DNA Computing Abstract

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DNA Computing

Introduction :-

• “Computation using DNA” but not “Computation on DNA”.

• Need of DNA Computing.
• The material needed for next generation computers.

Capabilities :-

• Dense information storage material.

• Very fast computation.
• Extra ordinary energy efficiency.

Evolution :-

• Began in 1994 by Dr. Leonard Adleman.

• First practical DNA Computer in 2002.
• Self-powered DNA Computer in 2003.

Advantages :-

• Always plenty of DNA available.

• Ecofriendly.
• Very tiny computers can be made.

Current Problem :-

• Not completely accurate.

• DNA has half life.
• Unreliable.
• Not Transmittable.

Conclusion :-

• DNA computers has enormous potential.

• It is the future of computer.
• Still a lot of work to be done.

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