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Bibliography for Crop Circle Resources

Compiled by Ann Cathcart ~ 2013

Alexander, Steve and Karen, Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries, Arcturus Publishing, LTD, London 2006 Brown, Allan & Michell, John. Crooked Soley: A Crop Circle Revelation, Roundhill Press, East Sussex, UK 2005 Glickman, Michael, Crop Circles: The Bones of God, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books 2009 Glickman, Michael. Cornography: The New Swirled Order, Squeeze Press, Glastonbury, Somerset 2007 Hand Clow, Barbara & Clow, Gerry, Alchemy of None Dimensions: Decoding the Vertical Axis, Crop Circles, and the Mayan Calendar, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Charlottesville, VA 2004 Hand Clow, Barbara, The Mayan Code, Bear and Company 2007 Janssen, Bert, The Hypnotic Power of Crop Circles, Frontier Publishing, the Netherlands 2004 Kollerstrom, Nick, Crop Circles: The Hidden Form, Wessex Books, Salisbury 2002 MacLaine, Shirley, Sage-ing While Age-ing, Atria Books of Simon & Schuster, New York, NY 2008 Myers, David & Percy, David, Two Thirds: A History of Our Galaxy, Pringle, Lucy, Crop Circles, the Greatest Mystery of Modern Times, Thorsons/Element 2000 Pringle, Lucy, Crop Circles: Art in the Landscape, Lincoln, Frances Ltd. 2010 Silva, Freddy, Common Wealth,, Portland, ME 2010 Silva, Freddy, Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles. Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, VA 2002

DVD-Documentary: What on Earth? by Producer/Director Suzanne Taylor, Temple Making: The Complete Guide to Creating a Portal of Energy. by Freddy Silva. 2008 Stairways to Heaven Written and directed by Freddy Silva, 2005

Websites: Glenn and Cameron Broughtons trips to crop circles and other international sacred sites. Steve and Karen Alexanders site. Steve is the famous photographer of many circles. Karen, a psychologist and author. Established in 1995, this is the worlds main crop circle website. Available in 19 languages includes an archive for a nominal fee. Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association. A US based cooperative group pursuing serious research into the circle phenomenon. Freddy Silvas beautiful website full of prayers, photos, and many resource links. Lucy Pringless site full of articles, links, research, and award winning photographs. She is Founder of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies in the UK. Everything you always wanted to know about crop circles and more. Dutch native, Bert Janssen, keeps his site up-to-date. The site of the Silent Circle Caf and Gallery in Yatesbury, Wiltshire. Always a popular gathering place, they focus a lot on UFO News. Bertold Zugelders site with a crop circle archive dating to the first millennium. Theories are also explored. U.S. website focusing on crop circle research headed by the non-profit BLT Research team including Nancy Talbott, Very science oriented.

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