Nelson Mandela - Arnaldo Ochoa

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Nelson Mandela did more than thank the Cuban Government for the support to his struggle against apartheid. Mandela traveled to Cuba, to in reciprocity, try to rescue the deteriorating image of Cuban leaders for the failure of the war in Angola. If Mandela had known...!, that the great whore ordered to blow the hydroelectric plant that supplies to South Africa and Angola... If he had known that the little war game of the tyrant was also used to extort resources from the Soviet Union... If he had known that she was looking for worldwide recognition for his fights against the injustices of the world, when the great whore was responsible for the systematic destruction in her own country of flora, fauna, industry, theatres, cinemas, the cultural heritage of the nation, etc. and also humiliated and repressed her own people and deteriorating until the moral of them. If Mandela had known all this, possibly he had not traveled to Cuba, and his appreciation had become conviction. There is no more appropriate name to call Fidel Castro that the great whore, with her forgiveness, because he changes his principles as her lovers, because her discriminated-psychological burden, he has it as criminal psychopathy.

General Arnaldo Ochoa collected many of the conditions that are required to belong to the elite of the great whore: he was highly efficient and effective in his work, respected by the troops and in addition, had moral weaknesses (recorded in video) in case she would want to remove him from his charges (the pure and virtuous people do not qualify for tyrants). But Ochoa didn't qualify at all: he made jokes of the inefficiencies of the Government and was not very obedient. The final straw was in the Angolas war; the tyrant intended to direct the war from the Staff of the Army in Havana, from a long distance, he gave orders that were not exactly obeyed by the General in Chief in the field. Ochoa connoisseur of military knew which of them should not apply. That was unacceptable for the paltry great whore. So when Ochoa raised the need to build an airport for military aircraft in Cuito Cuanavales, as the only alternative against the powerful South African tanks, the tyrant did not answer, the answer was dilated. Ochoa, for his wisdom and military pride, then try to find resources in other ways (all immoral and punishable): trade of ivory, diamonds

and finally, having knowledge that one of the brothers La Guardia had the assignment of raising funds through drug trafficking, he try to use this way to get fast money and build the airport.

In that time step, South African tanks massacred Cubans and Angolans in Cuito Cuanavales and then and only then, the great whore, to remove authority appointed to Ochoa, she dispatched to Angola to a general who was appointed as head of the region of Cuito Cuanavales and went with the resources to build the fucking airport. The airstrike did back the South African troops and Cuban-Angolan terrestrial troops arrived to take the hydroelectric plant, bastion that compels surrender to the South Africa Army. Then it was when the great whore was greatly disobeyed, Ochoa, a career general, winner in Ethiopia, was not willed to discredit himself by exploiting the hydroelectric plant, by the stupid and criminal order of the tyrant. What follows is known, the tyrant attracted Ochoa to Havana, as a mob boss to a capo with kisses on the cheek for gaining his trust and kill him later. The great whore granted Ochoa positions, honors and medals awarded, then later, the tyrant were cleaning his own dirt with the image of the hero general.

The mistake of General Arnaldo Ochoa, which cost him his life, was that he did not prevent what was expecting him in Havana, more with the knowledge, that he must have had, on the events related to the deaths of Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto Che Guevara,...But no, maybe he ran the risk of what could go on him, for fear of what might happen to his family, which would have been difficult to get out of the country without arousing suspicion. No doubt the defeat of the South Africans in Angola contributed greatly to the success of the struggle against apartheid. General Ochoa was the military architect of this defeat. The war in Angola was in charge of Cuban troops and the supplying from the Soviet Union, with the promise of extending its power for Africa. The ships loaded with food, equipment, costumes, weapons were arriving to the port of Havana, where the merchandise was redistributed according to the criterion of the high command of the Government. Someday we will know how much of these supplies

were used to increase regular Soviet aid to muffle the minimal needs of a country, which increasingly producing less.

The continuous and systematic destruction of Cuba's economy must be legislated in international courts such as crimes against humanity, so that all of these were not repeated again in the world. Depressing examples abound: in livestock have reduced to 1/6 heads, while sugar production to 1/4 and food to the half, all that and a lot more destruction, when the population has doubled. That tyranny has led the country into one of the most abject poverty on the Earth, what is obvious to any country where the gross national product decreases, in the current global economical crisis.

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