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True-False Questions __T___ 1. __T___ 2. ___F__ ____F_ ____T_ ____F_ %. _T____ __T___ Lean production is based on the logic that nothing will be produced until it is needed. JIT refers mainly to the production scheduling aspects including pull systems which are part of the lean philosophy. 3. ". #. Japanese plants are typically larger and less focused than . !. firms. In group technology machines are grouped into departments by function. The concept of pre$enti$e maintenance puts the responsibility for maintenance on the operator.

&educing all 'ueues (of waiting wor)*in*progress in$entory+ to ,ero will ma-imi,e in$entory in$estment. .. /. In$entory hides 'uality problems. In a 0anban pull system1 the authority to produce or supply comes from downstream operations. nnecessary processing steps are targets for impro$ement during

_T____ 2. leaning. __T___13.

4uality at the source means doing it right the first time.

Multiple-Choice Questions _____ 11. Lean originated in ______. 5. 7. 8. 9. 6orth 5merica Japan 8hina 0orea

_____ 12.

:hich of the following is not a characteristic of group technology; 5. 7. &outing <obs from department to department =rouping machines together to ma)e a part

8hapter Twel$e



8. 9. _____ 13.

sing one operator to run multiple machines @liminating mo$e and 'ueue time between operations

In 'uality at the source1 who is responsible for 'uality; 5. 7. 8. 9. The 'uality control department 4uality control inspectors Aanagers @mployees

_____ 1".

:hich of the following will occur when 'ueues are dri$en to ,ero; 5. 7. 8. 9. In$entory in$estments are ma-imi,ed. >roduction lead times are shortened. Firms can react slower to demand changes. 4uality problems are hidden.

_____ 1#.

In 0anban pull systems1 the authority to produce or supply comes from? 5. 7. 8. 9. pstream operations Aanagement @mployees 9ownstream operations

_____ 1%.

:hich of the following is inconsistent with $alue stream mapping; 5. 7. 8. 9. Aaintain the $alue stream at ma-imum $elocity @liminate waste that stops the $alue stream. !peed up $alue adding operations rather than remo$ing waste. Loo) for waste in the factory as well as office and other operations. 4uality at the source JIT >roduction =roup Technology 5ll of the abo$e

_____ 1..

_________ means when something goes wrong1 stop the process immediately. 5. 7. 8. 9.

_____ 1/.

In the 0anban formula1 ) represents? 5. the number of )anban card sets

8hapter Twel$e



7. 8. 9. _____ 12.

5$erage number of units demanded per period Lead time to replenish an order !afety stoc) e-pressed as a percentage of demand during lead time

To enable the pull process of B<ust*in*timeC lean manufacturing1 to operate effecti$ely1 5. 7. 8. 9. 4uality must be high at each stage of the process. The manufacturing facility needs strong $endor relations. 9emand for the end product should be predictable. 5ll of the abo$e must be in place.


The term ______ refers to that period of time during which the schedule is fi-ed and no further changes are possible. 5. 7. 8. 9. @. Lean production Le$el schedule Free,e window 7ac)flush 6one of the abo$e

8hapter Twel$e



Problem: 21. 5 manufacturer of blenders uses a )anban system to control material flow. The blenders are transported in lots of #3. 5 motor base assembly operation produces appro-imately 133 collars per hour1 on a$erage. It ta)es two hours for the sets of motor bases to be replenished. 9ue to $ariations in processing times based on the s)ill of the $arious employees on each shift1 management has decided to )eep 13 percent of the needed in$entory as safety stoc). Dow many )anban card sets are needed;

8hapter Twel$e



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