ust as "ell. 6agic 2ash 3yelash 3nhancer *lack 6agic 6ascara or any black 6ascara : you use an eye shado" primer! put it on or try oundation! "hat ever you may use to keep your eye shado" rom disappearing. Start o "ith your primer and "ait a e" minutes "hile it settles into your skin. %hen cover your eyelid to the crease "ith your pale grey eye shado". %hen stroke on your dark eye shado"! starting about hal "ay out to the outer corner o your eyes. /ou can stop there! or you can keep going out about one ourth inch past the outer corner! to put in place the eye shado" needed to create that amaAing O. 2ook at your eyes in the mirror. >hen you look at each eye! it looks like you have a hal circle o the grey eye shado" rom the inner corner o your eye lid to the middle. %he other hal o the circle is your the dark eye shado". >hen you look straight ahead! the dark shado" should start above the darkest point o your eye. No"! using small brush strokes "ith your blending makeup brush! you begin to blend! going rom the inner lid out. Stroke gently! all in one direction! or its going to look

2006 Kim Snyder

muddy. Start blending at the center o your eyelid to meet up "ith the outer corner o your eyes. :t(s up to you 'ust ho" much you "ant to blend. /ou can blend till there is no line bet"een the dark or light! it(s totally up to you. >hat ever you do! don(t go back and orth! using your blending brush like "indshield "ipers because "ill or sure create muddy eyes! not smoky eyes.

Blending Brushes
>hen it comes to blending! one should use a makeup brush created 'ust or that purpose! because o the "ay the brush is built. :t "ill blend your eye shado" along the top lashes better because it can get closer to the base o the lashes. : you "ant to use your eye shado" as eyeliner! instead o an eyeliner pencil! use an angled brush. Sometimes an eyeliner pencil can be harder on your lid! pulling at it! "hereas eye shado" is brushed so tly into place. No"! i you "ant the O at the corner o your eyes! then take your dark colored eye shado" out as ar you "ant your O to be at the corner o your eyes. %hen blend it so that it doesn(t look hard. /ou can even turn the tip up! to create smoky Ccat eyesD. As you blend! make sure you are brushing out! not back and orth! because you "ill make it look muddy.

Blending Colors
Start "ith a little o the dark color! blend the line till have it as dark as you care or. %his techni<ue can be done "ith any t"o colors. %eal and purples are sho"ing up as the in colors to use as "ell as shades o blue. Smoky eyes are "hatever color you "ant it to be there is no ast rule that it must be black. %oo many "omen have tried to create smoky eyes only to end up either looking like they slept in their makeup or black eyes. >hatever you do the best thing you can do or your lo"er lashes is not to line on your eye lid. :t may look really cool on those models in the pictures but they are not "earing it all the time. /ou can get eye in ections by doing so. : you are using mineral eye shado" and you get some on your cheek! take a P9tip dipped in either moisturiAer or even 'ust "ater to remove it. /ou can even take a round sponge and pick up the eye shado" "ithout getting it any"here more. A ter you have your eye shado" 'ust like you "ant it! no" its time to put on your mascara. : you are using *lack 6agic 6ascara then you "on(t need to pre9curl your lashes i you are using other mascara then pre9curl your lashes irst. .ut on a thin layer o mascara then put on your 6agic 2ash 'ust on your outer lashes. E6agic 2ash is o ered by )! ho" to use it properly comes "ith itF then put on another layer o mascara. %he 6agic 2ash "ill give you 4olly"ood style lashes as i you are "earing ake lashes but "ithout the uss and mess. %ake a good look at your eyes in natural light once you are done to make sure that the look you are going or is there. -reating the per ect smoky eyes is a breeAe once you have done it a e" times. #on(t orget that you do not need a dark color lips because you "ant your eyes to be "hat is noticed not your lips. : you "ear dark lipstick then orget the smoky eyes. No" go put on your avorite out it! "alk through your avorite per ume and o you go,

2006 Kim Snyder

)ver Tried to 'efine the +eaning of Beauty,

*eauty is a "ord 'ust like any the "ord. 2ooking it up in >ebsterJs :: Ne" =iverside #ictionary it means "0 1uality or combination of 1ualities that delights the senses or appeals to the mind." Nice "ords. >hen it comes to de ining beauty one might envision that amous model "alking do"n a cat"alk "ith a ro"n on her ace and some ancy designer clothes on her back. )r maybe that guy in the latest action movie! shirt9less! that 'ust takes your breath a"ay! making your heart pound in your chest. 4andsome e<uals *eauty! depending on the person thinking about it. Still! "hat is the meaning o beauty7 E#onJt bother looking it up again.F %he missing <uestions to think about "hen you ask C>hat de ines *eauty7D 4o" about a "omanJs 'oy ul smile lighting up her ace "ith the thought that inally! she is pregnant7 )r ho" about children seeing sno" or the irst time in their lives7 )r rain needed to save a crop to a armer7 )r even sno"capped mountains at sunset to a skier7 )r de" on a rose at irst morning light to a gardener7 4o" about the eyes illed "ith tears o the "oman you 'ust asked to marry you! again a ter 2I years7 4o" about love7 *eauty means so many di erent things to so many people all o "hom are so di erent. %he #ictionary le t out a e" "ords "hen it de ined *eauty. :t le t out "what appeals to the heart." %he ne+t time you might be asked i something is beauti ul! ask yoursel $ C#oes it appeal to my heart7D : it does! you have 'ust de ined beauty.

2006 Kim Snyder


Ste$&By&Ste$ )asy +anicure

%aking care o your nails doesnJt have to be anything but a rela+ing! pleasing e+perience. %here are 'ust a e" things that you need to think about "hen setting up an at9home manicure. %ake a good look at your nails! "hen you are planning "hat you "ant to do. /ou need to kno" "hat condition your nails are in. Are your nails dry7 #o they have lines or ridges7 Are the nails peeling in layers7 Are they so t or brittle7 :n "hat shape are your cuticles7 Are you a nail biter and have hangnails7 3ach o these <uestions can be ans"ered "hile deciding 'ust ho" much or ho" little you "ant to do or a at home manicure. 6ake sure you have everything you need be ore you get started. /our avorite polish Gile or emery board .olish remover *ase coat %op coat -otton balls )range stick *o"l or the "arm "ater %o"els

-o" you are setu$. follo" the ste$s and off you go.
=emove any old polish on your inger and toe nails. : there isnJt time to give yoursel a pedicure! then having no polish on your toes in better than it being chipped. Another tip "hen removing your old polish$ donJt use a polish remover system that re<uires you to stick your entire inger into a 'ar o solution. =emember polish remover isnJt very good or your nails and avoid those that contain acetone or chemical relatives o acetone! even i they say they have conditioners. %he acetone and alcohol in polish removers nail. /ou "ill "ant to rinse your nails in "arm "ater immediately a ter using polish remover. %hen scrub them clean "ith a so t9bristle nailbrush. A really good idea

2006 Kim Snyder


is to do this the night be ore! and then apply moisturiAer and sleep "ith cotton gloves on. %hat "ould o seal in the moisture and really help your nails and hands. A super easy recipe to do at home or a hot oil treatment or your nails is 8N1 cup olive oil )il rom one vitamin 3 capsule Kust heat the oil in a saucepan and let it cool until 'ust "arm. Add the vitamin 3 to the "arm olive oil! then rub it into your cuticles and nails! massaging any e+tra oil into your hands! put on your gloves and your hands and nails "ill 'ust be "onder ul the ne+t day. Giling your nails may be necessary to shape and bu a"ay any rough edges. Kust donJt ile your nails unless they are dry and ree o any creams. So t nails may peel! tear! chip or even split i you try iling them "hen they are "et. #onJt sa" back and orth! but ile gently in one direction. :t "ill help i you ile in rom the outside to"ards the middle to prevent splitting. /ou may "ant to keep your nails an even length and ind the shape best or your hands. Some ingers look good "ith s<uare and others "ith oval tips. Soak your nails or a e" minutes in "arm "ater. %here are recipes to create a treat or your nails! so you can look into that ; use our riends at @oogle. : your nails are stained here(s a real easy recipe to "hiten your nails$ &se this t"ice a "eek until the stain is gone 8 tablespoon hydrogen pero+ide 8 cup "arm "ater Soak or 8I minutes t"ice a "eek. .at dry. No" you need to push back your cuticles 9 never cut them or push them back hard. %hey are the skin layers protects the roots o the nails. #on(t use a cuticle remover. %hey are kno"n to contain alkali and that is one o the harshest products used today in cosmetics. %o gently push back the cuticle! use a so t! moist to"el or an orange stick. %he dead skin and hangnails you can trim o ! but leave living skin alone. -lean under your nails! but be care ul. : you are too vigorous! you may create a space under your nails or ungi or bacteria to gro". No" its time to paint your nails. :ts best to have a base coat or that "ill ill in any ridges your nails may have and make your polish look better. Girst step$ paint on a clean base coat. :t(s best to "ait about ? minutes bet"een putting on layers o polish so that each layer has a better chance o drying. :t also helps to keep your nails rom staining or getting yello".

2006 Kim Snyder


Second step$ %he best "ay to apply polish is to start at up the center! then brush up both sides rom the base to the tip. .ractice$ you really only need to use three strokes. :t(s a good idea is to avoid <uick9dry polishes or they contain acetone! "hich is not good or the health o your nails. %ry a thicker! slo"er drying polish. :t "ill hold moisture! plus give your nails more le+ibility. @o over your nails "ith t"o coats o polish! letting each coat dry or about ? minutes. %hird step$ *rush on your top coat! because it "ill seal the polish and help protect it rom chipping. And there you go! you have 'ust given yoursel your very o"n home manicure! treating yoursel and saving yoursel money. 2et me kno" i this article on home manicures "as help ul or you. /ou can al"ays stop by ) and send me email and : "ill try to ans"er any <uestions you might have.

2006 Kim Snyder


Should Aromathera$y be !art of #our S%incare,

3very one "ants to look their best and "ell groomedH a good skin is that ultimate "ish or many millions o people all over the "orld. : you are looking a ter your skin! natural skin care products are the "ay to go. %here are many advantages to using natural skin care products! because the synthetic chemicals that are added to top brand skin care products are not "hat you "ant to absorb into your skin. Suppose you have decided to use commercially prepared CherbalD products! so you can tone up your skin. %hen the last thing you "ant is all those harm ul chemical substances to harm and spoil your skin. 4o" about deciding to use one o these skin9 riendly aromatherapy recipes maintaining your skin7 or

:nhaling the ragrant aromas o essential oils is 'ust one "ay! o many! to en'oy aromatherapy. Another "ay is to start applying essential oils to your skin! in the orm o properly ormulated preparations! massage oils! bubble baths and sprays. #id you kno" it(s the structure o essential oils that makes them readily absorbed into the skin7 Something as simple as aromatherapy could never be more beauti ul. Aromatherapy skincare is a sa e! e ective "ay or the body to ac<uire the bene icial properties o essential oils. %here are many that are per ect or "hat you need. =emember to al"ays mi+ the oils into some kind o base ; essential oils are generally too concentrated to be applied directly to the skin. 4ere are a e" recipes to get you started$

Acne +edication$

5 drops tea tree oil R 6 drops bergamot oil R 1 drops lavender oil mi+ed in 0.MI oA o 'o'oba oil. Apply to ace every evening! massaging around the pimples. 6i+ recipe "ith cream or daytime use Enever go into sun "hile using this preparationF. Add a e" drops o carrot oil to the mi+ture. .lease remember that *ergamot is a little hard on the nose.

'ry S%in Wash$ 80 drops sandal"ood oil R 80 drops bois de rose oil R80 drops
lavender oil mashed into 2 tablespoons o resh avocado.

*air Treatment$

2 drops rosemary oil R 8 drop lavender oil R 8 drop bay oil mi+ed into 20 ml olive oil. %ry it as a scalp massage. .lace a e" drops on your ingertips and lightly massage into your scalp. :n summer time! try this "hile your hair is still dampH sit in the sum and en'oy being surrounded by aromatic oils as your hair dries.

2006 Kim Snyder


/eviving 0ace +as%$ 2 drops olive oil R 2 drops lemon oil R 2 drops ylang
ylang oil$ 20 ml o iced "ater. 6i+ "ith enough crushed almonds to make a paste. Apply as a ace mask. 2et dry! then rinse o .

Beauty +as%$ /olk o

one egg R 8 tsp 4oney R 8 tsp S"eet Almond )il R 8 tsp Oitamin 3 )il. *lend together! smooth on! let dry! then rinse o .

Sun care Blend$ 81 drops lavender oil R8 drop peppermint oil.

6i+ into 195 oA. o cold "ater. &se in an atomiAer on sunny days! spritAing yoursel as needed.

Tired 0eet Bath$ ? drops lavender oil R ? drops rosemary oil R 1 drops lemon
oil. Add oils to 2 gallons o "arm "ater and mi+ "ell. %his blend comes in handy "hen you(ve been on your eet all day. %he lavender soothes the eet and the rosemary and lemon re resh! revive and stimulate circulation.

'ry S%in$

-ertain essential oils can help you. )ils like patchouli and sandal"ood! as "ell as heavily scented oils like rose and ylang ylang are especially "ell suited or dry skin preparations.

+oisturi1ing Cream$
1 l. oA. s"eet almond oil ? l. oA. rose"ater 8N2 oA. bees"a+ 80 drops rose oil I drops lavender oil 1 drops bergamot oil 5 drops patchouli oil 5 drops sandal"ood oil 6elt the "a+ and the almond oil in a double boiler. =educe the heat and add the rose"ater gradually in a thin stream! "hile vigorously agitating the mi+ture. As soon as the "ater is incorporated! take the pan o the heat. >hen the mi+ture cools and turns creamy! add the essential oils. 2ook or rose"ater and all other essentials oils at your local natural store.

Oily S%in$ %hose "ith oily skin need a regular cleansing routine to take o

e+cess oil and prevent clogged pores. %his recipe or a acial mask uses the natural capacity o essential oils to help dissolve e+cess oil. )ily Skin Gacial 6ask$ 6i+ ? tablespoons o "hite corn meal and almond meal E reshly ground ra" almonds are betterF! then add the ollo"ing essential oils$ 80 drops lavender oil I drops bergamot oil ? drops o clary sage oil

2006 Kim Snyder


Add enough rose"ater or orange lo"er "ater to make a "et paste. &sing circular motions! gently massage the mi+ture onto your ace! avoiding the so t tissues under your eyes. 2eave the mi+ture on or 8I minutes! and then rinse o "ith "arm "ater. Ginish the treatment by splashing cold "ater on your ace to close your pores. Normal Skin$ Normal! healthy skin can bene it rom a toningNbalancing acial mist.

Toning 0acial +ist$

Add the ollo"ing essential oils to 2 luid ounces o distilled "ater$ 6 drops lavender oil 8 drop clary sage oil 8 drop chamomile oil 1 drops lemon oil .our into a spray bottle. 3ssential oils and "ater "ill separate! so shake the bottle vigorously be ore spraying this re reshing blend onto your skin.

Sunburn$ /our sunburned skin "ill bene it

rom a soothing! ragrant mist o distilled "ater and lavender oil. Adding a e" drops o peppermint and spearmint oil contributes a cooling e ect. Again! shake "ell be ore each use. *etter yet! 'ust don(t get sunburned, Sunburn 6ist$ Add the ollo"ing oils to 2 luid ounces o distilled "ater. Q drops o lavender 2 drops o peppermint 8 drop o spearmint 6ist lightly over sunburned skin. Aromatherapy skin care is a "onder ul "ay to e+perience the pro ound bene its o essential oils. @o ahead! let them "ork their "ay deeply into your skin! breathe deeply letting them "ork their ragrant magic on the "hole human body. : do hope you have en'oyed this little book and look or"ard to more coming rom ) #on(t orget to visit us at ) and Thoughts of

"hich is our *eauty9*log. -ome help us make our little beauty blog number one,

2006 Kim Snyder


)n2oy and do sto$ by and let me %no" "hat you thin%!

2006 Kim Snyder


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