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The Starry Dark

1835: a prosperous merchant builds the 'Corbitt' house, but immediately falls ill and sells it to a Mr. Walter Corbitt, esquire. 1843, Egypt: Professor Enoch Bowen, archaeologist and student of the occult, found the Shining Trapezohedron in the Labyrinth of Kish. 1844: May Professor Enoch Bowen ceases his excavations of Nephren-Ka's tomb upon finding the Shining Trapezohedron, and returns to Providence. Bowen founds the Starry Wisdom sect, buying the old Free-Will Church for its headquarters. This cult used the crystal to summon the Haunter, to whom they made blood sacrifices of infants and children. 1846: Disappearances begin in Providence that rumors link to the Starry Wisdom Church. The Haunter had decided to allow its links to this realm to grow through these rituals, so that it might find the most suitable host for its essence. It told its followers it awaited the proper time and place to come forth in the shape of man. 1849: Establishment in Boston of a branch of the Starry Wisdom sect called Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets 1850: Walter Corbitt joins the Chapel of Contemplation 1852: Walter Corbitt is sued by neighbors, who petition to force him to leave the area "in consequence of his surious [sic] habits an unauspicious demeanor." The Starry Wisdoms power grew as Bowen received direct guidance from the Haunter. In return for the blood sacrifices, the Haunter gave the cultists information by means of which they obtained various artifacts and numerous dread tomes. They collected copies of the Necronomicon, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Liber Ivonis, Cultes de Goules, De Vermis Mysteriis, Pnakotic Manuscripts, and the Book of Dzyan. 1863: A branch in Townshend, Vermont, opened under the leadership of Dr. Raymond Flagg. At this point, the Starry Wisdom Cult in Providence had over 200 members. 1865: Enoch Bowen dies. Dr Flagg takes over the central sect. 1866 Evidently Corbitt wins the lawsuit. His obituary in 1866 states that he still lived in the same place. It also states that a second lawsuit was being waged to prevent Corbitt from being buried in his basement, as provided by his will. Executor of Walter Corbitt's will was Reverend Michael Thomas (age 30), pastor of the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets. 1868: The Reverend Samuel Shadrach Solomon Akeley, father of Abednego Akeley, dies. Abednego succeeds him as reverend, but begins preaching the doctrines of the Starry Wisdom cult to his flock after travels through southern New England (ie. After a period of study in Providence and possibly Boston). The affiliation of his church in Townshend (South Windham church) is transferred from the traditional Protestant parent-body to that of the Starry Wisdom sect. The church is renamed as Church of Starry Wisdom, South Windham. Controversy and scandal follow.

1869: A group of Irish vandalize the Starry Wisdom Church in Providence, apparently in retaliation for their perceived involvement in kidnapping a fellow. 1871: Abednego Akeley dies at the age of 39 and his church closes. Rev. Akeley was shot by an unknown assailant. And seriously wounded he asked to have his brain removed that he might explore the mysteries of the cosmos. After Rev. Akeleys death Some of the congregation move to Providence. In fact Akeley has had his brain removed by the Outer Ones in order to be initiated to the mysteries of the universe. The activity of the cult here is now taking place on hilltops and other secret places. Meanwhile, key community leaders are gradually brought under the influence of the Outer Ones or replaced with those who are already. A branch of the Starry Wisdom sect in Chicago known as the Celestial Providence sect is disbanded by the Great Chicago Fire. 1877 May: The Starry Wisdom cult in Providence is disbanded after threats from the locals. The cultists leave town by year's end. Aseneth Bowen, Enoch Bowens niece, was commanded by the Haunter to leave the Shining Trapezohedron in the church for safekeeping. Empowered by the Haunter, Dr. Flagg wove a spell casting an aura of dread and fear over the building. The crystal was left in the church, along with some of the sects library of occult texts. No one in the neighborhood dared to explore the church. The Townshend and Boston branches are reinforced by refugees from Providence. The Townshend sect is now about 100 strong. Others migrate to Boston, where they swell the attendance at the Chapel of Contemplation by about 50. Many others head west, to California, where a branch is established in Los Angeles. 1878 The West River Valley Church is purchased by Dr Raymond Flagg of the Starry Wisdom sect under the name of the Spiritual Order of Celestial Providence. The church is renamed to Our Lord of Celestial Providence. The Order of Celestial Providence an esoteric Boston gentlemans club is formed by Flagg as a front and fund-raising organization for the Starry Wisdom sect. It is led by an accomplished sorceror called Karl Sanford. c. 1880: Ghost stories centering around the former Starry Wisdom Church begin around this time. A Yorkshire branch of the cult arises, possibly founded by Dr. Raymond Flagg. Between 1880 and 1890: A Starry Wisdom cult flourishes in Yorkshire, England. Winter 1881: Marrion Allen, an amateur occultist from Arkham, and leader of a group calling themselves The Dark Brotherhood joins The Chapel of Contemplation in Boston. Feb. 1882: Marrion Allen steals two items from the Chapel, both artifacts from the tomb of Nephren-Ka: a miniature sarcophagus and an ancient Egyptian trumpet. In the process he kills one of the sect members and injures another. August 1883: Marion Allen sells the Horn of Nephren-Ka at a pawn shop in an attempt to raise funds to flee the country. He is killed by agents of Starry Wisdom on the docks of New Orleans as he makes an attempt to flee the country.

1890: By this time, the Yorkshire Starry Wisdom cult has fallen apart. Dr. Flagg seems to have disappeared after this. 1893: The spell around the original church prevented anyone from entering the building until a reporter from the Providence Telegram, Edwin M. Lillibridge, possessed of great force of will, made his way into the building to investigate stories of the church being haunted. He found the crystal and accidentally summoned the Haunter. The Haunter killed Lillibridge in a failed attempt to merge with the hapless human. 1895: An edition of De Vermis Mysteriis is supposedly published by Starry Wisdom Press, but no copies have been found. 1909: Starry Wisdom Press allegedly releases a version of Unaussprechlichen Kulten as well, but no copies are ever found. 1911: A New Orleans jazz musician and trumpet-maker called Lightning Billy Watkins spots the Horn of Nephren-Ka in a curio shop and noting its unusual tones, converts it into a modern trumpet. 1912 Secret raid on the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets occasioned by affidavits swearing that members of the church were responsible for the disappearances of neighborhood children. Chapel is closed. During the raid, three policemen and seventeen cult members were killed by gunplay or fire. Autopsy reports are singularly undetailed and uninformative, as though the coroner had not actually performed examinations. Though 54 members of the church were arrested, all but eight were released. The records hint of illegal intervention in the proceedings by important local official, offering an explanation of shy stories of the battle - the biggest criminal action in the city's history - never appeared in print. Pastor Michael Thomas (age 71) was arrested and sentenced to 40 years in prison on five counts of second-degree murder. Aseneth Bowen is killed. During this raid, several artefacts of the sect are seized. Some of these items go missing. Aseneth Bowens successor is Karl Sanford. Sanford changes his name to Carl Stanford and, with other survivors of Starry Wisdom and the Order of Celestial Providence, forms the Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight in Boston. He resurrects the warlock John Scott to lead it. 1917 Pastor Michael Thomas (age 81) escapes from prison and flees the state. He uses sorcery stealing copper pipes he making a copper dagger and uses it in a ritual to summon and then bind a dimensional shambler. He makes his way to Townshend, Vermont where he leads the establishment of Our Lord of Celestial Providence. He revives the sect and reinstates the practice of human sacrifice. 1919: Lightning Billy Watkins is committed to a mental hospital after mysterious events during a New Orleans funeral march. 1920: Aleister Crowley's (flawed) English translation of the Black Book of the Skull is published by Starry Wisdom Press. People have begun to disappear in Vermont.

1920s: A Los Angeles-area branch of the Starry Wisdom Cult reaches the peak of its popularity, lasting through the 1930s New York jazz musician Leroy Turner buys Lightning Billy Watkins unusual trumpet from a curio shop in New Orleans. Early 1920s: A branch of the Starry Wisdom Cult is established in Arkham, overseen by Rev Thomas. PLOT TIMELINE Michael Thomas arrives and begins to preach in region under pseudonym West River Church moves over to the Celestial Providence (Starry Wisdom) sect (HQ in Boston) Human sacrifice reappears in region New minister arrives Hears rumours of strange practices in the area Believes there is a survival of witchcraft in the area Begins to preach against the Celestial Providence sect Further investigations reveal links to Starry Wisdom He starts to be spied on and intimidated Investigator arrive He / they witness services at the West River Valley Church and people going out on dark nights He meets Henry Akeley. Akeley shows evidence and tells him to go out on May eve The sect (/Outer Ones) try to tempt him to their side but he resists Investigators similarly tempted if opportunity presents He / They witness a ceremony on a hilltop They come during dark nights to tempt or intimidate He defends himself Another person at the church (a minister who came to protect him or another residence churchman) A body is found frozen on top of a Strafton Mountain More investigations into Starry Wisdom history, the church, his own church, and the Outer Ones He is worrried for safety and asks for help, stranded at church by unseasonal weather and disconnected phone lines etc Investigators may have to walk there, or if they drive their cars are disabled Gets colder, they are trapped There is a major confrontation at the church. Temptations and intimidations. The minister shares his most recent discoveries about his own churches history possible firefight, sounds outside, temperature plummeting The minister finds/shows a secret cellar he has found in the church (better if suddenly discovered) under a flagstone. They go in there when suddenly attacked (or the church is set on fire - fire vampire?). Leading to a crypt. There is evidence of the activities of Abednego Akeley, also a deeper crypt or evidence of a far older cult (early settlers, witches, Indians?)

They are safe in the crypt OR there is a tunnel leading to an exit somewhere in the hills/woods Eventually the minister is cornered and mesmerised by sect members (Michael Thomas, Mr Noyes perhaps) and he disappears About a day later he re-appears, a changed man ,but confined to a wheelchair. He claims to have had a religious experience. A nurse is with him and Mr Noyes. They say he has had a stroke. Resolution?

PLOT IDEAS With the arrival of Pastor Michael Thomas people begin to disappear in the Townshend area. The local Baptist (or whatever) minister in Townshend dies and is replaced by an outsider from near Brattleboro. This feisty clergyman is conservative in his views and unlike his predecessor is not under the influence of the sect or the Outer Ones. He realizes that there is something sinister about the practices of a spiritualist, evangelical sect here based at Our Lord of Celestial Providence. He observes their services and some of their suspicious activities. He realizes that this may be a revival of the Starry Wisdom sect that appeared in Townshend briefly from 1868 to 1871 (in his own church!). He begins a correspondence with another minister based in Brattleboro. He begins to preach against the sect, declaring that it is in league with Satan. He meets the retired folklorist Henry Akeley and discusses the sect as well as legends of devils living in the hills. He writes of seeing distant ceremonies in the hills and his determination to investigate further. He apparently has some sort of stroke and/or religious experience. Now confined to a wheelchair, he says that the sect in fact speaks the word of God. The second minister comes to investigate and dies under strange circumstances a heart attack, or frozen to death. The police do very little. Friends and relatives of these clergymen of course may be suspicious. Involving the investigators: one of them (an anthropologist or investigator of the occult or simply someone who previously found evidence of a sect in Townshend) began a correspondence with the first minister after writing to him on hearing about a sinister sect in Townshend associated with disappearances. He receives a strange, transformed letter from the minister. Then hears of the second ministers mysterious death. He gathers some trustworthy colleagues and departs new version of this idea The investigators are protecting a minister in his remote church in Vermont . This minister is local and has been speaking out against the Starry Wisdom sect. He asked them to help him. They began a correspondence because one of his letters to the Brattleboro newspaper was reprinted in the Boston Herald and one investigator wrote to him.

Outside it is snowy. The phone line is disconnected and the heating has broken down. They are surrounded by sect members and Outer Ones, who threaten/seduce them into giving up the minister. If they do, the minister disappears and then reappears a changed man. If they dont and if they are armed, then their enemies give up just before dawn. If they are unarmed, then they will enter and confront them. In any case, at some point the minister will be captured and changed.

What do the Outer Ones think about the Shining Trapezohedron being unattended, in human lands? It is the Haunters will that it remain there for now. Would they plot against the humans? Could they rather have built a gate from Round Hill to the Free-Will Church, which their scientists or high priests use as a means to contact the Haunter? (Or has the Haunter dedicated the crystal purely for his purposes for mankind now?) If so, presumably high priests of the Starry Wisdom sect might be able to pass through this gate too. (They must know about it since it would have been Aseneth Bowen and/or Raymond Flagg who created the gate at the Providence side. )They would thus be able to communicate with the Haunter. (If this was so, would they leave Lillibridges body untouched for all those years?) Perhaps this is a rare event. The 'Order of Celestial Providence' in Boston is substituted with The Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight


The old Akeley place is on the side of Dark Mountain and is due south of Townshend. Woods on Round Hill (where he is to find the black stone) are to the east of the house. The recording was made on May Eve 1915, at the closed mouth of a cave in the wooded west slope of Dark Mountain as it rises out of Lees Swamp. Therefore, Dark Mountain is real-life Bald Mountain. The Akeley Place is across the West River from Townshend. Lees Swamp must be marshy area around real-life Negro Brook in the valley just west of Dark Mountain. Round Hill is real-life Crane Mountain. The Chapel could be what is now Calvary Chapel (1817) located in West Townshend, West River Road. IDEAS FOR EVENTS They have a meeting with the minister in his house. There is something not right about him, but he is flanked by a couple of Bostonians a nurse called Nurse Brown and a friend called Mr Noyes The investigators soon realize they are being spied upon, their correspondence etc is intercepted etc If one or two characters explore the woods or hills by themselves they hear buzzing voices tempting them with secret power and knowledge. The characters go to investigate the ministers church. Perhaps they find a journal or some correspondence here hearing about revelations about the sect activities and

stories from Henry Akeley etc. Perhaps THIS CHURCH (South Windham church) might have been the one that Abednego Akeley transferred from Protestantism to the Starry Wisdom sect, to much controversy! Some of the details of this can be found in the church records. It is snowing outside. The Outer Ones and the cultists, realizing that they are being investigated, sabotage the investigators vehicles, disconnect the phone etc, trapping them inside. Outside the snow is deep. They are surrounded by cultists and Outer Ones at night. They have cut the phone line (but the outer Ones can hack into it). The want to persuade the characters to surrender. They can do so by freezing the house, breaking the heating etc. They will offer the characters all sorts of special knowledge and power. Let the investigators find footprints By speaking with Henry Akeley (they find out about the ministers dealings with him) , the characters will learn the old stories about creatures in the hills. If they earn his trust he will play them the recording he made a few years earlier near the mouth of the cave. He can give them directions to find the mouth of the cave. If they go there and can somehow get past the 20 ton boulder that blocks the door (perhaps by waiting until it opens) they can enter the outer chambers of the Fungi Outpost. Let the investigators find standing stones in the hills and nearer the climax, they witness a ritual in the woods. Faithful followers are taken to be hypnotized by the Outer Ones and later controlled. A ritual is witnessed (by investigators or the minister?) in which an Outer One descends from the sky wrapped in robes and appearing as an angel.


The Haunting (with appropriate clue a letter from Abednego Akeley (at that time of a Congregational Church in Townshend) regarding visiting them before moving onto Providence: he is to spend time with Pastor Michael Thomas as part of his education, before completing it in Providence) Corbitt Diary Origin Diary of Walter Corbitt, esquire. Found in the the old Corbitt Mansion, Boston. Contents Accounts of his occult experiments, morbid sacrifices of children, magic rites and summonings, his ambition to surpass the boundaries of mortality, reports of law suits waged against him (protectors in high places). Spell A spell to "summon the Shambler From Beyond [correction: Traveller of the Planes]". There's no further elaboration on the nature of this entity. More detail Sees himself as a servant of He Who Waits in the Dark. Details of involvement with Starry

Wisdom. Mentions 'Providence church'. 'Shining crystal' and describes communing with 'He Who Waits in the Dark' who grants his followers profound secrets in return for sacrifices (esp children). Mentions names Prof Bowen and Dr Flagg. Box found in Egyptian ruins. Haunter summoned up in darkness, can't tolerate light. From Lillibridge's notes: "Prof. Enoch Bowen home from Egypt May 1844buys old Free-Will Church in Julyhis
archaeological work & studies in occult well known. Dr. Drowne of 4th Baptist warns against Starry Wisdom in sermon Dec. 29, 1844. Congregation 97 by end of 45. 18463 disappearancesfirst mention of Shining Trapezohedron. 7 disappearances 1848stories of blood sacrifice begin. Investigation 1853 comes to nothingstories of sounds. Fr. OMalley tells of devil-worship with box found in great Egyptian ruinssays they call up something that cant exist in light. Flees a little light, and banished by strong light. Then has to be summoned again. Probably got this from deathbed confession of Francis X. Feeney, who had joined Starry Wisdom in 49. These people say the Shining Trapezohedron shews them heaven & other worlds, & that the Haunter of the Dark tells them secrets in some way. Story of Orrin B. Eddy 1857. They call it up by gazing at the crystal, & have a secret language of their own."

There is a major branch in the city of Boston (clues leading to it may be found in the Old Townshend Church. Mr Noyes is a high priest here, as is ('the doctor'). Leads might include the location and significance of the Free-Will Church and some secret that is kept there. Could it be an item that gives access to Round Hill/Dark Mountain?

The investigators enter the Free-Will Church and retrieve an item that gives them access to Round Hill.

The investigators enter Round Hill. What can they achieve? They cant defeat the Outer Ones. They can gain understanding.

Following esoteric knowledge granted by the Haunter in the Dark at the Free-Will Church in Providence, Dr. Raymond Flagg travelled to Dark Mountain in Vermont and made contact with the Haunters followers the Outer Ones. On that night, a pact of alliance was made between the Starry Wisdom Sect and the Outer Ones the Starry Wisdom sect would further the interests of the Outer Ones in the human realm, protecting their secrecy and bringing them more human followers ; the Outer Ones would protect the Starry Wisdom sect, give them access to esoteric knowledge and would take selected initiates into the cosmos with them.

Rev. Michael Thomas escaped from prison in 1917 by making a copper dagger out of stolen pipes and summoning a dimensional shambler. With the help of covert members of the Starry Wisdom sect in Providence, Chicago and Vermont, under the pseudonym Pastor Malachi, he establishes an Evangelical church in Arkham and re-establishes the Starry Wisdom chapel in Townshend in another guise. A second priest Rev. Robert Gill is an ordained Protestant minister and leads the Arkham sect Michael Thomas is careful about travelling much in Massachusetts. The evangelical sect that appears in Townshend seems to be an independent evangelical sect called the Spiritual Church of Celestial Providence. Many of the locals here are descended from those who fled from Providence in 1877 and the surnames Bowen and Flagg, as well as the first names Enoch, Raymond and Aseneth. The sect partially controls the village and the surrounding area. It worships Nyarlathotep in the form of the Haunter in the Dark as well as serving his Celestial Host the Mi-Go who similarly worship The Haunter and have a large mining colony in the mountains near here. They have a significant collection of mythos and occult texts, a body of esoteric knowledge passed down from encounters with the Haunter in Providence, and a few artifacts gifted by the Outer Ones. Collectively they also have a significant armory of conventional weapons. The revived sect appears to be provisionally Protestant but is in fact a revival of the Starry Wisdom sect, teaching the tenets of that creed in a coded form. The sect is led by a 79 year-old (in 1920) cleric called Pastor Malachi (aka Rev. Michael Thomas ). Pastor Malachi begins to preach in Townshend. He seems to have paperwork indicating that he is a protestant minister but it is forged. He preaches what appears to be esoteric or spiritualist evangelical Christianity. The cult has a superficial appearance of being an ordinary church but like some other rural churches in Vermont has some queer customs. The sect focuses around the granting of esoteric secrets from their Lord and has a hierarchical structure of an Outer Flock and two Inner Circles. Using esoteric knowledge passed through the generations a few select initiates known as Wizards have achieved a kind of prolonged life a mummification process which actually more resembles a living death. Other initiates are rewarded for their life of service with The Celestial Rapture or joining the stars. This involves being taken away by the Outer Ones to have their brains removed and placed in metal canisters which keep the brain alive more-orless indefinitely and which can survive the journey through space to the planet Yuggoth or Moon Colony. In fact, unknown to the cult members, the Outer Ones, being quite indifferent to humanity, are quite neglectful and the majority of these Chosen people are either incinerated or after being placed in brain canisters are abandoned in storage rooms in the colony. Enough Celestial Voyagers return however with stories of their travels to inspire the faithful. The minister of the main church in Townshend Rev. Michael Hewitt Appleton speaks out about this as a false teaching and he sends Dilbert Gogarty, the Lay Preacher, to investigate this new minister. Rev. Appleton challenges Pastor Malachi on more than one occasion as to his origins. Malachi is cagey (and worried). Meanwhile Gogarty travels to Brattleboro and Boston but is unable to find a record of Malachi's religious education or history. He witnesses services taking place at the old chapel on the edge of town that Abednego Akeley used in the 19th century and which has been officially closed since 1871 (Our Lord of Celestial Providence).

Rev. Appleton strikes up a correspondence with Rev. Rudolph Braswell, a minister in Brattleboro, and soon there are stories in the Brattleboro papers about this religious rivalry and claims that they are in league with Satan, witches etc. There may be hints about their coded doctrines: ascension into the heavens for the faithful, gifts of great secrets and powers from the Celestial Lord, visits from 'Angels' etc. The two ministers vow to do something about the new sect and are in the process of appealing for help from the Church. Rev. Braswell, in Brattleboro, also keeps a journal of his correspondence and thoughts and continues to publish outraged letters and articles in the Brattleboro Reformer about this new sect. Meanwhile, Gogarty finds out deeper secrets of the history of the Chapel and the Starry Wisdom sect and he hears stories of mysterious voices in the woods. He also spies on a service held by Pastor Malachi. The Pastor appears to have miraculous powers. Among other things, during a spiritualist-style ceremony, he summons the spirits of people who have supposedly 'ascended to the Heavens' and has them speak from inside a wooden box. Although their voices are strange, they seem to be recognised by others and relate incredible tales of being carried by wondrous beings called the Outer Ones to a fantastic city of light in the mountains. And then travelling through the cosmos to other worlds. He also sees a group leaving the Chapel after sunset on a moonless night and heading into the hills. He is later found on top of a nearby mountain, frozen to death. There are articles in the Brattleboro Reformer about this mysterious event. Rev. Appleton suspects that this is not an accident and writes to Rev. Braswell about it. Rev. Appleton continues to investigate the church, the history of Michael Thomas, the history of Abednego Akeleys church in Townshend and links to stories of witchcraft and strange creatures in the hills. Rev. Appleton becomes more convinced of the danger as he approaches the truth and witnesses, firsthand the footprints, voices, standing stones in the hills as well as the true identity of Pastor Malachi. The second clergyman may have been publishing rants about the sect for a while and then becomes silent as he realizes the nature of what hes up against.

In Brattleboro there are stories of a controversial new evangelical sect in Townshend. The local minister claims they are in league with the devil. Remarkably the minister has had a conversion experience. A minister from Battleboro who went to visit him has now disappeared. A story like this might reach as far as New York. There are also leads to Vermont in the Chapel of Contemplation: A Brattleboro receipt near the paint pot Church records from the 19 th century that include letters from branches of the Starry Wisdom Church in Providence, Chicago and Townshend

At this point, the players may enter a correspondence with Rev. Braswell. He will offer to recommend their help to Appleton if they express and interest in investigating Suddenly Rev. Appleton goes quiet and then word gets out that he has had a stroke. He also relates a profound religious experience that transformed his life. He makes comparisons with Paul on the road to Damascus. An angel appeared to him and revealed the truth. Saying that there was a place in the Heavens for him if he stopped preaching against the new sect. He is now preaching the benign or benevolent nature of the new sect and wishes to hand the church to the new sect. He invites Rev. Braswell to Townshend for a great revelation. In actual fact Appleton, seen as too much of an ongoing threat to the new sect, was kidnapped (from his house? His car?) and has been replaced by an Outer One. [Braswell will write to the investigators of this in an alarmed way and mention that he is going to Townshend to investigate immediately] Rev. Braswell goes to investigate. Rev. Appleton is now confined to darkness and pushed around in a wheelchair by a somewhat sinister doctor from Boston called Doctor Clarence Haynes who claims to have saved Appletons life and who never leaves his side. His speech and movement appear to be affected. There are other rural and urban characters including a farmer called Walter Brown and a well-bred Bostonian called Mr. Noyes who seem to linger around the house. At Appletons house, Braswell is told that Appleton will surely be ascending to the Heavens and he is made an offer to join the sect. He refuses and tries to leave. The OuterOne posing as Appleton kills him.

[link to historical photos of Townshend:]

Dark Mountain
This is the mountain to the south of Townshend.

Round Hill
This is a domed mountain to the east of Townshend.


South Windham church (Baptist, 1888)
3264 Windham Hill Road, West Townshend.

A Congregational church (protestant)

West River Valley Church (1817, aka The Old Church )

Now Our Lord of Celestial Providence details below. Next door is a building that includes a small store and a post office.

Windham Congregational Church

(north of West Townshend)

Congregational church (United Church of Christ) in Newfane

(back towards Brattleboro) When the investigators arrive in Townshend they find that Rev. Braswell has been discovered dead of a heart attack. Dr Haynes and the others will protect the body from further investigation (using mind-control sorcery if necessary). The body will be taken to a funeral home in Brattleboro until the funeral a few days later. If they are able to investigate the body, there are unusual burn marks on the skin on both hands and on the soles of the feet. (Medicine or First Aid to recognize these marks as characteristic of electrocution). The local police are to some extent under the influence of the sect and are not interested. Appletons Journal a critical clue is located under the seat of Appletons car [how to ensure they find it?]. Other important evidence would be Braswells letters from Appleton which are still in Braswells study. Within two days, Walter Brown will be sent to try to retrieve these. Now of course the Brattleboro Reformer carries stories of the untimely death of its contributor and speculates as to whether it is suspicious or not. If Appleton is interviewed he says that he will be ascending to Heaven soon and how wonderful it will be. Wont the investigators join him? He promises them all sorts of esoteric knowledge, hinting at sorcery and travel to mysterious celestial spheres.


The church is on the main West River Road from Townshend, on the river side. It dates from 1817. This was originally the main church in Townshend. Dr. Raymond Flagg started a branch of the Starry Wisdom sect in Townshend in 1863. 1871 the sect officially closed and an attempt was made to re-open the church. The church was unpopular however due to its reputation. A new Protestant church was built in Townshend. The West River Valley Church was then used for about a decade as a Methodist Church, but was again abandoned for similar reasons. It has been abandoned since 1905, until Rev. Malachi and Rev. Gill refurbished it. At first glance this appears to be an ordinary village church. The Chapel has a bad reputation and people avoid it. Close

inspection reveals that the cross above the altar on the stained glass windows is a shining star, those windows also bear a curious three-lobed eye symbol and images of people being borne away by unusual, many-limbed angels. Behind the church, beyond some trees, and a swampy area, is an island in a bend in the West River. There are a number of boulders in the river on either side of the island, making it possible to ford here and cross over to the area of Dark Mountain. The basement contains a number of mythos texts including Latin and several copies of the new English versions of The Book of Eibon and De Vermis Mysteriis, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, plus Aleister Crowley's (flawed) English translation of the Black Book of the Skull, all published by Starry Wisdom Press (registered office in Romania). Also in the basement are two brain cylinders containing the immortal souls of initiates who have returned from the Heavens (names and details). On certain occasions they are brought up to the altar and attached to the Speaking Device which allows them to tell tales of their wonderful journeys and the sights they have seen (the Mi-Go colony in Vermont, the Moon, Outer Space and Yuggoth). These minds are now quite unhinged. They also suffer from a profound longing to return to the stars. (What will they say if re-attached ?). These minds also possess a significant degree of cthulhu mythos knowledge. There are also symbols of the Tri-Lobed Eye and artwork of people being taken by multi-armed angels whose faces are a mass of coloured light and of people travelling among the stars. A church record describes Aseneth Bowen commanded by Our Lord Granter of Secrets to protect the Free-Will Church (i.e. the Trapezohedron) until the time is right. There is also correspondence with Rev. Robert Gills branch of the sect which he is establishing in the old Bayfriars Church (540 E Church St, Arkham, location #714). In the basement is a series of vaults and tunnels that contain brain canisters and communication equipment that goes with it. Perhaps the investigators surprise two Outer Ones inspecting or repairing the vaults or preparing something, (Reverend Thomas is that you? one of them buzzes) they are unarmed workers but could try to use mining equipment to defend themselves. The door to the Outpost is a heavy sarcophagus lid in a crypt, and it has been left open by the Outer Ones. There is also a tunnel leading a few hundred meters away to Round Hill Burial Ground where it exits in a locked crypt. [How can I restrict access to the church initially?] In the woods, about a mile to the north, near the east bank of Tannery Brook is the mouth of a cave. This cave leads to the western sector of Round Hill Colony, a sector which historically has been used primarily for human agents of the Outer Ones. Perhaps there can be a showdown with Pastor Malachi here, who is of course a sorcerer. Agents, including Malachi could be followed here on occasion. Water normally pours from the cave and into Tannery Brook. Pastor Malachi and some other agents (who?) know a secret command which causes the flow of water to reduce to a trickle within a few seconds. The cave can then be entered, initially by crawling - it is only3 feet high at the entrance, rising to 5 feet after 10 feet distance and 6 feet after another 30 feet distance.

He wants to make an offer to the characters. Maybe they have no choice but to flee into the tunnels of the Outer Ones. How would they ever escape? They would be followed in. The investigators would have to try to hide and outmaneuver their enemies in the tunnels. They might encounter one or two Outer Ones. If they stray too far underground they are bound to be captured. The deeper tunnels are wider and perfectly smooth. They might find storage rooms with brain canisters, a scientific lab, mining equipment, a map room, old living chambers, an armory with weapons and/or armour. The near chambers seem abandoned and include equipment from the 19th century. There might be chambers for humans too - living quarters with artificial light, a library of occult texts, an armoury with weapons from the 19th century and today. Some of these weapons might be illegal dynamite, grenades, Thomson SMGs, a Browning machine gun. There could be small spheres of 24-carat gold. There could even be futuristic weaponry and equipment granted by Nyarlathotep a Kevlar vest, a taser, Mace, a microwave oven, an electric freezer, modern drugs. There might be one or more cultists living in here, perhaps in some kind of suspended animation. There may be a room here where brainless human bodies are kept in suspended animation. And a huge library of brain-cylinders.

Killing Malachi or otherwise disrupting the sect. Sanity reward = ? Closing off the tunnel in the old church Destroying the old church

Rev. Appleton
Appleton appears to have had a stroke. [Unless they can examine him, Critical Medicine to spot that this is not true]. The real Appleton has been replaced by an Outer One. He is covered in gown and a scarf. His face appears to move very little and his speech is affected. He is unable to abide light of any brightness. Even moderate light will cause him pain and half his skills. When necessary, this Outer One carries an electric gun under Appletons gown.

Dr. Haynes
Middle-class Bostonian cultist and sorcerer.

Walter Brown
Rural cultist and sorcerer. Sandy hair? Lives in a rundown hillside place near the deep woods

Mr Noyes
Middle-class Bostonian cultist and sorcerer.

Pastor Malachi
A 79 year old sorcerer and an old friend of Walter Corbitt.

Henry Akeley
To the south of Townshend is Henry Akeleys farm. A trim, white house with two storeys and an attic, built around 1800. The lawn is well-kept with a stone bordered path leading to a Georgian doorway. At this time he has a housekeeper.

A retired anthropologist from the University of Vermont. The folklorist is present in his house on the side of the hill and is already gathering information about the strange creatures of the area. He has a recording made in 1915 near the mouth of a cave of buzzing and human voices. Akeley cannot be persuaded to join the characters investigation but he is willing to show them where the cave is. There are indeed footprints there. He also has photographs of a footprint of an Outer One, the mouth of a woodland cave blocked by a round boulder with similar tracks in front of it and another of a circle of standing stones on the summit of a wild hill


Library use will reveal each of the following points: The Starry Wisdom was started by a Professor Enoch Bowen in 1844. The main sect was located at the Free-Will Church, Federal Hill, Providence. Looking up Enoch Bowen uncovers an 1844 article by a rival archaeologist. This archaeologist claimed that the study of archaeology had to be maintained as a science, and should not be used as a cover for opportunists and adventurers to exploit the population. He cited Enoch Bowen as a prime example of the latter sort of archaeologist. He said Bowen was an occultist who was more interested in starting a cult than serving science. He detailed how Bowen claimed to have found the ancient tomb of a forgotten pharaoh, and brought forth a crystal that shines in the dark. A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll suggests that the reference might be to the fabled Shining Trapezohedron of Nephren-Ka. The skill user also recalls that the crystal could supposedly summon a demon of darkness that enjoyed blood sacrifices of children. With successful Luck and Library Use rolls, an interesting book is uncovered. Mystical Sects, published in 1857, lists numerous cults across the United States, including a small entry for the Starry Wisdom Sect. They owned a crystal found in Egypt. They held this object sacred, and by gazing upon it, the members believed they could call up a being known as the Haunter of the Dark, who shared dread secrets with the faithful. This being could be summoned only in absolute darkness, and if it was exposed to light for any period of time, it would be banished. July 1844 The Providence Bulletin mentions the purchase of the Free-Will Church on Federal hill by Professor Bowen. The Italian community is outraged due to the cults location. A priest named OMalley of Spirito Santo Church claims the cult worships the Devil himself. August 1853 The Providence Bulletin mentions an investigation into the Starry Wisdom sect. The investigators find no connection to the disappearances of numerous children in the area. October 1865 The Providence Bulletin notes the death of Professor Enoch Bowen from natural causes. A surviving daughter, Aseneth Bowen, is mentioned. March 1872 The Providence Bulletin publishes a story concerning witch cult rumors among the Italian populace of Federal Hill. The article hints at blood sacrifices by an unnamed cult in the region, but no arrests or indictments have been made.

April 1877 The Providence Bulletin includes a small item on the forced break-up of the Starry Wisdom by the authorities. It refers to public pressure on the authorities to enforce this closure. June 1878 A book written by Father OMalley is found, The Coming of the Beast. It details numerous theories regarding the prophecies of the Antichrist. It lists the cult of the Starry Wisdom as modern day Satan worshippers who desire the Beast to rule the earth. Much of the information found in the Antichrist Themes sidebar on pages 160 161 is contained within, except of course for information dated after the books publication. Investigators going to Providence to search for the Free-Will Church will find the place much as Blake finds it in the story Haunter of the Dark go to the Providence chapter for more details. Investigators may want to check out the church records of Spirito Santo in Providence. Father Angelo is the present priest of Spirito Santo. He will allow investigators to see the records with a Persuade roll. He himself has heard only rumors of the evil cult. Reputedly, they worshipped the Devil. He helps investigators find Father OMalleys writings of the 1850s: The Starry Wisdom - the stars of Hell - summoning from those stars a shade from Hell itself, but feared the power of God as manifested in Light. Investigators who possess books pertaining to the Cthulhu Mythos can search them for information on the Haunter. To find it, a player must roll D100 equal to or less than the books Cthulhu Mythos points x3. The information is this: the Haunter was spoken of as holding all knowledge. The Haunter demanded monstrous sacrifices, its favorite being human children. Light could banish it back to its dark realm. With a special success roll, the book calls the Haunter The Bringer of the End Times, the Avatar of Nyarlathotep. (At the keepers discretion, investigators can roll separately to find the Ancient History information on pages 129 130; such information ends at Nitocriss death or the books date of publication, whichever comes first.)


The Free-Will Church of Starry Wisdom

Access: Cellar door Steeple: windowless Free-Will Baptist Church Church (1871)) 352 Atwells Avenue Images: If the Shining Trapezohedron is removed from the Church, Nyarlathotep will if possible command his human and Outer One servants to return it. (in reality St. John's Roman Catholic

(Indistinguishable Sounds) (A Cultivated Male Human Voice) is the Lord of the Wood, even to and the gifts of the men of Leng so from the wells of night to the gulfs of space, and from the gulfs of space to the wells of night, ever the praises of Great Cthulhu, of Tsathoggua, and of Him Who is not to be Named. Ever Their praises, and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young! (A Buzzing Imitation of Human Speech) Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young! (Human Voice) And it has come to pass that the Lord of the Woods, being seven and nine, down the onyx steps (tri)butes to Him in the Gulf, Azathoth, He of Whom Thou has taught us marv(els) on the wings of night out beyond space, out beyond th to That whereof Yuggoth is the youngest child, rolling alone in black aether at the rim (Buzzing Voice) go out among men and find the ways thereof, that He in the Gulf may know. To Nyarlathotep, Mighty Messenger, must all things be told. And He shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides, and come down from the world of Seven Suns to mock (Human Voice) (Nyarl)athotep, Great Messenger, bringer of strange joy to Yuggoth through the void, Father of the Million Favoured Ones, Stalker among (Speech Cut Off by End of Record)

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