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MKT 301 Marketing Research

Pepsi Corporation Advertising Campaign for PEPSI Ramadan 00!

"PepsiCo#s responsi$i%it& is to contin'a%%& improve a%% aspects of the (or%d in (hich (e operate ) environment* socia%* economic ) creating a $etter tomorro( than toda&+"

Presented $&, -arah Mahmo'd Is%am Ashraf Mona A%aa .omna Sherif Presented to, /r+ Ahmed 0honeim TA+ 1e$a Sa%em

Ta$%e of Content
I+ II+ 2ackgro'nd333333333333333333++ 4 567+ Marketing Research333333333333333 4!5 687+ Tasks invo%ved333333333333333+ 495:7+ 1+ Pro$%em /efinition333333333333++ 4107+ a+ Management /ecision Pro$%em33 4107+ $+ Marketing Research Pro$%em33+++ 4107+ + Approach to the pro$%em3333333333 4105117+ a+ Research ;$<ective3333333++ 4107+ $+ 1&pothesis33333333333 4107+ c+ Specification of information needed33++ 4117+ 3+ Research /esign33333333333333+ 41 7+ 6+ -ie%d (ork and data ana%&sis333333333+ 4137+ a+ Target respondents3333333 4137+ $+ Samp%e si=e3333333333+ 4137+ !+ /ata Preparation and ana%&sis33333333 4135 6!7+ a+ -re>'enc& Ta$%e33333333++ 4135 07+ $+ 0raphs333333333333++ 4 15387+ 9+ Report Preparation and Presentation33333+++ 43:56 7+ a+ Conc%'sion33333333333 43:5607+ $+ Recommendation33333333+ 4605617+ III+ Appendi?333333333333333333 46 5687 1+ @'estionnaire Samp%e33333333+ 46 5667+ + Coding33333333333333++ 46!5687+ Reference333333333333333 46:7+



Mountain Dew Pepsi Caffeine -ree Pepsi /iet Pepsi Caffeine -ree /iet Pepsi /iet Pepsi Ma? Ba== /iet Pepsi /iet Pepsi Cime /iet Pepsi Aani%%a Pepsi Di%d Cherr& /iet Pepsi Di%d Cherr& Pepsi ;EE

Mug !oot Beer


Mo'ntain /e( /iet Mo'ntain /e( Caffeine -ree Mo'ntain Mo'ntain /e( Code Red /iet Mo'ntain /e( Code Mo'ntain /e( CiveDire Mo'ntain /e( Ao%tage


"o #ear

M'g Root 2eer /iet M'g Root 2eer M'g Cream Soda /iet M'g Cream Soda

AMP Energy

Eo -ear Eo -ear Mother%oad S'gar -ree Eo -ear Mother%oad Do$e (License)

Sierra Mist


Sierra Mist /iet Sierra Mist Sierra Mist Cran$err&

Sierra Mist -ree Cran$err& Sp%ash Tropicana


AMP Energ& AMP Energ& S'gar -ree AMP Energ& ;verdrive AMP Energ& Re%a'nch AMP Energ& Traction AMP Energ& E%evate AMP Energ& Shot


/o%e <'ices and <'ice /o%e P%'s fortified <'ices

Outsi%e "ort A&erica


and teas

So2e <'ice drinks* dair&*

Tropicana %emonade and

Tropicana Cight %emonade and p'nches Tropicana T(ister sodas Ocean Spray (License)

So2e Cean diet <'ice drinks* dair&* and teas So2e Cife Dater So2e Adrena%ine R'sh Aquafina


;cean Spra& <'ices ;cean Spra& <'ice drinks

A>'afina A>'afina -%avorSp%ash A>'afina Spark%ing

TAAA Ethos Dater 4Cicense7 Man=anita So% S%ice -r'itDorks <'ice drinks Mirinda

Starbucks (Partners ip)

-rapp'ccino read&5to5 drink coffee Star$'cks /o'$%eshot Star$'cks /o'$%eshot Energ& Star$'cks Iced Coffee

Mirinda FGP 4Internationa%7 Pepsi CimHn Kas Teem Pepsi Ma? Pepsi Cight Man=anita So% Paso de %os Toros -r'ko Evervess .edig'n Shani -iesta /I0 4Cicense7 Mandarin 4Cicense7 Radica% -r'it

Lipton (Partners ip)

Cipton 2risk Cipton Iced Tea Cipton P're Ceaf




In 1962, the Pepsi-Cola Company established a corporate foundation that marked the beginning of the Pepsi-Cola !hree years later in 196", the Pepsi-Cola Company merged #ith $rito-%ay and officially changed the name of its corporate foundation to PepsiCo $oundation In the 19&'(s, PepsiCo $oundation e)panded its funding to support fitness education for youth, and in 199&, PepsiCo became the first corporation to become a *ission +ponsor of the ,*C- of the .++ince then, PepsiCo and PepsiCo $oundation ha/e funded numerous initiati/es promoting more acti/e lifestyles as #ell as educating consumers about making smarter dietary choices !he key principle behind all of these efforts has been, and still is, balancing both the nutritional side of the energy balance e0uation #ith the physical side In recent years, the $oundation has e)panded its grant making to the global community and e/ol/ed its goals to best reflect the needs of underser/ed populations


!here goal is to offer consumers a range of products that deli/er great taste, nutritional /alue, con/enience and affordability -s they are committed to playing a responsible role in health and #ellness by encouraging people to adopt healthy, acti/e lifestyles 1 beginning #ith the products #e offer

Sa%es and Income /ata,

006 J :* 91 J6* 1 J!* !: 18+0K 00! J3 *!9 J6*0F8 J!*: 18+ K 009 J3!*13F J!*96 J9*63: 18+3K 00F J3:*6F6 J!*9!8 JF*1F0 16+0K

Sa%es and income data* in &i$$ions Eet sa%es Eet income 4profits7 ;perating Income ;perating Margin

006 321,452 35,&54 19 & 00! 323,1'5 35,&42 2' 6 009 325,'&& 3",'&' 21 5 00F 32&,&"4 3",9&1 22 4 008 331,955 3",&'4 23 4

Sa%es and income data* in &i$$ions 2et sales 2et income 6profits7 .nits sold, in billions


- strategy is measured by its effecti/eness rather than its efficiency in processing the en/ironment and designing plans to fit bet#een the organi8ation, its resources and ob9ecti/es #ithin the en/ironment it operate *ore specifically a marketing strategy is a plan to satisfy customers( #ants and needs, and in the process facilitate the achie/ement of organi8ational goals -n effecti/e marketing strategy #ould be one that finds different #ays to satisfy the customers that its competitors cannot

Coke vs+ Pepsi,

$or decades no#, Coke and Pepsi ha/e battled for our hearts and minds but #hat about our capital: ;hich company #ill add the best fla/or to your in/estment portfolio: -lthough both companies share po#erful brand names and global franchises, there are t#o important distinctions bet#een PepsiCo and Coca-Cola that any in/estor should consider before choosing bet#een these comestible titans<

0%o$a% -ootprint,

;hen it comes to international presence, Coca-Cola easily trumps PepsiCo In 2''4, Coca-Cola generated around 4'= of its re/enue o/erseas compared to 9ust o/er a third of re/enue for PepsiCo Coca-Cola(s impressi/e global footprint puts it in a better position to benefit from strong gro#th across the globe, particularly in the de/eloping #orld $urthermore, because Coke generates so much of its re/enue abroad, it stands to benefit greatly from the continuing #eakening of the dollar as sales denominated in foreign currencies are suddenly #orth more dollars back home -t the same time, PepsiCo>s hea/y dependence on 2orth -merica makes it much more susceptible to a slo#ing .+ economy

/iversified Prod'ct ;ffering,

-nother important distinction bet#een the t#o companies is their product offering ;hile ?@ is essentially a one-product company that focuses on be/erages, PepsiCo has a much broader product base that includes be/erages, foods and snacks Coca-Cola(s hea/y dependence on be/erages, particularly carbonated be/erages, makes it more susceptible than Pepsico to gro#ing a gro#ing a/ersion to soda #hich is percei/ed as fattening and unhealthy @n the other hand, PepsiCo>s e)tensi/e portfolio of be/erages, foods and snacks puts it in a better position from the trend to healthier eating The compan&Ls strateg& for competitors as stated $& prod'cer manager of PepsiM Mr+ Sherif -arid, Most of o'r strategies are i%%ega% $& the $riefs and the s'pp%iers+ In addition* a%% the ideas $ro'ght $& Coca5Co%a are 'sed as an opport'nit& for Pepsi+


Marketing Research Process,


1 2 3 5 " 6

!asks In/ol/ed Problem definition Ae/elopment of an approach to the problem Besearch design formulation $ield#ork - data collection Aata preparation C analysis Beport preparation and presentation

Tasks invo%ved,

In order to clearly understand and define the problem, an inter/ie# #as conducted #ith the production manager of Pepsi *r +herif $arid !hrough out this meeting the inter/ie#ee identified all the surroundings of the problem !he follo#ing con/ersation took place

@'estion 1,
Intervie(er, -s a production manager #e #ould like you to introduce all the elements e)isting in the process of designing an ad and bringing it to the end users Intervie(ee, -n ad consists of clientD PepsiD #ho usually consult an agency EFFA@D #hich is di/ided into client ser/icing, creati/e, production and media, and planning

@'estion ,
Intervie(er, Aid the campaign manage to increase sales during 2''" and if not #hy do you think this campaign had not created its competiti/e edge: Intervie(ee, $irst of all, an ad e0uals an ob9ecti/eG an ob9ecti/e creates the concept, through the concept #e deli/er a message If the ob9ecti/e from the beginning #as not promoting parallel #ith the ad the campaign #ill e/entually fail !here #ere t#o ma9or indicators< sales that actually decreased and the 0uestionnaire that #as done to get the people>s feedback #ere not good as the ma9ority of people did not understand $anoos Bamadan series and others did not like it

@'estion 3,
Intervie(er, ;hat #as the ob9ecti/e of this campaign: Intervie(ee, !he ob9ecti/e from the campaign is to merge Pepsi in Bamadan>s gathering EPepsi is part of BamadanD to achie/e this ob9ecti/e #e created a concept and creati/e to enhance Pepsi in Bamadan

@'estion 6,
Intervie(er, +o you basically #anted to increase Pepsi>s gro#th rate in the market during Bamadan by introducing such a campaign to increase you sales Intervie(ee, Pepsi>s sales decreases dramatically during Bamadan due to the decrease in consumption accordingly Pepsi loses 1H5 of its market share this period

@'estion !,
Intervie(er, Io# Pepsi acted to deli/er the ob9ecti/e: 4

Intervie(ee, -s 4up is al#ays #ith you in the meal time, Pepsi is al#ays #ith you in Bamadan +o #e created a campaign #ith different series E $anoos BamadanD first #as Pepsi on EIftarD +econd, #as #hile you are #atching !J !hird #hile you are ha/ing your E+o4oorD In addition, it should take part on the table same as the other drinks as E?arkadaD, E!amrihandiD, and E-maar Kl AinD

@'estion 9,
Intervie(er< +ince the ob9ecti/e is the ma9or element of an ad ho# ha/e you created $anos Pepsi ob9ecti/e and #hat types of promotion tools ha/e you chosen and #hy: Intervie(ee, !J and radio as they en9oy the highest /ie#ership

@'estion F,
Intervie(er, +o you basically as a producer you do not face a problem #ith deciding on the type of media to choose: @r ho# much it #ill cost you: Intervie(ee, ,es as long as it #ill be #idely spread and /ie#ed

@'estion 8,
Intervie(er, Aid the concept of the campaign meet your ob9ecti/e: Intervie(ee, ,es, as it #as /ery clear that Pepsi #anted to share #ith you e/erything in Bamadan

@'estion :,
Intervie(er< !hen the problem #as not #ith your concept ;hat about your media planning: Intervie(ee, Pepsi targeted the best time in Bamadan to introduce the ad Fefore EKlbeit Feitk program, Kl ?ahira Klyoum program, Kl 3ashra *asa2an program, bet#een series and Pepsi #as sponsoring most of the e/ents that took place in E Klkhaeam Kl Bamadania D !he Inter/ie#ee added also that Pepsi $anos Bamadan problem is a creati/e that #as not clear enough In addition, it made all people #ait #ondering #hat #ill happen in the ne)t series and at the end nothing actually happened, #hile on the same time competitors campaign #as /ery interesting e/en though their concept did not meet their ob9ecti/e

@'estion 10,


Intervie(er, ;ho is responsible for the creati/e: Intervie(ee, -d/ertising agency FFA@

@'estion 11,
Intervie(er, Io# long ha/e you been #ith FFA@ Intervie(ee, 2' years

@'estion 1 ,
Intervie(er, Ia/e you been facing problems #ith FFA@ concerning other creati/e: Intervie(ee, ,es, lately !here #ere unclearness and Pepsi>s creati/e in the last fi/e years #ere becoming less interesting

@'estion 13,
Intervie(er, -re you #illing to change your agency: Intervie(ee, 2o, because this is an international ad/ertising and branding agency for Pepsi #orld #ide

@'estion 16,
Intervie(er, -re you #illing to increase the contractual payment for FFA@ so they can get you better offer: Intervie(ee, It is not about the moneyG FFA@ takes 1"= agency commission on any production for Pepsi

@'estion 1!,
Intervie(er, -re you facing any other problems #ith the agency rather than the creati/e: Intervie(ee, 2@, they ha/e great client ser/icing, media planning, researches, and group studies

@'estion 19,
Intervie(er, Is it possible for you to go to the agency and monitor the problem #ith the creati/e department and hire senior creator or handling the creati/e through a free lancer 9

creator director: Intervie(ee, !hat #ould be a great idea but under one condition that I find the right people #ho can #ork loyally #ith Pepsi accordingly I must do a great research

@'estion 1F,
Intervie(er, @ur 9ob is to e/aluate your alternati/e, suggest your alternati/e and finally along #ith you and the company take the best alternati/e course of action: $irst thing #e #ould like to take your acceptance of /isiting the agency and checking the 0uality of #ork: Intervie(ee, ,es, definitely I #ould recommend such a step


Pro$%em /efinition,


Pepsi is facing a decline in sales during Bamadan and this decline take place after Bamadan for couple of months

Management /ecision Pro$%em,

Sho'%d (e change Pepsi -ano's Ramadan campaign from the coming on RamadanN

Marketing Research Pro$%em,

Eva%'ate Pepsi#s Ramadan advertising campaign effectiveness+

+ /eve%opment of an approach to the pro$%em,

Research ;$<ectives,
K/aluate the effecti/eness of the ads locations *easure reach ability *easuring consumer preferences *easure the message(s acceptance by the audiences

!J commercials grabbed /ery high attention !he higher the intensi/e distribution, the higher targeted market is reached !he more consumer preference to the ad, the more the purchase !he clearer the content of the creati/e, the greater the comprehension of the ad

Specification of information needed,

!his is an e)ploratory research #here determination , e/aluation of the researcher(s ob9ecti/e and collection of all ra# data to be processed accordingly to relate to our 11

hypotheses #ill be done by our team members as #ell as gathered mostly through inter/ie#s !argeted sector of the social plate #ill be the normal middle le/el income families of the Kgyptian society, specifically young aged youth ranging from fifteen years passing by thirties !his is because out of the #hole segment it(s these #ho had the highest fre0uency of consumption of our product

!J commercials grabbed /ery high attention !he higher the intensi/e distribution, the higher targeted market is reached

Consumer attention, !J commercials -/ailability of Pepsi, reach ability of the target market

/ata T&pe
Primary Primary

!he more consumer preference Consumer Preference, Consumer to the ad, the more the purchase consumption !he clearer the content of the creati/e, the greater the comprehension of the ad Content, acceptance

Primary Primary, secondary

3+ Research /esign,


Research Design Conclusive Research Design Descriptive Research CrossSectional Design Single CrossSectional Design Causal Research

Exploratory Research Design

Longitudinal Design

Multiple CrossSectional Design

It is a conclusi/e researchG it #ill help us to test the hypotheses and e)amine relationships - descripti/e research as #e are trying to e/aluate the effecti/eness of the promotion acti/itiesG ads, billboards, radios and !J commercials during Bamadan and its effect on sales @ur research #ill also in/estigate the problem #ith Pepsi>s ad/ertising agency in designing the creati/e of the ad - single cross sectional design as #e do only ha/e one sample of respondents and information obtained from this sample once


6+ -ie%d Dork and /ata Ana%&sis,

Target Respondents,
Ad'%ts and teens+ -rom the age 19 and a$ove the age 30+

Samp%e si=e,
;'r Convenient samp%e is %arge and representative+ Inc%'ding 100 respondents (ithin the A* 2* and C c%ass+ -rom MSA st'dents* other st'dents from different 'niversities* teenagers from the age 13 to 18 se%ected from different schoo%s+ Dorkers from high ranking positions and others+ Concerning the C c%assM (ere from p'$%ic 'niversities+

!+ /ata Preparation and Ana%&sis,

-re>'enc& Ta$%es, @'estion 1,

16-2' 21-2" 26-3' -bo/e 3' !otal 0ender,

"& 26 9 4 1''

"&= 26= 9= 4= 1''=

*ale $emale !otal

36 65 1''

3"= 6"= 1''=


@'estion ,
Preferred Soft /rink,

Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal Reason,

46 25 1''

46= 25= 1''=

Package -/ailability Luality -d/ertisement !otal

3 2 && 4 1''

3= 2= &&= 4= 1''=

@'estion 3,
Perception of PepsiLs advertisements,

+trongly Aislike Aislike 2eutral %ike +trongly %ike !otal 5 3 2& 35 31 1''

5= 3= 2&= 35= 31= 1''


@'estion 6,
Cast Ad to reca%% for Pepsi,

-mr Aiab -hmed Ielmy @ther !otal

6' 14 23 1''

6'= 14= 23= 1''=


@'estion !,
Ads effect on &o'r desire of drinking Pepsi,

2o ,es, positi/ely ,es, negati/ely !otal

69 2& 3 1''

69= 2&= 3= 1''=

@'estion 9,
/ai%& cons'mption of Pepsi,

Barely 1 to 3 5 to 4 & to 1' *ore than 1' !otal

39 52 15 2 ' 94

5' 2'61&6= 53 29&969= 15 53299= 2 '61&""4= '= 1''=

@'estion F,
Cons'mption in Ramadan,

!he same 2o consumption Partly decreases Increases !otal

3" 1" 22 2" 94

36 '&2545= 1" 56391&= 22 6&'512= 2" 443196= 1''=

@'estion 8,

Cast reca%%a$%e Ramadan Commercia%,

-mr Aiab -hmed Ielmy @thers !otal

2 44 1& 94

2 '61&""4= 49 3&1553= 1& ""64'1= 1''=

@'estion :,
-ano's Ramadan campaign opinions,

!he idea of celebrities #as /ery good ,ou didn>t get the message of the ad ,ou think the ad #as too long ,ou e)pected a different end for the ad !otal

2& 2& 19 22 94

2& &6"949= 2& &6"949= 19 "&4629= 22 6&'512= 1''=

@'estion 10,
Effect of Karim A$d E% A=i= Ramadan ad,

;as more creati/e Aeli/ered the message -ffected the consumption 2o effect Aecreased the consumption !otal

-re>'enc& Percentage
31 35 1& 1" 2 1'' 31= 35= 1&= 1"= 2= 1''=

@'estion 11,


The most remem$er a$%e Ad d'ring Ramadan,

Pepsi Coca-Cola Preferred ad,

55 "6

55= ""=

-mr Aiab -hemd Ielmy ?arim -bdel--8i8 @ther !otal

5 21 39 36 1''

5= 21= 39= 36= 1''=

@'estion 1 ,

1 2 3 5 " !otal 2rand,

"3 25 16 " 2 1''

"3= 25= 16= "= 2= 1''=

1 2 3 5 " !otal

15 1& 24 25 14 1''

15= 1&= 24= 25= 14= 1''=

Idea of de%ivering the message,


1 2 3 5 " !otal

14 39 1& 1" 11 1''

14= 39= 1&= 1"= 11= 1''=

-re>'enc& of the ad,

1 2 3 5 " !otal

1" 9 2" 26 2" 1''

1"= 9= 2"= 26= 2"= 1''=

Cogica% reason,

1 2 3 5 " !otal

2 1' 15 29 5" 1''

2= 1'= 15= 29= 5"= 1''=

@'estion 13,
Ce%e$rities chosen,

Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal

43 24 1''

43= 24= 1''=

Idea of de%ivering the message,


Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal Content,

35 66 1''

35= 66= 1''=

Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal E?pos're,

"4 53 1''

"4= 53= 1''=

Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal Satisfaction,

6& 32 1''

6&= 32= 1''=

Pepsi Coca-Cola !otal

6" 3" 1''

6"= 3"= 1''=

@'estion 16,
Interesting -actor in PepsiLs ads,

Choice of celebrities Content Idea of deli/ering the message @ther !otal

66 1& 11 " 1''

66= 1&= 11= "= 1''=

-actors to $e changed in PepsiLs ads,




Choice of celebrities Content Idea of deli/ering the message @ther !otal

6 31 "3 1' 1''

6= 31= "3= 1'= 1''=



@'estion 1 Age,

Above 30 7% 26-30 9% 16-20 21-25 21-25 26% 16-20 58% 26-30 Above 30

!he ma9ority of our sample lies bet#een the ages 16-2" representing &5=, #hereas the rest of them are bet#een the age 26 and abo/e 3'


Male 36% Male Female Female 64%

It is sho#n in the chart that most of our respondents are female representing 65= and the rest are males, this doe not indicate that female do like soft drinks more than males

@'estion ,

Preferred soft drink,


!epsi Coca-Cola 2(%


@nly 25= of our sample does prefer Coca Cola than Pepsi and 46 = prefer Pepsi







%uality #dvertise&ent

;e found out that the main reason behind their choice of Pepsi #as mainly because of its 0ualityG &&= of the respondents chose 0uality

@'estion 3, Perception of PepsiLs advertisements,


Strongly Li"e 3*%

Strongly Disli"e (% Disli"e 3% )eutral 28%

Li"e 3(% 6"= of the respondents do like Pepsi>s ads, and only 4= disliked the ads

@'estion 6,


Cast ad to reca%%,

'+% * % 23%

#&r Dia$

#h&ed ,el&y


90K of o'r se%ected target remem$ered Amr /ia$Ls ad than the other ce%e$rities+

@'estion !,

Ads effect on &o'r desire of drinking Pepsi,

)o /es0 )egatively /es0 !ositivel y

3% 28% '.%

;e disco/ered that ads is one of the main reasons that affects people>s consumption of Pepsi and that 69= of our sample do buy Pepsi because they got affected by the ad

@'estion 9, /ai%& cons'mption of Pepsi,


2% 14% Rarely 1 to 3 4 to 7 8 to 10 More than 10 44%

0% 40%

Most of o'r respondents cons'me from one to three cansO$ott%es of Pepsi on average+

@'estion F, Cons'mption in Ramadan,

26% 36% The same o !ons"m#t$on %artly &e!reases 'n!reases 23% 15%

Most of o'r respondents cons'me the same amo'nt of Pepsi 's'a%%& d'ring Ramadan* (hereas there is 38K of the samp%e $et(een c'tting and decreasing cons'mption in this period demonstrating that sa%es drop d'ring this period+

@'estion 8, Cast reca%%a$%e Ramadan Commercia%,




Amr ($ab Ahme& )elmy *thers


The %argest portion of the samp%e of respondents reca%% Ahmed 1e%m&Ls commercia% to $e the most recent one avai%a$%e across their minds giving Amr /ia$ a%most a neg%igi$%e res'%t demonstrating the (e%% preparation and efficienc& of Ahmed 1e%m&Ls commercia% in factors s'ch as content* message and chosen ce%e$rit&+

@'estion :,

-anoos Ramadan campaign opinions,

The $&ea o+ !elebr$t$es ,as very -oo&. /o" &$&n0t -et the messa-e o+ the a&. /o" th$n1 the a& ,as too lon-. /o" e2#e!te& a &$++erent en& +or the a&. 20%




Besults are /ery closely related to each other #here only 2&= #ere satisfied by the commercial and the rest #as di/ided to negati/e feedback bet#een length of the commercial, the e)pected end #hich refers to the content and finally the message #as not deli/ered to the audience

@'estion 10,

Effect of Karim A$d E% A=i= Ramadan ad,


2% 31% ,as more !reat$ve &el$vere& the messa-e a++e!te& the !ons"m#t$on

18% 34%

no e++e!t &e!rease& the !ons"m#t$on

$rom the last Bamadan till these days the success of ?arim -bd Kl -8i8 ad is taking place, 31= agreed that it #as more creati/e, 35= agreed that it deli/ered the message, #hereas the consumption #as affected positi/ely by 1&= , negati/ely by 2= and no effect by 1"=

@'estion 11, The most remem$er a$%e Ad d'ring Ramadan,



Coca-Cola !epsi ((


-s stated before that ?arim-bd Kl a8i8>s ad #as the most preferable one, this 0uestion ensured that people do remember Coca Cola>s ads during Bamadan than Pepsi>s ads -nd that "6= of our target respondents remembered Coca cola>s ad, and 55= remembered Pepsi>s Bamadan adsG -hmed Ielmy -lthough the difference is only 12=, but still Pepsi>s creati/e needs to be impro/ed

Preferred ad,


(+ 2+

?arim -bd Kl -8i8 ad is ha/ing the highest percentage 39=, #hereas on the other hand -hmed Ielmy>s ad is only 21=

@'estion 1 , Creativit&,

4a ri & th er

#h &

2re3uenc y




(th 1th 1% 2% 3rd *'%

*st 13% 2nd 2(%

"3= of the respondents sa# that creati/ity is the most important factor 25= percei/ed it as the 2nd important factor

*st *(%

1th * %

2nd *8%

(th 2(%

3rd 2 %

24= percei/e the brand as the 3rd important factor for an ad to count memorable 25= considered brand to be the 5th factor

Idea of de%ivering the message,


1th **% (th *1%

*st * %

3rd *8%

2nd 3.%

39= of the ans#ers reflected that the idea of deli/ering the message is the 2nd important factor 14= rated it at first, #hile 1&= rated it as 3rd


21 *1 .








26= sa# that the fre0uency of the ad is the 5th factor, 2"= ans#ered that it is the 3rd and the "th

Cogica% Reason,


(1 2. *+ 2 *st 2nd 3rd (th 1th *(

5"= rated the logical reason to be the least important factor 29= rated it as the 5th factor

@'estion 13,
Ce%e$rities chosen,



It is ob/ious that Pepsi(s choice of celebrities is more appealing to customers than CocaCola(s


Idea of de%ivering the message,





@n the other hand, Coca-Cola(s idea of deli/ering the message is clearer than Pepsi(s Customers don>t usually understand the idea of Pepsi(s ads


%*3-Content 2re3uency 1 (3



Begarding content, the percentages are rather close to each other, #ith Pepsi reaching a slightly higher "4= and Coca-Cola reaching a 53=







Pepsi(s e)posure seems to be more noticed by the customers, #ith a 6&= compared to Coca-Cola(s 32=


%*3-Satis5action 2re3uency

'1 31



Bespondents are generally more satisfied #ith Pepsi(s ads, 6"=, #ith a less 3"= for Coca-Cola


@'estion 16,
Interesting -actors,

$&ea o+ &el$ver$n- the other messa-e 5% 11% !ho$!e o+ !elebr$t$es !ontent 18% !ho$!e o+ !elebr$t$es 66% !ontent $&ea o+ &el$ver$n- the messa-e other

!he most interesting factor in Pepsi>s ads #as the choice of celebrities, #hereas the least interesting factor #as the idea of deli/ering the message, #hich Pepsi truly ignore


-actors to $e changed,

60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0

!ho$!e o+ !elebr$t$es


$&ea o+ &el$ver$nthe messa-e


@b/iously the factor that really needs a change is the idea of deli/ering the message, and "3= of the respondents agree #ith that


9+ Report preparation and Presentation,

Conc%'sion< !he ob9ecti/e of our research is to e/aluate the effecti/eness of Pepsi>s Bamadan campaign, tested by the mentioned hypothesis @ur hypothesis are meant to e/aluate the attention !J commercial grabbed, reach ability, through intensi/e distribution, consumer preferences effect on purchase, the design of the message deli/ered and effect it>s content on consumer>s acceptance, and the importance of product inno/ation on sales $or the /alidation of the /ariable tested in the hypothesis, our 0uestionnaire intended to test our market>s opinion in each !J commercials grabbed /ery high attention In relation to our research< !J commercials #ere of /ery high interest and people #ere in fa/or of it rather than any other method !hey liked to see ideas, creati/ity and celebrities Consumers belie/ed that !J commercials could con/ey messages and se/eral ideas that could not be transferred through any other means !hus, this hypothesis tends to be /alid and #ell tested according to the results gained !he more consumer preference to the ad, the more the purchase, this hypothesis specially is a /ery uni0ue one and one #ith /ery specific measures Iere, in our sample this hypothesis #as pro/ed to be right and this #as because of the follo#ing, the customers consumption of the product #as affected by these ads, although the ma9ority #ere neutral but about 3' = of the sample #ere positi/ely affected #hich is an appropriate accountable proportion !he customer preferences #ere the main cause of either< the like or dislike of the ad ;here through further 0uestioning #e got to kno# that factors such as< the message, the idea, creati/ity of the ad, and some leant to#ards celebrities +uch factors #ere preferences that affected customers> decision in purchasing our product !he clearer the content of the creati/ity, the greater the comprehension of the ad, through testing this hypothesis #e reached a /ery specific conclusion It stated that creati/ity #as the core of the ad !his according to respondents chosen #as pro/ed by being gi/en the highest priority #hen it comes to the most important elements in the ad, #here they claimed that through creati/ity the idea of the ad can be changed, edited or applied perfectly, #here through this the perfect match of content can be gained and matched to the best suitable celebrity combination if any and as #ell designed in the most appropriate /ersion to be self comprehensi/e and e)press all #hat needs to be deli/ered to the audience !he less product inno/ation, the higher the drop in sales is considered, and this #as pro/ed as follo#s< Bespondents #hen tested had the greatest ma9ority of them recommendingG product inno/ation and rene#al of its trends as one of the most important factors that can affect their purchase #itch #ill directly affect the sales ;here aspects such as packaging, ad/ertising, and 0ualityG #here the top three reasons for them to hold on to a product In 5'

addition to factors of impression, that can increase or decrease their rate of purchase, thus sales in return for the company Continuous reno/ation of the product package #as greatly impressi/e for some customers #here they could buy the product for the sake of the package itself @thers #ere greatly attached to 0uality issues #here increasing product range, fla/ors and product additions and making it more customi8ed !hose factors are considered a competiti/e edge, leading our con/enient sample to become more a#are of Pepsi and e/en prefer more than other competing soft drinks !hus, inno/ation has a great impact on sales according to our research

-s this *arketing Besearch is conducted to e/aluate the effecti/eness of Pepsi>s Bamadan ad/ertising campaigns, our marketing analysis is considering se/eral factors tested by our con/enient sample to pro/e our hypothesis $irst, Pepsi is holding an e)tremely large market share o/er Coca-Cola #ithin our con/enient sample ;here Pepsi>s market regarding all classes is 46= and Coca-Cola is 25= , thus Pepsi must maintain it>s share in the market o/er Coca and #ork on satisfying it>s market during the on coming Bamadan and also through out the year ,so as not to face drop in sales Pepsi>s effort and impro/ement is highly recommended in se/eral areas stated as follo#s< !he main problem #ith Pepsi>s ads is the idea of deli/ering the message, in other #ords the Creati/e and content of the ad Creati/ity, content, and idea of deli/ering the message is the 9ob of the EFFA@D agency in designing the ad and the manager director #ho follo#s and applies "6= of our con/enient sample stated that it is second most important thing for them in critici8ing the ad, "3= stated that creati/ity is the first important thing for them and due to the lack of both for the last fi/e years, !he percentage of customers> preference concerning the creati/ity and content had decreased and shifted to Co cola by 66= !hus, Pepsi must dramatically consider that shift by either< discussing it #ith their agency and manager director on changing the Creati/e of the ad< !he agency can do that by doing market research on the main reasons for the dislike of the ad and the strategy of competitors on designing the ad @r on the other e)treme if the agency and director #ere not fle)ible on changing the creati/e for the ne)t coming ad, Pepsi should change the agency +econd, Pepsi>s marketing department should #ork on blending the four P>+ togetherG product, price, place and promotion, making sure they are all deli/ering the intended message during Bamadan E Pepsi $i el sohoor , fi el fetarD on is the effect on sales during Bamadan Concerning the Pepsi>s Bamadan campaigns /ersus Coca>s in 2''" and 2''6, "6=our con/enient sample preferred Coal>s !J commercial during Bamadan o/er Pepsi>s !he reason behind that < is that Pepsi>s Bamadan campaigns #ere in the form of series #hich #as illogical and too long as it took 3' days to deli/er the intended message


*ost of the people lost interest so they did not follo# the ad/ertisement, others #ho #atched it did not understand the logical reason behind the ad @n the other hand, in the last t#o years 2''4-2''&G Coca-Cola E?arim -bd el -8i8D #as funny, short and recei/ed great acceptance from the audience Pepsi should #ork on changing the format and structure of their ads Changing those factors may take time, since Pepsi is facing a se/ere decline in sales during Bamadan, so the researcher is recommending for this situation impro/ements in other promotional tools beside !J commercials and campaigns for increasing consumption such as< increasing distribution in places such as EIa#ary, Iyper, and Car fourD #ith offers like buy one can get the other one free, to increase reach ability Pepsi should also try to get celebrities accepted and #anted by all categories of customers $or e)ample -hmed Ielmy as a celebrity #as highly accepted and remembered by the -, F and C classes /ersus -mr Aiab and Christina -guilera !J commercial, it #as mostly remembered by the - and F classes and it had a negati/e psychological effect on lo#er class le/el, #itch decreased their consumption Pepsi should seek /ariety in their commercials considering all segments they are ser/ing In addition, #e recommend a further research concerning Pepsi>s ads campaign before the fiscal year 2''" and 2''6 and after that period, to accurately see the change that happened #hen the creati/e #as changed -dding, #e should also collect a random sample to get accurate ans#ers from all categories


III Appendi?
/ear Respondents*
!he follo#ing 0uestionnaire is aimed to e/aluate the efficiency and effecti/eness of Pepsi /ersus Coca-Cola>s ad/ertising campaigns in Bamadan ;e #ould really appreciate it if you took some time off to ans#er this 0uestionnaire Please be as accurate and as honest as possible to help us get the accurate results #e are looking for !hank you 1 -ge< a 16-2' years b 21-2" years c 26-3' years d 3' and abo/e Mender< NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ;hich soft drink do you prefer most: a Pepsi b Coca Cola ;hy: a7 Package b7 a/ailability c7 0uality d7 -d/ertisement 3 Io# do you percei/e Pepsi>s ad/ertising campaigns, please state your ans#er from 1 to " 61is strongly dislike, " is strongly like7 o o o o o 5 +trongly dislike Aislike 2eutral %ike +trongly like




;hat is your daily consumption of Pepsi: a Barely b 1-3 c 5-4 d 4-1' e *ore than 1'

Io# is your consumption of Pepsi during Bamadan affected: a !he same b 2o consumption c Partly decreases d Increases & ;hat is the last ad you recall for Pepsi during Bamadan: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 ;hat do you think of Pepsi>s E$anos BamadanD ad/ertising campaign: 6check more than one7 a b c d !he idea of celebrities #as /ery good ,ou didn>t get the message of the ad ,ou think the ad #as too long ,ou e)pected a different end for the ad

1' ;hat #as the effect of ?arim -bdel -8i8 Coca-Cola>s ad/ertising campaign last Bamadan: 6Check more than one7 a b c d e ;as more creati/e Aeli/ered the message -ffected the consumption 2o effect Aecreased the consumption

11 ;hich of Bamadan>s commercials do you still remember the most: a Pepsi>s b coca cola>s Please name the preferred commercial< OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


12 ;hat #ere the reasons for the add to count memorable: Please assign priorities to the listed criteria accordingly, gi/en " is the most important and 1 is the last and so on in bet#een

Creati/ity Frand Idea of deli/ering the message $re0uency of add %ogical reason


13 Please assign the follo#ing letters ECD coca cola and EP EPepsi, to the follo#ing attributes as for #hich one is better in the appropriate field

Celebrities chosen Idea of deli/ering the message Content K)posure +atisfaction

Leading party

15 ;hat is the most interesting factor about Pepsi>s ads, and the thing that needs to be changed the most: 6Check 2 attributes7 Interesting factor< choose 1 choice of celebrities content Idea of deli/ering the message @ther 6please specify belo# if chosen7 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $actor to be changed< choose 1 choice of celebrities content Idea of deli/ering the message @ther 6please specify belo# if chosen7 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Thank &o' for &o'r co operation and for comp%eting the >'estionnaire+

N0. res p. L1 L2 L 3 L 5 L " L 6 L 4 L & L 9 L 1 ' L 11 L12 L 13 L15

* 2 3 ( 1 ' 8 . *+ ** *2 *3 *( *1 *' * *8 *. 2+ 2* 22 23 2( 21 2' 2 28 2. 3+ 3* 32 33

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IA+ Reference
$arid, + 62''9, *arch 2"7 Production *anager 6$ * -ttallah, C , + Mad, Inter/ie#ers7


*alhotra, 2 ? 62''47 Marketing Research; an applies orientation. 2e# Persey< Pearson Prentice Iall


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